granite $175 to $350. second-hand...

r twWrjwWfUUM n».««ifr««.«*%»'i'*H*^»Wr. 1 ,»«<.>.ii)»i»,.^ij|iiy^H1[p^j|(><l ^ w^oapfcXrfiSj*-* 3JB***J' !ndi«an, * Excelsior, Pi©ro© All noted for their endurance, reliability, power quality and speed. Single and double cylin- ders $175 to $350. Second-Hand Hacbloes C&sb or Installment Standard Bicycles Columbia, Cleveland, Pierce Rambler, Leuox. Chain and Chainless, Juveniles All Models and Sizes. Reliable Repairs for all makes Motors or BOteo. THE GEO. L MINER €0. CMnton Ave.8. Cor. Court S t 3 POINTS Standard Goods—Freah Goods Popular Prices A. W. PALMER Grocer 141 MAIN STREET WEST Bell Phone 1302 Choice Cat Flowers Flowering Plants. Floral Designs, Decorations, Etc a*orc« T. Bouohar Triangle BWf. 3 4 3 Main S t E. John Colter tooted acton tfae tabbe a*, bta -slater. "Jessie," he said, "*ae a! |fea teoss? •t the factory tt costing up to ttt* house to-night He wanta- to attars 3W8." Tee girl frowned a little. 'This l» * good evening tor me tse have (mother enpisetaent," U»o snick. "The 1»« young man you brovsht uj from the factory talked nothing but* baseball the entire erecting. All I haas to do H I to make lemptwdo sad watch your friend demolish my ebole- eat cookies. 1 told yon then thai 3 wanted to be consulted betcxro fact brought, any mora friaadt to see ««," John lasghoa". "Well, jroo frote him odt * B rts'ift. si*. He never asked if he could c«I3 **»!». But this new chip Is different. He knows Utile of moat e< * y*- tiling, and be'* takes quite a tancjr to me." The Jin's eye* opened wider. • "Well, when your admirer carts* Johnnie, you shall have the "Jtartor, a,UJ to yocrselt Tou'll find It cmrefultr dotted tad the Umona and.aucar «tl3 be plated is plats sight on the ""aUchora table. Of coarse you'll vast to gee the family oat of the way as much ass possible. Mother shall alt In too dtn= lax room with her tewing tad I'll ">** over to Margaret^ Crltchley' arav hour or so." John Carson grinned. "AlD't you the tantallttr,** be salon 1B bis most earcastte jnahnsr. "Ehiu honest, at», tbla young; fellow really* wants to mee&you. And he's all right.*" The gentle mother looked up>. Handy i( Slinj--0iii" s**. We handle * eT**ytfclig' v '**"'. Optical Including the best Eye Glass) nj*notiD£—the bandy SHUB-ONS Aa expert Optometrist in attaadaact OpticsliDept McCordy&Norwell Co. &a&&l "t 'Jtabaahrt M e a d i m e s t n tt *•/""» (fat jTSnajs; nxs^^/saU 1 ' tlM vtsitlKs^ wisat'^eaele «#$*<$ ber. ' •witied to csrefaiiy troid aaylitg saay. till*. aboat htewelt' Ha let fall remsatk ttat ttutde fiie a w e be k w i atttaded eo)l«te and wbe« we nbewed Mm those postal cards from Ve&3<g« anil Sou, :t k a s w by bis tace that 'jke had «*»n tke r*rr pltcac they d*fjJ<* ed. Bat be dldnt ssy so. It ies«a«d to axe that be wasted to conceal the fact- "H« bad T«t7 elre masujeri," a«M| tfti naotber. "Tea." the girl sunnMd tadlBenokt. Jy. Wben Johnhle catne back ht report- edl that the visitor bud base delighted with bis can. "tte'U come «*atn. tXl right," fee added. "But you needst i«t yoer cap Cor him, sla. Re's only gettlac ijbis^a « sjeejk«-r»»e seem fels pay «»3- Vwlopje.'' Johnnie, you are Insofwable," eaid hlseiater. The next tfteroooa the «irl ntd. h4»r uaual engagement at the art school, tod tfeee. as wax J»r csa$<§iD, »sjlw«j tc-rosai the squire to the great fsotory to (0 hope with ker brother. It waa t lltUe «ft«r the wuil time far a«it- Uaf, and Johnnie nlwsjs waited for her at the great astraaoe, Sat to-d*y he «sa not there. She Umcvred for * momemt. supposln* he woeUd prompt- ly appear. M abe stood there wondering wb;y he did not come a workosan it»pp«d from tbs drlakliis PIREW «UW «£e* narrow street. and- stued- At• h*r4*s- psdeatly. She saw that It* had drinking hastily and tnmed away quickly. But he fonowed h«r ututead- lly »ad ah* hurriedly took refuge toe oRtranc* ttepc ''Doa^l be ''iraM 0! ma, gdrllt," be. mattered as be staggered forward She looked about tor help And Are yoq sare, John, (hat yqn ••*- a good Judge of to all right youngrflnen oee of the great dooca suddealy opened and a young; man appeared, took in the situation witfe a quick glasca. Then be sprang; down ta* itepi and violently thrust tbt latosi*- cateditnaa away. Tbs lattar gatharasl hltnialf up and rushed forward. Bn* tha yo«sg man facwd hta cssOnjly, a*4, aroidlBg the blow that Use Infuriate* ftnow slsaed at hit head, Miiealx caatht bus by the wriat ajad tbs ooai collar, whirled bin aboat aai pu»be4' hbai lato the midst c H l l t t t e group oC workmen who bad Juit emerged frosSf tb» factory throng* the W « gatssi "Take away,*' ht saML ., The yonag man raturaadl W tkw lift - - . -; ri - -', ; - •, -»-•; "That was tary uBforttmats, Mt»« The Best Remedy Jackson's Cough Syrup 25c Ceo. Hahn Prescription Druggist 561 State Street Particular People Prefer J.G.Davis Go's. Granite Flour It makes better Bread, Batacnit and Rolls than Hie otter (dads. Clothing For Men Women and Children. CASH or CREDIT GW.gEELER 46.4SReyno)«»Aram, Up Oat Blight established 1873 L. W. Haier's Sons UNDERTAKERS 160 Clinton Ave. N. Pttones 609 TH0MANN & TEUTE rLORISTS Crt Flour* t i l Plaits. Artistic Flirtl Disipt i Spicliltj aClfnton Ave. So. Hotwe Phone ao?? Bell 44363taiu Gsreenlurase*. West Erlgbton, N. Y. Roch. Phone Trunk 7*9 MBw Asma McGfaw Studio, 403 Cox Building Keawge tfnrn im on. w*t*r Color, Calaa r*mttmt»M* !TtM*««^Vrawlt«. Satafday Ctewet Special Rates. Bmim rem Job Priotiiig man?' The Isd's face flushed. "Well. 1 have msde aome mlataken,™" he said, "but I'm older now. AJIII I'm sure about Martin Brace. He*a dona me some ftrors. too. and Td like to oblige bina." • « .J "But where has be seen met" the girl Inquired. , "I gness be must ha*e seen yew at*-: eral tlmea. .Aflywiy. h « | « # ^ w with? me lsat Sunday And I happra«l to tell bias about tbs way you, kept your; bead when the orphan asylum burned, and he seemed very raucb Interesied." ^ "Bee here. Johnnie." said tke glrl,| "i don't need any press agent fro not; going on the stage- Perhaps ycmr| trteBihwiU feel disappotated because I dofa'i |appea». te.-* Urwaiifs toejmifc 5t^J.4aad>r,;in > .osia: 5 Jbj«iaiiaBd;'-'"" 1 ear<J«n bote in the otkor." ^rjss|It,^c»aaoii*d-#barjnotlaaT. "Let bee,go on,, mothar." saddtha: bny I know ahe's dying to meet Ms^ ^§t> Hnf j|«t the kind you llk». «ta" w wuat Ifliid is that, axnarly boy!" **TTie quiet 1 kind that leu you do all •h© taring," "Johnnie." murmured ths mother. "Yoe. and III bet you 1 hayt-^ound of eiocofate creams that jpsill Jnvtto hlra to call again." ' ~ "Dono!" ssld the girl. '• was John who west to the door «' «>D the bell rang. The Culvers had r 1 mold The cottage wsa small and •' » houiekeeplng duties were light. * ->•! the Culvers intioni* Was ibmlted. in Tbry had supposed Johnnie would :. e Ills guest Into the parlor, brat in- >ti ad of this he marched him into tbo -ootn they -called the library Twhoro "*.hor and daughter aat beside tbo >.s student lamp. "Mother*." said Johnnie, "I want yon •0 kno* my friend Mr. Brace. Mr. Truce, my mother. My slater, Mar- tin." . TJGJ- shook bands formally and luiiooie's aleter admitted to herself that Martin Brace »u m. very pr«ont ; ^ ^ ttotlfhUtt j, years older than Johnnie. twenCy-Ber d b ebtertalned Wm 1: en or eight, perhaps with dear gray uw»«,uuu «uw ilmittf la" poci'ii oo^ffltlaK»TaMi'ta* Mi lay l9fr*m^£-*Hif'10i? ,».., Oaaf' Jll,. 1 ! bit WJinUk fh>H • • > • 1l»l, •«<»,'• . yo§«iig„ttM£ .fJsar,l ; lral| JMMffg* ydw until your brotbtr app«araT w(a not baldttataaw Jang,* i ,•"; TTokak yo'o," aald ths girl. "I tiiid((robrlgatl6na to.fpi forywi " :ly«^pwiaraloi.*< Vt-H f Vf' ' r **Th» obligations will b* on tlMi elber aide If you wfll let » e c«lt oat -you to-morrow ereolht," the yomaaf annua imiltngly replied. And just then Johnnie appeared. "3Wlo. sit." he cried. "Sorry I ks»t yota waiting. Something rathsr Inv -port«nt though. Tlie superiatsndeat called me into bis office and! salted my lafasry. I'm to hav* ISO a wwtk btre- eyee, and « fine poise to his well shaped, head. He wo* droned plainly but his garments were carefully ittted. . i s seemed quite at hie ease, too, and it wasn't long before they woro ill chatting like old friends. * You don't know, Mrs. Colrer." ho rc-ontly said to the grentle mc'ier. hat a pleasure It is to get even a •'. —>pse Into a real borne. I ha-vfVt • agination enough to make a bo- .0 i." my boarding place. And Jofcpnft bere has tallied 40 eloquently about his boms and—" < ^mr~his-^8ter, , '-nrat~-iir-Kastef Jobjonie. The girl suddenly frowned. "Johnnie Is an enfant terrible." she said. "1 bope you make due allow- ance*for all be says." "I ato not of a aosptcious nature," the visitor MjBWered. "I have teem accepting big stories at their ' face value. More especially that one about bis sister's admirable behavior at a certain ate." There, there." fife* gfrl Wily cried. "I've no doubt Johnnie has led you to expect that we have a. Ore drill here every evening. It wat really noOiing 1 assure you. 1 "Nothing •" repeated Johnnie Uo Wb moot sarcastic tone. '"Son had your hands tied op for most a month.** Tbo girl flushed and suddenly drew ber slender fingers oat of sight. "We will change the subject,** abe said with much dignity. tt was a pleasant erenlrig. The visitor talked well, s*£hongb very lit- tle about himself. And at a reasona- bly late hour he withdrew. "I hope you will call again, Mr. Brace," said the girl as thty stood to tie nail And Johnnie, who haot rot .*«•%.?»• «fcevy JwUit-T^e » « » * > A ilrlna; me toja. t**H« , t**V' Tba «ltl r*MS tbIi-aomi& aagacjtenaly «a f*t faidMJt P*Hn.- -*-^ ! «— —1 ^ ~ — ^ .- -< &6 tk» ! miuk^&mtM«~i&Bii. oni} deepantd mad' Johanta'a |Mea« WW •'•• frsitf- coai|iaat'#Uai L at>-*i|#' Cufver rjoitag*. - H» gave Jeaaia lUOa «nt«rt«4nweat«, trj«ii«o«lv»-««^*rta. •Ha- o«c«il6n*lly A,«0oH mz-M *%, i»«|ltia*.,l|t»|«a*».a,n<l : ''<rfW ***»*i* Bundax thay toob »)<^g sub»HMU« oa* rtrjf. -«,3Et wl^iPmmtM -*--'3^g mail wko had to sarslmlly b^aUsr Ma txpa«#liurta, 1 . ' '' r - And t h n orM •yswac k* t)irt*ft he .W*,, 1 *!!' Mcta**.* '*aa^ tajake yo« lw S*f* Jti .mi^«^*teit*a be^art I eaa-traakt *w m a*emt reiyi<sMbly ©ertalk a|«i ; iiyw«-* d«tir«#. a ntwjb :kett«t: luato ttati Culvar." he said. **1fpn war '**»(; tk* 6»i,f%|t |t»aj iraedekattg tsan was teto«oat»»d. ,i ., > , . ; .^':i i«ai^ ; -Mv*r^i«vl»f(a€l '^•-alU3oM4)e.»«iir*d»«or jattlamt IMrlifj^wl^iiMu^at^a^Mi^ aW^rttraaSi^'tite r^lir46ajia^*maa^ , ^*a^* u»d«r«Ufttl wmy 1&W& akovtld PTO«MH«4 «** you abeaUl -k* yttaad labMsie bst told taa ab^t'y«ar''*S*T- traeaa, and I aa» faf4a4 to belltTe— yo|**«*t sxcaae my fTanka««*4t M due ta* a la«k «f *»MMOM. W :tt##«*«ota«gWM»' N •^Tou honor m« W roar lsttrtat, Mtti «ulvtr," ^a tald. "| wij) «»»- fata ttat lb*** not, kaaa >#s»«laliy anttow to «BJ»b, My idea kal baatt to gatn a getMaral Idea «r tka --e^tktac of tk» entire factory. That la way f hare apeat little Uta«-4a-»**aral «f th* departraaat*. I tbougkt I wa* galnftai knowledge that mlftat b» «wa- tut: t o me IM*C tlwa, Vmi X » n "*#e t wa* wrong trwo your jolal^st view. I wilt orotnla* you to *«bbt « dift*e- tatcparw" *j*%» girl flashed "Y<HI will took vpoa -*•!• ** a **t-I' dleh** abe ttid «t>» Uit toetrarr,"*»« aarnearsd, *r am -tails tttr* tkat as- «t arty took an Intenat't-f aa* eafora tlafc t jtpora- clated baJfa»3a.»eV f,,' } WbertM tka gdf1 tasked «**& Th* next ev-a-MBi 1 Joktwla krou«k* her » note (fom Martin, BtuwL * 'fTkts looks eerlQua," lalA tbt i s * n be banded, tt *.o bar. ';JJttt It yoo Inaitt «pon It a»r.W*iii|l« la ready lor both of yott.'* ^ Thia u th* xiifft|k|« ilartJa >«tT "l ana glad to tall yoa* that <l«waa,{_^ NaMtfra ^Ntfrjjfiitpma, apglle* far a*, *"«r»a*»J leenred It togatkfr witk m u»a*» mum & it**, n-m^i C atta, Mawek*w*M» * s * l**^**^. ' Md mto* iba* » aar *mkk of #**» toucbt tktt ia*tar mm «H *k*.«»%ti« iMtaja*- l&faimTMft****. "SS 1 *^"» aaaiadaa araal 19 oi»« aaburli^a* «*' tiat aa Msborar* aad, lb* M*-i4 yat afottv *•»* ajaWb^Hl ** * * -^f*H aad Stoijtft .. ^ Tbt W*« M ^ , *M the **B«i taal aiweia^ata aaya- tk« Yak **©*tj« MMtataw, Wilk aftMNttuaii^as. ta •k«»alf»jrt*ao»t-*Mks^jrM«aJlf4« "the firar acboeaara ****!***l ttee jmt- waa or tM ftrar aiooast «fen s«aUt aloaa,tk«; 4«aatJt aoawu J|t!^ 1*«r* }i ao rooro lot tbt^claaa •'ignoram of a trad* i*sWt** iti 3* aottMM, of « l w i » « -ta-wMtifa aad wia a*,fttaratokt,o cowtr? SW Tbt- teoif r* plw**? #9** waat.frlU laoaesf a a t l w «Mk«a a»««»y. Tkart 1* unlay. «owal$ aftat -oftwty*Ja tin ajMdl* Watt « waieb tjaara ycai I tlagHr airwtiajta a* far* afoaasty ty Aordtd ia tie**tiMtrfcbrft*av***atr baajt dataali *a.*r*at*t t*»* tk*», it rural Frasct, k*)# p» far le«t a* |at afod^oi tea wo* 1 * it i* *a»^at eoaatry to #bi?b as ^Jt^rwrisptat lag aa jayaraia a< -aitkttt* waDara. cbald tjv ana »ue«h»a,- f|i tf*a#ay tfon iv a j)«ftk. joo »ti*a| ««* bg kaom it O* ,.. . ,*o*-r* .Cfcriiraasw^, --tettaajjtla^.^^ i^Mayvwl. ^t.'a^^'vkti^wfi^-at ua, ,.trj^^|i»J^,^ ! ^| u a^tr**-k| l anwXv *iQ wis c UM|a:4^**r^0M |k *<i,. kft aa* l^:t«t»ottt» tka fir*.,. , aiMdiHoa l» rk* p>l«r ftj&m - - . , ^Ntiaaa kaa .'iakfeittaja a' ».taaaka tii ocia^talthr bird; and turaad « !*»»«. bywarai? *te ft* lik*IfsJMii.. „. _ ', 'a ikoMuM *ai^.«-to*aii wiatfc jwMt i | ^ .a^aitatjLar.1' aaiw Milss at stitas -wri aawtk '"•s •'"•** l^*« J*""""*™*"*"*!, fj**' "^F*ep^**'*CT'* ,l ,fliP***»* a*'*W**'*J**r- toraaU-- .1* a-aM tta w*»«W # - w t i ^ atiatraaa aa^ 4ti*w ' ">ri l^itra|a«Hi*^A-' ^ffillPSB iM^TE; v3l **^|rV^W**ir* sr^^ttf ^*8i»M^»*A :, .r* ^ ^ Spjttj^fflB tft^'i afty>w J "ft : ".;,' *l(i-vlfti *.*l«i l*wk*A"ak< teMt'l'aifsl'5 ifPM li-' alMH|s|Mfa1i'' aad'. i 'VwN 'JOtaya-.-fM k-^^a'TfMfcv •"« **»#; «iqs«ot«d tajai*? .,*•* .'-.taa, tin. ttfeftft-t' *#«t«^ , -^^'iiii'*aat*a- , raii: .wolild-'aak'jaa'ta/attia .|^-|K(fsrly». ,J| r t" 1>a#twi''*l*a •y^;jair 1 tatawtr-.1 t h Bntea," Sk« aatibM iaaJh.' "Iraw "*3*#f]Wi, wiat k«aa*lc4ii ' •"J?o8- pa-lkwaif.lJay^^'jatf,,*" ahtf aaarafWedir.-^iJff. f batik' W"*» tnrdttffc -lt.4f-fM iffRf «Pl{. : ; "* ra|o* sited you u a call tea br^d:.maa.wlui' bid b*w^]tayo^ifiai-A|^.jr^Taai: tagts. J,toBi»,y^' , ia4'|^f§.-a*l^, I TtalUtad that yew ra^-'sbt'ltt-aip< ; aitite- your/woi-k- la- tk§. "' "'''' "" fUrr. HoWs that. Marttaf "Fin*," said, tka young roam, « ^ l * n s # % k d , ft*a#ttjJiltfr^o^', ^ Slid to bear of your luck. (Jood-tftbt^ *>I«" * » * ISW. b a ^ W , > < « l ^ ' ^ ^ ! i * , Johrrals looked after him. ' .: workmait Iiosaw *boiacraa»ed.thaj "Hope t dldn-frirart BraoVa fail-' »»l»ry'^^|tf^ ^ IW'aaw , ;tt,ilra»^M*'' , "' »g»." *a« "aid, He's only *w«lni i c tin Bri»ca'bl4ael|«^j'kTiir;Tvk6:.(k#|: •Qtlttti I told yon. Ho's worth mora. ab6fty|ta*M^irar 'mmi&ttfai)0li& reotnotblng funny about MarUri, ailta'^^i'rai^|rlkiotmaW|p : ^oaan't seem to aettlt dcriwa to a»js. offttian-a|yte'^«^^:^^;|f|r^ *hlag, He'a "bMb In .thraa- or mimi- #^a,,-...»ar:r4te • a**«: fW,*6Wrf»*. "^™Ss *«rent departments alrtady.;, Bttfbe% «flr? $mf^:^^1 : ^At"Sui 1 '^i^ i - *'• v4?T* • .great boy Just the . . i ^ : funW~*i«i«lf^^m# r »W feaila Calrer did not reply, put " "*" ™" """ 5 -*- j -*-» ^t^a^tiBa^aaiW.^. »arlor, Johnnie, she expl*^^ps»|*^fj^^irlaipiytfyjps.ti»'*: noi at ioinie and #ar motnar;," * • " •* - '•-'-.•*——«•• •• asllgbt headache. The yountr aprtes'd his regrets civilly . feut It was evident be did not ov^ the Bltoatlon, -' to fact, be : tHe«l ''* «WMb1n£li &*••&$. .ISiif | t o make him«elf aa agreeable at po&- to any knoh tMi," tU* ;miL ^Mil 14te- ' " *«6j)HI JB«fr|;«w ; ,qt||t*-»!^:f||j|| Prosently Jessie's fact clandcd. '.Wisiytm'-w«tt *>Wi^-v^^S^dP^f "I bad a very unpleasant call to- Martin, dear. In aplteof ypuriooBoy^ aa)*." she told him. "it was from U»e —W, S. M0$& 'wife of the man who annoyed me yes- tcrolay. It seems that when he went , A Thr»t-l.afl8Jd CaplUl Cowork he wat told be warm**, wanted, The only apology-fpr tbte';da^i»lon i pr £ , The poor woman was almost distract the Sooth Airlean Gonreitlon-abtftttl would so straight to the b*d. And. have wrecked tk* lobetas ot-nnlob, •thore sure four small children. She But the fact, that jt was aa nnarold- baeard from some of the workmen that able sacrifice to local Jealousies doe* tae bad annoyed me and so abe came not make the arraBgemtnt desirabla,' to ask me to intercede for him. Z or even : s»v» ft irom ridleota. Tjta; Celt very sorry for ber." : *ue|Iilat*?e. A«*embV, * r FWteral J>*K*; "And do yon wont him to have Ms liSraent, la to tit at Cape Town, while E>Hce again?" the young man asked, tb^Exeeutive—t, o., tfea OOTenjBWftt ftt*" rite qnicWy anaw«red, «t oa«awtwa to t » at- Pratorfa,- M * Chink he has been taught a la^son, andf crowitlrj* absurdity, tka legal centre. tstrtductfpa .of stsata aajr^gatiaa, m bfao : »aa«aiBo«.tb« jH*iw.fita .arjaa* ikaafvyo^^/*aAj,-^'<feiif i - - -" .•'•••SjWf ] ^ M i * 'a»W at^EV^ ^sp^*"f^ l "e*s*r*ajfl*"|>W !*.• aw. ja^t»^a«»4 jwr^waa, retBt w tb« 'oaM «< ^*.'Jteifoa v th. day* ' of Or.Hana. Te*»*lr» il {*rj% % Ot«*t 41 %m m* i*» UttikboJiili aae^tMudrMhl^ti saUtal &»l;iks4. a^aadfc: *&.-& - L i^*«jia-#ir>i "-• "• -" c „.^j4HMf'aVti.'i andrfob ttrrittcy wbisk. Ui ioo< J^rtm ''•paJaat;" ' •:~:1f : rft ffb* mother and Ber children mustn't or Buprwme COKri ofAppeal^-to be arolter," - at Bloemfpnteib Thus'tke proyincfal | e nodded, . Wm not untlaKed with cupidltri 'of '1 doat.thlnk the man's pimlehrflerit the Cap* Colony^ 4h» Orange <J0?ony i « any too severe, but you are right and the Tr»n,airaal,,hM, •scft^ia It* afibbot tba mother and the cbildrett," tuis, baieft provided for,* wrtt tka,ra- fttt anrl hesitated a little. . suit that South Africa ha* eajtltkl 'Wy ferother John's salary was In- —or rather ht# three oapttala, eaaased tka other day." tbe said. "Did kae dMsrre tbe increase, or was it .. To Extract a tpHntar. g-atoed tbrongh the Influence of tome Whsa A splinter baa baan tfriraa fcrlfedf John has a way of *rakte» 4eep lata thehandVittsaa be s^taracjtd fSrlendi aad raring them, and 1 wouldn't without .palt by steam. Waarly 41) « fstut to think that be was drawing; wlde-moathed battle wttk hot wfiar, nBore psty than he is really worth." place the injured part over the taoaih The ytrana man smiled. of the bottltv an«bjwa« ttgbfly. Tba "tour anxiety does yon credit," be anctlcn will draw 'tba flaak down, aad aald. "Bnt I can assure you that John ia aatf»t*fi#t*fo tba attire* w«l s*- las deft* very w*H and wlll-de ntu* trleita **#«pliat*r *kt <*» WtaWWa* Ha -ia on* e* th* naaat hilt-. Coa w « fl^ate*. laat ai^rhty yifar, wlft *jrrt»lH|r|a», ;.. •k *m™ *a ff*w^^a^**s5" ^ H g f e V ^ ' w *^WF ar**-coaia^aM oaiy •»>*•' n i^0^m^!W£.f:';:: £~'?;l vi-m. mm 4 i^niitta^^jEaliwat^i . _ so-qgnrav. _ htnlnf ot a, 4i*ta4« atom . •0( baaV th* tbtutdsf' be«*sffr *~-n -.«..- storm (1 tot far away for rta awted»«a»-ir*ata t^rasebka. tnir tara\ otr*«ai IjagSfe ••. t ,4irV, . reaaiaJSt* MM a*M» yuMm ^ IA WVEarf" * v"K*apWa M . W «( NfitjMfi 1< «»•«, a«9t«ra a tood oat," aaJd)*? 1 . - ,-,-. „-, MaJoa, trylot * apeak coolly of tkt grjij -^Bsniias^laslal %.iil^tr-ta* st k1*k»»l "*T wife aa4 '"•jJT^tg?7^^ 4! Or" 30* ^y/jtH i ar«^ally4M*&jrj' hiai bat wa aoa 1 stake fooli wJ^arlwlTss OTST aira at aou« folkj «»«h<fraf «o»a that are ao> * » • tobkk att ri*W" aatd B«*J arttti^aiBDttca, ararratb as could be ant nested froift a »?** *»°«' l«»sTsat It ttfwb1<Sra"aa«^hsi«** >»H# la all HgH** corrected Hseoir witb«W*<y*^fVth^th.itfrtlowIrnot»al| ¥/., p^jafV a«dfti«cttraaw'#i{M»BgHsk.We'«V - ,,-•* **-> wanted % keep ^ t h l n * .from JM» KUSI'lC we'd bay* <ir««rdja * M * «*Mn#t».- • * * * *» ^•1 tk^kkv'* «^^**w«-M»atja, a f l ^ ^ r . ^"tjratj?** ' •**tk*s i 1 ^• l ^P^y^^¥' p/ m 'r ^3!al^*'5lS ' ' & $ $ ; IWH--V*e«*- t t,-vr°.vt^w-*' y " ^^ywv-ji.^'.^-sft^P*^ : « ;rifr&--W >J Si-. " '^ PP~0HtivSB)i£ W&W4\ ">'•*. tari^ /, e i r l^^i^f,^*^:!^;^ -*sr^g^g|i|^ *^*3^S0f^ lit y^~^-*f-7s^-^*;*^^At*!'-•»'-•-•,

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Page 1: Granite $175 to $350. Second-Hand Hacbloes C&sb or Installment Standard Bicycles Columbia, Cleveland, Pierce Rambler, Leuox


twWrjwWfUUM n».««ifr««.«*%»'i'*H*^»Wr.1 ,»«<.>.ii)»i»,.^ij|iiy^H1[p^j|(><l


w oapfcXrfiSj*-* 3JB***J'

!ndi«an, * E x c e l s i o r ,

Pi©ro© All noted for their endurance,

reliability, power quality and speed. Single and double cylin­ders $175 to $350.

Second-Hand Hacbloes C&sb or Installment

Standard Bicycles Columbia, Cleveland, Pierce

Rambler, Leuox. Chain and Chainless, Juveniles

All Models and Sizes. Reliable Repairs for all makes

Motors or BOteo.

THE GEO. L MINER €0. CMnton Ave.8. Cor. Court S t

3 POINTS Standard Goods—Freah Goods

Popular Prices

A. W. PALMER Grocer

141 MAIN STREET WEST Bell Phone 1302

Choice Cat Flowers Flowering Plants.

Floral Designs, Decorations, Etc a * o r c « T. B o u o h a r

Triangle BWf. 343 Main S t E.

John Colter tooted acton tfae tabbe a*, bta -slater.

"Jessie," he said, "*ae a! |fea teoss? • t the factory tt costing up to ttt* house to-night He wanta- t o attars 3W8."

Tee girl frowned a little. 'This l» * good evening tor me tse

have (mother enpisetaent," U»o snick. "The 1»« young man you brovsht uj from the factory talked nothing but* baseball the entire erecting. All I haas t o do H I to make lemptwdo s a d watch your friend demolish m y ebole-eat cookies. 1 told yon then thai 3 wanted to be consulted betcxro fact brought, any mora friaadt to s ee « « , "

John lasghoa". "Well, jroo frote him odt *B rts'ift.

si*. He never asked if he could c«I3 **»!». But this new chip Is different. He knows • Utile of moat e< * y*-tiling, and be'* takes quite a tancjr t o me."

The Jin's eye* opened wider. • "Well, when your admirer carts* Johnnie, you shall have the "Jtartor, a,UJ to yocrselt Tou'll find It cmrefultr dotted tad the Umona and.aucar «tl3 be plated is plats sight on the ""aUchora table. Of coarse you'll vast to gee the family oat of the way as much ass possible. Mother shall alt In too dtn= lax room with her tewing tad I'll ">** over to Margaret^ Crltchley' arav hour or so."

John Carson grinned. "AlD't you the tantallttr,** b e salon

1B bis most earcastte jnahnsr. "Ehiu honest, at», tbla young; fellow really* wants to mee&you. And he's all right.*"

The gentle mother looked up>.

Handy i(Slinj--0iii"


We handle * eT**ytfclig'v '**"'.

Optical Including the best Eye Glass)

nj*notiD£—the bandy SHUB-ONS

A a expert Optometrist in attaadaact OpticsliDept

McCordy&Norwell Co.

&a&&l "t

'Jtabaahrt Mead i m e s t n tt *•/""» (fat jTSnajs; nxs^^/saU1' tlM vtsitlKs^ wisat'^eaele « # $ * < $ ber. ' •witied t o csrefaiiy troid aaylitg saay. t i l l * . aboat htewelt' Ha let fall remsatk ttat ttutde fiie a w e be kwi atttaded eo)l«te and wbe« we nbewed Mm those postal cards from Ve&3<g« anil S o u , :t kasw by bis tace that 'jke had «*»n tke r*rr pltcac they d*fjJ<* ed. Bat be dldnt ssy so. It ies«a«d to axe that be wasted to conceal t h e fact -

"H« bad T«t7 elre masujeri," a«M| tfti naotber.

"Tea." the girl sunnMd tadlBenokt. Jy.

Wben Johnhle catne back ht report-edl that the visitor bud b a s e delighted with bis can.

"tte'U come «*atn. tXl right," fee added. "But you needst i«t y o e r cap Cor him, sla. Re's only gettlac ijbis^a « sjeejk«-r»»e seem fels pay «»3-Vwlopje.''

Johnnie, you are Insofwable," eaid hlseiater.

The next tfteroooa the «irl ntd. h4»r uaual engagement at the art school, tod tfeee. as wax J»r csa$<§iD, »sjlw«j tc-rosai the squire to the great fsotory to (0 hope with ker brother. It waa t lltUe «ft«r the wuil time far a«it-Uaf, and Johnnie nlwsjs waited for her at the great astraaoe, Sat to-d*y he « sa not there. She Umcvred for * momemt. supposln* he woeUd prompt­ly appear.

M abe stood there wondering wb;y he did not come a workosan it»pp«d from tbs drlakliis PIREW « U W «£e* narrow street. and- stued- At• h*r4*s-psdeatly. She saw that It* had drinking hastily and tnmed away quickly. But he fonowed h«r ututead-lly »ad ah* hurriedly took refuge toe oRtranc* t t epc

''Doa l be ''iraM 0! ma, gdrllt," be. mattered as be staggered forward

She looked about tor h e l p And Are yoq sare, John, (hat yqn ••*-a good Judge of to all right youngrflnen o e e of the great dooca suddealy

opened and a young; man appeared, H « took in the situation witfe a quick glasca. Then be sprang; down t a * itepi and violently thrust tb t latosi*-cateditnaa away. Tbs lattar gatharasl hltnialf up and rushed forward. B n * tha yo«sg man facwd hta cssOnjly, a*4 , aroidlBg the blow that Use Infuriate* ftnow slsaed at hi t head, M i i e a l x caatht bus by the wriat ajad tbs ooai collar, whirled b i n aboat a a i pu»be4' hbai lato the midst c H l l t t t e group oC workmen who bad Juit emerged frosSf tb» factory throng* the W « gatssi

"Take W » away,*' ht saML ., The yonag man raturaadl W tkw

l i f t - - . -; ri - -', ; - •, -»-•; "That was tary uBforttmats, Mt»«

The Best Remedy

Jackson's Cough Syrup 25c Ceo. Hahn

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Particular People Prefer

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Batacnit and Rolls than Hie otter (dads.

Clothing For Men Women and Children.

CASH or CREDIT GW.gEELER 46.4SReyno)«»Aram,

U p Oat Blight

established 1873

L. W. Haier's Sons UNDERTAKERS 160 Clinton Ave. N.

Pttones 609 TH0MANN & TEUTE

rLORISTS Crt Flour* t i l Plaits. Artistic Flirtl

Disipt i Spicliltj

aClfnton Ave. So. Hotwe Phone ao?? Bell 44363taiu

Gsreenlurase*. West Erlgbton, N. Y. Roch. Phone Trunk 7*9

MBw Asma F« McGfaw Studio, 403 Cox Building

Keawge tfnrn im on. w*t*r Color, Calaa r*mttmt»M* !TtM*««^Vrawlt«.

Satafday Ctewet Special Rates.

Bmim rem Job Priotiiig

man?' The Isd's face flushed. "Well. 1 have msde aome mlataken,™"

he said, "but I'm older now. AJIII I'm sure about Martin Brace. He*a dona me some ftrors. too. and Td like to oblige bina." • « .J

"But where has be seen met" the girl Inquired. , "I gness be must ha*e seen yew at*-: eral tlmea. .Aflywiy. h « | « # ^ w with? me lsat Sunday And I happra«l to tell bias about tbs way you, kept your; bead when the orphan asylum burned, and he seemed very raucb Interesied."

"Bee here. Johnnie." said tke glrl,| "i don't need any press agent fro not; going on the stage- Perhaps ycmr| trteBihwiU feel disappotated because I dofa'i |appea». te.-* Urwaiifs toejmifc 5t^J.4aad>r,;in>.osia:5Jbj«iaiiaBd;'-'""1

ear<J«n bote in the otkor." ^rjss|It,^c»aaoii*d-#barjnotlaaT.

"Let bee,go on,, mothar." saddtha: bny I know ahe's dying to meet Ms^ §t> Hnf j|«t the kind you llk». «ta"

wwuat Ifliid is that, axnarly boy!" **TTie quiet1 kind that leu you do all

•h© taring," "Johnnie." murmured ths mother. "Yoe. and III bet you 1 hayt-^ound

of eiocofate creams that jpsill Jnvtto hlra to call again." ' ~

"Dono!" ssld the girl. '• was John who west to the door

«' «>D the bell rang. The Culvers had r 1 mold The cottage wsa small and •' » houiekeeplng duties were light. * ->•! the Culvers intioni* Was ibmlted. i n

Tbry had supposed Johnnie would :. e Ills guest Into the parlor, brat in-

>ti ad of this he marched him into tbo -ootn they -called the library Twhoro

"*.hor and daughter aat beside tbo >.s student lamp.

"Mother*." said Johnnie, "I want yon •0 kno* my friend Mr. Brace. Mr. Truce, my mother. My slater, Mar­tin." . TJGJ- shook bands formally and luiiooie's aleter admitted to herself that Martin Brace » u m. very pr«ont ; ^ ^ ttotlfhUttj,

years older than Johnnie. twenCy-Ber d b ebtertalned Wm 1: en or eight, perhaps with dear gray uw»«,uuu «uw

ilmittf la" poci'ii oo^ffltlaK»TaMi'ta* Mi l a y l9fr*m^£-*Hif'10i? , » . . , Oaaf' J l l , . 1 ! b i t W J i n U k f h > H • • > • 1 l » l , • « < » , ' • . yo§«iig„ttM£ .fJsar,l;lral| JMMffg*

ydw until your brotbtr app«araT H« w(a not baldttataaw Jang,* i ,•";

TTokak yo'o," aald ths girl. "I tiiid((robrlgatl6na to.fpi forywi " :ly«^pwiaraloi.*< Vt-H fVf' ' r

**Th» obligations will b* on tlMi elber aide If you wfll let » e c«lt oat

-you to-morrow ereolht," the yomaaf annua imiltngly replied.

And just then Johnnie appeared. "3Wlo. sit." he cried. "Sorry I ks»t

yota waiting. Something rathsr Inv -port«nt though. Tlie superiatsndeat called me into bis office and! salted my lafasry. I'm to hav* ISO a wwtk btre-

eyee, and « fine poise to his well shaped, head. He wo* droned plainly but his garments were carefully ittted. . is seemed quite at hie ease, too, and it wasn't long before they woro ill chatting like old friends.

* You don't know, Mrs. Colrer." ho rc-ontly said to the grentle mc'ier.

hat a pleasure It is to get even a •'. —>pse Into a real borne. I ha-vfVt • agination enough to make a bo- .0

i." my boarding place. And Jofcpnft bere has tallied 40 eloquently about his boms and—" •<^mr~his-^8ter,,'-nrat~-iir-Kastef

Jobjonie. The girl suddenly frowned. "Johnnie Is an enfant terrible." she

said. "1 bope you make due allow-ance*for all be says."

"I ato not of a aosptcious nature," the visitor MjBWered. "I have teem accepting big stories at their ' face value. More especially that one about bis sister's admirable behavior at a certain ate."

There, there." fife* gfrl W i l y cried. "I've no doubt Johnnie has led you to expect that we have a. Ore drill here every evening. It wat really noOiing 1 assure you.1

"Nothing •" repeated Johnnie Uo Wb moot sarcastic tone. '"Son had your hands tied op for most a month.**

Tbo girl flushed and suddenly drew ber slender fingers oat of sight.

"We will change the subject,** abe said with much dignity.

tt was a pleasant erenlrig. The visitor talked well, s*£hongb very lit­tle about himself. And at a reasona­bly late hour he withdrew.

"I hope you will call again, Mr. Brace," said the girl as thty stood to t ie nail And Johnnie, who haot rot

. * « • % . ? » • • «fcevy JwUit-T^e » « » * > A

ilrlna; me toja. t**H«,t**V' Tba «ltl r*MS tbI i -aomi&

aagacjtenaly «a f*t faidMJt P*Hn.- -*-^!«— —1 ^ ~ — ^ .- -< &6 tk»! miuk^&mtM«~i&Bii.

oni} deepantd mad' Johanta'a |Mea« WW •'•• frsitf- coai|iaat'#UaiL at>-*i|#' Cufver rjoitag*. - H» gave Jeaaia lUOa «nt«rt«4nweat«, trj«ii«o«lv»-««^*rta. •Ha- o«c«il6n*lly A,«0oH mz-M *%, i»«|ltia*.,l|t»|«a*».a,n<l:''<rfW ***»*i* Bundax thay toob »)<^g sub»HMU« oa* rtrjf. -«,3Et wl^iPmmtM -*--'3^g mail wko had to sarslmlly b^aUsr Ma txpa«#liurta, 1 . ' '' r -

And t h n orM •yswac k* t)irt*ft

he .W*,,1*!!' Mcta**.* '*aa^ tajake yo« l w S * f * J t i .mi^«^* te i t *a be^art I eaa-traakt * w

m a*emt reiyi<sMbly ©ertalk a|«i; i i y w « - *

d«tir«#. a ntwjb :kett«t: luato ttati Culvar." he said. **1fpn w a r '**»(; t k * 6»i,f%|t |t»aj iraedekattg tsan was teto«oat»»d.,i.,> , . ; . ^ ' : i • i « a i ^ ; - M v * r ^ i « v l » f ( a € l

'^•-alU3oM4)e.»«iir*d»«or jattlamt I M r l i f j ^ w l ^ i i M u ^ a t ^ a ^ M i ^

aW^rttraaSi^'t i te

r^lir46ajia^*maa^ ,^*a^* u»d«r«Ufttl wmy 1&W& akovtld k« PTO«MH«4 «** you abeaUl -k* yttaad

labMsie bst told taa ab^t'y«ar''*S*T-traeaa, and I aa» faf4a4 to belltTe— yo|**«*t sxcaae my fTanka««*4t M due ta* a la«k «f *»MMOM.W

:tt##«*«ota«gWM»' N • Tou honor m« W roar lsttrtat,

Mtti «ulvtr," ^a tald. "| wij) «»»-fata ttat l b * * * not, kaaa >#s»«laliy anttow to «BJ»b, My idea kal baatt to gatn a getMaral Idea «r tka --e^tktac of tk» entire factory. That la way f hare apeat little Uta«-4a-»**aral «f th* departraaat*. I tbougkt I wa* galnftai knowledge that mlftat b» «wa-tut: t o me IM*C tlwa, Vmi X » n "*#e t wa* wrong trwo your jolal^st view. I wilt orotnla* you to *«bbt « dift*e-tatcparw"

*j*%» girl flashed "Y<HI will took vpoa -*•!• ** a **t-I'

dleh** abe ttid «t>» Uit toetrarr,"*»« aarnearsd, *r

am -tails tttr* tkat as- « t arty took an Intenat't-f aa* eafora tlafc t jtpora-clated baJfa»3a.»eV f,,' }

WbertM tka gdf 1 tasked «**& Th* next ev-a-MBi1 Joktwla krou«k*

her » note (fom Martin, BtuwL * 'fTkts looks eerlQua," lalA tbt i s *

n be banded, tt *.o bar. ';JJttt It yoo Inaitt «pon It a»r.W*iii|l« la ready lor both of yott.'* ^

Thia u th* xiifft|k|« ilartJa >«tT "l ana glad to tall yoa* that <l«waa,{_^ NaMtfra ^Ntfrjjfiitpma,

apglle* far a*, *"«r»a*»J leenred It togatkfr witk

m u»a*» mum & it**, n-m^i C atta, Mawek*w*M» *s* l**^**^. ' Md mto* iba* » aar *mkk of #**» toucbt tktt ia*tar mm «H *k*.«»%ti« iMtaja*- l&faimTM ft**** ."SS1 *^"» aaaiadaa araal 19 oi»« aaburli a* «*' tiat aa Msborar* aad, lb* M*-i4 yat afottv *•»* ajaWb^Hl ** * * - f*H aad Stoijtft .. ^

Tbt W*« M ^ , * M the **B«i taal aiweia^ata aaya- tk« Yak **©*tj« MMtataw, • Wilk aftMNttuaii as. ta •k«»alf»jrt*ao»t-*Mks^jrM«aJlf4« "the firar acboeaara ****!***l ttee jmt-waa or tM ftrar aiooast «fen s«aUt aloaa,tk«; 4«aatJt aoawu J|t!^ 1*«r* }i ao rooro lot tbt^claaa •'ignoram of a trad* i*sWt** iti 3* aottMM, of « lwi»« -ta-wMtifa aad wia a*, fttaratok t,o cowtr? S W

Tbt- teoif r* plw**? #9** waat.frlU laoaesf a a t l w «Mk«a a»««»y. Tkart 1* unlay. «owal$ aftat -oftwty*Ja tin ajMdl* Watt « waieb tjaara i« ycai I tlagHr airwtiajta a* far* afoaasty ty Aordtd ia tie** tiMtrfcbr ft* av***atr baajt dataali *a.*r*at*t t*»* tk*», it rural Frasct, k*)# p» far le«t a* |at afod^oi tea wo*1* it i* *a»^at eoaatry to #bi?b as ^Jt^rwrisptat lag aa jayaraia a< -aitkttt* waDara. cbald tjv ana »ue«h»a,- f | i tf*a#ay tfon iv a j)«ftk. joo »ti*a| ««* bg kaom i t


, . . . ,*o*-r* .Cfcriiraasw^, --tettaajjtla^.^^

i^Mayvwl. ^ t . ' a^^ 'vk t i ^wf i^ -a t ua, i» , . trj^^| i»J^,^ ! ^| u a^tr**-k| l anwXv *iQ

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aiMdiHoa l» rk* p>l«r ftj&m • -- . , ^Ntiaaa kaa .'iakfeittaja a' ».taaaka tii

ocia^talthr bird; and turaad « !*»»«.

bywarai? *te ft* lik*IfsJMii.. „. _ ', 'a ikoMuM *ai^.«-to*aii wiatfc jwMt i | ^ .a^aitatjLar.1' aaiw Milss at stitas -wri aawtk '"•s •'"•** l^*« J*""""*™*"*"*!, f j * * ' "^F*ep^**'*CT'*,l , f l iP***»* a*'*W**'*J**r-

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'JOtaya-.-fM k-^^a'TfMfcv •"« **»#; «iqs«ot«d • tajai*? . ,*•* .'-.taa,

tin. ttfeftft-t' *#«t«^,-^^'iiii'*aat*a-,raii: .wolild-'aak'jaa'ta/attia .|^-|K(fsrly».

,J|rt" 1>a#twi''*l*a •y ;jair1 tatawtr-.1 t h Bntea," Sk« aatibM iaaJh.' "Iraw "*3*#f]Wi, wiat k«aa*lc4ii

' •"J?o8- pa-lkwaif.lJay^^'jatf,,*" ahtf aaarafWedir.- iJff. f batik' W"*» tnrdttffc -lt.4f-fM iffRf «Pl{.:; "* ra|o* sited you u a call tea br d:.maa.wlui' bid b*w^]tayo^ifiai-A|^.jr^Taai: tagts. J,toBi»,y^',ia4'|^f§.-a*l^, I TtalUtad that yew ra^-'sbt'ltt-aip<;

aitite- your/woi-k- la- tk§. "' "'''' "" fUrr. HoWs that. Marttaf "Fin*," said, tka young roam, «^l*ns#%kd ,ft*a#ttjJi l t fr^o^' , ^

Slid to bear of your luck. (Jood-tftbt^ *>I«" *»* ISW. ba^W,><«l^ '^^! i* , Johrrals looked after him. ' .: workmait Iiosaw *boiacraa»ed.thaj "Hope t dldn-frirart BraoVa fail-' »»l»ry'^^|tf^^IW'aaw,;tt,ilra»^M*'',"'

»g»." *a« "aid, He's only *w«lni i c tin Bri»ca'bl4ael|«^j'kTiir;Tvk6:.(k#|: •Qtlttti I told yon. Ho's worth mora. ab6fty|ta*M irar 'mmi&ttfai)0li& reotnotblng funny about MarUri, M« a i l t a ' ^ ^ i ' r a i ^ | r l k i o t m a W | p :

^oaan't seem to aettlt dcriwa to a»js. o f f t t i a n - a | y t e ' ^ « ^ ^ : ^ ^ ; | f | r ^ *hlag, He'a "bMb In .thraa- or mimi- #^a,,-...»ar:r4te • a**«: fW,*6Wrf»*. " ^ ™ S s *«rent departments alrtady.;, Bttfbe% «flr? $mf^:^^1:^At"Sui1'^i^i- • *''• v 4 ? T * • .great boy Just the . . i ^ — : f u n W ~ * i « i « l f ^ ^ m # r » W

feaila Calrer did not reply, put " "*" ™" """ •5-*-j-*-» ^ t ^ a ^ t i B a ^ a a i W . ^ .

»arlor, Johnnie, she expl*^^ps»|*^fj^^irlaipiytfyjps.ti»'*: noi at ioinie and #ar motnar;," * • " •* - '•-'-.•*——«•• •• asllgbt headache. The yountr aprtes'd his regrets civilly . feut It was evident be did not o v ^ the Bltoatlon, -' to fact, be :tHe«l ''* «WMb1n£li &*••&$. . ISi i f | t o make him«elf aa agreeable at po&- to any knoh tMi," tU* ;miL ^Mil

14te- ' " *«6j)HI JB«fr|;«w;,qt||t*-»!^:f||j|| Prosently Jessie's fact clandcd. '.Wisiytm'-w«tt *>Wi^-v^^S^dP^f "I bad a very unpleasant call to- Martin, dear. In aplteof ypuriooBoy^

aa)*." she told him. "it was from U»e —W, S . M0$& 'wife of the man who annoyed me yes-tcrolay. It seems that when he went , A Thr»t-l.afl8Jd CaplUl Cowork he wat told be warm**, wanted, • The only apology-fpr tbte';da i»lonipr £, The poor woman was almost distract the Sooth Airlean Gonreitlon-abtftttl would s o straight to the b*d. And. have wrecked tk* lobetas ot-nnlob, •thore sure four small children. She But the fact, that jt was aa nnarold-baeard from some of the workmen that able sacrifice to local Jealousies doe* tae bad annoyed me and so abe came not make the arraBgemtnt desirabla,' t o ask me to intercede for him. Z or even :s»v» ft irom ridleota. Tjta; Celt very sorry for ber." : *ue|Iilat*?e. A«*embV, *r FWteral J>*K*;

"And do yon wont him to have Ms liSraent, la to tit at Cape Town, while E>Hce again?" the young man asked, tb^Exeeutive—t, o., tfea OOTenjBWftt

ftt*" rite qnicWy anaw«red, «t oa«awtwa to t » at- Pratorfa,- M * Chink he has been taught a la^son, andf crowitlrj* absurdity, tka legal centre.

tstrtductfpa .of stsata aajr gatiaa, m bfao:»aa«aiBo«.tb« jH*iw.fita .arjaa* ikaafvyo^^/*aAj,-^'<feiif i - - -"

. • ' • • •S jWf ] ^ M i * 'a»W at^EV^ sp^*"f l"e*s*r*ajfl*"|>W

!*.• t« aw. ja^t»^a«»4 jwr^waa,

retBt w tb« 'oaM «< *.'Jteifoav

th . day* ' of Or.Hana. Te*»*lr» il {*rj% % Ot«*t 41 %m m*

i*» UttikboJiili aae^tMudrMhl^ti saUtal & » l ; i k s 4 . a^aadfc: *&.-& -L i^*«j ia-#ir>i " - • "• - "

c„.^j4HMf'aVti.'i andrfob ttrrittcy wbisk. U i ioo< J^rtm )« ''•paJaat;" '


ffb* mother and Ber children mustn't or Buprwme COKri ofAppeal^-to be arolter," - at Bloemfpnteib Thus'tke proyincfal

| e nodded, . Wm not untlaKed with cupidltri 'of '1 doat.thlnk the man's pimlehrflerit the Cap* Colony 4h» Orange <J0?ony

i « any too severe, but you are right and the Tr»n,airaal,,hM, •scft^ia It* afibbot tba mother and the cbildrett," tuis, baieft provided for,* wrtt tka,ra-

fttt anrl hesitated a little. . suit that South Africa ha* J» eajtltkl 'Wy ferother John's salary was In- —or rather ht# three oapttala,

eaaased tka other day." tbe said. "Did kae dMsrre tbe increase, or was it .. To Extract a tpHntar. g-atoed tbrongh the Influence of tome Whsa A splinter baa baan tfriraa fcrlfedf John has a way of *rakte» 4eep lata thehandVittsaa be s taracjtd fSrlendi aad raring them, and 1 wouldn't without .palt by steam. Waarly 41) « fstut to think that be was drawing; wlde-moathed battle wttk hot wfiar, nBore psty than he is really worth." place the injured part over the taoaih

The ytrana man smiled. of the bottltv an«bjwa« ttgbfly. Tba "tour anxiety does yon credit," be anctlcn will draw 'tba flaak down, aad

aald. "Bnt I can assure you that John i a aatf»t*fi#t*fo tba attire* w«l s*-las deft* very w*H and wlll-de ntu* trleita **#«pliat*r *kt <*» WtaWWa*

Ha -ia on* e* th* naaat hilt-. Coa w « fl^ate*. laat ai rhty yifar, wlft *jrrt»lH|r|a», ;..

•k *m™ * a ff*w^^a^**s5" ^ H g f e V ^ ' w * WF

ar**-coaia^aM oaiy

• » > * • '

ni^0^m^!W£.f:';:: £~'?;l


mm 4


. _ so-qgnrav. _ htnlnf ot a, 4i*ta4« atom .

•0( baaV th* tbtutdsf' be«*sffr *~-n - . « . . -storm (1 tot far away for rta awted»«a»-ir*ata t^rasebka. tnir tara\ otr*«ai IjagSfe ••. t ,4irV, .

reaaiaJSt* M M a*M» yuMm ^ IA W V E a r f " *

v"K*apWa M . W «( NfitjMfi 1< «»•«, a«9t«ra a tood oat," aaJd)*? 1 . - , - , - . „-, -»

MaJoa, trylot * apeak coolly of tkt grjij - ^ B s n i i a s ^ l a s l a l %.iil^tr-ta* s t k1*k»»l "*T wife aa4 ' " • j J T ^ t g ? 7 ^ ^


Or" 30*


i ar«^ally4M*&jrj' hiai bat wa aoa1

stake fooli wJ^arlwlTss OTST aira at aou« folkj «»«h<fraf «o»a that are ao>

* » • tobkk att ri*W" aatd B«*J arttti^aiBDttca, ararratb as could be ant nested froift a »?** * » ° « ' l«»sTsat It *« ttfwb1<Sra"aa«^hsi«**

>»H# la al l HgH** corrected Hseoir witb«W*<y*^fVth^th.itfrtlowIrnot»al| ¥ / . , p ^ j a f V

a«dfti«cttraaw'#i{M»BgHsk.We'«V - ,,-•* **->

wanted % keep ^th ln* .from JM» KUSI'lC we'd bay* <ir««rdja * M * «*Mn#t».- • * * * *»

•1 tk kkv'* «^^**w«-M»atja, a f l ^ ^ r . ^ " t j r a t j ? * * '

•**tk*s i1 ^• l^P^y^^¥' p/m'r ^3!al^*'5lS

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