google's mobile update for local business

Everything You Need To Know to Keep Your Business on track with Google’s Latest Mobile Update…

Upload: carter-johnson

Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Everything You Need To Know to Keep Your Business on track with Google’s Latest Mobile Update…

Wait so what didthey change now?

Photo Credit: <a href="">iagkisahku</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>


Your website must be mobile

Ahhh… But what does that mean?

It means with everyone using their mobile device to search the web, your site needs to look good and function

well or Google ain’t showing it

Ok yea, that kind of makes sense

So what do we need to fix?

Biggest Play = Make sure your site is “responsive” (meaning it adjust to fit

your users screen size)

Ok, What Else?

Speed!Your site needs to be



Start by running test via:

Ok, ok, but how is all this going to make my business money???

Well Google wants to be friends…

And if your site is how they like it, their more likely to put you at the top of their search returns

Which will send crowds and crowds of visitors to your site

Now We’re Talking!

Go ahead, click it! Seriously, Click it.

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