greatest hits (& misses) chapter 3: here i go again (fixed)

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Hello folks, when last we left the Song's they were headed off on a vacation. Rudy had always (he kept rolling the want over and over again) wanted to go to Takemizu Village. Well, heh heh, I had a little mess up on my hands, you see they did get to go to Takemizu Village...but I accidentally clicked on Ralston Song, instead of one of the kids (I forget which). So, I had to bring them back home (luckily before they checked into a hotel) so I could bring all of Rudy and Lyric's kids on the trip.

When we got back, a police officer pulled up, warned Rudy and Lyric that they were terrible pet owners for letting Matchbox starve...and she left with Matchbox and all the puppies! Witch! The thing is, there was a bowl full of freakin' food in the house. Is it my fault he didn't eat it? All the other dogs ate it did he previously.

The only one that didn't get taken was Sister Hazel-she was at work. Rudy took it the hardest of anyone, as you can see here. Don't worry Rudy, I'll get them back soon...I hope!

After the run in with the law, I loaded up the shuttle and they took off for a vacation again...this time to Three Lakes...I had a map to The Hidden Burrow. Not long after arriving, the kids and Rudy wanted to go see Bigfoot. Lyric rolled the want to see him too...later that evening. So, I figured we'd give it a try sometime during the vacation.

Hello sir and welcome to our hotel!

Thank you, I have a reservation. It should be under Rudy Song.

Hmm...ah, yes sir, I have it right here. I do have to apologize sir, I know you wanted two rooms-one with a double bed, and one with three single beds. Unfortunately, we don't have anything like that available. Instead, I had to put you and your family in three different rooms. Don't worry though, they are all housed in the same cabin. There are two rooms with a double bed, and one with two singles. I hope that will be most acceptable.

Oh, as long as they are near their mother and I, that'll be just fine.

All right. Well, just sign there, and here are your keys.

Athenaeum, Radiance, this is your room. You'll have to share a bed, but your father and I are right next door. When you wake up in the morning, go ahead and call for room service, ok? You have a table right over there that you can eat at. Your father is showing Polar to his room, but we'll both be in to check on you girls and your brother before you go to bed.. You'll be All right?

Of course we will Mommy, Radiance and I are best friends, and we look after each other.

Lyric smiled at her daughters,before heading to her own room.

I love you Daddy!
I love you too son. How do you like your room? I know you'll be in here by yourself, but your sisters are across the hall, and your mother and I are at the end of the hall. If you need anything you can come and get us.

I love it Daddy. Since we're only here for two nights...and since I have two beds in my room, I could sleep in a different bed each night! If I wanted to.

Haha, you sure could sport. Now, I'm gonna go help Mommy unpack. You can order room service for breakfast. Then we'll go explore Three Lakes.

Ok Daddy.

Aww, you look so cute as a lumberjack Lyric.

Hehe, so do you honey. My big strong handsome-

Ugh, Mom! Gross you guys! Ew Dad!

Sorry kids! You're father and I have never had problems with PDAs. Haha, guess we better start before you guys hit your teens, and start inviting friends over huh?

Are you kids finished? As soon as you get your new clothes on, we're going to the Lumber Mill Range!

You're goin' down punk!

Oh, yeah babe, see I don't think so. I think it is you that's going down...punk!

Haha, you better hang on to your trunks there sweetie, just a little more and...

Hahaha...aaaahhh! Oomph.

Babe you ok?

Do I look like I'm ok Rudy! Come help me up.

Yeah, just let me get off this log. Ooh! Maybe I could just jump down and swim to you instead? Let's see, um...I...yeah. Ok, I'll just come around.

Dad, Mom, didn't we just talk about this? I'm gonna be a teenager soon, and if you guys don't chill out, you are going to big time embarrass me! *sigh* I'm going fishing.

Ok sport, have fun.

Honey....Rudy get off me for a second! Honey come here, now listen, your father and I love each other and when two people love each other...

Babe. He's at the pond. Now...where were we?

The whole family wanted to 'learn to slap dance,' but before they could do that, someone on the lot had to start it. Finally, this dude shows up, and when I saw him grab his butt, I thought what in the heck is he doing!?! Turns out, that's part of the slap dance! So, I hurried and gathered up the Song's so they could join him. Instant aspiration boost for all-yay!

After a fun day at the Lumber Mill Range, I sent them back to the cabins to rest for the night. I only planned on letting them stay one more day, as I was still saving all their funds for a future house on the biggest lot in game. We did have one more matter to attend to...but that could wait until tomorrow.

Is that where he lives Daddy, right over there?

Hmm....You know, I think it is Polar.

Come on Mommy, Daddy says this is it!

I'm coming Athenaeum!

Ok kids, listen to me...girls quit talking and turn around. We don't know if this is a docile creature or not. So, your father has decided to go in first. If the Bigfoot, is welcoming...then I'll bring you guys in.

*in unison* All right Mommy.

Why don't you all come here and give Daddy a 'good luck hug'? I love you all, kids listen to your mother, if she says run! No questions. No ifs, ands, or it? Everyone nodded and stepped back away from the cabin, as Rudy readied himself to go in. All right, I'm going in!'

Be careful honey!

Always babe!

A few minutes later Rudy went back outside and ushered his family in...

Lyric then met the Bigfoot known as Rudolph, and figured it was kismet since her husband shared his name...well the shortened version of it anyway. She talked to Rudolph for a bit and then sang a folksong with him.

Hmm, I sure bet Mr. Bigfoot, would like a good home cooked meal.

Please Rudy, Mr. Bigfoot was my father, call me Rudolph. I insist.

After spending a good part of the day with him, Lyric had made a decision.

Please Rudolph, you seem like such a Why don't you come and live with my family? You must get awful lonely up here in the mountains all by yourself. The kids already adore you, so what do ya say?

All right Lyric, I accept your most gracious offer. Just give me some time to get my affairs in order, and then I'll come home with you all.

Great! We're leaving in the morning.

What is with this town? Everywhere I go, people are gossiping about my simself! Neither one of you have ever even met anyway! Just where do you get your information? Don't make me smite you! I've been itching to use that thing on someone.

Athenaeum and Radiance love to slap dance. They look so cute while doing it too!

I had a screenshot of Bigfoot and Rudy Slap Dancing with them, but plumbobs ruined it-the camera hogs!

I need to find a way to get rid of them...I'd love it, if it was possible to get rid of them permanently. I mean, do we really need them? You can tell who you're controlling by looking at the control panel! You can see their mood the same way. I don't need a red plumbob to prove I suck at keeping my sims happy and healthy./rant But, check the last screenshot...I finally remembered ceilings! Go me!

I'd say Rudolph is quite taken with his new life. He sure didn't get the luxury of a bubble bath back at his cabin in the woods. He's doing very well here, the whole family just adores him, and he returns that love with tons of bigfoot hugs!

I got another promotion now babe, I'm not far from becoming the 'Hand of Poseidon'.

That's great Rudy! I'm so proud of you, you've really turned your life around haven't you?

Yeah, I have babe, and you know what? I love it! I have a little something for our next house...a Koi Pond. Just think babe we can have a nice little garden area with the Koi Pond in the middle. Maybe even put in a fishing pond...a pool later on. Where we could watch those six grandkids swim, perhaps?

Oh, Rudy! That would totally rock!

Ugh, Rudy? Might I have a word with you?

Sure Creator Chick, what's up?

Well, Polar's birthday is coming up, and I was thinking...maybe you shouldn't repair that stereo. I mean, the kids will turn it on and start to slap dance like they always do...and it's cute. For a while, but eventually I get sick of hearing the stupid stereo blaring the same old songs over and over and over!

You could always add your own music Creator Chick.

Yes, I know, but I don't have the converter I need on here just yet. Once I re-download it, then I may just do that.

Creator Chick! Thank you and John for coming. I've been wanting to talk to you for so long. About the heirship...and other things. I even made some crepes. We could have a chat in the kitchen.

All right Lyric. I suppose you are right, we should talk about the heirship, and I'll listen to whatever else you have to talk about.

Ok, well, I suppose I should start. Do you have anyone in mind for the heirship yet?

Honestly? No, I don't. It's a tough decision that will definitely change the kid's life forever. It is also a lot of responsibility and I don't just want anyone to have it. Do you have an idea on who it should be?

No, I don't. But I feel like we should pick one of the kids soon, so we can begin prepping them to take over, once they get back from college. Then Rudy and I can step down, so to speak, and let the next generation take the helm.

Yes, you have a point there.

Also, I think we need to go ahead and line up potential spouses. We can't let just anyone have co-control of this legacy family!

Although, I think the kids are a little young to meet potential spouses...I do think you're onto something there. I know how important family is to you Lyric, since you lost your parents at such a young age. I also know that you would do anything to protect them. Letting just anyone into the legacy family wouldn't be right. Maybe it's time to start compiling a list of potentials. So you can weed out any that don't match up to what we're looking for.

Exactly! This family means a lot to me. More than they'll ever know, and sometimes...I think the family side of me is bigger than the pleasure side. You're right, I would do anything to protect them. Maybe I could start with my and Rudy's friends and contacts? In fact, I think I know someone for Polar right now. He's very into fitness and so is she by the looks of her. We met while she was jogging past the house.

Oh really? Well, that's a great start! I'll review our friends and contacts as well and let you know if I come up with anything.

Ok, thanks. Oh, one more thing...I need to get Matchbox and the puppies back...any idea how?

Um...well, you could try contacting the adoption center and see if they're still available. If they are, it's been a few days so you should be able to get them back. I also had another idea. It's gonna get crowded around here with the petacy, so why don't you let each spare pick a dog to take with them when they leave the house?
Great idea. I will totally do that.

The puppies are back home...and so is Matchbox as you can see. As far as the puppies go, after I pick an heir for the petacy...each spare gets to pick one to take with them when they move out on their own. The way I'm going to decide which kid gets which puppy is this: I'm going to look at the relationship score of each child and puppy. For example: if Polar has a higher relationship score with Journey than the other two puppies...then he gets to take Journey with him when he moves out of the legacy house permanently. Hope that made sense...I'm very tired and about to fall asleep here.

Sinjin, I'm so glad you could make it! I suppose you want to know why I called you over since we haven't spoke since my 'lawn living' days.

Well, now that you mention it, I-

I'm interviewing potential spouses for my children. Now, I don't know who the heir will be yet, although I have given it some thought, there's no clear cut winner yet...yes, well anyway on with it. I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and pick spouses for my children. I have two daughters and a son. So, if you meet certain criteria, you might be eligible to marry one of my daughters.

Let's say I'm interested...what sort of criteria?

Ok, well, I figure a legacy spouse should be able to help provide. The heir will be expected to have at least two children-an heir and a spare. They'll have to be taken care of...sometimes with the assistance of the nanny. Then there's helping with household finances. Our next house should have everything we need, but should something new have to be bought...then the heir's spouse would need to help take care of it. Aside from that, the spouse would have to hold down a job, they would need a somewhat level head for making important decisions. As for the spares, they are my children too, and I would want their spouse to meet the same criteria. I need to know that my children have a partner in life's journey, someone that will help take care of them and their children, and also support them. So, starting with the much loot ya got? What are your skills?

To answer your first question-I'm loaded. As for your second question-I'm not really good at anything yet.

All right, well I have a party to plan, but I'll be in touch soon to let you know if you're going to get a second interview. Bye!

Rudy! So good to see you again dude!

Good to see you too Ryan, glad you and the family could make it, this is a big occasion for us after all.

Oh, I know, they grow up so fast! Zephyr and I wanted another child, but it just didn't happen for us...and before we knew it, Rally was a teenager. He'll be getting ready to go to college soon. We're currently trying to get him as many scholarships as we can before that time comes. We are so not ready to be empty nesters. Where's Lyric, I wanted to let her know we found a house while you guys were away. We just couldn't wait until you guys were able to move. The loft was too cramped.

She's preparing a layer cake in the kitchen.

Uncle Z! You came, you came!

Of course I came, you're my little buddy. So, think you're ready to be a teenager?

I think so. At least I'll be able to drive then. I really want to drive.

Haha, I remember wanting the same thing, when I was your age Polar. It's freedom, and I think everyone wants it when they become a teenager.

Oh, I wonder what I should wish for...think Polar, think! Ooh, got it! *blows out candles*

Happy birthday son!

Happy Birthday Polar!

Polar Express Song
Popularity (haven't rolled for the second aspiration yet)

LTW: Become The Law (this is kinda interesting since, other than Lyric, he seemed to take his father's job as a criminal the hardest. It's like he's trying to make sure he can put other criminals behind bars or something).

4, 9, 8, 3, 4 (translated: a sloppy, extremely outgoing, extremely active serious, yet somewhat mean sim.

OTH: Fitness (this is also interesting since he had a problem with weight as a child).

Keep on walking Vyn Shibata...I already have a potential spouse lined up for Polar. I just have to get them to meet first and see if she likes him. He's too young for you right now anyway.

Curses, foiled again! I will get into the legacy family one day...mark my words!

Yeah? Well, not today, now beat it!

Congratulations Mr. Polar Express Song, we want you in our super secret fitness club. We have a membership card for you right here, and you can get our magazine, and we'll call and pester the rest of your family every time they work out. Ooh, and the best part? We'll just bust up into your house anytime we feel like it...and you can't call the cops on us! Muhahahaha! Once you're in, you're in for life!

That's...ew, gross! Dude could you move? I can see up your shorts and that's not a pretty picture.

I'll move once you acknowledge me, by getting up and shaking my hand.

Fine! Then I want you out!

I decided to give Polar a makeover, he seemed like a dreads kinda guy. Unfortunately Rudy's dreads are only available for adults, and I didn't like the I had to settle for these. But I think they fit him. He's wearing an outfit that his mother made for him a long time ago. I'd been saving it for him. I really wish there were more styles of custom outfits (from the sewing machine) for each gender and age...but unfortunately there's not.

There are the unlockable outfits (one of them Lyric's been wearing) but those are only for adult females. I tried to make an elder dress for Lyric to wear when she ages up in a few days. But, it's totally not her style...nothing in the elder catalog is really. I need to download some more stuff ASAP!

The puppies are growing up...that's JaneDear and SingAlong there. I gave Matchbox to the Hogue's, it was getting a little to crowded and since he's the one that caused the puppies to be taken away...I figured he should be the one to go. At least now he has a good life, living at the beach house I made for them.

It took me a day after getting JaneDear, Matchbox, and SingAlong back before I was able to bring Journey back home. So, it's taking him a little longer to grow up. But, he'll soon join his sisters.

*running into the living room* Dad, psst, Dad!


*whispering* I brought a girl home with me Dad...and you're in your robe. So, embarrassing Dad, please go change!

*whispering back* All right, all right, it's my day off, and I decided to take it easy today...guess I lost track of time. I meant to change before you all came home. Wait. You brought a girl home son? Might you be interested in this young lady

Yes I brought a girl home Dad and shh!

So, you any good at SSX3 Arden?

Kinda, I play it with my bratty little sister Asilia sometimes. Grandma Rosemarie bought us the game for our birthday.

Cool, Mom bought it for me when I became a child, she said I have to share it with my little sisters, but they're more into dancing than playing video games.

Um, what are you doing Polar?

I was attempting to flirt with you, is that-

Yeeeaaah, I don't like you in that way Polar. We can be best buds, but that's it.

Mr. Shane? Welcome to our home. Please come right in, Lyric is making a turkey for dinner right now. I believe Rudy is ready to give you a tour of the place. If you'll just follow me.

Certainly uh-


Ah, yes, Rudolph.

Lovely turkey Mrs. Song.

Thank you Mr. Shane, I'm glad you like it.

I have a few questions, if you don't mind.


You're a celebrity chef, correct? That must be fascinating work. Do you cater to private parties, or do you work in a restaurant?

Yes, I'm a celebrity chef. It is fascinating work. I get to meet lots of different people. I currently work at a restaurant, but enough about me. My husband has a fascinating job as well, he's in the oceanography field.

Yes, it's true, in fact I will be topping my career soon, and I'll be the 'Hand of Poseidon.' Once that happens, I will have topped two careers, and will have fulfilled two lifetime wants for myself.

Both my mother and my father have exciting careers, and do great work. I, myself will be pursuing the field of law. I want to one day become 'The Law.

We're very proud, and although we're not sure what our daughters will aspire to, we think they'll also make wonderful additions to your fine school.

Oh, I just love your kitchen Lyric!

Let's keep this professional please, Mr. Shane.

*murmurs* I don't like that guy...must resist...urge to beat up.

Whoo! Love the minimalist look you have in here Mrs. Song.

Thank you, it's not completely by choice, we are saving up for a bigger house on a bigger lot.

Now I'll show you the kids' room.

Ah, actually, since we're already here in the bedroom. I wonder how bad you want to get your children into private school?

What are you saying Mr. Shane. My kids are good enough for your school, and-

Of course, of course. But, children don't get in on talent alone my dear.

Wait! Are you trying to harass me? I'm not giving it up to you to get my kids in your school. How dare you! I'm going to report you. No better yet, I'll let my husband deal with you...he used to work for the mob...they won't find your body if he gets involved. Ah, that won't be necessary Mrs. Song. I'll let your children in, and I'll be going now!

Hey honey-whoa, that dress, that's

Thank you honey, I figured it's my last chance to wear it, since I'll become an elder in just a little while.

Well, you wear it well babe, and that's an understatement.

Aww, you're so sweet , you rock!

So do you babe.

Zephyr, I'm so glad you guys made it.

Of course sis, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Plus, being here keeps me from elderifying tonight, since the creator can't control me on this lot, haha.

Oh don't worry Zeph, old age is coming for the band, as soon as I get a chance to get to each of your houses.

Oh what a great cake. Let me just take a mental snapshot.

Quit stalling Lyric, it's time, the rest of us are gonna grow old waiting on you. My gosh that's a lot of candles, the glare...I can't look right at it!

Haha Creator Chick, but it'll be your turn soon enough.

Um, actually that's not going to happen. For one, I'm only 34 in real life and I won't have my simself older than me. Two, being a creator entitles me eternal youth.

Happy Birthday Allison, whoo! Glad it's not me, haha!

Oh shut it Nicole! It will be you soon enough, haha.

Can you get them all Mommy, that sure is a lot of candles. I've never seen so many before.

Thanks a lot Athenaeum, that makes Mommy feel just great!

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Oh my gosh...I don't know how I feel about this. Maybe you could just pause the game and exit without saving Creator Chick?

'Fraid not Lyric.

*sigh* Well, then all right. I can do this.

The green and gray hair is an interesting touch. I don't think I like it though. Oh, and that outfit has to go, it's not you at all.

Oh geezaloo I'm old and wrinkly now.

Yeah, to the dresser and then the mirror. Go on now.

Better, yes? Come on, give it up.

Yes, it's better. Still not you though, I'll have to download some clothes that fit you better. Unfortunately, those piercings should probably go too. They just look a little odd on the grandmotherly type. Which you are...since you insist on at least six grandchildren. I also saw you roll the want for another baby, but you were getting a little to close to elderhood for me to allow that. Sorry.

No problem, you'll just make it up to me in grandkids.

Sure. As soon as your kids graduate and get married, we'll get to work on those grandkids for you.

And just where the heck do you think you're going young man?

Um, see Dad, I was just going to go...out. You remember Arden from the other day? Well-

I can't believe you would betray my trust like this Polar. Go to your room and go to bed!

But, I'm not tired Dad. I-

I don't care, you go anyway! Your mother and I are going to discuss this and come up with a punishment for you.


I think you were a bit hard on him sweetie. I'm sure he knows he shouldn't have tried to sneak out, but everyone was busy with the party...maybe he just couldn't get our attention to ask. Or maybe he didn't want to bother us. I know the Muneris girl, she's Rosemarie's granddaughter-they were Creator Chick's last attempt at a legacy before I was hired for the job. Arden would be the 3rd generation of the legacy if it was still ongoing. She's the daughter of Archer Muneris and Vanessa Royce...we went to their wedding remember honey?

Oh, yeah, I remember their wedding, and the other two for the other children we were invited to attend as well. But I don't care about that right now. It doesn't matter who he was sneaking out with, the point is, he betrayed our trust by sneaking out at all!

Perhaps honey. I still think you were too hard on him. Maybe you should take some time to cool off and then talk to him later.

Oh honey, how are you?

I'm ok Mom. Dad just came and talked to me. He's still mad, but he said he might've been a little hard on me. You said that to him didn't you?

Maybe. You two are so much alike in some ways, it's only natural that you'd butt heads from time to time. Your father loves you Polar, make no mistake about that...and he's right. It was wrong of you to try to sneak out of the house. Next time ask us, understood?

Yes Mom, I got it. I'm sorry.

Since the band is like family to Lyric and Rudy (Zephyr, Ryan, and Ralston are actual blood/marriage related), the rest are just like family. Anyway, I figured I would focus on them for a bit before getting back to the legacy family,

First we have Nick Donovan and his wife Ever who recently aged to elder. Their two children-Ocean and River-are now teens. Not sure if they'll get to go to college or not.

Here they are after their makeovers, I gave Ever her hair back, and changed Nick's to a gray version of what his hair used to look like.

They are very happy together, and one of my very few three bolter couples.

James was aged, but since Kimberly met him later on in his life, I kept her young. I did give her a makeover, and she wanted to become a I made it happen. She's now-Kimberly Donovan, the mean witch. They have one child together-a daughter named Jetta. I panicked and all I could think about was Jetta from Jem and the Holograms. That used to be one of my fave cartoons as a kid, I had the dolls, the stage that you could play cassette tapes in, I loved Jem! Ahem...moving on.

I think Zephyr wanted to prove he still had it, because instead of sitting down for the snapshot I wanted of the band members, he ran over to the karaoke machine and started belting out a song.

First up we have Lucas Luc Ravenel, his wife Noelle Louie Ravenel, and their daughter-Holly. I changed Noelle's hair from the ponytail, to the long hair from BV. Everyone else kept the hair they originally had...just a gray version of it. I desperately need to download some senior clothes for my elder ladies. Wouldn't hurt to get some for my elder males either...I think another visit to All-About-Style is needed. :)

Here we have husband just leaned over me and said, what the hell is that? I told him it was an elderly couple, and he said what are they doing? Um, they're cuddling. Oh, hahahaha, I thought they were doing some weird kinda dance. No. they're sitting, you see the couch right there? *points at couch* Go on, I'm writing. *more laughter* Ugh, go on, I can't write with you leaning over me. *covers screen until husband moves*

Now back to your regularly scheduled I was saying, That's Zephyr, and his lovely wife Ryan. Please cross your legs Ryan! That's Ralston beside them. I haven't aged him because he may be going to college.

Holly what the heck are you doing!?!

What? Rally's cute, we practically grew up together, and well...I like him now. I mean, I like him, like him.

I like her too Creator Chick...and I know you secretly love me, and that would mean you would want to see me happy, yes?

I suppose, you two are in love now thanks to Holly's little move there, and since you're not part of the actual harm no foul. Plus, it would take too much effort to break you two up, just to find new loves for you both.

Meanwhile back at the legacy house...Lyric finally finished Rudy's portrait. Now, it will go into her inventory until they're moved into the new legacy house. Which I recently had to go and rebuild because: 1. It was close to 200,000 dollars and they would've never made it before Rudy and Lyric died...and 2. It was monstrously huge. It went across (almost) the entire length of the 6x5 lot! Now it's smaller, and I've added a room in the garage for Rudolph. Not that I don't want him in the house, but if I have to add another room for him in'll be too big for my liking. I did the whole thing as a one story which is one reason it took up so much room. But, I've heard that two story houses can be difficult for some in-I really don't need a bunch of Whaa, we can't all go up the stairs at the same time.

It's not perfect and I may change it later, but I'm pretty happy with how it came out. It was part house plan/part my imagination. Enough about that, you'll get a tour later since the Song's almost have enough to move in, thanks to a couple good chance cards.

Zephyr's party horn signals the beginning of yet another birthday party. This time my girls are growing up, sniff, sniff. Athenaeum was the first born of the twins, and I have a rule that the first born gets to grow up's only natural of course. All the usual suspects are there, plus one you don't recognize...that guy in the brown jacket with long brown hair is the second gen of my last legacy attempt...and he's Arden's father. Arden if you remember, is the friend Polar brought home from school. He tried to flirt with her, but she wasn't having it.

Excuse me...I'm ready to blow my candles out now!

Carry on then.

Thanks for closing your eyes right as I snapped the shot Athenaeum! Ew, a dress with babies on it...that is so not you, to the dresser now!

Sorry, I'm a little side tracked...dreaming of my first kiss and all.

Woot! Yay sis, you're a teenager, now we can join forces and wreak havoc around here.

Please, you might have only four nice points...but you've never done a mean thing in your life! I think you're a closet nice sim Polar. Me on the other hand, I have only three nice points, could learn a thing or two from your little sister, bro. For instance, that little sneaking out slip up of yours? You only got in trouble for your little crime because you got caught. First rule of never get caught! If you don't get caught, they got nothing, nothing I say!

Next up...Radiance. I found her making her bed in the middle of Athenaeum's transition. Way to support your sister there.

Pssh,, like I actually have time with a house full of slobs! Mom and I are the only neat sims in the legacy family. Well, Rudolph's a neat freak too, but he's not an actual legacy family member, ya know? He's like family, but he's not in the bloodline.

Yes, thank you for explaining that to me. You can blow those candles out anytime now...preferably before Christmas.

Are you sure Dad is ok with us taking the car Athenaeum?

What did you just say to me? What have I told you...if you don't get caught it's not a crime. Mom and Dad are sleeping, as long as we get back before they wake up, we're golden. Come on Radiance, let's go!

Get in the freaking back seat and let me ride shotgun Athenaeum!

Fine! But I get shotgun on the way back!

I sent the kids down to the Crypt O Night club, where they slap danced the night really. That's the only dance they want to do anymore it seems. Athenaeum (I think) met Count Forgothisname here. Then Isaiah Gavigan came in, one of the girls has the hots for him but he's already dating Ginger Newsom, so he's not available. Not that that would really stop one or both of the twin terrors...but I don't go for sharing boyfriends inside the family or out.

The next day while the kids were at school, and Rudy and Rudolph where at work, we got a little visit from Mr. Repoman. He took our sink...yep, that's it. Luckily that's easily replaceable, so no harm, no foul.

Yes! Woot, woot! I've done it again Creator Chick, I have now officially topped two careers, and fulfilled two lifetime wants!

Congratulations! I'm so proud of you Rudy, if your children turn out to be half the person you are, they'll be doing great. So, what's next for you?

I want to marry off six children.

*facepalm* Do what now? Tell me I heard you wrong, because Lyric's elderly now, and you can't have any more kids with her.

Here's the new house I've been talking about forever...It still takes up a good percent of the 6x5 lot, which does not make me a very happy camper. There are five bedrooms in the house-one in the garage. Four bathrooms in the house-one in the garage. Then there's the living room, kitchen, nursery, dogs' room, and an extra room that was going to serve as a party room, but for now it's holding all the aspiration rewards the family has received...well except the Koi Pond there in front of the house.

I don't normally put anything on the outside of my houses, but I thought the Song's would enjoy sitting out on the front porch where they could literally smell the roses, er, daisies. I chose that particular front door because I thought it fit Lyric's style. It doesn't really fit the outside of the house, but that's ok. The windows will eventually be changed, because I'm not fond of those at all. But, they'll do for now. I like the contrast between the light colored brick walls against the black accents: the roof, doors, windows, fencing, porch, walkway, and finally...the stairs.

The front door opens into the living room/kitchen. The rooms are only separated by a half wall, as I like a nice open floor plan. This is to your left as you come in through the front door...

Straight behind the couch we have the computer desk (it and the living room sofa, loveseat, chair, end tables, and this lounge chair thing are all from Holy Simoly). I just love their stuff, and I need to download more.

Across from the desk area we have Lyric's sewing corner. I would like to find one of those dress forms and some other sewing dcor for this side of the room. You may also notice her plague that she got for arts & crafts. She makes a lot of the family's clothes, including outfits for the twins...which they would be wearing had one not glitched on Radiance. Her head and neck were the right skintone, but everything after that was much lighter when she wore the outfit.

Ok, that picture looks out of place in the kitchen, need to move it. I don't know why, but I don't have a shot of the other side of the kitchen. This is all ya get. I don't know if I'm loving the set up here, I'll probably change it once I have the chance to download more stuff. The recolors of the counters are from *Miss Piggi's Sims.

*I read (from Miss Piggi's site) that she had passed away, and her creations are being moved to Blacky's Zoo(?) I think that's right. She made some really wonderful recolors, and my game wouldn't be the same without them. I highly recommend checking her stuff out.

Another out of place painting...maybe I'll move this one into the kitchen! Anyway, this is what I affectionately refer to as The Grandparent's Suite, Lyric and Rudy are currently occupying it, There's not much in here right now, and chances are I'll change it eventually anyway, because I'm not that fond of it. But, both this room and the master bedroom have an entry way into the nursery. That way grandparents and parents can easily access the crying babies...oh what fun!

Here is the door that leads outside of the Grandparent's Suite, you can see the little Llama Rider out there, and there is also a wicker loveseat from Holy Simoly that you can't see. Once we have more money, I'll probably fix it and the bedroom up better.

This is the master bedroom. It's very minimalist because I'm waiting to see who takes the legacy throne, so to speak. Once I decide on an heir, then the room will be fixed up especially for them. The wall is from SweetSwami (I forget the numbers after her name, but she's at MTS), the flooring is Miss Piggi's.

Here is the nursery all ready for the 3rd generation to inhabit it. It's not much to look at now, but hopefully it will be by the time I have the 3rd generation.

This was to be the party room, but now it holds all the aspiration rewards the family has received. So far we have the: Koi pond, the candy maker thing, the lie detector chair, and the medical examining table. Rudy also unlocked the Prints Charming finger printing gun, but I decided not to add that to the room, in case someone else might want to go into that field...then they can unlock it.

Here is the pet's room, you can get to it from an entryway that I've since put up in the corner there (leads in from the kitchen) or those double doors that lead out to the back porch. There's four pet beds, four chew toys, and three feed bowls in there, as well as a little dcor.

This hallway is between the living room/kitchen and the bedrooms on the left wing. I thought about putting the generational portraits in here, but I'm not sure yet.

These bedrooms are best seen from a bird's eye view, this is the kid's room. I split it up with a side for a little girl, and a side for a little boy. In the event we have more than one girl and/or one boy, I'll just do a little rearranging.

This middle bedroom is for Polar...and any future teen boys...and next to it you can see two bathrooms. The first bathroom has two entry points, one from the hallway, and the other from Polar's room. That back bathroom only opens into the girls' bedroom.

Here is Athenaeum and Radiance's room...I have to admit the butterflies and barbie dolls don't really fit those two at all. Maybe I'll change it for them, then again...maybe I'll let them suffer, muhahahaha!

Lastly, here's a bird's eye view of the whole thing. So you can see how it all fits together.

Meadow! How good of you to come over. I just have a few routine questions to ask you. I'm holding interviews for my son's potential spouse today.

Um...ok. Shoot.

First of all, what skills to you have? I figure it's important as a potential legacy wife, to have some skills. After all you'll have to look after your family. So, it'd be nice if you at least know how to cook,

Oh, well, I'm not really good at anything yet.

Well...I suppose that's not a deal breaker...hmm...oh Polar just got home, why don't you come and meet him. We'll see how you two get along.

Polar honey, this is Meadow Pederson, an old friend of mine from my lawn living days. Anyway, I thought you two might like to get to know each other. Mommy is on a mission to find totally rockin' spouses for all my kids. I won't rest until I do!

Easy Mom, we're not even old enough to marry yet! Meadow, it's nice to meet you.

Um...nice to meet you too Polar.

I finally gave the girls more appropriate makeovers. I've been dying to use that hair for years, but never had a sim that I felt it really fit...until now. Afterwards she clapped her hands in front of the I think she likes it.

Athenaeum SongRomanceLTW: Become Rock God4, 7, 8, 3, 3
OTH: Sports

Radiance SongKnowledgeLTW: Education Minister7, 5, 7, 3, 3OTH: Sports

Both Radiance's and Athenaeum's outfits are from nichellerj @MTS...although these two might only be available at her blog...there's a link to it on her MTS profile page.

Alright, who's next for a smackdown? Polar! You're the grass and I'm the lawn mower, it's time for your pounding, get over here!

What's wrong with you Athenaeum?

I'm gonna teach this family what a mean sim really is...stupid closet nice sims!

Later that night the girls decided to sneak out of the house at 2:00am! I thought if you decided to sneak out, the person always picked you up around 1:00am...guess I was wrong.

Finally someone who knows to treat me like the superstar I am! You might just make it to the list of potential spouses I'm compiling.

Wait. Don't you mean the list your mother is compiling?

Ugh, please, Mother doesn't know how to pick the proper spouse for me, that is if I even marry. I have my own set of criteria...starting with a guy I can easily manipulate.

Why did he have to park so framming far away from our house?

Um, because Heath Butler was picking up your sister in his limo and Isaiah couldn't get around him, maybe?

Shh! I don't want Mom and Dad to catch us. You tell that Meadow chick to keep her trap shut, too!

Yes, I know I said I wouldn't let the girls date Isaiah Gavigan because he was currently dating Ginger Newsom. But, Radiance really likes him, so I gave in. I still don't have an heir in mind, but I figure a little date here and there wouldn't hurt the kids.

At any rate, it's time to wrap this chapter time we should see the kids head off to college. Thanks for reading! :)