google versus branding study 2013

Versie 1.0 Study Branding versus Google 2013

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Versie 1.0

Study Branding versus Google 2013

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Study: Branding versus Google

2 Study | Fingerspitz | 2013

Table of content

1. Motive ............................................................................................................................ 3

2. Online authority .......................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Domain Authority ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

3. Branding ........................................................................................................................ 5

3.1 Antecedents of strong brands .............................................................................................................................. 5

3.2 BrandAsset Score ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

4. The study ....................................................................................................................... 6

4.1 Hypotheses .................................................................................................................................................................. 6

4.2 Results ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6

4.2.1 Study 1: Correlation between Domain Authority and BrandAsset Score ........................................ 6

4.2.2 Study 2: The online authority score influences the Google rankings .............................................. 7

4.2.3 Study 3: The offline brand score influences the Google rankings .................................................... 8

5. Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 9

5.1 Causal relationship? .................................................................................................................................................. 9

5.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

Attachments .................................................................................................................. 10

Attachment 1: Fingerspitz B.V. ................................................................................................................................... 10

Attachment 2: BrandAsset Consult ........................................................................................................................... 11

Attachment 3: Data input ............................................................................................................................................. 12

Sources ............................................................................................................................ 13

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1. Motive Branding: An increasingly important indicator for search engine rankings?

Earlier this year Google implemented the Google Penguin 2.0 update. This means that Google made

changes to the algorithm which decides the rankings within the search network. An article on Hubspot

(“In the Aftermath of Penguin 2.0, Branding is Now a Major Ranking Factor”, by Adam de Jong) indicates

that brand promotion is becoming an increasingly important

factor in determining the ranking scores in search engines.

Creating a good online brand influences your ranking in the

Google search engine. But is this the case already? Through

research we will try to confirm this assumption.

Google is trying more and more to copy the “real world”. Their

employees have been wondering what the indicators are of a

strong offline brand. It might be that offline brands benefit from

the advertising possibilities in newspapers, on the radio or on

television. These offline advertisements account for a (large) part

of the offline authority of a brand. Google now attempts to apply

these techniques in the field of search engine rankings. Now they evaluate all online activities that are

linked to the brand (link building, website content, blogs, social media, videos, etc.). The more (relevant)

content is available, the higher this content is valued.

So branding is becoming increasingly important, even online. If we take a look at the Ranking Factors

research carried out by both Moz and SearchMetrics, we can see that several branding characteristics

play an important role in determining the ranking. Important are: Google +1, Facebook shares,

backlinks, Facebook likes and Tweets. The question is whether there is a link between the online

authority, rankings and branding of a product or service. Is a strong brand also ahead online compared

to weaker or unknown brands? After the Penguin 2.0 update experts were inclined to confirm this

assumption. However, to date no one has performed quantitative research regarding the subject and

experts continue to speculate. Because of this, Fingerspitz, with assistance of data research performed

by BrandAsset Consult, has conducted a study of the following statement:

“Is there a (strong) positive correlation between the total brand score (BrandAsset score) and the search

engine authority (Domain Authority) for organizations from different industries?”

Figure 1: Penguin update 2.0

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2. Online authority To be able to make a comparison between the strength of a brand and the organic presence in Google,

we decided to use Moz’s Domain Authority as a parameter for online presence. But what is this Domain

Authority score based upon?

2.1 Domain Authority Domain Authority is an indicative score of how a website ranks in search engines such as Google.

According to the latest Moz ranking study, Domain Authority gets a correlation score of 0,26. The

authority score reviews the strength of a

website over a set period of time. This also

makes it possible to compare websites with

each other. This score is based on a number

of link scores (linking root domains, total

amount of links, MozRank, MozTrust, etc.).

The score that a website obtains is based on

a 100-point metric scale. This means that it

is easier to go from 20 points to 30 than

from 70 to 80.

The Domain Authority score can be improved

by paying attention to things such as:

Obtaining backlinks, writing good online

content (including title tags and meta

descriptions) and by creating unique content

(blog posts, social media posts and videos).

You can increase the chances of external

websites linking to your pages by placing relevant content on your website on a regular basis. These

links will ensure that the authority score of your website increases.

Figure 2: Google Ranking factors (Moz)

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3. Branding What makes a strong brand? To determine brand value we have used a study conducted by BrandAsset

Consult. In their research they talk about the 4 pillars of a strong brand: Differentiation, relevance,

appreciation and familiarity. These factors ensure that a brand will be remembered, thus becomes of

value for consumers.

3.1 Antecedents of strong brands This paragraph will contain a short explanation of the 4 pillars that create a strong brand.

Differentiation: The unique value of the brand and therefore forming the basis for choosing a brand.

Brand differentiation greatly appeals to consumers, is the source of higher margins and stimulates

better financial performance.

Relevance: Related to usage and measures which brands have personal relevance and meaning for


Appreciation: The respect people have for the brand; the positive thoughts and feelings of the

consumer. In order to earn appreciation brands must fulfill their promises. Appreciation is an important

factor in brand loyalty.

Familiarity: The end result of consistent brand development and describes the extent to which the

consumer has become acquainted with a brand.

3.2 BrandAsset Score The aspects mentioned above (differentiation, relevance, appreciation and

familiarity) form the basis of the BrandAsset Score. This score utilizes a scale

of 1 to 100 and is being used as input for the model.

In this research the BrandAsset Score will be used as the indicative score of a

brand’s value. More information regarding BrandAsset Consult (the

organization behind BrandAsset Score) can be found in attachment 2.

Figure 3: Strong brands

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4. The study Fingerspitz conducted a study to investigate whether the strength of a brand affects the Google

rankings. The study contains scores (like Domain Authority and the BrandAsset Score), divided between

34 brands within 5 different sectors (shoes, travel, ladies fashion, LED TVs and supermarkets). Some

brands occur in multiple sectors (Otto and Wehkamp). The collected scores have been compared with

each other in order to see whether there is a coherency (correlation) between the scores. This way the

study will provide an insight in the connection between brands and online search results. An overview of

the different brands can be found in attachment 3.

4.1 Hypotheses As part of the study the following hypotheses have been established:

Hypothesis 1: The brand score (BrandAsset Score) exhibits a (strong) correlation with the online authority score (Domain Authority)

Hypothesis 2: The online authority score shows a positive correlation with the rankings in Google’s search network.

Hypothesis 3: The brand score (BrandAsset Score) shows a positive correlation with the rankings in the Google search network.

Hypothesis 4: The correlation between the de brand score (BrandAsset Score) and the online ranking is lower than that of the online authority score.

4.2 Results The results include the correlation scores concerning this study. We start off with some assumptions.

These serve as the terms for carrying out the research.

4.2.1 Study 1: Correlation between Domain Authority and BrandAsset Score


The variable Domain Authority is measured on an ordinal measurement scale, while the BrandAsset Score is measured on an interval/ ratio measurement scale. This means that the correlation is measured according to the Spearman rank correlation;

The second assumption relates to the distribution of data. There must be a monotone relationship between both variables. The variables used in this study have been distributed as below and as such they are in compliance with the assumption for the research on correlation.

Figure 4: Monotone distribution between Doma

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In the statistics software SPSS the following correlation has been made:

Table 1: Spearman correlation (Domain Authority vs. BrandAsset Score)

Research shows that we can speak of a (strong) positive connection between the brand score and the

domain authority (correlation= 0,594). Additionally, the correlation score is significant when α < 0,001.

This confirms the established hypothesis 1.

4.2.2 Study 2: The online authority score influences the Google rankings


The variable Domain Authority and the Google Ranking score are both measured on an ordinal measurement scale. This means that the correlation is measured according to the Spearman rank correlation;

The correlation follows the same distribution as shown in study 1.


Research has led to the following correlation table:

Table 2: Spearman correlation (Domain Authority vs. Google Ranking)

Research indicates that there is a moderate, positive correlation between Domain Authority and the

Google Ranking (correlation= 0,338). Additionally, the correlation score is marginaly significant when α

= 0,051. This means that there is a 94,9% certainty that the online brand score influences the Google

Ranking. This confirms the established hypothesis 2.

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4.2.3 Study 3: The offline brand score influences the Google Rankings


The variable Google Ranking is measured on an ordinal measurement scale, while the BrandAsset Score is measured on an interval/ratio measurement scale. This means that the correlation is measured according to the Spearman rank correlation;

The correlation follows the same distribution as shown in study 1.


Developing a correlation has led to the following table:

Table 3: Spearman correlation (BrandAsset Score vs. Google Ranking)

The study shows there is a very moderate, positive correlation between the BrandAsset Score and the

Google Ranking (correlation= 0,132). Additionally, the correlation score is insignificant when α = 0,458.

This means that it is very doubtful (only 55,2% certainty) that the offline brand score has any direct

influence on the Google Ranking. The table above invalidates our hypothesis, which means that

hypothesis 3 will be rejected.

Since the results in study 3 are questionable, hypothesis 4 will also be rejected. The data gathered from

study 3 is not sufficient enough to be able to confirm this hypothesis.

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5. Conclusion The study shows that some of the expectations (hypotheses) can be confirmed with statistics. The

BrandAsset Score has a strong overlap with the online authority score. Expectations are that this

connection will increase in the (near) future. This means that branding, in addition to online marketing,

should receive adequate attention. Branding turns out to have an immediate impact on Domain

Authority. Because of this, it is important to find the right balance between branding and performance

based marketing activities. Both factors are of importance and will, if implemented correctly, have an

enhancing effect.

In addition, the study shows that Domain Authority influences the Google Ranking. This is in contrast to

the BrandAsset Score. However, the brand score does have a positive correlation with respect to

Domain Authority and thus indirectly affects the Google Rankings.

5.1 Causal relationship? The fact that branding affects the Google Rankings is the result of a causal relationship. John-Henry

Scherck indicates, just like our research, in his article that it is logical that strong brands rank highly in

Google. According to him, the reason for this lies in the fact that other websites and consumers more

readily link to brands which they are familiar with. These brands (like Coca Cola) are well known and

have such reach and strength that they are able to rapidly generate a large amount of links. The amount

of acquired links is part of what eventually determines the ranking in Google’s search engine.

5.2 Recommendations Be aware of the added value of a strong brand. Make sure to pay enough attention to it. A strong brand

provides a good basis for starting online marketing activities. A good brand score enables the possibility

to create a good online authority score. Do not just focus on performance based activities, but also build

your brand in other ways. Online, as well as offline.

Take the 4 pillars of a strong brand into consideration when planning your marketing activities. This will

ensure that the brand is continuously on the consumers’ mind. The consumer will become so familiar

with the brand that they will come to see it as an authority in the industry.

• Large reach

• Large impact Brand

• Familiarity

•Well known Links

• Large amount of links

• High domain authority


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Attachment 1: Fingerspitz B.V.

Fingerspitz is the online marketing agency situated in Breda, the Netherlands, originating from a full

service internet agency that has been providing internet solutions to profit and non-profit

organizations for the past 13 years. Due to the growing demand for online marketing advice and our

technical knowledge in this field, Fingerspitz was born. We have made a running start since day 1.

1.1 The power of Fingerspitz

Fingerspitz does not provide off-the-shelf solutions. We offer tailored solutions to all our customers.

Therein we combine years of experience in online marketing with our intuitive flair: Where our instincts

tell us what the trends are and where the chances lie. Our specialists breathe internet and are capable

of using all instruments that will increase your online presence and hit rate.

1.2 Proven results

Whether it works? Definitely. The great thing about online marketing is the fact that everything is

measurable. Even the results. Each solution we come up with leads to an increase in traffic, a higher

conversion rate and better sales within the defined time period. Otherwise we have not done our job

properly. This is what makes our job so exciting. The power of numbers. We help you to entice potential

visitors and make sure they want to stay with you.

1.3 Contact details

Would you like to know more about the services Fingerspitz has to offer? Please contact our specialists

via +31 (0)76 - 763 06 00.

Fingerspitz B.V.

Reduitlaan 29

4814 DC Breda


Mail: [email protected]

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Attachment 2: BrandAsset Consult

BrandAsset Consult sees the world in brands. On the basis of our BrandAsset Valuator study we provide

insight into the development of your brand, so you can make informed decisions about the future. It

does not only observe, but also explains what happened to a brand. This is because we have consistently

been following Dutch brands since 1993. Since 2007 we perform a yearly study that includes 1.000

Dutch brands, BrandAsset Valuator. A subset of this large research project has been used by Fingerspitz

as input for the report in front of you.

2.1 BrandAsset Valuator

BrandAsset Valuator is a flexible study. You can establish the target group, market and context yourself.

Globally speaking, BrandAsset Valuator is the largest long-term brands study; containing over 40.000

brands from 50 countries. This enables brand evaluation from an international perspective. The

research tracks brand perception regardless of industry. This means that you can benchmark your

brand against any other brand in the Netherlands.

BrandAsset Valuator has been developed by Young & Rubicam, in cooperation with renowned scientists

like David Aaker en Kevin Keller. The research is conducted by BrandAsset Consult, part of the Y&R


2.2 Contact details

For more information, please contact Jeffrey Kruk via telephone: +31 (0)20 5 795 600.

BrandAsset Consult

Karperstraat 10

1075 KZ Amsterdam

E-mail: [email protected]

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Attachment 3: Data input In this attachment you may find the data as used during research. This data has been edited further

with SPSS v16.0 software.

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Sources Here you will find the articles and webpages used for research. Do you have any questions regarding the

use of the article or the contents of the study? Feel free to contact us.

Web articles

- Crestodina, A. (2012), “Social Media, Branding and AuthorRank: Are they SEO ranking factors or not?

(3 experts opinions)”, Orbitmedia (7 juni 2012). URL:


- De Jong, A. (2013), “In the Aftermath of Penguin 2.0, Branding Is Now a Major Ranking Factor”,

Hubspot (4 juni 2013). URL:


- Peters, M. (2013), “2013 Search Engine Ranking Factors”, The Moz Blog (9 juli 2013). URL: