google drive vs. microsoft office 365 - let the competition begin!

Google Drive vs. Microsoft Office 365 - Let the Competition Begin! Eric Wilson If you have a question during the webinar, please type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand. This will help streamline *

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Google Drive vs. Microsoft Office 365 - Let the Competition Begin!. *. Eric Wilson. If you have a question during the webinar, please type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand. This will help streamline the question and answer process. Online Documentation System. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Google Drive vs. Microsoft Office

365 - Let the Competition Begin!

Eric WilsonIf you have a question during the webinar, please type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand. This will help streamline the question and answer process.


Online Documentation System

• The concept really began with Google and their Google Apps• Google Apps began in 2006• Gmail was the first app to be developed• Google Apps followed a few months later

• Google for Education (almost free) and Google for Business• Today more and more companies are competing with the head

macho, Microsoft Office• Google Drive, among others, make documentation online and synchronized

across the board.

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Competition – GoogleDrive vs Microsoft 365

• Both offer online documentation design, allowing you to do• Word processing• Spreadsheet• Presentation• Some database design

• Documents are stored using their own system which are backed up every night• Google = GoogleDrive• Microsoft = SkyDrive

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Google Pricing

• Free for Standard• Education and Business each have some cost• In addition to Gdrive, there is Gmail and who suite of awesome

online tools• Connections to computer, mobile devices and even smartphones

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Microsoft Pricing

• Starts at $99.99 for Home Premium5 Computers and 4 devices

• Includes latest version of Microsoft Office Windows and Mac• Online WebApp of Word, Excel, and PPT (Access on Windows ONLY)• 60 minutes of International Skype• 20gb of SkyDrive Storage

• Different levels of planning for home and business needs

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Demo ModePlease stand by – remain seated! Don’t touch that dial!

Which would you chose? Why?

• Ask yourself what do you need what and how much of it• Example 1 – basic word processing and spreadsheet = GoogleDoc• Example 2 – sophisticated word processing or spreadsheet = Office with

understanding some of the advanced stuff my not work with WebApp

• If you like Apple and basics – iWorks iCloud is coming out this month• I can show you my beta testing

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Colleges Using Google and Google Drive

Microsoft 365 in Education

• Microsoft restructured their program and became available in the last few weeks. •

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• I Hardenburgh (7/15/2013) Google Apps v. Office 365: Head-to-Head comparison of features. TechRepublic U.S.• A. Jesdanun (8/31/2013) Review: GoogleDocs vs Apple iWork vs

Office. USA Today – Tech Section pp 11-15)• D. Raths (6/4/2013): Google Apps vs. Office 365 – In choosing

between Microsoft’s and Google’s cloud offerings must weigh a raft of issues ranging from regulatory compliance to interoperability-an no one solution may fit the bill”. Campus Technology

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