grace gazette jan. 27th 2012

January 27, 2012 Volume 1 Number 18 Reminder: WoW begins on Monday for 3 rd –7 th grade. Grace Gazette Growing Lifelong Learners & Next Generation Leaders to Glorify Him Have you noticed our new Spirit Shop? A big thanks to Dan and Maranda Williams, Amanda Webber, and Rexanne Crysel for a great job in putting together our Spirit Shop. The Middle School students are practicing their Shakespeare play; the Lower School had tryouts for the musical to be performed for the upcoming Grandparents' Day. We have so much talent in this school, and it is hard to decide whom to give which part to for this musical about the Hymns of Our Faith. We will perform it for you on Wednesday, March 7th and for the Grandparents on March 9th. Please send us the names and addresses of your child's grandparents or grandpals for Grandparents' Day which is Friday, March 9 from 9:00 11:30. There is early dismissal, and your child may go home early to enjoy your parents. There will be Dear Parents, We had a wet and wonderful week with your students! We had two Open Houses for new families. We appreciate you encouraging your friends to come to our Open Houses! A loving reminder that your re enrollment forms and registration fee are due by February 1 in order to save the $1,000.00 enrollment fee and also, to secure a place for your child. Starting on February 2, we do begin to enroll siblings of current students, and then any openings left will go to the other applicants we have received. When you reenroll, you will receive a sign for your yard that says "A Grace Academy family lives here." We encourage you to put the sign in your yard to help spread the word about Grace Academy. Thank you for putting out the posters with all the Open House Information Coffee dates for us at your churches, favorite restaurants, and work places. Letter from the Head of School a photo opportunity, program, tour of the school, and a warm welcome for all the grandparents. We are having monthly luncheons called Grace for Your Day. A card is being sent home with your child with the dates and topics. Invite a friend and join us! It's for men and women. Pick up extra cards and put them up at your church or work place. This Friday, the PTF is providing an Ice Cream Social to celebrate our kids! That night is our first Parent Social at the home of Angela and Kevin Calk. We look forward to having fun as the Grace family. RSVP for childcare with the Student Council at the school. Have a blessed week! Warmly, Mrs. Capehart

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January  27,  2012  

Volume  1  Number  18  

 Reminder:  WoW  begins  on  Monday  for  3rd  –  7th  grade.    


Grace  Gazette  

Growing  Lifelong  Learners  &  Next  Generation  Leaders  to  Glorify  Him  

Have  you  noticed  our  new  Spirit  Shop?  A  big  thanks  to  Dan  and  Maranda  Williams,  Amanda  Webber,  and  Rexanne  Crysel  for  a  great  job  in  putting  together  our  Spirit  Shop.      

The  Middle  School  students  are  practicing  their  Shakespeare  play;  the  Lower  School  had  tryouts  for  the  musical  to  be  performed  for  the  upcoming  Grandparents'  Day.  We  have  so  much  talent  in  this  school,  and  it  is  hard  to  decide  whom  to  give  which  part  to  for  this  musical  about  the  Hymns  of  Our  Faith.  We  will  perform  it  for  you  on  Wednesday,  March  7th  and  for  the  Grandparents  on  March  9th.    

Please  send  us  the  names  and  addresses  of   your   child's   grandparents   or  grandpals   for   Grandparents'   Day  which   is   Friday,   March   9   from   9:00-­‐11:30.   There   is   early   dismissal,   and  your   child  may   go   home   early   to   enjoy  your   parents.   There   will   be  

Dear  Parents,    

We  had  a  wet  and  wonderful  week  with  your  students!  We  had  two  Open  Houses  for  new  families.  We  appreciate  you  encouraging  your  friends  to  come  to  our  Open  Houses!    

A  loving  reminder  that  your  re-­‐enrollment  forms  and  registration  fee  are  due  by  February  1  in  order  to  save  the  $1,000.00  enrollment  fee  and  also,  to  secure  a  place  for  your  child.  Starting  on  February  2,  we  do  begin  to  enroll  siblings  of  current  students,  and  then  any  openings  left  will  go  to  the  other  applicants  we  have  received.  When  you  re-­‐enroll,  you  will  receive  a  sign  for  your  yard  that  says  "A  Grace  Academy  family  lives  here."  We  encourage  you  to  put  the  sign  in  your  yard  to  help  spread  the  word  about  Grace  Academy.  

Thank  you  for  putting  out  the  posters  with  all  the  Open  House  Information  Coffee  dates  for  us  at  your  churches,  favorite  restaurants,  and  work  places.    

Letter  from  the  Head  of  School  a  photo  opportunity,  program,  tour  of  the  school,  and  a  warm  welcome  for  all  the  grandparents.    

We  are  having  monthly  luncheons  called  Grace  for  Your  Day.  A  card  is  being  sent  home  with  your  child  with  the  dates  and  topics.  Invite  a  friend  and  join  us!  It's  for  men  and  women.  Pick  up  extra  cards  and  put  them  up  at  your  church  or  work  place.    

This  Friday,  the  PTF  is  providing  an  Ice  Cream  Social  to  celebrate  our  kids!  That  night  is  our  first  Parent  Social  at  the  home  of  Angela  and  Kevin  Calk.  We  look  forward  to  having  fun  as  the  Grace  family.  RSVP  for  childcare  with  the  Student  Council  at  the  school.  

Have  a  blessed  week!  


Mrs.  Capehart  

  Lorem  Ipsum  


Important  Notices:  


Dates  for  Open  House  Informational  Coffees:  

February  1,  9:30  February  8,  9:30    February  15,  9:30  February  22,  9:30  February  29,  9:30  March  21,  9:30  March  28,  9:30  


Re-­‐enrollment   forms   and  registration   fee   are   due   no   later  than  February  1  in  order  for  you  to   save   the   $1,000.00   enrollment  fee!  


We   will   be   having   an   ice   cream  social   at   school   on   Friday,  February  3rd.        

Grace  Gazette   Vol.  1  No.  18    

       Happy  Birthday...                      

 Irise  Adegbamigbe  1/21  Mrs.  Zuehsow  1/24  

Please  send  us  the  addresses  of  your   child’s   grandparents  and/or   special   grandpals   for  our   up-­‐coming   first   annual  GRANDPARENTS’   DAY   on  Friday,   March   9,   which   is   the  last  day  of   school  before   spring  break.   There   will   be   early  dismissal   so   grandparents   can  take   their   grandchildren   to  lunch  if  they  choose  as  well.  

Please   email   addresses   to  Mrs.  Martin   by   February   1   so  we   can   mail   out   invitations.  Meanwhile,   be   sure   your  grandparents   have   that   very  special  day  on  their  calendars!  

Grandparent’s  Day  Do   not   forget   that   the   Re-­‐enrollment   deadline   is   coming  up.       Your   forms   are   due   no   later  than   February   1st   in   order   to   save  the   $1,000   enrollment   fee.     Mrs.  Martin   will   be   in   the   back   offices  on   Monday   from   8:00-­‐3:00   to  collect  re-­‐enrollment.    She  will  also  have  contracts  ready  for  those  who  have  turned  their   forms   in  already  and   can  quickly  write   them  up   for  those  who   turn  your   forms   in   that  day.     Please  use   the   side  door   and  ring   the   bell   if   you   come   on  Monday.        Also,   you   can   turn   in   applications  for   siblings   at   this   time   as   well,  before   enrollment   opens   to   the  public.    Many  classes  are  filling  up,  so   be   sure   to   get   your   forms   in   as  




Open  House  Informationals  

We  encourage  you    to  invite  your  

friends  to  our  Open  House  Coffees  and  Informationals,  Wednesdays  at  9:30.    We  have  

flyers  at  the  front  desk  if  you  would  like  to  take  some  and  give  them  to  

friends  who  may  be  interested.      

Wish  List  

Laminating  machine  &  film    Rolls  of  Butcher  Paper    Super  Solar  system  panels  for  5th  grade  classroom  &  the    English/  History/Latin  classroom.      Minimal  noise  standing  vertical  fans    for  classrooms      Floorlamps  for  classrooms    Large,  standing  American  and  Christian  Flags  with  flag  poles  &  stands  for  our  chapel.    If  you  have  would  like  to  provide  any  of  the  above  items  but  have  a  question  about  the  item  or  where  you  can  purchase  it,  please  email  Mrs.  Martin.  

Last   week   in   Mrs.   Zuehsow’s   class   we   had   the   best  event   ever.     The   fifth   grade   class   competed   together  in...  The  Measurement  Olympics!    We  had  to  compete  in  six  events:   the   javelin  shoot,   the  discus   throw,   the  standing  long  jump,  the  shuttle  run,  the  boat  race,  and  the   snack  mix.     The   javelin   shoot,   discus   throw,   and  standing   long   jump   were   all   part   of   the   distance  events.    The  shuttle  run  and  the  boat  race  were  time  events.    The  snack  mix  was  a  volume  event.    We  did  all  these  events,  measured,  and  then  handed  the  ribbons.    We   also   took   a   ton   of   pictures.     This  was   not   only   a  fun   event,   but   it   was   a   really   fun  way   to   learn.     I’m  proud   of   everybody   because   we   all   had   good  sportsmanship.    By:  Jennah  Williams    

5th  Grade  

  Lorem  Ipsum  Grace  Gazette   Vol.  1  No.  18    

Uniform  &  Spirit  Shop  Options    

Photos  from  the  PTF  Meeting    

 THANK   YOU   to   Rexanne   Crysel   for   her   help   with   uniforms.    She  has  been   in  contact  with  Academic  Outfitters  helping  us  get  set  up  with  their  services.        THANK   YOU   to   Amanda   Webber   for   arranging   Spirit   Shop  clothing  options.    Be  sure  to  check  out  the  Spirit  Shop  in  the  foyer  to  see  some  of  the  many  Spirit  Shop  offerings.    THANK   YOU   to   Dan  &  Maranda  Williams   for   setting   up   our  beautiful  new  Spirit  Shop.  



 Left:  5th  graders  Noah  Wise,  Michael  Beaty,  Jace  Miserak,  Kensey  Crysel,  Kailey  Ownby,  Kaitlyn  Zdrojewski,  Kaitlyn  Vana,  Sam  Pace,  and  Christopher  Pardo  with  their  medals;  The  beautiful  snack  display  for  the  PTF  meeting  last  Thursday;  First  grade  boiled  and  tasted  lentil  beans  after  reading  about  how  the  very  hungry  Esau  traded  his  birthright  to  Jacob  for  a  bowl  of  beans.  The  class  learned  about  how  we  often  squander  our  treasures  in  Heaven  to  satisfy  a  temporal  desire.  The  kids  enjoyed  eating  beans...well  most  of  them  did.  :)    Right:  Michael  Beaty  participating  in  the  Measurement  Olympics;  Noah  Wise  celebrating  a  successful  event;  Kensey  Crysel  measuring  a  distance  for  the  Olympics;  First  grade  is  very  excited  about  the  new  building!  

Grace  Gazette   Vol.  1  No.  18