greece crisis


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Post on 08-Sep-2015




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A view on Greece crisis.



GREECE CRISISECONOMIC SUMMARY GDP242 billion USDGDP per capita18146USDGDP Annual Growth Rate -0.2%Population10.99MillionImports3846EUR MillionExports2183EUR MillionGovernment Debt to GDP177percentUnemployment Rate25.6percentYouth Unemployment Rate49.7percentGreece is suffering from a financial crisis (again) and owes the debt to creditors of 322 Billion.

COUNTRY DEBT%GERMANY17.39FRANCE 13.04ITALY 11.49OTHER EUROZONE10.56IMF 9.63SPAIN 7.76ECB6.21GREECE BANKS3.42BANK OF GREECE 1.24OTHER LOANS3.42FOREIGN BANKS 0.62The Greece government debt to GDP is 177.1% in 2015.

CRISIS TIMELINEGREECE IN 2015 REASON12IMPACT ON GREECEExpect the new drachma to depreciate almost immediately and inflation to rise sharply.The Greek economy shrinks in both 2015 and 2016IMPACT ON EUROZONEThe ECB has committed to buying 1.1 trillion euros, or 60 billion euros a month, in government and private-sector bonds by September 2016 to hold down long-term interest rates and pump cash into the region's banking system. To further push down rates in weaker countries, the ECB could step up the size of the purchases, expand them to other asset classes and impose even less stringent collateral rules,In 2012, the European Union set up a rescue fund to provide loans and financial assistance to debt-wracked countries and recapitalize financial institutions. That should help prop up nations whose borrowing costs soar after a Greek exit.The economic health of the eurozone's southern periphery is in much better shape than it was several years ago. Spain, Italy and Portugal all have returned to growth.

The exposure of European banks to Greece has narrowed significantly, falling to $35 billion from $200 billion since 2010, Morgan Stanley says. Generally, exposure to Greek debt has shifted from private-sector investors to public institutions, such as the ECB, International Monetary Fund and European Commission.

IMPACT ON INDIARupee might depreciate.India's software and engineering exports may take a hit.Some stocks might also get affected like

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