gout and diet

Gout and Diet

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Post on 20-Aug-2015



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Gout and Diet

Diet plays an important role in prevention and management of gout.

Gout and diet are inseparable and you must eat the right kind of diet.

One that helps you lower the uric acid level in your blood.

Though individual customization is best for your body condition and the level of uric acid in your body...

...general diet plans are readily available that can be followed for great results.

Purines in your food break down into uric acid in your blood. Too much uric acid causes gout.

You have to largely avoid taking the foods that are rich in purines.

And restrict the foods that have moderate levels of purines in them.

Broad categories of food that should be avoided are: seafood, offal, yeast and yeast extracts and game meat.

These are just some of the foods that have excess amount of purines in them.

Different studies have concluded that gout and diet are very closely related

The severity and frequency of attacks depend on the purines contained in the food.

Purines are found to be primarily responsible for high levels of uric acid in the blood.

These high concentrations of uric acid cause the formation

of urate crystals.

These get deposited in the joints and cause the gout attacks.

Strangely some apparently healthy foods are also high in purines.

In particular, mushrooms, cauliflower, peas, spinach, beans, legumes and pulses

However the health benefits mean that they can still be included in the diet with limitations.

Low-fat dairy products are said to be good for gout. Some people find that they decrease the occurrence of gout attacks

A good diet for gout patients is one similar to that which would be prescribed for heart patients.

The diet for a gout patient must contain more fresh fruit and vegetables.

Fruits like apple, lemon, banana etc are good for gout.

A diet that is rich in Vitamin C has a positive effect in

preventing gout attacks.

Always go for a low fat, low protein and low purine diet to reduce the uric acid level in your blood.

Obesity is a significant factor in many gout patients.

People who are overweight have a much greater chance

of getting gout.

This is because body seems to retain more uric acid.

Gout and diet go hand in hand. Gout is brought on by eating a poor diet.

The high purine levels cause increased uric acid levels.

And obesity makes it harder to eliminate uric acid from the body.

Following a well structured diet is essential for the gout sufferer.

Reducing the level of purines, and reducing the waistline are both

very important