greed overview for members

1 The Greed Manual

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Page 1: Greed overview for members

1The Greed Manual

Page 2: Greed overview for members

2The Greed Manual

Title Page 1...........................................................................................................

Table of Contents 2...............................................................................................


Introduction 4........................................................................................................

Tier Four 4.............................................................................................................

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Financial Officer

Tier Three 5-6........................................................................................................





Tier Two 6.............................................................................................................



Tier One 7..............................................................................................................



Drug Dealer

*More to be added (editing required)*

Page 3: Greed overview for members

3The Greed Manual

“The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms: greed for life, for money, for love; knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind.”

- Gordon Gekko

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4The Greed Manual

Chapter One

Greed members are the overseers of Saligia’s finances and are focused on the in-game economy.

An individual’s tier level, in a way, determines a member’s responsibilities to the guild. For example, a member in tier four is privy to confidential information regarding Saligia’s current finances, but with that privilege means extra work.

Tier four members are the officers of Saligia, the only higher position being the Parent of Greed in tier five. They are the ones keeping record of donations made out to the guild bank and the overall profits brought in by the rest of the guild; profits made intentionally ‘for’ the guild. (The only way to make a donation to the bank is through a Greed associate, the donators name will then be archived beside the amount donated; the date of the donation will also be entered. A separate spread sheet will document intentionally generated guild funds.)

There are multiple reasons for this: with archived information we can look back and acknowledge individuals that have contributed generously as well as look into those who have not; therefore being able to reward and punish. Past information can also show ‘where’ the ‘currency/items’ are coming from; which is extremely important when managing a guild.

Another important reason for documenting currency related information is so that we can look back and see the ups and downs in overall guild profits. What months do we make less? What months seem to be more profitable; why is this? Data collection is vital for long-term success.

Within tier four there are two roles, the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer. The CEO is the manager watching over the CFO’s and the other members within Greed. They work closely with the CFO’s during accounting sessions to ensure everything is done properly and to also try and weed out corruption. If a CFO (or multiple CFO’s) is trying to skim money off the top of donations and other guild generated funds, it is the CEO’s job to discover and properly discipline said individuals. If the CEO believes the offender should be brought to another sect, such as Wrath, for questioning/interrogation then it will be done (after confirmation with the Greed Parent.)

Because of the workload expected, there will be five positions available for the CFO role. They deal directly with currency coming in through donations and through other avenues. The information they hold will remain amongst the leadership of Greed and other high ranking members in Saligia. Recording data through *mostly* spread sheets; the CFO’s come together to discuss and edit their work on a regular basis.

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Directly below the officer positions are tier three members. Tier three is made up of a variety of specializations including: politicians, treasurers, bankers and brokers. These roles are considered to be more important then an average Greed membership, but are still under the banner of *standard membership* (standard membership being non-officer/leadership positions.)


Some of the roles in tier three require the individual to be in direct contact with large amounts of guild owned valuables. They will therefore be under constant surveillance.

Politicians in Greed are focused on the promotion and overall public image of Saligia; this includes damage control.

Visiting social venues and events in the community are vital for a politician. They must also be adept at remembering names and faces, for they will have to keep in contact or at least know who the major players in every city are, as well as the up and coming individuals. Alongside knowledge, politicians need to be charismatic as they may be asked questions pertaining to the guild and/or themselves. These discussions and others like them must be handled delicately.

Politicians tend to spend large amounts of money (that they petition for in advance) on events and other promotional items relating to Saligia. Other sects like lust and envy are contacted to manage entertainment during such events.

Treasurer’s roles are sometimes confused with CFO’s roles; however, they are very different from one another. A treasurer is a ‘distributer’ not a manager or data collector like a CFO. They are given an amount of currency and/or material goods that are pre-organised by a CFO (treasurers do not have direct access to the guild bank like a CFO.) They are then instructed to deliver their ‘packages’ to the assigned parties.

Treasurers are thus curriers for guild generated funds; they collect from the other sects and from the lower tiers in Greed. CEO’s closely monitor treasurer’s actions, as they are one of only two *standard membership* associates directly in contact with large amounts of guild currency and/or valuable objects.

Bankers, like treasurers, are curriers of important goods for the rest of Saligia. Instead of transporting money however, bankers transport blood. Blood will be deeply inter-connected into

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the market of the world of darkness mmo. It is also the means in which we replenish kindred’s health/appetite. The value of blood is thus immeasurable.

The sect of Wrath is usually hired to help the bankers of Greed protect the guilds supply of blood. Bankers of Greed also protect items of value alongside the stored blood, increasing the necessity of trained guards.

Bankers of Greed also work closely with the blood bankers of Gluttony. While Gluttony focuses on the gathering aspect, Greed focuses on the protection and distribution. These two roles can seem to overlap at times; this is intentional. Because of the importance of blood in-game, the redundancy of similar roles is necessary.

Beyond blood, there are items that the Kine consider dangerous; illegal even. Saligia however needs access to these specialized goods (for example, methamphetamines) to fund other projects. Brokers are required to procure such goods and distribute them to the sects that require their use. In Greed, drug dealers will work closely with brokers and treasurers to replenish their supplies.

When a broker obtains a bundle of methamphetamines, it is passed on to a treasurer (in a safe/pre-arranged location.) The treasurer will then take the package to another pre-arranged location for a drug dealer to pick up and from there sell. This middle-man method is repeated with other black-market goods acquired by brokers.

Below tier three are members of tier two; individuals who actively participate in the World of Darkness market and trade with other players. The two roles available in tier two are traders and marketers. They have similar tasks (they both work directly with trade) however, there are differences between them.

Traders deal directly with raw materials found in the mmo, they either gather these materials themselves or build connections with others to find the highest quality product available. They would then take their newly acquired product and sell it on the market for a higher price than they had originally paid (or make 100% profit on an item they collected themselves.) Traders are usually called upon to gather basic (and exotic) resources for Saligia’s store rooms.

Treasurers are sent to pick up goods from traders on a fairly regular basis.

Marketers on the other hand forgo (for the most part) hunting down raw materials, in favor of buying low and selling high on the auction houses and/or with other people. Being able to spot deals and negotiate lower prices, marketers are usually owners of their own financial hubs.

These individuals are usually brought to major trade deals in order to determine whether a fair deal has been made.

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The lowest tier in Greed is tier one; members of tier one take on a much more combat oriented role than in the higher tiers of Greed. They specialize in the distribution and procurement of items otherwise illegal or stolen. There are three specializations in total: looters, thieves and drug dealers.

Looters will, in times of war, scavenge recent battle fields in search of anything the guild can use or sell. They continue these unsavory acts in times of peace as well. Anything that is left on the ground or through an open window is fair game. They are given a salary for their efforts; this paycheck is subject to change if said individual has exceeded or fallen short of a monthly goal pre-set by the CFO’s.

Like looters, thieves are well, thieves. Instead of scouring past battles however, they focus on big ticket items; valuables that cannot be simply snatched through a window or picked off the ground. These members study their targets in advance and carefully conduct the manner in which they ‘obtain’ their loot.

If combat is unavoidable, thieves are well outfitted to quickly take down their opposition.

The lowest and arguably the most dangerous position within Greed’s hierarchy, is that of the drug dealers. They are constantly putting themselves in dangerous situations with not only the law, but also the people they sell to. Combat will be a constant occurrence for those brave enough to scour the downtown alleyways at night.

Drug dealers obtain new product from treasurers on a regular basis (this is determined by the CFO’s.) Similarly to a looter, a drug dealer has a monthly goal to meet (financially) if the amount determined is not reach, there will be consequences.