good neighbors annual report 2010

1 2010ANNUALREPORT Restoring Lives, One Home at a Time GOOD NEIGHBORS INC.

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Annual publication of Good Neigbors Inc.




Restoring Lives, One Home at a Time



FinancialH O U S E

This Annual Report is underwritten byA. Duer Pierce, Jr. of the Financial House.

5818 Kennett Pike, Centreville, DE 19807Phone: (302) 654-5451 FAX: (302) 654-5847

Email: [email protected]

A member agencyof the United Wayof Southern Chester County

The mission of Good Neighbors Inc is to make homes warmer, safer, drierand healthier for qualified homeowners as an expression of our faith in Christ.

Our vision is to eradicate substandard housing in southern Chester County.

Table of ContentsTreasurer’s Report 3

Message from the Chairman 4

Executive Director's Report 6

Summer Youth Camp Report 8

Fund Development Report 10

A Word from our New Executive Director 12

Special Thanks to our Supporting Friends 14

Board of Directors 15



Good Neighbors had a banner financial year in 2010! Our income was$236,329 up 45% from 2009. Our expenses were $214,829 up 14% from2009. Last year we drew down our reserve by $23,000 and this year weincreased it by $21,500. When you combine the two years we are within1% of running a balanced budget. First of all, a very big thank you to our donor base. Without yourfaithful and generous support this kind of financial performance wouldnot be possible. Also, the prayer team, that undergirds the ministry,deserves congratulations for their work of intercession. With the generaleconomy as bleak as it is and when you hear about the many non-profitsthat are in financial difficulty, we are indeed truly blessed!

Lastly,we face some financial challenges for 2011. Several of ourinstitutional donors have indicated that funds will be tight in 2011. Insteadof shrinking the budget, the Good Neighbor’s Board has taken thatchallenge and turned it into an opportunity by making plans to furtherdevelop our donor base. Thus, we have set our 2011 budget at $236,000. Please keep Good Neighbors Home Repair in your prayers and asthe Lord leads help support our mission to improve lives one home at atime by making them warmer, safer, dryer and healthier for qualifiedhomeowners.

From His Vineyard, Danny Wigley Treasurer



I became the Chairman of the Board of Good Neighbors in April 2010. Inmy first year as Chairman, I was blessed with the guidance and support ofmany caring individuals, including our consultant Harold Naylor, theother members of the Board, members of our community and perhapsmost importantly my wife, Colette. Carl Sorzano, my predecessor asChairman, deserves a special thank you. He served as Chairman formany years and set a strong example of quiet, consistent leadership. Overthis past year, like every year I have been involved with Good Neighbors,I have received much more than I have given. During 2010 our goal was to continue our mission of making homeswarmer, safer, dryer and healthier in Southern Chester County, whilelaying a firm foundation for the future of our organization. One of ourprimary objectives for 2010 was to identify and hire a new executivedirector, so that Jay Malthaner could begin to transition to a role focusedprimarily on the repair of homes and less on all of the other administrativeand fundraising duties that he had also been discharging for many years.God blessed us with a wonderful and capable individual, Rob Ellis, to takethe helm of our organization as Executive Director. He is deeplycommitted to helping others as well as being a capable and efficientadministrator. In 2010, we also initiated a process to strengthen our Board ofDirectors, including Board member training in corporate governance and

Dear Neighbors,


volunteer and donor relations. We have also restructured our Boardcommittees to provide for more efficient administration of the Board’sbusiness. We continue to look for candidates to join our Board ofDirectors and, if you are interested or know of someone that might beinterested in joining our Board, please contact me. While preparing our organization and its leadership for the future, wewere able to continue our mission successfully. Our annual banquet andsilent auction raised $5,600, including the most funds we have ever raisedfrom the auction. Our summer camp again (like 2009) set a record for thelargest ever (involving 52 youths and 113 adult volunteers). We are simplyin awe of the support we receive from our corporate, church, individualand governmental partners. As we move into 2011, we face potential financial challenges in ourstill-sputtering economy. We remain, however, committed to exerciseprudent and creative stewardship over the resources – your time, talentand treasure – that you have entrusted to us. We remain a very efficientorganization with very low administrative costs. Approximately 85% ofdonations go into the actual repair of homes. We are very grateful for allof the support that we receive and, if you have any ideas on how we canbetter serve the persons suffering from inadequate housing in ourcommunity, please contact us.

In His service, R.J. Scaggs Chairman of the Board



2010 was a very good year. We had 74 family contacts, a new record, andwere introduced to 24 new families. Our funding slowed in the 2nd halfbut our work was not diminished and year end giving was veryencouraging. Our two “ Adopt a Family” partner churches gave their allto two major projects demonstrating their long term commitment toserving families at risk. Over 11,000 volunteer man hours were donated by more than 250volunteers and including more than 5000 hours toour largest Youth work Camp with over 50 teensattending from 7 area churches. By Faith weaccepted a project in Pocopson where due to yearsof non maintenance, 90% of a house wasdestroyed by rot, mold and collapse. The family, amother and adult son, were moved into anapartment as the house was condemned for safety concerns. Duringapproximately 8 months, our partner contractors donated over $40,000 inmaterials, supplies and labor to restore this home and family to a new life. We are also very pleased to have added Ms. Sara Ward to our officestaff and Mr. Don Aldrich has replaced Mr. Fred Osborne who handledour application process for over 8 years. Our almost year long search fora new Executive Director was rewarded with the hiring of Mr. Rob Ellis

Simply put,

Over 11,000 volunteerman hours were donatedby more than 250volunteers ...


and his official start on Jan 1, 2011. I will transition into a new role,Operations Director. We are all very excited about having Rob on boardand we know you will be too. So – we enter a new year, our 19th, with much to be thankful for andmuch to be hopeful about. Your continued prayers and financial supportmean more than you can imagine as we seek to be faithful to the calling ofthis ministry. We have much to do and many challenges to face but, withGod all things are possible. Come and join us. If not now, when?

Serving a Mighty God, Jay Malthaner Executive Director, 2010

Making homes warmer, safer, drier and healthier forqualified homeowners as an expression of our faith in Christ.



Once again this year, Avondale Presbyterian Church (APC)graciously opened her doors to Good Neighbors for our weeklongSummer Work Camp. From July 18 - 23, we were blessed to call APCour “base camp” as 170 volunteers (youth + adults) dedicated their weekto working on five special homes spread across Southern Chester County(Marshallton, Unionville, Kennett Square, Lincoln University, andAvondale). For large ventures like this to succeed, the layout and location of thehost church are key; and on both counts, APC was a real answer toprayer. Our work teams had access to virtually the entire APC facilityfrom Sunday afternoon through Friday night… and boy did we need it! The fabulous modern kitchen allowed a staff of 58 volunteers from 8area churches to prepare 1,116 meals using purchased food supplementedby donations from 70+ families. The meals were coordinated by Janet

QUESTION: How many churches does it take to host a successful Summer Work Camp for Youth?

ANSWER: Only one… if you’re blessed to have Avondale Presbyterian Church as your host and Bob Johnson and Jay Malthaner as your camp coordinators!

2010 Summer Youth Camp


Johnson and Vicky Malthaner from Kennett Presbyterian and KathyReidinger from APC. The spacious gymnasium served triple duty as ourdining room, game room and evening presentation venue – where wereviewed 2000+ photos of the work we completed at each site throughoutthe week. In addition, Praise & Worship times were held each evening inthe sanctuary led by Andrew Joyce – youth leader from The Garage inKennett Square. APC’s recent expansion allowed the girls and female leaders to useseveral classrooms as their sleeping quarters on the first floor, while theboys and adult male leaders spread out sleeping bags in the downstairs ofthe original structure. Even the choral rehearsal room was used for ourworksite leaders to meet each evening and coordinate specific site needs(materials and workers) for the next day’s tasks. By the end of the week, our youth and adult volunteers had eatenmany meals, offered many prayers, and contributed over 5,000 hours oflabor “to make homes warmer, safer, drier and healthier for qualifiedhomeowners as an expression of our faith in Jesus Christ”. That’s theGood Neighbors mission. We are deeply grateful to APC for partnering with us in this greatventure. Our prayer is that in all things, our great God, from whom allblessings flow, was honored and glorified.



To serve Good Neighbors as grants team coordinator is indeed a blessing,since we volunteers are able to see lives transformed one home at a timeby those who have sensed God’s calling on their lives to serve others. Thegrants team members included Danny Wigley, treasurer, Jay Malthaner,Executive Director and Bob Whitlock. We thank God for his provisionsthat have enabled this ministry to serve many families in SouthernChester County. Good Neighbors has been greatly blessed during the 2010 year withseveral new funded grant applications including PennsylvaniaCommonwealth Community Development grants from RepresentativeChris Ross’s office ($5,000) and Senator Dominic Pileggi’s office($10,000). Chester County Commissioner’s office continued to partnerwith Good Neighbors by funding another community Development grantfor $25,000. Local citizens gave $16,650 to Share-The-Warmth funds (originallydonated to the Daily Local News paper in West Chester). These funds,dispersed by Chester County United Way to Good Neighbors, have helped15 families in Southern Chester County with fuel oil purchases, to replacea leaking fuel tank, window replacements that are more energy efficient,furnace repairs and new hot water tanks during the winter of 2010/2011.Good Neighbors is grateful to all the families and businesses that helpedmake these needed purchases possible. Our local United Way of Southern

The opportunity



Chester County continued to partner with GN facilitating restoration ofhope by funding ($18,320) the Good Neighbors home repair program.

Two other local charities, Kennett Run and the Mushroom Festivalare representative of the broad community support enabling neighbors tohelp neighbors. That dictum rings true for our strong volunteer base andfor our community partners that provide financial support. Other localfoundations that provided support included: The Oxford Area CommunityFoundation, the JM & Lois B. Herr Foundation, and The JB HerrFoundation. Overall, nearly 50% of Good Neighbors total income for the2010 came from grants: State, County, Foundations and United Way.These funds have allowed the ministry to serve more needy families insouthern Chester County and in the process restore hope to manyfamilies. Good Neighbors continues to be directed by our motto,Improving lives, one home at a time.

In His service, Robert Whitlock Grant Administrator



Chester County Community Development $25,000

Chester County Community Foundation $1,000

Chester County United Way, Share-the-Warmth $16,550

Chris Ross Community Development Patton Project $5,000

James M. and Lois B. Herr Family Foundation $1,500

JB Herr Foundation $1,000

Kennett Run Charities $1,500

Mushroom Festival Foundation $1,150

Oxford Area Community Foundation $2,500

Senator Pileggi’s Office; Community Development $10,000

Southern Chester County United Way $17,740


It’s an exciting time to be a part of what the Lord is doing through theministry of Good Neighbors Home Repair! Many of you know that a newchapter in the Good Neighbors story is now being written as our founderJay Malthaner and several key senior leaders approach retirement. Thatmeans serious change is just around the corner. In fact, we have alreadybegun seeking and identifying new Staff and Board members, addressingsome unique transitional challenges and developing fresh new strategies topropel us forward. It’s an adventure! Yet amid all this change, there is constancy and surety: our great Godis eternal and unchanging, His call remains clear, our faith is unshaken,and our mission is unwavering. We will continue repairing homes andwarming hearts as God enables, confident in the promise that

(Phil 1:6) Interestingly, much of the heart-warming beauty of the GoodNeighbors ministry is not obvious to outside observers at first. Of coursethe physical improvements to the homes we repair are unmistakable; butthe hearts we warm belong to many more folks than solely the residents ofthose homes. Here are just a few examples. Laboring together, adult andyouth volunteers are blessed as they give of themselves, witnessing andpracticing Good Samaritan attitudes and behaviors. Local businessesshare in the joy of building a stronger, more vibrant community. Donorsexperience first hand the biblical truth that it is more blessed to give than

Repairing homes, warming hearts…


Repairing homes, warming hearts…to receive. In fact, it’s hard to identify any Good Neighbors stakeholderwho does not benefit richly from their relationship with us. To me, that’scompelling evidence of God’s work in and through this ministry. It’s also a challenge for all of us to be grateful and faithful,acknowledging that our “Good Neighbors calling” is a gift from God, fromwhom all true blessings flow. In response, our challenge is to live outwhat Paul says in 2 Corinthians 8:20-21

I invite you to partner with us in this important Kingdom work.Pray… Volunteer… Donate. It will encourage us, and bless ourcommunity. It will also warm your heart!

Rob Ellis Executive Director, 2011

...our great God is eternal and unchanging,His call remains clear, our faith is unshaken,and our mission is unwavering.



Thank You for Your Support!Chester County Dept of CommunityDevelopment Kennett Run Charities

United Way of SouthernChester County Mushroom Festival Foundation

United Way of Chester County Chester County CommunityFoundation

Senator Pileggi Office of CommunityDevelopment JB Herr Foundation

Chris Ross Office ofCommunity Development Fox & Roach Charities

Oxford Area Community Foundation U.S.D.A.

J.M. & L.B. HerrFamily Foundation

Covenant Wealth Management Avondale Presbyterian

Diversified Exteriors, Inc Cornerstone Presbyterian

Exelon Generation Episcopal Church of the Advent

Financial House First Baptist Church ofKennett Square

Integrity Home Inspection London Grove Monthly Meeting

Internos Initiatives New Garden Monthly Meeting

Old Stone & Tile Fabrication Oxford Church of the Nazarene

Oxford Feed and Lumber Presbyterian Church ofKennett Square

Phillips Mushroom Farms, LLP St Michael Lutheran

Rogers Jackson LTD Unionville Presbyterian

Taylor Oil & Propane Vineyard Christian Fellowship

Umbreit, Korengel & Assoc., PC Willowdale Chapel

Dave’s Auto Pierson Environmental Services

Horizon Heating Services Precision Door Company

Ciafre Electric SECCRA Landfill

Prettyman Services


2011 Board of Directorsis an

attorney and serves asour Chairman of theBoard.

pastorsa local church and isnot a Board member,but serves the Boardand the ministry as ourChaplain.

is ViceChairman of the Board.He is Executive VicePresident of Engineering& Operations at

Precision AirConvey Corporation.

isknown as 'Jay' He isDirector of Operations.He is retired fromDuPont where he was a

warehousing specialist. He serves onthe Board.

servesas Secretary of the Boardand does GrantAdministration as amember of the staff. He

is a retired Doctor of VeterinaryMedicine - University of Pennsylvania.

isretired from DuPont. Hewas a consultant inInformation Technology.He serves on the Board

s ExecutiveDirector of GoodNeighbors Inc. Hismanagementexperience includes 23years at DuPont in

various roles, including regionalservice and market management aswell as 5 years as Admissions Directorfor Wilmington Christian School.

is ChiefFinancial Officer forDevault Foods.

is Sr.Operations TrainingInstructor for ExelonNuclear, at the PeachBottom Atomic PowerStation.

is ateacher at a localcommunity college andserves on the Board.

is a FinancialAdvisor and serves onthe Board.


Phone: 610-444-1860

[email protected]

205 E. State StreetKennett Square, PA 19348