grapevinegrapevine uitgawe 46, november 2015...uitgawe 46, november 2015 grapevinegrapevine volume...

Uitgawe 46, November 2015 GRAPEVINE GRAPEVINE GRAPEVINE Volume 46, November 2015 We want to congratulate Piet Karsten on this achievement, and wish him luck. This achieve- ment is a positive reflection on each one associated with the Karsten Group. Retail king Christo Wiese received the Sunday Times Business Leader of the Year and the Sunday Times Lifeme Achievement Awards at the annual Sunday Times Top 100 Companies Awards this week. This is the speech he delivered: Recognion by one’s peers is a humbling experience. It should serve to make one cognisant of the fact that it is the dedicaon, loyalty and sup- port of a vast number of people that make such an achievement possible. In thanking the Sunday Times and all those responsible for the singular honour I wish to pay homage to the many unsung heroes who shaped, guided and enriched my “ lifeme” in business. I consider it a great privilege to receive this award on their behalf. Allow me on a personal note also to express my appreciaon to Caro and my three children Jacob , Clare and Chrisna for always being there for me and for filling my life with love. Aſter half a century in the excing arena of the business world I can hon- estly say that had I known at the beginning just how tough it would be, perhaps I may never have started. Yet, when I look back it all seems so easy, so excing and so much fun. Back in those days in Upington where it all started we certainly had dreams but in our wildest dreams we could not foresee that from one small shop a group would grow with more than 10,000 outlets around the world - creang employment for almost 300,000 people. The journey from Upington in 1965 to Sandton in 2015 delivered many learnings. Firstly, if a “bunch of boere” from the Kalahari can do it, anyone can. Secondly, no person should ever allow other people to determine his or her horizon. Never be inmidated that you speak a certain language or come from the wrong side of the tracks where your horizon is limited. Thirdly, one should steer by clear beacons. In our Group we have always been guided by a philosophy , summarised in five words: faith, posive thinking, hard work, enthusiasm and compassion. It has served us well. I believe that such a philosophy can also help all of us to navigate the turbulent mes that we are currently experiencing in our country and indeed in the world at large. This should help South Afri- cans to understand that we should never be despondent even though we are fully entled to feel hugely frustrated at mes. Read the full arcle : hp:// bunch-of-boere-from-the-kalahari-can-do-it-anyone-can If a „bunch of boere‟ from the Kalahari can do it, anyone can Because ulmately we are all Africans living under the African sun and we should heed the lessons from the old African story …” CHRISTO WIESE - 29 OKTOBER 2015 HONESTY/EERLIKHEID We want to congratulate and thank Nico Kopedi, from Yarona, on his hon- esty by returning a cell- phone and money, he found during the Karsten MTB race at the Kalahari Kuierfees. Thank you for the example you set!!

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  • Uitgawe 46, November 2015 GRAPEVINEGRAPEVINEGRAPEVINE Volume 46, November 2015

    We want to congratulate Piet

    Karsten on this achievement,

    and wish him luck. This achieve-

    ment is a positive reflection on

    each one associated with the

    Karsten Group.

    Retail king Christo Wiese received the Sunday Times Business Leader of the

    Year and the Sunday Times Lifetime Achievement Awards at the annual

    Sunday Times Top 100 Companies Awards this week. This is the speech he


    Recognition by one’s peers is a humbling experience. It should serve to

    make one cognisant of the fact that it is the dedication, loyalty and sup-

    port of a vast number of people that make such an achievement possible.

    In thanking the Sunday Times and all those responsible for the singular

    honour I wish to pay homage to the many unsung heroes who

    shaped, guided and enriched my “ lifetime” in business.

    I consider it a great privilege to receive this award on their behalf.

    Allow me on a personal note also to express my appreciation to Caro and

    my three children Jacob , Clare and Christina for always being there for me

    and for filling my life with love.

    After half a century in the exciting arena of the business world I can hon-

    estly say that had I known at the beginning just how tough it would

    be, perhaps I may never have started.

    Yet, when I look back it all seems so easy, so exciting and so much

    fun. Back in those days in Upington where it all started we certainly had

    dreams but in our wildest dreams we could not foresee that from one

    small shop a group would grow with more than 10,000 outlets around the

    world - creating employment for almost 300,000 people.

    The journey from Upington in 1965 to Sandton in 2015 delivered many


    Firstly, if a “bunch of boere” from the Kalahari can do it, anyone can.

    Secondly, no person should ever allow other people to determine his or

    her horizon. Never be intimidated that you speak a certain language or

    come from the wrong side of the tracks where your horizon is limited.

    Thirdly, one should steer by clear beacons. In our Group we have always

    been guided by a philosophy , summarised in five words: faith, positive

    thinking, hard work, enthusiasm and compassion.

    It has served us well. I believe that such a philosophy can also help all of

    us to navigate the turbulent times that we are currently experiencing in

    our country and indeed in the world at large. This should help South Afri-

    cans to understand that we should never be despondent even though we

    are fully entitled to feel hugely frustrated at times.

    Read the full article :


    If a „bunch of boere‟ from the Kalahari can do it, anyone can “Because ultimately we are all Africans living under the African sun and we should heed the lessons from the old African story …” CHRISTO WIESE - 29 OKTOBER 2015


    We want to congratulate

    and thank Nico Kopedi,

    from Yarona, on his hon-

    esty by returning a cell-

    phone and money, he

    found during the Karsten

    MTB race at the Kalahari

    Kuierfees. Thank you for

    the example you set!!

  • Personeel nuus / personnel news


    Karsten Boerdery

    Bianca Roman has been appointed as Practical Student from 28 September 2015 at Klein Pella. Bianca is a stu-dent busy with her National Diploma in Financial Manage-ment and must complete 18 months of practical experi-ence in order to complete the diploma. We want to welcome Bianca and trust that she will enjoy a pleasant and educative working experience with the Karsten Group.


    Newgro Farming Alvarado Koopman, Stock Control Clerk, has resigned with his last working day 30 October 2015. Alvarado was em-ployed since 1 May 2015. Horizon Fruits SF Du Toit, Management Accountant at Horizon Fruits, has resigned with his last working day 30 October 2015. SF has been in our service since 1 June 2008. Chrisaan Visser, Clearing and Dispatch Coordinator at Horizon Fruits, service has ended on 30 October 2015. Chrisaan has been in our service since 1 November 2006. Karsten Western Cape Partnership Martha Jeftha, Production Clerk at the Hex farms, has re-signed with her last working day 30 October 2015. Martha has been in our service since 1 April 2014. We would like to thank these personnel for their contri-butions and services rendered and wish them success in their new careers. Louis Janse van Rensburg. Group Human Resource Manager

    Page 2 Volume 46, November 2015


    Karsten Boerdery Bianca Roman is met ingang 28 September 2015 aanges-tel as ‘n Praktiese Student te Klein Pella. Bianca is besig met haar Nasionale Diploma in Finansiële Bestuur en moet 18 maande praktiese opleiding voltooi om haar diploma te verwerf. Ons wil vir Bianca verwelkom en vertrou dat sy ‘n aange-name en leersame werkservaring by die Karsten Groep sal geniet.


    Newgro Farming Alvarado Koopman, Voorraadbeheer Klerk te Newgro, het bedank met sy laaste dag van diens 30 Oktober 2015. Alvarado was sedert Mei 2015 in ons diens. Horizon Fruits SF Du Toit, Bestuursrekenmeester te Horizon Fruits, het bedank met sy laaste dag van diens 30 Oktober 2015. SF was sedert 1 Junie 2008 in ons diens. Chrisaan Visser, Klaring en Versending Koördineerder te Horizon Fruits, se dienste het geëindig op 30 Oktober 2015. Chrisaan was sedert 1 November 2006 in ons diens. Karsten Western Cape Partnership Martha Jeftha, Produksie klerk by die Hex plase, het bedank met haar laaste dag van diens 30 Oktober 2015. Martha was sedert 1 April 2014 in ons diens. Ons wil hierdie personeel bedank vir hul bydraes en dienste gelewer en voorspoed toewens met hul onderskeie loopbane. Louis Janse van Rensburg. Groep Menslike Hulpbron Bestuurder

    In October 2015 we bid farewell to an old friend, Rich Gaobuse. Rich was in the service In October 2015 we bid farewell to an old friend, Rich Gaobuse. Rich was in the service In October 2015 we bid farewell to an old friend, Rich Gaobuse. Rich was in the service of the company for 20 years, and for the past 15 years managed the garden crew at of the company for 20 years, and for the past 15 years managed the garden crew at of the company for 20 years, and for the past 15 years managed the garden crew at Roepersfontein. Although Rich and “Ouma” didn’t always get along, there was a mutu-Roepersfontein. Although Rich and “Ouma” didn’t always get along, there was a mutu-Roepersfontein. Although Rich and “Ouma” didn’t always get along, there was a mutu-al respect that I will always remember. Rich’s, friendly face and positive attitude will be al respect that I will always remember. Rich’s, friendly face and positive attitude will be al respect that I will always remember. Rich’s, friendly face and positive attitude will be missed everyday. Rest in peace, Rich. missed everyday. Rest in peace, Rich. missed everyday. Rest in peace, Rich.

  • Bestuur Jou Loopbaan - Hierdie is die tweede artikel in ‘n reeks

    Hoe om jou te posisioneer in jou nuwe bestuurspos Wanneer jy „n nuwe bestuursposisie opneem, en die rol van „n bestuurder moet begin vervul, is dit natuurlik om „n gevoel van onsekerheid te ervaar. Jy moet egter daarop fokus om die basiese take eers, op tyd, af te handel. Die belangrikste is om jou nuwe pos eers baas te raak, en dat jy effektiewe uitsette begin lewer. Die volgende is riglyne om jou te help om deur die eerste paar dae te kom: Vermy te veel sigbaarheid in die eerste paar dae Gedurende die eerste paar dae sal die ander werknemers gretig wees om te sien hoe jou bestuursbenadering gaan wees, spesifiek rakende veranderinge in die “manier hoe dinge ge-doen word hier rond”. Laat daar „n tikkie verborgenheid wees aangaande jou teenwoordigheid aan die begin. Net soos jy sal uitgaan om jou personeel te ontmoet, laat van hulle na jou toe kom. Moenie te veel wys totdat jy gereed is nie. Gebruik die periode om inligting te versamel, en te beplan. Maak van aanpassings Dit sal nodig wees om die volgende aanpassings te maak: Verhoog jou mikpunte, en word bewus van die nuwe

    verantwoordelikhede wat aan die pos gekoppel is. Alles moet nou gesien word deur „n nuwe perspektief.

    Laat die wêreld van spesifieke detail agter, en berei jou voor vir die onbekende.

    Verskuif jou belangstellings weg van voorwerpe, na mense, en wees gereed om besluite te neem wat hulle gaan beinvloed.

    Besef dat jy nou, meer as ooit, moet staatmaak op die uitsette van ander.

    Aanvaar verantwoordelikheid vir die wie se werk jy geen kennis van het nie, soms nie kan doen of geen kontrole oor het nie.

    Fokus eers op die belangrikste Moet nie probeer om onmiddellik alle aspekte van jou nuwe posisie baas te raak nie. Vra jou onmiddellike hoof om die 3 van jou belangrikste verantwoordelikhede te lys, en fokus dan al jou aandag daaraan, in die eerste paar dae, om hulle onder die knie te kry. Vermy die maak van oorhaastige besluite Moet nie die fout maak om oorhaastig te besluit wie is bel-angrik, wie gaan jou bondgenote wees en wie kan moontlike teenstanders wees nie. Dit is wys om nie vooropgestelde opin-ies, rakende mede-werkers, te vorm, voordat jy hulle nie beter leer ken het en ook interaksie met hulle gehad het nie. Wees bedag op enige negatiewe stories wat aan jou oorgedra word, en behou liewer „n oop gemoed, en vel jou eie oordeel later. Bestudeer die lêers Maatskappy lêers sal jou voorsien van essensiële agtergrond-kennis rakende die organisasie, en sal jou help om te bepaal wat belangrik is, hoe is dinge gedoen in die verlede en wat die huidige fokuspunte is.

    Word vertroud met organisatoriese prosedures Raak vertroud met die daaglikse roetine van die organisasie, sy kommunikasie-netwerke en die daaglikse werking van die werksomgewing. Indien nodig, vat leesstof saam huis toe, wat jy saans kan bestudeer, en wat jou sal help om meer kennis op te doen van die maatskappy, en spesifiek die gedeelte waar-voor jy nou verantwoordelik is. Sulke dokumente sal insluit jaarlikse verslae, handboeke, interne nuusbriewe, prosedure-handleidings en maatskappy-brosjures. Leer jou personeel ken Stel „n organigram op wat die personeel posisies aandui, asook elkeen se verantwoordelikhede. Gedurende die volgende paar weke, soos jy ontbrekende inligting bekom, sal die organigram meer gedetailleerd word, en jou kennis van die organisasie sal verbreed. Leer elke personeellid op die naam ken, en hê die vermoë om met hulle te praat oor hul belangstellings binne, en buite, die werksplek. Fokus op die volgende tipe vrae: Wat doen jy, en hoekom? Op wie, en wat, steun jy om „n goeie werk te verrig? Wat sal jou van hulp wees om jou taak beter te verrig? Is daar take, wat jy doen, wat vinniger afgehandel kan

    word? Aan wat sal jy meer aandag wil spandeer? Kan sommige van jou take na „n laer vlak gedelegeer

    word, sonder dat daar enige kwaliteitsverlies is? Hoe kan jy my, teen die beste van jou vermoë, onder-

    steun, om die span verder te help? As jy in my posisie was, watter ander stappe sou jy

    gevolg het, om die span se algehele prestasie, en moraal, te verhoog?

    Wees op goeie voet met die hoof se sekretaresse/persoonlike assistent Entrepreneur, en bestuurder, Mark McCormack, bied die vol-gende advies aan nuwe bestuurders, om hulle bewus te maak van die belangrikheid van opwaartse kommunikasie: “Most people either fail to appreciate the power of the boss‟s secretary as gatekeeper to the executive suite or neglect to turn that, through a warm personal comment, to their ad-vantage. I‟m convinced that my secretary could persuade me to see anyone – or, conversely, prevent me from hearing his or her name – depending on the impression that person has made.” Die hoof se persoonlike assistant kan „n waardevolle bondge-noot wees, om jou toekomstige idees, deur die sisteem te kry. Bearbei die werksverhouding. Vermy die neulkouse Klagte-sessies, oor ander werknemers, is algemeen in die meeste organisasies. Daar sal die werknemers wees, wat hulself by jou wil ingrawe, as jy nuut is, deur heeltyd die waarde van ander te bevraagteken. Hulle aanmerkings is dikwels mislei-dend, so probeer die geleenthede te vermy. Onthou, as jy te ontvanklik is vir sulke mense, dan kan jy die reputasie verwerf wat jy nie wil hê nie. Indien nodig, beperk jou sosiale lewe Vir die eerste paar weke, sal dit nodig wees, om jou eksterne sosiale lewe tot „n minimum te beperk. Na 9 ure se konsentra-sie, in jou nuwe pos, sal jy uitgeput wees, en sal die nodig wees die aande te gebruik om te herstel. Dit sal ook nodig wees, dat die nuwe pos, jou fokus moet wees in die begin dae.


    Opgestel deur Johan Bouwer

    Page 3 Volume 46, November 2015

  • Volume 46, November Uitgawe 46, November 2015




    Saterdagaand, 3 Oktober 2015, met die afsluiting en jaareind-funksie van Kakamas Rugby Klub het hulle, hulle nuwe

    komitee en bestuur, vir die jaar 2016 gekies. Ons is trots om te sê Gert Loubser, Junior Produksiebestu-urder by ons, is verkies tot Klub kaptein vir 2016 wat ook groot verantwoordelikheid verg. Ons vertrou dat Gert die

    tydjie sal geniet en wens hom ook baie sterkte toe!


    Buitemuurs Ons sokkerspan het ook deel geneem aan die Sokker toernooi van

    Saterdag 03 Oktober 2015. Ons kan met opgewondenheid sê dat ons Spelers, sowel as toeskouers dit baie geniet het en al was hulle nie wenners nie, het hulle wel hulle kant gebring soos


    Att ie Coetzee ,

    leerlingloodgieter by

    Karsten Meganies,

    het op 13 September

    2015 die bus geklim,

    na PREMOS in Pre-

    toria, om sy eerste

    blok opleiding te

    gaan voltooi. Hy

    maak op 13 Novem-

    ber 2015 klaar met

    die opleiding.

    „n Sweiskursus is aangebied

    deur Skills for Africa, by

    Roepersfontein Meganies

    vanaf 12 – 16 Oktober


    Agter: Johan Bouwer (Opleidingsbeampte); Andries v/d Heever )Mosplaas); Kleinjan Sehako (RF Meganies); Pieter de Wet (RF Meganies); Joel Motolwaneng (Kromhout) Middel: Michael Moahloli (Instrukteur: SFA); Jason Jonas (Klein Pella); Moses Molale (Kromhout) Voor: Ben Moiga (Koekoeb)

    Heinrich Loxton seun van Lilly en Theuns Loxton (junior produksiebestuurder pekanneute) is gekies vir

    die Leerlingraad 2016 by Hoërskool Prieska. Heinrich baie geluk en baie sterkte.

    Nita Nakoo dogter van Nakkie en Niklaas Nakoo (personeel en lone beampte) begin met haar ma-

    triekeindeksamen. Baie sterkte Nita.

    Bloukrans Laerskool het `n kermis gehou op 26 September en Green Valley Nuts se ouers het `n

    kindertafel gehad en die beker gewen vir die meeste verkope en hulle het `n sokkerspan ingeskryf en ook

    die beker gewen.

    Baie dankie aan al die ouers vir wat julle vir die kinders doen ons is trots op julle.

    Die pekanneute het drie nuwe bakkies gekoop.

    Ons wil net namens Green Valley Nuts aan Jorina en Gert Albertse sê baie sterkte met die laaste paar

    dae van swangerskap en ons glo en vertrou alles sal goed verloop. Ons wag in spanning om vir Klein-klein

    geldjie te ontmoet. Sterkte julle twee.


  • Volume 46, November Uitgawe 46, November 2015

    Raap & Skraap

    4x4 4x4 4x4


    Op 5 September 2015 het die manne van

    Gramadoelas 4x4 die jaarlikse 4x4 aangebied. Daar

    was ongeveer 15 bakkies en 5 motorfietse wat

    ingeskryf het. Die roete het gewissel van klipperige

    koppies tot by die dik riviersand. Die dag is afgesluit

    met ‘n time trail baan waar die manne teen mekaar

    kon meeding en almal lekker saam kuier. Dit was ‘n

    uiterste suksesvolle dag gewees! Baie geluk aan Renita Julie en Francois Baartman met

    die doop van klein Renishia Hayley Franzaid Julie.

    Die afgelope naweek wat verby is, het ons lek-

    ker sosiaal verkeer op die plaas. Die

    hoofkomitee het vir ons „n kooraand en

    boeresport dag gereël. Vrydag aand het ons die

    koor kompetisie gehad, waar Oneboy Maleko

    se blok gewen het. Ons het ook „n gumboot

    optrede gehad. Daarna het almal gaan uitrus vir

    Saterdag, want ons het al half 6 begin met „n

    10km stap en 25km fietsry. Almal het toe

    bymekaar gekom by die sokkerveld vir die

    boeresport. Daar was plankloop, sakresies, eier

    -in-lepel resies, drie-been resies, naald en gare,

    100m naelloop, 400m aflos en toutrek. Die

    netbal en sokker se uitdunne is al deur die

    week gespeel, sodat ons net die finale Saterdag

    kon speel. Richard Lekoma se blok het die

    netbal gewen en Oneboy se blok het die sok-

    ker ook gewen. Daar was so lekker gees en

    almal het omtrent die dag geniet.

    Kooraand & Kooraand & Kooraand &

    Boeresport DagBoeresport DagBoeresport Dag

  • Volume 46, November 2015

    Blouputs Grapevine Die oes is op hande en die druiwe lyk stunning!! Nog net ‘n paar daggies voor ons pakstoor toe beweeg! So tussen deur al

    die harde werk het ons darem nog tyd vir sosiale geleenthede. Die maand wat verby is het ons so paar geleenthede gehad

    wat hope trots en pret verskaf het.

    Die eerste geleentheid was die Matriekafskeid van HP van der Merwe. Dt was die 1ste Oktober en die dag het plesierig verloop met baie lag en baie trotse ouers! ‘n Nuwe fase lê vir HP voor ons wens hom alle sterkte toe vir die toekoms, maar eers moet die eksamen agter die rug kom.

    Die afgelope naweek het ons ook BLOUPUTS GOT TALENT gehad en daar is definitief potensiaal hier onder ons. Ons het die Crèche gehad wat vir ons kom sing en dans het en dan was daar die fantastiese Stofbakkies mans koor om nie te praat van die Shelanu tradisionele dansers nie. Ons het nogal ‘n paar drama skrywers ook, wat toneel stukke kom opvoer het. Dit is definitief ongelooflik om soveel talent te sien op een aand. Saterdagoggend het ons Sportdag gehad, en dit het baie goed verloop. Die hitte het ons hard geslaan op die baan, maar niks

    waaraan ons nie al gewoond is hier in die vallei nie. Een van die manne wat deelgeneem het aan die 5km draf het binne twintig minute klaar gemaak, voorwaar het hy sy beroep gemis. Baie geluk aan Thierso Masageng vir jou prestasie. Ek wil ook van die geleen-theid gebruik maak om dankie te sê vir almal wat gehelp het met die reëlings en deurvoer van die Talent aand asook die Sportdag. Dan ook vir al die deelnemers, sonder julle sou dit nie moontlik gewees het nie. Almal is wenners in my oë as jy kan deelneem aan spangees.

  • Volume 46, November

    Uitgawe 46, November 2015


    We’ve came to the end of another packing Season at Gouda. To end the season we had a nice braai and the best per-formers in their various departments were re-warded with certificates. We want to take this op-portunity to thank all of our employees for con-tributing towards what we believe yet another suc-cessful season is. A well-deserved break for all you




    LEKKERBEKKIES YOUTH PROGRAM This 5 day program was held during the September school holidays and was initiated by the

    Lekkerbekkies Creche personnel.

    Different role players including the SAPS, Pastor

    De Kock, Eleanor Louw (Waitrose CAMI co-

    ordinator) and Hanrie Laubuschagne addressed

    the children about Christian principles, the effect

    of crime on our communities and career plan-

    ning, amongst other. Our own Liza and Jansen

    Nel also entertained them with some exciting

    games and funny dancing tricks. Great work

    done by our crèche personnel!!

    Sally Reece (Nature Conser-

    vation Intern at

    Lourensford) con-

    ducted a clean-up

    project with the

    children at


    2015 Karsten

    Sport day

    The Sportday was a huge success this year, not just for Karsten West-

    ern Cape, but also for the Pomers of Hoogland and Gouda. Our Net-

    ball, Soccer and Rugby Teams once again outperformed the other Enti-

    ties within the Western Cape by winning all of these events for the 2nd

    consecutive year. Proud of you guys! Last but surely not least we want

    to thank Oom Piet, Sandra and Pieta for joining us at our sport day.


    Volume 46, November 2015

    Page 8


    Die vroue van Hoogland het ‘n na-weekkamp bygewoon saam met Patmos se Pastoor de Kock. Hul het onderwerpe soos samewerk-ing, vergifnis en liefde aangeraak.

    Die 1ste foto is die Hexrivier Plaaswerker

    van die Jaar wenners van Karsten De Hoop

    soos volg;

    Dilly Faroe (Wenner in die Be-sproeiingspesialis kategorie)

    Gabriel de Villiers (Naaswenner Voorman kategorie)

    Martha Jeftha (Naaswenner Admin Personeel en aangewys as Wenner

    in die Beste Potensiaal kategorie)

    Die 2de foto is die Langeberg

    Plaaswerker van die Jaar wenners van

    Karsten Vergelegen soos volg;

    Krisjan Olivier (Wenner Be-sproeiingspesialis kategorie)

    Randull Botes (Naaswenner Trekkerdrywer kategorie)

    John Winnar (Naaswenner Voorman kategorie)

    „n Kuns werkswinkel is aange-

    bied met die teme „Wie is ek‟,

    met die doel om hul eie

    waarde en trots weer te

    ontdek. Dit was „n belewenis

    vir die vroue (en manne) om

    met al die verskillende kleure,

    teksture en verwe te kon

    werk. Hier is van die vroue

    se kunswerke.

    Ons het ook twee troues gehad in die

    Wes Kaap.

    Baie geluk aan Pieter en Amelia



    Koos en Cathy Jacobs.

  • Volume 46, Uitgawe 46, November 2015

    Luzanne Pool (assistant teacher) from Karsten/Albert Heijn and Lizelia

    Raats organised an educational and entertaining day for Grade 7

    learners from Currieskamp.

    One of the exciting seven destinations to visit was Roepersfontein farm.

    Experiential learning activities were facilitated by Jacomien Botes.

    Johan Bouwer guided the group on the farm and informed them about

    scientific farming methods. Rehaldo Smit’s goats were very curious

    about the visitors. The learners touched animals, had a taste of big

    bricks of salt and raisins. They enjoyed games at the casino and finally -

    a lovely meal at the Kalahari Mall.

    Visiting new places and seeing new things develop our children’s way of

    seeing the world… way of thinking about themselves and their own

    destination. “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of

    seeing things.” Henry Miller

    Before the last stop one of the learners wanted to know: “Miss, does

    the Mall know that we are coming?” Luzanne replied: “Yes, I warned


    Rehaldo showing off his goats

    Between the vineyards

    Johan Bouwer - developing new

    ways of thinking

    Noah Webster was born on 16 October

    1758 and Dictionary Day is celebrated

    worldwide in his honor. Webster

    commenced his studies at Yale University

    at the young age of 15. He compiled the

    first American dictionary.

    Teenagers from Roepersfontein and

    Soverby School had educational fun with

    Anzil Kulsen (famous writer) and Karsten

    Albert Heijn staff on International

    Dictionary Day. During this Reading

    Festival meanings and synonyms of

    unusual words were researched and

    dramatized. Knowledge was expanded,

    relationships were built and hope

    increased. The concept - “I CAN” was


    I CAN!!!



    Mnr Kgwadi David Mmotsa van is op 10 Oktober aan ‘n hartaanval oorlede. Hy was skoolhoof daar van 2011 tot en met sy dood. Tong is een van die skole waar ons betrokke is met ‘n rekenaarsentum in Nood Wes. Baie sterkte aan sy familie asook almal by die skool. Ons dink aan julle in die moeilike tyd.

    Tong Comprehensive Secondary School in Ganyesa neem afskeid

    van Skoolhoof.

  • Page 10 Volume 46, November 2015


    During the holiday children from Jogebed House were empowered by Karsten/

    Albert Heijn to be tough enough (assertive) to face the world of bullies. Bullying

    is a big problem that affects many children. Being bullied can make kids feel really

    bad and negative about themselves. Children should know: “I am not bad when I

    feel bad.”

    Life Skills were transmitted. If you are bullied… realize and remind yourself: “I do

    not deserve it.” Stay calm. Be confident. Act tall. Make eye contact. Talk clearly

    or give the bully the silent treatment. Bullies want to see their victims threatened,

    angry or crying. Do not try to become like the bully or be part of the group.

    Keep your own identity. Stay away from people where you have to make excuse

    for who you are. Surround yourself with positive friends with good values. Talk

    to an adult that you trust.

    Izaan Pieters from Roepersfontein

    sharing her experience about bullies at


    Playing fruit salad!

    Soverby Primary School

    added colour to Karsten

    Albert Heijn’s sports event

    at Roepersfontein. An-

    tioneth van Rooyen

    (assistant teacher) com-

    mented: “Our drum major-

    ettes started as a dream in

    2013 during one of our

    Grade 7 tours to the West-

    ern Cape. Diazville Primary

    School welcomed Soverby

    with a fish braai and

    showed off with drum ma-

    jorettes. Those girls stole

    our hearts. They donated

    our uniforms. Since then

    our girls danced with pride

    and passion and put our

    school on the map. A new

    dream awakened and every

    girl at Soverby Primary

    wants to be part of the


    Soverby’s teachers are vi-

    brant and they change chal-

    lenges into opportunities

    and dreams into reality.”

    Range of activities Karsten/Abert Heijn staff offer a range of holiday

    activities. Aftercare learners on Roepersfontein,

    Blouputs and Kromhout participated in life skill

    programs. KYCDP students facilitated group

    discussions. Through peer-to-peer facilitation

    good values are transmitted to our children.


    First: Kromhout

    Second: Blouputs

    Third: Raap en Skraap

    Rudi Slabbert announced Raap and Skraap as soccer winners

    To show that employment matters to us,

    Karsten/Albert Heijn organized a sports day at

    Roepersfontein for the Northern Cape Karsten Farms. On 6 October big

    bunch of energetic Karsten-employees arrived with whistles, big muscles,

    and broad smiles. They had one thing on their mind: to win!

    We recognize and congratulate the following local hero’s.


    First: Raap en Skraap

    Second: Kromhout

    Third: Klein Pella

    Despite the healthy competition amongst the farms, we are all part of ONE

    family. The aim with events like these is to create a positive workplace. We

    recognize the productivity of our employees and generosity of our

    employers. Our sports day was a celebration of teamwork and employee



    Jannetje Slabbert announced the netball winners

    Kromhout celebrating their victory

  • Volume 46, November 2015

    On Saturday October 10 we took the road to

    Bela Bela for the Educational Creative con-

    ference, not knowing all the artistic side we

    will developed.

    Very careful, yet excited, each of us select a reading

    that we want to go to, with the idea to be more cre-

    ative for our learners. We decided to tackle the lec-

    tures together as two heads are better than one. Sr.

    September and Jacobus said after the first reading

    how interesting they found the presenters. They made you feel so comfortable.

    By the end of the first day, the ideas were dancing out of our heads and we could

    not wait for what the second day posed. As Kobus Neethling and his team cele-

    brate the 10th anniversary of the Educational Creative Conference, we end the day

    on a high note dancing with the Idol finalist Bongi.

    On day two the presenters each got three minutes to talk

    about what they offer in their session, and why you should

    attend the session. To highlight the world class quality of

    the Conference presenters from around the world, Ireland,

    USA, Holland, Iceland, China and South Africa! A day packed

    with new ideas and pleasant speakers Kobus Neethling in-

    clude on how many schools pass rates have improved and how creativity can

    affected learners positively. How wonderful to know

    you can turn your world into a dance floor.

    Day three break and we attended the last two ses-

    sions with the largest enthusiasm. Yet you cannot

    help but shake a slight lump in the throat to say

    goodbye to all new Beyonders we have met, with a great smile danced back home.

    The Beyonder Creativity Programme addresses the challenges of today and tomorrow.

    The programme presents “Beyonder” tools that will assist stretching each and everyone within the company to produce the ultimate personal and organizational perfor-mance.

    It addresses paradigms that have become obso-lete and changes these out-dated methodologies into cutting edge models and approaches. Without creativity you can never have an edge this pro-gramme provides that special edge.

    We take you on a journey from ordinary to

    Beyondness and then assist in sustaining this

    journey for years to come.

    Taking you from Ordinary to Beyondess.

    Turn Your World Into a KOBUS NEETHLING