grammar notes


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1ArticlesA and an ~ means one~ used with countable nouns~ used to talk about just one member in that groupa ~ used for singular nouns begin with a consonant sounda lion a boatan ~ used for singular nouns that begin with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u)an owl an arrowa, an, the

2Sample questions1. He left the house _________ hour ago.A aC theB anD -

2. Amani gave me ____ bouquet of flowers and _____ loaf of bread.A a, theC a, aB the, theD the, aSingular and Plural Nouns1. adding seraser erasersvase - vaseshouse housestree - treesday daysumbrella - umbrellaskey keysphoto photos2. adding esbox boxesfox - foxestorch torchesbrush brushesglass glassespotato potatoestomato - tomatoes

Singular and Plural Nouns3. Changing y to iesbaby babiesferry - ferrieslorry lorriescherry - cherriesdairy dairiesstory stories4. Changing f or fe to vescalf calvesshelf - shelvesknife kniveswife - wivesleaf leavesloaf loaves

5. Changing the vowels for irregular nounstooth teethlouse - licefoot feetmouse - micegoose geesewoman women6. Irregular pluralschild childrenox oxencactus cacti

Singular and Plural Nouns

SINGULAR AND PLURAL Some singular and plural nouns have the same formE.g. one sheep many sheepone deer many deerone fish many fish

Sample questionsDo not spend too _____time on the video game. Finish your work.A fewC muchB littleD plenty2. Annaz does not have _____ money in his wallet.A any C fewD manyD many

Personal PronounsNounsPronouns(as subject)Pronouns(as object)-ImeMariaSheHerAzhanHeHim-YouYouThe cat(The chair)ItIt

Personal PronounsNounsPronouns(as subject)Pronouns(as object)Maria and AzhanTheyThemThe boys/ girlsTheyThemThe trees/ the catsTheyThemMaria and IWeus

PronounsPossessives adjectivePossessive pronounReflexive pronounMyMineMyselfHisHisHimselfherHersHerselfIts-itself

PronounsPossessives adjectivePossessive pronounReflexive pronounYourYoursYourselvesOuroursOurselvesTheirTheirsthemselves

Demonstrative PronounsDemonstrative pronounNumberWhat it points toThisSingularA person or things that is near usThesePluralTwo or more people or things that are near usThatSingularA person or thing that is far awayThosePluralTwo or more people or things that are far away

Sample questionsThis is Ramas pencil. It is _________.A oursC mineB hersD hisEn Azmi and his son painted the fence _________.A himselfC yourselfB yourselfD themselvesSample questions______pencils which I am using belongs to my sister.A ThatC ThoseB ThisD TheseTeacher asks ______ to pass up our books tomorrow.A youC usB meD ourPrepositionsPreposition are used to show position.

in the cageon the tableabove the doorunder the chairbeside the roadlean against the wallamong the bushesat the bus stopbetween the housesin front of the classbelow the fan

16PrepositionsPrepositions of Direction~(Arah)

to the car from the parkup the hilldown the stairsacross the bridgeover the fencethrough the tunnelalong the roadaround the playgroundinto the shoptowards the canteen

17PrepositionsPrepositions of time ~ (masa)

in the morningin Januaryon Tuesdayon your birthdayat 3 oclockat nightat noonfor a monthfor ten minutesfor two years

18PrepositionsPrepositions of time ~ (masa)

since yesterdaysince last weekuntil 6.00 p.m.until 2012during the holidaysduring dinnerbefore/after breakfastbefore/after 3 oclockby Fridayby tomorrow

19Preposition also used withcertain * verbs (perbuatan)agree to/with apply to/for ask for/aboutcomplain about think about/ofbelieve in borrow from compare with/to hope for

20Preposition also used withcertain * adjectives (adjektif)angry with ashamed of aware of interested insafe from sorry for scared of tired of used to

21Sample questionsThe horse jumped _____the hedge and ran _____ the field.A through, overC over, acrossB across, intoD into, overThe priceless painting was stolen ______ midnight.A on C atB inD byThe Simple Present Tense : CLUE Every dayEvery week Every monthEvery year Every nightEvery eveningEvery morning

Daily Weekly Monthly YearlyAnnuallyFortnightly

23The Simple Present Tense : CLUE AlwaysUsually OftenSometimes NormallyNever

24A) Singular subjectHeSheItMy brotherSarahAlifs sisterThe catThe womanVerb ~ splaysreads walksgoesdoeshasis

25B) Plural subjectIYou We TheyJanet and JenniferMy friendsThe childrenThe durians

Verb no ~ splanstudyarrangeholddohaveare

26D) In question~ verb in root word e.g. Does she ______ to the school by bicycle every day?A go B goes C wentD going

27E) Instruction/ order/ warning~ usually in simple present tense

e.g. Switch on the fan. Please keep quiet.

28Sample questionsJohanna ______ in the park every evening.A walkC walkedB walksD walkingKangaroos ______ pouchesA haveC wereC hasD areThe Simple Past Tense : ClueYesterdayJust nowAgoLast weekLast monthLast yearLast Monday morningThis morning

A few days agoA few minutes agoA moment agoTwo weeks agoRecentlyThose days

30Rules of Simple Past TenseRegular verbs the verbs end in d or ed. Example: talk talked jump jumpedIrregular verbs the verbs change formExample: go - wentbuy - bought catch - caught

31Rules of Simple Past TenseDid is the past tense of do / does

Did he _________to school yesterday?A driveB drivesC droveD driving

32Sample questionsLast night, Suraya _____ a story book before she went to sleep.A readC readsB rodeD reading2. Rihanna ______ her latest song during a concert last night.A singC sangB singsD singingThe Continuous TenseA The Present Continuous Tense

B The Past Continuous Tense

34Clue:Verb + ing

Examples:swimmingreadingteachingwritingenjoyingPresent Tense am, is, are now at this moment

Past Tense was, were while, when, as

35Singular subjectIPresent


wasVerb + ing


36HeSheItMunifSarahThe girlThe boyMy uncleThe rabbitPn Suhaila

Singular subjectPresent




37Plural subjectYouWeTheyThe childrenThe lions





38The Simple Future Tense : Cluetomorrowafterwardsnext weektonightlatersoon

shall willgoing to

After will, shall, going to root words.

39The Simple Future Tense : ClueI

Weshall walkshall finishshall attendwill gowill buywill choose

40The Simple Future Tense : Clue He She ItYou They

will go will dowill swim

41Singular subject + singular verbHeSheItMy brotherSarahThe cat

is has does sleeps


Subject Verb Agreement42Singular subject + singular verbHe/ she/ itFarah/ Azmir/ the lionOne boyA girlA manMy uncleHis auntThe baby

iswashas/ hadwritesgoesdoes/ didworkslikes

Singular subject + singular verbEveryoneEvery boyEverybodyEverythingSomething SomeoneSomebodyEach + nounEvery + noun is has does collects


44Singular subject + singular verbEach pupilsEach of the girlsEach of the boysOne of the girlsAny of the boysAnyone whoAnybody Some one whoNobodyNo oneNot one of themhasgoesdoescyclesknowsbitesthinksrunsplayssingsreads

Uncountable nouns take a singular verbhair, grass,rice, powder,juice, syrup,flour, sugaroil, soup, salt, peppermoney, watersand, dustSingular verb-to-be is was

46 Plural subject + plural verb YouWeTheyThe lionsLizzie and ChrisThe womenMany peopleBoth of the girlsSome of the pupilsMost of the childrenMy mother and I She and her friend are were have do

knock jump

47Either and neither take a singular verbEither of the girlsNeither of the boysEither this man or that manNeither Maria nor Azlina Neither you nor heiswashasdoesrunssingssleeps

Adjectives Clue:. as brave as a lion.. happier than . faster than .. more expensive than my house.The largest The strongest The most beautiful

49Adverbs VerbAdverbActQuicklyAnswerCorrectly, clearly, rudelyAskNicely, humbly, politelyAcceptReadily, gratefullyArriveSafelyArrangeNeatly, nicelyBarkLoudly, fiercely, joyfullyBleedProfusely, badly

50Adverbs VerbAdverbBlowGently, strongly,BowHumbly, respectfullyClapLoudly, joyfully, excitedlyCryBitterly, sadly, softly, loudlyCheerLoudly, joyfullyDanceGracefully, beautifully, stylishlyDriveCarefully, carelessly, slowly, recklessly, dangerously, cautiouslyDressSmartly, sloppily, shabbily

51VerbAdverbEat Hungrily, greedilyExplainClearly, briefly, patientlyFightBravely, furiouslyGiveGenerously, kindly, willinglyGreetCheerfully, loudly, politelyLaughHeartily, happily, loudlyListenCarefully, attentively, intentlyLookShyly, longingly, lovinglyRunFast, quickly, slowly

52VerbAdverbReadCarefully, silently, loudly, quietlyShoutAngrily, loudly, joyfullySleepSoundly, lightlySmileKindly, shyly, broadly, sweetlySpeakBoastfully, politely, kindly, clearlySpendthriftilySingSoftly, sweetly, happilyWaitPatiently, anxiouslyWalkHurriedly, slowly, brisklyWorkSlowly, willingly, hard

53Infinitive After the word to the verb must be in root word (kata dasar).e.gThe doctor told her to stay in bed for a week.It is difficult to catch a crocodile.My aunt teaches me how to make egg tart.

54Modals willwouldshallshouldcancouldmaymightmustought to

55Clue After modals the verb must be in root word.

56Countablemany several a few some a lot of

banyak beberapa sedikit sebahagian sangat banyak apple, bag, pencil, cup, tiger, rose, ruler, buffalo, day, letter, shirt, hour, minute, etc.

Examples: There are many boys at the bus stop. Amir met a few friends.

57Uncountable much a little a lot of someanybanyak sedikitsangat banyak sebahagian

oil, water, perfume, air, sugar, salt, smoke, coffee, tea, rice, grass, juice, syrup, sauce, flour, etc.

Examples: Don't put too much sugarin my coffee.Add a little salt to the soup.A lot of dust has gathered on the desk.

58Uncountable Example:There isnt ______sugar left in the jar.A someC muchB manyD anynegative statement (sentence with not) usually the answer will be any

Question wordsWhat ~ (apa)To ask about people, animals, thingsWhat is your name?What did you do to my car?When ~ (bila) To as about timeWhen is the train arriving? When did you go to Singapore?Why ~ (kenapa) To ask about reasonWhy did the man shout at you? Why is the baby crying?Where ~ (dimana) To ask about places.Where is the museum? Where do you live?

60Question wordsHow (bagaimana/berapa)To ask about people, events and the way things are done.How old are you?How did the accident happen?Whose ~ (siapa punya) To ask about belongings.Whose bag is on the floor? Whose children are they?Which (yang mana satu)To ask about people, animals, and things.Which girl won the first prize? Which dog chased you?Who ~ (siapa)To ask about peopleWho is that lady? Who did you talk to?

61Conjunction is a linking or joining wordswe use conjunctions to connect words, groups of words, clauses or sentences

Conjunction AndButOrIfSoBecauseAsAlthoughEither ..orNeither .....norThereforeMoreoverHoweverFurthermoreEven though