gradle plugin best practices by example

Unless otherwise indicated, these slides are © 2013-2015 Pivotal Software, Inc. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license: SPRINGONE2GX WASHINGTON, DC Gradle plugin best practices by example By Benjamin Muschko Gradle Inc.

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Gradle plugin best practices by example

By Benjamin Muschko Gradle Inc.

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The dark past of build logic


Unstructured spaghetti code

Copy & paste of code snippets

The build tool tells you how to structure code

Build can only be understood by build guru™

Testing through manual execution

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Build logic “-ilities”

Typical non-functional software requirements also apply to build code…

• Reusability

• Testability

• Maintainability

• Extensibility

• Configurability


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Avoid copy/paste! Allow code to be shared among independent projects.


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Build code is no different from application code. Test it on multiple levels!


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Avoid the big ball of mud! Cohesion and separation of concerns are important.


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Extend Gradle's build language by your own declarative & expressive language constructs.


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Don't box in your users! Implement convention over configuration with ease.


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The end goal


Maintainable, reusable & tested code

Consumers only configure the code

Complex implement. details are hidden

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How to get there?

Concepts that help implement these requirements…

• Good software engineering practices

• Custom tasks

• Plugins

• Gradle's extension mechanisms

• Testing capabilities


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Techniques covered in talk

• Declarative vs. imperative logic

• Convention over configuration

• Capabilities vs. conventions

• Gradle's extension mechanisms

• Testing plugin logic

• Publishing the plugin artifacts

• Writing and generating documentation

• Setting up Continuous Integration/Delivery


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Case study: Gradle Docker plugin

Serves as showcase plugin project.

• Plugin for managing Docker images and containers through Docker remote API

• API communication via Docker Java library

• Written in Groovy

• Source code available on GitHub (


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Always check in the Wrapper

Project becomes instantly buildable for every developer and on the CI machine.


Check in Wrapper files into VCS repository.

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Hiding complex, imperative logic

Concept applies to tasks and plugins.

• Reusable and configurable

• Easy to structure, refactor and test

• Avoid global properties and methods


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Task type > ad-hoc task

Prefer implementing task types to implementing ad-hoc tasks.


task createDockerfile(type: Dockerfile) { destFile = file("$buildDir/mydockerfile/Dockerfile") from 'ubuntu:12.04' maintainer 'Benjamin Muschko "[email protected]"' }

task buildImage(type: DockerBuildImage) { dependsOn createDockerfile inputDir = createDockerfile.destFile.parentFile tag = 'bmuschko/myimage' }

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Binary plugin > script plugin

Use script plugins to organize build logic based on functional boundaries in project.


apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/dependencies.gradle" apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/test-setup.gradle" apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/integration-test.gradle" apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/functional-test.gradle" apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/additional-artifacts.gradle" apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/publishing.gradle" apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/documentation.gradle" apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/release.gradle"

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Convention over configuration

Provide sensible defaults and standards. Expose a way to re-configure them to user’s needs.


• src/main/java for Java-based applications

• Project name derived from directory name

• Output directory is build


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Plugin consumers will be most comfortable with using convention plugins. Pick sensible defaults for the user.

Good indicator:

The less a consumer has to re-configure defaults the better.


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Real-world project might need to re-configure the defaults. Make it convenient to change defaults.


Their view of the world might look different than yours.


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Users only declare the “what”

Expose a custom DSL from your binary plugin to configure runtime behavior. The “how” is the responsibility of the plugin implementation.


apply plugin: 'com.bmuschko.docker-remote-api'

docker { url = '' certPath = new File(['user.home'], '.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm') }

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Example: Providing default dependencies

Plugins often rely on external libraries. Automatically resolve default version, but make it configurable.


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Customizing Docker Java library

Introduce custom configuration in plugin.


project.configurations.create('docker') .setVisible(false) .setTransitive(true) .setDescription('The Docker Java libraries

to be used.') }

Setting dependency from consuming build.

dependencies { docker 'com.github.docker-

java:docker-java:2.0.0' }

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Providing default (but customizable) dependency

Only use defaults, if no dependencies are assigned to custom configuration.


Configuration config = project.configurations.create('docker')

project.tasks.withType(AbstractDockerRemoteApiTask) { config.defaultDependencies { deps -> deps.add(project.dependencies .create('com.github.docker-java:docker-java:2.1.0')) deps.add(project.dependencies .create('org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.5')) } conventionMapping.classpath = { config } } }

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Capabilities vs. conventions

Separating general-purpose functionality from pre-configured, opinionated functionality.

Finding the right balance between both aspects is key.


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• Un-opinionated functionality

• Provide general-purpose concepts


• Custom task types without creating an actual task instance

• Add new concepts without configuring them (e.g. source sets, build types and flavors)


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• Opinionated functionality

• Instantiate and/or pre-configure concepts


• Standardized directory layouts

• Enhanced tasks created by a plugin

• Adding default values to extensions

• Declaring task dependencies to form a lifecycle


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Plugin composition

Plugins can build upon other plugins. This is a common pattern.


A base plugin provides generic capabilities

Another plugin builds on the base, adding opinionated conventions

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Example: Docker plugins

Allows users to pick functionality they need in their projects.


Plugin that adds task types for interacting with Docker remote API

Plugin for creating & pushing Docker image for Java applications

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Example: Docker Java application plugin

Applying plugin by identifier or type.


import org.gradle.api.Plugin import org.gradle.api.Project

class DockerJavaApplicationPlugin implements Plugin<Project> { @Override void apply(Project project) { project.apply(plugin: DockerRemoteApiPlugin) } }

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Build for further extension

• Anticipate more specific extensions to your plugin

• Implemented through plugin composition

• Base plugin act as enablers for custom convention plugins

• Enterprise build convention plugins re-configure your plugins


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Put yourself in the shoes of consumer

Do not automatically apply plugins in your plugin!


• Makes your plugin highly opinionated.


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Reacting to plugins

React to plugins that might be applied in consuming build script. Only then logic is executed.

The same concept applies to tasks.


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Using configuration rules


project.plugins.withType(IdeaPlugin) { // configure Idea plugin in the

context of your plugin }

Reacting to task types

project.tasks.withType(War) { // configure all War tasks in the

context of your plugin }

Reacting to plugins

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Testing build logic


Build logic needs to be testable on multiple levels.

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Implementing test types with Gradle


Unit testing:

No Gradle tooling needed

Integration testing:

Use ProjectBuilder to create pseudo Project instance

Functional testing:

Nebula Test, Gradle TestKit

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Example: Writing unit test with Spock


package com.bmuschko.gradle.docker.tasks.image import spock.lang.Specification import static com.bmuschko.gradle.docker.tasks.image.Dockerfile.*

class DockerfileTest extends Specification { def "Instruction String representation is built correctly"() { expect: instructionInstance.keyword == keyword == builtInstruction where: instructionInstance | keyword | builtInstruction new FromInstruction('ubuntu:14.04') | 'FROM' | 'FROM ubuntu:14.04' new FromInstruction({ 'ubuntu:14.04' }) | 'FROM' | 'FROM ubuntu:14.04' } }

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Separating test type source code


Default unit test directory

Custom integration test directory

Custom functional test directory

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Example: Integration test source set and task


sourceSets { integrationTest { groovy.srcDir file('src/integTest/groovy') resources.srcDir file('src/integTest/resources') compileClasspath += sourceSets.main.output + configurations.testRuntime runtimeClasspath += output + compileClasspath } }

task integrationTest(type: Test) { description = 'Runs the integration tests.' group = 'verification' testClassesDir = sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDir classpath = sourceSets.integrationTest.runtimeClasspath mustRunAfter test }

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Example: Writing integration test with Spock


import org.gradle.api.Project import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder

class DockerJavaApplicationPluginIntegrationTest extends Specification { @Rule TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder() Project project = ProjectBuilder.builder().withProjectDir(temporaryFolder.root).build()

def "Creates tasks out-of-the-box when application plugin is applied"() { when: project.apply(plugin: DockerJavaApplicationPlugin) project.apply(plugin: 'application') then: project.tasks.findByName(DockerJavaApplicationPlugin.DOCKERFILE_TASK_NAME) } }

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Functional testing


Testing the build logic from the end user’s perspective.

• Exercising build logic as part of a programmatically executed build.

• Make assertions about build outcome.

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Using the Gradle TestKit


Functional testing support in Gradle core.

• Uses Tooling API as test execution harness.

• Agnostic of test framework.

• Assertions made based on build output, build logging or test of tasks + their result.

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TestKit usage


Declaring TestKit dependency

Declaring the Spock dependency

dependencies { testCompile gradleTestKit() }

dependencies { testCompile



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Example: Writing functional tests with TestKit


def "can successfully create Dockerfile"() { given: buildFile << """ import com.bmuschko.gradle.docker.tasks.image.Dockerfile task dockerfile(type: Dockerfile) { from 'ubuntu:14.04' maintainer 'Benjamin Muschko "[email protected]"' } “”"

when: def result = GradleRunner.create().withProjectDir(testProjectDir.root).withArguments('dockerfile').build() then: result.task(":dockerfile").outcome == SUCCESS testProjectDir.file('Dockerfile').exists() }

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Functional testing with TestKit

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Roadmap for TestKit


Gradle 2.6

Mechanics for executing tests

Functional tests can query build result

Gradle 2.7

Isolation of test environment, dedicated daemons

Gradle 2.8

Convenient injection of code under test

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Cross-version compatibility tests


Forward and backward compatibility independent of Gradle version used to build plugin artifact.

2.4 2.5

 Version  used  to  build  plugin

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Implementing compatibility tests


No built-in support in Gradle yet. On the roadmap for TestKit.

Intermediate options:

Custom implementation using Tooling API.

Community plugins like

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Importance of documentation


Plugins are not self-documenting.

Thorough documentation is crucial for plugin consumers.

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Answer questions for consumers


How can I use the plugin and configure it?

What tasks & extensions are provided?

What impact does the plugin have on my project?

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Impact on consumers


De-mystify added functionality.

Give consumers the feeling that they are under control.

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What should be documented?


• Purpose of plugin, the repository that hosts the plugin

• Plugins: Identifier, type and description bundled in a JAR

• Enhanced tasks: their name, type and dependencies

• Custom task types: Javadocs, Groovydocs

• Conventions, custom extensions (e.g. DSLs)

• Extension properties/methods

• Usage examples in textual form

• A good set of functional tests that demonstrate the use of the plugin

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Example: Plugin description & usage


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Example: Extension usage and properties


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Example: Textual usage & functional tests


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Example: Linking custom tasks to API docs


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Example: Publishing API docs to GitHub pages


Javadocs/Groovydocs are essential to allow users discover API classes exposed by plugin.

• Create new branch gh-pages

• Remove all files from working tree and index

• Push new branch

Available under


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Example: Publishing Javadocs to GitHub pages


Use gradle-git plugin to push to automatically publish Javadocs.

apply plugin: 'org.ajoberstar.github-pages'

githubPages { repoUri = '[email protected]:bmuschko/gradle-docker-plugin.git' pages { from(javadoc.outputs.files) { into 'docs/javadoc' } } }

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Publishing changed API documentation

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Publishing the plugin binaries


Make artifact(s) available to consumers by uploading them to one or many binary repositories.

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Provide appropriate metadata


apply plugin: 'maven-publish'

publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { pom.withXml { def root = asNode() root.appendNode('name', 'Gradle Docker plugin') root.appendNode('description', 'Gradle plugin for managing Docker images & containers.') root.appendNode('url', '') root.appendNode('inceptionYear', '2014') } } } }

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Publishing doesn’t stop with plugin JAR


task sourcesJar(type: Jar) { classifier 'sources' from sourceSets.main.allSource }

task groovydocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: groovydoc) { classifier 'groovydoc' from groovydoc.destinationDir }

task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadoc) { classifier 'javadoc' from javadoc.destinationDir }

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Share Open Source plugins on the portal


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Publishing to the Gradle plugin portal


Requires use of the “Plugin Publishing Plugin”buildscript { repositories { maven { url '' } } dependencies { classpath 'com.gradle.publish:plugin-publish-plugin:0.9.1' } }

apply plugin: 'com.gradle.plugin-publish'

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Declaring required portal plugin metadata


Requires use of the “Plugin Publishing Plugin”pluginBundle { website = '' vcsUrl = '' description = 'Gradle plugin for managing Docker images and containers.' tags = ['gradle', 'docker', 'container', 'image', 'lightweight', 'vm', 'linux'] plugins { dockerRemoteApi { id = 'com.bmuschko.docker-remote-api' displayName = 'Provides custom tasks for interacting with Docker remote API.' } } }

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Continuous Integration


A plugin might start small but will grow in complexity over time. Avoid integration hell!

• Fast feedback with every code integration

• Always execute (an assorted set of) tests

• Use CI cloud-based product or host in-house

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Adding a CI badge


Give consumers and contributor a chance to see the build status.

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Working towards Continuous Delivery


Make sure your plugin is always production ready.

• End goal: avoid manual steps

• Build and visualize suitable delivery pipeline

• Go the extra mile - model push-button release capabilities

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Example: Potential release steps


 PubliAssemble artifact(s)

  Tag VCS repository

   Publish artifact(s)

Plugin JAR Sources JAR

Docs JAR

Create tag Push tag

Create metadata Upload artifact(s) Update API docs

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Implementing a plugin release process

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Example: Build pipeline with Snap CI


Build, test and deploy in the cloud.

• Free of charge for public Github repos

• Model build pipelines with automatic and/or manual execution steps

• Execute build for pull requests

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Example: Snap CI pipeline for Docker plugin


Compilation      Unit  tests

Integration            tests

Functional            tests


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Showcasing build pipeline on Snap CI

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Other aspects


• Be mindful of the performance impact your plugin might have on consuming build

• Avoid using internal Gradle APIs as much as possible

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