grace alive sept 2015


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G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

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G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

deeply grateful. We will always appreciate the loving influence of Greg and Marilee (our former spouses), now fully experiencing the joy of the Lord’s presence in heaven. Confident the Lord has brought us together, Norm and I are excited for the opportunity to serve the Lord together, as God leads us.

We all, as God’s family here at Grace of Christ, are also experiencing God’s loving sovereignty as a congregation. During this time of transition, and some staff changes, God continues to lead and direct us faithfully, providing what we need to grow in our ability to love and serve the Lord together. We are part of God’s rescue mission for the world. As God’s family on mission, we want to help each other grow as followers of Jesus, balancing our “Up” relationship with our Loving Heavenly Father, as we learn to listen better and do what God wants us to do; our “In” through deepening our Christian family relationships, making our lives more accessible to one another and developing shared vision; and our “Out” – recognizing the Lord is right there in our everyday lives, pouring out grace so we can make a genuine, lasting difference in the lives of others, lovingly drawing them to the Lord Jesus.

A special thank you to our Transition Team (Steve Hildebrand, Janet Krieger, Ken Marble, Karen Bernd, Barney Trick, and Jason Larsen), who have helped provide leadership and direction the last 9 months, and now to our Mission Study Team, who will be walking us through an opportunity to articulate who we have been as a church, who we currently are, and where we believe God is leading us. Your input will be highly valued, and will help inform our future direction for Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church (see also the Session Notes in this newsletter).

Partnering together to help bring God’s Kingdom here on earth,

– Pastor Cindy Shively

Interim Head of Staff— Pastor Cindy Shively

The reality that God is sovereign, simply means God is in control, bringing about his loving, redemptive, and restorative purposes for humanity and the world. It doesn’t take away our free will, nor mean that God wills every little thing that happens in life – God has also set up laws of nature, which determine much of what happens. What it does mean, is that God weaves together, or orchestrates, our lives, and what is happening in the world, to bring about his good plan, both for us, and for the world.

My new husband, Norm Shively, and I, have richly experienced God’s loving sovereignty, as God has clearly brought us together, as the prophet, Isaiah, described, “bestowing on us a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.” God is pouring out grace and love, both in our lives and through our lives, and we are

Trusting in God’s Loving Sovereignty

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Our World”. The second section will take us three weeks and cover all of chapter two and the first part of chapter three. This section we are calling “We Are Invited into the Mission of Jesus”. Then our third section will be a four week series on the rest of chapter three, all of chapter four, and the first half of chapter five. This section we are calling “We Are Invited into the Family of Jesus”. Take some time to read through these first five chapters of Mark in order to prepare your heart and mind for what God wants to speak into your life during this season.

– Pastor Tyler Van Horn

This school year we are going to be studying the Gospel of Mark. This will be an opportunity to wrestle with big questions like: Who is Jesus? What is the Kingdom of God? What does it mean to follow in the way of Jesus? And how are we called to deal with the present evil of this world? Our hope in this study is to allow space for the Holy Spirit to reveal to us more about the saving love of Jesus and the life-giving mission he has called us to join him in.

The first four weeks we are going to work our way through Mark’s first chapter. This section we are calling “The Kingdom of God is Invading

Assistant Pastor— Tyler Van Horn

Sermon Series Fall 2015A Study in the Gospel of Mark


September 13 – “Preparing the Way for the Kingdom” Sermon Text: John the Baptist (1:1-8) The Baptism of Jesus (1:9-11)

September 20 – “The Kingdom of God VS the Kingdoms of this World” Sermon Text: Temptation of Jesus (1:12-13) The Good News of the Kingdom (1:14-15) Calling of the First Disciples (1:16-20)

September 27 – “Confronting Evil with Compassion” Sermon Text: Unclean Spirit in the Synagogue (1:21-28) Healing Many at Simon’s House (1:29-34)


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MISSION STUDY TEAM Jason Larsen, chair of the Mission Study Team (MST), reported on the status of that group’s work. The goal of the Team is to create and deliver to the congregation, in September 2015, a formal Church Mission Study. The church will have the opportunity to respond to the Mission Study questions. Following the input from the congregation, Session will review the information received and move forward to determine the next steps in this interim season of church leadership.

Information sought in the Mission Study will include:

1. Where we have been as a congregation? 2. Where we are as a congregation? 3. Where we are going as a congregation?This information will help to inform what our congregation needs in terms of pastoral leadership as we move forward.

The timeline for the Mission Study is:• Present the draft of the Study to Session

August 25th.

• Share the Study with the congregation during a congregational meeting on September 20th.

• The congregation will have the opportunity to complete the Mission Study questions online or by paper copy during September and October.

• The responses will be compiled by the MST with results then shared with the Transition Team in mid November. The transition team, comprised of Steve Hildebrand, Janet Krieger, Ken Marble, Karen Bernd, Barney Trick and Jason Larsen was charged by Session in October 2014 to exercise responsibility in overseeing and moving forward our leadership during this interim period.

• The Mission Study will be presented to Session during the November Session meeting with accompanying recommendations from the Transition Team regarding next steps in this period of interim leadership.

• Results and recommendations to be presented to the congregation following the November Session meeting.

PRAYERPlease pray for Pastors Cindy and Tyler to experience a daily renewal of their physical, emotional and spiritual energy as they lead, teach and minister to the body of Christ at Grace of Christ.

Praise God for the humble cooperative spirits with which our Pastors serve.

Pray spiritual insight and protection for the Church Mission Study team as the survey is developed and presented to Session.

Praise God for pastoral and Session leadership who answer the call of God in their lives on a daily basis.

– Janet Krieger

Session Notes— Janet Krieger

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ADAMS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLAnother school year is on the way, and members of GCPC want to continue the partnership with Adams. Our goal is to help schools support the kids of our community. We have a great reading team led by Rosalie Dubrau. There are many opportunities to be a leader at Adams including Movie Night, PTO, Teacher Appreciation, and Bulldog Hugs. For more information on how you can help, please contact Alex at: (509) 248-7940 X 125.

JULY FAMILY SOCCER CAMPWe want to let everyone know that our Family Soccer Camp was a complete success. More than 200 people were present including parents, children, and some viewers of the area. Everyone enjoyed the games and they had a great time with their families. I was very impressed with how God had a hand in organizing this event. There was no graffiti, broken windows, or trash in the fields. Two portable bathrooms that were very beneficial were also made available. Thank you all for your prayers and help with this event. We had the opportunity to share Jesus with the participants

The Hispanic members of our church are joyful with the move to the sanctuary! After many years of having our Spanish service in the chapel at 12:15, we have now moved our services to the sanctuary at 1:00pm. Our brothers and sisters enjoy having a comfortable space where they can worship the Lord in peace. Cristo Vive has seen many new faces as well as our regular attendees. We want to thank God and all of the wonderful

people who made this move possible. There are many testimonies on how God transforms lives, and the two most recent were very touching. A member from our church shared with us that his mom didn’t let him go to church, because, to her, work was more important. After he told me his story, I asked him if he wanted to accept Jesus into his heart and he accepted. He felt joy in his new identity with Christ.Another testimony is about a woman who met Jesus at our church over a year ago, and has had many wonderful experiences with the Lord taking control of her life. She requested prayer for her to be a light for her family, and that more people will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and also for her to never grow apart from God.

Cristo Vive Fellowship— Alex Rule


Fundraising Dinner: NOVEMBER 19

and also made a large circle by holding hands and prayed for each other. Every comment made by the players was positive and they thanked God and members of ourcongregation for letting them use our lawns.

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The 2015-16 Kaffee Klatsch year begins on September 23rd, at 2:00 in the Garden Room. Your planning team has a wide variety of programs lined up for you over the next few months. We also want you to have time to visit with each other and to enjoy warm fellowship in a welcoming atmosphere.

Our first program features Greg and Lin Jones. Many of us are familiar with The Kiev Symphony which comes from the Ukraine’s capital. In contrast with that larger and more modern city, Greg and Lin worked in an area close to the size of

Spokane and about three hours away. They were involved with a building project team in 2004. Once that was completed, they had some time on their own to become more familiar with the area. During their stay, they had some interesting experiences they will share with us. They’ll also bring pictures and souvenirs for you to see.

If you’re like most folks, you probably have limited knowledge about Ukraine. You might also find yourself pronouncing Kiev as two syllables rather than one. (In the Ukraine, they pronounce it as Keev. Now, after getting that bit of information, don’t you feel enlightened?) We hope you’ll leave

Senior Ministry

Kaffee Klatsch

this presentation with your horizons broadened, your sweet tooth satisfied, and your fellowship factor enhanced.

As always we encourage you to come and bring a friend. We also really appreciate it when you sign up at the Connection Center. A nose count gives us a better idea of how many cookies we might need to prepare. Come and join us if you can. The more the merrier!

Greg & Lin Jones

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position like this for very long without burning out. I really don’t think it needs to be that way. I think the future of our youth ministry is going to require an all-hands-on-deck approach to being inclusive of teenagers. This is why I’m so excited that our Youth Ministry Design Team is taking the lead in the search process for a new director. This is a group of people who understand that we don’t need a super-cool-teen-magnet to lead our ministry. We need someone who will coordinate a church-wide effort to love kids in the name of Jesus.

Now, all of this being said, I’m still confident that God has gifted me for ministry and I still feel called to serve and use my gifts. But God made it clear to me that it’s time for this church to go back to the drawing board with youth ministry and that new leadership will be essential for success. It’s also clear to me that it’s time for me to head in a new direction.

So that’s where I am. I have deep love and gratitude in my heart for this community and the support and prayer I’ve received in my time here. What a whirlwind!

Again, thank you for all your love and support!

Peace in Christ,

– Jeff

Last month I announced that I’m transitioning out of this job and leaving this ministry in the talented and capable hands of Kelsey Schmidt. Kelsey has worked with us for a couple of years as an intern and spent last

year working at Standard Paint and volunteering in our high school ministry. She is not only the natural choice for this job but also a blessing in our community. She brings with her excellent relational skills with teens and incredible communication gifts. She’ll be serving as the interim youth director for one year.

There are so many things that went into this decision for me. I can’t spill all the proverbial beans without getting a tad too personal for a newsletter. I hate to leave important things to speculation so I will share what I can. For the past six months or so I’ve been feeling what they call in this line of work, “burn out”. This was a hard thing for me to process because I’ve been involved in this ministry (in some capacity) for my entire adult life. I tried many things to overcome this feeling, without much success. Most people seem to understand intuitively that someone can’t serve in a

Student Ministries— Jeff Murray

Kelsey Schmidt

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Children’s Ministry— Susie Woodin

WELCOME ABOARD… this fall we’re setting sail on a grand adventure in KidZone…Come join us as we dive deep into God’s Word with Deep Blue Kids!

Deep Blue Kids is a new awe-inspiring resource for children which includes adventure, exciting stories, science experiments, arts and crafts, animated video storytelling, and active games – all combined into a living –faith experience that will help children discover what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ today!

The Deep Blue Kids – Asia, Edgar, and Kat – lead children through the Bible using animated videos that tell the story, and colorful lessons engage and encourage children to “dive deeper” into the Bible and explore the depths of God’s love.

WE SET SAIL ON SEPT. 13 @ 9:30 AM• Sonbeams and Cubbies go directly to their

classrooms @ 9:30.• 1st - 5th grades attend 9:30 worship with parents and

are released to class after the children’s message.• Parents pick up all children in their individual

classrooms @ 10:45 (see list below of locations)

Sonbeams: (2 ½ - 4 years/no diapers) L 2 - Mezzanine Level Cubbies: (ages Pre-K and Kinder) Room103(Mainfloor)1st & 2nd Grades:Room203(2ndfloor)3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades:Room217(2ndfloor)

THANK YOU!A special note to those who serve and work in our ministry to children: I hope you realize that what you do matters – it really does.As you serve in children’s ministry and dedicate your life to sharing Jesus’ love with children, you’re like the farmer who sows good seeds in the field (Matthew 13:24-30). Despite any weeds that may grow around the seeds you sow, your ministry blossoms in the lives of countless children. You plant the seeds that help children love Jesus for a lifetime.That matters!What you do transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary and dramatically changes children’s lives. Thank you for all God continues to do through you as you serve children, because what you do matters!

FROM THE YAKIMA FIREFIGHTERSYakima Firefighters were presented with 60+ cases of water, Gatorade and snacks for our on-scene rehabilitation unit on Sunday, July 26th. The Grace of Christ Presbyterian Vacation Bible School hosts an annual drive to support the efforts of the men and women of the Yakima Fire Department. These supplies came at a time of great need for our department and personnel. That evening the Powerhouse fire exhausted our resources and required Rehab. units from Yakima, West Valley and Selah to assist with the efforts to keep your firefighters hydrated while on the fire line.

It is such a great thing to see the community supporting your Yakima Firefighters! THANK YOU for your donation to Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church.

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Preschool— Rhonda Cardona

Formerly First Presbyterian Christian Preschool

School is starting and it’s not too late to register! Grace of Christ Preschool is located at 9 So. 8th Ave., Yakima, WA 98902 CALL: 509.248.7940 OR EMAIL: [email protected]

Check out our web-site:

To All Who Make the Scholarships possible. . .

You are making an

impact on not just a child’s

life by making preschool available,

but you are making an eternal difference in a family.


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Family Ministry

Love After Marriage is a marriage workshop created by Barry and Lori Byrne from Redding, California who, in response to a prophetic dream, created this program for couples who want to pursue the truth and tools available for God’s best in relationships. Barry and Lori are involved in leadership training at Bethel Church in Redding, California and have coached thousands of couples from around the world to bring about wholeness and healing to their marriages.

“Love After Marriage wasn’t what I expected. It didn’t just rehash, rearrange and repackage the collection of “Christianese” that I had heard over and over again in the past. The class not only gave us practical tools that we could use, but more importantly - for me anyway - it carried the anointing and presence of the Holy Spirit that brought real power to the tools it was offering.” – Anonymous Class Participant

This intense 3.5 day training is for couples who not only want to strengthen their own marriages, but also have the desire to disciple other couples in their marriages and facilitate marriage classes in their own churches.

Here are some of the Highlights of the Love After Marriage Workshop:

• Fresh and bold teaching on the basic principles of spiritual, emotional and sexual oneness

• Tools to take your marriage to a higher level of intimacy, communication and enjoyment

• Opportunities to practice these tools in an intimate, small group setting

• Breakthrough for struggling marriages, helping you overcome the strongholds in your relationship

• Keys to take even healthy marriages to a higher level

• Activities, training and materials available to bring this life-changing ministry into your church

• Couples that have participated in the Love After Marriage (LAM) Workshop have experienced breakthrough, power and anointing for their marriages to become all God has intended them to be.

Where the enemy seeks to steal, kill and destroy marriages, we know the One who can save them and we have the tools to battle and defeat this growing trend of divorce.

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Family Ministry

Peaceful Parenting is 8 weeks of wonderfully practical tips on discipline, communication skills, parenting styles, temperament, natural vs logical consequences and much more taught by Mary Pleger, an incredible teacher and parenting expert with Catholic Family Services. This fall, classes will begin Wednesday, September 16 at 6:00 pm in the David Ferry Lounge.

The information Mary presents is applicable for any age or stage of parenting; even if you don’t have kids, the tools can be used in your professional and personal life. Besides the wonderful teaching, table mentors are the heart and soul of this program. These men and women are gifts from God! They come each week to assist table discussion and encourage each person as they pray for their table mates. This is such a great opportunity for us to share the love of Jesus with men and women who come broken and ready to receive both parenting tools and to learn that they are valued and wonderful in the eyes of Jesus. We always have room for you, if this is your gift.

In addition to parenting curriculum, they also receive Bibles. An adult Bible and the Jesus Story Book Bible for kids are offered to each class. These Bibles have been generously donated for each class for the past four years. Thank you!

If you have questions about the parenting class, or if you would like to serve as a table mentor, please contact Shan Trick at 248-7940 or [email protected].

Peaceful Parenting Taught by Mary Pleger

Coordinated by Barney and Shan Trick

WHEN: SUNDAY, SEPT 20 - NOV 15 at 4:30 PM

WHERE: Sanctuary

HOW: Registration and fee for class can be made online at WHY: Why should you consider FPU? Who better to ask than the graduates? Here’s what they would tell you... It helped us realize how we were spending our money and to then create a more constructive approach to how we spend, and make our money go to the places it needs to go and to the places we wanted it to go. Also created a cue to talk about money with my wife and it not be crazy stressful.

Rearranged our priorities and set us up for success for generations. Our children’s children will benefit. De-stress our marriage. Restored hope that we are in control of our money, not money over us.

Now when I want to purchase something, I think about it twice very well. I ask myself if I really need it. I have stopped using my credit cards and I have cut up a few of them. I have paid off just about all of my medical bills. I’m saving also, putting money in savings.

5 GOOD REASONS TO SAY “YES” TO FPU1. Learn to set a budget which is just telling your money

where to go instead of wondering where it went.*

2. Change your family tree forever! Let’s all learn to win with money.*

3. Become a generous giver Live like no one else so later you can live and give like no one else.*

4. Gain Financial Peace. Winning at money is 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge.*

5. Get out of debt! We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t know.*

Register today at You must register and purchase class materials on the FPU website. Childcare and a K-5 children’s program will be available.

* Dave Ramsey

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Women’s Ministry

LADIES TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDYLUKE New Hope, New JoyWOW, (Women in the Word) will begin its year-long study of the Gospel of Luke on Tuesday morning, September 15 at 9:45am in the Parlor. This study is open to all women and will be led by a team consisting of Sue Sanders, Ruth Maloney, Joyce Furstenau, Donna Oliva and Jean Paulson.

Please join us as we study the life and ministry of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

PURSUING OUR LIMITLESS GODWOMEN’S BIBLE STUDYLadies, the news you’ve been waiting to hear: Tuesday morning Bible study will continue this fall!

“Pursuing our Limitless God” beginning Tuesday, September 29 from 9:15 to 11:15 in the Gym. Childcare provided with an RSVP.


Facilitated by Shan Trick and Tyann Whitworth

BEGINNING October 21 - November 25

6:00 pm | RM 217

(There is a book and workbook charge for this Bible Study. Childcare Needed.)


The Women’s Ministry Team would like to thank Sheri Rynd for her three years of serving on the leadership team, as well as the many years of serving women at many events. She has been an integral part of this ministry! She will be missed on the leadership team, but know that she will continue to walk with us as we serve the women of our church and community! Sheri has orchestrated many things such as helping lead our group, being the MC at the women’s retreat, always praying and serving any who are in need, and much, much more! Sheri, we are blessed to have had you on this team and can’t wait to see what God does next this the coming season! Thank you again for all your service, and blessings to you on your next part of your journey!

With Christ’s Love,Women’s Ministry Team

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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!Do you love children and feel called to serve in this way? The G.C.P.C. MOPS group needs volunteers to work with our children during our MOPS meetings this coming school year. Help is needed for all ages, from infants through age five. Time commitment would be the 2nd and 4th Fridays, September 2015 to May 2016, from 9:00 - 11:30 am. Background check and Ministry Safe Training required. To volunteer for this ministry that enriches the lives of young families, please call Jennifer Suhm at (509) 910-6907 or email [email protected].

MOPS is a ministry of Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church that ministers to Mothers of Preschoolers who desire to grow in motherhood with other moms. Our meetings are twice per month, the second and fourth Fridays beginning September 11, 2015 to May 13, 2016 from 9:30 to 11:30 am with holiday exceptions. Children will enjoy time

Women’s Ministry

in our MOPPETS program so you may enjoy two uninterrupted and well-deserved hours with other moms. You can expect a delicious breakfast served at every meeting, a great speaker, and some wonderful fellowship. Our Discussion Group Leaders (DGLs) shepherd moms no matter where they are in their faith walk. We also host a Creative Moments the first Friday of each month with childcare, where you can do anything you like for three hours, including taking a nap. If you have a child of kindergarten age or younger, you are encouraged and welcome to join MOPS. Registration fees apply.

This year’s MOPS theme, “A Fierce Flourishing,” encourages mothers to embrace rest, notice goodness, and celebrate lavishly. Join us to discover how we can put this into practice in our lives.

This year’s verse is “For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” Isaiah 55:12

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Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

Mark your calendar for these family friendly Fall events at Ghormley!


HARVEST FESTIVAL (SEPT 27TH)Come join us in kicking off the start of fall! Carnival games, apple cider pressing, and of course, our delicious camp cuisine!

SLAMQUEST AND THE BLASTMiddle School and High School students come and reunite with your camp friends in this action packed weekend! Filled with all your favorite camp activities, including the zipline and night games! Register now at

SLAMQUEST (Middle School Grades 6th-8th) OCTOBER 16th-18th

THE BLAST (High School Grades 9th-12th) NOVEMBER 20th-22nd

MOUNTAIN MEADOW CHRISTMAS (DEC 12TH-13TH)Bring the whole family and join us for Christmas worship, tree cutting, snow tubing and many more winter activities as we celebrate the Christmas season! Visit for registration details.


This year we had the privilege of serving nearly 1,000 campers during our summer camp sessions. Our summer theme was Adventure Island as we studied the book of Acts; campers were taught what it means to surrender their life to Jesus and live boldly for His kingdom in this “Adventure” called life. Campers came ready with many different questions regarding their faith and what it means to live for Jesus when the world around you does not agree. As we walked

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Service Ministry Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

through these tough questions, many kids came to know Jesus on a personal level or rededicated their life to Him. Please continue to pray over these campers that they would have opportunities to meet with Jesus throughout the school year.

Support Ghormley Through:

PRAYER• As we wrap up the 2015 fiscal year, pray that Camp

Ghormley will be financially successful for the rest of 2015 and into 2016.

• Pray that relationships will be built, lives changed, and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus.

• Pray that the Lord will lead us as we prepare for adding and updating facilities.

FINANCIALLYSupport Camp Ghormley through operating funds, camp scholarships, and memorials.


• Adopt-A-Cabin / Adopt-A-Flower Bed.

• Host Guest Groups.

For Adopt-A-Cabin, contact Joe Buckley at 961-0424 or email [email protected].

Ghormley Work Days are scheduled for the second Saturday of each month at camp to provide maintenance of facilities and grounds.


Our next Second Saturday is scheduled for September 12th from 9:00am-3:00pm.

We need your help keeping camp beautiful as we transition into the fall season.

Your efforts, contributions and prayers are needed and much appreciated! Lunch will be provided with an RSVP.

To RSVP call camp at (509) 672-4311.

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Trailseeker kids (boys and girls) and youth have also gone to various camps throughout July and August. Some have gone to Camp Dudley, Camp Ghormley, short stops on Orcas Island and Mt. Rainer. It has been a very busy and productive summer. Also, a dozen or so of the kids experienced our VBS over the summer.

ELEMENTARY PROGRAMThe Encampment is one of the ways kids become part of Trailseekers. We have the privilege of hosting the Trailseekers elementary program for at-risk kids here at Grace. The program runs from mid-September through mid-May, after school, on Mondays. This year’s curriculum will be “The Story,” that we, as a congregation finished in June; which included Sunday worship and education for all ages and small groups. This overview of the Bible on a kid’s level will be perfect for Trailseekers.

Missions ~ Trailseekers

JUNE 2015In June, 21 boys ages 6-8, along with 21 high school mentors attended the 25th Trailseekers Orcas Encampment. The boys rode on a commercial bus, took a ferry, hiked, swam, sat around the nightly campfire, watched clowns and, best of all, learned about the love of Jesus. The week ended with trips to the Woodland Park Zoo and Pacific Science Center in Seattle. Thanks to the many volunteers from Grace of Christ for your prayers and support. The week was a huge success.

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Missions ~ Trailseekers

WHEN CAN I HELP?Kids are picked up at school at 2:15 on Monday and taken to their homes at 4:00. In order to serve the new and returning Trailseekers, we have a need for teachers, helpers, and drivers. As a teacher you will be provided with all the materials and support to enable you to love the kids. Also, the kids swim at the YMCA once a month and we are in desperate need for adults to help with this by either swimming in the pool with the kids, or helping in the locker rooms.

NEW VOLUNTEERS WELCOMED!Please pray to see if God is leading you to minister to a wonderful group of kids who need to hear about and see the love of Jesus. Learn more about the Trailseekers Elementary program by visiting with one of the volunteers who have served. They would be more than happy to share their experiences. Feel free to speak with Ann Aldous, Patty Arkills, John Benson, Teri Buchanan, Linda Cairns, Carrie Chicken, Kathy Davis, Laurie Reid, Sheri Rynd and Monte Schilperoort, all from Grace of Christ. Our team also includes others from various Yakima churches. For specific questions please talk to Jill Skone or Judy Turner (girls groups), Mary Pooler (kitchen/snacks), Betty Rosenkranz, Michele Elledge or Rich Williams (Teacher/Helpers), Fred or Pat Erickson or Joann Benson (swimming), or Greg Nebeker (driver – 509-307-1100) or John to hear more about the ministry.

We draw from six elementary schools, including Adams where many are already serving. Please, won’t you pray about being part of this very valuable ministry that makes a difference by reaching out to share the Love of Jesus.

Together Serving Jesus,John Stolzenbach (509)426-2689

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G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

September Calendar of Events

Glorifying God With Our BestPioneering and Ongoing Outreach

Engaging and Nurturing RelationshipsBeing A Cornerstone in the CommunityEquipping People for Ministry Through

Biblical Foundation and Service

Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100. [email protected]

Grace of ChristPresbyterian Church9 South 8th AveYakima, WA 98902(509) 248-7940

Thur, August 27 Women’s Ministry Meeting 4:30 pm Parlor Committee Sun, August 30 Prayer Sun, (Communion) All Morning Sanctuary Everyone

Tues, September 1 Worship Ministry Team Meeting 6:15 pm Adult Ed Rm Committee

Wed, September 2 Preschool Orientation 6:00 pm Sanctuary Preschool Parents

Thur, September 3 Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 1:30 pm Adult Ed Rm Committee

Sun, September 6 Last Summer Hours for Sunday Worship

Mon, September 7 Labor Day / Church Closed All Day Entire Church Everyone

Tues, September 8 Foundation Board 7:00 am Library Committee Preschool First Day (3’s and PK) 9:00 am Classrooms Preschool Service Ministry Team 6:00 pm Adult Ed Rm Committee

Wed, September 9 Preschool First Day (4’s) 9:00 am Classrooms Preschool Business Ministry Team Meeting 4:00 pm Library Committee

Thur, September 10 Ghormley Commission 7:00 pm Adult Ed Rm Committee

Fri, September 11 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30 am Gym Moms Craft Night 6:30 pm Adult Ed Rm Women

Sun, September 13 Four Services Begin All Morning Sanctuary Everyone KidZone Starts 9:30 am Early Learning Zone Staff Lunch 12:30 pm Adult Ed Rm Staff

Tues, September 15 Women in the Word Bible Study Begins 9:45 am Parlor Women

Wed, September 16 Parenting Class Begins 6:00 pm Lounge Everyone

Thur, September 17 BSF Begins 9:00 am Sanctuary Women

Sun, September 20 Chat with the Elders 11:00 am & 12:00 pm Adult Ed Rm Everyone Financial Peace University Begins 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Sanctuary Everyone

Tues, September 22 Session Meeting and Dinner 6:00 pm Garden Rm/Mid High Elders & Prog. Staff

Wed, September 23 Mary MacLean Guild 12:00 pm Off-site Women

Sun, September 27 Bags of Hope Collection! All Morning Sanctuary Everyone Deacon’s Meeting 3:30 pm Lounge Deacons Ghormley Harvest Festival To Be Announced Ghormley Meadow Everyone

Tues, September 29 “Pursuing Our Limitless God” 9:15 am Gym Women (Bible Study Begins)

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G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00 am Adult Ed Everyone All Staff Check-In Meeting 10:00 am DF Lounge All Staff Overeaters Anonymous 12:00 / noon Adult Ed Everyone Trailseekers 2:30 pm Gym Al-Anon 5:15 pm Adult Ed Everyone Divorce Care 6:30 pm Room 217 Everyone

Tuesday Pursuing Our Limitless God (Women’s Bible Study) 9:15 am Gym Women Women In the Word Bible Study 9:45 am Parlor Women Cristo Vive Youth Music Class 6:00 pm Chapel Youth

Wednesday Women of Action (2nd & 4th Wednesdays) 9:30 am Chapel Women Men’s Noon Bible Study 12:00 / noon Adult Ed Men Youth Group - Mid High & Senior High 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Youth & Mid High Rms 6th-12th Grade Cristo Vive Bible Study 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Adult Ed Everyone Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Sanctuary Everyone

Thursday Bible Study Fellowship 9:00 am Sanctuary Women SOZO Prayer 5:45 pm - 9:15 pm Lounge, Prayer Rm SOZO Team Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sanctuary Temple Choir 7:00 pm Choir Rm

Friday SOZO Prayer 9:00 am - 11:30 am Chapel, Prayer Rm SOZO Team

Worship - Led by Contemporary Worship Team 8:00 am & 9:30 am Sanctuary Everyone Worship - Led by Temple Choir & Organ 11:00 am Sanctuary Everyone Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) 1:00 pm Sanctuary Everyone Going Deeper: Revelation 9:30 am Adult Ed Adults Golden Circle 9:30 am Lounge Adults Youth Sunday School 9:30 am Mid High & Youth Rms 6th-12th Grade KidZone 9:30 am 2nd Floor 3yrs-5th Grade

Weekday Events

Sunday Services and Events


LABOR DAYThe church will be closed on Monday, September 7th in observance of Labor Day.

PEACEFUL PARENTINGPeaceful Parenting is 8 weeks of wonderful, practical parenting tips. This fall, classes will begin Wednesday, September 16 at 6:00 pm in the David Ferry Lounge. If you have questions about the parenting class or if you would like to serve as a table mentor, please contact Shan Trick at 248-7940 or [email protected].

Love After MarriageThis 3.5 day training is for couples who not only want to strengthen their own marriages, but also have the desire to disciple other couples in their marriages. Sept 10-13 (TH 6-9 pm, FRI & SAT 9 am-9 pm, SUN 1:30-8:30 pm). Register:

Sept 6: N - S Sept 13: T - Z Sept 20: A - F Sept 27: G - M


SEPT 13th


FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITYFinancial Peace University begins Sunday, Sept 20 - Nov 15 at 4:30 PM in the Sanctuary. Registration and fees for class can be made online at

COOKIES & CANSThank you for bringing cookies for our fellowship time on Sunday mornings and for bringing non-perishable food for the food bank. (We donate to Calvary Rescue mission.) The date below is when your family can help this month.

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G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c hG r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h