good. neivs .'. mea. the female institite, · iiig opera'lted oni, 01' wasduei(to...

tTRMEK Q)4U1RALD.e VWINSBOnO, S. C. EUX 9DAT. July 0, t I6 n?. AmCANA 18 v'a. EDIToN. .INQA i. A.REF NOLDS. ASseWU gaITO. TuK purchasing conmittee of the South Carolitps IRallroad have agreed to let. Inl all out,-tandhig stockholdera upon pjiaient of the assessment oftet' dilaraj per share. The rQad will 'be paid on the 28th. SouTH Caroiinawis represented 4t the EduetiI.onal Assoolation at Atlan- ta, last week, by Col. lugh S. Totomp- son, 1elv.,Dr. Grier, President 11ol, land and Professors Cromer and Welch, of Newberpy College; Prof. Jutsoni, Revs, L. M. Ayer and 8, Lander; V. C. Dibble, Esq., Prof. A, 8. Tow nes; Misses Smith , Feathers- ton and Lundor; and Messrs. Charles Petty, L. B. Haynes, W. N. Marohant, G. C. Hodges and It, Means Davis. TkE deadlock at Alban camp to an end on Friday by the election of Lap. ham t0 fill the short term. He had come within four votes of a majority, upon which the Iepublicans of both wings held a conference and combin- ed on *"aphaam, who was coisequently elected. The Denocrats have issued a manifesto arraigning both wings for their obstinacy and extravagance. Conkling thanks his friends and -inti- mates that he will be heard from again. Special elections will be held to fill the vacancies in Congresseaused by the electin of Miller and Laphain. -Their distr.cts are largely lIepublican. WE shall not stoop to bandy epithets with the Columbia Register. Self- respect forbids any such undignified conduct ; and the public are heartily tired of seeing newspapers indulging in billingsgate and pouring whole buckets of slush upon eaicl other. We believe that so longas the Register confines itielf to statistical coipila- tions. wearisome though they be to the reading public, it is accomplishing some good; but when it descends into coarse epithets and wild rhodomon- tade. as it delights to do upon little provocation or none at all, It not only debases journalisn, but alienates from itself all t hose whose hearty co-opera- tion is essential to its own welfare. When the Register began its existence it was warmly received by all its con- temporaries, but its foolish custni of flying into tantrums on all occasions is fast leading then to the belief that there should be anothor and wiser paper at the State calpitl-one espe- cially that will keep Its temper, and obey the imaim laid down for the guidaml e of 11ll writers: "Never use two words whei !mp will suffice." The Preiuita'e Condition, Onl Friday the President got mue~h .worse, had a chill and then a severe fever. caused by closin1g of theQ wound wmenci prevenite'd the escape Qt the pns1. On L8inday Dr. Agnew, of New York, rnade an Incisioni in the abdomen about an Inch anad a half' deep), and reaching the pns5 cavity permItted a free dlischairge. Tis inicislon wvill be *1ept open un mtil initernal graniulationi has taken pla1ce. The patient Is much better, hut Is still conmsidered in a critical condition. th3 National Educational Associa- tion. The National Educational A asocla- tioni held its ( wentiethI anniual mneeti ng in Atlantia, Ga.,'*last week. Repre- Rentativye teachiers from all Parts of the North were present, and1( there was a good atteniance fromi the South, our Sitt, leaving out Georgia, leadinig the list, with eighteen ladies and gen- tlemnen. The mleeting lasted through four day'., during which about thirty pap~ers and addre'sses were read or delivered, fol lowed by extemporane- 01ns dliscussionI and coilmets. Fewv Southern umen particip~ated1 in the di1s- cuissoni, ats they hlad comei tQ Mr ne to talk ; hut th~e listened attentiveiv in orde"'a gather good points and new idas to introduce into their schools anid institutIons, The meet- ing w sa anm enmtire success, both~ in the attendange, in the sections represent- ed, and in the abtiltv(displayed in the deliberations, and inm the general liar- mnony pervading (lie sociaul intIe:course of' persons fomi diitfferent sectionis. It would be impossible to giveo at once any adiequiiot report of the p~roe. ccd. ings. We will endeavor to show thie fruits of the mneetinig and give some furthier facts about it at some future time. TME hA ILIIOA L D 70 lOUsE. Alfessras. Editors: Are the citizens ol 11 isboro to sit by snilnely and sub- mit to havintg the only fine pronienade walk there Is in the town mande dis- guistimng wiithm (lie abominable odor 01 gtiano~anud acid p)hosp1hates, which i eveni wolrse? It is an1 ontrage to thme citizens 'whmo l:ave built hiandsome residences and madle improvements to permit the Rlailroad authorities to erect a nuis- ance in that part of tows9 where some of the handcsonmcst residences are situ- ed. Mrs. Bloylstonl's elegant house -and maegnlfhcent garden is to b)e en. tirely covered by the enormlous build. Ing now erectin~g for storing thue vile. smelling thintg. Cannot the Townl Connil move in this matter, anad p)ass aln ordinance pro- hlblting thme storin~g of' gnano and other fertilizers within tl.c corporate llimitsi It has beenu dlone in n.any places and 1 am sure no town mIs more ehterprilsing than ours int other things-and whiu - not in1 this? SWith thousands of tons of guanc -.. .. T 49' 9 M wlfsend44odea a ehd1 unde'r our noses, who can endure life or what good will flower gtArdens do-.- for 30 odor of violets or rosescan rise over the carrion heaps arottnd our, beautitl homes. The Counill meete to-day. Let the citiens send Ins a protest against the puisatnce thin diky, A CITIZIm 8WO04 TO I1.Z TOE C5A4 . A Startling Story pf Nihillt DeternninatIon Peported ftosn St. Petersbura.-copftessIon Pf the Student Who Lately Committed 44ge4de, From the New York HeraId. PARIS, July 20, 1881.-Our St. PC- torsburg correspondent telegraphs to- n)iglit fresh particulars conclerlninK the recent plot laid to assassiate the Car. 1 Baronolff, the Chief of Po- lice had received anl aionymouis letter stathg tlat on the 18th of July the Empt rar of Russia was to be ast4assi. nated. The letter contlIned nothing tiour. Baronoff nate Intiuiries ill every dirjectoin, and ascerta ined that a young student had eommiiitted suIl- cido under extra.rdinary circum- stanices, the mni l'.aving first run him,- self through with his sword withont- injuring a part, and laving then l'dgeI a hullet. with his revolver in his left temple and finding lihnself still alive fired again in his other temple and in the Waping wound made by the sword. 'is determined suicide awakened M. Baronofirs suspicious. ie founid the main apparently dead, but, in tact. still breathiig and it it swoon. M. Baronoff, by the aid of the doctors, caused tie student to come to his senses antd to speak. The student declared that lie hatd forned kpaIt of t secret society of t enat Nihilists who hald all swo'rn to kill th'e Enperor. They had dirawn lots andot it hald falleni to his lot to car. (lilt the plan1 of axssasillationi ol the* 13th of July. Nineteeni daggers were sus- Swnded over his head, aid ik brol her 2iblilists swore to kill him I it he show- ed the s ightest hiesitaltion, but naot- wit hsaiding this threat his heart failed him, andl he resolved to die hv his own hand. Before commilitiig suiicide lie had written to M. B-arolott, with tile conviction that one of hism follow-conspirators would imnmediale. ly take his pl-aee. The sludent lived until the 18th of July. Belore breath- ing his last he revealed the naitne of' his nineteen brother Nilhilists. who have been all secured by the police. hITTING VLL'8 S URENDXet. St. PAUL, July 20 1881.-The Pie)- neer Press IaR tile followig slpecial despatch fron Fort Jiuford detiliig the sireilider of sitting Bill "Sitting Bull and about two huni- dred Indiai people arrived -at exiae ly twelve o'clock to-day, and surrender- ed their arms and poiles to Major Brotherton. No Fpeeches have vet been been as Sitthig Bull and hik orator 1110 futigued and huigry. They were placed in compartmeiits betieen the posat. and the boat landinuL, and are as securely in Ma Ijor' Brotherton's charge as if they were fin Irons. The Pioneer Press' corIespoldelt visited Sitting Bull after Id lodge was erected, aid cheered the old 1mn up by intllriniig him that ho had Seei onlly a short timte before the lost daliughter, who" the Canadians had told him was li chianii aind that she was well and happy. The chief expressed a desire to have a talk after lie had rested aned had some- thaing to eat. The cavalcade, as it filed tO the garrisonl, attracted much atten- t im . tt nnatt.Inenauiv nar emea loncied wVih squaws nand children, fol- lowed by twventy-five 0or thlirty of Louis Legaro's Red River carts. 'well filled with baggage. Much credit is given hlere to Mir. Legare for his fithI- fuil service to tihe goverunmuent ini fin~al-I ly iniducin g Sittinlg Bull to comle withl him, ile has use'd his ownl Ineans freely in prlovidinig tranmsportaionl and pro~visions, and( should be liberally re- w"arded for lisa work. Sitting' Bull himselfi anid is chiefs and headi men r'ode their loles and( did inot dismounmt and shake hands until they arrived at he place fixed upon for their camp. ('apta~in C lifibrId states that Sitting B full has secemed moure an111en and( iniso- I ent than any~ of the chetfs lie had1( un1- hiN mlanlagemenlt, and his nletions to- day' confirmI this statemnenutt but it is hogh tatkid tr'eatmen'lt wvili soon mailike him1 satistied. The~ governent las accepted his surrenider in good faitih. A des iatchi was forwvardedi to Stam:d ing 1101- to inform Crowv K ing and( Lowv Dogo~f Sitting Bull's arrivalI. and it is believed that this neOws will remove any dlesire the Indoianse thcre may have to leave tihe agenicy." DA.olons OF .DEN'T1Y.-UstJally denltal surgeonis take great care to keep their1 imaplemnits cleanl. Sonie- tilnes- be'we'er. the patienlt is- disgust- edi wIth the sighmt (of more or' less ant- cienit blood stauins oni forceps anid other' implements which are to go in h1is m~outhl. A cor'responidenit ini Mainai submilts a loini newspalper report of an alcvidenlt to a Banigor' denitist w hh SnULgests the1 query wvlhiete thlere may1 nt he danger of bloodi poisonaing to the5 haizar'd of' the patient's life wvhien the surgeon is tnt carefuli IwithI respect to) thle cleanliness (It his impilemnents. ill tihe case reported the accidlental prieking of a tinger' with a sharp lan- struhmnt used by the (d1 ets while til ling 0 too~th, resulted ini a seriouts ease of p)ymmi. Jim this instan~ce the dlentist was the suffeicir. S8jJ4npoe the ploisonled tool hlad pr'icke'd the gum of* the patienat? 1#hlether thle poison came fromi the disrased toothm then bie- Iiig opera'lted oni, 01' was duei( to 5(ome1 wayi~. Ini eithier caise Ite iin.juarv muiibt hie fatal. Firotm a morai post11 'of view, hiowever', it would maiike a great difir- enee wvhether thle p~atienit furniishied the pisoni oar the dentist. It goes without11 sayinmg that uiitidhiess ini the denmtist.'s chiair Is dhangerous as wvell as dhisgust- ing, antd should niot be tolerated.- Scientiflc American. -lealth, thme poor' manl's iches, and( lie rich mam's bliss,.10 miaiintineid by tile .indicious use of A yer's Sarsamparil- la which stre'ngthens aiid imv igoraues lie system by puralifying the blood. It is so hlighly loncen'utrated thuat it is time maost econoical amedicinec for thIs pur1- 11080 that caii be used(. * Messrs. Williams & Rutledge. Greemi- ville. S. C., Genutlemen: T1he pianio purchmased (of you for "The Grceenwooud Ilhigh Sc hoo(" Is (one of superior tone aimd w( rk manishi p and is in all respects entirely satisfac*tory. .11esp ecthully', [histr'uctiress in M uasie.] Green wood,,8. C., Feb. 7, 1881. ' tithermnmneter registered 105 degrees inm the shaade at Richmond, Va., on thn 1Rth Inst %40 D ask itt TAKING MvT aPI. PIL . 'hy afre harmless to the nOat del person, but so penetrating that they clearW'M - asvstAm of all impurities, and gently evcite the liver to healt y tion. Price 1 cents per box. - #old by all dru ste'li this county. SaLMA, ALA.. April 0, 1878' M 1.-GQOdWin A Pht--Dear.Sir: I take plebsi'e in it ating tiatI have used your liedl. cate StOCk Feed ott a very poor cow, with- great success. 1'he looks much better no% givesa great deal more milk, and is much st-. erlor. I therefore- reermUlcmnd this medicine to all who Wih to impi e'oN their stock, cattle and horses. as it is trulv what It is represented to bo. Very respecfully, A. XAYSREl. EUFAULA. ALA., July, 1878. Mr. Shoenfeld: I uMA one sack of your Stock e~e~d on my cow. w~it very satisfactory re. tulte. She hod reently Oalf, and was in a poor cosd'tion, and by the use of your Stock Feed she was rapidly improved In flesh and milk. Very respectfully. OEO. Ill. DENT, Sold by the druggists of this county. Dr. A. it. Norton. of Savannah, writes: I as- sure you it affords mne pleasure to give .my ap. proval and certlficate in favor of :your.Lung C liestorer, having given it a fair trial lu a num. ber of cases where it. proved succes. io the treatment of Bronchitis and Consulnptign. Five years ago my wife was. far gone in %on- sumption, she had been confini d to her bed the gIeter nart of the time, for six months-with lectic Fever every day and I had buit 'little topes of her recovery. but. by perseverance with ine blesings of God, her Lungs are now perfectly sound. I gave her no other Lung, hiedicine than yours and a cough syrup I make. I have generahy given them togetirrba A hpqve strong faith in both I succee ed n uing'a Ic number of hopeless caies and regard Brewer's Lung Restorer as a valunbie prepitration. Please send m per express three dozen as I ai nearly out. Send bill of same and I will remit' promptly. WIjingvyou good success, I remain, Yours respfctfully- A it. NORTON 31. D., Corner West Broad and Harris Ste.. Savannah, Georgia. 'tAOow. Oit. Messrs. Lamar. Itankin & L.annas. Gentlemen: --One bottle of Brewer's Lung Restorer cured me of Bronclitlis in i week's tilin. I will want a few more boitles soon. I Intend keeping it in Iny house all thr time, as I consider It. a volua- ble medicine. Yours respect f uil. v ' IENNIIY DAVIS. . Sold by the Druggists of this county. CoL.Un's. GA., April 12. 1818. Dr. C. J Meffett-Dear Sir-y wie'and my- .elt ore entisfied that the tWe of our teething bnbe was %qeved bi the use rof your Teet.hinn J (T,* ehi lng Powders) when other. rImedfe 'liad rilited to relieehlim We have bben dilighted tith the "peedpanid pemanent relief given one of. our childrenfro.n vAMere attack of Cho.era forbun. Telt- hiIIa s indipensibe tn us. niid should- be kept by all parents having small children. Respectfully, e., Foreman Enquirer-Sun. IT IS A WELL KNOWN F.%CT among phyinns rv thnt Buchu Juniper and linrat Urava In combination are the best remedies in the world for disense of the ind- der or Kidhneys. and that not less than one-half of the huiniti faintly beth male and female suf7- r from lerangement of tho-e organs and neglect or fNll to use proper reniedies hurry mlany to untimely graves Numerous cntbi- nations I %vo bee-n tried for Grovel, Brick Dust Dep";ItN BIght'sDi-:ense, Weakness in Bank and IIps, produced by derangenent oi Bladder ai-d Kidn1 eys b-ut none wiTh such happy results as Ifukin's Extract of litchu and Juniper. It you auffer front any disense of those organs, get a bottle-tine or two *. ill relieve you. Prepared only by Hunt, Iankin & Limar DJriuggista, Atlanta, Ga., and- for sale by all I) -'ggsts. -t TEe, TIMRONYO3F DtRUGGISTS. We have been selitng "wir th1- SyphillItic spA- elfle"'orntitrs. and tegard it, frr superior to anything knnw to setence, for the. dis ases it is recommended to cure. We have ziever known ofri a1t1gle falne S. J CASS1 L.4. Thomnsville. Ga. . 14 0 IOMEui & Co. Forsyth. On. Ilt'NT IANKIN k LAhAR. Atlnni Ga. PEMB itTON, BAA1UiELS & REYNOLDS, At. lanta, Ga.. ATAr.NT 4. Gi., JulI. 1874. ..We have bien using 'w ' 1ypi-c- - dile" in the treatntent 'i convicts for tihe last year, and believe It Is the only certain knotens remedy that wIll effect a piermnanent eture of dis- eases for which rkAEtong ANDEg & O 8100REWARD Will be paid to any chemist who will find, on an.'lysis of ene htundred bottica of 8. 5. 8., one i patrticle or mercury, iodhiae potassiumu, or any- mineral substance.' TilE SWI'FT SPECIFIC' COMIPANY, Proprie-] tot's. A tlanta. Ga. Sold by all Druggists. Call for a copy of * Young Mien's Friend." 1 ' AA~ING WATCHEII'S; Defective Watch Cases are one of the chief causes of so nanny watches not being good time pieces. The cases being thin and not fit- tinig welt. admit, dust anid dlirt to the move- meat,, which soon lnterfer'es with the rttnning parts of the watch necestatii~ig- enning,-.rc- palting, &c., nn- the amnount thus paid ontt if applietd towna d buyit g a goot case in, tihe be- ginning, would havn M aed all tIl trotuble and] ex pense. We have recently seen a case that meets all these -i tquirements, it having beene ca rried for over twenty years anti st~Ill remains perfect. We refer to t he JAS. EOsS' Patent Stiffened Gold Cane, whkh hiss become one of the staple articles of the Jewelry. txade, possessing as it does so map~y adtvnntages over all other watch eases, Wing tnnde of two heavy plates of soltid gold over a plat e of comn- posit ion. Ai1<d we advise all our readers to ask . thir .Jeweler ror' ai crd or catalogue that will explain the matrier n whidi. thtey are made. It Is the only Sttfreet Came tnade with two plates of gold, senmless peitdats, and centre, solid joints, crown pit-ces, &ce., all of whit-h are covered by letters patent Therefor-e bu:'.no case rore consuithing a Jeweler who keepsbhe JAS BOSS' Patetnt Stiffened dold Case, tht you nmty learn the difference beiwi'en, it, and till imitatjons tha t clalim to be 'qully good. For tale by all respotsible Jety ers., .Ask to see the watrntt that .neccompanies each ,.ase, nnid dlon't be per-suaded that'abny Otheri ti~e of case is as good, - yp 12. AN ORDINANCE TO P11EV ENT FOItESTA LLNG. .) E IT ENACTED AND OlRDAINED, J. by lthe Inti ndiint antd \\rdens of the 'Towni of n' innaboro(, bouth (Carolina, tn Council met: - I. That frti tnnd after the passage of' this O)r.linantce. 1.0 p)erson shatli engage in the buisinessu of .i lhuokster within the corporatte lint:its of thu 'i own of Winnta-- lioro. w ithout tirst obtuiininag a licenAe fromt the 'Town (Council, wh-ich license shaul, br- grante ul on t -a paymnent of' Anyv peirst'n shttdl be0 'lectnd a bu tksitor w ithin tic mieanting of this Ordlinance1 who. not being a me~re ant hauving a ixed. uloco of biusinenss. shall enigtiio in,. tho matiiness of uellintg chtickeutu, 'twtimys. ducks and oithe lit'lutblry, eggs, blt ter, frui. tlilh, game tand vegetables, not of: thi-ir own raiisintg, catchinatg or ptrod uction; 11I. 'That tromn and at'er the pauango of this O)rdintantce it shall not 1b0 1ltwfuii for Iany' p~erson. thelr thtat 'd licensed huok. ster. or a uherchauint having a . x'-d plcc . Iof business within talp' corpot nto limits of said 'r'v ni, to buy, with intent to sell tho H withtin tidt corp) orate lienits. or to tstu) tI a tamei for' s1nl to liatte outsido the coirlorat) himtits, .tiny .chicktena, lur- k-e. i, dlucks or othier poittltty, eggs, but-1 ter, frntit, fish. gamio or other vetgetable~s, not of their owt raisi4.g, eatolhing ur' pro- ducetton. III. .Anty ps'rson violating any of the iprovisioons of this Ordiltannen shall,, on conivi-ction thiereof, bep ied note~xceedlihg the sum of TEN DOLL4Alt$.,' or 'bo im- prlisouned not exocding'TI.N DAYS In the county jail or tount guard-hotio for each and( every off--nce. Don' in Counpil thIa 5th. day. of .July, 18s1. aind with the Corporate 5 eal'tui satd Town af~zed JOHN J1. NEIL, - Intendfat. Attest: E,~8. Cn't an,-. 'e in~jly7. (i . . .-' AUVING determined to "CLOSE UT" Q stock of Spring Dress wooce 6ffer ydu from this date 'nusual bargains in same. We have c03me6 line, of these goods, and arties *111 do well to call, examine pd rice these before purchasing. Ve w.uld also call your attention to nr line of Fancy Muslin and Linen Aawns..".T white goods we are "Full Jp " Qur line of these goods con, iste "of 'Linen Lawns, Victoria Awnls,-rDishop Lawns,. Plain, Plaid nd Striped Nainsooks, Jaconets, lambrics,.Piques, Plain and Plaid v 6s8, &c., &c. Laces, Laces, .aces. Edging6, Edgings, Edg- 'ALL AND SEE FOR YOUR- SELVES. McMASTER, BRICE & KETCIIIN. may 7 GOOD. NEIVS FOR TH E PEOPLE! RESH CANNED GOODS AT DONL1"S. 5OTTED TONGUE, POTTED ID A-M. 1'TTE I) Cl I1CKEN, ATTED BEEF, POTTED TUlRKEY, ,AND POTTED GAME. IESH1 SALMON, STANI I) OYSTElIS, FiRESI SAItDIN-S, ETC. Fresh Pickles, Chow-Chow, Wor- esRershiirC Iald Pepper Slalce, Pic leaches, soimetiiig nic, fresh Toitna- tics. inl two 1111d three pouind canls. toated(toreepintme pounld paick- ges. .Iepleh.-Mixed. MuIistar-id, Chut- ie) Saue-aid-sweet Pickles, CUl&lAPEl THAN EVER. W1 H. Donly. jun 23 EBROWR11KW RE(CK tziTiW)a&g~iiii~re1Bender, r V. er,thee Screw ~lates, one Bel ows, one Anvil, one tise. Oi's P xing Machine, (cost $18.00, will b -sold for $10. Lots of Ov . half Oval' Round, 3and, Square and Tire Iron ; Hubs, spokes, llimai Carriage Bolts, Tire 3olts and all n~nner of cfatings. ro b>E SOLD G.2 RDLESS OF ULY$8E G. DE.SPORITES. may 14 ERESH. rRO!%RIES! ~UG.A-RS: assorted. Coffees, Rtio, L~aguna i d Old Gov. .Ja va, rtio anid Old: OoGov.Java Roasted, l'ensB, -Rhgek, IIIuperial, Guniiowdoi Liud Young 1.lyson. CANNED) GOODS. Pear~e Peaches;u Pine.pples. To. Ilamiand T usey', SardieQ, &c. er~ves;Phti Hivad1 u ~taMeni.Coopei schtin, hn~a~dBlack Pepper ad vell's Chov Choiw, Emupire C-how ho1W. Asrled Pickkles, Lea -& Per. in's 'Wt ertershire Saiuce. . . k\ .McMA$1i & 'JO. sep)t 14-- DUGGIES, SPRING WAGONS -AND)- FARM WAGONS. I N connection with the Buggy and iSring \\'gon .bnainesa, I lhave for le LI u wel-kown. "OL'Db. JCKORY" Iarmn Waugoiv ' My op.e-horse wagons are soupled the toame asR a two-horse wagon, have frdnt hadlndR arnd rocking ..bolster. Warranted for tW'lvie bionths. SE, CIUMYINOS, -Opp. Dunlevy & Faut ,....ap .......... HAPPY HOMES. "What hAs eartb dearer in palace or rve Than musio at nightfanfron lips tha we love," Ah! yes. Music, Sweet Music, does make Home, Sweet Home. happier and derer and the head of a family that in these days of culture and progress does not place a Piano or an Organ in his home, deprives himself and ear ones of a vast amount of pure and refining enjoy. ment Our Sunny $outhland .has in the past ten years taken a wonderful stsp forward in \ usical dev~lopmnent and the grand question now being agitated in her i millions ol-hoines is not "Shall we buv an! instrument," but *-How and where aall we buy it." And it is a perplexing ques. tion, too. The papers are now flooded with flaming advertisements offering won- derful bargain- of $1,000 Pianos for $.97, 17 Stop Organs for $85. Ono friend ad- vises this. ah-1 another that, and so on, until the worried buy r becomes actually afriid to buy at all, lest i e be cheated, and so delays until rome unscrupulous traveling agent comes along and "scoops. him in" with a cheap, "snide" instru- ment, which, in the end, proves a sourco of mortification, rather than of enjoy- nuent. WHERE TO BUY. HOW TO BUY. THE QUESTION SOLVED. Ours to answer. Ours to point the place to buy good, honest instruments at honest prices. Ours to save buyers fromn impoel. tion aid uverchkarging. [he mission of L'UTDEN & BMTES' SOUTHERN M U S I C HOUSE, The great Piano and Organ Honsn of the South, to furnish Southern buers with Pianos and Organs from standlard makers, at lowest faotory wholesale prices. Establishod in 187s. and now an iminense Music H-use, Magnificent Don- ble Store. aixty feet front, three stories aboA e basement Two hundred Pinhos and Organs in stock. Thorsands of in- strunents sold y. aily. Our field the South. Our customers legion Our capi- tal ample. Musicians ourselve . An armv of employee . Branch thouses in seven cities. Our traveler, everywhero. Exclusive contre 1 or the bost initruments in the morld. Direct connection with manufacturers. Always pioneers in low prices. Able aind willing to conpc to with the world. Ple lge I and swnrn to do it. AND NOW MARK 'US #ELL. lion't wa- te time* answering aibsur. aid deceptive advertisements. If voi watit be-ap*instr.mtent3. we 1.ave them, an 1 at less thani the lowest. We contpete with B'atty, or Marchall & -inith or any otior manei, no atter where he livts or ow nuch he 1bl .ws. 216 dif'erent sty le- and prices to seleet froin, and suchi miikers as l.iekeziiing,-Mathuek, .' ric-n, Fonithern Gem, Mason & Hamlin, Peloubet & Co. and Sterling. St-nt on test trial. Lew freight guaranteed. Stools. Covers. Music and MusicL JORNIAL given iree A little cush1 now, andI balance in the fall. is all we want. , pecial terms for miduini.r tratle. 1 1) second-handIlPianos and Or- gans. in good repair. to be ci' sed out etwap Write oir Catalogue-, prices and teras It will p-ty %on. A-idress LUDDEN & DA rES, Savannah, Ga. N. B.-!-end also for Catalogue of Sheet Music, Music Books. Violin-4, Guitars, Flutes, Band Instruments, Drums, btrings, Orguinettes, Zithers "nd all small Musical In-trumnents Immense stock. Lowest prices South. may 21 ATTEN TION seced to my fresh and well- seetdstock of FAMILY (AROCERIES. I ha.e-just opened a splendid as-. sortment of CANNED GOOflS of firset quality and full weight A pples, Baked Beans, Pineapple. P~eachens, Sneccoin sh, Salmon, Toma-- toes, Sardines. Mustard. ROBINSON'S IMPORTED OAT.. MEAL - FRESH. Condensed Milk, "Ocean Gem" Macker'el in 5 lb. cans. PARCHED COFFEE in bulk, as good as packages, and (H BAKER'S BROMIA, A palatable heverage for invalids as welas persotas in benlth, amd highly recomimenned by physicimns as a diet for children. EVAPORATED APPLES. .I DO NOT close at six o'clock A share' of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. I II. M. HUEY. june 25-Am FRESH GROCERI ES ARIF constantly being received by me, a synopsis ot which I give below. NEWV ORLEANS MOL.ANSES AND BYIRUPS- A LL GRlA Dhs. SUGARS, FJU)M TilE HiJIEsT TO THlE LoWEs'T OtAVES. THllR~FINE'ST FLOUJIIN THlEM~ARKEVT-"THiE JACK(SON'S VEST F~AMILY FLOUR;: CANNED (GOODS. CALIFORNIA PEARS, Someting Choice. 5UCCoTiAsH1, Deans and Coin Combino TOMATOES, PEBACIES, P'INE API LEt. 8ALMON, ARtDIMCb PEPER -ISAID ETC.. ETC -1 ALSO INyITE YOUR ATTENTION TO OUI. ONASTED COFFEE. Give me a call and examine for yourself. Articles too numerous to mention. D. R1. FLENNIKEN. ap14 TOILET SOAPS? A L \RGE lot of' the cheapest Toilet Bap ior the price ever b'rodght to Winnaboro. Call and be convinced. MoMASTER, I1CE &l EE1TQMN~. pril O ICE-COLD LAGER BEER I FRESH ICE-COLD PORTNER BEER. ---- EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED TO BE ICE-COLD AND .F!ESU AS IF COMING FROM A GERMAN BREWERt CELLAR, AND WILL BE DELIVERED EVERY DAY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF SIX A M., AND NINE P. M. PLEASE SEND YOUR ORDERS, WHICH SHAuL BE PROM.. TLY ATTENDED TO. FRESH GROCERIES. ALL KINDS OF 'P'REjaE-[ (3rOC~TET1I$EE3 AT THE POSSIBLE LOWEST CASH PRICE. MY GROCERY STORE IS ONE DOOR SOLUTH OF BEATY & BRO. .'. Sugenhe meA. July 23 THE CHARLOTTE FEMALE INSTITiTE, REV. WM. R. ATKINSON, PRINCIPAL C BARLOTTE, N. C. .. -0---- [F-om G. J. D. KENNmy. Li( ti.ur~t-G. %crner of Fouth Cirolin(,] ( AN1J>IN. S. . 1., D eirbe r 17,i. 18-0. As a ratror.of the- C itrlite F ',. I i - i fn e I, m# leit urt to tet ti y to the th orough nIana.-e nt of I, crv dI.) o i t n t < f it. T; i: im t 1. gie i derived fromu a visit to mr d inl.-eetion of .e t it ,tij itt N-ir:e aatt' it. 1, ir 1.3i. not to the edu- catiorn but health a-.! co -it .. ;tIA j i1 . l. Its r..ebe* iair impes CHe. me utwst tavoably. The Rev. Air. Atkutlt n. m itL the ia ot 1 ni able 1and necomplished corps nF ssistants, arepertse cvery induc<t nwnt ito t nizt cz who Lave dau hptera in educate. I shall co to I atronize t!It shejool. J. 1D. KENNEDY. (From I'nor. J. F. LA- NnT1 I. I'. D., (f Davianson College ] I can testify to the anjess the Charlotti- Feile I- s itiite I is at-aiei d under the direction of Mr. Atkir'son, who 1,nF inithe thr'e' - ar tan t I.e his icen piincipal, raised this school to the highest all.,e an, (.g oultr institr.ions le has spared neither care nor expeise n secur inr the s-rvievs of1 i e n-estt ac mplished aud expt rienced ttachers. and in naah ng ti-e intiute it ce nifortl1 le aid pleas-ant home for its pupils. No patron has evt r visited the school without.being more 'han ever pleased w ith the arrangements frr the uelfare of his daul ghters. From being I r. sent at some of its examinations and p rsonally inspect ng the work of'the pupils thereon, I know that the instrirction is t la rough and of a -(ry I igh grade. Dr. Bidez, the Piofi sscr of A11tie, i l Pni dec. I bi, pupils, many of wI om are amateur lady musicians, graduates in music at c.ther i;rtitutions. as the arost advenced and accomplishod teacher of music that has ever come k outh. J. F. LALIMEit. Resqion beginn September 7, 1881. Terms- $125.00 loer hailf seisirn. including V EBY I X] I NZ'E to which the Iup-1 is put, except tor privitie lvw inn, in.muume. THE "QUEEN BESS" CORSET. The "QUE N BESS" Corset and Skht Supporter li by far the most comfortable ever intrudiu.d. it V4 a perfect fitting corset. and has new and improved shoulder straps, easile a justel to any desired length. It also has the imtmnsely popular I ATENT CL -'If STEEL PROTE. TOR, wl ich not only prev, nta the steels front rusting, but a'ro reniers it imposaible to break thu clasps. Warranted in every par- ticular. FOR SALEON.Y by may 26 J. M. BEATY & CO. GRA.ND OPENING. TO THE LADIES OF FAIRFIELD a 0 UNT IHAVE juist opened and have now ready for 1n1r IiSPection one of the largest mnd best selected stockb of MILL1INEt?, FANCY GOODS AND NO'lTONS ever brought to this place. MIRS. BOAG, with tile assistance of her new milliner, MISS BLACK, of Ealtuinmore, I n1telds spil-ilig no PHills ill thes departelits, anid will reple'ilsh and keep them full duiig the seasoi. A FULL LINE OF DRESS (GOODS. Unt touls aid triminngs to match. The best, and cheapest line of CORS11 S. Also at lot of Linen Ulsers aid Uu(cr- rTW.FTT -~J.V 1)AVIS VE RTCAL FE ED SEWING M. (UN is. PiI t e narket for plain or 1y und tle family sewing. ONIC I'iii SAN lti&LAR H A\ 11l) [;1 1111%. (1m it la it. )IIjt i~l It-bth as5 a maintlie ti t he rn, iue of wvork it tinas oe.. ho an comte(toe weath evt seuty the fire at tehite onl the tiu arket. ''w nt. untet teo n a- Ar fe lo, okes lantdin Po c Onilon Sets, Seeds, Corn, Oats, Oh~se, Tobacco. Cigars, Bedsteads, Mttti-esses. 'fe< e, Sutbe, Cais, e . To arrive, 16,000 feet of Good Assorted Ianor. D0ry On s, of0 ,kiuds, Milii r, t, vWt tiow toI w0 ako'r'OOuif mar 8 '' .. .a - -.- arx

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EUX 9DAT. July 0, t I6


TuK purchasing conmittee of theSouth Carolitps IRallroad have agreedto let. Inl all out,-tandhig stockholderaupon pjiaient of the assessment oftet'dilarajper share. The rQad will 'bepaid on the 28th.SouTH Caroiinawis represented 4t

the EduetiI.onal Assoolation at Atlan-ta, last week, by Col. lugh S. Totomp-son, 1elv.,Dr. Grier, President 11ol,land and Professors Cromer andWelch, of Newberpy College; Prof.Jutsoni, Revs, L. M. Ayer and 8,Lander; V. C. Dibble, Esq., Prof. A,8. Tow nes; Misses Smith , Feathers-ton and Lundor; and Messrs. CharlesPetty, L. B. Haynes, W. N. Marohant,G. C. Hodges and It, Means Davis.TkE deadlock at Alban camp to an

end on Friday by the election of Lap.ham t0 fill the short term. He hadcome within four votes of a majority,upon which the Iepublicans of bothwings held a conference and combin-ed on *"aphaam, who was coisequentlyelected. The Denocrats have issueda manifesto arraigning both wings fortheir obstinacy and extravagance.Conkling thanks his friends and -inti-mates that he will be heard fromagain. Special elections will be heldto fill the vacancies in Congresseausedby the electin of Miller and Laphain.-Their distr.cts are largely lIepublican.WE shall not stoop to bandy epithets

with the Columbia Register. Self-respect forbids any such undignifiedconduct ; and the public are heartilytired of seeing newspapers indulgingin billingsgate and pouring wholebuckets of slush upon eaicl other.We believe that so longas the Registerconfines itielf to statistical coipila-tions. wearisome though they be tothe reading public, it is accomplishingsome good; but when it descends intocoarse epithets and wild rhodomon-tade. as it delights to do upon littleprovocation or none at all, It not onlydebases journalisn, but alienates fromitself all t hose whose hearty co-opera-tion is essential to its own welfare.When the Register began its existenceit was warmly received by all its con-

temporaries, but its foolish custni offlying into tantrums on all occasionsis fast leading then to the belief thatthere should be anothor and wiserpaper at the State calpitl-one espe-cially that will keep Its temper, andobey the imaim laid down for theguidaml e of 11ll writers: "Never usetwo words whei !mp will suffice."

The Preiuita'e Condition,Onl Friday the President got mue~h

.worse, had a chill and then a severefever. caused by closin1g of theQ woundwmenci prevenite'd the escape Qt the pns1.On L8inday Dr. Agnew, of New York,rnade an Incisioni in the abdomenabout an Inch anad a half' deep), andreaching the pns5 cavity permItted afree dlischairge. Tis inicislon wvill be*1ept open unmtil initernal graniulationihas taken pla1ce. The patient Is muchbetter, hut Is still conmsidered in acritical condition.

th3 National Educational Associa-tion.

The National Educational Aasocla-tioni held its (wentiethI anniual mneeti ngin Atlantia, Ga.,'*last week. Repre-Rentativye teachiers from all Parts of theNorth were present, and1( there was agood atteniance fromi the South, ourSitt, leaving out Georgia, leadinigthe list, with eighteen ladies and gen-tlemnen. The mleeting lasted throughfour day'., during which about thirtypap~ers and addre'sses were read ordelivered, fol lowed by extemporane-01ns dliscussionI and coilmets. FewvSouthern umen particip~ated1 in the di1s-cuissoni, ats they hlad comei tQ Mr neto talk ; hut th~e listened attentiveivin orde"'a gather good points andnew idas to introduce into theirschools anid institutIons, The meet-ing w sa anm enmtire success, both~in theattendange, in the sections represent-ed, and in the abtiltv(displayed in thedeliberations, and inm the general liar-mnony pervading (lie sociaul intIe:courseof' persons fomi diitfferent sectionis. Itwould be impossible to giveo at onceany adiequiiot report of the p~roe. ccd.ings. We will endeavor to show thiefruits of the mneetinig and give somefurthier facts about it at some futuretime.


Alfessras. Editors: Are the citizens ol11 isboro to sit by snilnely and sub-mit to havintg the only fine pronienadewalk there Is in the town mande dis-guistimng wiithm (lie abominable odor 01gtiano~anud acid p)hosp1hates, which ieveni wolrse?

It is an1 ontrage to thme citizens 'whmol:ave built hiandsome residences andmadle improvements to permit theRlailroad authorities to erect a nuis-ance in that part of tows9 where someof the handcsonmcst residences are situ-ed. Mrs. Bloylstonl's elegant house-and maegnlfhcent garden is to b)e en.tirely covered by the enormlous build.Ing now erectin~g for storing thue vile.smelling thintg.Cannot the Townl Connil move inthis matter, anad p)ass aln ordinance pro-hlblting thme storin~g of' gnano and other

fertilizers within tl.c corporate llimitsiIt has beenu dlone in n.any places and 1am sure no townmIs more ehterprilsingthan ours int other things-and whiu

- not in1 this?SWith thousands of tons of guanc

-.. ..

T49' 9M wlfsend44odea a ehd1unde'r our noses, who can endure lifeor what good will flower gtArdens do-.-for 30 odor of violets or rosescan riseover the carrion heaps arottnd our,beautitl homes.The Counill meete to-day. Let the

citiens send Ins a protest against thepuisatnce thin diky, A CITIZIm

8WO04 TO I1.Z TOE C5A4 .

A Startling Story pf Nihillt DeternninatIonPeported ftosn St. Petersbura.-copftessIonPf the Student Who Lately Committed44ge4de,

From the New York HeraId.PARIS, July 20, 1881.-Our St. PC-

torsburg correspondent telegraphs to-n)iglit fresh particulars conclerlninK therecent plot laid to assassiate theCar. 1 Baronolff, the Chief of Po-lice had received anl aionymouis letterstathg tlat on the 18th of July theEmpt rar of Russia was to be ast4assi.nated. The letter contlIned nothingtiour. Baronoff nate Intiuiries illevery dirjectoin, and ascertained thata young student had eommiiitted suIl-cido under extra.rdinary circum-stanices, the mni l'.aving first run him,-self through with his sword withont-injuring a part, and laving thenl'dgeI a hullet. with his revolver inhis left temple and finding lihnself stillalive fired again in his other templeand in the Waping wound made by thesword. 'is determined suicideawakened M. Baronofirs founid the main apparently dead,

but, in tact. still breathiig and it itswoon. M. Baronoff, by the aid ofthe doctors, caused tie student tocome to his senses antd to speak. Thestudent declared that lie hatd fornedkpaIt of t secret society of t enatNihilists who hald all swo'rn to kill th'eEnperor. They had dirawn lots andotit hald falleni to his lot to car. (lilt theplan1 of axssasillationi ol the* 13th ofJuly. Nineteeni daggers were sus-Swnded over his head, aid ik brol her2iblilists swore to kill him I it he show-

ed the s ightest hiesitaltion, but naot-wit hsaiding this threat his heartfailed him, andlhe resolved to die hvhis own hand. Before commilitiigsuiicide lie had written to M. B-arolott,with tile conviction that one of hismfollow-conspirators would take his pl-aee. The sludent liveduntil the 18th ofJuly. Belore breath-ing his last he revealed the naitne of'his nineteen brother Nilhilists. whohave been all secured by the police.


St. PAUL, July 20 1881.-The Pie)-neer Press IaR tile followig slpecialdespatch fron Fort Jiuford detiliigthe sireilider of sitting Bill"Sitting Bull and about two huni-dred Indiai people arrived -at exiae lytwelve o'clock to-day, and surrender-ed their arms and poiles to MajorBrotherton. No Fpeeches have vet beenbeen as Sitthig Bull and hik orator 1110futigued and huigry. They wereplaced in compartmeiits betieen theposat. and the boat landinuL, and are assecurely in MaIjor' Brotherton's chargeas if they were fin Irons. The PioneerPress' corIespoldelt visited SittingBull after Id lodge was erected, aidcheered the old 1mn up by intllriniighim that ho had Seei onlly a shorttimte before the lost daliughter, who" theCanadians had told him was li chianiiaind that she was well and happy.The chief expressed a desire to have atalk after lie had rested aned had some-thaing to eat. The cavalcade, as it filedtO the garrisonl, attracted much atten-t im . tt nnatt.Inenauiv nar emealoncied wVih squaws nand children, fol-lowed by twventy-five 0or thlirty ofLouis Legaro's Red River carts. 'wellfilled with baggage. Much credit isgiven hlere to Mir. Legare for his fithI-fuil service to tihe goverunmuent ini fin~al-Ily iniducing Sittinlg Bull to comle withlhim, ile has use'd his ownl Ineansfreely in prlovidinig tranmsportaionl andpro~visions, and( should be liberally re-w"arded for lisa work. Sitting' Bullhimselfi anid is chiefs and headi menr'ode their loles and( did inot dismounmtand shake hands until they arrived athe place fixed upon for their camp.

('apta~in C lifibrId states that SittingBfull has secemed moure an111en and( iniso-Ient than any~ofthe chetfs lie had1( un1-hiN mlanlagemenlt, and his nletions to-day' confirmI this statemnenutt but it is

hogh tatkid tr'eatmen'lt wvili soonmailike him1 satistied. The~governentlas accepted his surrenider in goodfaitih. A des iatchi was forwvardedi toStam:d ing 1101- to inform Crowv K ingand( Lowv Dogo~f Sitting Bull's arrivalI.and it is believed that this neOws willremove any dlesire the Indoianse thcremay have to leave tihe agenicy."DA.olons OF .DEN'T1Y.-UstJallydenltal surgeonis take great care to

keep their1 imaplemnits cleanl. Sonie-tilnes- be'we'er. the patienlt is- disgust-edi wIth the sighmt (of more or' less ant-cienit blood stauins oni forceps anid other'implements which are to go in h1ism~outhl. A cor'responidenit ini Mainaisubmilts a loini newspalper report ofan alcvidenlt to a Banigor' denitist w hhSnULgests the1 query wvlhiete thlere may1nt he danger of bloodi poisonaing tothe5 haizar'd of' the patient's life wvhienthe surgeon is tnt carefuliIwithI respectto) thle cleanliness (It his impilemnents.ill tihe case reported the accidlentalprieking of a tinger' with a sharp lan-struhmnt used by the (d1 ets whiletil ling 0 too~th, resulted ini a serioutsease of p)ymmi. Jim this instan~ce thedlentist was the suffeicir. S8jJ4npoe theploisonled tool hlad pr'icke'd the gum of*the patienat? 1#hlether thle poisoncame fromi the disrased toothm then bie-Iiig opera'lted oni, 01' was duei( to 5(ome1

wayi~. Ini eithier caise Ite iin.juarv muiibthie fatal. Firotm a morai post11 'of view,hiowever', it would maiike a great difir-enee wvhether thle p~atienit furniishied thepisoni oar the dentist. It goes without11sayinmg that uiitidhiess ini the denmtist.'schiair Is dhangerous as wvell as dhisgust-ing, antd should niot be tolerated.-Scientiflc American.

-lealth, thme poor' manl's iches, and(lie rich mam's bliss,.10 miaiintineid bytile .indicious use of Ayer's Sarsamparil-la which stre'ngthens aiid imv igoraueslie system by puralifying the blood. It

is so hlighly loncen'utrated thuat it is timemaost econoical amedicinec for thIs pur1-11080 that caii be used(. *

Messrs. Williams & Rutledge. Greemi-ville. S. C., Genutlemen: T1he pianiopurchmased (of you for "The GrceenwooudIlhigh Schoo(" Is (one of superior toneaimd w( rk manishi p and is in all respectsentirely satisfac*tory. .11esp ecthully',

[histr'uctiress in M uasie.]Greenwood,,8. C., Feb. 7, 1881.' tithermnmneter registered 105

degrees inm the shaade at Richmond, Va.,on thn 1Rth Inst

%40 D ask itt TAKING MvT aPI.PIL . 'hy afre harmless to the nOat delperson, but so penetrating that they clearW'M-asvstAm of all impurities, and gently evcite theliver to healt y tion. Price 1 cents per box. -

#old by all dru ste'li this county.

SaLMA, ALA.. April 0, 1878'M 1.-GQOdWin A Pht--Dear.Sir: I takeplebsi'e in itatingtiatI have used your liedl.cate StOCk Feed ott a very poor cow, with-great success. 1'he looks much better no%givesa great deal more milk, and is much st-.erlor. I therefore- reermUlcmnd this medicineto all who Wih to impi e'oN their stock, cattleand horses. as it is trulv what It is representedto bo. Very respecfully, A. XAYSREl.EUFAULA. ALA., July, 1878.Mr. Shoenfeld: I uMA one sack of your Stocke~e~d on my cow. w~it very satisfactory re.tulte. She hod reently Oalf, andwas in a poor cosd'tion, and by the use of yourStock Feed she was rapidly improved In fleshand milk. Very respectfully.

OEO. Ill. DENT,Sold by the druggists of this county.

Dr. A. it. Norton. of Savannah, writes: I as-sure you it affords mne pleasure to give .my ap.proval and certlficate in favor of :your.Lung Cliestorer, having given it a fair trial lu a num.ber of cases where it. proved succes. io thetreatment of Bronchitis and Consulnptign.Five years ago my wife was. far gone in %on-sumption, she had been confini d to her bed thegIeter nart of the time, for six months-withlectic Fever every day and I had buit 'littletopes of her recovery. but. by perseverancewith ine blesings of God, her Lungs are nowperfectly sound. I gave her no other Lung,hiedicine than yours and a cough syrup I make.I have generahy given them togetirrbaA hpqvestrong faith in both I succee ed n uing'a Icnumber of hopeless caies and regard Brewer'sLung Restorer as a valunbie prepitration.Please send m per express three dozen as I ainearly out. Send bill of same and I will remit'promptly. WIjingvyou good success, I remain,Yours respfctfully-

A it. NORTON 31. D.,Corner West Broad and Harris Ste.. Savannah,Georgia.'tAOow. Oit.

Messrs. Lamar. Itankin & L.annas. Gentlemen:--One bottle of Brewer's Lung Restorer curedme of Bronclitlis in i week's tilin. I will wanta few more boitles soon. I Intend keeping it inIny house all thr time, as I consider It. a volua-ble medicine. Yours respect fuil.v '


Sold by the Druggists of this county.

CoL.Un's. GA., April 12. 1818.Dr. C. J Meffett-Dear Sir-y wie'and my-.elt ore entisfied that the tWe of our teethingbnbe was %qeved bi the use rof your Teet.hinn J

(T,* ehilng Powders) when other. rImedfe 'liadrilited to relieehlim We have bben dilightedtith the "peedpanid pemanent relief given one of.our childrenfro.n vAMere attack of Cho.era forbun.Telt- hiIIa s indipensibe tn us. niid should- bekept by all parents having small children.

Respectfully, e.,Foreman Enquirer-Sun.

IT IS A WELL KNOWN F.%CTamong phyinnsrv thnt Buchu Juniper andlinrat Urava In combination are the bestremedies in the world for disense of the ind-der or Kidhneys. and that not less than one-halfof the huiniti faintly beth male and femalesuf7- r from lerangement of tho-e organs andneglect or fNll to use proper reniedies hurrymlany to untimely graves Numerous cntbi-nations I %vo bee-n tried for Grovel, Brick DustDep";ItN BIght'sDi-:ense, Weakness in Bankand IIps, produced by derangenent oi Bladderai-d Kidn1 eys b-ut none wiTh such happy resultsas Ifukin's Extract of litchu and Juniper. Ityou auffer front any disense of those organs,get a bottle-tine or two *. ill relieve you.Prepared only by Hunt, Iankin & LimarDJriuggista, Atlanta, Ga., and- for sale by allI) -'ggsts.


TEe,TIMRONYO3F DtRUGGISTS.We have been selitng "wir th1- SyphillItic spA-elfle"'orntitrs. and tegard it, frr superior toanything knnw to setence, for the. dis ases itis recommended to cure. We have ziever knownofria1t1gle falneS. J CASS1 L.4. Thomnsville. Ga.. 14 0IOMEui & Co. Forsyth. On.Ilt'NT IANKIN k LAhAR. Atlnni Ga.PEMB itTON, BAA1UiELS & REYNOLDS, At.lanta, Ga..

ATAr.NT 4. Gi., JulI. 1874...We have bien using 'w ' 1ypi-c- -

dile" in the treatntent 'i convicts for tihe lastyear, and believe It Is the only certain knotensremedy that wIll effect a piermnanent eture of dis-eases for which rkAEtong ANDEg & O

8100REWARDWill be paid to any chemist who will find, onan.'lysisof ene htundred bottica of 8. 5. 8., one ipatrticle or mercury, iodhiae potassiumu, or any-mineral substance.'

TilE SWI'FT SPECIFIC' COMIPANY, Proprie-]tot's. Atlanta. Ga.Sold by all Druggists.Call for a copy of * Young Mien's Friend." 1

' AA~ING WATCHEII'S;Defective Watch Cases are one of the chief

causes of so nanny watches not being goodtime pieces. The cases being thin and not fit-tinig welt. admit, dust anid dlirt to the move-meat,, which soon lnterfer'es with the rttnningparts of the watch necestatii~ig- enning,-.rc-palting, &c., nn- the amnount thus paid ontt ifapplietd towna d buyit g a goot case in, tihe be-ginning, would havn Maed all tIl trotuble and]expense. We have recently seen a case thatmeets all these -i tquirements, it having beenecarried for over twenty years anti st~Ill remainsperfect. We refer to the JAS. EOsS' PatentStiffened Gold Cane, whkh hiss become oneof the staple articles of the Jewelry. txade,possessing as it does so map~y adtvnntages overall other watch eases, Wing tnnde of twoheavy plates of soltid gold over a plate of comn-position. Ai1<d we advise all our readers to ask


thir .Jeweler ror' ai crd or catalogue that willexplain the matrier n whidi. thtey are made.

It Is the only Sttfreet Came tnade with twoplates of gold, senmless peitdats, and centre,solid joints, crown pit-ces, &ce., all of whit-h arecovered by letters patent Therefor-e bu:'.nocase rore consuithing a Jeweler who keepsbheJAS BOSS' Patetnt Stiffened dold Case,thtyou nmty learn the difference beiwi'en, it, andtill imitatjons that clalim to be 'qully good.For tale by all respotsible Jety ers., .Ask to

see the watrntt that .neccompanies each ,.ase,nnid dlon't be per-suaded that'abny Otheri ti~e ofcase is as good, - yp 12.


.) E IT ENACTED AND OlRDAINED,J. by lthe Inti ndiint antd \\rdens ofthe 'Towni of n' innaboro(, bouth (Carolina,tn Council met: -

I. That frti tnnd after the passage of'this O)r.linantce. 1.0 p)erson shatli engage inthe buisinessu of .i lhuokster within thecorporatte lint:its of thu 'i own of Winnta--lioro. w ithout tirst obtuiininag a licenAefromt the 'Town (Council, wh-ich licenseshaul, br- grante ul on t -a paymnent of'Anyv peirst'n shttdl be0 'lectnd a butksitorw ithin tic mieanting of this Ordlinance1who. not being a me~re ant hauving a ixed.uloco of biusinenss. shall enigtiio in,. thomatiiness of uellintg chtickeutu, 'twtimys.ducks and oithelit'lutblry, eggs, blt ter,frui. tlilh, game tand vegetables, not of:thi-ir own raiisintg, catchinatg or ptrod uction;11I. 'That tromn and at'er the pauango ofthis O)rdintantce it shall not 1b0 1ltwfuii forIany' p~erson. thelr thtat 'd licensed huok.ster. or a uherchauint having a

.x'-d plcc .Iof business within talp' corpot nto limits of

said 'r'v ni, to buy, with intent to sell thoH withtin tidt corp)orate lienits. or totstu) tI a tamei for' s1nl to liatte outsidothe coirlorat) himtits, .tiny .chicktena, lur-k-e. i, dlucks or othier poittltty, eggs, but-1ter, frntit, fish. gamio or other vetgetable~s,not of their owt raisi4.g, eatolhing ur' pro-ducetton.

III. .Anty ps'rson violating any of theiprovisioons of this Ordiltannen shall,, onconivi-ction thiereof, bep ied note~xceedlihgthe sum of TEN DOLL4Alt$.,' or 'bo im-prlisouned not exocding'TI.N DAYS In thecounty jail or tount guard-hotio for eachand( every off--nce.Don' in Counpil thIa 5th. day. of .July,18s1. aind with the Corporate 5eal'tui satd

Town af~zed JOHN J1. NEIL,- Intendfat.

Attest: E,~8. Cn't an,-. 'e

in~jly7. (i . . .-'

AUVING determined to "CLOSEUT" Q stock of Spring Dress

wooce 6ffer ydu from this date'nusual bargains in same. We havec03me6 line,of these goods, andarties *111 do well to call, examine

pdrice these before purchasing.Ve w.uld also call your attention tonr line of Fancy Muslin and LinenAawns..".T white goods we are "FullJp " Qur line of these goods con,iste "of 'Linen Lawns, VictoriaAwnls,-rDishop Lawns,. Plain, Plaidnd Striped Nainsooks, Jaconets,lambrics,.Piques, Plain and Plaidv 6s8, &c., &c. Laces, Laces,.aces. Edging6, Edgings, Edg-'ALL AND SEE FOR YOUR-


may 7






Fresh Pickles, Chow-Chow, Wor-esRershiirC Iald Pepper Slalce, Picleaches, soimetiiig nic, fresh Toitna-tics. inl two 1111d three pouind canls.

toated(toreepintme pounld paick-ges. .Iepleh.-Mixed. MuIistar-id, Chut-ie) Saue-aid-sweet Pickles,


W1 H. Donly.jun 23


r V. er,thee Screw

~lates, one Bel ows, one Anvil, one

tise. Oi's P xing Machine, (cost

$18.00, will b -sold for $10.

Lots of Ov . half Oval' Round,3and, Square and Tire Iron ; Hubs,

spokes, llimai Carriage Bolts, Tire

3olts and all n~nner of b>E SOLD G.2 RDLESS OF


may 14


~UG.A-RS: assorted. Coffees, Rtio,L~aguna i a...and Old Gov. .Java,rtio anid Old: OoGov.Java Roasted,l'ensB, -Rhgek, IIIuperial, GuniiowdoiLiud Young 1.lyson.

CANNED) GOODS.Pear~e Peaches;u Pine.pples. To.

Ilamiand Tusey', SardieQ, &c.

er~ves;Phti Hivad1 u ~taMeni.Coopeischtin,hn~a~dBlack Pepper ad

vell's Chov Choiw, Emupire C-howho1W. Asrled Pickkles, Lea -&'s 'Wt ertershire Saiuce.

. . k\ .McMA$1i & 'JO.

sep)t 14--




I N connection with the Buggy and

iSring \\'gon .bnainesa, I lhave forle LI u wel-kown.

"OL'Db. JCKORY"Iarmn Waugoiv 'My op.e-horse wagons are

soupled thetoame asR a two-horse wagon,have frdnt hadlndR arnd rocking ..bolster.

Warranted for tW'lvie bionths.

SE, CIUMYINOS,-Opp. Dunlevy & Faut


HAPPY HOMES."What hAs eartb dearer in palace or rveThan musio at nightfanfron lips tha we love,"Ah! yes. Music, Sweet Music, does

make Home, Sweet Home. happier andderer and the head of a family that inthese days of culture and progress doesnot place a Piano or an Organ in hishome, deprives himself and ear ones ofa vast amount of pure and refining enjoy.ment Our Sunny $outhland .has in thepast ten years taken a wonderful stspforward in \ usical dev~lopmnent and thegrand question now being agitated in her imillions ol-hoines is not "Shall we buv an!instrument," but *-How and where aallwe buy it." And it is a perplexing ques.tion, too. The papers are now floodedwith flaming advertisements offering won-derful bargain- of $1,000 Pianos for $.97,17 Stop Organs for $85. Ono friend ad-vises this. ah-1 another that, and so on,until the worried buy r becomes actuallyafriid to buy at all, lest i e be cheated,and so delays until rome unscrupuloustraveling agent comes along and "scoops.him in" with a cheap, "snide" instru-ment, which, in the end, proves a sourcoof mortification, rather than of enjoy-nuent.WHERE TO BUY. HOW TO BUY.

THE QUESTION SOLVED.Ours to answer. Ours to point the placeto buy good, honest instruments at honest

prices. Ours to save buyers fromn impoel.tion aid uverchkarging. [he mission of

L'UTDEN & BMTES'SOUTHERN M U S I C HOUSE,The great Piano and Organ Honsn of

the South, to furnish Southern buerswith Pianos and Organs from standlardmakers, at lowest faotory wholesaleprices. Establishod in 187s. and now animinense Music H-use, Magnificent Don-ble Store. aixty feet front, three storiesaboA e basement Two hundred Pinhosand Organs in stock. Thorsands of in-strunents sold y. aily. Our field theSouth. Our customers legion Our capi-tal ample. Musicians ourselve . Anarmv of employee . Branch thouses inseven cities. Our traveler, everywhero.Exclusive contre 1 or the bost initrumentsin the morld. Direct connection withmanufacturers. Always pioneers in lowprices. Able aind willing to conpc to withthe world. Ple lge I and swnrn to do it.AND NOW MARK 'US #ELL.

lion't wa- te time* answering aibsur. aiddeceptive advertisements. If voi watitbe-ap*instr.mtent3. we 1.ave them, an 1 at

less thani the lowest. We contpete withB'atty, or Marchall & -inith or any otiormanei, no atter where he livts or ownuch he 1bl .ws. 216 dif'erent sty le- andprices to seleet froin, and suchi miikers asl.iekeziiing,-Mathuek, .' ric-n, FonithernGem, Mason & Hamlin, Peloubet & Co.and Sterling. St-nt on test trial. Lewfreight guaranteed. Stools. Covers. Musicand MusicL JORNIAL given iree A littlecush1 now, andI balance in the fall. is allwe want. , pecial terms for miduini.rtratle. 1 1) second-handIlPianos and Or-gans. in good repair. to be ci' sed outetwap Write oir Catalogue-, prices andteras It will p-ty %on. A-idress

LUDDEN & DA rES, Savannah, Ga.N. B.-!-end also for Catalogue of Sheet

Music, Music Books. Violin-4, Guitars,Flutes, Band Instruments, Drums,btrings, Orguinettes, Zithers "nd allsmall Musical In-trumnents Immensestock. Lowest prices South.may 21


seced to my fresh and well-seetdstock of

FAMILY (AROCERIES.I ha.e-just opened a splendid as-.

sortment of

CANNED GOOflSof firset quality and full weightApples, Baked Beans, Pineapple.P~eachens, Sneccoin sh, Salmon, Toma--toes, Sardines. Mustard.ROBINSON'S IMPORTED OAT..

MEAL - FRESH.Condensed Milk, "Ocean Gem"

Macker'el in 5 lb. cans.PARCHED COFFEE

in bulk, as good as packages, and(H BAKER'S BROMIA,

A palatable heverage for invalids aswelas persotas in benlth, amd highly

recomimenned by physicimns as adiet for children.

EVAPORATED APPLES..I DO NOT close at six o'clock A

share' of the public patronage isrespectfully solicited.

I II. M. HUEY.june 25-Am


ARIF constantly being received by me,a synopsis ot which I give below.





5UCCoTiAsH1, Deans and Coin CombinoTOMATOES, PEBACIES,



Give me a call and examine for yourself.

Articles too numerous to mention.


TOILET SOAPS?AL \RGE lot of' the cheapest Toilet

Bap ior the price ever b'rodght toWinnaboro. Call and be convinced.









.'. Sugenhe meA.July 23



.. -0----

[F-om G. J. D. KENNmy. Li( ti.ur~t-G. %crner of Fouth Cirolin(,]( AN1J>IN. S. . 1.,D eirbe r 17,i. 18-0.

As a ratror.of the- C itrlite F ',. I i - ifne I, m# leit urt to tet ti y to theth orough nIana.-e nt ofI, crv dI.) o i tn t < f it. T; i: imt 1. gie i derived fromu avisit to mr d inl.-eetion of .et it ,tij itt N-ir:e aatt' it. 1,ir 1.3i. not to the edu-catiorn but health a-.! co -it .. ;tIA ji1 .l. Its r..ebe* iair impesCHe. me utwsttavoably. The Rev. Air. Atkutlt n. m itL the ia ot 1 ni able 1and necomplished corpsnF ssistants, arepertsecvery induc<t nwnt itot niztcz who Lave dau hptera in educate. Ishall co to I atronize t!It shejool. J. 1D. KENNEDY.

(From I'nor. J. F. LA- NnT1I. I'. D., (f Davianson College ]I can testify to the anjess the Charlotti- Feile I- s itiite I is at-aiei d under thedirection of Mr. Atkir'son, who 1,nF inithe thr'e'- ar tan t I.e his icen piincipal,raised this school to the highest all.,ean,(.g oultr institr.ions le hasspared neither care nor expeise n secur inr the s-rvievs of1 i e n-estt ac mplishedaud expt rienced ttachers. and in naah ng ti-e intiute it ce nifortl1 le aid pleas-anthome for its pupils. No patron has evt r visited the school without.being more 'hanever pleased w ith the arrangements frr the uelfare of his daulghters. From beingI r. sent at some of its examinations and p rsonally inspect ng the work of'the pupilsthereon, I know that the instrirction is t la rough and of a -(ry I igh grade. Dr.Bidez, the Piofi sscr of A11tie, i l Pni dec. I bi, pupils, many of wI om are amateurlady musicians, graduates in music at c.ther i;rtitutions. as the arost advenced andaccomplishod teacher of music that has ever come k outh. J. F. LALIMEit.

Resqion beginn September 7, 1881. Terms- $125.00 loer hailf seisirn. includingV EBY I X] I NZ'E to which the Iup-1 is put, except tor privitie lvw inn, in.muume.


The "QUE N BESS" Corset and Skht Supporter li by far the most comfortableever intrudiu.d. it V4 a perfect fitting corset. and has new and improved shoulderstraps, easile a justel to any desired length. It also has the imtmnsely popularI ATENT CL -'If STEEL PROTE. TOR, wl ich not only prev, nta the steels frontrusting, but a'ro reniers it imposaible to break thu clasps. Warranted in every par-ticular. FORSALEON.Y bymay 26 J. M. BEATY & CO.


IHAVE juist opened and have now ready for 1n1r IiSPection one of thelargest mnd best selected stockb of MILL1INEt?, FANCY GOODS ANDNO'lTONS ever brought to this place.MIRS. BOAG, with tile assistance of her new milliner, MISS BLACK, ofEaltuinmore, I n1telds spil-ilig no PHills ill thes departelits, anid will reple'ilshand keep them full duiig the seasoi.

A FULL LINE OF DRESS (GOODS. Unt touls aid triminngs to match. Thebest, and cheapest line of CORS11 S. Also at lot of Linen Ulsers aid Uu(cr-



PiI t e narket for plain or 1yund tle family sewing. ONICI'iii SAN lti&LARH A\ 11l) [;1 1111%. (1m it lait. )IIjt i~lIt-bth as5 a maintlie ti t he rn, iue of wvork it tinasoe.. ho an comte(toe weathevt seuty the fireat tehite onl the tiuarket. ''w nt. untet teo n a-

Ar fe lo, okes lantdin Po c Onilon Sets, Seeds, Corn, Oats, Oh~se,Tobacco. Cigars, Bedsteads, Mttti-esses. 'fe<e, Sutbe, Cais, e .To arrive, 16,000 feet of Good Assorted Ianor.D0ry On s, of0 ,kiuds, Milii r, t, vWt tiow toIw0ako'r'OOuifmar 8 ''

.. .a - -.-arx