goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. thanks to karl desai, simone...

goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Volume 31 | Issue 3 | August 2013

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Page 1: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds


Volume 31 | Issue 3 | August 2013

Page 2: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

Calendar Of Events

Month Events Dates

Aug 2013

Sunday School starts at 10.30am with pot luck lunchCarrom TournamentNavroze and Khordad Sal CelebrationsWorking Bee


Sep 2013Sunday School starts at 10.30am with pot luck lunchSeniors’ Get TogetherWorking Bee & AGM at 3.30pm


Oct 2013

Sunday School Sports Day 10.30am and Jashne MeherganAZA Table Tennis TournamentSeniors’ Get TogetherWorking Bee


Nov 2013Sunday School starts at 10.30am with pot luck lunchSeniors’ Get TogetherWorking Bee


Dec 2013Sunday School starts at 10.30am. End-of-year PartyAZA Annual Cricket MatchZarthost-no-Diso Jashan and Ghambar


First Sunday of the monthSunday School

Third Sunday of the month Seniors Get Together

Last Sunday of the month Working Bee

Page 3: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

AZA PresidentKersi [email protected] PresidentSarosh Irani [email protected] Dhanbhoora [email protected] [email protected]

Member 1Rohinton Ghista [email protected] 2Mahiyar [email protected] Australian Zoroastrian Association of NSWEmails to the committee may please be sent to:[email protected]

AZA Committee

Left to right Hutokshi Hira, Dr Schahryar Amanat, Kaikhosrow Ostowari, Nauzer Bana, Dr Peshotan Katrak, Akhtar Ostowari and Dr Keyoumars Keyanian (not in photo)

AZA Trustees

Page 4: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

Dear AZA Community

A few days of winter weather will remain when you get to read this issue of the Manashni. We started the winter season with the regular Sunday school on 2nd June. Some of the parents took the initiative to organise a catered lunch where all the regular Sunday school parents shared the cost. This was followed by the scheduled annual AZA Ghambar on Sunday 9th June. The full report with photos is included in this issue.The Carrom Tournament which was scheduled for May has been postponed and rescheduled to Sunday 11th August.The next major AZA event is the Shenshahi New Year scheduled on Sunday 18th August. Full details have been emailed to the community. There will be a Jashan in the morning followed by festive New Year lunch.Some of the visitors to AZA house may have noticed the 40 foot shipping container towards the far eastern end of the property. This is the container that I wrote about in the May issue. It has been installed on the foundation prepared by the working bee. On 30th June a team of 19 Zoroastrian youth came to the working bee and gave the container a fresh coat of paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah Dastur, Farah Mody, Ferina Behrana, Rayomand Medhora, Aarish Doodha, Xerxes Karai, Friya Kermani, Nishad Engineer, Cyrus Dholoo, Merzi Mody, Meherzad Variava, Avan Jussawalla, and Naasha Dorabjee. You can see the container work in the photos included. Most of the equipment in the new AZA kitchen is installed. The Certificate of Occupancy is however pending.Zoroastrians in Sydney and NSW, we hope you have updated your contact details at the following website: A reminder email was sent on the 7th July. Soon after the June Ghambar, Pheroza Daruwalla took the initiative to organised a fun night for the early teenagers – Years 9 -12 students. The night of Saturday 13th July was selected as it was the last weekend of the school holidays. Over 30 youth showed up for the evening. It attracted as many older teenagers and

youth as it did the younger teenagers. The parents who came to drop off the kids socialised over dinner at Kashi Indian restaurant. It was a successful evening and these youth would like to have a repeat event. According to the AZA calendar for 2012-2013 the AGM will be held on Sunday 29th September at 3:30pm. Any paid member (2013-2014 financial year) can submit their nomination for the AZA Management Committee as well as for the elected Trustee. I can confirm that some of the committee members from the current team will not continue in their committee roles. We invite members from the community to commit their time, knowledge and energy by nominating to join and be part of the AZA Management team 2013-2014. For your information according to our constitution the management committee typically comprises 7 persons - 4 office bearers and 3 ordinary members.I would like to thank all those who paid their pending AZA membership fee for the financial year gone past. It is now time for the AZA membership fees for the 2013-2014 financial year. Thank you for your support.

Kersi ParekhHon. AZA President

President’s Report

Manashni EditorFarhad [email protected] 5696

Manashni Layout DesignNadish [email protected] 936 836

Page 5: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

Dear membersWith the tax returns behind us, it’s time to focus our attention back to the AZA activities for the second half of the year which kicks off with the Carrom tournament most likely underway even as you read this. Other sporting events to follow are the table tennis and cricket tournaments, ample opportunity for the sports inclined among you to have some fun and show off your sporting prowess.

In contrast to the previous years, this year the committee have organised a Jashan followed by a traditional lunch to celebrate the Shashenshahi New Year. Capacity at the Darbe-Meher is limited, so make sure you book early to avoid missing out.

Browsing through the popular social media platform LinkedIn, it was heartening to see a number of Sydney Zoroastrians in senior corporate positions and others thriving in their own business. What we lack in numbers we make up in leadership qualities, entrepreneurship and a desire to excel in our chosen profession. With some of the current AZA committee members stepping down at the end of their tenure, there’s an opportunity for our dynamic leaders to step in and contribute their time and talent for the benefit of the Sydney Zoroastrian community. While career and family commitments can be strenuous and demanding, the satisfaction of serving the community is one of the most rewarding experiences…one with few parallels in today’s hedonistic society.

To those among you who own a business, the Manashni is a cost effective medium to reach a highly

Editor’s Reporttargeted audience of mainly affluent readers with a high disposable income. The new advertising rates that have now come into effect offer advertisers the opportunity to advertise their products or services in two consecutive issues for one affordable investment.

You may have noticed an increase in articles contributed by our members. I would like to thank everyone who made the effort and have taken the time to contribute to the Manashni and encourage other members to hit the keyboard and send in more contributions. Have you seen an interesting article or viewed a website that could be of interest to the wider community? We would love to hear about them. The

Missing Parsi website featured in this issue is an invaluable resource to help some of you reconnect with long lost friends or relatives. Who knows what other gems are out there in the ether.

Those among you who enjoy the recipes that are now a regular feature are invited to send in your own creations if you would like these to be published in future issues. Please also send us photos of your mouthwatering delicacies so these can appear alongside the recipes.

I hope you enjoy reading this issue and welcome your feedback and contributions.

Farhad [email protected]

Page 6: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

Players who have registered for the tournament, get set for an exciting day. Entries for the tournament are now closed.

If you have a carrom board please bring it along.

Lunch is not included, so please remember to bring some pot luck lunch, so you can grab a bite during the lunch break.

The carrom tournament is being hosted by the AZA committee with the help of the Demehri family.

AZA Carrom Tournament & Pot Luck Lunch Postponed to Sunday, 11 August 2013

Venue: AZA Darbe-MehrDate: 11 August 2013Registration: 9am Any arrivals after 9.30 am may be declined Entry Fee per game: Members $5 Non-Members $8

There will be two groups - A and B and 2 games - singles and doubles. (No games for Juniors)

To have a successful competition of singles and doubles, we require the use of at least six carrom boards. Participants who have access to a board are requested to kindly advise the organisers if they can bring it along with them for the tournament. Those of you have a table for the boards are requested to bring this along as well.

As you are aware, the new financial year commences on 1st July 2013, and we would request you to renew your membership at the earliest. May we also request you to urge your Zoroastrian friends who are not yet members to show their support to the Zoroastrian community in Sydney, by becoming members.

The following is the fee structure:

- $80 family member - $40 single member - $25 seniors or fulltime overseas students under 25 years Direct deposit from your bank account can be made

Have You Renewed Your Membership for 2013-14?

to; AZA, (Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062 140, A/C No. 00902574) along with your permanent ID number or name in the description of the direct debit for identification purposes. Alternatively you may post a cheque Farrokh Dhanbhoora Hon AZA Treasurer 54 Macquarie Avenue, Kellyville NSW 2155 We urge you to please renew your membership. Do it now before you forget.

Thanking you and looking forward to your continued support of the Zoroastrian community in Sydney.

Page 7: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

New Rates for Advertising in ManashniWant to promote your business through the Manash-ni? With the new rates, it’s never beenmore affordable.

Advertising rates are as follows:


The advertisement will be run over 2 consecutive issues of Manashni and should be provided in PDF format 30 days before the publication date.

It’s time again for your favourite meet and greet event of the year. This year the celebrations will begin with a Jashan at 10:30am followed by a festive lunch. So dress up in your best and head over to the Darbe-Meher.Enjoy a traditional lunch of prawns, chicken, vegetarian fare and dessert. BYO drinks and juices of your choice. Soft drinks and snacks will be supplied.

Registration DetailsMembersAdults $30Senior members $25Children (5-13 years) $15Children under 5 years FreeNon Members:Adults including seniors $45 Children (5-13 years) $20Children under 5 years Free

Click on the link below to include your details and number of persons attending in the online

AZA Shahenshahi New Year Celebrations 18th August 2013

Preferred method of payment:1. Direct Debit to AZA, (Commonwealth Bank,

BSB 062 140, A/C No. 00902574).2. Deposit cash at any Commonwealth Bank branch

into AZA account No. 009025743. Cheque – post to Farrokh Dhanbhoora (Treasurer

AZA), 54 Macquarie Avenue, Kellyville, NSW, 2155.

4. Include your full name and number of persons, to help the Treasurer identify payments.

email: [email protected] make the payment before the cut off date Wednesday 14 August 2013. No payments will be accepted at the venue on the event dayThe committee will not be able to accept registrations after a total of 250 persons is confirmed or after 14 August, the cut off date.

To take advantage of members rate, ensure your membership is renewed for the 2013-2014 financial year before the event date (Ordinary Member fees - Family $80; Senior $25; Single $40).

Page 8: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah


We are a market research agency seeking people of all ages. Sessions

are informative, fun, interesting and pay generous CA$H incentives. Attend market

research discussion groups/interviews, have your say and pick up some extra

cash by helping.

Fashion Cars Food Beverages Telecommunications Insurance

and many many more!

To register your interest please contact Homai.Email: [email protected]: 02-9834 2348


Page 9: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.


Shipping Container Finds a New Home at the AZA

Remember the pledge you made to get in some serious practice so you could have a crack at the title?Yes, a year has whizzed by, and you haven’t really practiced have you? It’s not too late yet. Get out your racquets and iron out the kinks in your game. Seniors, you put up a great show last year. Can we expect the same this year too?Venue: THORNLEIGH INDOOR SPORTS STADIUM

Date: SUNDAY 13 OCTOBER 2013 FROM 9AM TO 3PMEvent Details: Men’s Singles A & B Grade Men’s Doubles A & B Grade Ladies’ Singles A & B Grade Ladies’ Doubles A & B Grade Mixed Doubles Under 14 Singles Veterans’ Singles (Over 60 yrs)

Page 10: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

This year our Gahambar & Jashan took place on Sunday 9th June 2013 and it also happened to be the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. The weather was sunny and fine to hold the Jashan in the fresh outdoors. Attendance was estimated at around 280.

The morning began with the Jashan conducted by our Mobeds – Tim Desai, Karl Desai, Beghzad Bana, Homeher Bana and Darian Shalori. Our thanks to them all.

There was a variety food contributed by the


Registration: Single entry for multiple events: $15 for members and $20 for non- members (includes 3 events)Single entry for any one event: $5 for members and $10 for non-members

Registration should be made by email only, before 5 October 2013

Zareer Reporter [email protected] Daver [email protected] Pestonji [email protected](please do not type ‘i’ at end of ‘cpestonj’)

Entry Fees to be paid at the venue to Zareer Reporter on the day of the event(NO REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE VENUE on the day of the tournament as draws will be made in advance)

To help us avoid delays, please ensure you are available at the venue when required. If you are not available to play your match, your opponent will have the right to request a walkover and will proceed automatically to the next round.

By Niloufer Dang

Community which included fruits, dry fruits & nuts and the traditional sev, ravo, malido etc. Not to forget the Dhansak Dal, Rice, Kebabs and Kachumber which made up Lunch for the day. This was followed by some Jalebis.

Page 11: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

Thank you to all who helped set up the outdoor area and then assisted in putting away the chairs & tables.Thank you to all the ladies and gents who worked

silently and continuously in the kitchen to ensure all the food was warmed up and ready to be served and the kitchen was cleaned up later. Credit goes

to the ladies of our Seniors Committee, who with their experience and team work made sure all went smoothly.And last but not the least, thank you for all your

contributions of homemade Dal, Rice, Kebabs, Kachumber and other items which were enjoyed on this day by one and all.

Page 12: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

Get Together of ‘Young Ones’ at AZA HouseJuly 13, 2013Some 30+ youngsters assembled at AZA House on July 13 to party and extend their friend circle. Their parents and younger siblings did the same at Kashi Indian Restaurant. The merry makers were entertained through the hard work of Xerxes, Friya, Farah and Zeenia who had put their heads together to come up with a range of fun activities to get them mixing and chatting.

Simone and Karl also lent their services to set up and have the party cleared up. Games like Fruit Salad and Trivia kept all the young ones ranging from Year 9 to older youngsters busy and interacting. Additionally like all good Zoro kids they had brought food and drinks to share, dinner was pizza and salad (of which not a lot was consumed). Parents and friends went back to join up for dessert, tea and coffee at 10 pm and a long Zoro farewell ensued – with the Darbe Meher being finally locked up well past 11!

New friends were made, old friends re-connected – and the stellar work of Goolie Variava and Meher Parekh helped in rounding up the kids and parents from the North West and South Sydney. Let’s hope that this is the start of many more such events so our kids get to know each other and keep the next generations of the Zoro community connected. Don’t worry if you missed out this time – there will be other opportunities and we would love to see more Year 9-12s join in.

By Pheroza Daruwalla

Page 13: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

Are You Looking for a Long Lost Parsi Relative or Friend?Remember the great times you shared with your close friends in childhood? Perhaps you remembered someone who was the life of a party and always brought a smile to your face. Often the memories trigger a desire to reconnect and rediscover the bond once shared.

If you ever thought finding a long lost relative or friend was like finding a needle in the haystack, all hope is not lost. Yes, you can now find your long lost Parsi friend. All you need to do is head over to, a website run by Ader Gandi and send a request. If you’re lucky someone,

somewhere in the ether could heed your call and establish a connection.

Even better, once you make a request, you don’t have to frequent the website to check for a response. Sign up to the facebook page and you’ll be automatically notified when there’s an update on The Missing Parsi.

So go ahead and check out the website. Who knows, somewhere in the world someone right now could be searching for you.

Khao Pio & Jio Majani Life!!!

Yummolicious home cooked bhonu for all your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Get together or any

Joyous occasion.

Some specialties: Great choice of mouth watering items

Honey glazed chicken wings Fantastic value

Patrani Macchi Guaranteed satisfaction of taste

Sali Gosh/Margi Variety of cuisines


Butter Chicken

Cost depending on quantity and items required. Order for minimum 10 people and also per kilogram. For full menu please email [email protected] or contact Ronny: 0402 304 607; Beroz: 0422 632 607

Page 14: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

Recipes to DelightRun out of ideas or bored of the same routine dishes? Check out these delicious recipes. Improvise and add your own personal touch to serve a meal your family will love.

Parsi Mutton CutletsServes 4Ingredients• 250 gm mutton mince• 1 tsp ginger paste• 1 tsp garlic paste• 1 green chilli, coarsely ground• 1/2 tsp turmeric• 1 tsp red chilli powder• 1/2 tsp clove-cinnamon

powder• 2 Tbsp potatoes, boiled and

mashed• 5-6 pudina leaves, chopped

coarsley• 1 Tbsp chopped coriander• Salt, to taste• Bread crumbs, to coat• 4 eggs, whisked (to coat the

cutlets)• Oil to deep fryDirectionsIn a bowl take the mince and massage it with your hands for 3-4 minutes.

Now add the ginger paste, garlic paste, green chilli, turmeric, red chilli powder, clove-cinnamon powder, mashed potato, pudina, dhaniya and salt. Mix it well.

Make medium sized round patties (makes around 5-6). Coat the cutlets with bread crumbs from

both sides. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Whisk eggs. Coat the refrigerated cutlets in the egg mixture. Deep fry in hot oil till golden brown from both sides.

Serve with sliced onions and chutney. Squeeze some lemon juice on top if you want.

Sali Marghi (Chicken in thinly cut fries)Serves 4Ingredients• 3 Tbsp oil• 1 cup onions, chopped• 1 Tbsp ginger, chopped• 2 tsp garlic paste• 1 ½ cup tomato puree• ½ Tbsp red chilli powder (for

color)• ¼ Tbsp turmeric• 1 green chilli, chopped• ½ Tbsp garam masala• 7 -8 chicken pieces (Leg and

thigh)• Salt, to taste• Water• 1 ½ Tbsp zeera powder• Sali, to top the dish (Deep

fried potato lachchas)


In a deep pan add oil Once its hot, add chopped onions, ginger and garlic paste. Saute till the onions are golden brown. Strain any extra oil.Now add the tomato puree. Cook for 3-4 minutes.Add chilli powder, turmeric, green chilli and garam masala. Saute till the oil lifts up.Add the chicken pieces. Coat them nicely with the masala and add salt.Add the water (enough to cover the chicken partially), cover the vessel and let it simmer for 20 minutes.Now add the zeera powder. Mix well. Cook till the gravy has thickened and the chicken is cooked.Before serving top it with a handful of sali.

Ash-e-reshteh (Soup with beans, noodles and herbs)Ingredients• ½ cup chickpeas, soaked

overnight in water to cover • ¼ cup kidney beans, soaked

overnight in water to cover

Page 15: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

• ½ cup dried fava beans, soaked overnight in water to cover, or 1 1/2 cups frozen lima beans

• 3 onions • 7 tablespoons olive oil • 5 cloves garlic, minced • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric • ¼ cup dried lentils • 14 cups vegetable or chicken

stock • Salt • 1 large handful fresh mint

leaves, torn into pieces • 6 ounces thin egg noodles or

linguine, broken into thirds • 1 bunch leafy greens,

stemmed, and coarsely chopped

• ¼ cup fresh dill leaves, minced

• ½ cup fresh cilantro, minced• ½ cup fresh flat-leaf parsley,

minced• 2 cups plain yogurt

Directions Dice one of the onions. Heat a large pot over medium-high heat and add 4 tablespoons of the olive oil. Add the onion and sauté until lightly browned, about 5 minutes. Drain and rinse the chickpeas, kidney beans, and fava beans, and add them to the onion along with 4 of the minced cloves of garlic, the turmeric, and lentils. Sauté for 1 minute, then add the stock and bring to a boil. Boil the beans, covered, for 1 hour. Tilt the lid so the pot is partially covered and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 1 1/2 hours. Season with salt. Slice the remaining 2 onions into thin half moons. Heat a sauté pan over high heat and add the remaining 3 tablespoons olive oil. Add the onions and fry, stirring

frequently, until the onions are brown and caramelized. Add the remaining garlic and the mint and sauté for 1 minute. Season with salt and set aside. Add the noodles to the soup and cook until tender, 6 to 8 minutes. When the noodles are almost done, add the leafy greens and the fresh herbs and cook for 2 minutes. Serve with a large dollop of yogurt and a few tablespoons of the sautéed onion mixture.

Khoresht Gol Kalam (Cauliflower Stew)Serves 4

Ingredients• 1 Medium Cauliflower• 226g Stew Beef• 1 Small Onion• Turmeric, Salt, Ground Chili

Pepper, Persian Spice Mix (Advieh)

• 1 Lime• 4 Tbsp Vegetable Oil• 1 Tbsp Tomato Paste

Directions Dice the onion.Chop stew beef in small pieces.Boil 4-5 Cups Water.Fry the onions in a small pot with 2 tbsp vegetable oil until translucent .Add the Chopped Stew beef to the pot, stir and continue frying until the beef becomes brown. Add Turmeric and salt stir and continue frying for 2 more minutes.

Pour in enough boiling water to the pot to cover the mixture by 2 inches (Approx. 1.5 cup Boiling water). Cover the pot with the lid and simmer it for 75 minutes.Meanwhile, fry the cauliflowers with 2 tbsp Vegetable oil in a pot.Add 2 tbsp fresh lime juice to the pot.Add ground chili pepper and salt to the pot.Add 1 tbsp tomato paste to the pot and mix well.Add the beef mixture to the cauliflower’s pot, mix thoroughly and add boiling water until it covers the mixture.Cover the pot with the lid and continue cooking for 15 minutes at low heat.

Page 16: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

Member’s Column

Welcome to SydneyCyrus Dholoo arrived in Sydney from the United States.Address: Unit 907, 23 Shelley Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Welcome to our WorldAvamaria Rose Gluga was born on 18th October 2012 in Auckland, New Zealand to proud parents Nazneen and Elvis Gluga. Proud grandparents Gulnar and Aspy Irani, Sydney

Jasmine Kapoor was born on 16th December 2012 in Sydney to proud parents Anahita and Niraj Kapoor of Singapore. Proud grandparents Minoo Chinoy; Prakash & Neena Kapoor

Daniel Rashidi was born on 20th April 213. Proud parents, Farnaz Demehri and Farhad Rashidi. Proud grandparents Mehrangiz Ziatabari and Jamshid Demehri

Wedding CongratulationsRayomand Medhora (son of Jimmy and Zarin Medhora) and Binaifer Doodha (daughter ofJahangir and Kashmira Doodha) were married on May 4th 2013, in Sydney

Navjote CongratulationsOn 7th January 2013, Arshan Sorab Daver had his Navjote ceremony in Vancouver Canada. Arshan is the son of Sorab and Huzan Daver of Sydney. Brother of Sherzan. Proud grandparents Minu and Roshan Daver of Mumbai.

Call From the EditorAre you in the process of building a new home or have been through the experience of constructing a home...or perhaps you’re in the residential construction industry? I am planning to write an article on the trials and tribulations of home building in NSW in a forthcoming issue of Manashni and would like your input. Please contact me at [email protected] and I will organise a time to interview you. Your contribution will be duly acknowledged or you may choose to remain anonymous.

Rest in PeaceNina Bhavngri passed away on 16 May 2013Nina was beloved wife of Viraf. Mother of Burzin, Simonil and Kobad. Mother-in-law of Anoshi Bhavnagri and Shaheed Mehta; and grandmother of Kamron and Sanober.

Page 17: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.

Kidz KornerAboriginal PoemBy Nazneen Billimoria

There were kids out there who were taken away.Tried to escape and find a safe place to stayPlaying and dancing without any joyStill missing their family, their love to enjoy.

Starving, afraid, looking everywhere for themCrying, dying, suffocated by the white men.Parents, their names crying, “Where are you?”Looking everywhere but not finding any clue.

Because of the white men this has all happenedThey were takenIt brought so much harm.

But now we have learntWhat we did was wrong.

Riddles By Farshid Khurshed

What do elves learn in school?The elf-abet

Why did the boy bring a ladder to school?He wanted to go to high school.

Where do pencils go for vacation?Pencil-vania

Why did the girl smear peanut butter on the road?To go with the traffic jam!

Why do bananas have to put on sunscreen before they go to the beach?Because they might peel!

Which flower talks the most?Tulips, of course, ‘cause they have two lips!

What did the mushroom say to the fungus?You’re a fun guy [fungi]

What do you call an underwater spy?James Pond!

JokesBy Surosh KhurshedA prisoner, after many years, is finally released.He runs around yelling, “I’m free! I’m free!”A little kid walks up to him and says, “So what, I’m 4.”

A man had a pet centipede. He said, “centipede, go get the paper and make it snappy!”A half an hour later the man went

outside and said, “I thought I told you to get the paper a half an hour ago!”“Well, I had to put on my shoes,” said the centipede.

A man was driving in his car got a call from his wife on his cell phone. She was really frantic and yelled, “Honey, I just heard on the news that there is a car going the wrong way on the highway! Be careful!”He replied, “Honey, there isn’t just one, there are hundreds of them!”

A man was looking for a person to paint his porch, so he hired a young lady and told her what to do. After about 30 minutes, the lady came to the door and said “I’m done.” The man asked “how did you get done so fast?” The lady said “it was hard at first, but it got easier towards the end. And by the way, it’s a Ferrarri not a Porsche.”

A mother walked into her son’s room and said cheerfully, “Up. Up. It’s time to go to school.”The son replied, “I don’t want to go to school.”“You have to go,” the mother said.“I hate that school. The kids are mean and rotten.”“You still have to go, “ exclaimed the mother.“It’s like jungle. One fight after another. They threaten me at least 100 times a day!” cried the son.“You have to go to school!!”“Why must I go?” pleaded the son.“Because,” replied the mother, “You are the principal!”

Page 18: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.


Nominee:I, Mr/Mrs/Ms

……………………. …… ………….......……… ……………………....... …………………...(First Name) (Surname) (Signature) (Date)

A financial member of the Australian Zoroastrian Association of NSW Inc (AZA) 2013– 2014, would like to nominate myself as a candidate for the Board of Directors of the AZA in the election to be held at the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 29th September 2013.

Proposer:I, Mr / Mrs / Ms

……………………. …… ………….......……… ……………………....... …………………...(First Name) (Surname) (Signature) (Date)

A financial member of the Australian Zoroastrian Association of NSW Inc (AZA) 2013 – 2014, I would like to propose the Nominee as a candidate for the Board of Directors of the AZA in the election to be held at the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 29th September 2013.


I, Mr/Mrs/Ms

……………………. …… ………….......……… ……………………....... …………………...(First Name) (Surname) (Signature) (Date)

A financial member of the Australian Zoroastrian Association of NSW would like to second the Nominee as a candidate for the Board of Directors of the AZA in the election to be held at the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 29th September 2013.

PS: Please ensure that all nominations are mailed to the registered office of the Company, 196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove NSW 2156 to reach latest by Saturday, 14 September 2013

Important NoteIt is essential for all members who are filling in the Nomination form to be the current financial member of AZA which begins from 1st July 2013 to 30th June 2014 as per our constitution. If not a financial member this form will be void.

Page 19: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

196 Annangrove Road, Annangrove, NSW 2156.


I, ....................................................................................................... being a current financial member

of the Australian Zoroastrian Association 2013 – 2014 hereby appoint ………………………………


Or failing him / her .................................................................................................................................

of…………………………………………………………………………………… as my proxy to vote

for me on my behalf at the Annual / Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association (as the case

may be), to be held on the ............................. day of September 2013 and at any adjournment thereof.

My proxy is hereby authorised to vote in favour of/against the following resolutions.


Signed this ................................ day of .................................... 2013

NOTE: i) In the event of the member desiring to vote for or against any resolution he/she shall instruct his/her proxy accordingly.*ii) Unless otherwise instructed, the proxy may vote as he/she thinks fit.*

* Delete whichever is not desired.

Important Note: It is essential for all members who are filling in the Proxy form to be the current financial member of AZA which begins from 1st July 2013 to 30th June 2014 as per our constitution. If not a financial member this form will be void.

Page 20: goodthoughts goodwords gooddeeds Manashni · 2019. 7. 17. · paint. Thanks to Karl Desai, Simone Balsara, Kainaaz Variava, Parinaz Billimoria, Neville Mehta, Yazhad Gheesta, Farah

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