graphs lec1

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  • 8/13/2019 Graphs Lec1


    GRAPHSLecture 7

  • 8/13/2019 Graphs Lec1


    Graph: is a pair of sets (V,E), where

    elements ofEconnects elements of V.

    Elements of Vare called as vertices/nodes

    -the number of vertices is called the order

    of G

    The elements ofEare the edges, or arcs

    -the number of edges is called thesize of


    The edge e= (v1, v

    2) has as endpointsv


    and v2. eis incidentfromv1and incident

    on v2. v1and v2are adjacentor neighbors.

    v1is the initialvertex and v2is the


  • 8/13/2019 Graphs Lec1


    Graph types

    Multigraph: Graph with multiple edges

    between the same pair of vertices.

    Simple graph: No multiple edges and no

    loops;Eis a subset of VV.

    Directed/ undirectedgraph: Edges go in

    a specific direction, or are always

    symmetric. Combinations of the above: for example,

    directed simple graph

  • 8/13/2019 Graphs Lec1


    Degree of vertices

    The degreeof a vertex v,deg(v) is the number ofedges with vas an endpoint, except that a loopadds 2 to the degree.

    If the graph is directed, thein-degreeof v


    (v) is the number of edges with vasterminal vertex. Similarly, the out-degreeof vdeg-(v) is the number of edges with vas initialvertex.

    If the degree of all the vertices of the graph isthe same, k , then the graph is called as k-regular

    graph. e.g 3-regular graph is calleda cubicgraph.

  • 8/13/2019 Graphs Lec1



    If di=deg vi; d1,d2,dnis the degree

    sequenceof G.

    Convention: Label the vertices such that

    is monotone increasing sequence

    (G) = d1 d2 dn=(G)

  • 8/13/2019 Graphs Lec1


    Handshaking Theorem

    If V={v1,} is a vertex set of a non

    directed graph G, then

    For directed graph

  • 8/13/2019 Graphs Lec1


    Prove that for any non directed graph

    there is an even number of vertices with

    odd degree using the handshaking


  • 8/13/2019 Graphs Lec1


    Path Types

    In a non directed graph G a sequence of zero or more edgesof the form {vo,v1}{v1,v2}{vn-1,vn} is called asPathfrom voto vn

    Vertex vois called as initial vertex.

    Vertex vnis called the terminal vertex.

    If vo= vnpath is called closed path and if vo vnpath is calledopen path.

    A path is said to be trivialif there is no edges at all in thepath, such a path is consisting of a singleton set {vo}

    Simple path:-No repetition of edges and vertices.

    Circuit:- No repetition of edges and whose endpoints are thesame.

    Cycle:-No repetition of edges and vertices and whoseendpoints are the same.

  • 8/13/2019 Graphs Lec1


  • 8/13/2019 Graphs Lec1


    Show that the sum, over the set of people atthe party, of the number of people a personhas shaken hands with, is even. Assume thatno one shakes his or her own hand.

    In a party of four couples, severalhandshakes took place. No one shook handswith himself neither with his own spouse

    and no one shook hands with the sameperson more than once .

    After all the handshakes have completedhow many hands each person has shaken?

  • 8/13/2019 Graphs Lec1


    Does there exist a simple graph withfive vertices of these degrees? If so,

    draw such a graph.

    3,3,3,3,2 1,2,3,4,5


    3,4,3,4,3 0,1,2,2,3


  • 8/13/2019 Graphs Lec1



    A graph G = (V, E) is a subgraph ofG = (V, E) if V V and E E (V


    G is a proper subgraph if G G.