grandma linxwiler's recipe cards

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  • 8/14/2019 Grandma Linxwiler's Recipe Cards



    by Barbara Taylor

    Fred Arthur Linxwiler (1891 1967)

    Retta Emma Hendricks Linxwiler (1894 1970)

    Children: Iva, Verna Lee, Betty, Freddy, Pat, and Chris

  • 8/14/2019 Grandma Linxwiler's Recipe Cards


    I received Grandma Linxwilers recipe cards from my mother, VernaLee, last year. They are all in her own handwriting. Most of the cardsare in pretty good shape, but since some are discolored or written inpale blue ink and wont copy well, Ill write them out so I can sharethem with you.

    My Mom (VH) made some notations on the back of some cards.

    When I think of Grandma Linxwiler, I remember first her warmth andlove . and then her cooking. She was, by far, the best cook Iveever known. She poured love into everything she cooked. Her pieswere especially delicious.

    I remember watching her cook, but never once did I see her refer to a

    recipe. Nor do I remember her measuring anything. She just seemedto add things together and it all came out perfect.

    I remember Christmas mornings and the big pans of cinnamon rolls.They were so soft and gooey and good theyd just melt in your mouth.But, alas, theres not a card. I dont think she wrote down her recipe.

    Many of the cards are recipes that were given to her by other people.The everyday cooking was memorized.

    When Grandma wrote out these recipes, she didnt write down a lot ofsteps such as mixing the batter for a cake recipe, pouring it into apan, cooking time, or oven temperature. She simply listed theingredients. I wont add to them, Ill just copy them for you as shewrote them. Youll figure it out. Warning I havent tested many ofthese recipes.

    Luckily she passed on her cooking genes to her children andgrandchildren. We have a large family of great cooks.

    Barbara Taylor

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    This is an example of a recipe card in Grandmas handwriting:

    My Own Mothers Doughnuts

    1 cups sour milk with 2 scant level teaspoons sodabeat up:1 cup of sugar3 eggsabout 1/2 teaspoon salt2 teaspoons vanilla or lemon extract1 teaspoon baking powderflour enough to make a soft dough, like a cookie dough

    Cut out and drop into hot grease. Brown a few minutes. Flip over andbrown the other side. Take out and dip into sugar.

    (Grandmas mother, Eva Lorena Kneper, died in 1900 whenGrandma was five years old. Eva was brought up wealthy and wasallowed only to set the table. When she and Grandpa Hendricks gotmarried, she did not know how to cook and it was said she had touse a cook book to fry potatoes. Grandma treasured this recipe fromher own mother. - VH)

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    Grandma made these doughnuts for Marsha and me when we visitedher one summer. Delicious.


    Blanches (My Sister) Prune Cake

    3 eggs1 cup sugar1/2 cup butter4 tablespoons sour milk with 1 teaspoon soda1 cups of flour1/2 teaspoon baking powder

    1 teaspoon cinnamon1 teaspoon nutmeg1 teaspoon cloves1 teaspoon allspice

    mix and add 1 cup cooked prunes chopped with 1/2 cup raisins

    (Blanche was Grandmas sister VH).


    Seven Minute Frosting

    Put in top of double boiler:1 cups sugar2 egg whites5 tablespoons water1 teaspoons white syrup

    put over boiling water and beat with mixer 7 minutes or until it standsin stiff peaks. Remove from fire. Add a little vanilla and put on cake.(pineapple juice is good in place of the water too.)


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    Strawberry Cake

    1 box white cake mix1 pkg. strawberry jello (dry)1/2 cup Wesson oil1/2 cup water1/2 package frozen strawberries2 eggs

    Mix well and pour into 3 cake pans lined with wax paper and greasedwell. Bake at 350 degrees.

    When cool, frost with:1 stick of margerine (creamed well) add

    2 cups confectioners sugar, mix and addremaining 1/2 pkg of strawberries until of spreading consistency.

    (Note: Ive made this in a 13 x 9 inch greased and floured pan. Itturned out wonderful. BT)


    Chocolate Cake

    2 cups sugar1/3 cup butter1 egg2 cups sour milk with 2 teaspoons soda mixed into the milk5 teaspoons cocoa2 cups flourmix together well and add1 cup chopped raisins dusted with flourvanilla extract


    Mrs. Seilschotts Jelly Roll Cake

    1 cup sugar3 eggs well beaten

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    1 cup flour1 teaspoon baking powder sifted together with the flour and added toeggs and sugaradd 2 tablespoons hot water

    bake in a quick oven.turn out on cloth dusted with powdered sugarspread with jelly and roll up

    (Mrs. Seilschott was Grandmas Sunday School teacher VH)


    Pineapple Date Bread

    1 beaten egg1/3 cup milk1/3 cup melted salad oil or shortening1 cup crushed pineapple1 cup chopped nuts1 cup chopped dates3 cups sifted flour3/4 cup sugar

    3 teaspoons baking powder1/4 teaspoon soda

    Combine egg, milk, shortening, pineapple, nuts and dates. Sifttogether dry ingredients and add to first mixture.

    Bake in greased pan 9 x 5 x 3. Bake 55 minutes at 350 degrees.


    Aunt Hets Gingerbread (Took first place in Springfield)

    3/4 cups of molasses1 cup brown sugar1/2 cup of butter1 cup sour milk3 eggs

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    3 cups of flour1 teaspoon soda1 tablespoon ginger1 teaspoon cinnamon

    (Aunt Het was our nearest neighbor when we lived in the Flitz housewhere Pat was born VH)


    Divinity Fudge

    2 cups sugar1/2 cup corn syrup

    1/2 cup cold water1 teaspoon vinegar2 egg whites1 cup nutmeats1/2 teaspoon vanilla

    Mix sugar, syrup, water and vinegar and cook slowly without stirringuntil it forms a very firm ball in cold water. Pour gradually over stifflybeaten egg whites and beat until creamy. Add nuts and vanilla.

    Pour into buttered pan and mark into squares.Makes about 1 lbs.

    (I remember the plates of divinity and fudge Grandma set out for all ofus every Christmas - BT)


    Grandma Linxwilers Fudge

    (This recipe comes from Paula. There wasnt a card for it.)

    2 cups granulated sugar1/2 cup canned milk (like Carnation)1/4 cup light Karo syrup2 tablespoons butter

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    2 squares unsweetened chocolate (grated)1 teaspoon vanilla1 cup pecans

    Cook sugar, syrup, milk and butter to soft ball on a medium ormedium high heat, stirring constantly. Remove from stove and beat inchocolate and vanilla and then add pecans. Whip until mixed andcreamy looking. Pour into a buttered platter to cool. When cool, cut insquares. Use a buttered knife to make cutting easier. This is a firmFudge, not one of those soft fudges.


    (This recipe comes from Verna who carried on the Christmas morning

    tradition of fresh baked cinnamon rolls for many years. She adaptedthis recipe from Grandma Linxwilers original.)

    Cinnamon Buns

    1 package yeast dissolved in 1 cup lukewarm water1/2 teaspoon salt3/4 cup corn oil3/4 cup sugar

    2 eggs3/4 cup hot water1 cup raisinscinnamonbutterflour

    Dissolve yeast in 1 cup lukewarm waterPour the 3/4 cup hot water over sugar, salt, raisins and corn oil inlarge bowl. When cooled, stir in beaten eggs and yeast mixture. Stir

    in enough flour to make kneadable mixture in an oiled bowl. Let riseuntil doubled. Knead and roll out to 1/2 inch thick rectangle.

    Butter the dough and sprinkle with cinnamon. (All the cinnamon rollrecipes Ive seen also call for sugar either white sugar or brownsugar - to be sprinkled with the cinnamon on top of the dough. Im notsure how Grandma did this. BT) Roll up and slice.

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    Let rise until double in buttered pan.Bake at 350 degrees about 25 minutes.

    Ice with mixture of 1 box powdered sugar, soft butter, cream, andvanilla. Spread on buns while still warm. (makes 2 dozen buns)


    Pop Corn Candy

    put into a kettle:1 tablesoon butter1 cup white sugar3 tablespoons water

    Boil all until ready to candy.Pour this over 3 quarts of newly popped corn. Stir vigorously untilsugar is evenly distributed over corn.

    (How well I remember this !! - VH)


    Chocolate Drop Cookies Orah Bandys Recipe

    1/4 cup of fat (substitute Crisco - BT)1 cup sugar1 well beaten egg1/2 cup milk1 cup flour1/2 teaspoon soda2 squares melted chocolate1 cup chopped nuts

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    cream fat and sugar together. Add egg and milk. Sift soda with flour,then add other items. Drop from spoon on a buttered pan about 1inch apart.

    (Orah Bandy was a neighbor VH)

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    Oatmeal Cookies

    Cream together:1 cup shortening1 cup brown sugar1 cup white sugarAdd:2 beaten eggs1 teaspoon vanilla1 cup flour1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon soda

    3 cups oatmealnutmeats if desired


    Pie Crust mix

    Whip 1 egg slightly and fill rest of cup with milk1 tablespoon vinegar

    2 cups lard6 cups floursalt

    Mix like ordinary pie crust. Cover lightly and put in refrigerator. Usewhen you want a pie and put rest back and cover.

    recipe from Nett Perrings in Springfield, Illinois

    (Nett Perrings was Grandmas aunt VH)

    (This is not how Grandma made her pie crusts. Wish shed made acard, but she made so many pies, it was all routine to her BT)


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    Lemon Pie from Betty Crocker

    Mix:1 cup sugar and 3 1/3 tablespoons corn starch togetherblend in 2 cups of boiling water.Cook until mixture boils and thickens stirring constantly.Beat in 2 egg yolksadd 2 tablespoons of butter and2 and 2/3 tablespoons lemon juice and a little grated lemon rind

    stir all together well and cool and add to baked pie crustCover with egg white meringue


    Quince Honey Aunt Hets Recipe

    16 small glasses of sugar8 glasses of waterbring to a boil and cook to a thick syrup

    8 apples not peeled (grind)4 quinces peeled and grind

    add to thick syrup and cook until it thickens



    1 cup flour1 teaspoon salt3 teaspoons baking powder1 tablespoon sugar

    3/4 cup yellow cornmeal2 well beaten eggs1 cup milk1/4 cup shortening

    Bake 400 degrees 20 minutes

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    Ice Box Rolls

    Soak 1 package Fleishman yeast in 1 cup lukewarm waterPut into a large bowl:1 1/2 cups of boiling water2 heaping tablespoons shortening2 teaspoons saltand 1/2 cup sugarLet cool and add yeastadd 1 well beaten egg and enough flour for a stiff doughLet rise until it doubles, then set covered in ice box in a cold placeuntil wanted.

    Make out into rolls about 2 hours before baking. (Use corn oil on yourhands to shape rolls and put them into a well greased pan.) Let riseuntil double. Bake about 20 minutes at 350 degrees.


    Apple Salad - recipe from Sis

    Dissolve 1/3 cup red hots in 1 cup of hot waterdissolve 1 package apple jello in mixtureAdd 1 cup cold water.When starting to jell, add 1 can apple sauce.Chill until firm

    (Sis is Clara, Moms oldest stepsister VH)


    Angel Delight - recipe from Sis

    2 lime jello2 cups hot water2 Philadelphia cream cheese1 cup diced celery1 cup crushed pineapple

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    1/2 cup nuts1 cup marshmallows1/2 pint whipping creamwhip cream and fold in lastly


    Cottage Cheese Balls

    Make 3 balls of cottage cheese for each serving.Roll one in hard boiled egg yolks rubbed thru a sieveRoll one in a little red food coloringLeave one whiteRoll each ball in finely cut parsley and arrange on a lettuce leaf.


    Mayonnaise Dressing

    3 tablespoons sugar1 tablespoon butter1 tablespoon flour1 teaspoon salt

    dash of pepperyolks of 3 eggs beaten3/4 cup of vinegar1 teaspoon mustard

    stir all together and boil until thick stirring constantly.Refrigerate

    (This is good as a salad dresssing, for potato salad, or onsandwiches BT)

    (This is so good. One time when she visited, she made a batch forme to treat my co-workers VH)


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    Breaded Pork Chops Mrs. Preston Sanders

    1 quart raw tomatoes5 or 6 pork chops1 onionsalt and pepper

    Put 1 layer of bread crumbs on bottom of greased casserole, thenchops, then bread crumbs and onion sliced thin.

    Repeat until chops are used with a row of bread crumbs on top

    Pour tomatoes over all and bake 1 hour in a moderate oven.


    Chili Recipe from Sis

    Grind 2 pounds of meat including some suetMix well and brown in fresh lardWhen not quite done, mix in:2 cups of red beans,2 onions chopped

    1 can of tomatoes (cut small)add chili powder to tasteboil for 10 minutes, then let simmer until onions are well doneadd water to thickness desired

    You can substitute cooked macaroni for red beans to make chili mac.

    (This is the chili I grew up on VH)


    Kidney Bean Stew Petes favorite Vernas recipe

    1 pound hamburger1 onion1/2 cup cooked rice1 can kidney beans

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    1 small can tomato sauce

    Cook rice. Brown hamburger and onions and add to rice with thebeans and tomato sauce. Season to taste. Simmer until flavors areblended.


    Smothered Ham

    1 pound slice of ham1/2 teaspoon prepared mustard4 cups sliced potatoes4 tablespoons flour

    1/4 teaspoon salt1/2 of an onion or more1 cups of milk

    Spread ham with mustard and put in shallow baking dish. Mix flourand seasonings with potatoes and place on ham. Add milk and coverdish with a lid. Bake for 50 minutes or less in moderate oven, thenuncover and bake 10 minutes allowing ham to brown.

    (I gave this recipe to Grandma VH)


    Chicken Pie

    Stew chicken until tender. Remove bones and place meat in a pan.Stir together and add:1/2 cup butter2 tablespoons flour

    1 cup rich milk2 cups chicken broth

    Make a paste of 1 egg beaten light, 1 cup rich milk, 1 teaspoonbaking powder, and 1 cup flour.

    Drop by spoon over chicken and bake in oven.

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    I won $3 on this recipe at Springfield 3rd prize.


    Deviled Ham Sandwiches

    mix together:1/3 cup mayonnaise1/4 cup condensed milkadd and mix:3 tablespoons of finely diced pickles3/4 teaspoon dry mustard1 cups ground ham or beef (cooked)

    if you use ham, 2 hard boiled eggs may be used to make it go further.This is very good.


    Pepper Relish

    1 dozen sweet green peppers1 dozen sweet red peppers

    15 big onions3 small hot peppers

    grind up and scald 10 minutes

    drain then scald in weak vinegar and water, drain again and add:2 large cups vinegar2 cups sugar3 level tablespoons salt1 tablespoon celery seed

    1 tablespoon mustard seed1/2 tablespoon tumeric

    let come to a boil and then seal in jars.


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    Beet Relish

    1 quart of chopped cooked beets1 quart of chopped raw cabbage1 cup of ground horseradish1/4 teaspoon of red pepper1 cups sugarsalt to tastevinegar enough to cover.

    Do not cook.


    Alice Skaggs Sweet Tomato Pickles

    Slice green tomatoes, scald in weak brine and drain.

    For 1 gallon of tomatoes, mix 1 quart of vinegar with 4 cups of sugar,some whole cloves, and cinnamon sticks.

    Let boil and add tomatoes.

    Scald until it looks white. Seal into jars while hot.

    (Alice Skaggs was a neighbor VH)


    Cucumber Pickles

    2 gallons of cucumbers1 gallon of boiling water

    1 cup saltPour salt water over the cucumbers and let stand until scum forms generally from 3 to 5 days. Drain.

    Add 1 gallon of boiling water and let stand 24 hours and drain.Repeat the the above one more day and drain the next.

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    Add1 gallon clear water and 2 tablespoons of powdered alum. Letstand 24 hours and drain.

    Then pour over cucumbers, 1 gallon clear boiling water, let stand 24hours and drain.

    Use 3 quarts of white vinegar, 6 cups white sugar, some mixedspices, bring to a boil and pour over pickles. Let stand 24 hours anddrain.

    Reheat and add 1 cup sugar. Let stand 24 hours and drain.

    Reheat adding 1 cup of sugar every 24 hours until 6 cups have beenadded, making 12 cups in all.

    Pickles may now be used or canned.

    These pickles are well worth the time.


    For Rheumatism

    Juice of 3 or 4 lemons1 scant teaspoon cream of tartar1 tablespoon salt

    add enough water to make 1 quart

    drink 1/3 glass after each meal


    Lumbago Mothers remedy - Mc

    Take 10 drops of oil of peppermint in 1 tablespoon of cream and 1tablespoon of table syrup.

    (Grandma McConathy had a bad knee VH)

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    A good Liniment from Dr. Hicks

    1 pint of vinegar2 ounches of ammonia4 ounces of turpentine2 eggs

    Put in quart can and shake well. Good.


    Dr. Hicks Remedy for Inflamation

    Take a hank of granger twist tobaccopour over it 1 gallon of boiling water and let it seep good.

    Then wring cloth out of this water, hot as possible, and apply toswollen or inflamed parts.



    2 quarts of grease1 quarts of rain water1 can Lye2 tablespoons of Borox3/4 cup of Ammonia

    Pour water into a large stone crock or granite pan (never usealuminum). Add lye and stir with a wooden stick or spoon until well

    disolved. Have grease just warm enough to pour and put it in and stir.Add Borox and Ammonia and stir slowly and evenly until mixture getsthick and ropy like honey. Let set overnight and cut.

    (Sometimes Grandma used sasafrass to make it smell good VH)


  • 8/14/2019 Grandma Linxwiler's Recipe Cards


    From Mud and Music

    by Verna Lee Hinegardner


    Evenings after supperthe big round table was where the action was.The flickering kerosene lampcentered on a crocheted doilydrew us like bugs.

    Thats where we gathered to read and write

    to sew and color picturesto play games and visitor just eat bread and milk.

    Thats where we picked outthe Black Walnuts and Hickory Nuts thatDaddy cracked on a chunk of railroad tracktucked between his kneesso Mother could make fudge or divinity.

    Thats where we ground up the sausagemade the head cheeseand cut up the hog fat.

    Thats where we played Rum and Pinochleand the losers had to bring in firewoodor pop the corn.

    Thats where we laughed together.

    And the laughterdrifted lazilyfrom rafter to rafterlong after

    everybodyhad kissed


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