google transliteration ime

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  • 8/2/2019 Google Transliteration IME



    Google Transliteration IME is an input method editor which allows users to enter text in one of thesupported languages using a roman keyboard. Users can type a word the way it sounds using

    Latin characters and Google Transliteration IME will convert the word to its native script. Note thatthis is not the same as translation -- it is the sound of the words that is converted from onealphabet to the other, not their meaning. Converted content will always be in Unicode. For

    example, typing "hamesha" transliterates into Hindi as: and typing "salaam" transliterates

    into Persian as:

    Google Transliteration IME is available for 22 different languages - Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, Farsi(Persian), Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi,Russian, Sanskrit, Serbian, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu, Tigrinyaand Urdu.

    Sample status window and the edit window for Hindi IME are shown below. For simplicity, HindiIME is used as an example at most places in this help page.



    To install,download(If you are on a 64-bit Windows, make sure you have selected the 64-bit radiobutton in the download page) and run the installer and follow the instructions on screen.

    More than one language IME can be installed on the same client machine.

    Requirements are Windows 7/Vista/XP 32-bit/64-bit operating systems.

    Only one instance of IME will be installed per machine but theconfigurationis done for each user using IME.
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    To uninstall, follow these steps:

    1. Click on the "Start" menu.2. Select "Control Panel" and then go to "Add or Remove Programs".3. In the program list, select the "Google Input", click on "Change/Remove" button.4. By default, "Retain my personal data with settings" option will be checked, which will not clean your

    personal customizations like display font, user correction cache etc., as part of uninstall. Uncheck the option, ifyou want to clean all your personal settings information.

    5. In the "Uninstall Google Input" dialog box, click "Yes".


    If you want to use IME with any application like notepad, you must first open the application andthen open our IME. IME can be opened by clicking on the language bar on the desktop and thenselecting the IME language icon or through a shortcut key if it's already configured. To close IME,you can change the language in language bar or try right clicking on the current application to seewhether it supports 'Close IME' popup menu option or by closing the current application.

    Displaying Language Bar

    In desktop, right click on tool bar and select Toolbars -> Language bar

    Enabling Language Bar

    If the 'Language bar' option is not visible in 'Toolbars', then it needs to be enabled through control panel:

    Windows 7/Vista

    1. Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Keyboard and Languages tab2. Click on Change keyboards... button to open Text services and input languages dialog

    3. Navigate to Language Bar tab4. Enable the radio button Docked in the taskbar under Language Bar section5. Apply all settings and try to display language bar as mentioned in previous section.

    Windows XP

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    1. Go to Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Languages tab -> Text services and inputlanguages (Details) -> Advanced Tab

    2. Make sure that under System configuration, option Turn off advanced text services is NOT checked.3. Go to Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Languages tab -> Text services and input

    languages (Details) -> Settings Tab4. Click Language Bar5. Select Show the Language bar on the desktop. Click OK.6. If you are installing the IME for East Asian language or Right-To-Left language, go to Control Panel -

    > Regional and Language Options -> Languages Tab7. Make sure that options Install files for complex scripts and right to left languages and Install files for

    East Asian languages are checked in the checkboxes. This requires installation of system files and thesystem will prompt to insert the Operating System Disc.

    8. Apply all settings and try to display language bar as mentioned in previous section.

    IME Shortcut

    A shortcut key sequence can be applied to the IME as follows which can be used to quickly enable IME for any in-

    focus application:

    Windows 7/Vista

    1. Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Keyboard and Languages tab2. Click on Change keyboards... button to open Text services and input languages dialog3. Navigate to Advanced Key Settings tab4. If Google Input is not listed in Installed Services box, then click Add and in Add Input

    languagedialog box, go to the language for which you want to enable IME in the languages tree and expandthe node. Check the checkbox next to Google Input in the list.

    5. In Hot keys for input languages Select To - Google Input6. Press Change Key Sequence7. Select Enable Key Sequence8. Select option like Left ALT + SHIFT + Key 19. Apply all changes10. Now opening an application like notepad and pressing Left ALT + SHIFT + Key 1 should open the IME.

    Windows XP

    1. Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Languages tab -> Text services and inputlanguages (Details) -> Settings Tab

    2. If either or Google Input not listed in Installed Services box, then click Add andin Add Input language dialog box, select in Input language and Google Input in Keyboard layout/IME. Click OK

    3. Press Key Settings4. In Hot keys for input languages, Select Switch to -Google Input5. Press Change Key Sequence6. Select Enable Key Sequence7. Select option like Left ALT + SHIFT + Key 1

    8. Apply all changes9. Now opening an application like notepad and pressing Left ALT + SHIFT + Key 1 should open the IME.


    Status Window

    Whenever you enable our IME for an application either through a shortcut or through languagebar, its status window will be visible on the screen. By default it will be placed at the bottom rightcorner of your desktop which can also be moved around. It is used for more configuration andcontrolling various features of our IME. It has three to five icons (depending on the language andfeatures available) with leftmost being the application icon. Next to it are IME language indicatorbutton, keyboard button (not present for Amharic and Tigrinya), canonical mode button (Thisbutton will be present if you have anycanonical schemesassociated with the IME) and menu buttonin that order.
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    Edit Window

    When the IME is enabled for an application like notepad and you start typing, IME displays the editwindow with the typed text and the corresponding word choices in IME language. In the belowexample, user has typed 'googl'and the IME has displayed five choices numbered 1 to 5.

    Navigation and Selection

    By default the leftmost choice will be highlighted indicating active choice. Active choice can bechanged by navigating other choices through BOTTOM-ARROW or TAB key - which moves the

    selection to the right; or through UP-ARROW orSHIFT+TAB keys - which moves the selection toleft. To select one of the choices as the new word for your application, useENTER key whichinserts the active choice to the application at its current cursor position. Using SPACE or anyotherPUNCTUATION CHARACTER also inserts the active choice to the application along with thetyped punctuation character. Exception will be when IME thinks that there is a better choice ofword containing the punctuation character as part of the word itself. All the above controls onlyinsert the active choice (highlighted) into the application. Another way to insert any choice even if itis not active is using its position number as: CTRL+.

    Word Completions

    When you type a word, the choices displayed in edit window will be eitherin BLACK or BLUE color. Intuitive partial word choices for the typed content are displayed inBLACK color which will always be grouped on the left side. If there are any better dictionary-based word completions for the typed content, they are displayed in BLUE color and grouped onthe right side.


    In the example being discussed, IME displays only 5 choices in the edit window which is the pagesize setting of the edit window. It can be configured through the menu button of the status window.If there are more choices than the page size set, then it will be displayed in the next page. Pagenavigation can be done through the small arrow buttons at the right bottom corner of the editwindow or through PageUP and PageDown keys. Even when you navigate the choices with arrowor tab keys, the control moves to the next or previous page from either end of the edit window.

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    At anytime while typing in edit window, if you click the Googleimage on top right corner of the editwindow, it triggers a web search for the active/highlighted choice in Search can alsobe triggered for non-active choice by right-clicking on any choice and then clickingthe Search... drop-down button.

    User Cache

    There will be scenarios where the leftmost choice is not the one you are looking for and you selectsome other choice (second choice in the below example for typed word 'program') which will beinserted into the application.

    IME remembers this selection for the current user and when the user next types 'program' again,the last selected choice will now be displayed as the leftmost choice. To share this informationacross all applications for a user, this is persisted at user level even after closing the application.But this persisting behavior can be disabled through the 'Disable User Cache' option from menubutton of status window. Note that caching doesn't apply if you select word completions. It is onlyfor word choices shown in BLACK color.

    Switch to English

    If you want to add both roman alphabet (typically English) content and IME language content toany application, there is an easy way to switch between the two. In one mode IME gives you

    choices in its language and in another mode it just emits what you have typed. Toggling can bedone by clicking the IME language button in status window or through shortcuts:CTRL+G or F12.


    When you don't get some words as expected choices for any rare complex words; you can use theflexible keyboard to input any possible word. You can open the keyboard by clicking the keyboardbutton on status window or through the shortcutCTRL+K. Mouse is used to enter characters fromthe IME keyboard which also triggers word completions in the edit window. Keyboard can beclosed by clicking the keyboard button again on status window or through shortcut

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    keys: CTRL+Kor ESC. There is also option to enter Zero Width Joiner (ZWJ) and Zero Width NonJoiner (ZWNJ) characters.


    You can customize many features through IME's menu. Options available through the menupopup in status window are:

    Change or activate one of the available canonical schemes (Option available only if there is atleast onescheme in the Schemes directory).

    Select the font and size to be used to display the choices in IME language inside edit window (SuggestionFont).

    Select the font and size to be used to display the English/Roman characters inside edit window.

    Set the page size for edit window to restrict its size through number of choices.

    Enable or disable the persistence of user cache.

    Add/Edit or Delete macros using Manage Macros option.

    Information about the IME like version.

    Help, linking to this page.

    Special Cases

    There are some special cases in how IME behaves for some characters in some languages:

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    Example in Arabic for special case of SPACE where it is part of the typed word.

    Example in Arabic for special case of PUNCTUATION where it is part of the typed word.

    Example in Greek for special case of CAPITALIZATION where only first character being in uppercase in inputretains its casing.

    Example in Greek for special case of CAPITALIZATION where all uppercase word in input retains its casing.

    Example in Greek for special case of DIGITS where number is converted digit wise instead of its whole value.

    User Defined Macros

    IME supports adding custom user defined macros. Macros are short character sequences mappedto a word of your choice. When you type a character sequence, if there is a word corresponding tothat sequence in the user-defined macros collection then it will be shown as the first choice in theEdit Window. You can manage the macros by choosing the 'Manage Macros...' option from theIME's menu.

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    When you select this option the 'Manage Macros' dialog opens, allowing you to add, modify anddelete the set of macros.

    Adding a Macro entry

    Click on the 'Add' button. This will add an empty row to the Macros List. You can double click (or select the cell and

    press F2) on the cell to add the new Macro entry.

    Macro Text should consist of only alpha-numeric characters and the length should not exceed 100characters. Macro Text is case-sensitive.

    Macro Target should not contain any spaces and the length should not exceed 50 characters.

    Removing a Macro entry

    Select the cells you want to delete (Use Shift+Click to select a range or Ctrl+Click to select multiple disconnnected

    cells) and click on the 'Delete' button. Note that you cannot delete single cells. If you delete a cell, the full row will be


    Modifying and Saving Macro Entries

    You can edit any cell by double clicking it (or selecting the cell and pressing F2 key).

    You can cancel the edit anytime by pressing the 'Esc' key or clicking outside the cell. Press the 'Enter' key tocomplete the edit.

    After all edits are completed you need to click on the 'Save' button to save your changes.

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    You can click on the 'Discard' button anytime to discard all the changes made so far (after the previous saveaction).

    Once you have the Macros in place you can use them while typing. For example if 'Mon' is

    mapped to in the Macros, then when you type 'Mon' you will see as the firstoption.

    Custom Canonical Transliteration Schemes

    Transliteration IME supports adding custom transliteration schemes. Defining a scheme is done in

    a text file with a .scmextension. Once the scheme file is created you need to place it in theSchemes directory and when you start the IME the next time, it will automatically pick up thescheme files and provide you a menu option to choose one of the available schemes.

    Defining Schemes

    The Scheme files (.scmfiles) are text files and you can use your favourite text editor to edit them. The scheme file can

    be saved as UTF-8 text or UTF-16 text. A scheme file consists of two parts, header and the mapping rules section.


    The scheme file header specifies multiple attributes. A sample header with all the attributes will look like,

    version: 1.0

    name: ITRANS

    using classes

    class-delimiters: [ ]

    wildcard: #

    stop-char: _o versionis a mandatory field. Currently we only support 1.0.o nameis a mandatory field. The name specifies the name of the canonical scheme. The name should

    not contain more than 30 characters. This is the name displayed in the 'Schemes' menu. So a namedescriptive of the scheme is useful. Here in the above example, the Name is set to 'ITRANS'

    indicating this scheme file implmenents ITRANS scheme (one of the popular schemes for Indiclanguages).

    o using classesis an optional line. Having this line will give you the ability to use classes (grouping ofmappings under common name). Classes are explained below.

    o wildcardis an optional field. Wildcards are used in conjunction with classeso class-delimitersis an optional field. These are used in conjunction with classes.

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    o stop-charis an optional field. The canonical transliteration engine by default looks for the longestprefix, matching a rule. If the user wants to break it in the middle, then a Stop char should be be used.For example, if 'a', 'i' and 'ai' all have valid mappings and user wants the engine to output mapping for'a' followed by mapping for 'i', this can only be done by using the input sequence 'a_i' assuming '_' isthe stop-char (using 'ai' will lead to the mapping for 'ai' and not what user expected).

    Class specification

    You can define mutiple classes in your scheme file if you have specified the using classesline in the header.A class definition should look like,


    ... rules

    The class-begin-delimiter, and class-end-delimiter are the ones specified in the header as mentioned above,


    If you have not specified class-delimiters in the header (but using classesis defined) then '{' and '}' are used

    as the default class delimiters. The rule specification inside a class is same as rule specification outside the


    Rule specification

    Rules are specified as,

    Rule prefixcan consist of a sequence of ASCII characters and optionally a class specifier. A class specifier

    inside a rule should be of the form,

    If the Rule prefixhas a class specifier, then the Rule targetshould use the wildcard. Rule Targetconsists of a

    sequence of characters in the target language of user's choice and a wildcard (when the Rule Prefixhas a

    class specifier). The wildcard character is the one specified in the header as,


    If no wildcardis specified in the header (but using classesis defined) '*' is used as the wildcard by default. A

    sample scheme file with a class (headers omitted),

    class sample {

    a 1

    b 2

    c 3

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    a{sample} 1*

    {sample}x *2

    ad 14

    vd 24

    When the rules are processed each occurence of the class in the Rule Prefixis replaced by the prefixes

    defined in the class and the '*' (wildcard) in the target is replaced by the corresponding target in the class. So

    in the above example the rules get expanded into,

    aa 11

    ab 12

    ac 13

    ax 12

    bx 22

    cx 32

    ad 14

    bd 24

    The first three rules correspond to the first rule in the rule file, the next three rules are for the second rule and

    the last two rules are same as the last two rules in the file because it does not use any class specifiers (Note

    that the rules inside the class are not added to the set of rules for the scheme). Now if you use this scheme

    file and type "abaxcxad", you will get the suggestion as "12123214" in the IME Window. If you are not using

    classes the scheme file is just a set of rules with the version and name specified in the header.

    Example of a scheme file with no classes,

    version: 1.0

    name: Sample

    r1 target1

    r2 target2

    r3 target3

    Now when you use this Scheme file and type the sequence "r1r2r3" you will see the word

    "target1target2target3" as the suggested option.

    Integrating Scheme file with IME

    To integrate the scheme file with the IME, place the scheme file (with extension .scm) under the Schemes directory.

    The Schemes directory is present under the IME installation directory (It is usually under C:/Program

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    Files/Google/Google Input/). Once the scheme file is placed you need to restart the IME and the IME will

    pick up the scheme file while loading. If there are any errors in the scheme file it will be displayed in a dialog so that

    you can fix them. If there are no errors, the Scheme will appear under the Schemes menu and you can activate it and

    start using it. Schemes can be activated in several ways,

    Selecting the scheme from the Schemes menu.

    Using the shortcut key Ctrl+M (If there are multiple schemes this will activate the last used Scheme or the firstscheme if you are using Schemes for the first time)

    Using the 'Toggle Canonical Scheme' button in the Status Window.


    Your feedback is important and will help us improve the product. You can send your [email protected] .


    I do not see the language toolbar.>>> Checkconfigurationsection.

    The word I want does not appear in any of the choices.>>> In case the word you are trying to type does not appear in the list of choices in all pages, youcan use theKeyboard.

    I see only boxes as choices. No character in IME language is displayed in edit widow.>>> Make sure that you have installed a Unicode font like Arial Unicode MS supporting IMElanguage andcustomizea font through IME menu.

    How to update to a newer version?>>> Google IME automatically updates to a newer version when one is released. The updateprocess happens silently, whether or not you're using the IME at the time. If Google IME is open atthe time of the update, you must close the IME and restart the system for the new version to takeeffect.

    Arabic Pad

    Writing Arabic with non Arabic windows or keyboard can be a frustrating jobs. But with Arabic Pad, this can be done

    easily.Arabic Padis a simple editor like notepad, but designed to write Arabic [Unicode] text , especially for Non

    Windows Arabic. I hope that with this program write Arabic is more easily, by customizing the keyboard key so itsclose to the Arabic letter sound.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/2/2019 Google Transliteration IME


    Setting your Computer (Windows 2000/XP)

    Before you can using this program you must set your regional setting by add Supplemental language Support (right-

    to-left languages). If after run this program and the text doesnt work correctly, the text were left aligned or the textwere broken, then you must do the following step:

    1. Open Control Panel

    2. Select Regional and Language Options

    3. select Languages tab

    4. And check the options Install files for complex script and right -to-left (Including Thai) and click Apply.5. Insert the Windows CD Installer and locate the correct path requested.

    6. Follow the next step until the computer ask for restart, so restart.

    If the above step still doesnt work, maybe you have to install Universal Font. For Microsoft Office user, you can addUniversal Font from the Installation CD. Follow this step :

    1. Open Control Panel2. Select Add or Remove Programs

    3. Select Microsoft Office and click Change

    4. Select Add of Remove Features click Next

    5. In the next step, check the Choose Advanced Customization of Applications and click Next6. From the tree view, Select: Office Shared Features > International Support > Universal Font (click/select

    and choose Run from my Computer from the drop down menu)

    7. Click Update

    Character Map

    Main Arabic Letters

    Arabic Key Arabic Key Arabic Key

    a z q

    b s k

    t S l Z c m
  • 8/2/2019 Google Transliteration IME


    j C n

    h p w

    K P h

    d x

    D g Y

    r f yArabic Key Arabic Key Arabic Key

    E W T

    I O


    Arabic Key Arabic Key Arabic Key

    Fatha e Fathatan ee Sukun o

    Kasra i Kasratan ii ~

    Dhomma u Dhammatan uu Hamza above

    Superscript Alif A Subscript Alif II

    Additional for JAWI

    Arabic Key Arabic Key Arabic Key


    F V

    G X N

    For other text such as number ( 0 ..9 ), comma (,), dot (.), semicolon (;), Question mark(?), Percent sign(%), five

    pointed star (*), and underscore ( _ ) just equal with normal alphabet.

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    Comparison table

    LetterUnicode Name UNGEGN ALA-LC DIN ISO SAS -2 IPA BATR ArabTeX chat1

    4 0621 hamzah , ' e ' 2

    0627 alif a, i, u; aa a aa / Aa a/e/

    0628 b b b b

    062A t t t t

    062B th c _t s/th

    062C m j j d~~j ^g j/g/dj

    062D H .h 7

    062E kh j x x K _h kh/7'/5

    062F dl d d d

    0630 l dh z' _d z/dh/th

    0631 r r r


    0632 zayn/zy z z z

    0633 sn s s s

    0634 n sh x ^s sh/ch

    0635 d s S .s s/9

    0636 d d D .d d/9'

    0637 t T .t t/6

    0638 z ~z Z .z z/dh/6'

    0639 ayn E ` 3

    063A ayn gh g g .g gh/3'

    3 0641 f f f f

    3 0642 qf q q q 2/g/q
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    0643 kf k k k

    0644 lm l l l

    0645 mm m m m

    0646 nn n n n

    0647 h h h h

    0648 ww w w; w; o w,u w; uu w w; o; ou/u/oo

    2 064A y y y; y; e j,i y; ii y y; i/ee; ei/ai

    0622 alif maddah , 'aa a eaa 'A 2a/aa

    0629 tmarbah h, t t; a, at t' T a/e(h); et/at

    2 0649 alif maqrahy a aaa _A a; i/y

    alif lm al- al al- al-; l-(var.) Al- al- el

    ^1The chattable is only a demonstration and is based on thespoken varietieswhich vary considerably fromLiterary Arabicin which the IPA table and the rest of the transliterations are based on.

    ^2In Egypt, Sudan and sometimes in other regions, the standard form for final-yis only (without dots) inhandwriting and print, for both final /-i/ and final /-a/.for the latter pronunciation, is called [lef

    ljjen]. ^3F and qfare traditionally written inNorth Eastern Africaas and , respectively, while the latter's dot is only added initially or medially.

    ^4Reviewhamzahfor its various forms.


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  • 8/2/2019 Google Transliteration IME


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    3. Ukuran kertas A4

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    Website Add Website

    JASA TERJEMAH / PENERJEMAHAN ARAB - INGGRIS INDONESIAKami memiliki tim penerjemah bahasa Arab dan Ingrris untuk bertindak sebagai jasa interpreter / translation service.

    Anda bisa menggunakan jasa penerjemahan kami untuk berbagai kebutuhan baik pribadi (Tugas Kuliah / Skripsi / Tesis / Disertasi ),organisasi atau korporat.

    Beberapa layanan kami adalah:1. Alih Bahasa Arab - Indonesia2. Alih Bahasa Indonesia - Arab3. Alih Bahasa Inggris - Indonesia4. Alih Bahasa Indonesia - Inggris

    Beberapa perusahaan / individu / organisasi yang telah dan menggunakan jasa penerjemah dari kami.

    Diantara Tim Penerjemah Kami adalah Moh. Achyat Ahmad Penulis dan Editor Pustaka dan Buletin Sidogiri.Diantara Karya-karyanya:-Mungkinkah Sunnah-Syiah Dalam Ukhuwah?

    -Menelaah Pemikiran Agus Mustofa-Membela Ahlussunnah: Telaah Obyektif Buku Fiqh Entertainment-Mengapa Saya Mondok Di Pondok di Pesantren?

    Kami bangga dapat membantu anda sebagai media jasa alih bahasa arab - inggris - indonesia. Kami berharap hasil terjemahan dari kamisesuai dengan keinginan anda.

    Biaya:1. Alih Bahasa Arab - Indonesia = Rp 15.000 / Halaman2. Alih Bahasa Indonesia - Arab = Rp 15.000 / Halaman3. Alih Bahasa Inggris - Indonesia = Rp 10.000 / Halaman4. Alih Bahasa Indonesia - Inggris = Rp 10.000 / Halaman

    Kepuasan untuk anda merupakan suatu kesuksesan bagi kami. Terima kasih atas kepercayaannya telah menggunakan media jasa alih

    bahasa dari kami, jangan ragu hubungi kami langsung kapan pun anda butuhkan.|en|%0A|en|%0A|en|%0A|en|%0A