grade v...we were all scared of the principal, mr. ahmed.” v. who are ‘we’ in the above lines?...

Grade v Half yearly examination 2018-19 Revision question paper & Answer key

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  • Grade v

    Half yearly examination 2018-19

    Revision question paper


    Answer key





    Time: 2Hrs. ENGLISH Marks:60


    Who has seen the wind?

    Neither I nor you:

    But when the leaves hang trembling

    The wind is passing through.

    Who has seen the wind?

    Neither you norI

    But when the trees bow down their heads

    The wind is passing by.

    Oh wind, why do you never rest,

    Wandering , whistling to and fro,

    Bringing rain out of the west

    From the dim north bringing snow?

    i. Answer the following questions:

    a. Suggest a suitable title for the poem.

    b. Pick out two –ing words from the poem.

    c. Has anybody seen the wind?

    d. Why do you think the leaves are trembling?

    e. What makes the trees bow their heads?

    f. The wind is never at rest. What does it do?

    g. Find a pair of rhyming words from the poem.

  • SECTION B: WRITING (15 marks)

    1. Write a descriptive essay ( in about 8 lines ) on any one of the following topics:

    Describe your favorite place.


    Describe one of your friends.

    2. Draw a poster on any one of the following topics :

    Save the Tiger


    Animals --- A Treasure Trove

    SECTION C: GRAMMAR (15 marks)

    1. Complete the following sentences using the articles ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’. (8 marks)

    i. ____ water in that pot is not fit for drinking.

    ii. Is there ____ petrol station near your house?

    iii. I have ____ one year old daughter.

    iv. ____ lion is ____ king of ____ jungle.

    v. May I borrow ____ book from ____ school library?

    2. Complete the following sentences using the Comparative or Superlative degree of the

    adjective given in the bracket. (7 marks)

    i. My brother’s handwriting is ______ mine. (Bad)

    ii. Mount Everest is ______ peak in the world. (High)

    iii. This is the ______ game I have ever played. (Interesting)

    iv. Mars is _____ from Earth than the Moon. (Far)

    v. An ocean is certainly _____ than a sea. (Big)

    vi. I am _____ interested in football than cricket. (Much)

    vii. The elephant is _____ animal in the world. (Large)

  • SECTION D: LITERATURE (15 marks)

    1. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow (4 marks)

    “Turning around, he started walking rapidly towards the school. I quickly stole a glance at my

    friends. We were all scared of the principal, Mr. Ahmed.”

    i. Who are ‘we’ in the above lines? (1)

    ii. Why were the narrator and his friends glancing at each other? (1)

    iii. How did Mr. Ahmed deal with the situation? (1)

    iv. Do you think that the narrator and his friends were at fault? (1)

    2. “Have clapped my hands at him from the door

    When it seemed as if I could bear no more” (4 marks)

    i. Who is the poet of the poem ‘A Minor Bird’? (1)

    ii. Who is ‘him’ in the above lines? (1)

    iii. What couldn’t the poet bear no more? (1)

    iv. Which are the rhyming words in the above lines? (1)

    3. Where did Kunal and his friends go to after the school bell rang? Why? (1)

    4. What did Nira and Niren name their cat? Why? (1)

    5. Match column A with column B (5 marks)


    i. Rugs a. Accepting the blame yourself

    ii. Take the blame b. A cat with brown or grey fur

    with dark lines or spots

    iii. Promptly c. Musical notes

    iv. Key d. Small carpets made from thick


    v. Tabby e. Without any delay



    Who has seen the wind?

    Neither I nor you:

    But when the leaves hang trembling

    The wind is passing through.

    Who has seen the wind?

    Neither you norI

    But when the trees bow down their heads

    The wind is passing by.

    Oh wind, why do you never rest,

    Wandering , whistling to and fro,

    Bringing rain out of the west

    From the dim north bringing snow?


    a. Suggest a suitable title for the poem.

    The Wind (Answers can Vary)

    b. Pick out two –ing words from the poem.

    Trembling,wandering, whistling,passing etc.

    c. Has anybody seen the wind?

    No, no one has ever seen the wind.

    d. Why do you think the leaves are trembling?

    The leaves are trembling because the wind is passing by.

    e. What makes the trees bow their heads?

    The trees bow their head to show that the wind is passing by.

    f. The wind is never at rest. What does it do?

    The wind is never at rest. It is always wandering and whistling to and fro.

  • g. Find two pairs of rhyming words from the poem.

    Rest—west ,you-through


    3. Complete the following sentences using the articles ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’. (8 marks)

    vi. The water in that pot is not fit for drinking.

    vii. Is there a petrol station near your house?

    viii. I have a one year old daughter.

    ix. The lion is the king of the jungle.

    x. May I borrow a book from the school library?

    4. Complete the following sentences using the Comparative or Superlative degree of the

    adjective given in the bracket. (7 marks)

    viii. My brother’s handwriting is worse than mine. (Bad)

    ix. Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. (High)

    x. This is the most interesting game I have ever played. (Interesting)

    xi. Mars is farther than from Earth than the Moon. (Far)

    xii. An ocean is certainly bigger than a sea. (Big)

    xiii. I am more interested in football than cricket. (Much)

    xiv. The elephant is the largest animal in the world. (Large)

    SECTION D: LITERATURE (15 marks)

    6. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow (4 marks)

    “Turning around, he started walking rapidly towards the school. I quickly stole a glance at my

    friends. We were all scared of the principal, Mr. Ahmed.”

    v. Who are ‘we’ in the above lines? (1)

    The narrator and his friends (Kunal, Brijesh, etc)

    vi. Why were the narrator and his friends glancing at each other? (1)

    Because they were scared of what was going to happen next as the man was going to

    complain to their school principal.

    vii. How did Mr. Ahmed deal with the situation? (1)

    He asked them to apologize to man and in the end appreciated the narrator for the


  • viii. Do you think that the narrator and his friends were at fault? (1)

    No, they were not as they were just playing with their friends.

    7. “Have clapped my hands at him from the door

    When it seemed as if I could bear no more” (4 marks)

    v. Who is the poet of the poem ‘A Minor Bird’? (1)

    Robert Frost

    vi. Who is ‘him’ in the above lines? (1)

    The bird

    vii. What couldn’t the poet bear no more? (1)

    The poet couldn’t bear the bird’s song no more.

    viii. Which are the rhyming words in the above lines? (1)


    8. Where did Kunal and his friends go to after the school bell rang? Why? (1)

    Kunal and his friends went to the playground outside their school compound as their

    school compound was too small.

    9. What did Nira and Niren name their cat? Why? (1)

    Nira and Niren named their cat Papaya because of her strange love for the fruit papaya.

    10. Match column A with column B (5 marks)


    vi. Rugs d. Small carpets made from thick material

    vii. Take the blame a. Accepting the blame yourself

    viii. Promptly e. Without any delay

    ix. Key c. Musical notes

    x. Tabby b. A cat with brown or grey fur with dark

    lines or spots



    CLASS 5

    खण्ड – क

    1) गद्यांश पढकर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजजए – (5)

    तयजमहल दजुनयय के आश्चयय में से एक ह ैI इसे सांसयर कय सयतवयाँ आश्चयय

    कहलयने कय गौरव प्रयप्त ह ैI यह आगरय में यमुनय नदी के दयजहने ककनयरे पर

    जततथ ह ैIइसकय जनमययण आज से लगभग चयर सौ वषय पूवय सन 1631 में

    मुग़ल सम्रयट शयहजहयाँ ने करवययय थय I शयहजहयाँ की बेगम मुमतयज़

    महलकय यह शयनदयर मकबरय सभी को आकर्षषत करतय ह ैI तयजमहल को

    “ सांगमरमर में कजवतय” कहय गयय ह ैI

    i) तयजमहल कहयाँ जततथ ह ै?

    ii) इसकय जनमययण कब हुआ थय ?

    iii) तयज्महल कय जनमययण ककसने ककयय थय ?

    iv) इसे क्यय कहय गयय ह ै?

    v) गद्यांश के जलए उजचत शीषयक जलजखए –

    2) गद्यांश पढकर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजजए – (5)

    बच्चे बस से बयहर झयाँकने लगे I सभी जयनने को उत्सुक थे कक बस क्यों

    रूक गई I उन्होंने दखेय कक सड़क के बीच में पेड़ की एक बड़ी डयल

    टूटकर आ जगरी थी , जजससे रयततय रूक गयय थय I लोग उसे हटयने कय

  • प्रयत्न कर रह ेथे I कई और गयजड़ययाँ भी रयततय खुलने के इांतजयर में वहयाँ

    रुकी हुए थीं I सुरेन्र ने अपने पयस बैठे जोसफ से कुछ कहय - i) कौन बयहर झयाँक रह ेथे ?

    ii) उन्होंने क्यय दखेय ?

    iii) सभी उत्सुक क्यों थे ?

    iv) गयजड़ययाँ ककसकय इांतजयर कर रह े थे ?

    v) जवलोम शब्द जलजखए

    बयहर –

    पयस -

    खण्ड – ख

    1) वणय ध्वनी जवच्छेद कीजजए – (4)

    नमूने –

    सौरभ –

    जुलयजहन –

    ललयइन -

    2) रेखयांककत शब्दों के सांज्ञय पहचयनकर भेद जलजखए – (4)

    i) रयम और उसकय जमत्र खेल रह ेहैं I

    ii) भलयई एक गुण ह ैI

    iii) शयहजहयाँ ने तयजमहल बनवययय I

    iv) लक्ष्मी थी यय दगुयय , वह वीरतय कय अवतयर थी I

  • 3) कक,की,मे,मैं से खयली जगहें भररए – (3)

    i) मनुष्य ककसी भी कयम ______ आगे बढ़ सकतय ह ैI

    ii) मुझे नहीं लगतय ________ वह आज आएगय I

    iii) हमयरे रयजिय झांडय ______ तीन रांग है I

    iv) ________ इस समतयय कय समयधयन करूाँ गय I

    v) ______ रोज़ उसे कहती हाँ _____ अपनय कयम खुद करनय

    चयजहए I

    4) वतयनी शुद्ध कीजजए – (4)

    कयटय - ____________

    वीष्णु - ___________

    सयस - ___________

    उलयस - __________

    खण्ड – ग

    1) अथय जलजखए – (2)

    कतरनय - _____________

    प्रयण - _______________

    उपकयर - ______________

    श्ययम - ________________

    2) जवलोम शब्द जलजखए – (2)

    समय × _____________

    ज्ञयन × ______________

  • मयन × _______________

    चढ़नय × _______________

    3) पययययवयची शब्द जलजखए – (3)

    फूल - _________ ____________

    जी - ___________ _________

    दवे - ____________ _____________

    4) एक शब्द में उत्तर जलजखए – (2)

    i) ओणम भयरत के ककस रयज्य कय त्योहयर ह ै?


    ii) रयत को फूलों पर कौन चमकतय ह ै ?


    5) सही जवकल्प चुनकर जलजखए – (2)

    i) ब्रयह्मण ने अपनय पहलय कदम कहयाँ रखय ?

    घयस पृथ्वी चयाँद

    ii) पेड़ कयटने के जलए हमें ककसकी अनुमजत चयजहए ?

    प्रधयनमांत्री सरकयर रयिपजत

    6) कजवतय की पूती कीजजए – (4)

    ह ैखटकतय ............................ बड़प्पन की

    कसर II

    7) प्रश्नों के उत्तर जलजखए – (6)

    i) “फूल और कयाँटय” कहयाँ पैदय होते ह ै

    ii) बच्चों की बस रयतते में क्यों रूक गई ?

    iii) हमयरय दशे भयरत कैसय ह ै?

    खण्ड – घ

    iv) अध्ययजपकय और आपके बीच सांवयद जलजखए I 5 वयक्य (5)

  • v) आपको दो कदन से बुखयर ह ै I दो कदन कय अवकयश मयाँगते हुए

    प्रधयनयचययय को पत्र जलजखए I (4)

    vi) अनुच्छेद जलजखए – (5)

    ओणम यय सच्चय जमत्र

  • Hindi – Answer Key

    खण्ड – क

    1. गद्यांश पढकर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजजए – (5)

    तयजमहल दजुनयय के आश्चयय में से एक ह ैI इसे सांसयर कय सयतवयाँ आश्चयय

    कहलयने कय गौरव प्रयप्त ह ैI यह आगरय में यमुनय नदी के दयजहने ककनयरे पर

    जततथ ह ैI इसकय जनमययण आज से लगभग चयर सौ वषय पूवय सन 1631 में

    मुग़ल सम्रयट शयहजहयाँ ने करवययय थय I शयहजहयाँ की बेगम मुमतयज़ महल

    कय यह शयनदयर मकबरय सभी को आकर्षषत करतय ह ैI तयजमहल को “

    सांगमरमर में कजवतय” कहय गयय ह ैI

    vi) तयजमहल कहयाँ जततथ ह ै?

    उत्तर) तयजमहल आगरय में यमुनय नदी के दयजहने ककनयरे पर जततथ

    ह ैI

    vii) इसकय जनमययण कब हुआ थय ?

    उत्तर) इसकय जनमययण आज से लगभग चयर सौ वषय पूवय सन 1631 में

    हुआ थय I

    viii) तयज्महल कय जनमययण ककसने ककयय थय ?

    उत्तर) तयजमहल कय जनमययण मुग़ल सम्रयट शयहजहयाँ ने ककयय थय I

    ix) इसे क्यय कहय गयय ह ै?

    तयजमहल को “ सांगमरमर में कजवतय” कहय गयय थय I

    x) गद्यांश के जलए उजचत शीषयक जलजखए –

    उत्तर) तयजमहल

    गद्यांश पढकर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजजए – (5)

  • बच्चे बस से बयहर झयाँकने लगे I सभी जयनने को उत्सुक थे कक बस क्यों

    रूक गई I उन्होंने दखेय कक सड़क के बीच में पेड़ की एक बड़ी डयल

    टूटकर आ जगरी थी , जजससे रयततय रूक गयय थय I लोग उसे हटयने कय

    प्रयत्न कर रह ेथे I कई और गयजड़ययाँ भी रयततय खुलने के इांतजयर में वहयाँ

    रुकी हुए थीं I सुरेन्र ने अपने पयस बैठे जोसफ से कुछ कहय - vi)

    कौन बयहर झयाँक रह ेथे ?

    उत्तर) बच्चे बयहर झयाँक रह ेथे I

    vii) उन्होंने क्यय दखेय ?

    उत्तर) उन्होंने दखेय कक सड़क के बीच में पेड़ की एक बड़ी डयल

    टूटकर आ जगरी थी I

    viii) सभी उत्सुक क्यों थे ?

    उत्तर) सभी जयनने को उत्सुक थ ेकक बस क्यों रूक गई I

    ix) गयजड़ययाँ ककसकय इांतजयर कर रह े थे ?

    उत्तर) गयजड़ययाँ रयततय खुलने के इांतज़यर में रुकी हुए थी I

    V) जवलोम शब्द जलजखए –

    बयहर × अन्दर

    पयस × दरू

    खण्ड – ख

    5) वणय ध्वनी जवच्छेद कीजजए – (4)

    नमूने – न + अ + म + ऊ + न + ऐ

  • सौरभ – स +औ + र + अ + भ + अ

    जुलयजहन – ज + उ + ल + आ + ह + इ + न + अ

    ललयइन - ल + अ + ल + आ + इ + न + अ

    6) रेखयांककत शब्दों के सांज्ञय पहचयनकर भेद जलजखए – (4)

    v) रयम और उसकय जमत्र खेल रह ेहैं I

    vi) भलयई एक गुण ह ैI

    vii) शयहजहयाँ ने तयजमहल बनवययय I

    viii) लक्ष्मी थी यय दगुयय , वह वीरतय कय अवतयर थी I

    व्यजिवयचक जयजतवयचक भयववयचक

    रयम जमत्र


    शयहजहयाँ,तयजमहल, ---- ------

    लक्ष्मी,दगुयय ----- वीरतय

    7) कक,की,मे,मैं से खयली जगहें भररए – (3)

    vi) मनुष्य ककसी भी कयम में आगे बढ़ सकतय ह ैI

    vii) मुझे नहीं लगतय कक वह आज आएगय I

    viii) हमयरे रयजिय झांडे में तीन रांग ह ैI

    ix) मैं इस समतयय कय समयधयन करूाँ गय I

    x) मैं रोज़ उसे कहती हाँ कक अपनय कयम खुद करनय चयजहए I

    8) वतयनी शुद्ध कीजजए – (4)

    कयटय – कयाँटय

  • वीष्णु – जवष्णु

    सयस – सयाँस

    उलयस – उल्लयस

    खण्ड – ग

    2. अथय जलजखए – (2)

    कतरनय – कयटनय

    प्रयण – जीवन

    उपकयर – भलयई

    श्ययम – कयलय

    3. जवलोम शब्द जलजखए – (2)

    समय × असमय

    ज्ञयन × अज्ञयन

    मयन × अपमयन

    चढ़नय × उतरनय

    4. पययययवयची शब्द जलजखए – (3)

    फूल – पुष्प ,सुमन

    जी – कदल , मन

    दवे – दवेतय , सुर

  • 5. एक शब्द में उत्तर जलजखए – (2)

    iii) ओणम भयरत के ककस रयज्य कय त्योहयर ह ै? केरल

    iv) रयत को फूलों पर कौन चमकतय ह ै ? चयाँद

    6. सही जवकल्प चुनकर जलजखए – (2)

    iii) ब्रयह्मण ने अपनय पहलय कदम कहयाँ रखय ?

    घयस पृथ्वी चयाँद

    iv) पेड़ कयटने के जलए हमें ककसकी अनुमजत चयजहए ? सरकयर

    प्रधयनमांत्री सरकयर रयिपजत

    7. कजवतय की पूती कीजजए – (4)

    ह ैखटकतय ............................ बड़प्पन की

    कसर II

    ह ैखटकतय एक सबकी आाँख में

    दसूरय ह ैसोहतय सुर सीस पर,

    ककस तरह फूल की बड़यई कयम दे,

    जो ककसी में हो बड़प्पन की कसर II

    8. प्रश्नों के उत्तर जलजखए – (6)

    vii) “फूल और कयाँटय” कहयाँ पैदय होते ह?ै

    उत्तर) “फूल और कयाँटय” एक ही जगह अथIतय एक ही पौधे में

    पैदय होते ह ैI

    viii) बच्चों की बस रयतते में क्यों रूक गई ?

    उत्तर) बच्चों की बस रयतते में रूक गए थे क्योंकक पेड़ की एक बड़ी

    सी डयल रयतते में जगर गई थी I

    ix) हमयरय दशे भयरत कैसय ह ै?

    उत्तर) हमयरय दशे भयरत सबसे सुन्दर ह ैI

  • खण्ड – घ

    x) अध्ययजपकय और आपके बीच सांवयद जलजखए I 5 वयक्य (5)

    xi) आपको दो कदन से बुखयर ह ै I दो कदन कय अवकयश मयाँगते हुए

    प्रधयनयचययय को पत्र जलजखए I (4)

    xii) अनुच्छेद जलजखए – (5)

    ओणम यय सच्चय जमत्र



    Marks: 60 MALAYALAM Time: 2Hrs

    I. �ബാ��ിൽ നി�ും ശരിയായ ഉ�രം തിരെ�ടുെ�ഴുതുക 3 1. മാലാഖമാരുെട ചു�ിെ� നിറമാെണനി�് . ഇത് പറ�ത് ?

    ( മു���വ് , പനിനീർ പൂവ് , മു�ു�ി ) 2. കിളി കു�ു�ൾ�് എ�ാണ് െകാ�് െകാടു�ുക ?

    ( മാനം , െത�ിൻ േപാട് , പുൽേ�ാ�് ) 3. രാജാവ് തെ� കിരീടം ആരുെട േനേര ആണ് നീ�ിയത് ?

    ( അ�യുെട , േച�ിയുെട ,എമിലിെ� ) 4. ഞാറിെ� ഓമൽ�ീലി കരി�ത് എ�ുെകാ�് ?

    ( മഴ്െപയ്തതുെകാ�് , കാർനിഴൽ വ�തുെകാ�് , മഴ കി �ാ�തുെകാ�് ) 5. ആരാണ് മാേവലി�് അനു�ഗഹം നൽകിയത് ?

    ( മു�പൂവ് , വാമനൻ , െത�ി ) 6. ‘അെത�െന’ പിരിെ�ഴുതുേ�ാൾ

    ( അെത + എ�െന , അെത + �െന , അത് + എ�െന )

    II ബഹുവചനം എഴുതുക 1

    1. അ� 2. പൂവ്

    III നാനാർ�ം എഴുതുക 1

    1. പ�ം

    IV െത�� തിരു�ുക 1

    1. മനുഷൻ 2. കതെയേ�ാ

    V എതിർലിംഗം എഴുതുക 1

    1. കവി 2 അ��ാപകൻ

    VI അർ�ം എഴുതുക 2

    1.ഉഴറുക 2. മേനാരാജ�ം 3. പകി�് 4. നയനം

    VII വിപരീതം എഴുതുക 2

    സ��ൻ 2. അ�് 3. പിറേക 4. ആദരവ്

    VIII ഒ��ദം എഴുതുക 2

    മധുരമു� പാനീയം 2. മഴ�ാറിെ� നിഴൽ

  • IX പിരിെ�ഴുതുക 2

    1. ഭംഗിയിൽ 2. മന�ാണ്

    X േചർെ�ഴുതുക 2

    1. ഇതിെലാ�ും 2. മാനെ��ു

    XI കർ�ാവ് ,കർ�ം ,�കിയ എ�ിവ േവർതിരിെ�ഴുതുക 2

    1. ഞാൻ രാമുവിെന സഹായി�� . 2. കാള വ�ി വലി�ു�ു .

    XII പര�ായം എഴുതുക 2

    1. േമനി 2. കാ�്

    XIII വാക�ം േചർെ�ഴുതുക 2

    1. എനിെ�ാരു േജാലി കി�െ� .എമിൽ പറ�ു .

    XIV വാക�ം പിരിെ�ഴുതുക 2

    1..മാേവലിെയ എതിേരല്�ാൻ വ� പൂ�ൾ ത�ിലാണ് വഴ�് ..

    XV ശരിയായ രൂപം േചർെ�ഴുതുക 2

    1. അവൻ തി�ു�തും േനാ�ിെ�ാ�് അരികിൽ നി� രാജകുമാരി ഈ െതാ�ി എനി�് തരുേമാ എ�ു ________________

    ( േചാദി�ുക ). അേ�ാൾ എമിൽ നടു�ി ____________

    ( േപാകുക )

    2. പൂ�ള�െട റാണിയായി തു���വിെന തിരെ�ടു�ു എ�ു മാേവലി ---------------------- ( പറയുക ) .ഇതു ___________ (േകൾ�ുക) മ��

    പൂ�ൾ നിറക��കള�മായി മാേവലിെയ വണ�ി XVI പദ�ം പൂരി�ി�ുക (5 വരികൾ ) 5

    മാട��ിളി ---------------------------------

    --------------------------------- കീറിമുള��

    XVII ഒ� വാക��ിൽ ഉ�രം എഴുതുക 12

    1. മാട��ിളി എഴുതിയതാര് ? 2. എമിലിനു അ� നല്കിയത് എ�ാണ് ? 3. ആരാണ് പൂ�ളിൽ റാണി ?

  • 4. ഓണ�ാലെ� ഏെത�ിലും ര�ു വിേനാദ�ൾ എഴുതുക 5. ശംഖു പുഷ്പം വീ�ുപറ�െത�് ? 6. ആരുെട വാ�ുകളാണ് എമിലിനു ഉ�ാഹം നൽകിയത് ?

    XVIII രേ�ാ മൂേ�ാ വാക��ിൽ ഉ�രം എഴുതുക 5

    1. ഏെത�ാം പൂ�ളാണ് വഴ�ിൽ പെ�ടു�ത് ?ഏതു പൂവാണ് മാേവലിെയ ൈകകൂ�ി വണ�ിയത് ?

    2. എമിലിനു അ� നൽകിയ െതാ�ി എ�െന ഉ�തായിരു�ു ? XIX ഏെത�ിലും ഒ�ിെന�ുറി�് ഒരു ഖ�ിക എഴുതുക 6

    (ആറു വാക��ൾ)




    XX ചുവെട െകാടു�ിരി�ു� ഖ�ിക വായി�് േചാദ��ൾ�് 5 ഉ�രം എഴുതുക

    1910 ആഗസ്ത് 27 ന് യുേഗാ�ാവിയയിൽ ആ�സ് ജനി�� .ആ�സ് എ�ാൽ പരിശു�ം എ�ാണ് അർ�ം . കു�ി�ാലം മുതൽ സന�ാസ ജീവിതം സ�പ്നം ക� ഒരു െപൺകു�ിയാണ് ആ�സ് .തെ� പതിെന�ാം വയസിൽ സന�ാസിനി സമൂഹ�ിൽ േചർ�് െതേരസ എ� േപര് സ�ീകരി�� . ജീവി�ു� വിശു� എ�റിയെ�ടു� മദർ 1952 ൽ കൽ��യിൽ അനാഥർ�ായി നിർമൽ ഹൃദയം �ാപി�� .കുഷ്ഠേരാഗികെള താമസി�ി�ാൻ ശാ�ി നഗറും ഉ�ാ�ി .1979 –ൽ സമാധാന�ിനു� േനാബൽ സ�ാനം മദറിനു ലഭി�� .1997 െസപ്�ംബർ 5 ന് മദർ െതേരസ അ�രി�� .


    1. മദറിനു സമാധാന�ിനു� േനാബൽ സ�ാനം ലഭി�െത�് ? 2. മദർ എ�ുേപരിലാണ് അറിയെ��ിരു�ത് ? 3. മദർ െതേരസയുെട കു�ി�ാലെ� േപെര�് ? 4. അനാഥർ�ായ് മദർ �ാപി� ഭവനം ഏത് ? 5. ആ�സ് എ� വാ�ിെ� അർ�ം എ�് ?


    I�ബാ��ിൽ നി�ും ശരിയായ ഉ�രം തിരെ�ടുെ�ഴുതുക 3

    1. മാലാഖമാരുെട ചു�ിെ� നിറമാെണനി�് . ഇത് പറ�ത് ? ( മു���വ് , പനിനീർ പൂവ് , മു�ു�ി )

    2. കിളി കു�ു�ൾ�് എ�ാണ് െകാ�് െകാടു�ുക ? ( മാനം , െത�ിൻ േപാട് , പുൽേ�ാ�് )

    3. രാജാവ് തെ� കിരീടം ആരുെട േനേര ആണ് നീ�ിയത് ? ( അ�യുെട , േച�ിയുെട , എമിലിെ� )

    4. ഞാറിെ� ഓമൽ�ീലി കരി�ത് എ�ുെകാ�് ? ( മഴ്െപയ്തതുെകാ�് , കാർനിഴൽ വ�തുെകാ�് , മഴ കി �ാ�തുെകാ�് )

    5. ആരാണ് മാേവലി�് അനു�ഗഹം നൽകിയത് ? ( മു�പൂവ് , വാമനൻ , െത�ി )

    6. ‘അെത�െന’ പിരിെ�ഴുതുേ�ാൾ ( അെത + എ�െന , അെത + �െന , അത് + എ�െന )

    II ബഹുവചനം എഴുതുക 1

    1. അ� - അ�മാർ 2. പൂവ് - പൂ�ൾ III നാനാർ�ം എഴുതുക 1

    1. പ�ം - കളി�ാ�ം , �ാനം IV െത�� തിരു�ുക 1

    1. മനുഷൻ - മനുഷ�ൻ 2. കതെയേ�ാ - കഥെയേ�ാ V എതിർലിംഗം എഴുതുക 1

    1. കവി - കവയി�തി 2 അ��ാപകൻ - അ��ാപിക VI അർ�ം എഴുതുക 2

    1.ഉഴറുക - വിഷമി�ുക 2. മേനാരാജ�ം – സ�പ്നം 3. പകി�്- ഭംഗി 4. നയനം - ക�്

    VII വിപരീതം എഴുതുക 2

    സ��ൻ x ദരി�ദൻ 2. അ�് x ഇ�് 3. പിറേക x മുൻേപ

    4. ആദരവ് x അനാദരവ്

    VIII ഒ��ദം എഴുതുക 2

    മധുരമു� പാനീയം – മധുരപാനീയം

  • 2. മഴ�ാറിെ� നിഴൽ - കാർനിഴൽ

    IX പിരിെ�ഴുതുക 2

    1. ഭംഗിയിൽ - ഭംഗി + ഇൽ 2. 2. മന�ാണ് – മന�് + ആണ്

    X േചർെ�ഴുതുക 2

    1. ഇതിെലാ�ും - ഇതിൽ + ഒ�ും 2. മാനെ��ു - മാന�് + എ�ു

    XI കർ�ാവ് ,കർ�ം ,�കിയ എ�ിവ േവർതിരിെ�ഴുതുക 2

    1. ഞാൻ കർ�ാവ് രാമു കർ�ം

    സഹായി�� �കിയ .

    2. കാള കർ�ാവ് വ�ി – കർ�ം

    വലി�ു�ു – �കിയ .

    XII പര�ായം എഴുതുക 2

    1. േമനി – തനു , ശരീരം , േദഹം

    2. കാ�് – അനിലൻ , പവനൻ

    XIII വാക�ം േചർെ�ഴുതുക 2

    1. എനിെ�ാരു േജാലി കി�െ� .എമിൽ പറ�ു . എനിെ�ാരു േജാലി കി�െ� എ�് എമിൽ പറ�ു

    XIV വാക�ം പിരിെ�ഴുതുക 2

    1..മാേവലിെയ എതിേരല്�ാൻ വ� പൂ�ൾ ത�ിലാണ് വഴ�്

    മാേവലിെയ എതിേരൽ�ാൻ പൂ�ൾ വ�ു . അവർ ത�ിലായിരു�ു വഴ�് ...

    XV ശരിയായ രൂപം േചർെ�ഴുതുക 2

    1. അവൻ തി�ു�തും േനാ�ിെ�ാ�് അരികിൽ നി� രാജകുമാരി ഈ െതാ�ി എനി�് തരുേമാ എ�ു ___േചാദി�� _____________

  • ( േചാദി�ുക ). അേ�ാൾ എമിൽ നടു�ി േപായി ____________

    ( േപാകുക )

    2. പൂ�ള�െട റാണിയായി തു���വിെന തിരെ�ടു�ു എ�ു മാേവലി ------പറ�ു ---------------- ( പറയുക ) .ഇതു _േക�േ�ാൾ __________

    (േകൾ�ുക) മ�� പൂ�ൾ നിറക��കള�മായി മാേവലിെയ വണ�ി XVI പദ�ം പൂരി�ി�ുക (5 വരികൾ ) (പാoഭാഗ�ു�തുേപാെല ) 5

    മാട��ിളി ---------------------------------

    --------------------------------- കീറിമുള��

    XVII ഒ� വാക��ിൽ ഉ�രം എഴുതുക 12

    1. മാട��ിളി എഴുതിയതാര് ? ഉ�രം -ൈവേലാ�ി�ി �ശീധരേമേനാനാണ് മാട��ിളി എഴുതിയത് .

    2. എമിലിനു അ� നല്കിയത് എ�ാണ് ? ഉ�രം -എമിലിനു അ� നൽകിയത് മേനാഹരമായ ഒരു വർ�െ�ാ�ിയാണ്

    3. ആരാണ് പൂ�ളിൽ റാണി ? ഉ�രം -തു�പൂവാണ് പൂ�ളിൽ റാണി .

    4. ഓണ�ാലെ� ഏെത�ിലും ര�ു വിേനാദ�ൾ എഴുതുക ഉ�രം - ഊ�ാലാ�ം , തിരുവാതിര കളി എ�ിവ ഓണ�ാലെ� വിേനാദ�ൾ


    5. ശംഖു പുഷ്പം വീ�ുപറ�െത�് ? ഉ�രം -സു�രിമാരുെട ക�ിെ� ആകൃതിയാണ് എനി�ു�ത് എ�ാണ്

    ശംഖുപുഷ്പം വീ�ുപറ�ത് .

    6. ആരുെട വാ�ുകളാണ് എമിലിനു ഉ�ാഹം നൽകിയത് ? ഉ�രം – മു��ിയുെട വാ�ുകളാണ് എമിലിനു ഉ�ാഹം നൽകിയത് .

    XVIII രേ�ാ മൂേ�ാ വാക��ിൽ ഉ�രം എഴുതുക 5

    1. ഏെത�ാം പൂ�ളാണ് വഴ�ിൽ പെ�ടു�ത് ?ഏതു പൂവാണ് മാേവലിെയ ൈകകൂ�ി വണ�ിയത് ?

    ഉ�രം – െത�ി , മ�ാരം , തുളസി , പി�കം, മു� , ജമ�ി , ആ�ൽ , താമര ,മു�ു�ി , െച�കം , െച�ര�ി , ചി�ാട, ശംഖുപുഷ്പം , അ�ി , മ�ി എ�ീ പൂ�ളാണ് വഴ�ിൽ പെ�ടു�ത് .

    2. എമിലിനു അ� നൽകിയ െതാ�ി എ�െന ഉ�തായിരു�ു ? ഉ�രം – എമിലിൻ അ� നൽകിയ െതാ�ി കറു��ം ചുവ��ം കൂടി േചര്�തായിരു�ു

    . സ�ർ�നിറമു� അലു�് . െനറുകയിൽ പള��് മണികൾ .

    XIX ഏെത�ിലും ഒ�ിെന�ുറി�് ഒരു ഖ�ിക എഴുതുക 6

  • (ആറു വാക��ൾ)




    XX ചുവെട െകാടു�ിരി�ു� ഖ�ിക വായി�് േചാദ��ൾ�് 5 ഉ�രം എഴുതുക

    1910 ആഗസ്ത് 27 ന് യുേഗാ�ാവിയയിൽ ആ�സ് ജനി�� .ആ�സ് എ�ാൽ പരിശു�ം എ�ാണ് അർ�ം . കു�ി�ാലം മുതൽ സന�ാസ ജീവിതം സ�പ്നം ക� ഒരു െപൺകു�ിയാണ് ആ�സ് .തെ� പതിെന�ാം വയസിൽ സന�ാസിനി സമൂഹ�ിൽ േചർ�് െതേരസ എ� േപര് സ�ീകരി�� . ജീവി�ു� വിശു� എ�റിയെ�ടു� മദർ 1952 ൽ കൽ��യിൽ അനാഥർ�ായി നിർമൽ ഹൃദയം �ാപി�� .കുഷ്ഠേരാഗികെള താമസി�ി�ാൻ ശാ�ി നഗറും ഉ�ാ�ി .1979 –ൽ സമാധാന�ിനു� േനാബൽ സ�ാനം മദറിനു ലഭി�� .1997 െസപ്�ംബർ 5 ന് മദർ െതേരസ അ�രി�� .


    1. മദറിനു സമാധാന�ിനു� േനാബൽ സ�ാനം ലഭി�െത�് ? ഉ�രം -.1979 –ൽ സമാധാന�ിനു� േനാബൽ സ�ാനം മദറിനു ലഭി��

    2. മദർ എ�ുേപരിലാണ് അറിയെ��ിരു�ത് ? ഉ�രം -ജീവി�ു� വിശു� എ� േപരിലാണ് മദർ അറിയെ�ടു�ത് .

    3. മദർ െതേരസയുെട കു�ി�ാലെ� േപെര�് ? ഉ�രം -ആ�സ് എ�ാണ് മദർ െതേരസയുെട കു�ി കാലെ� േപര് .

    4. അനാഥർ�ായ് മദർ �ാപി� ഭവനം ഏത് ? ഉ�രം -അനാദർ�ായി മദർ നിർമൽ ഹൃദയം �ാപി�� .

    5. ആ�സ് എ� വാ�ിെ� അർ�ം എ�് ? 6. ആ�സ് എ�വാ�ിെ� അർ�ം പരിശു�ം എ�ാണ് .


    Time: 2Hrs. MATHEMATICS Marks:60

    1. Fill in the blanks (

    x 4 = 2)

    i) i) Four Crore Forty Thousand Forty, is written as.

    ii) The smallest 5 digit number formed using the digits 0, 7, 8, 1 is .

    iii) HCF of 15 and 3 is

    iv) The predecessor of 81000 is

    2. Choose the correct answer (1 x 4 = 4)

    v) _______ crore = 30 million

    a) 3 b)30 c) 10 d) 300

    vi) _________ is a factor of 25

    a) 3 b)4 c) 5 d) 2

    vii) _________ should be added to 2 thousand to get 31 hundred.

    a) 1100 b) 1001 c) 1000 d) 10 thousand

    viii) CII – LII

    a) XL b) L c) C d) LX

    Questions 3-10 carry 2 marks each (2 x 8 = 16)

    3. Find the product using suitable arrangements : 4 x 3472 x 25

    4. Round off a) 8964 to the nearest1000 b) 4613 to the nearest 100

    5. Put commas and Write the given number in the Indian and International system – 117832010

    6. What should be subtracted from 76891 get 11999?

    7. Solve :

    92361 + 25842 – 83198

    8. Compare using >,

  • Questions 13-22 carry 3 marks each (3x10=30)

    11. Find the sum of the place values of 4 in 456498 and 28940. Further, express the answer in its

    expanded form.

    12. Sony donated `125 to Prime minister’s relief fund. Arun donated 3 times that amount. How much

    did they donate together?

    13. Find the HCF of 8, 12 and 24.

    14. Check whether 6394 is divisible by 6

    15. Find the number of boxes required to pack all 148 marbles with 12 marbles in each box.

    16. Divide and check your answer : 62456 ÷51

    17. Find the common factors of 18 and 30.

    18. Prime factorise 64 using factor tree method

    19. State whether the following are TRUE or FALSE

    a) 2, 8,15,24,30 are all multiples of 8.

    b) 4 is a factor of 24.

    c) 1 is a factor of every number.

    d) HCF of 4 and 8 is 4

    e) 9 is the largest one digit prime number.

    f) Prime factors of 48 are 2 x 3 x 8

    20. How many times 50 is 2500?

    Questions 21-22 carry 4 marks each (4x 2 = 8)

    21. Shreya is arranging 76 books on shelves with 8 books on each shelf. How many shelves will be

    full? How many books will be left out in this arrangement? 22. Mr. Roy had ` 1, 70,850. He spent ` 20,640 on curtains and ` 57,300 for interior decoration. How

    much money is left with him?


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  • Scanned by CamScanner

  • Scanned by CamScanner

  • Scanned by CamScanner

  • Scanned by CamScanner


    Time: 2Hrs. SCIENCE Marks:60

    I. Choose the most appropriate answer:- (1 x 5 =5)

    1. Underground stems of __________ have buds from which new plants grow.

    a. potato b. carrot c. rose d. jasmine

    2. The seeds of ________ plant is dispersed by wind.

    a. cocklebur b. berries c. mistletoe d. dandelion

    3. Which of these is considered to be the largest habitat in the world?

    a. ocean b. forest c. desert d. freshwater

    4. Which nutrient is rich in milk and milk products?

    a. carbohydrates b. protein c. fat d. dietary fibre

    5. The disease that can be avoided by eating citrus fruits and tomatoes

    a. scurvy b. anaemia c. night blindness d. goitre

    II. Fill in the blanks:- (1 x 5 = 5)

    1. Ferns produce ________ on their leaves which grow into new plant.

    2. Strawberry plant is a ___________ that has horizontal stem that grows near the


    3. ________ have long legs to wade through water.

    4. Dolphins and whales are _________ that live in water and breathe through lungs.

    5. ________ is defined as a state of complete physical and mental well being.

    III. Give Two examples for each of the following:- (1 x 5 = 5)

    1. Seeds that have two cotyledons.

    2. Animals with body covered by scales.

    3. Animals living in Polar region.

    4. Animals that have their forelimbs modified into flippers to help them swim

    5. Two micro nutrients in our daily diet.

    IV. Give One word for the following:- (1 x 5 = 5)

    1. The practice of growing crops on a large scale in fields.

    2. The pigment that gives red colour to our blood.

    3. A substance containing a very small amount of a dead or weakened germ given to

    people to prevent them from getting that disease.

    4. A condition that causes an inability to see in poor light or at night.

    5. Features and habits of an organism which help them to survive in their habitat.

  • V. Identify the organism and the breathing organs suited to their habitats: -

    (1 x 3 = 3)

    1. 2.


    VI. State whether the following statements are True or False:- (1 x 5 = 5)

    1. Dispersal of seeds avoid overcrowding of plants in one place.

    2. In onion, new plants can be grown from the stem.

    3. None of the birds migrate during the winter season.

    4. Water boatman swims in water using its legs.

    5. Virus and fungi cause non communicable diseases.

    VII. Give reason:- (1 x 5 = 5)

    1. Pesticides are sprayed on plants.

    2. Salmon fish migrate from seas to rivers.

    3. Frogs have webbed feet.

    4. Camels have thick broad feet.

    5. Though roughage is the undigested portion of the plant food, it has to be included

    in our diet.

    VIII. Define the following:- (Answer in One sentence) (1 x 6 = 6)

    1. Blubber

    2. Migration

    3. Balanced diet

    4. Disease

    5. Nutrients

    6. Germination

  • IX. Differentiate between the following: - (2 x 6 = 12)

    1. Wind dispersed seeds and seeds dispersed by explosion

    2. Rabi crops and kharif crops

    3. Carbohydrates and proteins

    4. Gills and spiracles

    5. Stem cutting and grafting

    6. micro nutrients and macro nutrients

    X. Answer the questions in detail:- (3 x 3 = 9)

    1. Draw a neat diagram of a seed and label any two parts.

    2. Give three habits that should be followed to prevent communicable diseases.

    3. Describe how aquatic animals and insects move. Give one example each.



    I. Choose the most appropriate answer: (1 x 5 =5)

    1. potato

    2. dandelion

    3. ocean

    4. protein

    5. scurvy

    II. Fill in the blanks:- (1 x 5 = 5)

    1. spores

    2. runner

    3. cranes

    4. mammals

    5. health

    III. Give Two examples for each of the following:- (1 x 5 = 5)

    (any two - 1/2 mark each)

    1. peas, pulses, beans, nuts

    2. crocodile, lizard, fish

    3. penguin, polar bear, seal, walrus

    4. penguin, seal

    5. vitamins, minerals (accept if any particular names given)

    IV. Give One word for the following:- (1 x 5 = 5)

    1. agriculture

    2. haemoglobin

    3. vaccine

    4. night blindness

    5. adaptation

    V. Identify the organisms and the breathing organs suited to their habitats.

    (1 x 3 = 3)

    1. 2.

    Amoeba - body surface Fish - gills in water (1/2)

    (1/2) + (1/2) (1/2)

  • 3.

    man - lungs

    (1/2) + (1/2)

    VI. State whether the following statements are True or False:- (1 x 5 = 5)

    1. True

    2. true

    3. False

    4. True

    5. False

    VII. Give Reason:- (1 x 5 = 5)

    (any one reason)

    1. to kill the pests and insects/ to protect the crops

    2. to lay eggs

    3. to help them swim

    4. to walk easily in loose sand

    5. add bulk to the diet/ to keep the digestive system healthy and clean

    VIII. Define the following :- ( Answer in one sentence) (1 x 6 = 6)

    1. a thick layer of fat under the skin of polar animals to keep them warm.

    2. Movement of animals in large groups from one place to another in search of food and warmth.

    3. A diet that has all the components of food in adequate amounts.

    4. It is a state where the body or mind is not in a healthy condition.

    5. Components of food that give strength and help the body to grow.

    6. The process in which a new plant grows from a seed.

    IX. Differentiate between the following:- (2 x 6 = 12)

    1. wind dispersed seed - light, hairy/wings attached, to be carried away by wind (1)

    Seed dispersal by explosion - seeds inside a pod or bean, when matured, with sunlight or wind

    or touch cause the pod to explode and disperse the seeds (1)

    2. Kharif - monsoon crops cultivated between June and October (1)

    Rabi - winter crops cultivated between November and April (1)

    3. Carbohydrates - gives instant energy for all our daily activities. rice, wheat, potato, sugar etc

    protein - helps in growth and repair, building muscles. beans, pulses, fish, eggs etc (1)

    (Examples not necessary)

    4. Gills - the breathing organs present in fish that lives in water (1)

    Spiracles - breathing organs present in insects on the sides of the body to help them breathe

  • 5. Stem cutting - a portion of stem with a bud is cut and planted in soil to

    make it grow in to a new plant. (1)

    Grafting - scion attached to stock of another plant to grow in to a new one. (1)

    6. Micro nutrients - nutrients that are needed in less amount, like, vitamins

    and minerals. (1)

    Macro nutrients - Nutrients that are needed more from our food for the

    body like carbohydrates, proteins, fats etc. (1)

    X. Answer the following in detail: - (3 x 3 = 9)

    1. Neat diagram of a seed (1)

    Two parts labeled (1 mark each)

    2. Use towels to cover the mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing (1)

    Wash your hands before and after eating (1)

    Keep the surroundings neat and clean / maintain personal hygiene (1)

    3. Aquatic animals like fish use fins and tails to move. Mammals like whales &

    dolphins have their fore limbs modified to flippers to help them swim (1).

    Eg: fish, whales, dolphins etc (1/2)

    Insects have six legs and some of them have wings to fly. (1)

    eg:- spiders, butterfly, mosquito etc (1/2)



    Time: 2Hrs. SOCIAL SCIENCE Marks:60

    I. FILL IN THE BLANKS (½×5=2½)

    1) On a map the use of colour blue shows ------------.

    2) A person who studies and predicts weather is known as-------.

    3) The heat zone within which the Equator lies is -------.

    4) ------------ is located in the Tropical Zone, in Central Africa.

    5) ------------- are lines that run parallel to the Equator.


    1) Which of these is an imaginary line?

    (a. Equator, b. Longitude, c. Latitude, d. all of these)

    2) Which of these maps will have the most errors

    (a. Map of your house, b. map of your school, c. map of the World, d. map of your


    3) The longest latitude is

    (a. The Tropic of Cancer, b. Tropic of Capricorn, c. Equator, d. they are all equal.)

    4) The climate of a place is affected by

    (a. Distance from the Equator, b. humidity, c. height above sea level, d.all of these. )

    5) Which of these lies in the Southern Hemisphere?

    (a. Tropic of Cancer, b. Arctic Circle , c. Tropic of Capricorn,

    d. All of these)


    FALSE (½×5=2½)

    1) Different types of maps are drawn to study different things.

    2) There are high mountains in the eastern edges of DRC.

    3) The Earth can be divided into five climatic zones based on the heat received from the


    4) The Latitude of a place tells how much east or westof the Greenwich Meridian the place

    is located.

    5) If you stand at the North Pole, all directions point south-there is no east or west.


    1) Plateaus --- Brown

    2) Climatic Zone --- 66½°S

    3) P.O. --- Yellow

    4) Mountains --- Post Office

    5) Antarctic Circle --- Temperature Zone


    1) The 0°latitude .

    2) The heat zone farthest from the Equator.

    3) The latitude which passes through DRC.

    4) The capital of Democratic Republic of Congo.

    5) The seventh longest river in the World.


    1) Scale of the Map

    2) Axis

    3) Weather

    4) Global Grid

    5) Prime Meridian


    1. Boundary between states

    2. Sea route

    3. Bridge

    4. Police Station

    5. Other roads


    1) Atlas and Map

    2) Humidity and Climate

    3) Frigid Zone and Temperate Zone

    IX. GIVE REASON (2×3=6)

    1) Why are latitudes and longitudes drawn on the Globe?

    2) Why DRC is considered to be one of the wettest region in the world?

  • 3) Why do we say that Torrid zone receive maximum heat?

    X. ANSWER BRIEFLY (1×6=6)

    1) What was DRC known as a) before 1971, b) between 1971 and 1997?

    2) Write down any two features of longitude.

    3) Name the four elements of a Map.

    4) Name the winds which make Delhi very hot during summer.

    5) What do you understand by the term ‘symbol’?

    6) In which all ways the climate of a place affect the people living there?


    1) What is Torrid Zone? Describe its general climate 2

    2) Define Globe? How is the globe useful? 2

    3) List out any two types of Map and explain its use. 2

    4) How does latitude affect the climate of a place? 2

    5) If a place has latitude of 30°N,in which hemisphere and temperature zone does it

    belong to? 2

    6) Write down any two difficulties in using Globes than Maps? 2


    1) Europe

    2) South America

    3) Africa

    4) Pacific Ocean

    5) Arctic Ocean




    1. Water bodies

    2. Meteorologist

    3. Torrid Zone

    4. DRC

    5. Latitudes


    1. d. all of these

    2. c. map of the World

    3. c. Equator

    4. d. all of these

    5. c. Tropic of Capricorn


    1. True

    2. True

    3. False

    4. False

    5. True


    1. Yellow

    2. Temperature Zone

    3. Post Office

    4. Brown

    5. 66⅛°S


    1. Equator

    2. Frigid Zone

    3. Equator

    4. Kinshasa

    5. Congo


    1. The scale of map is the ratio between distance shown on the map and the actual distance on the


    2. An imaginary line that runs through the North Pole and the South Pole, and around which the Earth


    3. Weather –is the condition of atmosphere at a particular place and time.

    4. The latitudes and longitudes together form a network of lines, or a grid, on the Globe. This is known

    as the Global Grid.

    5. The longitude running through the old Royal Observatory at Greenwich near London is marked 0°.It

    is called the Greenwich Meridian or the Prime Meridian.








    1. Map-A map is a drawing of the Earth’s surface, or a part of it, on a flat surface, such as a sheet of


    Atlas – A book of maps is called an Atlas

    2. Humidity – The amount of watervapour in the air.

    Climate- Average weather condition of a place over a long period of time.

    3. Frigid Zone-The areas between the Arctic circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere,

    and between the Antarctic Circle and South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere. They are very cold,

    and large parts are covered with snow.

    Temperate Zone- The areas that lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle in the

    Northern hemisphere, and the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle in the Southern

    hemisphere are called, the Temperate Zones.


    1. Latitudes and Longitudes are accurately drawn on the Globe to locate places. Latitude of a place

    tells you how far north or south a place is from the Equator. Longitude of a place tells you how

    much east or west of the Greenwich Meridian the place is located.

    2. The rapid evaporation of water due to the high temperature during the day leads to high levels of

    humidity. This causes clouds to build up and heavy rains occur by afternoon. This happens almost

    every day, making the region one of the wettest in the world.

    3. The rays of the sun are vertical at the equator and slanting at the poles. The slanting rays have to

    heat up a larger area of the Earth’s surface than the direct rays that fall on the Equator. Hence

    places near the Equator get heated more than places near the poles.


    1. Before 1971-Belgian Congo

    Between 1971 and 1997-Zaire

    2. Semi circle, Run in a north-south direction, Longitudes are of equal length( any two)

    3. Symbols, Direction, Scale and Colour.

    4. Hot winds from the Thar desert

    5. A shape or sign that is used to represent something.

    6. The climate of a place affect the people in many ways .the clothes they wear, the food they eat and

    the types of houses they live in are all affected by the climate.


    1. The area on both sides of the Equator between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, is

    called the Torrid or Tropical Zone. As it lies near the Equator it is hot throughout the year.

    2. Globe is a small model of the Earth.

    Globe shows us the shape and location of the continents, Oceans and seas on a smaller scale. It also

    shows the shape and location of countries, and the location of important cities.

    3. Political Map- Map showing boundaries of the countries and states, and the important cities.

    Physical Map- Maps showing natural features of the land such as mountains, rivers and plains,

    known as Physical maps.

    4. Places near the equator will be hot

    Temperate Zone will have a mild climate

    Frigid Zone has a very cold climate.

    5. Northern hemisphere and Temperate Zone.

    6. Difficult to carry, Not possible to see all parts of Earth at the same time, Cannot show detailed

    information( any two)

    XII. MAP (5)


    Time: 2Hrs. SANSKRIT Marks:60

    I. अर्थं लिखत

    a. साररके

    b. सररता

    II. उलितम् उत्तरम् लिनुत

    a. पश्यत: - (One Person is seeing , Two Persons are seeing , Many are seeing)

    b. खादलत - (One Person is eating , Two Persons are eating , Many are eating)

    III. यर्थायोग्यम् योजयत 4

    a. ददालत - Swimming

    b. पठालम - Writting

    c. लिखलत - Studying

    d. तरलत - Giving

    II. वर्णलवच्छेद ंकुरुत 4

    a. अक्षय

    b. उद्योग

    III. वर्णसंयोगं कुरुत 4

    a. व्+इ+द+्य्+आ

    b. प् +अ+ र् +व् +अ +त् +अ

    IV. धातूनाम् अर्थं लिखत 4

    a. दा

    b. तृ

    V. ररक्त्स्र्थानेषु उलितं सवणनांपद ंलिखत - 6

    (स: , तौ , त े, सा , ते , ता: )

    a. .......... पठत: |

    b. ......... लिखलत |

    c. .......... वदलतत |

    VI. ररक्त्स्र्थानालन पूरयत – 6

    (अल्त , ्त: , सलतत )

    a. सा का ..........?

    b. एते पु्तके .......... |

    c. ते गजा: ........ |

    VII. ररक्त्स्र्थानालन पूरयत – 4

    a. पिलत ........ .........

  • b. ....... ......... तरलतत

    c. ...... लिखत: ..........

    VIII. वाक्त्यालन शुद्ध ंकुरुत 6

    a. ता: पठत: |

    b. एष: वदत:|

    c. तौ क:?

    IX. ्वराक्षरार्ां त्रीलर् लवभागानां नामालन लिखत

    X. लित्रम् अनुसृसय उत्तरालर् लिखत -

    a. ससह: कक करोलत ?

    b. गायकौ कक कुरुत:?

    XI. नामरूपालर् लिखत- 4

    a. अकारातत पंुलिङ्गं बािक शब्द:


    b. आकारातत स्त्रीलिङ्गं िता शब्द:

    XII. धातुरूपालर् लिखत

    a. िट् िकार: लिख


    b. िट् िकार: पठ


    IV. अर्थ ंलिखत

    c. Two starlings

    d. River

    V. उलितम् उत्तरम् लिनुत

    a. Two Persons are seeing

    b. One Person is eating

    VI. यर्थायोग्यम् योजयत

    c. ददालत - Giving

    d. पठालम - Studying

    e. लिखलत - Writting

    f. तरलत - Swimming

    XIII. वर्णलवच्छेदं कुरुत

    a. अ+क्+ष्+अ+य्+अ

    b. उ+द+्य्+ओ+ग+्अ:

    XIV. वर्णसंयोगं कुरुत

    a. लवद्या

    b. पवणत

    XV. धातूनाम् अर्थं लिखत

    a. to give

    b. to swim

    XVI. ररक्त्स्र्थानषेु उलित ंसवणनांपदं लिखत -

    (स: , तौ , ते , सा , त े, ता: )

    a. तौ/ते(स्त्रीलिङ्ग:)

    b. स:/सा

    c. ते (पुललितग:)/ता:

    XVII. ररक्त्स्र्थानालन परूयत –

    (अल्त , ्त: , सलतत )

    a. अल्त

    b. ्त:

    c. सलतत

    XVIII. ररक्त्स्र्थानालन परूयत –

    a. पित: पिलतत

    b. तरलत तरत;

    c. लिखलत लिखलतत

    XIX. वाक्त्यालन शुद्ध ंकुरुत

    a. स: पठत: | / तौ/त ेपठत:

    b. एष: वदलत| / एतौ वदत:

  • c. तौ कौ? / स: क:?

    XX. ह्र्वाक्षरा: , दीघाणक्षरा: , संयुक्ताक्षरा; |

    XXI. लित्रम् अनुसृसय उत्तरालर् लिखत -

    a. ससह: गजणलत

    b. गायकौ गायत:

    XXII. नामरूपालर् लिखत-

    XXIII. धातुरूपालर् लिखत


    Time: 2Hrs. COMPUTER SCIENCE Marks:60 I. Fill in the blanks: 1. Charles Babbage invented ____________________ in 1822 and the Analytical Engine in ______________.

    2. The first automatic sequence –controlled calculator is __________________.

    3. Third generation computers used__________________ as the circuitry.

    4. The scratch stage is ____________ pixels wide and ________________ pixels high.

    5. The scratch stage is divided into __________________ coordinates.

    II. State whether true or false:

    1. Abacus was developed in India.

    2. Commodore 64 is an example of Mini-computer. 3. Fourth generation computers uses Microprocessors. 4. The middle of a scratch stage has coordinates x:0 and y:0. 5. As you move right from the origin of the stage, x value increases. III. Expand the following abbreviations: 1. ENIAC _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. EDVAC

    3. UNIVAC-I

    IV. Multiple Choice Questions 1. _____________ language was used in First generation computers.

    a) Cobol b) Machine c) RDBMS

    2. ___________________ is regarded as the father of disk drive.

    a) John Napier b) Reynold B Johnson c) Charles Babbage

    3. The ‘y’ value determines the___________________ location of the stage.

    a) Horizontal b)Vertical c) None of these

  • 4. The top right corner of the stage coordinates are x:240 and y:____________ .

    a) 180 b)240 c)0

    5. Block with a rounded top, such as when flag clicked can only be placed at ____________ of the block stack.

    a) right b)left c) top V. Match the following: 1. Mark-I - Super Computer. 2. Duplicate - if touching edge

    3. If on edge, bounce - Makes a copy.

    4. PARAM - Howard Aiken.

    5. Conditional Programming - returns back to the stage.

    VI. Answer the following:

    1. Meena is preparing a project on Computers. She needs to collect various pictures of computer. Help Meena by naming the various types of Computers.

    2. Sita works in an airline ticket booking help desk making use of a special type of computer. Which is the computer used? Give an example.

    3. Madhav is learning scratch for the first time. Help him by naming any 4 parts of a scratch window

    4. Which is the world’s first commercially available computer? Who invented it? 5. Anu wants to buy a new computer. Help her to buy a better type by naming the various types of

    Micro computers.



    Name: Class:

    I. Fill in the blanks:

    1. Charles Babbage invented Difference Engine in 1822 and the Analytical Engine in 1833.

    2. The first automatic sequence –controlled calculator is Mark -I.

    3. Third generation computers usedIntegrated Circuits as the circuitry.

    4. The scratch stage is 480 pixels wide and 360 pixels high.

    5. The scratch stage is divided into x and y coordinates.

    II. State whether true or false:

    1. Abacus was developed in India.

    2. Commodore 64 is an example of Mini-computer. 3. Fourth generation computers uses Microprocessors. 4. The middle of a scratch stage has coordinates x:0 and y:0. 5. As you move right from the origin of the stage, x value increases. III. Expand the following abbreviations: 1. ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer._ 2. EDVAC Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer.

    3. UNIVAC-I Universal Automatic Computer.

    IV. Multiple Choice Questions 6. _____________ language was used in First generation computers.

    b) Cobol b) Machine c) RDBMS

    7. ___________________ is regarded as the father of disk drive.

    b) John Napier b) Reynold B Johnson c) Charles Babbage






  • 8. The ‘y’ value determines the___________________ location of the stage.

    b) Horizontal b)Vertical c) None of these

    9. The top right corner of the stage coordinates are x:240 and y:____________ .

    b) 180 b)240 c)0

    10. Block with a rounded top, such as when flag clicked can only be placed at ____________ of the block stack.

    b) right b)left c) top V. Match the following: 6. Mark-I - Super Computer. 4 7. Duplicate - if touching edge 3

    8. If on edge, bounce - Makes a copy. 2

    9. PARAM - Howard Aiken. 1

    VI. Answer the following:

    6. Meena is preparing a project on Computers. She needs to collect various pictures of computer. Help Meena by naming the various types of Computers.

    7. Sita works in an airline ticket booking help desk making use of a special type of computer. Which is the computer used? Give an example.

    8. Madhav is learning scratch for the first time. Help him by naming any 4 parts of a scratch window

    9. Which is the world’s first commercially available computer? Who invented it?

    10. Anu wants to buy a new computer. Help her to buy a better type by naming the various types of

    Micro computers.