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Graphical Styles Thopon Chowdhury 12C Haverstock School 15/01/14

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Graphical Styles

Thopon Chowdhury 12CHaverstock School


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In this presentation I will be discussing the different graphical styles and I will be evaluating each of these styles. I will be going through points such as why each graphical style is in the game and the effects it has on the audience and the people playing the game.

There are many graphical styles. Graphical styles are the tone and visual look of a game. A graphical style is important to each of its games because it mostly defines the game and the game is mostly first judged on this. it is also judged on the portrayal towards graphical styles. E.g. Call of Duty is known as a game that has photo-realistic graphics. This effects the game because the photo-realism makes the gamer believe that the gamer is in the game rather than the game being exaggeration where it cannot be compared to real life and will not be the same real-life experience which Call of Duty is based around.


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Graphical Styles

There are a many graphical styles. Some examples of these styles are:

Photorealistic – Photorealism is making graphics as close to real as possible. Taking a photo and producing a computerised copy of it to be as close to the real thing as possible. An example of photorealism is Grand Theft Auto. GTA V is a game that is produced to resemble the streets and people of Los Angeles. Realistic cars, people and houses are what the game contains and the reason people play it is because it is a perfect simulation of a criminal life that people may want in their fantasy's.

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Cell Shaded – Cell Shaded is the basic opposite of photorealism. It is designed to make Computer graphics or 3D images appear to be hand drawn. Cell Shaded is a graphical style that only contains a few shades of colors and is often used to mimic or copy a comic book. An example of a Cell Shaded game is Minecraft.

Exaggerated – Exaggerated is a type of graphical style which makes hyper realistic characters. This means that characters will look over the top and be exaggerated from what real life people and objects look like. An example of exaggeration is Final Fantasy or Naruto, as the characters have exaggerated big hairstyles and huge swords that are bigger than their whole body.

Abstract – Abstract Games are games that have objects and symbols that mean nothing and have no representation towards anything. An example of this is most puzzle games and the oldest Mario Bros.

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Color Theory Colour schemes

There are three main colour schemes that a website can be designed with. Picking the right colour scheme for your website is very important in setting the tone and feel of a website. Colour schemes reflect the nature of your website.MonochromaticIt means one colour but in different shades. This means the website only uses one colour although tints and different tones are accepted. Complimentary Complete opposite colours, E.g.: yellow and purple.

 Colour wheel Primary colours + secondary colours = tertiary  If you add white to a colour, it gets brighter.Add black to get darker.RYB- subtractive-A subtractive color model explains the mixing of a limited set of dyes, inks, paint pigments or natural colorants to create a wider range of colorsRGB- ADDITIVE -Hue – what colour is-Saturation- change effect   If there is a saturation bar with two different colours (not just this light blue above), both saturation bars will fade into the same shade of grey

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Photorealism is making graphics as close to real as possible. Taking a photo and producing a computerised copy of it to be as close to the real thing as possible. An example of photorealism is Grand Theft Auto. GTA V is a game that is produced to resemble the streets and people of Los Angeles. There has been a recent evolution of photorealism and since gaming began the technology has grasped many franchises to start using this graphical style as an advantage to increase the intensity and the realism of a game.

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Photorealism – FIFA The reason Fifa producers use the graphical style of photorealism is because it enhances the gamers experience on the game. Fifa is based on a sport in real life so people are expecting a perfect smooth simulation of that.

There is a big effect this has on the audience. The game is a simulation of real life which needs photorealistic graphics too enhance an experience the gamer may want to have. The more photorealistic the more people who will want the game and want to experience themselves controlling a photorealistic game which the can compare exactly to real life.

The style of the game changes the tone and feel because the more realistic it will feel more of a simulation and more of a serious game, whereas if the game was cell shaded it will be more for children and the tone will go down with less intensity and less competitiveness.

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Photorealistic – Uncharted

This game is based on a story line of a human being in a natural world fighting across many obstacles to achieve his goal. The game is not filled with anything supernatural which is a big reason why the graphical design may need to be photorealistic. Photorealism helps the gamer feel more into the game and experience the game in more depth which keeps them from getting bored. Also seeing the photorealism in this type of game makes the gamer feel more interested because it resembles the way they see things in real life in the real world.

The effect that photorealism has on the audience is quite significant. This game is based on an event that occurs which can be similar to reality. This means that for the game to attract a large audience it needs to have a unique selling point. One of its unique selling points is it photorealism and the depth it goes into with this. The photorealism helps the audience engage in the story and action more as it is like a live action film.

The style of the game effects the tone because this game is based around reality so if Sony didn’t use photorealism it would be the same as any game and will not have its own mark. The photorealism gives a feel of realism in more depth and helps produce a more older vibe because the style helps the game seem more brutal and more dangerous which will attract an older audience.

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Photorealism - Call Of Duty

The graphical style is used in this game because it is based around warfare which resembles to the actions that occur in real life. So using the concept of photorealism gives the gamer more depth in the game and a better experience. Also the more realistic the more it will attract a larger audience because of the detail in the characters will be as if your controlling the reality.

This has a big effect on the audience because the game is a simulation of real life so the realism helps the audience engage in the game and want them more.

This style effects the tone and feel in many ways. It makes it more gruesome and realistic in comparison to real life. Also it changes the feel of a game because the realism helps gamers engage and connect to the game and be part of it.

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Cell Shaded – Cell Shaded is the basic opposite of photorealism. It is designed to make Computer graphics or 3D images appear to be hand drawn. Cell Shaded is a graphical style that only contains a few shades of colors and is often used to mimic or copy a comic book. An example of a Cell Shaded game is Minecraft.

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Cell Shaded - PokémonThe graphical style is used in this game because the game is originally

targeted at young children. This is because when the game first came out, children about 7-8 years of age used to be attracted to it the most. The game contains bright colour which attract younger people and has less complex features. It is 2d which is easier to render as a game. This has a big effect on the audience because the target audience is the younger children so the more colorful and simple it is the more attractive it will look.This style effects the tone and feel of the game. The cell-shaded style makes the game a lot simpler visually for children and makes the combat more colorful

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Cell Shaded - Minecraft

The reason this game is cell shaded is because this game is based around construction. Construction is easy with cell shaded game because it is just 2D blocks of colours being put together by the player.This has a big effect on the audience because the construction is very simple so the target audience which are mainly indie gamers at their early teens found it very simple to construct whatever they wish.This effect the style and feel a lot in the game because the cell shaded graphical style makes it easy to create whatever a player wishes because it is only simple shapes and colours that attach together.

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Cell Shaded – Tale of symphoniaThe reason this game is cell shaded is because it is aimed at teens and I has simple combat which resembles to arcade games that can also relate to an older audience.This has a big effect on the audience because the cell shaded style attracts the younger audience with the simplicity of the graphics to identify characters and the simple combat yet the olden day arcade style attracts an older generation who like playing games that they use to see in their childhood.This effects the tone and feel of the game because the fact that its cell shaded, it feels like a more friendly and child like game rather than it being 3D and photorealistic and with blood and gore.

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Exaggerated – Final FantasyThis game is exaggerated because it is a game where the characters are full of powers. To make this more interesting to the target audience is by exaggerating the features of the game such as the weapons, characters and the environment. This has a big effect on the audience because the target audience is older teens and this game can also attract a younger audience with its exaggerated theme and features.This effects the tone and the feel because during combat there are a lot more action and excitement with the big weapons and it is more visually appealing.

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Exaggerated – WWE All StarsThis game is exaggerated because it is a game where the characters are full of powers. Also normally the characters move extra fast and can jump a length that is not possible in real lifeThis effects the audience because this wont be as appealing to an older audience. This game more appeals to the younger audience because of the excessive excitement.This effects the feel and the tone of the game because the game is more exciting due to the exaggerated effects .

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Abstract – Arkeon This game is abstract because it is a puzzle game and puzzle games are best to be abstract. This is because it makes it more complex which appeals to the audience more.This effects the audience because an older ranger of people would much rather player it rather than a younger generation that do not know what they are doingThis changes the tone and feel of the game because the game is complex and makes the gamer feel more and more addicted the further they get in the game

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Abstract – Arkeon

This game is abstract because it is a 2D game which is very simple to play. They picked this art style because its is simple and anyone can play itThis has an effect on the audience because of the simplicity it is very competitive and can be played by everyone.This changes the tone and feel because it feels very simple and is easy to play. It is also very competitive and has a very energetic feel to it.

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Abstract games are usually used in puzzle games like Tetris. The shapes are simple and are all different colours which stand out to the audience members. The shapes are easy to draw and there is very little detail on them.This effects the audience because it is simple to play and anyone can play it as it is also an old fashioned arcade game.The tone and feel of the game is changed by the style because it is more simple as a abstract game which allows a wide variety of people to play it

Abstract – Tetris