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  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU




    B C D F G

    H J K L M

    N P Q R S

    T V W X Y


    Practique el alfabeto Ingls con los siguientes acrnimos.

    1. APU

    2. GTC

    3. TIT

    4. RPM

    5. GC

    6. AC

    7. DC

    8. JP-4

    9. JT-8

    10. HP

    11. MGL

    12. TDZ

    13. NLG

    14. TPT

    15. VFR

    16. UHF

    17. TDZE

    18. TAS

    19. IFR

    20. RW

    21. RVR

    22. ICAO

    23. FAA

    24. CIA

    25. INS

    26. NASA

    27. OJT

    28. POW

    29. OAT

    30. ADF

    31. AFM

    32. IAW

    33. AFTO

    34. SHP

    35. ATC

    36. EGT

    37. FAR

    38. ATM

    39. FOD

    40. GMT

    41. GW/GWT

    42. STOL

    43. VLF

    44. PSI

    45. IRAN

    46. GPS

    47. AWG

    48. AFR

    Transword Aviation Language TrainingCenter 1

  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU


    El artculo determinado the es invariable y se usa esta nica forma para expresar slo el

    nmero singular y plural de los sustantivos en Ingls, ya que stos no tienen gnero;

    son neutros.

    Ejemplos:the fuselage the cockpit The engines the lights

    el fuselaje la cabina de mando los motores las


    En los espacios en blanco, escriba el artculo determinado the y traducir cadaejercicio.

    1) _____ blade

    2) _____ skids

    3) _____ windshield

    4) _____ airfoil

    5) _____ power-plants

    6) _____ gearbox

    7) _____ thermocouple

    8) _____ temperature

    9) _____ instruments

    10) _____ indicators

    11) _____ pumps

    12) _____ alternator

    13) _____ voltage

    14) _____ filter

    15) _____ altimeter

    16) _____ receiver

    17) _____ aircraft

    18) _____ wiring

    19) _____ compressor

    20) _____ alloy

    21) _____ skin

    22) _____ rotor

    23) _____ oil

    24) _____ compressor

    25) _____ screwdriver

    26) _____ micrometer

    27) _____ stabilizers

    28) _____ panel

    29) _____ pressure

    30) _____ bolts

    31) _____ turbine

    32) _____ assembly

    33) _____ driveshaft

    34) _____ spars

    35) _____ longerons

    36) _____ voltmeter

    37) _____ crankshaft

    38) _____ elevator

    39) _____ motor

    40) _____ generator

    41) _____ radomes

    42) _____ strainer

    43) _____ pylons

    44) _____ dipstick

    Transword Aviation Language TrainingCenter 2

  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    45) _____ vane 46) _____ cabin


    El artculo indeterminado es a, pero se cambia a an delante de h muda o sonido vocal.

    Ejemplos:a tool an instrument a helicopteruna herramienta un instrumento un helicptero

    an hour a housing an assembly (assy) una hora un alojamiento un conjunto

    Excepcin: a unit una unidad

    En los espacios en blanco, escriba el artculo indeterminado a o an y traducir cadaejercicio.

    1. ____ inverter

    2. ____ groove

    3. ____ accumulator

    4. ____ unit

    5. ____ repair

    6. ____ inspection

    7. ____ wrench

    8. ____ nut

    9. ____ undervoltage

    10. ____ chisel

    11. ____ reservoir

    12. ____ display

    13. ____ gear

    14. ____ chamber

    15. ____ horsepower

    16. ____ crack

    17. ____ outlet

    18. ____ chip

    19. ____ empennage

    20. ____ bearing

    21. ____ hub

    22. ____ impeller

    23. ____ exciter

    24. ____ indicator

    25. ____ actuator

    26. ____ alternator

    27. ____ valve

    28. ____ console

    29. ____ aircraft

    30. ____ bellcrank

    31. ____ fitting

    32. ____ sump

    33. ____ electrode

    34. ____ engine

    35. ____ battery

    36. ____ insulator

    37. ____ mixture

    38. ____ overvoltage

    39. ____ intake

    40. ____ splice

    41. ____ nozzle

    42. ____ propeller (prop)

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  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    43. ____ tank 44. ____ afterburner


    La mayora de los sustantivos en Ingls forman el plural agregandos al sustantivo en


    Singular plural singular plural

    stop stops lever lever stope topes palanca palancas

    Los sustantivos que terminan en sonidos (s, sh, ch, xo z), forman el plural agregando

    -es al sustantivo en singular.


    Singular plural singular pluralbox boxes brush brushescaja cajas escobilla escobillas

    Singular plural

    wrench wrenchesllave llaves

    Los sustantivos terminados en -fo -fe forman el plural cambiando -fo -fe por ves


    Singular plural singular plural knife knives shelf shelves cuchillo cuchillos estante estantes


    Singular plural

    roof roofstecho techos

    4. Los sustantivos que terminan en y, precedida por una consonante, cambian la y por

    iy se agrega es


    Singular plural singular plural

    frequency frequencies assembly assembliesfrecuencia frecuencias conjunto conjuntos

    Nota: Cuando el sustantivo termina en -y precedida por una consonante, solamente

    agregamos -s


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  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    Singular plural singular plural

    relay relays alloy alloysrel rels aleacin aleaciones

    5. Los sustantivos terminados en -o, se les agrega -es


    Singular plural singular plural

    tornado tornadoes echo echo estornado tornados eco ecos

    6. Algunos sustantivos tienen formas especiales para formar el plural.


    Singular plural singular plural

    aircraft aircraft vortex vorticesAeronave aeronaves remolino/torbellino remolinos

    Singular plural singular plural

    tooth teeth man mendiente dientes hombre hombres

    Singular plural singular plural

    foot feet spectrum spectrapie pies espectro espectros

    Singular plural singular plural

    radius radii datum dataradio radios dato datos

    Si ngular plural singular pluralaxis axes series serieseje ejes serie series

    singular plural

    means meansmedio medios

    En los espacios en blanco, escriba el plural de cada sustantivo y traducir cadaejercicio.

    1. bench __________________

    2. emergency __________________

    3. radar __________________

    4. latch __________________

    5. stress __________________

    6. battery __________________

    7. switch __________________

    8. harness __________________

    9. fitting __________________

    10. leaf __________________

    11. display __________________

    12. harness __________________

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  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    13. hook __________________

    14. apex __________________

    15. loss __________________

    16. accessory __________________


    1. Los adjetivos modifican, describen o dicen algo del nombre o sustantivo. Losadjetivos en Ingls no sufren modificaciones y se colocan antes del los

    sustantivos en singular y plural.


    longblade longbladespala larga palas largas

    hotsection hotsections

    seccin caliente secciones calientes

    2. Los adjetivos tambin pueden seguir al verbo to be (ser o estar) en una oracin.


    the levelis high the surfaces are roughel nivel es alto l as superficies estn speras

    the nutis tightla tuerca est apretada

    Subrayar el adjetivo, cambie a una frase, y finalmente traducir cada frase.


    The washers / flat the flat washers las arandelas planas

    1. The sharp/tools _________________________ _____________________

    2. The hot/wires _________________________ ____________________

    3. The lights/green. _________________________ _____________________

    4. The engine/rough. _________________________ _____________________

    5. The lean/mixture . _________________________ _____________________

    6. The voltage/high. ________________________ _____________________

    7. The integral/tanks _________________________ _____________________

    8. The sheet/thin _________________________ _____________________

    9. The open/ circuits _________________________ _____________________

    10. The current/direct. ________________________ _____________________

    11. The wet/sumps _________________________ _____________________

    12. The gases/ hot. _________________________ _____________________

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  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    13. The vertical/gyro. __________________________ _____________________

    14. The integral/tanks . __________________________ _____________________


    1. Se llama en inglssustantivo compuesto, a la unin de dos o ms sustantivos, conguin o sin l, portador de una idea de conjunto que no expresan tan clara o

    rpidamente las palabras componentes en sucesin continuada.

    2. El idioma Ingls nos permite muy a menudo poner uno o ms sustantivos antes del

    sustantivo principal, donde el sustantivo del extremo derecho es el sustantivo

    principaly los que le siguen son los sustantivos modificadores.

    Ejemplo: Compare estas frases donde el sustantivo principal es: compressor

    An axial flow compressor A Compressor with axial flow

    Un compresor de/con/que tiene flujo axial

    3. Los sustantivos compuestos son, algunas veces, difciles de entender. Para

    entenderlos mejor siempre siga el principio de empezar al final y luego tomar el

    sentido contrario, en esta direccin


    Controllable pitch tail rotor

    Cul es el sustantivo principal? (rotor) El sustantivo principal es, que se

    trata de un tipo de rotor.

    Cul es la penltima palabra? (tail) Se trata de la cola,de un

    helicptero, donde se ubica un


    Cul es la antepenltima palabra?(controllable) Es la capacidad del rotor (no de la

    cola) de ser controlable .

    Por lo tanto, podemos ver que: Controllable tail rotor

    Significa: Rotor de cola tipo controlable

    4. El criterio de un estilo adecuado de redaccin, el conocimiento profesional del

    tema en cuestin y la experiencia profesional son requisitos muy primordiales que

    debe poseer toda persona que trabaja con este tipo de estructuras gramaticales del

    Ingls Tcnico.


    Friction losses = Prdidasporfriccin (no de friccin)

    Turbine engine = Motor a turbina (no de turbina)

    Butt weld = Soldadura tipo embutido

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  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    Temperature drop = Cada de temperatura

    Metal tubes = Tubos de metal

    Heat transfer = Transferencia trmica o calorfica

    LESSON 7: CASOS CON SUSTANTIVOS COMPUESTOS:1. La relacin de dos sustantivos, principal y modificador cambia el sentido, si se

    invierte su posicin.


    warning system system warningsistema de avisos aviso del sistema

    flight test test flight

    prueba en vuelo vuelo de prueba

    2. Al igual que los adjetivos, los sustantivos modificadores no se pluralizan en Ingls.


    Junction box instrument panel gear boxcaja de empalmes panel de instrumentos caja de engranajes

    3. Cuando un numeral y un sustantivo se usan como modificadores, el sustantivo

    modificador es siempre singular en forma y la expresin es usualmente escrita con

    un guin.


    100-hourinspection two three-positionswitches

    inspeccin de 100 horas dos switches de tres posiciones

    4. Tambin existen los sustantivos compuestos que pueden escribirse de tres maneras

    diferentes, usados como adjetivos.


    airspeed takeoff checklist nosewheel

    air-speed take-off check-list nose-wheel air speed take off check list nose wheel

    velocidad de vuelo decolaje lista de chequeo rueda de nariz

    5. Para sustantivos modificadores separados por la conjuncin and o la preposicin

    to , frecuentemente se toma primero el sustantivo modificador que est antes

    de to o and y luego se sigue el orden establecido.


    Main andnose landing gearTren de aterrizaje principaly de nariz

    press-to-test lampslmparas del tipo presione-para-probar


    Transword Aviation Language TrainingCenter 8

  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    Aural messages and visual indicationsMensajes auditivos e indicaciones visuales

    6. La relacin entre los sustantivos puede variar de muchas maneras siendo necesario la

    aplicacin del conocimiento profesional como puede verse en los ejemplos.


    Friction losses oil canPrdidasporfriccin aceitera

    inlet temperature dye test temperatura de entrada prueba con tinte

    7. Cuando se encuentra un adjetivo como modificador, ste usualmente va al principio

    de la frase, en un grupo de ms de dos sustantivos, pero en Espaol tienden

    generalmente a tomar una posicin diferente dentro de la frase, para su mejor

    entendimiento.El conocimiento del tema es muy importante para realizar interpretaciones de este



    thickfoam layer longrange navigationcapa gruesa de espuma navegacin de largo alcance

    Traducir cada frase usando reglas adecuadas de estilo y aplicando las reglas antesmencionadas.Ejemplo:

    A series circuit the electrical pressure Un circuito en serie el potencial elctrico.

    1. Emergency shutdown procedures

    2. Turboprop engine

    3. Engine cold start oil vent solenoid valve

    4. ON-OFF two position switches5. Flight compartment

    6. Overheat light

    7. Engine-to-aircraft instrument wiring connector

    8. Cabin-to-atmosphere pressure differential

    9. 5 three-position valves

    10. Frequency amplifier

    11. Amplifier frequency

    12. Integrated flight instrument system

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  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    13. Turbo-shaft engine

    14. The switch box

    15. Illustrate parts breakdown

    16. Heat energy content

    17. Airtight container

    18. The hydraulic power

    19. Communication satellite

    20. Satellite communication

    21. Fiberglass honeycomb panel

    22. Push-pull rods

    23. Outboard wing tanks

    24. Oil pressure relief valve

    25. Oil flow adjustment knob

    26. Exhaust gas temperature compensating resistor control assembly

    27. Feedback

    28. Magnetic brake

    29. Wire antenna

    30. Antenna wire

    31. Visual approach slope indicator system

    32. Precision acquisition of vehicle entry and phased array warning system

    33. Outside air temperature

    34. Seal and gasket unit

    35. Passive air defense electronic counter measures

    36. Nose gear cylinder steering post

    37. Light-rust preventive compound

    38. Light preservative lubrication oil.

    39. Hydraulic pump start push-button switch

    40. Wind direction and velocity

    41. Fuselage tank unit added capacitance value

    42. Functional and operational check

    43. Fuel transfer float switches

    44. Hot-air emergency shutoff switches

    45. Fuel flow indicator wire cable connector

    46. Longitudinal wind component

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    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    47. Four-stage, air-cooled, reciprocating unit

    48. Four-wheel pneumatic-tired, automatic steering vehicle


    El participio pasado de los verbos regulares e irregulares (ms adelante trataremos deeste tema) tambin se utiliza como adjetivo y en este caso acta como un adjetivo

    pasivo y quiere decir: que ha recibido la accin .


    The driven disc = es un disco accionado o movido o por otro dispositivo;

    en este caso el disco " ha recibido la accin"

    El participio pasado, en Espaol, corresponde a la terminacin ado, -ido de los verbos

    o algunos tiene sus formas irregulares en espaol.El participio pasado, en Ingls, se forma agregando la terminacin ed a los verbos que

    se llaman regulares y aquellos que tienen una forma propia para el pasado o participio

    pasado se les llama irregulares (ms adelante estudiaremos este tema ms



    Verbo Participio pasado

    Regular to lubricate lubricated

    lubricar lubricado(a)

    Irregular to drive drivenmover, accionar accionado(a), movido(a)

    Reglas de Formacin

    a. Si el verbo termina en -e, solamente agregamos -dal verbo en su forma simple.


    Verbo Participio Pasado Significado

    Time timed sincronizado(a)

    operate operated operado(a)

    b. Si el verbo tiene una sola slaba y termina en CONSONANTEVOCAL

    CONSONANTE, se duplica la ltima consonante antes de agregar -ED. Tambin

    se aplica para verbos con ms de una slaba si es que tienen la ltima slaba

    acentuada y terminan en la forma CONSONANTE VOCALCONSONANTE


    Verbo Participio Pasado Significado

    trip tripped disparado

    scan scanned explorado

    Con dos slabas: transMIT

    Verbo Participio Pasado Significadotransmit transmitted transmitido

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  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    c. Si el verbo termina en -y, precedida por una consonante, se cambia la-ypor-iy se

    agrega -ed.


    Verbo Participio Pasado Significadosupply supplied suministrado

    carry carried transportado

    d. Los verbos irregulares varan en su estructura interna.


    Verbo Participio Pasado Significado

    break broken roto

    run run corrido

    Cambie los siguientes sustantivos y verbos a sustantivos compuestos quecontengan un participio pasado. Traducir cada ejercicio.

    1. The fuse blow ____________________ ____________________

    2. The circuits - integrate ____________________ ____________________

    3. The flange - weld ____________________ _____________________

    1. The field -scan ____________________ ____________________

    2. The wire - twist ____________________ ____________________

    3. The circuit - tune ____________________ ____________________

    4. The head -slot ____________________ ____________________

    5. The circuit -print ____________________ ____________________

    6. The shaft - offset ____________________ ____________________

    7. The power - modulate ____________________ ____________________

    8. The glass - harden ____________________ ____________________

    9. The door -jam _____________________ ____________________

    10. The conductor isolate _____________________ ____________________

    11. The impedance - damp _____________________ ____________________

    12. The circuit - time _____________________ ____________________

    13. The climb step _____________________ ____________________

    14. The wire strip _____________________ ____________________

    15. .The data receive ____________________ ____________________16. The radio course give ____________________ ____________________

    Transword Aviation Language TrainingCenter 12

  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    17. .The relay energize ____________________ ____________________

    18. .The capacitor wind ____________________ ____________________

    19. The pitot tubes heat ____________________ ____________________

    20. The position fair ____________________ ____________________


    Un tipo de pseudo o falso -participio pasado, Sse usa en algunos sustantivos para indicar

    atribucin. Se forma tomando la forma singular del sustantivo que indica atribucin y

    se aplican las reglas de formacin como para los verbos regulares (forma ed) de laleccin anterior.


    A propellerwith(of. which has) three blades = A three bladed propeller

    Una hlice con (de, que tiene) tres palas

    Cambie los siguientes sustantivos a sustantivos compuestos que contengan unsustantivo en pseudo-participio. Traducir cada ejercicio.

    1. A jet with fourengines

    ____________________________ ________________________________

    2. A sheet with double wall

    ____________________________ ________________________________

    3. A wire with strands

    ____________________________ ________________________________

    4. A fuselage with doubleskin _____________________________ _________________________________

    5. A fuselage with streamlined body_____________________________ _________________________________

    6. A signal with fanshape_____________________________ _________________________________

    7. A nose with twin wheels_____________________________ _________________________________

    8. A transmit synchro with three legs

    _____________________________ _________________________________

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  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    9. A wheel with sharp teeth_____________________________ __________________________________

    10.A rotor system with three blades

    _____________________________ __________________________________

    11.A vehicle with three tires

    _____________________________ __________________________________

    Transword Aviation Language TrainingCenter 14

  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU


    1. Los adverbios son palabras que modifican a un verbo o a la accin del sujeto.

    Los adverbios que estudiaremos se aplican a aquellos que se forman agregando el

    sufijo ly (terminacinmente en Espaol) al adjetivo.

    Adjetivo Adverbio

    manual manual lymanual manualmente

    Adjetivo Adverbio

    hydraulical hydraulical lyhidrulica hidrulicamente

    2. Algunos verbos son irregulares como:

    Adjetivo Adverbio

    good, well

    fast fast


    Hydraulically retracted landing gearTren de aterrizaje replegado hidrulicamente (adverbio)

    Engine driven pump

    Bomba accionada pormotor(del avin) (sustantivo)

    A well streamlined metal fuselageUn fuselaje de metal bien perfilado

    3. Tambin existen adverbios acompaados de un adjetivo.


    A potentially dangerous flight path relative to the ground

    Una trayectoria de vuelo relativa a la tierra potencialmente


    Formar frases que contengan adverbios con verbos en participio pasado.Identificar el verbo y el adjetivo, convierta el verbo en participio pasado y el

    adjetivo en adverbio y forme la frase compuesta. Finalmente traducir.



    hydraulically operated door puerta operada hidrulicamente

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  • 8/3/2019 Grammar Technical Book


    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    puerta hidrulicamente operada

    1. Centrifugal pump/operate/electrical


    2. Slats/aerodinamycal/actuate



    3. Selector valves/actuate/automatical


    4. Operate/manual/fire extinguishers


    5. Ful/hydraulic accumulator/charge



    6. Bypass valve/actuate/mechanical


    7. Hydraulical/spoilers/operate


    8. Infinite/mechanical system/variable


    9. Axial flow fan/drive/pneumatical


    10. Rotor/ful/articulate


    11. Operate/wing flap selector valve/manual


    12. Pitot and static lines/protect/careful


    13. Electrohydraulical/anti-skid system/ operate


    14. Wheel well doors/actuated/ hydraulical


    15. De-icing valves/electrical/control/pneumatical/actuate


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    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    16. Heat/pitot tubes/electrical


    17. Control/electrical/bleed air shutoff valve



    1. Esta forma se utiliza ms para expresar posesin con seres animados.

    Se forma colocando en primer lugar el sujeto poseedor seguido por un apstrofe y

    una s ('s) y luego el objeto posedo.


    The flight engineers instrument panelEl panel de instrumentos del ingeniero de vuelo

    The instrument panel of the flight engineer

    The flight engineer 's instrument panel

    Poseedor: The flight engineer

    Objeto posedo: instrument panel (el objeto posedo se coloca sin el artculo the ).

    2. Cuando el sujeto poseedor termina en s, solamente se coloca el apstrofe (').


    The passengers'life vestsLos chalecos salvavidas de los pasajeros

    3. Ocasionalmente se utiliza con seres no animados y slo sirve para enfatizar o dar

    importancia al sustantivo.


    The aircraft'sstatic pressure The static pressure ofthe aircraftLa presin esttica de la aeronave La presin esttica de la aeronave

    The earth's magnetic field The magnetic fieldofthe earthEl campo magntico de la tierra El campo magntico de la tierra

    An aircraft's integral fuel tank The integral fuel tankofan aircraftEl tanque de combustible integral El tanque de combustible integral

    de una aeronave de una aeronave

    4. El posesivo con apstrofe tambin suele usarse regularmente con sustantivos que

    expresan unidades de tiempo.Ejemplo:

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    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    Todays airplanes the airplanes of today Los aviones de hoy Los aviones de hoy

    Cambiar las siguientes frases que expresan posesin, de la forma of a la formacon el apstrofe ('s) ('). Finalmente traducir cada frase


    The main hydraulic system of the airplane.

    The airplane's main hydraulic systemEl sistema hidrulico principal del avin

    1. The display system of the pilot ___________________________________ _______________________________

    2. The seat of the captain

    ___________________________________ _______________________________

    3. The center of gravity of the engine

    ___________________________________ _______________________________

    4. A delay of an hour

    ___________________________________ _______________________________

    5. The maintenance manuals of the manufacturer

    ___________________________________ _______________________________

    6. The flight director of the captain

    ___________________________________ _______________________________

    7. The flight controls of the airplane

    ___________________________________ _______________________________

    8. The air bleed of the engine

    ___________________________________ _______________________________

    9. The VHF NAV of the captain

    ___________________________________ _______________________________

    10. The pitot static instruments of the co-pilot

    ___________________________________ _______________________________

    11. The instrument power supply system of the co-pilot

    ___________________________________ _______________________________

    12. The pitot-static system of the aircraft

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    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    ___________________________________ _______________________________

    13. The primary flight control surfaces of the airplane

    ___________________________________ _______________________________

    14. The fire shutoff valves of the engine

    ___________________________________ _______________________________


    El participio presente del verbo (terminacin -ingde los verbos en Ingls) tambin seutiliza como sustantivo modificador y en este caso acta como un adjetivo activo y

    quiere decir: que hace la accin, o "sirve para" Ms adelante trataremos de las reglas

    de formacin de los participios con -ing.


    verbo presente participio sustantivo compuesto significadooscillate oscillating oscillating motion movimiento


    filter filtering filtering element elementofiltrante

    warn warning warning system sistema para



    repair repair ing repair station estacin reparadora

    Buscar y escribir el presente participio de los verbos en itlica. Cambie a unsustantivo compuesto y finalmente traducir cada frase.


    The rod - connect the connecting rod la varilla de conexin (biela)

    1. the valve reduce ___________________ _____________________

    2. The procedure - hold ___________________ _____________________

    3. The light - warn ___________________ _____________________

    4. The valve -fill ___________________ _____________________

    5. The system - extinguish ___________________ _____________________

    6. The pump - accelerate ___________________ _____________________

    7. The wheel - turn ___________________ _____________________

    8. The stage - tune ___________________ _____________________

    9. The system - de-ice ___________________ _____________________

    10. The valve - mix ___________________ _____________________

    11. The oil - lubricate ___________________ _____________________

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    12. The blanket - insulate ___________________ _____________________

    13. The valve - actuate ___________________ _____________________

    14. The circuits -sense ___________________ _____________________

    15. The force magnetize ___________________ _____________________

    16. The plane train ___________________ _____________________

    17. The luglevel ___________________ _____________________

    18. The amplifier limit ___________________ _____________________

    LESSON 13: VERBOS USADOS COMO SUSTANTIVOSPRINCIPALES:Podemos formar sustantivos, a partir de verbos, usando la forma del participio presente

    (-ing) de los verbos en Ingls.


    Verbo Sustantivo (-ing) SignificadoRead (leer) reading lectura

    House (alojar) housing alojamiento

    The reading in the instrument is accurate.

    La lectura del instrumento est exacta

    Magneto housings are normally vented.

    Los alojamientos del imn estn normalmente ventilados.

    Excepcin: repair (reparar) repair reparacin

    Forme sustantivos a partir de los siguientes verbos, agregando el participiopresente (forma -ing). Buscar el significado y traducir cada sustantivo


    Steer (direccionar) steering direccionamiento

    1. Bleed _____________________ ______________________

    2. Land _____________________ ______________________

    3. Roll _____________________ ______________________

    4. Heat _____________________ ______________________

    5. Warn _____________________ ______________________

    6. Clean _____________________ ______________________

    7. Refuel _____________________ ______________________

    8. Fill _____________________ ______________________

    9. Open _____________________ ______________________

    10. Record _____________________ ______________________

    11. Brake _____________________ ______________________

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    12. Anneal _____________________ ______________________

    13. Shield _____________________ ______________________

    14. Pump _____________________ ______________________

    15. Lubricate _____________________ ______________________

    16. Lock _____________________ ______________________

    17. Meter _____________________ ______________________

    18. Countersink_____________________ ______________________

    LESSON 14: EL VERBO TO BE: (tiempo presente forma afirmativa):

    1. El verbo to be (sero estar) junto con los pronombres personales tiene estas formas

    en el tiempo presente, forma afirmativa:

    2. En Ingls suele usarse las formas cortas o abreviadas del verbo to be solamente en

    las conversaciones o en la escritura del tipo informal. No ocurre en la escritura que

    contiene informacin cientfica o tcnica. La forma de escribirlas es como sigue:

    3. Los pronombres ity they se utilizan para representar sustantivos en singular y plural

    respectivamente. En Espaol estos pronombres muchas veces no se escriben

    porque se sobre-entienden. They se utiliza para representar tanto a personas como aobjetos en plural.

    Transword Aviation Language TrainingCenter 21

    FORMA AFIRMATIVA Singular Plural

    1ra. Persona I am We

    2da. Persona You are You are

    3ra. Persona







    Forma Completa Forma Corta

    I am Im

    You are Youre

    He is Hes

    She is Shes

    It is Its

    You are Youre

    We are Were

    They are Theyre

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    The alternator is an AC generator. El alternador es un generador AC

    It is an AC generator. (Este) es un generador AC.

    The aileron, the rudder, and the elevator are the primary flight controls.El alern, el timn de direccin y el elevador son los controles primarios

    de vuelo.

    Theyare the primary flight controls.

    (Estos) son los controles de vuelo primarios.

    The pilot and the flight engineer are in the flight compartment.El piloto y el ingeniero de vuelo estn en el compartimiento de vuelo.

    They are in the flight compartment Ellos estn en el compartimiento de vuelo.

    Las oraciones abajo son oraciones sin el verbo TO BE . Ubicar la posicin delverbo TO BE (SER O ESTAR). Vuelva a escribir la oracin con la forma correcta del

    verbo TO BE y traducir cada oracin.


    Jet intake ducts danger areas.

    Jet intake ducts are danger areas

    Las ductos de admisin del chorro son reas peligrosas

    1. Integral fuel tanks part of the aircraft structure.

    2. The VOR bearing available to each computer

    3. The turbine a wheel.

    4. The fuselage the main structural unit of the airplane.

    5. The main unit of the accessory section the gearbox.

    6. The airframe all metal.

    7. Rivets metal pins.

    8. Flammable materials very dangerous.

    9. Loop antennas usually circular or oval.

    10. All hand pumps of the reciprocating-piston type.

    11. The fuel pressure gage an engine instrument.

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    12. The ampere the unit of measurement for current

    13. The tachometer a primary engine instrument.

    14. The generator drive transmission a differential constant speed unit.

    15. The flight controls mechanical linkages.

    16. Gears wheels with teeth.

    17. The attitude indicator in the sensing system of an autopilot.

    18. The transponder a special radio transceiver.

    19. A liquid a non.compressible flow.

    20. The vertical stabilizer a neutral airfoil.

    21. VOR stations very low power stations.

    22. Cherrymax and Olympic-lok rivets types of blind rivets.

    23. The gas-and-air mixture combustible.

    24. The Pre-flight inspection a visual and operational check.

    LESSON 15: EL VERBO TO BE: (tiempo presente forma negativa)

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    1. El Verbo to betiene estas formas en la forma negativa:


    The altimeteris notan engine instrument.El altmetro no es un instrumento de motor

    The spoilers and the flaps are notthe primary flight controls.

    Los spoilers y los flaps no son controles de vuelo primarios

    2. Existen dos maneras de expresar las formas cortas en la forma negativa:

    a. Uniendo la forma del verbo to be con el pronombre.

    b. Uniendo la forma del verbo to be con la negacin (not). Este caso no se cumple

    para la forma de la primera persona del verbo to be (am)

    . Forme oraciones con las palabras que aparecen en el ejercicio. Elija un sustantivocorrecto (en letra cursiva) para la forma negativa y otro para la forma afirmativa.


    Transword Aviation Language TrainingCenter 24

    FORMA NEGATIVA Singular Plural

    1ra. Persona I am



    are not2da. Persona You are You

    3ra. Persona




    I i s



    Forma Completa Forma Corta

    I am not Im not -----------

    You are not Youre not You arent

    He is not Hes not He isnt

    She is not Shes not She isnt

    It is not Its not It isnt

    You are not Youre not You arent

    We are not Were not We arent

    They are not Theyre not They arent

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    The safety wire - fastener/safetyingdevice.The safety wire is not afastener. The safety wire is asafetyingdevice.

    1. The altimeter, the airspeed, and the vertical speed -flight /engine instruments.

    2. The pneumatic drills - power/handtools

    3. The elevator - a horizontal /a verticalairfoil.

    4. The main structural members of a semimonocoque fuselage - the longerons/the


    5. A packing/ a gasket - flexible sealing element subject to motion.

    6. An anti-skid system - an electrohydraulic /a pneumatic system.

    7. A turbofan engine - an axial-flow/a centrifugal-flow turbine.

    8. The copper wire - a conductor/an insulator.

    9. A gear-type oil pump of the fuel system - apositive/a variable-displacement type


    10. The rectifiers - electrical/mechanicaldevices.

    11. The magnetic compass - anavigation /a flightinstrument.

    12. The EGT - an engine condition/performance instrument.

    13. The diesel engine - acompression/a sparkignition engine

    14. The pressure source for aircraft power brakes - the hydraulic / the pneumatic


    15. An orifice check valve - a component of the hydraulic/lubrication system.

    16. The volt/the watt - the basic unit of electrical pressure.

    17. The micrometers - adjustable/fixedmeasuring instruments.

    18. The JT8D engine - of the turbo-fan/-jettype.

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    19. The starter - anexternal/an internalcomponent of the engine.

    20. The cotter pins - safetying/fasteningdevices.

    21. All hand pumps - ofthereciprocating-piston/the geartype.

    22. The ailerons - movable/fixedsurfaces.

    23. The helicopter rotor blades, and propellers - rotating/fixedairfoils.

    24. A relay - magnetically operated electrical/mechanicalswitch

    25. The source of the impact and static pressures - thepitot-static/pneumatic system

    26. The VOR - a very high/low frequency omnidirectional radio.

    LESSON 16: EL VERBO TO BE: (tiempo presente forma interrogativa)

    1. Para hacer preguntas con el verbo to be, simplemente cambiamos de posicin el

    sujeto y el verbo.

    Asi: He is

    Is he?

    Transword Aviation Language TrainingCenter 26


    1ra. Persona am I?



    2da. Persona are You? You?

    3ra. Persona Is






    1ra. Persona am I not?



    2da. Persona arentYou? You?

    3ra. Persona Isnt




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    Is the rudder a flight control?

    Yes, it is. (respuesta corta)

    Yes, its a flight control. (respuesta completa)

    Are rivets safetying devices?No, they arent - No, theyre not. (respuesta corta)

    No, they arent safety devices. They are fastening devices.(respuesta


    Cambie estas oraciones a la forma interrogativa, luego responda las preguntasafirmativamente o negativamente segn la pregunta. En ambos casos responda de

    las dos formas; corta y completa.

    Ejemplo:The JT8D is a turbo-fan type engine.

    Is the JT8D a turbo-fan type engine?

    Yes, it is. (short answer)

    Yes, its a turbo-fan type engine. (long answer)

    Fuses are resettable

    Are fuses resettable?

    No, theyre not / No, they arent. (short answer)

    No, they arent resettable. They are detachable (long answer)

    1. Integral fuel tanks are part of the aircraft structure.

    Transword Aviation Language TrainingCenter 27

    I am. Im not -----------

    You are. Youre not You arent

    He is. Hes not He isnt

    She is. Shes not She isntIt is. Its not It isnt

    You are. Youre not You arent

    We are. Were not We arent

    They are. Theyre not They arent

    Yes No,

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    2. The airspeed indicator is an engine instrument.

    3. An alloy is a mixture of metals.

    4. A fuel pressure gage is a differential pressure indicator.

    5. Most turbine engine fuel pumps are of the gear type.

    6. Omega is a very high frequency (VHF) radio.

    7. The EPR is an engine condition instrument.

    8. The helicopter s rotor blades are airfoils.

    9. An overshoot is a short landing.

    10. The pressure source for aircraft power brakes is the hydraulic system.

    11. The diesel engine is a spark ignition engine.

    12. Thrust is necessary for flight.

    13. The marker beacon is a non-directional antenna.

    14. The spars are the main longitudinal members of a wing.

    15. The ampere is the basic unit of voltage.

    16. The empennage is the tail section of the airplane.

    17. A relay is a circuit breaker.

    18. Fuses are protective devices.

    19. Flaps are the primary flight controls.

    20. A gas is a non-compressible fluid.

    21. The ohm is the unit of measurement for capacitance

    22. Protons are the positive charge.

    23. The VOR station transmit antenna is a directional antena.

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    1. There is y there are son expresiones importantes. Estas corresponden lasexpresiones hay o existe(n) en el Espaol.

    2. Usamos there is con todos los sustantivos de nmero singular y aquellos

    considerados no contables i.e fuel, pressure, oil, current, fluid, air, oxygen, friction,


    3. Usamos there are antes de los sustantivos en nmero plural



    Para la forma negativa colocamos noto no despues de is o are. Usamos notantes de

    un artculo (a, an) o un numeral (one, two, three, etc.) o antes de las palabras much(mucho), many (muchos), any (ninguno, ningunos,), y enough (suficiente).

    Much, se usa con there is.

    Many, se usa con there are

    Transword Aviation Language TrainingCenter 29



    some borescope ports around the engine.

    two types of flow compressors.

    power pumps and hand pumps in the hydraulic system.

    isair conditioning in the instrument panel in the cockpit.

    one mixing valve for each engine

    There is


    enough oil in the reservoir

    atorque effect on the fuselage during autorotation

    much pressure to the accumulator

    anyairspeed correction.

    There are

    any quantity indicators in the fuel tank

    enoughcockpit controls in light airplanesmany circuit breakers on the instrument panel.

    There is no

    T torque effect on the fuselage during autorotation

    pressure to the accumulator

    airspeed correction.

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    Respuestas Cortas:


    1. Is there a green light on the right wing?

    Yes, there is Is there a white light on the right wing?

    No, there isnt..

    2. Are there two types of metal aircraft fuselages?

    Yes, there are.

    3. Are there three types of flow fluid?

    No, there arent

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    a green light on the right wing?.

    a row of stationary blades between each row of rotating


    a white light on the tail?


    several aids to help the pilot during the landing?

    any external filler receptacles and caps for each tank?

    waypoints along each route?

    Afirmativa Negativa


    Yes, there is No, there isnt

    Plural Yes, there are No, there arent

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    Cambie apropiadamente a la forma afirmativa o negativa (usando ambasformas: no o not) las siguientes oraciones


    _______ a magnetic field around a conductor.

    There is a magnetic field around a conductor

    __________ static discharges mounted on the leading edge

    There areno static dischargers mounted on the leading edge

    There are not any static dischargers mounted on the leading edge

    1. __________ three types of current.

    2. __________ three types of resistive forces in an AC circuit.

    3. __________ a red light on the tail section.

    4. __________ a torsion bar in a basic rate gyro.

    5. __________ a rudder on a horizontal stabilizer.

    6. __________ four basic types of combustion sections used on aircraft s turbine


    7. __________ usually two igniters in an aircraft turbine engine.

    9. __________ an attitude indicator in the sensing system of an autopilot.

    10. __________ a DME antenna on the center line of the radome of an aircraft.

    11. __________ three types of engine instruments.

    12. __________ a series of waypoints along the aircrafts route.

    13. __________ a set of hydraulic actuators in each autopilot.

    14. __________ bracing or struts on a cantilever wing.

    15. __________ fuel quantitity indicators on the fuel tank

    16. __________ two static ports on each pitot-static system

    18. __________ a main gear visual dowlock indicator on top of each wing of large


    19. __________ spark plugs in a diesel engine.

    20. __________ three primary flight controls on a plane.

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    21. __________ two identical altimeters installed in the DC-8.

    22. __________ three basic elements in the gas turbine section centrifugal-flow


    23. __________ three basic types of circuit breakers used in aircraft electrical


    24. __________ de-icer boots on the trailing edge of the engine.

    25. __________ too much friction in the support bearings.

    Complete la forma interrogativa y responda afirmativamente o negativamente.Si es negativa, confirme su respuesta en la forma afirmativa.


    ________ fuel nozzles in the combustion chamber?

    Are there fuel nozzles in the combustion chamber?

    Yes, there are. There are fuel nozzles in the combustion chamber.

    ________ a fuel quantity indicator on the fuel tank?

    Is there a fuel quantity indicator on the fuel tank?

    No, there isnt. There is a fuel indicator on the instrument panel.

    1. __________ one heading output synchro in the directional gyro.

    2. __________ three basic elements in the gas turbine section centrifugal-

    flow compressor

    3. __________ two basic elements in the gas turbine section axial-flow


    4. __________ two types of centrifugal compressors used in turbojet


    5. __________ two types of pumps in the hydraulic system.

    6. __________ three stabilizers on the tail section.

    7. __________ two flaps on each wing.

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    8. __________ a single DME control switch on the VHF NAV control panel

    9. __________ two calendar inspections.

    10. __________ wheel brake units in the nosewheel.

    11. __________ mechanical lock between the nut and the bolt.

    12. __________ a little friction in the support bearings.

    13. __________ a spring in a basic rate gyro.

    14. __________ a set of hydraulic actuators on each autopilot.

    15. __________ three openings in a pump.

    16. __________ 746 watts in one horsepower.

    17. __________ a single system servoactuator in the cyclic and collective


    18. __________ two types of combustin chambers.

    19. __________ two basic types of DC motors.

    20. __________ igniters in an aircrafts engine.

    LESSON 18: VERBO TO HAVE: (tiempo presente forma afirmativa):

    1. El verbo to have (habero tener) junto con los pronombres personales tiene estas

    formas en el tiempo presente, forma afirmativa:

    NOTA: La forma negativa e interrogativa sera estudiada dentro de la leccin 19,

    (Tiempo Presente Simple)


    All magnets have a magnetic field.

    Todos los magnetos tienen un campo magntico.

    A DC generatorhas a commutator.

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    FORMA AFIRMATIVA Singular Plural

    1ra. Persona I



    have2da. Persona You You

    3ra. Persona




    has They

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    Un generador DC tiene un conmutador.

    Complete la forma correcta del verbo to have y traduzca cada oracin.

    1. Series field coils ................ a very low resistance.

    2. Autopilots always ............ a crosswind correction capability.

    3. The vertical gyro ................ a gravity operated erection system.

    4. The horizon indicator ............ two servo-motor systems.

    5. Each transformer ......... a primary and a secondary coil.

    6. Pumps ......... two openings.

    7. Gasoline ........... a nominal weight of 6 pounds per gallon.

    8. Many high-wing light airplanes ............ external braces or wing struts.

    9. The cyclic and collective controls ........... dual system servo-actuators.

    10. Some aircrafts engine fuel pumps .............. a built-in relief valve.

    11. Helicopters ........ a dual tachometer.

    12. Thermocouples ............ a specific resistance.

    13. The empennage .............. two stabilizers.

    14. An airfoil ........... a leading edge, a camber, a chord line and a leading edge.

    15. The constant displacement engine driven gear type hydraulic pumps ............ a

    control panel.

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    1. La forma imperativa, como su nombre lo indica, se utiliza para dar ordenes e

    instrucciones al realizar un determinado trabajo. La orden se da a la segunda

    persona you (singular o plural).El pronombre you se sobreentiende y no se escribe.

    2. Para la forma afirmativa se pone primero el verbo en la forma simple seguido

    de una o mas frases si es necesario.


    Checkantennas for missing antenna insulators.

    Inspect the condition and security of equipment.

    Rinse thoroughly.

    Algunas veces pueden ir antecedidas de otras palabras como adverbios.

    Ejemplo:Never add water to acid.

    Always add acid to water.

    3. Para la forma negativa, anteponemos DO NOT (forma escrita) o DONT (forma



    DO NOT make indentations on a curved surface.

    DO NOT attemp hand polishing.

    Nota: Cuando existen dos negaciones en una orden u oracin, se puede escribir la

    primera negacin con not y la segunda negacin con or.Ejemplo:

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    Do not walk or step on the flaps.

    No camine ni pese sobre los flaps

    Traducir cada orden o instruccin.

    1. Wipe the exposed portion of the landing gear shock strut piston.

    2. Apply a protective coating to all parts of wheels and brake assemblies.

    3. Inspect battery compartment for electrolyte spillage.

    4. Remove all excess sealant after fasteners are installed.

    5. Inspect circuit breakers, contact points and switches for evidence of

    moisture and corrosive attack.

    6. Mix all chemicals per the manufacturer s instructions.

    7. Connect a static ground line from the aircraft to a grounding point.

    8. Dry and clean parts of grease, oil, or dirt.

    9. Determine extent of corrosion damage.

    10. Positively identify the metal as aluminum.

    11. Clean reworked area using dry cleaning solvent.

    12. Calibrate the torque wrench at least once a year.

    13. Be sure the bolt and nut threads are clean and dry.

    14. Accomplish the swaging operations in accordance with (IAW) the

    instructions furnished by the manufacturer of the swaging equipment.

    15. Never solder cable ends to prevent fraying.

    16. Replace control cables when they are distorted, worn, or corroded.

    17. Carefully adjust control cable tension.

    18. Visually inspect engine case exterior for signs of oil leaks and cracks.

    19. Ensure that parts are airworthy.

    20. Perform an engine run-up after installing a new set of spark plugs.

    21. Inspect and Repair As Necessary (IRAN)

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    22. Make sure that the lines run freely.

    23. Inspect, repair and overhaul engine driven pumps.

    Cambiar las siguientes ordenes afirmativas a la forma negativa y traducir cadauna de ellas.1. eat or keep food in poisonous areas.

    2. use harmful cleaning, polishing, brightening, or paint-removing materials.

    3. use kerosene or any other petroleum base fuel as a cleaning solvent.

    4. use this method for parts containing copper inserts

    5. use rotary wire brushes on magnesium.

    6. use aluminum bolts or nut in appliations requiring frequent removal for

    inspection or maintenance.

    7. reuse cotter pins or safety wire.

    8. use lock washers where frequent removal is required.

    9. loosen or tighten properly tightened nuts to align safety wire.

    10. reverse wire locking clips.

    11. run up engines on the ground for long periods of time with the cowling off.

    12. weld or solder metal fuel tanks.

    13. use oxygen to inflate tires.

    14. expose fluids to high temperatures or open flames.

    15. use tape, tie straps, or cord for primary support.

    16. bend coaxial cable sharply


    El Tiempo Presente simple se utiliza para expresar:

    1. Acciones regulares o habituales:

    Ejemplo: Pilots use a checklist during the pre-flight inspection.

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    Los pilotos usan una lista de chequeo durante la inspeccinde pre.vuelo.

    2. Una verdad general:Ejemplo:

    Friction produces static electricity.La friccin produce electricidad esttica

    3. Observaciones y hechos reales:Ejemplo:

    Each Omega station transmits 3 basic frequencies: 10.2,11.3, and 13.6 Khz.Cada estacin Omega transmite 3 frecuencias bsicas:10.2, 11.3, and 13.6 Khz.

    4. Describir experimentos o procesos regulares.

    Ejemplo:Air enters the engine through a divergent inlet duct, thenpasses to a compressor.El aire entra al motor a travs de un conducto de entradadivergente, luego pasa a un compresor.


    It they

    He repair + S we repairShe you

    Para los verbos en tercera persona singular (forma It, He, She), excepto tohave, se aade S a la forma simple del verbo, pero para ciertos verbos esnecesario la aplicacin de otras reglas de formacin, aparte de la reglaprincipal.

    1. Los verbos que terminan en ss, sh, ch,x, y o, aaden -es a la forma simple.

    They cross it crosses They finish she finishes

    They attach he attaches They mix it mixes They go it goes

    2. Los verbos que terminan en -ydespus de una consonante, cambian ya iyse agrega -es.

    They fly it flies They supply it supplies

    Escriba la tercera persona singular de los siguientes verbos y traduzca

    cada uno de ellos:

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    1. withstand ___________________


    2. reach ___________________


    3. apply ___________________


    4. employ ___________________


    5. increase ___________________


    6. drive ___________________ _________________

    7. taxi ___________________


    8. furnish ___________________


    9. fix ___________________


    10. inspect___________________ _________________

    11.stay ___________________

    _________________ ___________________


    13.push ___________________ _________________ ___________________ _________________

    15.qualify ___________________ _________________

    16.quench___________________ _________________

    17.assemble ___________________


    18.spray ___________________ _________________

    19.carry ___________________ _________________

    20.modify ___________________ _________________

    21.brush ___________________ _________________

    22.collide ___________________ _________________23.convey___________________ _________________

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    24.allow ___________________ _________________

    25.approach ___________________


    26. turn ___________________ __________


    27.cause ___________________ _________________

    Escriba en el espacio en blanco la forma correcta del verbo queaparece en parntesis. Asimismo haga la traduccin respectiva.

    1. The hot section ____________ the combustor and exhaust section.


    2. The turbine ____________ the compressor. (drive)

    3. Wings ____________ the weight of the plane during flight.


    4. Static dischargers ____________ eliminate radio interference.


    5. Series field coils ____________ a very low resistance. (have)

    6. Reciprocating engines ____________ pistons. (have)

    7. A generator ____________ static electricity. (produce)

    8. The pilot ____________ the aircraft to the runway for take-off.


    9. A voltage regulator ____________ the generator ouput. (control)

    10. The INS navigation unit ____________ a gyro gimbal assembly.


    11. The airspeed indicator ____________ impact and static pressure.


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    12.A battery ____________ direct current. (supply)

    13. Fuses and circuit breakers ____________ circuits from overvoltage.


    14. An amplifier ____________ the input signal. (amplify)

    15. The tail rotor ____________ torque of the main rotor. (counteract)

    16.Pneumatic systems ____________ relief valves. (utilize)

    17. The computer ____________ all computations required for navigation.


    18. The detected audio ____________ to an audio control panel in the

    cockpit. (go)

    19. The CDU (control display unit) ____________ a CRT (cathode-ray

    tube). (house)

    20.Altimeters ____________ altitude information. (provide)

    21. The computers ____________ the VHF navigation frequencies for

    each side. (tune)

    22. Hot starts ____________ the metal of the engine. (weaken)

    23. The compass card ____________ during speed changes. (tilt)

    24. The ADF indicator ____________ the necessary navigational

    information. (give)

    25.Engines ____________ thrust. (provide)

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    26. The hot gases ____________ and ____________ the turbine.

    (expand, drive)

    27. The fuel control unit ____________ the fuel flow to the engine.


    28. The static and pitot static system ____________ static and pitot

    pressures. (supply)

    29. VOR stations ____________ an infinite number of radials. (broadcast)

    30. Flaps ____________ the camber of an airfoil. (increase)


    Para la forma negativa usamos los verbos auxuliares do y does, antes denot. Estos verbos auxiliares no tienen significado, simplemente indican unaoracin negativa.

    Transword Aviation Language TrainingCenter 42

    Singular Plural

    1ra. PersonaI I do notwork


    do not

    work2da. Persona

    You You

    3ra. PersonaHeShe

    Itdoes not They

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    Tambin se pueden usar las formas cortas negativas do not= dont y doesnot= doesnt.

    Usamos not si despues del verbo principal hay un artculo (a, an) o unnumeral (one, two, three, etc.) o antes de las palabras much (mucho), many(muchos), any(ninguno, ningunos,), y enough (suficiente).

    El uso del adjetivo no, antes de un sustantivo y despus de algunos verbos,sin do o does, es posible siempre que respeten las reglas de tercera persona


    Jet engines use no pistons.Los motores a reaccin no usan pistones.

    The yaw damper causes no motion of the rudder pedals.El amortiguador de guiada no causa movimiento de los pedales del

    timn de direccin.

    Forme oraciones con las palabras que aparecen en el ejercicio. Elija unsustantivo correcto (en letra cursiva) para la forma negativa y el otro para laforma afirmativa.


    An inverter/ a rectifierchanges alternating current into directcurrent

    An inverter does not change alternating current into direct current.

    A rectifier changes alternating current to direct current.

    1. Alean / a rich mixture burns slowly

    2. Friction produces static/ kineticelectricity.

    3. Alean / a rich mixture burns slowly.

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    4. Actuation of the directional system changes the pitch of the tail/main rotor


    5. Pneumatic systems utilize relief valves / return lines.

    6. Radio beacons tell the pilot the distance / altitude from the runway.

    7. A hydraulic motor converts fluid into rotary/ linearmotion.

    8. Cabinpressurization / air conditioningputs the structure of an aircraft

    fuselage under stress.

    9. Cantilever/ semicantileverwings use external braces or wing struts.

    10. The magnetic compass points to magnetic/ true north.

    11.An alternator/ a batteryproduces direct current.

    12. The centrifugal flow compressor employs an impeller and a difusser/ stator

    and a rotor.

    13. The hot gases / the compressors drive the turbine.

    14. A VOR station broadcasts radials in 180/ 360

    15. The stator blades direct the airflow to each of the diffuser/ rotorblades.

    16. Spoilers / flaps increase the camber of an airfoil.

    17. We tighten or loosen bolts and nuts withpliers / wrenches

    18. The circular/ linearmotion of the crankshaft drives the propeller.

    19. A shut-off/ checkvalve allows a free flow in one direction only.

    20. The flight/ engine instruments operate from the Pitot Static System

    21. The scavenge / boosterpump supplies fuel under pressure.

    22. Delta wings give less thrust/ drag.

    23. The oil/ compression rings seal against compression leakage.

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    Para la forma interrogativa, anteponemos los auxiliares do y does a los pronombres

    personales o sujetos, con el verbo en la forma simple.

    Respuestas Cortas:

    Transword Aviation Language TrainingCenter 45






    with you on the prop shop?

    in the Peruvian Air Force?

    like flight line mechanics?

    at SEMAN Repair Station




    It the cockpit?

    like a flight attendant?

    well with the new systems?

    Afirmativa Negativa



    Yes, We do.



    Yes, She does.




    No, We dont.



    No, She doesnt.


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    1. Do static dischargers help eliminate radio interference?Yes, they do. (respuesta corta)

    Yes, they help eliminate radio interference. (respuesta larga)

    2. Do inlet guide vanes change the pressure of the incoming air?

    No, they dont.

    No, they dont change the pressure of the incoming air.

    3. Does a turbojet engine have a mixture control?

    No, it doesnt. (respuesta corta)

    No, It doesnt have a mixture control.

    Cambie estas oraciones a la forma interrogativa, luego responda las preguntasafirmativamente o negativamente segn la pregunta. En ambos casos responda de

    las dos formas; corta y larga. Confirme, si es necesario, con una respuesta

    afirmativa cuando su respuesta es negativa.


    The angle of incidence changes in flight.

    Does the angle of incidence change in flight?

    No, it doesnt.

    No, it doesnt change in flight.

    The oil pressure pump feeds oil to the system.

    Does the oil pressure pump feed oil to the system?

    Yes, it does.

    Yes, it feeds oil to the system.

    1. The wings provide the lifting force.

    2. The fuselage supports the weight of the plane during flight.

    3. The ignition system of a jet engine functions only during the starting operations.

    4. Hot starts strengthen the metal of the engine.

    5. Helicopters need a runway for take-off and landing.

    6. The fuel/air mixture enters the cylinders through the intake valve ports.

    7. Wing flaps increase the lift for take-off and landing.

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    8. The autopilot receives navigational data from the magnetic compass.

    9. The helicopter gets lift and thrust from the tail rotor blades.

    10. The airspeed indicator measures the difference between impact and static pressure.

    11. Ice on the wings increases drag.

    12. Supersonic aircraft have an inlet duct with a convergent divergent shape.

    13. The turbine of the turbojet engine increases the pressure of the incoming air.

    14. The compressor drives the turbine.

    15. The hot gases expand and drive the piston up and down.

    16. The crankshsft transmits the force of combustion to the piston.

    17. The connecting rod forms a link between the piston and the crankshaft.

    18. The oil cooler protects the engine fuel system from ice formation.

    19. Temperature affects the viscosity of the oil.

    20. The alternator supplies DC current.

    21. The axial flow compressor uses a rotor and a stator.

    22. Fuel crossfeed systems maintain the aircrafts stability.


    El tiempo Presente Progresivo se utiliza para expresar:

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    1. Una actividad que est en progreso ahora mismo. La accin empez en el pasado,

    est desarrollndose en este momento y probablemente continuar en el futuro. La

    accin no est terminada.

    Ejemplo: A defective valve is dumping the cabin pressure.

    Una vlvula defectuosa est descargando la presin de lacabina de pax.

    2. Para expresar una accin temporal.

    Ejemplo: The mechanics are performing the checks C and D on the


    Los mecnicos estn realizando los chequeos C y D en el


    3. Para expresar acontecimientos futuros.

    Ejemplo: The plane is arriving for an IRAN inspection next month.

    El avin est llegando por una inspeccin IRAN el prximomes.


    1. El Tiempo Presente Progresivo de los verbos se forma agregando -inga la forma

    simple del verbo.

    Forma Simple + -ing Verbo Progresivo Significado

    inspect -ing inspecting inspeccionando

    repair -ing repair ing reparando

    2. Cuando el verbo termina en la vocal -e, sta se elimina y se agrega -ing.

    Forma Simple + -ing Verbo Progresivo Significado

    drive -ing driving accionando

    remove -ing removing retirando

    3. Cuando el verbo tiene una sola slaba y termina en consonante - vocal -

    consonante, se duplica la ltima consonante antes de agragar-ing

    Forma Simple + Consonate final + -ing Verbo Progresivo Significado

    stop p + -ing stopping deteniendorun n + -ing running corriendo

    4. Cuando el verbo tiene ms de una slaba, tiene su mayorfuerza de voz en la

    ltima slaba y termina en consonante - vocal - consonante, se duplica la ltima

    consonante antes de agregar -ing

    Forma Simple + Consonate final + - ing Verbo Progresivo Significado

    Transmt t ing transmitting transmitiendo

    Control + l ing controlling controlando

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    Escriba la forma -ingde los siguientes verbos y escriba el significado de cadauno de ellos:

    1. cause _____________________ _____________________

    2. plan _____________________


    3. rotate _____________________ _____________________

    4. employ _____________________


    5. affect _____________________ _____________________

    6. house _____________________ _____________________

    7. taxi _____________________


    8. assemble _____________________


    9. fix _____________________


    10. give _____________________


    11. supply _____________________ _____________________

    12. set _____________________


    13. lose _____________________


    14. write _____________________ _____________________

    15. shut-down __________________________________________

    16. fly _____________________


    17. get _____________________


    18. admit _____________________ _____________________

    19. hold _____________________


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    20. impinge _____________________ _____________________

    21. refer _____________________


    22. cut _____________________


    23. forget _____________________ _____________________

    24. convey _____________________ _____________________

    25. spin _____________________


    26. permit _____________________ _____________________

    27. heat _____________________


    28. slip _____________________


    29. equip _____________________ _____________________

    30. isolate _____________________ _____________________


    El Tiempo Presente Progresivo se forma con el verbo to be (am, is o are), ms el

    verbo principal con la terminacin -ing. Tiene las siguientes formas:

    Transword Aviation Language TrainingCenter 50

    FORMA AFIRMATIVA Singular Plural

    1ra. Persona I am



    are working2da. Persona You are You

    3ra. Persona




    Is They

    FORMA NEGATIVA Singular Plural1ra. Persona I am

    not workin







    2da. Persona You are You

    3ra. Persona




    Is They


    1ra. Persona am I

    working .......?





    working ....?

    2da. Persona are You

    3ra. Persona





    I am.

    Respuestas cortas

    Im not -----------

    You are. Youre not You arentHe is. Hes not He isnt

    She is. Shes not She isnt

    It is. Its not It isnt

    You are. Youre not You arent

    We are. Were not We arent

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    Essential English Grammar for Aircraft Maintenance Lic. Luis Pea Rosillo - PERU

    Completar la forma del presente progresivo y traducir cada oracin. Luego cambiar cada oracin a la

    forma interrogativa y negativa respectivanente.

    1. The current _________________ through the conductor. (flow)

    2. Current flow ___________________. (decrease)

    3. A warning light ___________________ on the circuit breaker panel. (illuminate)

    4. The generators ___________________ in parallel. (operate)

    5. The truck ___________________ the plane. (tow)

    6. The pilot ___________________ the aircraft to the runway for take-off. (taxi)

    7. The airplane ___________________ the desired altitude. (approach)

    8. The autopilot ___________________ the airplane. (control)

    9. The control synchro rotor ________________ to move toward the wings level position. (begin)

    10. The airplane ___________________ to the right. (skid off))

    11. The engine ___________________ the correct static RPM and manifold pressure. (develop)

    12. The fuel,pressure _____________ and _____________ the upper limits. (fluctuate, exceed)

    13. The crystals ___________________ the fuel filter. (restrict)

    14. The accumulator ___________________ the pressure on the system. (hold)

    15. The ice on the wings ___________________ drag. (increase)

    16. The dampers ___________________ excessive damping to the stabilizer bar. (give)

    17. The helicopter ___________________. (hover)

    18. We ___________________ the tail rotor and hub assembly. (remove)

    19. We __________________ altitude due to ice formation on the wings. (lose)

    20. The turbulent air ___________________ the flight performance. (affect)

    21. The pressure relief valve ___________________ the pressure at the right level. (keep)

    22. The carburetor air tempeerature gauges ___________________ (fluctuate)

    23. The mechanic ___________________ a report to the quality inspector. (write)

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    24. We ___________________ an auxiliary pump in the system tomorrow. (put)

    25. A defective valve ___________________ the low compression. (cause).

    26. The compressor ___________________ the pressure of the incoming air. (increase)

    27. The dirty static ports ___________________ false speed indications. (send)

    28. The low frequency receiver ___________________ (work)

    29. The mechanics ___________________ the leading edge for general condition. (check).

    30. The truck _______________ the plane to the workshop for discrepancies in the autopilot.
