grammar headway unit 3 to 5

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ejercicios de repaso extraídos del libro Headway


UNIT 3 EXERCISES1Match the sentence with the tense. 1__ I did the weeks grocery shopping on my home computer.

2__ I hadnt been to that part of town before.

3__ Why were you running down the street?

aPast Perfect Simple

bPast Simple

cPast Continuous2Choose the correct form of the verb, Past Simple or Past Continuous. 1They fell / were falling in love when they worked / were working in Rome.

2She read / was reading quietly in her room when suddenly the lights went / were going out and she heard / was hearing a scream.

3Didnt you meet / Werent you meeting your wife while you lived / were living in Italy?

4I saw / was seeing you in the park yesterday. You sat / were sitting with your arm round Tom.

5Why didnt they visit / werent they visiting me when they stayed / were staying in London?

6What did you write / were you writing when your computer crashed / was crashing?3Which happened first? Write True or False.1I drove to the house but Cathy had left.

First Cathy left, then I arrived. True 2The class had started when I arrived.

First I arrived, then the class started. _____

3We had just finished painting the fence when it started to rain.

First we finished painting, then it rained. _____

4Shed been walking home when the storm began.

First she started walking, then the storm began. _____

4Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Perfect forms of the verbs in brackets. 1I didnt ring (not ring) him because I d forgotten (forgot) his number.

2He _____ (not pass) his driving test when he _____ (drive) from San Francisco to LA!

3He _____ (not know) how the cat _____ (walk) 100 kilometres to its old home.

4She only _____ (hear) about the interview three months after she _____ (apply) for the job.

5When he first _____ (go) to Moscow he _____ (never travel) abroad before.

6They _____ (not watch) the film because they _____ (see) it before.

7Thats a surprise! I _____ (not know) you two _____ (meet) already.

8They _____ (be) married for five years when they _____ (have) their first child.

5Rewrite the sentences using the passive. 1Somebody broke my glasses.

My glasses were broken.

2He didnt come because nobody had invited him.

He didnt come because he ________________ .

3Somebody had left the lights on.

The lights ________________ .

4Somebody told me about it yesterday.

I________________ yesterday.

5Did the ambulance take you to hospital?

________ you ________________ by ambulance?

6Nobody gave them any information.

They ________________ .

UNIT 4 EXERCISES1Complete the sentences with a suitable form of have to. 1My aunts a police officer so she has to wear a uniform at work, but my uncles a taxi driver so he _____ wear one.

2When I was a teenager, we _____ be home by nine oclock. But we _____ take as many exams as teenagers nowadays.

3My teeth hurt when I drink something cold. I think I _____ see the dentist soon.

4You _____ speak Russian to travel around Moscow, but it helps!

5If you lose your job, _____ we _____ sell the car?

2Match the modal verbs with meanings af.1__What a lovely present! You must send a thank-you note.

2__She cant be at home. Shes got an exam today.

3__I might be home late tonight Ive got a meeting.

4__I can help you Im great at Maths.

5__Can you collect me from school tonight after choir practice?

6__You may come in. Take a seat please.







3Tick [] the correct sentence.1__Do you can swim?

__Can you swim?

2 __She must work harder.

__She musts work harder.

3__I no can understand you.

__I cant understand you.

4__You must to go now.

__You must go now.

5__Have you to work on Saturdays?

__Do you have to work on Saturdays?

6__ When I was young, I had to work hard.

__ When I was young, I must work hard.

4Choose the correct verbs. Sometimes both are correct.1I ______ finish the report by lunchtime.

a have to b must

2You ______ come to the party if you dont want to.

a dont have to b mustnt

3We ______ get a good nights sleep.

a ve got to b have to

4Children, you ______ play anywhere near the railway line.

a mustnt b dont have to

5I ______ lend you 10, Ive only got 5.

a m not allowed to b cant

6Did people ______ wear seat belts in cars during the 1960s?

a must b have to

7Lisa, you ______ give us a call if youre going to be late home.

a must b have to

8My car _____ have a new gearbox.

a has to b must

9I havent got a clue where John is. He _____ in the garden.

a might be b may be

10You _____ ride your bike with no hands.

a are not allowed to b cant

5Match sentence beginnings 15 with endings ae.1__Excuse me, could you

2__Could I

3__Jim, will you

4__Do you mind if

5__Would you mind if

aborrow your pen?

bwe sit here?

ctell me the way to the station?

dI turned the music down?

ethrow that scarf over here?

6Read the sentences. Underline Yes or No.1Ill pick up your dry cleaning for you.

This is an offer. Yes / No2Shall I answer the door?

This is a request. Yes / No3Ill phone Mum after dinner to see how she is.

This is an intention. Yes / No4Shall we send her some flowers?

This is an offer. Yes / No5Where shall we eat tonight?

This is a request for advice. Yes / NoUNIT 5 EXERCISES1Underline the correct verb forms.1What are you doing this evening? Ill go / Im going to the cinema.

2Are you going to the bank? Yes, Ill go / Im going there to talk to the manager.

3Have you got plans for the weekend? Im playing / Ill play golf with Chris.

4This lesson is so long. Dont worry. It might finish / Itll finish soon.

5Where are you going for the holiday? Im not sure. I may stay / Im staying here.

6Ive booked the tickets but I cant collect them. Its OK, Im going into town so I could collect / Im collecting them.

7Have you seen Tom yet? No, hes arriving / hell arrive on the six oclock train.

8Look at those dark clouds! Oh dear, itll rain / it might rain later.

2Read the conversation. Underline the correct future forms. AIm going / ll go to town. Do you want anything?

BAre you going / Will you go to the post office? I need forty stamps.

AYes, I am. I will apply / am applying for a new driving licence so Ill get you the stamps at the same time.


AWhy do you need forty stamps? You always send emails.

BWell Im having / ll have a party, so I want to send invitations to everybody.

A If you want me to, Im buying / ll buy the invitations too.

BThanks, but Im getting / ll get them printed at work. Its already arranged.

AOK. Ill see / m seeing you later! Bye.

3In each of these sentences there is a mistake with a future form. Find it and correct it. 1I will see her tomorrow at 4.30 p.m. Im seeing her tomorrow at 4.30 p.m. 2I go to a concert this evening. ________________________________________

3Greg will helping you move the computer. _____________________________________

4You can ask Alan, but he not help you. ________________________________________

5We will have a party next week. _____________________________________________

6Kate catch the train at 3.30 this afternoon. ______________________________________

7They dont visit us next summer. _____________________________________________

8Im going to go to meet them at the airport. ____________________________________

4Complete the conversation using the prompts in brackets. 1A It looks like it _________ (be) a beautiful afternoon. Why dont we go for a walk?

B Great idea! I _________ (get) my coat.

A You _________ (not need) that. The suns out. It _________ (not rain).

B I _________ (take) the risk!

2A Theres a big chance that (5 the company / close) _________.

B Thats terrible. What (6 you / do) _________?

A I _________ (meet) the HR manager tomorrow at 11.00. I dont want to leave it _________ (be) difficult for me to find a similar job.

B Its definite, though, so you _________ (be) OK.



Exercise 1

1 b2 a3 c

Exercise 2

1fell; worked

2was reading; went; heard

3Didnt you meet; were living

4saw; were sitting

5didnt they visit; were staying

6were you writing; crashed

Exercise 3




Exercise 4

2hadnt passed; drove

3didnt know; had walked

4heard; d applied

5went; d never travelled

6didnt watch; d seen

7didnt know; had met

8d been; had

Exercise 5

2hadnt been invited

3had been left on

4was told

5were taken

6werent given


Exercise 1

1has to; doesnt have to

2had to; didnt have to

3ll have to

4dont have to

5will have to

Exercise 2

1 e2 a3 c4 f5 d6 b

Exercise 3

1Can you swim?

2She must work harder.

3I cant understand you.

4You must go now.

5Do you have to work on Saturdays?

6When I was young, I had to work


Exercise 4


2a dont have to


4a mustnt.

5b cant

6b have to

7a must

8a has to



Exercise 5

1 c2 a3 e4 b5 d

Exercise 6



Exercise 1

2Im going

3Im playing

4Itll finish

5I may stay

6I could collect

7hes arriving

8it might rain

Exercise 2

AIm going to town. Do you want anything?

BAre you going to the post office? I need forty stamps.

AYes, I am. Im applying for a new driving licence so Ill get you the stamps at the same time.


AWhy do you need forty stamps? You always send emails.BWell Im having a party, so I want to send invitations to everybody.

AIf you want me to, Ill buy the invitations too.

BThanks, but Im getting them printed at work. Its already arranged.

AOK. Ill see you later! Bye.

Exercise 3

1I will to see her tomorrow at 4.30 p.m.

Im seeing her tomorrow at 4.30 p.m.

2I go to a concert this evening.

Im going to a concert this evening.

3Greg will helping you move the computer.

Greg will help you move the computer.

4You can ask Alan, but he not help you.

You can ask Alan, but he wont help you.

5We will have a party next week.

Were having a party next week.

6Kate catch the train at 3.30 this afternoon.

Kates catching the train at 3.30 this afternoon.

7They dont visit us next summer.

They arent going to visit us next summer.

8Im going to go to meet them at the airport.

Im meeting them at the airport.

Exercise 4

1AIt looks like its going to be a

beautiful afternoon. Why dont we

go for a walk?

BGreat idea! Ill get my coat.

AYou wont need that. The suns out.

It isnt going to rain.

BIll take the risk!

2ATheres a big chance that the

company might / may close.

BThats terrible. What are you going

to do / will you do?

AIm meeting the HR manager

tomorrow at 11.00. I dont want to

leave itll be / its going to be

difficult for me to find a similar job.

BIt isnt definite, though, so you may

be / might be OK.