grade seven

Grade Seven Unit Seven

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Grade Seven. Unit Seven. 1. amiss ( adj ) faulty, imperfect, not as it should be (adv)in a mistaken or improper way, wrongly syn : ( adj /adv) awry ant : (adv) properly Ex. Something was amiss and made the man suspicious. 2. brawl (n) a noisy quarrel or fight - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Grade Seven

Unit Seven

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1. amiss (adj) faulty, imperfect, not as it should be (adv)in a mistaken or

improper way, wronglysyn: (adj/adv) awryant: (adv) properlyEx. Something was amiss

and made the man suspicious.

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2. brawl (n) a noisy quarrel or fight (v) to quarrel or fight

noisilysyn: (n) scuffle, donnybrook (v)

spar, scrapEx. The cats brawling in the

alley could be heard in every apartment.

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3. detest (v) to hate, dislike very much; loathe

syn: despise, abhorant: relish, love, admire,

esteemEx. I used to detest onions,

but now I put them in most dishes I make.

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4. domestic (adj) native to a country, not foreign; relating to the life or affairs of a household (n) a household servant

syn: (adj) household, native (n) servant

ant: (adj) foreign, alienEx. The electric bill and gas bill are domestic affairs.

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5. flagrant (adj) extremely bad, glaring; scandalous, notorious

syn: blatant, gross, outrageousant: petty, piddling, trifling,

inconsequentialEx. The flagrant behavior of the

politician caused him to be impeached.

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6. flaw (n) a slight fault, defect, crack

syn: imperfection, blemishant: faultlessness, perfectionEx. The diamond had a flaw

which caused it to decrease in value.

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7. fledgling (n) an inexperienced person, beginner; a young bird about to leave the nest

(adj) inexperienced, buddingsyn: (n) novice, tyro, neophyteant: (n) pro, expert, veteranEx. Since he was a fledgling

performer, he felt many butterflies before his first performance.

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8. fluster (v) to make or become confused, agitated, or nervous (n) a state of confusion or

agitationsyn: (v) agitate, rattle, disconcertant: (v) reassure, soothe, quietEx. When too many questions were

asked too quickly, the shy person became flustered.

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9. foremost (adj) chief, most important, primary; (adv) in the first place

syn: (adj) leading, principal, paramount

ant: (adj) hindmost, last, secondaryEx. Because he is the foremost

authority in medical research, his opinion is respected.

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10. momentum (n) the force or speed with which something moves

syn: drive, thrust, impetusEx. Each good grade gave

her more momentum and soon her grade was an A.

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11. notable (adj) striking, remarkable (n) a person who is well

known, distinguished, or outstanding in some way

syn: (adj) noteworthy, impressiveant: (adj) undistinguished,

unremarkable (n) unknownEx. Achieving highest honors is a

notable achievement.

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12. nurture (v) to bring up, care for, train, nourish (n) rearing, training,

upbringingsyn: (v) raise, rear, fosterant: neglect, ignore, discourage, hinderEx. An abandoned kitten must

be nurtured.

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13. paradox (n) a self-contradictory statement that on close examination proves true; a person or thing with seemingly contradictory qualities

syn: riddle, enigma, anomaly, absurdityEx. The statement “America is

free” is a paradox.

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14. perjury (n) the act of swearing to a lie

syn: false witnessEx. She committed perjury.

She assured her parents that she did not take the money when in actuality she did.

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15.presume (v) to take for granted, assume, or suppose; to dare, take upon oneself, take liberties syn: surmise, trespass, infringe

Ex. The boy presumed that he would make the team since he was on it last year.

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16. prior (adj) earlier, formersyn: previous, anteriorant: subsequent, later,

ensuing, followingEx. Since I had a prior

commitment, I could not go to the party.

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17. proficient (adj) skilled, expert, or capable in any field or activity

syn: competent, adept, ableant: incompetent, inept,

unskilled, ignorantEx. I am a proficient musician

who has performed for years.

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18. salvo (n) a burst of gunfire or cannon shot, often as a tribute or salute; a sudden burst of anything; a spirited, verbal attack

syn: barrage, volleyEx. The twenty-one gun salute

served as a salvo for the fallen soldiers.

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19. vigilant (adj) wide-awake, alert, watchful

syn: attentive, on one’s toesant: sleepy, inattentive,

unobservantEx. The editor was vigilant; no

mistakes appeared in the composition.

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20. wrath (n) intense angersyn: rage, fury, ire, choler,

indignationant: favor, approval, pleasure, blessingEx. The principal’s wrath ended

with a suspension for the misbehaving student.