graphic portfolio

Rosaline M Ratnasothy 2934469 Graphics Portfolio The Still Image Module DMA Year 1 LSBU December 2011

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Still image coursework


Page 1: Graphic Portfolio

Rosaline M Ratnasothy


Graphics Portfolio

The Still Image ModuleDMA Year 1

LSBUDecember 2011

Page 2: Graphic Portfolio

Part 1: Best Drawing

This was one of the best drawings I did during the Drawing workshop held on Week 8 of the module.

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Part 2: Continuous Line Drawing

My continuous line drawing created during the workshop.

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Traced version of the line drawing done in


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Part 3: Graffiti Tag Name Design

I chose the theme of music to run through my graffiti tag name design.

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Contextual Statement.

As part of our second coursework for the module, we had to submit three images for our graphics portfolio. We had a drawing workshop where we worked with charcoal and art pencils. One of the best drawings out of all the drawings created, had to go in the portfolio. During the drawing workshop, we were introduced to continuous line drawing where we had to draw a person in front of us who would move every ten seconds. The tricky part was that neither were we allowed to look at our books while drawing, nor were we allowed to take our pencil off the book. This was quite hard at first as I was drawing after quite a number of years and this was my first time to do such types of drawings. One of these drawings had to be then scanned and traced in Adobe Illustrator by using the pen tool. Even though I had used the pen tool in Photoshop, it was quite tricky to get the smooth curves and lines to blend in at first. This was because my line drawings had a bit of shakiness in them. However, after several attempts I managed to get an overall smooth finish. This was the second task. The third and final task was to create a graffiti tag name design. Here we had to design a tag using our names or nicknames. I looked up lots of illustrated typography and graffiti images from the recommended websites. I then sat down and drew all types of designs that came to my mind. I settled with a design that looked like a name tag hanging on a gold chain. I was quite impressed with the drawing. However, when I traced out the image in Illustrator it did not come out as expected and it looked much different. So, I had to brain-storm for another design idea. I soon came up with the idea of using music notes to create the alphabets of my nickname. This is because I thought it was a good representative of my passion for music. This time when I traced in this drawing, I was quite impressed by the out-come. I made some changes to the stroke lines and it soon came out quite well. I showed it to a couple of friends and received good feedback. So I decided to stick to this design. I used bright colours for the letters and the guitars as it would bring out the cheerful and happy thoughts that music brings to people. I planned to leave the background plain white as this will give the viewer more chance to focus on the tag, rather than it getting lost in the background. Since I had used the pen tool a couple of times earlier, this was a strength to me to easily execute the tasks. Although this is the first time I used Illustrator, I am quite happy with the outcome of the tasks. Nevertheless, if I had more time to do this coursework I would have learnt more about this software and added more skilful touches. I would have also presented a more ambitious design for the name design task.

Words: 530

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The End.