good shepherd anglican youth ministry

December 2011 - February 2012 Issue 3/2011 Dear Young Parishioner What a busy year it has been for Good Shepherd!! So many celebra- tions. So much good news, and also quite a bit of sad news. The Year 2011 certainly brought all of us all sorts of interesting experi- ences, both joyous, as well as heart- breaking, but experiences that will make us strong and give us the abil- ity to take the new year by the horns. So let’s sit back and reflect on what 2011 brought us . . . Some took the plunge and tied the knot with their loved ones Some brought new lives into the world Some started school or a new job for the first time Some lost a loved one Some suffered and recovered Some gave their hearts to the Lord . . . Well, whatever 2011 brought you or whatever the year meant to you, we trust that as it draws to a close, that you’ll smile, lift your chin and bravely take 2012 on without fear, but rather with plenty enthusiasm and loads of excitement! Say YES to new opportunities and gain experience from it, and say NO to the evils of the world . . . Merry Christmas Good Shepherd’s Young Parishioners and everything of the best for the New Year ahead of us. God bless each of you and all your family and friends. Happy Reading!!! ~ AYM Mini-Mag Team ~ Letter from the Mini-Mag A Christmas Creed I believe in Jesus Christ and in the beauty of the gospel begun in Bethlehem. I believe in the one whose spirit glorified a little town; and whose spirit still brings music to persons all over the world, in towns both large and small. I believe in the one for whom the crowded inn could find no room, and I confess that my heart still sometimes wants to exclude Christ from my life today. I believe in the one who the rulers of the earth ignored and the proud could never understand; whose life was among common people, whose welcome came from persons of hungry hearts. I believe in the one who proclaimed the love of God to be invincible: I believe in the one whose cradle was a mother's arms, whose modest home in Nazareth had love for its only wealth, who looked at persons and made them see what God's love saw in them, who by love brought sinners back to purity, and lifted human weakness up to meet the strength of God. I confess my ever-lasting need of God: The need of forgive- ness for our selfishness and greed, the need of new life for empty souls, the need of love for hearts grown cold. I believe in God who gives us the best of himself. I believe in Jesus, the son of the living God, born in Bethlehem this night, for me and for the world. Team

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Mini-mag December 2011


Page 1: Good Shepherd Anglican Youth Ministry

December 2011 -

February 2012

Issue 3/2011

Dear Young Parishioner What a busy year it has been for Good Shepherd!! So many celebra-tions. So much good news, and also quite a bit of sad news.

The Year 2011 certainly brought all of us all sorts of interesting experi-ences, both joyous, as well as heart-breaking, but experiences that will make us strong and give us the abil-ity to take the new year by the horns.

So let’s sit back and reflect on what 2011 brought us . . .

Some took the plunge and tied the knot with their loved ones

Some brought new lives into the world

Some started school or a new job for the first time

Some lost a loved one

Some suffered and recovered

Some gave their hearts to the Lord

. . . Well, whatever 2011 brought you or whatever the year meant to you, we trust that as it draws to a close, that you’ll smile, lift your chin and bravely take 2012 on without fear, but rather with plenty enthusiasm and loads of excitement! Say YES to new opportunities and gain experience from it, and say NO to the evils of the world . . . Merry Christmas Good Shepherd’s Young Parishioners and everything of the best for the New Year ahead of us. God bless each of you and all your family and friends.

Happy Reading!!!

~ AYM Mini-Mag Team ~


from the


A Christmas Creed I believe in Jesus Christ and in the beauty of the gospel begun in Bethlehem. I believe in the one whose spirit glorified a little town; and whose spirit still brings music to persons all over the world, in towns both large and small. I believe in the one for whom the crowded inn could find no room, and I confess that my heart still sometimes wants to exclude Christ from my life today. I believe in the one who the rulers of the earth ignored and the proud could never understand; whose life was among common people, whose welcome came from persons of hungry hearts. I believe in the one who proclaimed the love of God to be invincible: I believe in the one whose cradle was a mother's arms, whose modest home in Nazareth had love for its only wealth, who looked at persons and made them see what God's love saw in them, who by love brought sinners back to purity, and lifted human weakness up to meet the strength of God. I confess my ever-lasting need of God: The need of forgive-ness for our selfishness and greed, the need of new life for empty souls, the need of love for hearts grown cold. I believe in God who gives us the best of himself. I believe in Jesus, the son of the living God, born in Bethlehem this night, for me and for the world.


Page 2: Good Shepherd Anglican Youth Ministry

Hey check little

Zeah out...

enjoying herself

in her

swimming pool


Here are some safety tips

while around the swimming pool . . .

Whilst your child is young cover your pool with a

grid or a strong netting or what you can do is place

a secure fence around the pool.

Be cautious and watch what your toddler does

around the pool area.

Never leave them unattended, and if you can’t be

there to watch them, ensure that another capable

adult is available

Invest in a polly-otter and enrol them at a learn to

swim school as early as possible

Parents be safe and enjoy your toddler...

It time 4 TODDLER TALK This is definitely not an easy task for a parent to do, trust

me I struggled with the idea of leaving my daughter alone with

somebody I didn't know.

In the beginning, I think I called the crèche non-stop just to

find out if she was okay but eventually with the help of

friends and family I worked through it and guess what!!

She's doing amazing!!

I guess in many situations, its the parent who needs to be

more prepared than the toddler, however, it is a good idea to

introduce your toddlers to play dates with others their age so

that they will be prepared for interaction and will also know

how to share.

Another good idea, is to try and potty train them before they

start school (this of course is dependent on how old they are

when they start attending crèche). Also, create opportunities

for them to play away from home and in someone else's care

I.e. grandparent or family member as this will begin to teach

them some for of independence.

At the end of the day, there are no rules, only guidelines and

excellent advice from parents who have already experienced


Good luck and enjoy this new chapter of parenting .


How to prepare your child for crèche...

Dear Moms & Dads

For more advice or parenting tips...CHECK

OUT You’ll will find

answers & guidelines to so much like

Potty training

How to cope with your new baby

Craft ideas

Party planning

Tantrums… And soooooo much more


Page 3: Good Shepherd Anglican Youth Ministry

How to involve your tod-dler in Christmas prep? Christmas is a magical time for children . . .

First, there’s the magic of the Christmas story filled with wonderful charac-ters like angels, shepherds, a bright star, kings, loads of wonderful animals and of course, baby Jesus . . . It’s a beautiful story. Then, there’s the magic of Father Christmas, the elves, the North Pole and

all the exciting gifts . . . Well, while it may be too late to start a new Christmas tradition for this Christmas, it’s certainly not too late to start working on one for next year .

Make it festive and exciting for your toddler by introducing him or her to;

Writing a letter to Father Christmas telling him how good they’ve

been and what gifts they would like to receive. Sometimes, if Father Christmas receives his letter well in advance, he either posts a reply

or leaves one next to the Christmas tree . . .

Leave cookies and milk for Father Christmas, because after all,

he’s been travelling all over the world and may be very hungry when he arrives at your house. They’ll be so excited in the morning when they awake to see that the milk and cookies have been eaten, and that a special surprise will

be awaiting him or her under the

Christmas tree.

If you have an exciting tradition that you

practice in your home, please write to tell us about it, and we’ll share it with everyone next

year. So moms and dads, make your toddler feel special and don't forget its all about sharing, bonding, having fun and creating

wonderful memories . . .

Good luck & Merry Christmas


Cherry Picking at

Klondyke Farm, Ceres


The entry fee for cherry picking is R15

per person. The cost of the cherries

picked is R45 kg.

So take your family along and

pick-your-own-cherries at Klondyke Farm!

Spend the day here with your family &

friends and picnic or braai in the shade

under the trees.

Location: Ceres area

Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Alan Garlick

Tel: 023-3121521

Fax: 023-3122877

E-mail: [email protected]

Don’t be stuck

at home this


Bugz Kiddies Play Park by Angela

Is the largest indoor and outdoor kiddies play park in

the Western Cape. Bugz Kiddies Play Park is a colourful ex-travaganza of play equipment and rides and hosts the most fabu-

lous kiddies’ parties in delightful party venues.

For more info, contact . . .

Bugz is open 7 days a week (09h00-17h00), however, the rides are only open weekends, school holidays and public holidays.

Closed: 25 December

A R20 entrance fee per person is charged, however, babies +

and pensioners are not required to pay.

Included in the entrance fee are:

Indoor play area

Train rides


Jungle Gyms


Rope climbing

General Tel: +27 (0)21 988 8836

General Fax: +27 (0)21 988 8846

Physical Address:

56 Tarentaal Street Joostenbergvlakte Kraaifontein

Email Address: [email protected]

Page 4: Good Shepherd Anglican Youth Ministry

Calling on all you budding artists

Just Joking... Q : What did Adam say on

the day before


A: It's Christmas, Eve.

Page 5: Good Shepherd Anglican Youth Ministry

Just Joking…

Q : Why didn't the skeleton go to the Christmas Party?

A: He had no body to go with!

Page 6: Good Shepherd Anglican Youth Ministry

For any student, holiday time can be frustrating

because there isn’t always enough money to do

everything we want to do. We begin to realize

that everything costs money and it becomes frus-

trating or awkward to ask our parents for money

every time and then, they either give us too little

or they simply do not give us money at all and

then it gets to that point where our parents tell

us we need to work for extra cash.

We must realize money does not grow from

trees. However, there is a solution to our money

needs, Holiday Jobs! These two words may not

be what we youngsters want to hear but it can

only benefit us. Nothing beats earning your own

money the good old-fashioned honest way.

Holiday jobs not only bring in money to spend

during the holidays but it also keeps us from the

temptations of the world, and teaches us valuable

lessons such as working in a team, patience,

working under pressure and tolerance and more

importantly how to save money for a rainy day.

For some of us, we are not of the legal age to

start working be it in retail or as a waitron at a res-

taurant, and as a result, begin to feel hopeless.

There is however a solution! Offer your services for

good bucks. Offer to wash windows or do some

gardening or washing cars for example. These are

the services that people tend to look for especially

this time of year leading up to Christmas.

Not only is it easy work, it’s tax-free and you can

work for yourself. Be sure not to exploit your cli-

ents. Work and strive to produce quality to ensure

your clients come back to you to use your services

again, and if all else fails and nobody wants to let

you work for them, how about negotiating with

your mom or dad that for every chore you do over

and beyond your already existing duties you get

paid R10. Sounds minimal but when added up after

watering the garden, cleaning the garden, washing

up dishes, cleaning or dusting the lounge furniture,

and tidying the kitchen or the garage, you’ll end

up with quite a bit of R10's in your pocket. :-)

Are Weekend or

Holiday jobs

Necessary? By Kim

Page 7: Good Shepherd Anglican Youth Ministry


Since you are not allowed

to go clubbing or drink or

smoke because you are

underage, New years

could seem boring be-

cause your parents wont

just let you do what you want which cancels out going drink-

ing or to a club. Drinking, smoking or clubbing is not always

the best for New Years anyway. Personally I think it is not cool if

sweaty, drunk people are brushing up against you in a club be-

cause clubs get full on a New Years Eve.

Instead ask your parents if they are having any friends over to

celebrate New years and whether it would be okay if you do

too. You can always set up your own club with some awesome

music and good food and friends. If you have a pool that’s even

better as you could have a cool island themed New Years party.

Don’t rush to be 18 for New Years. This is the time tragic

accidents happen because of drunk driving. Clubs also become

full and sweaty not to mention the definite pick pocketing that’s

easily done and the sore feet the next day from the heels ladies.

A house party is always the best because nobody need drive

because everyone can sleep over (not as if much sleeping will

be happening) and go home when they are ready.



Fitting in at a tertiary institution by Kim

Attending a tertiary institution is completely different to high school.

Lecturers are not like teachers who make it a point to know your

name and spoon-feed you. It’s an adjustment one needs to make to


successful in one’s studies. The key to a successful studying career is

to worry only about yourself and your work and not how many

friends you can make. The friends come and go as you study.

To further one’s education is a privilege and not to be taken for

granted. But it is here, many individuals start smoking, drinking and

partying more than usual. For some it’s a bad thing and for others

they can deal with the new way of life. However, do not give in to

these tempting activities. It may become a hindrance to ones studies

and hinder ones future.

It is also a place where “dressing to impress” and always having

money seems to be the best way to fit in, but it is not. It is not ideal

to spend your money on materialistic goods. You can make friends

the way you are. Just remember that when it feels like everyone has

deserted you as a friend, know that God will always be there no

matter what. Whether it is the fact that you have passed or failed a

test or exam or assignment, God will be there and not judge you for

one second. Always put your trust in God. He has his plan set out

for you and if not being popular at tertiary level is the plan then so

be it. Do not break your pocket or your parents' pockets just to fit

in. Also do not become someone who you are not because often

the next person can smell your "fakeness".

You are at university or college for yourself and your future and not

for that girl or boy sitting next to you whom you cannot seem to

take your eyes off... They aint worth it!!




2.. .



New Years

Page 8: Good Shepherd Anglican Youth Ministry


Egg Workshop


Tuesday pancake


Anglican Prayer

Bead Workshop

Young Adults

Sushi evening

20 1 1 year

at a glance

Page 9: Good Shepherd Anglican Youth Ministry

New Year’s resolutions are personal commitments that we make to

one or more goals, projects etc. Deadline...accomplish by the end of that

year. Examples include: Donating money to the poor, become more

Assertive, Find a new job, Lose weight, Read the bible regularly

New year’s resolutions are made, as new year’s day, is a symbol of a new

beginning and a brand new opportunity to better one’s self.

For Christians, another opportunity to make positive changes, is during the period of Lent and Advent.

Not many people stick to their resolutions, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but the fact that they

set time aside to think about the new year ahead of them, and the fact that they have identified goals

they wish to achieve for that year, is a step in the right direction.

Try to:

Choose no more than 5 resolutions

Choose reasonable resolutions

Stick to each of them for at least 6 weeks, thereafter, you’ll know whether

to use it or lose it . . .

By Angela

Reliving the journey of

the Three Wise Men…

On a Camel By Angela

Why not take your kids for a camel ride at Imhoff Farm.

There are three camels available for rides, gentle enough for

your kids to enjoy and the jerky two metre ascent will keep

things exciting. You are welcome to join them for the ride

too. There are many other things to do at Imhoff so book a

slot at the hut by the entrance when you arrive and then have

a look around their farmyard or the shops while you wait

your turn.

Price: Short rides: R50 for adults, R30 for children, scenic ride

(30 minutes): R150

Opening times: Tue-Sun and public holidays: 12pm – 4pm

Imhoff Farm | Kommetjie | Cape Town | +27 (0)21 789 1711





Nicole Cavanagh



Page 10: Good Shepherd Anglican Youth Ministry
Page 11: Good Shepherd Anglican Youth Ministry

Either way an exciting outing could also be awesome such as

a ride together on the Wheel of Excellence in the Water-

front or going to a sunset concert at Kirstenbosch Bo-

tanical Gardens for example. If either ones parents insist

on going with as a chaperone (which I highly suggest), it

would be great because not only can they see what you

are up to but they can enjoy themselves too and a happy

parent equals a happy child.

It is very easy to purchase a bad gift in the event of trying

to impress your friends or your partner too much.

The following items are no go zones because they mean

nothing special and in most instances you are too young

for some activities. Be sure to not buy a gift anybody else

can buy too. Your gift must be special and always remem-


What NOT to get:


Knife/ Pocket knife

Chocolates (everyone gives chocolates)

Personal clothing items

A gift voucher (some may see it as you didn’t

bother to look and a voucher was the easiest)

Always remember to buy something meaningful even if it’s

small and does not cost hundreds of Rands. Your GF or

BF will like the gift regardless of the price tag. Remember

this is not a competition between you and your friends of

who gives or receives the best gift if you are genuine about

your girlfriend or boyfriend and love them regardless.

The perfect gift for your

Girlfriend or Boyfriend But are they appropriate or not?

by Kim I must admit that I did not have a boyfriend at this age to

really know what is the perfect gift for a boyfriend, how-

ever in 2011 more and more youngsters have boyfriends

and girlfriends. We are headed for Christmas time which

for many is an exciting time for sharing presents and

showing our love and appreciation to a certain someone

special. The perfect gift need not be expensive.

I remember my perfect gift from my boyfriend was a sim-

ple picnic with each other’s company. It would make the

picnic idea or going out for supper a lot easier if your

parents knew your girlfriend or boyfriend and you’ve

brought them to the house and introduced him or her as

your partner.

However if you find a picnic or supper too boring or old

fashioned, there are plenty other options as the perfect

gift for your "gf" or "bf".

What to get him, how about a jacket he really wants, a

watch, A PS games or Cologne and how about a hand-

bag, Perfume, Jewelry or Flowers (her favorite of

course) for her.

Page 12: Good Shepherd Anglican Youth Ministry