graphic narrative watchmen

Watchmen the Novel Objective: In close examination of an opening chapter, identify themes and characters, as this is where the main ones are often introduced. Make some predictions on the basis of what has appeared in this chapter. You will understand the importance of positioning within frames (visual literacy) and examine the theme of 'Disguises'. In groups of 2-3 look at pictures from the first chapter and examine the positioning of figures and objects in the frames and comment about what that positioning signifies. Is a figure marginalised? What items are within the design? How do these features relate to overall meaning? Is there a symbol in the frame and where is it positioned? How is the picture designed so that we notice the symbol/figure/object? In many of the comic frames at least one character can be seen in the centre of the shot. Characters and objects consist of colours which allow for them to stand out from the background or other people in frame. Close ups on objects such as the Comedian badge help to capture the reader attention and give them a better understanding about what is being discussed. For example in the pictures below, we are shown Rorschach eating a tin of beans. Whilst this is happening Rorschach says “Human bean juice” which is meant to be relating to the blood on the badge. But the bean juice on the tin is designed to appear similar to the blood on the badge and therefore relating the two frames. Examine the use of colour in this chapter. In what way is colour connected with meaning? For example, green is often associated with life, vitality, growth, newness. Research some of the symbolic meanings of these colours: Blue, red, purple, white, brown, green, black, and yellow. Write 2-3 sentences about each. Brainstorm ideas concerning use of colour in the first chapter of the novel. Red – Red is normally related to either anger or violence, and this is shown during certain frames such as frames where the Comedian is being violently attacked at the start of the comic. Certain colours such as the colour of his badge stand out but nearly the entire frame is a specific shade of red to give the reader the idea of how violent the situation is. Yellow – Yellow is associated with happiness or joy which is why the comedian’s badge is coloured in such a way. Having yellow for the badge colour also allows for it to stand out in frames such as the one shown on the left where everything apart from the badge is a shade of red.

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Watchmen the Novel

Objective: In close examination of an opening chapter, identify themes and characters, as this is where the main ones are often introduced. Make some predictions on the basis of what has appeared in this chapter. You will understand the importance of positioning within frames (visual literacy) and examine the theme of 'Disguises'.

In groups of 2-3 look at pictures from the first chapter and examine the positioning of figures and objects in the frames and comment about what that positioning signifies. Is a figure marginalised? What items are within the design? How do these features relate to overall meaning? Is there a symbol in the frame and where is it positioned? How is the picture designed so that we notice the symbol/figure/object?

In many of the comic frames at least one character can be seen in the centre of the shot. Characters and objects consist of colours which allow for them to stand out from the background or other people in frame. Close ups on objects such as the Comedian badge help to capture the reader attention and give them a better understanding about what is being discussed. For example in the pictures below, we are shown Rorschach eating a tin of beans. Whilst this is happening Rorschach says “Human bean juice” which is meant to be relating to the blood on the badge. But the bean juice on the tin is

designed to appear similar to the blood on the badge and therefore relating the two frames.

Examine the use of colour in this chapter. In what way is colour connected with meaning? For example, green is often associated

with life, vitality, growth, newness. Research some of the symbolic meanings of these colours: Blue, red, purple, white, brown, green, black, and yellow. Write 2-3 sentences about each.

Brainstorm ideas concerning use of colour in the first chapter of the novel.

Red – Red is normally related to either anger or violence, and this is shown during certain frames such as frames where the Comedian is being violently attacked at the start of the comic. Certain colours such as the colour of his badge stand out but nearly the entire frame is a specific shade of red to give the reader the idea of how violent the situation is. Yellow – Yellow is associated with happiness or joy which is why the comedian’s badge is coloured in such a way. Having yellow for the badge colour also allows for it to stand out in frames such as the one shown on the left where everything apart from the badge is a shade of red. Blue – Blue tends to relate to sadness of misery but can also be associated with cold which is a rather common colour used for the backgrounds of the frames to help with the idea of how chilling the atmosphere is. Purple – Purple is usually related to royalty and nobility but in Watchmen it is used to resemble shadiness or mystery, for example in the frames of the comic where Rorschach is investigating the Comedian’s room. White – White symbolises purity and calmness, which is shown in the comic as the colour of Dr Manhattan because of his calm behaviour and almost pure way he talks about life in the comics. Brown – Brown is said to evoke the feeling of strength and reliability but can also be related to isolation, which is represented in the comics for example during Rorschach’s first appearance when he is about to scale the building. The surrounding scenery has a tint of brown to give the reader the feeling of the character being isolated. Green – Green is usually associated with life and nature. It is thought to help relieve stress also which relates it to calmness. This is illustrated in the comic by either certain environments having a calm atmosphere or by calm characters such as the one shown here on the right.

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Black – Black represents evil or indicates power. Its most obvious use is to represent darkness which can be seen in the comic quite frequently in dark locations such as alley ways and Daniel’s basement.

Theme of "Disguises”. Brainstorm reasons why and contexts in which people might adopt disguises. When is a disguise a choice and when is it imperative? What sort of disguises might people use? (Think of behaviours as well as dressing up.) Do people in real life use disguises, or is this something that happens only in fiction? Can people disguise themselves in ways other than altering appearance and/or dress?

Disguises are often pictured in comics as a way to prevent identification of a protagonist (i.e. superman, spider man), however certain disguises used have other meanings behind them, for example batman’s disguise relates to his fear of bats as well as his costume designed to frighten criminals or enemies. Disguises can also reflect certain cultures like super mans costume, which consists of red, blue and yellow, closely resembling the American flag colours. Some disguises aren’t symbolic though like almost all super heroes. One disguise, which I find interesting, is Robin William’s disguise in Mrs Doubtfire. His disguise isn’t intended to represent cultures but I intended to hide his identification in order to allow for him to spend more time with his family. His disguise doesn’t use bright or symbolic clothing but instead is simply used to hide his original look but at the same time allows himself to still seem like an average day citizen. Behaviour and opinion can affect whether or not people choose to have disguises, Rorscach’s disguise is primarily due to how ashamed he is about humanity and is his way of cutting off his relation to humanity, hence why he quotes the mask to be more of a face rather than a mask. In reality however people have been known to wear disguises in situations such as mugging or robbery primarily to avoid their true identity from becoming known to others. People who often use these kinds of disguises often don’t dress up but simply try to avoid being recognised, by covering their face or wearing clothing that conceals most, if not all of their body.

Brainstorm some words that summarise character/personality. Some words might be: quiet, assertive, zany, reclusive, open, secretive, or angry . . . How do we know things about people in the real world? (Behaviour, dress choices, accent, beliefs, job, etc. . for example an altruistic person might choose a career in medicine, education, the Church, social work, nursing . . .). This is no different in literature. We know about characters by what they say and do, etc. Mostly, the author of the work helps us with motivation by showing how this might have arisen.

Purpose of disguises

To conceal identification

Fear of conflict

To fit into a specific crowd or location (Need of


To assist with low self esteem or poor self


To prevent harm to yourself or

others close to you

Character/ personality

Angry/short tempered/ aggressiveQuiet/ shy/timid



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Normally a character personality is affected or judged by things such as their name, Age, Gender, and Occupation. All of these categories affect a character's choices and actions normally. The profile or background of a character also influences the way they behave in a story, for example Rorschach as a child grew up in the care of a prostitute who wished to abort him. He also was witness to a murder, which nobody helped but instead stood and watched. It was past events such as these, which gave Rorschach the personality and character he is pictured as today. Behaviour of a character can also have an effect on personality due to it being a way in which the character can express them. Sometimes personality degenerates into character, which can also come with strengths and weaknesses such as perhaps one character might be one who talks too much, or snoops too much, and gets themselves or the group into trouble. Another is the organizer-type and plans a solution, while the skills of a third are what make it possible to complete the plan.

In life, people are affected and often change behaviours and motivation because of what happens to them. They learn life lessons that change them. It is the same with rounded characters in literature. These characters learn and change due to what happens to them. Flat characters (who often are minor characters) stay the same. These might or might not also be stereotypical characters. Stereotypical characters are based on generalised perceptions--for example a ditzy blonde, serious schoolmarm, loud working-class person, shifty car salesman. Note that flat characters don't learn in the novel/film: rounded characters learn something about themselves and/or the world.

Discuss, in pairs, the characters you have met so far in Watchmen. What has been revealed about these characters so far? Which are flat characters and which are rounded? How do you recognise the characters' qualities?

Flat character - A flat character is a minor character in a work of fiction that does not undergo substantial change or growth in the course of a story.

Round character - A round character is a major character in a work of fiction that encounters conflict and is changed by it.

Many of the main characters have gone into retirement and are seen throughout most of the comic and film as ordinary people. The only two characters that stand out from this are Dr Manhattan and Rorschach.

Dr Manhattan (Jon Osterman) – Dr Manhattan is illustrated as being one of the main round characters. His life and how he obtained his supernatural powers is explained in both the film and the comic which obviously affected the way he is.

Rorschach (Walter Kovacs) – Despite Rorschach having a main role and appears to be a round character in the comics and the films, he has a slight flat character quality about him as the reason the way he acts isn’t explained as much as other characters in the series. Also he shows no signs of change as the events of Watchmen progress.

Whilst these two characters maintain their original looks throughout nearly the whole comic, the other characters went into retirement, hoping to leave behind their hero titles and lead normal lives.

The Comedian (Eddie Blake) – A far as the story goes, the Comedian has much more of a flat character about him. He is seen throughout the comic occasionally but the reason for who he is and why he acts the way he does isn’t explained as much as the others. Also the Comedian under goes no change in the comic and isn’t affected by Ozymandias’s plot as he was killed right at the beginning of the story.

Silk Spectre (Laurie Juspeczk) – Laurie is definitely a round character as far as I’m concerned as her encounter conflict and is most certainly changed by it. In the case of the comics this is shown when she tries to help prevent the outbreak of nuclear war but circums to this when she see’s that Ozymandias’s plan to eliminate several million people in the hope to bring the nations together, works allowing her to understand why such an event had to take place.

Nite Owl (Daniel Dreiberg) – Daniel’s story is very similar to that of Laurie’s in the idea that he originally tries to forget his old life of being a hero and tries to hide it from the world. However later he reveals how helpless he feels due to the fact of possible war breaking out at any minute. So he and Laurie both take up



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their hero roles again in an attempt to experience their sense of power they used to obtain. He is also affected by Ozymandia’s plot which at first he tries to prevent due to the plan resulting in a severally large number of people dying but eventually accepts why it must be done.

Adrian Veidt (Ozymandias) – Ozymandias is a main character but also revealed halfway through the story as the main antagonist also as he plans to eliminate several million lives in order to prevent war and help bring peace. His plan works, however when he asks Dr Manhattan to see if what he did was the right thing to do, Dr Manhattan replies that nothing ever ends, resulting in Ozymandias doubting whether or not his plan was successful. He is changed over the course of the story and especially right at the end which shows that he is much like a round character.