greek 349 language lab basic skills (answers)

1 Greek 349 Language Lab Basic Skills (Answers) Introduction. A. Exercise Greek characters. " $ ( * , . 0 2 4 6 8 : < > @ B D F J L N P R T B. Exercise 2. B $ N J * 2 6 ( P " 4 , 0 @ T L . > R 8 D : < F 2. For additional practice. B J 6 $ * ( N P 2 , @ L 4 " T 0 8 : < D F R > . 3. Try both exercises again. This time write the capital letters. a. A # M I ) 1 5 O ! 3 + / ? S K - = M 7 C 9 ; E b. A I 5 # ) M O 1 + ? K 3 ! S / 7 9 ; C E Q = - C. Exercise 3. 1. Write the syllables from the tape. $› (› JV J‘ J, (, :Z :, J\ ì (DØ Fb :V 2":V J\H D. Exercise 4. 3. 6"\ @ß6 J@Ø J"ˆH J@bH J@ˆH B"ˆH B@bH "ÛJ@Ø -,Ø $@bH N,Ø :@Ø @ÞH ,˘H 4. Check your answers. If you are not satisfied, try again. E. Exercise 5. Write the words from the tape to practice vowels and diphthongs. *X *,ˆ *Z Fb F@Ø F@\ JX *äD" *fDT< *fD@4H J‘ J@Ø J"ˆH JVH JV J‘ J\H J@ˆH J"ˆH B@B@\ B@Ø B@ˆ B› F. Exercise 6. Breathing marks. 2. Write the words on the tape for exercise 6. ƒ< “< §PT “>T @˝@H @É<@H ô< Œ< G. Exercise 7. 2. Write the words on the tape: (P4 ((@H ƒ(>XT ƒ(6DbBJT H. Exercise 8. a. Aesop b. Aristotle c. Aeschylus d. Socrates

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Greek 349 Language LabBasic Skills(Answers)

Introduction. A. Exercise

Greek characters." $ ( * , . 0 2 4 6 8 : < > @ B D F J L N P R T

B. Exercise 2.B $ N J * 2 6 ( P " 4 , 0 @ T L . > R 8 D : < F

2. For additional practice.B J 6 $ * ( N P 2 , @ L 4 " T 0 8 : < D F R > .

3. Try both exercises again. This time write the capital letters.a. A # M I ) 1 5 ' O ! 3 + / ? S K - = M 7 C 9 ; E b. A I 5 # ) ' M O 1 + ? K 3 ! S / 7 9 ; C E Q = -

C. Exercise 3. 1. Write the syllables from the tape.$­ (­ JV J` J, (, :Z :, J\ ì (DØ Fb :V 2":V J\H

D. Exercise 4. 3. 6"\ ,Æ @ß6 J@Ø J"ÃH "Þ J@bH J@ÃH ,Þ B"ÃH B@bH "ÛJ@Ø -,Ø $@bH N,Ø:@Ø @ÞH ,ÆH

4. Check your answers. If you are not satisfied, try again.

E. Exercise 5. Write the words from the tape to practice vowels and diphthongs.*X *,Ã *Z Fb F@Ø F@\ JX *äD" *fDT< *fD@4H J` J@Ø Jä J"ÃH JVH JVJ` J\H J@ÃH J"ÃH B@B@\ B@Ø B@Ã B­ Bä

F. Exercise 6. Breathing marks. 2. Write the words on the tape for exercise 6.@Û @â ¦< ª< §PT ª>T @Í@H @É<@H ô< ê<

G. Exercise 7. 2. Write the words on the tape: �(P4 �((@H ¦(>XT ¦(6DbBJT

H. Exercise 8.a. Aesop b. Aristotle c. Aeschylus d. Socrates


e. Medea f. Euripides g. Iphigenia h. Heraclesi. Thucydides j. ClytemnestraJ. Exercise 10. Accent Marks.

1. Fill in the accents of these words. (Follow the rules on pp. 9-11.)a. �<2DTB@H h. *äD"b. �<2DfBT< i. B8@ØJ@Hc. §D(@L j. B8@bJ@Ld. �<2DTB@4 k. JÎ< �("2Î< �<2DTB@<e. B`<@H l. JÎ �D4FJ@< *äD@<f. B"4*,bT m. J@Ø �D\FJ@L *fD@Lg. 8b,F2"4 n. BDVJJ,4<

K. Exercise 11. Review. 1. Check the word (A or B) in each pair that corresponds to the word spoken on thetape.

a. (A) g. (B)b. (B) h. (A)c. (B) i. (B)d. (A) j. (A)e. (B) k. (A)f. (A) l. (B)

L. Exercise 12.3. Vocabulary quiz. Write English meanings.

a. ten g. voiceb. accents h. consonantsc. seven i. fived. letters j. eighte. nine k. fourf. twenty l. vowels

O. Exercise 15. (Written exercises)1. N, P, 2, L, 2 e's, 2 o's2. q, w, f, j, v3. { – developed from H.4. Labials: B, $, N, (R) Dentals: J, *, 2

Palatals: 6, (, P, (>)5. a. R b. >6. a. N b. P c. 27. 0, T, long " 8. To show varying tones.9. Ultima (last), penult (next to last), antepenult (next to the next to last).10. acute 11. grave 12. circumflex


13. acute, grave 14. The length of the ultima.15. Yes: acute to grave before another word.16. (DV::"J"17. NT<Z,<J" because they have voice (NT<Z) 18. Examples of English words derived from the Greek words.

a. hippopotamus, hippodrome b. chronic, chronology, anachronism, chroniclec. phonetic, phoneme, euphony, cacophony, telephoned. Decalogue, decametere. technical, technologyf. logic, misology, epilogue, philology, dialogueg. biodegradable, bionomics, macrobiotic, microbeh. archdeacon, architect, patriarch, matriarch, archaeology, oligarchyi. hyperactive, hyperaesthesiaj. adelphogamy, Philadelphia

P. Exercise 16. Written exercises.1. Parse these sentences. Identify each word by part of speech.

a. Socrates: noun

drank: verb, transitive

the: article, adjective

poison: noun

and: conjunction

died: verb, intransitive

b. When: adverb (relative, temporal)

we: pronoun

saw: verb, transitive

him: pronoun

drinking: participle

it: pronoun

we: pronoun

cried: verb, intransitive

c. Medea: noun

sent: verb, transitive

deadly: adjective

gifts: noun

to: preposition

the: article, adjective

princess: noun

d. The: article, adjective

princess: noun

died: verb, intransitive

horribly: adverb of manner

in: preposition

her: pronoun (possessive)

bedroom: noun

e. Which: adjective (interrogative)

road: noun


leads: verb used intransitively

to: preposition

life: noun

2. Identify the case (if translated into Greek) of each noun or pronoun in theforegoing sentences.

a. Socrates: nominative (subject); poison: accusative (direct object).b. We: nominative (subject); him: accusative (direct object).c. Medea: nominative (subject); gifts: accusative (direct object of sent). d. Princess: nominative (subject); her: genitive of possession; bedroom:dative with preposition showing place where.e. Road: nominative (subject); life: accusative (place to which withpreposition).

4. Identify the person, number, and voice of each of the verbs in these sentences.a. Saw: 1st sing. active; was saved: 3rd sing. passiveb. Makes: 3rd sing. active; make for themselves: 3rd pl. middlec. Were released: 3rd pl. passive; sent: 2nd (sing. or pl.) middled. Are you doing: 2nd sing. activee. Are being written: 3rd pl. passive

Q. Exercise 17. 2. Give the English meaning of each of the words or phrases spoken.

a. eight f. article, joint b. numbers g. verbc. genders, kinds h. participled. five i. the parts of speeche. three j. neuter, neitherf. noun, name k. masks, persons

R. Exercise 18. 1. Greek is inflectional; English is positional.2. Cases show the relationship of nouns to the other words in the sentence.3. By placement in the sentence or with prepositions.4. Article, participle5. Noun and adjective6. Case, number, gender: Change to show number--how many--and case--what partthey are playing in the sentence.7. a. nominative

b. accusativec. datived. genitive

8. Tense, voice, mood, person and number 9. Time (past, present or future), aspect (whether the action is viewed as going on,


completed or a simple act).10. The relationship of the subject to the action11. Preposition, conjunction, adverb12. Fä:": body, table, book, hair, paper; BD�(:": education, justice, truth,happiness13. 6@4<äH: school, poet, thinker; Æ*\@H: University of Idaho, Euripides, Plato14. Neuter15. Twin, between, pair, couple 16. Give some English derivatives of these Greek words.

a. onomatopoeia, acronym, pseudonym, synonym, homonymb. psychosomatic, chromosomec. pragmatic, pragmatismd. cenobite, koine, epicenee. idiot, idiosyncrasyf. anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropicg. orthodox, orthopedist, orthodontist, orthographyh. crypt, cryptogram, cryptic


Chapter I, Part One I. Exercise 1.

B. 1. P 3. A 5. A2. M 4. M

C. 1. we 5. I 9. I2. they 6. you (pl.) 10. we3. you (sg) 7. he, she, it4. he, she, it; you (sg.) 8. they

D. 1. You (sg.) stop.2. He stops himself; he is stopped.3. We cease; we are stopped.4. They stop.5. They cease; they are stopped.6. You (pl.) cease; you are stopped.7. He ,she, it stops; you (sg.) cease; you are stopped.

II. Exercise 2.B. 1. stop 5. wish, want 9. do, make

2. say, speak, mean 6. plan 10. become, come into being3. remain, wait 7. go, come 11. trust4. lead 8. think 12. have

C. Give Greek word.1. (DVNT 7. 6D\<T2. <@:\.T 8. ¦2X8T3. NXDT/�(T 9. �DPT4. B,\2T 10. 6"\5. B4FJ,bT 11. 6"\...6"\6. 8bT 12. ³...³

D. Translate the Greek words:1. she/he/it wants 6. you want2. they have 7. they are coming into being3. we are waiting 8. we are educating (for ourselves)4. you are sending (for yourselves) 9. you (all) are saying

you are being sent5. they bring 10. I cease/I am being sent


E. For each English phrase tell what person, number and voice the Greek would be.(Persons: 1, 2, 3); Numbers: S, P; Voices: A, M, P.) Then go back and translate the verb.

Person, Number, Voice Translation 1. 1PM ¦DP`:,2" 2. 3PA (DVN@LF4(<) 3. 3SM $@L8,b,J"4 4. 2SP �(,4 5. 3SM/P B,\2,J"4 6. 2PM B"b,F2, 7. 3SP 8X(,J"4 8. 1SA §PT 9. 3PA (or M) �DP@LF4 (�DP@<J"4)10. 1PA 8X(@:,<

III. Exercise 3. Review.A. Before going on, answer these written questions.

1. The vowel used to connect endings to stem: alternates between and .2. In order to know what the words mean.3. From the personal ending of the verb (along with any noun in the nom. case)4. Yes.5. No.6. we; he/she/it; you; they, you; I, I, you7. Which ending, in the present active, says:

a. he, she, it: -,4b. we: -@:,<c. they: -@LF4d. I: -Te. you: -,4H/-,J,

8. Which present middle ending says:a. you all: -,F2,b. he: -,J"4c. we: -`:,2"d. they: -@<J"4e. I: -@:"4f. it: -,J"4

9. Identify the VOICE and translate.a. A �(,4<b. A <@:\.@:,<c. M (DVN,F2"4d. A BX:B@:,<e. P �(@<J"4f. A :X<,4g. M B"b,J"4


h. A B"b,4i. A NXDT/�(Tj. A BDVJJ,4H/BDVJJ,J,k. P BDVJJ,J"4l. M/P B,\2@<J"4m. P 8X(,J"4n. M:M $@b8,J"4 §DP,F2"4o. M §DP,4/§DP,F2,;p. M $@L8,b@<J"4;q. A <@:\.@LF4;r. A J\ BDVJJ,4H/BDVJJ,J,;s. M J\ $@L8`:,2"t. P (DVN,J"4

10. Translate these words.a. to bringb. they trustc. I am sending for/I am being sentd. they cease/they are being stoppede. we judgef. to wishg. I lead (for myself)/I am being ledh. you becomei. we are taking notes/we are being writtenj. you plan

Chapter I, Part Two: Nouns.II. Exercise 2.

B. Give the English meanings. (Questions on tape.)1. peace 9. justice2. stranger 10. sun3. wealth 11. work, deed4. toil 12. road5. heaven 13. beside6. law, custom 14. death7. island 15. for8. virtue

C. Give the Greek. (Questions on tape.)1. RLPZ2. B`8,:@H3. PD`<@H4. ,ÆH5. 2V<"J@H

III. Exercise 3.


A. Fill in the blanks. 1. J@ÃH �<2DfB@4H 2. §DP,J"4 (n. pl. subject + sg. verb) 3. Jä< <ZFT< 4. NXD,4 5. (J@ÃH) <`:@4H 6. Jè 2,è 7. J@×H >X<@LH 8. (J�H) <ZF@LH 9. (J±) Ò*è10. Jä< �<2DfBT<

#. Answer the following.1. From the gender of the article that is given with it.2. True or False.

a. F f. Fb. F g. Tc. T h. Fd. F i. Fe. F j. T

3. For each noun in the following sentences, decide what case it would be iftranslated into Greek.

a. nominative, accusative b. nominative, dativec. vocative, dative, accusatived. nominative, dative, accusativee. genitive, nominative, genitivef. genitive, accusativeg. nominative, accusativeh. nominative, accusativei. nominative, dative, accusative, genitive

4. Give the form of the article that agrees with each of the following.a. J­H k. J@Øb. J� l. JÎ<c. Ò m. J±d. J­H n. "Êe. "Ê o. Jèf. @Ê p. J¬<g. J@×H q. J@ÃHh. Jè r. Jä<i. J�Hj. JÎ


Chapter II, Part OneI. Exercise 1. The imperfect tense: meaning and formation.

B. Form imperfect of verbs given on tape.1. §B,:B@<2. §$@L8`:0<3. µDP@<4. ³2,8@<5. §8,4B@<6. §(D"N@<

D. Change the forms of the present to the imperfect of the same person, number and voice.1. µ(@< 6. ¦$@b8@L2. ¦BX:B,J@ 7. ¦(\(<@<J@3. §B,42,H 8. ¦B"\*,L@<4. ¦6D4<`:0< 9. µ<5. ¦$@L8,b@:,< 10. µ:,<

E. Identify tense, person and number (A); Identify and Translate (B); Cover and Listen.(A) (B)

1. (\(<,4 pres. 2 sg. you are becoming2. ¦(\(<@L impf. 2 sg. you were becoming3. �DP,4 pres. 3sg. (act.) or 2 sg. (mid) he/she/it is ruling; you are...4. µDP, impf. 3sg. he/she/it was ruling5. �(@:,< pres. 1 pl. we are leading6. ³(@:,< impf. 1 pl. we were leading7. ¦<`:4.@< impf. 1 sg./3 pl. I/they used to think8. ¦8,\B@:,< impf. 1 pl. we were leading9. §DP,F2"4 pres. inf. to be going/coming10. ²DP`:0< impf. 1 sg. I was going/was ruling for myself11. ¦2X8@LF4 pres. 3 pl. they wish12. ³2,8@< impf. 1 sg./3 pl. I was/they were wishing13. §N,D,H impf. 2 sg. you were bringing14. ¦8X(,J@ impf. 3 sg. (he/she) it was being said15. ,ÉP@< impf. 1 sg./3 pl. I/they used to have16. µJ, impf. 2 pl. you (all) were

II. Exercise 2.(A) (B) (C)

1. BX:BT Act., impf., 1st sg. §B,:B@<2. BX:BT Pass., impf., 3rd pl. ¦BX:B@<J@3. BX:BT Mid., impf., 2nd pl. ¦BX:B,F2,4. 6D\<T Act., impf., 1st pl. ¦6D\<@:,<5. 6D\<T Pass., pres., 3rd sg. 6D\<,J"4


6. B"bT Mid., impf., 3rd pl. ¦B"b@<J@7. B"bT Pass., impf., 2nd sg/pl. ¦B"b@L, ¦B"b,F2,8. NXDT/�(T Act., impf., 3rd pl. §N,D@</µ(@<9. NXDT/�(T Pass., pres., 1st pl. ¦N,D`:,2"/²(`:,2"10. $@L8,bT Mid., impf., 2nd pl. ¦$@L8,b,F2,11. §PT Act., impf., 3rd pl. ,ÉP@<12. 8X(T Act., impf., 3rd sg. §8,(,(<)13. 8X(T Pass., impf., 3rd sg. ¦8X(,J@14. :X<T Act., impf., 3rd pl. §:,<@<;15. 8,\BT Act., pres., 2nd sg./pl 8,\B,4H; 8,\B,J,;

IV. Exercise 4. Written exercise (not on tape).A. Review vocabularies of lesson I (p. 33, pp. 43-44) and translate.

1. 8\2@LH §N,D@< 2. Ò B`8,:@H ¦B"b,J@ 3. 8,\B,4< ¦$@L8,J@; 4. @Ê >X<@4 ³DP@<J@ 5. *\60< §P,4< ¦$@L8`:,2" 6. Ò Ò*`H ,ÆH J`< B8@ØJ@< µ(,< 7. ,ÆH JVH <ZF@LH *äD" ¦BX:B@:,< 8. J� §D(" ¦BDVJJ,J@4 9. @Ê 8`(@4 ¦< J@ÃH 8\2@4H ¦(D"N@<J@10. º *460 *äD@< ,É<"4 Jä< 2,ä< ¦<@:\.,J@

B. True or False.1. F 6. T2. F 7. F3. T 8. T4. F 9. T5. F

C. Match the imperfect endings with the present endings showing the same person numberand voice.

A B1-4 1-32-6 2-63-5 3-14-2 4-45-1 5-56-3 6-2

D. Match the active endings with the middle-passive endings showing the same person,number and tense.

A B1-4 1-3


2-3 2-43-2 3-54-1 4-15-5 5-5

E. Tell what case the underlined nouns would be in Greek.1. nominative, nominative 2. nominative, nominative3. nominative, genitive, nominative4. nominative 5. nominative 6. accusative

Chapter II, Part TwoI. Exercise 1. B. Translate.

1. F@NÎH 2. F@NÎ< 3. F@N¬ 4. F@N¬ 5. F@N@Â 6. F@N"Â

II. Exercise 2. B. Vocabulary quiz.1. sleep 10. pleasure2. wine 11. difficult3. marriage 12. good, noble4. only, alone 13. through, on account of5. fine, good, beautiful 14. the very one who6. evil, wicked, bad 15. if7. good 16. around8. best 17. then, of former time9. luck

C. Give Greek word. 1. 6`F:@H 7. *,4<`H 2. Æ"JD@H 8. �2V<"J@H 3. P"8,B`H 9. �*46@H 4. 6@4<`H 10. �8@(@H 5. BDäJ@H 11. Ó8@H 6. F@NÎH 12. $4$8\@<

D. Review of vocabulary for Chapters 1-2. Give English meaning. 1. educate, train 7. judge 2. plan 8. best 3. difficult 9. good 4. small child 10. wish, want 5. will, determination, council, senate 11. bad 6. common, public 12. time


III. Exercise 3.A. Translate the following without verb forms.

1. JÎ P"8,BÎ< $4$8\@< 6. JÎ B"4*\@< :`<@< 2. JÎ $4$8Â@< P"8,BÎ< 7. º *,4<¬ Ò*`H 3. º �8@(@H RLPZ 8. *,4<¬ º Ò*`H 4. �8@(@H º RLPZ 9. Ò �D4FJ@H @É<@H 5. J` :`<@< B"4*\@< 10. Ò @É<@H �D4FJ@H

V. Exercise 5. Additional written exercises.A. True or False. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T

6. F 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F B. Translate the underlined words.

1. » 2. Ó< 3. � 4. ø 5. ÓH 6. @àH

Chapter III, Part One. The Future TenseI. Exercise 1. B. Form the future.

1. B"4*,bFT 2. $@L8,bFT 3. B4FJ,bFT 4. 2bFT

C. Futures of consonant stems. 1. *X>@:"4 4. (DVRT 2. 8X>T 5. B,\FT 3. BX:RT 6. �D>T

D. Irregular Futures. 2. Give the future.a. �6@bF@:"4 d. BDV>Tb. ¦2,8ZFT e. @ÇFTc. ¦8,bF@:"4

3. Give the present.a. §PT d. :"<2V<Tb. (\(<@:"4 e. NXDTc. §PT

E. Review. Practice forms of present, imperfect and future.1. Translate these forms of ,Æ:\.

a. he/she/it/there is e. we areb. he/she/it/there will be f. you will be (sg.)c. I was; he/she/it/there was g. to bed. we were h. you (sg.) are

II. Exercise 2. Vocabulary. B. Vocabulary quiz. Give meanings; give future of any verbs. 1. hear; �6@bF@:"4


2. receive *X>@:"4 3. take, seize 8ZR@:"4 4. suffer B,\F@:"4 5. learn, understand :"2ZF@:"4 6. always 7. never

III. Exercise 3. Verb Review. B. Conjugate the future in the space below.

Active Middle@ÇFT -1S- @ÇF@:"4@ÇF,4H -2S- @ÇF,4@ÇF,4 -3S- @ÇF,J"4@ÇF@:,< -1P- @ÆF`:,2"@ÇF,J, -2P- @ÇF,F2,@ÇF@LF4 -3P- @ÇF@<J"4@ÇF,4< -INF- @ÇF,F2"4

IV. Exercise 4. Written exercises.A. Answer the following.

1. Primary.2. Labial becomes R; dental drops out; palatal becomes >3. BVFPT, 8":$V<T, :"<2V<T, �6@bT, ,Æ:\, [ÒDVT, �B@2<¯F6T]4. §PT5. No.6. a. genitive f. nominative

b. dative g. accusativec. accusative h. accusatived. dative i. nominativee. genitive

7. Nominative. 8. Yes.

9. No.10. Yes, if they are transitive.11. singular12. a. 2 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 e. 1 f. 3 g. 3

Chapter III, Part Two.I. Exercise 1.

B. Tell what case each of the nouns is and give the article that agrees with it. 1. dative; Jè 6. accusative; J`< 2. accusative; JZ< 7. accusative; JVH 3. genitive, accusative; J­H, JVH 8. dative; Jè


4. genitive; J@Ø 9. genitive; J­H 5. genitive; Jä< 10. dative; J@ÃH

III. Exercise 3.A. Give the meanings of the vocabulary words (on the tape).

1. poet 9. time, season, hour2. citizen 10. health3. truth 11. misfortune4. fate, portion, lot 12. shameful, ugly5. Muse 13. small6. master 14. worthy7. house 15. wicked8. young man

Greek:1. <X@H 2. *\6"4@H 3. BV8"4@H 4. F60<Z 5. PfD"

IV. Exercise 4. A. Possession. Translate.

1. º Jä< FJD"J4TJä< F60<Z 2. "Ê Jä< �<2DfBT< FL:N@D"\B. With verbs of ruling.

3. @Æ B@8ÃJ"4 J­F*, J­H <ZF@L �DP@LF4<.C. Genitive of Source with verbs of hearing.

4. Jä< F@Nä< ²6@b@:,<D. Genitive of Separation.E. Genitive of Agent with ßB`

VI. Exercise 6. Vocabulary quiz.A. Drill of vocabulary of 1-3. Give meanings.

1. difficult 16. sea 2. announce 17. concerning, around 3. receive 18. attempt, trial 4. always 19. dreadful, clever 5. toil 20. take, seize 6. physician 21. day 7. only, alone 22. tent, hut, scene 8. die 23. misfortune 9. kill 24. pleasure10. mistress 25. lead11. peace, calmness, quiet 26. health12. war 27. suffer13. the very one who 28. shameful14. throw, hit15. tongue


VII. Exercise 7. Written.A. Feminine and masculine.B. After ,, 4, or D.C. Masculine.D. 1. -", -"H

2. -", -0H3. -0H, @L4. -"H, -@L5. -0, -0H

+. They do NOT differ in the plural.F. When the demonstrative is used as an adjective (but not when it is used as a pronoun).G. Predicate.H. ¦6,Ã<@HI. @âJ@H

Chapter IV, The Aorist Tense.I. Exercise 1. Forms and Meanings. Listen to tape, repeat the forms.

A. Identify the Mood, the Voice and the Person of the forms from the tape. 1. Ind., mid., 2nd 6. Ind., act., 3rd 2. Ind., act., 2nd 7. Inf., act. 3. Ind., act., 1st 8. Ind., mid., 2nd 4. Inf., mid. 9. Inf., act. 5. Inf., act. 10. Ind., mid., 1st

II. Exercise 2.C. Listen to the forms of the first or second aorist and jot down the present.

1. (\(<@:"4 7. *XP@:"4 2. <@:\.T 8. �B@2<¯F6T 3. BVFPT 9. �DPT 4. §DP@:"4 10. �(T 5. BX:BT 11. NXDT 6. 8":$V<T 12. :"<2V<T

III. Exercise 3. Infinitives. A. *XP,F2"4, *X>,F2"4, *X>"F2"4B. �(,4<, �>,4<, �("(,Ã<; �(,F2"4, �>,F2"4, "("(XF2"4C. BX:B,4<, BX:R,4<, BX:R"4; BX:B,F2"4, BX:R,F2"4, BX:B"F2"4D. N"\<,4<, N"4<,F2"4; N­<"4, NZ<"F2"4

VI. Exercise 6. B. Vocabulary quiz on first part.1. I am able 6. probably, doubtless, I presume2. accordingly, then, therefore 7. such, what a 3. such 8. I said4. other 9. especially5. but 10. know


VIII. Exercise 8. Written.A. Translate.

1. º �D,JZ ¦FJ4 J� �("2� §P,4<.Ò 9,<T< §N0 J¬< �D,J¬< ,É<"4 J� �("2� §P,4<.

2. º º(\,4" 6"Â Ò B8@ØJ@H ,ÆF\ �("2@\.J¬< ß(\,4"< N0F4 6"Â JÎ< B8@ØJ@< ,É<"4 �("2@bH.

3. @Ê �<2DTB@4 $@b8@<J"4 6"6";<@:\.,4H/-,J, J@×H �<2DfB@LH $@b8,F2"4 6"6V;

4. J� B"4*\" 8\2@LH §$"8,.§N0< J� B"4*\" 8\2@LH $"8,Ã</@ÇF,4</$V88,4<.

5. <@:\.T J"ØJ" *46"\TH BDVJJ,4</BDV>,4</BD�>"4.

B. Answer these questions (with brevity).1. Imperfect and aorist2. Future and aorist3. By studying the principal parts4. From the difference the in the stem5. The future is not augmented and has the thematic vowel; the aorist is augmentedin the indicative and has the characteristic vowel, alpha.6. Alpha7. Infinitives8. No.9. Imperfect views the action as going on in the past; aorist views the action as thesimple act.10. Those with stems ending in a liquid or nasal sound.

C. Decide what tense each of the following would be if translated into Greek.1. Present 9. Imperfect2. Present 10. Aorist3. Aorist 11. Imperfect4. Imperfect 12. Aorist5. Imperfect 13. Aorist6. Aorist 14. Imperfect7. Aorist 15. Future8. Present 16. Imperfect


Chapter V, Third Declension NounsI. Exercise 1

A. º 6b84> Ò 6­DL>J­H 6b846@H J@Ø 6ZDL6@HJ± 6b846" Jè 6ZDL64J¬< 6b846" JÎ< 6ZDL6"

"Ê 6b846,H @Ê 6ZDL6,HJä< 6L8\6T< Jä< 60Db6T<J"ÃH 6b84>4 J@ÃH 6ZDL>4(<)J�H 6b846"H J@×H 6ZDL6"H

B. º B"JD\H º PVD4H

J­H B"JD\*@H J­H PVD4J@HJ± B"JD\*4 J± PVD4J4J¬< B"JD\*" J¬< PVD4<

"Ê B"JD\*,H "Ê PVD4J,HJä< B"JD\*T< Jä< P"D\JT<J"ÃH B"JD\F4(<) J"ÃH PVD4F4(<)J�H B"JD\*"H J�H PVD4J"H

C. º ,Æ6f< Ò (XDT<J­H ,Æ6`<@H J@Ø (XD@<J@HJ± ,Æ6`<4 Jè (XD@<J4J¬< ,Æ6`<" JÎ< (XD@<J"

"Ê ,Æ6`<,H @Ê (XD@<J,HJä< ,Æ6`<T< Jä< (,D`<JT<J@ÃH ,Æ6`F4(<) J@ÃH (XD@LF4(<)J�H ,Æ6`<"H J@×H (XD@<J"H

D. JÎ B<,Ø:"J@Ø B<,b:"J@HJè B<,b:"J4JÎ B<,Ø:"

J� B<,b:"J"Jä< B<,L:VJT<J@ÃH B<,b:"F4J� B<,b:"J"


II. Exercise 2. Vowel Base Nouns. A. Ò Ê,D,bH @Ê Ê,D,ÃH


B. º :V<J4H "Ê :V<J,4HJ­H :V<J,TH Jä< :V<J,T<J± :V<J,4 J"ÃH :V<J,F4J¬< :V<J4< J�H :V<J,4H

C. JÎ §J@H J� §J0J@Ø §J@LH Jä< ¦Jä<Jè §J,4 J@ÃH §J,F4JÎ §J@H J� §J0

D. º :ZJ0D "Ê :0JXD,HJ­H :0JD`H Jä< :0JXDT<J± :0JD\ J"ÃH :0JDVF4J¬< :0JXD" J�H :0JXD"H

III. Exercise 3. Vocabulary.A. Vocabulary quiz on starred words.

1. water 9. woman2. child 10. old man3. body 11. race, kind4. part 12. grace5. year 13. thing (pl. money)6. pupil, learner, disciple 14. man7. hope 15. town8. divinity


Chapter VI, Third Declension Adjectives.I. Exercise 1. Listen to the FORMS and comments.

A. Choose the correct forms of �802ZH to agree with the words listed. 1. �802,ÃH 4. �802­ 7. �802XH 2. �802­ 5. �802XF4 8. �802,ÃH 3. �802@ØH 6. �802,ÃH

B. Choose the correct forms of ,Û*"\:T< to agree with he words listed. 1. ,Û*"\:@<,H 4. ,Û*"\:@<" 7. ,Ü*"4:@< 2. ,Û*"\:@<" 5. ,Û*"\:@F4 8. ,Û*"\:@<,H 3. ,Û*"\:@<@H 6. ,Û*"\:@<"H

C. Choose the correct forms of ,ÛDbH. 1. ,ÛD,ÃH 4. ,ÛD,Ã"< 7. ,ÛDb 2. ,ÛDX" 5. ,ÛDXF4 8. ,ÛD,Ã"4 3. ,ÛD,\"H 6. ,ÛD,ÃH

D. Choose the correct forms of B�H. 1. BV<J,H 4. B�F"< 7. B�< 2. BV<J" 5. B�F4 8. B�F"4 3. BVF0H 6. BV<J"H

IV. Exercise 4. Written Questions.A. By the formula ,Æ with a secondary tense of the indicative in the conditional clause(protasis) and �< with a secondary tense of the indicative in the conclusion clause(apodosis).B. When it refers to a natural, possible or intended result.C. When it refers to an actual result.D. When it means until and follows a negative clause.E. When it means before and follows an affirmative clause.F.

1. complementary infinitive after certain verbs (wish, plan, etc.), and expressionssuch as "it is necessary to..."; "it is time to..."2. with the article (as a noun): the articular infinitive3. in indirect statement4. in "natural" result clauses5. with BD\< meaning "before"


Chapter VII, Participles.II. Exercise 2. Formation.

A. (A) Give Tense and Voice and (B) Gender, Number and Case.(A) (B)

1. B"bF@<J4 future active masc./neut., sg., dat.

2. B"bF"F4 aorist active fem., sg., nom.

3. B"LF@bF0H present active fem., sg., gen.

4. $V88T< present active masc. sg., nom.

5. $"8f< aorist, active masc., sg., nom.

6. B"LFV:,<@< aor. mid. masc., sg., acc; neut., sg. nom./acc.

7. B"LF`:,<" future, middle neut., pl., nom./acc.

8. Ð<J" pres. active masc., sg., acc./neut.; pl. acc./nom.

9. B"b@<J" pres. active masc. acc. sg.; neut. pl. nom./acc.

10. $"8`<J" aor. act. masc. nom. sg.; neut. pl. nom./acc.

11. B"bF@<J,H future, active masc., pl., nom.

12. B"bF"F4 aorist, active masc./neut., dat. pl.

IV. Exercise 4. B. Vocabulary Quiz. Give meanings. 1. perceive 6. find

2. order 7. be absent

3. carry across, differ 8. be present

4. look, see 9. learn

5. be ashamed 10. at the same time

6. find 11. since

7. be absent 12. it is possible

VII. Exercise 7. Written exercises. 1. No participles are augmented. 2. It has the article with it. 3. Present, future, aorist, [perfect]. 4. Third and first. 5. Second and first. 6. The future participle has @, the first aorist has ". 7. The supplementary participle depends directly on the verb. 8. Verbal elements of participles: tense, voice; ability to take objects. Nominal aspects:case, number, gender. 9. Purpose.10. That it is conditional.11. The first says that although I am ashamed, I do it anyway; the second that shameprevents me from doing it.12. The first says that we hear that the man is coming; the second that we hear him coming.13. a. attributive; b. circumstantial; c. supplementary14. B"bT, �DPT, JL(PV<T, N2V<T, 8"<2V<T, "ÆFPb<@:"4, �6@bT, N"\<@:"4,"ÆF2V<@:"4.15. Aorist. 16. Present. 17. Circumstantial.


Chapter VIII, Part One. Interrogative and Indefinite Pronouns.I. Exercise 1. Interrogative and Indefinite Pronouns.

A. Tell whether the pronoun is (A) Relative or Interrogative and then (B) Translate.(A) (B)

1. Interrogative J\<" (or J\<"H)2. Relative Ó<3. Interrogative J\<,H4. Relative @Ë5. Interrogative J\<4 (or J\F4)6. Relative ô<

C. Vocabulary quiz.1. cause 4. earth 7. guard, watch2. err 5. dog3. to this place 6. nature

Chapter VIII, Part Two. The Perfect Active.II. Exercise 2. Principal Parts.

B. Quiz; give the present tense.1. �(T 6. BVFPT2. B"bT 7. NXDT3. B,:BT 8. $V88T4. N"\<T 9. B"4*,bT5. (\(<@:"4

III. Exercise 3.B. Quiz.

1. teach 2. seem, be like3. know 4. blame5. drink 6. grow, produce

V. Exercise 5.A. Written exercises.

1. Present, imperfect, (future)2. Aorist (future).3. Perfect, pluperfect, future perfect.4. Present, future, perfect, future perfect.5. Imperfect, aorist, pluperfect.6. BDVJJT, B,\2T, N"\<T7. N"\<T, �6@bT, �B@6J,\<T, (\(<@:"4, §PT, 8"<2V<T, 8,\BT, B,\2T,BX:BT, FJX88T, J,4<T, (N,bT)8. Yes, it is not removed in infinitive and participle.9. Choose the correctly reduplicated forms.

a. 2VBJT (bury)==> 3. JX2"::"4b. PD\T (anoint)==> 3. 6XPD4:"4


c. N2,\DT (corrupt)==> 2. §N2"D6"d. N48XT (love)==> 3. BXN\806"e. JDXNT (nourish)==> 1. JXJD@N"f. �BJT (fashion)==> 2. »::"4g. >0D"\<T (dry)==> 3. ¦>ZD"F:"4h. BDVJJT==> 1. BXBD"P"i. {DVBJT (stitch)==> 3. §DD"::"4j. ÏN84F6V<T (owe)==> 2. êN806"

10. Which are forms of @É*"?b. ÇF"F4d. ÇFJ,e. ,Æ*fHh. ¹F"<i. ±F:,<j. @É*,<l. ·*0m. ,ÇF@:"4o. ,Æ*X<"4

Chapter IX, Part One. Personal Pronouns.I. Exercise 1.

C. Translate the sentences on the tape.1. a. The woman herself said these things.

b. The same gods said these things.2. a. We saw the same woman.

b. We saw her.c. We saw the woman herself.

E. Translate (turn off tape while writing).1. ¦(ã "ÛJ¬/"ÛJÎH ,É*@< ¦:"LJZ</¦:"LJ`<.2. ©"LJ@×H/©"LJ�H �BX6J,4<"<.3. º:Ã< "ÛJ@ÃH/"ÛJ"ÃH ¦B4FJ,bF":,<.4. F,"LJÎ</F,"LJ¬< (@ÛP ÒD�H) @Û $8XB,4H.5. º:�H "ÛJ@×H/"ÛJ�H 8bF@:,<.6. ß:ä< "ÛJä< �DP,J,;

II. Exercise 2. B. Vocabulary Quiz (closed book). Give English meanings.

1. slander 9. be about to, intend2. you (pl.) 10. often3. it is necessary 11. we


4. supply, provide 12. each5. change 13. already6. (of) myself7. love8. reputation, opinion, glory

IV. Exercise 4. Written.A. Review of Pronouns. Give Greek words and English equivalents for thefollowing.1. ÓH, », Ó--who, which, that2. @âJ@H, "àJ0, J@ØJ@--this, that; Ó*,, »*,, J`*,--this; ¦6,Ã<@H, ¦6,Ã<0, ¦6,Ã<@--that3. J\H, J\--who?, which?, what?4. J4H, J4--someone, anyone5. ¦(f--I º:,ÃH--we

Fb--you ß:,4H--you (all)6. "ÛJ`H--self7. ¦:"LJ@Ø--myself º:ä< "ÛJä<--ourselves

F,"LJ@Ø--yourself ß:ä< "ÛJä<--yourselves©"LJ@Ø (etc.)--himself, (etc.)

8. �88Z8T<--each other

B. Because the verb tells what person it is.C. 1. "ÛJ@Â/"ÛJ"Â "ÛJ¬< ,Ç*@:,<

2. J\<" ¦6,Ã<@4 ,É*@<; 3. J¬< (L<"Ã6" ,Ç*@:,< 4. J\ Æ*,Ã< �88Z8@LH ¦$@b8,F2, 5. "Ë*, ("àJ"4) º:�H ,É*@<; 6. J\ ß:,ÃH º:Ã< BDV>,J,; 7. ,É*X J4H J@ØJ@/J`*,; 8. J\<4 J@ØJ@/¦6,Ã<@ §BD">"H 9. ß:Ã</F@\ ,ÆF4< B@88@Â N\8@4;10. Ò "ÛJÎH (�<¬D) J¬< ¦B4FJ@8¬< "ÛJ¬< ,Æ*,4<11. ßBÎ J\<T< J"ØJ" ¦BDVJJ,J@;12. Ò "ÛJ@H B@40J¬H J"ØJ" §(D"N, B,DÂ ©"LJ@Ø13. $@L8`:,2" J� ²:ä< "ÛJä< §P,4<.14. Ó J4 ß:,ÃH ("ÛJ@\) B,B`<2"J, @Û6 @Ç*".

Chapter IX, Part Two.II. Exercise 2.

B. Quiz. Give the present.1. �((,88T 2. (\(<@:"4 3. §PT 4. �(T 5. 8":$V<T6. (DVNT 7. (4(<fF6T 8. 2bT


III. Exercise 3. B. Quiz. 1. turn, be engaged in 2. remind; remember3. bury 4. prevent 5. turn away

V. Exercise 5. Assimilation in the Perfect Middle System.A. Change these (according to the rules) to make them more easily pronounced.

1. JXJD4BJ"4 2. §FJD"BJ"4 3. ,Ç80BJ"4 4. ¦8X8,4BJ@ ( trick question)*

5. 8X8,6J"4 6. µ6J"4 7. ¦*X*,6J@ 8. BXB,4FJ"4 9. <,<`:4FJ"4 10. ÇFJ,11. JXJD4R"4 12. ¦(X(D"R@13. µD>"4 14. ¦BXBD">@15. BXB,4F"4 16. BXN"F:"417. 8X8,4::"4 18. ,Æ8Z::,2"19. BXB8,(:"4 (from B8X6JT, plait)20. BXB,::"4

Chapter X, Part One. Comparison of Adjectives.I. Exercise 1. Forms.

A. Give comparative and Superlatives of the following.1. *\6"4@H *46"4`J,D@H -" -@< *46"4`J"J"@H -0 -@<2. �*46@H �*46fJ,D@H -" -@< �*46fJ"J@H -0 -@<3. R,L*ZH R,L*XFJ,D@H -" -@< R,L*XFJ"J@H -0 -@<4. *LF*"\:T< *LF*"4:@<XFJ,D@H-"-@< *LF*"4:@<XFJ"J@H -0 -@<5. (8L6bH (8L6\T<, -@< (8b64FJ@H, -0, -@<

II. Exercise 2. A. Quiz.1. better 6. long2. best 7. willing(ly)3. mortal man 8. unwilling(ly)4. otherwise, in vain 9. greater5. small, few

III. Exercise 3. A. Translate.1. @Û6 §FJ4< @Û*¥< 6V884@< ,Û*"\:@<@H º:XD"H.2. Ó J4 BDVJJ,4< @Í@H J' ,É, �:,4<@< @Ë" J' ,Æ:\.3. §FJ4< ÓJ4H F@NfJ,D@H ET6DVJ@LH;4. @Û6 §FJ4< @Û*,ÂH F@NfJ,D@H J\ (J\<4) (@Û*,<Â/@Û*X<) [email protected]. @àJ@H (Ò �<ZD) (¦FJ4) <,fJ,D@H J­H (L<"46ÎH JD\F4< §J,F4<.6. @Û6 XFJ4< @Û*¥< R,L*XFJ,D@< R,L*@ØH [email protected]. ¦6,\<0 ³< ñH ¦F28@JVJ0/�D\FJ0 Jè �<*D\/BDÎH JÎ< �<*D".8. ¦<`:4F, JÎ< B"JXD" ,É<"4 BV<JT< Jä< �<*Dä< "ÇFP4FJ@<.


Chapter X, Part Two. Aorist Passive.II. Exercise 2. A. Translate.

1. I was sent 2. I will be sent 3. you were led 4. you will be led 5. it was written 6. it will be written 7. we were judged 8. we will be judged 9. you were heard 10. you will be heard11. they were sacrificed 12. they will be sacrificed

III. Exercise 3. B. Quiz.1. save 3. enemy2. think 4. corrupt

V. Exercise 5. A. Translate. 1. ¦Ff20:,< 2. ¦$@L8Z20F"< 3. ¦BX:N20< 4. ³P20H 5. ¦(DVN0 6. ¦6D\20J, 7. ²6@bF20:,< 8. ¦8b20F"< 9. 80N2­<"4 10. ³DP20


Chapter XI. Contract Verbs.I. Contract verbs.

A. "-contracts.a. �("Bä:"4 b. ÒD�H c. J4:�J"4 d. <46�<

B. ,-contracts.a. F6@B@ØF4 b. N48@b:,2" c. ¦*`6,4H d. .0J,Ã<

C. @-contracts.a. �>4@Ø< b. *08@ÃH c. ¦*Z8@L d. �>4@Ø<

D. Principal Parts.a. �>4`T, �>4fFT, ²>\TF", ²>\T6", ²>\T:"4, ²>4f20<b. J4:VT, J4:ZFT, ¦J\:0F", J,J\:06", J,J\:0:"4, ¦J4:Z20<c. B@4XT, B@4ZFT, ¦B@\0F", B,B@\06", B,B@\0:"4, ¦B@4Z20<d. .0JXT, .0JZFT, ¦.ZJ0F", ¦.ZJ06", ¦.ZJ0:"4, ¦.0JZ20<e. ¦DTJVT, ¦DTJZFT, ²DfJ0F", ²DfJ06", ²DfJ0:"4, ²DTJZ20<

II. Exercise 2.B. Form the futures of the following.

1. 6@:4ä 2. <@:4ä 3. �B@6D4<@Ø:"44. *4"N2,Dä 5. :,<ä 6. FJ,8ä

III. Exercise 3.B. Quiz.

1. see 9. lead, think2. hate 10. consider, examine3. use 11. call4. seem, think, believe 12. seek5. be unjust 13. live6. love 14. drive7. love 15. intend, have in mind

C. Principal parts. Give Present and Meaning.1. ÒDVT--see 6. .0JXT--seek2. "ÊDXT--take; choose 7. N@$X@:"4--fear3. �N46<X@:"4--reach, arrive 8. 6"8XT--call4. ¦8"b<T--drive, march 9. <46VT--conquer5. *@6XT--seem, think 10. *08`T--reveal11. ÒDVT--see 12. "ÊDXT--take; choose

V. Exercise 5. Written exercises.A. �("BVT, ">4`T, *08`T, ¦B42L:XT, :4FXT, <@XT (<@ØH <-- <`@H), J4:VT, N48XT,N@$X@:"4, (":XT, *4RVT, *@L8`T, <@FXT, @Æ6XT, FL::"PXT, J,6<`T, J,8XT


Chapter XII. Athematic Verbs.I. Exercise 1.

A. ËFJ0:4. Give (A) tense and voice; tell whether the form is (B) transitive or intransitive;(C) translate.

(A) (B) (C)1. pres., act. trans. they are setting 2. impf., m/p. intrans. he/she/it was standing3. 2nd aor., act. intrans. he/she/it stood4. 1st aor., act. trans. to set5. fut., act. trans. I shall set6. pf., act. intrans. you stand7. plupf., act. intrans. he/she/it stood8. aor., pass. intrans. we were set up9. fut. pf., act. intrans. I shall stand

B. *\*T:4. (A) tense and (B) translate.(A) (B)

1. aor. to give2. impf. you were being given3. pres. they are giving4. pres. to give5. fut. they will give6. aor. he/she/it gave7. aor. you were given8. pf. he/she/it has given9. aor. you gave for yourself

E. *,\6<L:4. (A) tense (B) voice (C) translate.(A) (B) (C)

1. pres. act. to be showing2. pres. act. to show3. pres. mid./pass. you are showing for yourself/being shown4. pres. act. they are showing5. fut. mid. you will display6. fut. pass. I shall be shown7. aor. pass. to be shown8. impf. act. I was showing9. pf. mid./pass. he/she/it has displayed/been shown

II. Exercise 2. C. Quiz.1. be caught 6. go, walk2. understand 7. be able3. understanding 8. lie4. sit 9. give5. fill 10. set; stand


D. Give one compound of each. Translate.1. �N\FJ0:4--cause to revolt2. �<"J\20:4--set up3. BD@*\*T:4--betray4. FL:$"\<T--happen5. �N\0:4--send forth, release from6. ¦B4*,\6<L:4--exhibit7. �B`88L:4--destroy utterly; perish, die

IV. Exercise 4. A. Written.

1. -:4 verbs have no thematic vowel in the present and imperfect and sometimesin the aorist. 2. Present, imperfect, aorist active and middle (of ËFJ0:4--pf. system). 3. Present, imperfect, future, 2nd aorist. 4. 1st aorist, perfect, aorist passive, pluperfect. 5. Yes: future. 6. Root, reduplicatory, -<L:4 7. -<L:4 8. Present, imperfect. 9. In no way.10. Underline the correct form of J\20:4 in each group.a. ¦J\2,4H b. J42,\H c. 2,Ã<"4 d. ¦J\2,F"<11. Underline the correct form of *\*T:4 in each group. a. ¦*\*@L< b. *@ØF4 c. ¦*\*@L d. *4*`:,<@H12. Underline the correct form of ËFJ0:4 in each group.a. ÊFJ�F4 b. ËFJ0 c. FJVF2"4d. ªFJ"J, e. ©FJZ>T13. Underline the correct form of Ç0:4 in each group.

a. ÊX<"4 b. ÊX<J" c. Ë,F@

Chapter XIII, Subjunctive and Optative.I. Exercise 1. The Subjunctive: Uses and FormsII. Exercise 2. The Optative: Uses and FormsIII. Exercise 3.

A. Written questions. 1. Present, aorist, perfect. 2. None. 3. It lengthens. 4. Primary. 5. 1) Hortatory; 2) prohibitive; 3) deliberative. 6. Present general; future more vivid.


7. It does not show tense, it only shows aspect. 8. -:4 verbs, contracts. 9. Aorist passive.10. 1) Optative of wish; 2) potential optative.11. Future less vivid; past general.

Chapter XIV, The Imperative Mood.I. Exercise 1.

B. Imperative forms of B"4*,bT.Present Active Present Middle-PassiveB"\*,L, B"4*,b@LB"4*,LXJT B"4*,LXF2TB"4*,b,J, B"4*,b,F2,B"4*,L`<JT< B"4*,LXF2T<

Aorist Active Middle PassiveB"\*,LF@< B"\*,LF"4 B"4*,b20J4B"4*,LFVJT B"4*,LFVF2T B"4*,L2ZJTB"4*,bF"J, B"4*,bF"F2, B"4*,b20J,B"4*,LFV<JT< B"4*,LFVF2T< B"4*,L2X<JT<

Perfect Active Middle-PassiveB,B"4*,L6fH ÇF24 (B,B"\*,L6,) BXB6,LF@B,B"4*,L6fH §FJT (B,B"4*,L6XJT) B,B"4*,bF2TB,B"4*,L6`J,H §FJ, (B,B"4*,b6,J,) B,B"\*,LF2,B,B"4*,L6`J,H Ð<JT< B,B"4*,bF2T<

D. Second aorist imperative of �(T.Present Active Present Middle-Passive�("(, �("(@�("(XJT �("(XF2T�(V(,J, �(V(,F2,�("(`<JT< �("(XF2T<

F. Optional reading: The Lord's Prayer. (Underline the imperatives.)AVJ,D º:ä< Ò ¦< J@ÃH @ÛD"<@ÃH �(4"F2ZJT JÎ Ð<@:V F@L. ¦82XJT º $"F48,\" F@L.

(,<02ZJT JÎ 2X80:V F@L, ñH ¦< @ÛD"<è 6"Â ¦BÂ (­H. JÎ< �DJ@< º:ä< JÎ< ¦B4@bF4@< *ÎHº:Ã< FZ:,D@<. 6"Â �N,H º:Ã< J� ÏN,48Z:"J" º:ä<. ñH 6"Â º:,ÃH �NZ6":,< J@ÃHÏN,48XJ"4H º:ä<. 6"Â :¬ ,ÆF,<X(6®H º:VH ,ÆH B,4D"F:`<, �88� {DØF"4 º:�H �BÎ J@ØB@<0D@Ø.