good news presentation by george w. hall i have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing good news...

Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life-changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that have helped me so very much

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Page 1: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Good News Presentationby George W. Hall

I have a dynamic, fantastic, life-changing Good News Presentation

– I promise !

I will share some concepts that have helped me so very much –

God bless you !

Page 2: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Question: Suppose that you were to stand before God in judgment today –

do you know for sure that you are saved?

Page 3: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

If yes, tell specifically what happened when you were saved? (How, When and Where were you saved -

What happened?)-----------------------------------

If possible, write your answer on paper

Page 4: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Good News: “You can know you are saved”

1 John 5:13 – These things have I written unto you that you may know that you have eternal life…

KnowYou want to know Don’t You?


Holy Bible

NOTFamily Friends Memory Pastor

Tradition Opinion Feelings Speculation

Page 5: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

1 John 4: 16 –18


No Fear

Page 6: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

1 John 3: 1 – 3

Pure as Christ

Page 7: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

1 John 1:7 – 2:1

IF we walk … the Blood of Jesus His Son Cleanseth us from ALL (100%) Sin

Page 8: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

1 John 1:7 – 2:1IF we walk … the Blood of Jesus His Son Cleanseth us from ALL (100%) Sineth - Means continuous action like …

Windshield wipers on a car

Page 9: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

1 John 2:1

Advocate – Lawyer

Page 10: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Ephesians 2: 1-13LOST SAVED

In The







No Hope

Without GOD

Far Off

Page 11: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Ephesians 2: 8,9

v.8 For by grace have you been saved through faith; and not of yourselves, it is the gift of God v.9 Not of works

that no man should glory.

------------------------------------------------Faith = of man

Grace = of God

Page 12: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Question: Why should God let you into Heaven? Choose answer 1 or 2

------------------------------------------------1. I have been a good person. I have

not hurt people on purpose. I go to church. I read the Bible. I love people. I love God.

2. I have trusted in what Jesus has done for me on the cross.

Page 13: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Answer # 2 is correct. In answer #1 the trust is in what you have done – in answer #2

trust is in what Jesus has done for you.

Page 14: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that


Page 15: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

1 John 3:4


Page 16: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Romans 3:10, 23


Page 17: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Romans 6:23

Wages of SIN = DEATH

Page 18: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Romans 6:23

Wages of SIN = DEATH


= Eternal Life

Page 19: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Genesis 2:17 & 3:4

In the day you eat of the tree of knowledge of

good and evil – you will surely die

-----------------------------------Did they die that day?

Page 20: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that


Ezekiel 18:20

Man is born close to God

The soul that sinneth, it shall die: the son shall not bear the iniquity of the

father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son; …

Page 21: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Ezekiel 18:20

Man is born close to God

Rom 5:11- Reconcile - Means to make friends again. When were you first friends with God? When you were a child – When

were you enemies with God? When you sinned. When are people reconciled (Make friends again)? When the sins are forgiven.


Page 22: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Ezekiel 18:20

Man is born close to God

Rom 5:12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned -

What is passed to all? DEATH (NOT SIN)! When is Death passed to ALL? When the

individual sins – (not when born)



Page 23: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that


Isaiah 59:2

Man is born close to GodHOWEVER !!!

But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your

sins have hid His face from you, so that He will not hear.

Page 24: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Man is born close to God


Ephesians 2:13

Good News is we can be close again

But now in Christ Jesus you that once were far off are made NEAR

through the BLOOD of Christ.

Page 25: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that




Isaiah 59:2

Eph. 2:13

Ezk 18:20

Man is born close to God

Page 26: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

What ?

Page 27: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Jesus & Apostles


You & Me

Page 28: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

The GospelsMatthew, Mark, Luke and John

Deal with the Birth, Life, Teachings

– and the Death, Burial and

Resurrection of Christ.

The Death, Burial and Resurrection are called the Good News in

I Corinthians 15: 1 – 4.

Page 29: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Christ solves the SIN problem and the GRAVE problem

II Timothy 1:10 but hath now been manifested by the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel,

SIN problem – Abolished Death; Brought Life

GRAVE problem - Immortality

Page 30: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Christ solves the SIN problem and the GRAVE problem

Romans 5:10 For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, shall we be saved by his life;

SIN – Reconciled (make friends again by forgiving sins) by His death

GRAVE – He lives – He overcame the grave – so will we !

Page 31: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Matthew 28: 18-20




Page 32: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that


In the Name of the

FATHER, the SON and the


Page 33: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

MARK 16: 15 -16ALL Who




Page 34: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that


Believe =

Saved + Baptism


(Wrong/Different Order)

Page 35: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Luke 24: 46 - 49




Preach =


Page 36: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Summary of Matt, Mark & Luke






Page 37: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that




Page 38: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

ACTS 2: 36 - 412:37 – Pricked in their

heart (Believed)

Page 39: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

ACTS 2: 36 - 412:37 – Pricked in their

heart (Believed)

What? Repent + Baptized

Page 40: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

ACTS 2: 36 - 412:37 – Pricked in their

heart (Believed)

What? Repent + Baptized for Remission of Sins &_

Gift of the Holy Spirit

Page 41: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Conversion of Saul/Paul Acts 9&22

What should I do Lord? = Belief

Go & it will be told you what you



1st Day

Page 42: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Conversion of Saul/Paul Acts 9&22

What should I do Lord? =


Go & it will be told you what you MUST Do


Sorrow Prayer


1st Day 2nd Day

Page 43: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Conversion of Saul/Paul Acts 9&22

What should I do Lord? =


Go & it will be told you what you MUST Do


Sorrow Prayer


1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day

Page 44: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Conversion of Saul/Paul Acts 9&221st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day

What should I do Lord? =


Go & it will be told you what you MUST Do


Sorrow Prayer


Baptized Acts 22:16When Saved?

At Baptism What saves?

Blood Rev 1:5

Page 45: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Romans 6: 1 - 7

6:3 Baptized into Christ Death

6:4 Buried – New Life

6:5 IF… Likeness of Death andResurrection

6:6 Crucify old man – sin done away

Page 46: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

This is your most important decision ever. Most serious – it affects eternity and happiness. The liar SATAN says “NO” – he wants to destroy you. JESUS, the supreme lover, says “YES” – come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy laden.

Page 47: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

1. Do you confess that you believe that Jesus is the Son of God?

2. Are you willing to turn from your practice of sin (repent) and turn to God?

3. Then surely you are ready to be buried with Jesus in baptism for the forgiveness of sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. What is your answer?

Page 48: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

To help you with further study – obedience – how to establish a church in your community/house,

send an e-mail to: [email protected]

[email protected]

Page 49: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Now that you are a Christian, let me know

when and where you were baptized

Drop me an e-mail at [email protected]

[email protected]

Page 50: Good News Presentation by George W. Hall I have a dynamic, fantastic, life- changing Good News Presentation – I promise ! I will share some concepts that

Owned and Copyrighted by George W. Hall - all rights reserved

Technical contributions byDavid Sprott and Ted McKissick

You have the owner’s permission to copy and use this presentation in its

entirety – you do NOT have permission to change or add anything to this presentation.