grade your expert center

2 | 800-693-9126 | ©2014 by ExpertFile. All rights reserved. ePAPER | MARCH 2014 Grade Your Expert Center Leading organizations are investing in new ways to showcase expert content, as well as their subject matter experts and thought leaders for market visibility and reputation management. While creating credible and engaging content is important, companies are also looking for ways to make their experts and content more approachable and accessible. One of the best ways to do this is to create an expert center. Whether your expert center covers the company as a whole or select experts, certain best-practices are key to making it a success. How is your organization doing? Take this simple test based on industry benchmarks. Yes No Is Your Expert Center Discoverable? Integrated expert directory with the ability to quickly search by key information, such as topics, keywords and names? Yes No Is Your Expert Center Engaging? Detailed biographies and overviews of specialities and expertise? Full multimedia & social media integration? Amazon™ author information and book covers? Content and multimedia optimized for search engines such as Google? Yes No Is Your Expert Center Collaborative? Experts can update content within their profiles? Marketing and designated staff can update profiles and manage inquiries on behalf of experts? Yes No Is Your Expert Center Responsive? Inquiry forms for each expert that provide context to best respond to media requests? Real-time email alerts to multiple parties when an inquiry is submitted? Maintain privacy by not sharing direct contact information for experts?

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Grade Your Expert Center

Leading organizations are investing in new ways to showcase expert content, as well

as their subject matter experts and thought leaders for market visibility and reputation

management. While creating credible and engaging content is important, companies

are also looking for ways to make their experts and content more approachable and

accessible. One of the best ways to do this is to create an expert center.

Whether your expert center covers the company as a whole or select experts, certain

best-practices are key to making it a success. How is your organization doing?

Take this simple test based on industry benchmarks.

Yes No Is Your Expert Center Discoverable?

Integrated expert directory with the ability to quickly search by key information, such as topics, keywords and names?

Yes No Is Your Expert Center Engaging?

Detailed biographies and overviews of specialities and expertise?

Full multimedia & social media integration?

Amazon™ author information and book covers?

Content and multimedia optimized for search engines such as Google?

Yes No Is Your Expert Center Collaborative?

Experts can update content within their profiles?

Marketing and designated staff can update profiles and manage inquiries on behalf of experts?

Yes No Is Your Expert Center Responsive?

Inquiry forms for each expert that provide context to best respond to media requests?

Real-time email alerts to multiple parties when an inquiry is submitted?

Maintain privacy by not sharing direct contact information for experts?

Page 2: Grade Your Expert Center | 800-693-9126 | ©2014 by ExpertFile. All rights reserved.


How does your organization score? If you ranked poorly on this test, you are missing out on a key opportunity to promote your company through your expert content, published from the perspective of your people. The best-practices outlined above can make a huge difference between a basic directory that yields little results and a more powerful expert center that meets the needs of media, conference organizers, and prospective customers.

To learn more about trends in expert marketing, download our ePaper on 5 Big

Trends in Expert Marketing for 2014 today.

Visit for more information.

About ExpertFile

ExpertFile is the world’s first expert marketing platform built for organizations. Our publishing, search optimization (SEO), lead generation and analytics features, coupled with our unique online marketplace, helps experts connect to business prospects, media and conferences. Our clients include market leaders such as Cleveland Clinic, Constant Contact, Lillibridge Healthcare, and the Canadian Public Relations Society.

Yes No Is Your Expert Center Mobile?

Mobile-responsive design that displays expert content on any web-enabled device (smartphones, tablets and desktops)?

Yes No Is Your Expert Center Measurable?

Analytics information that displays which content is performing best and which experts are getting the most engagement?