greek alphabet


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Post on 26-Dec-2014




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  • 2. ALPHA A is for A (Archers son), or Apollo, the Sun God who helps the Trojans through out the Iliad. Apollo as sent a plague to the Greeks for taking Chrysies.
  • 3. BETA is for Bp(Briseis),who was captured from the Trojans by Achilles as a prize of war, but was later taken by Agamemnon
  • 4. GAMMA is for (Guise), which is what Apollo wears to lureAchilles away from Hector.
  • 5. DELTA is for (Deploy). Agamemnon deployed histroops on the shores of Troy.
  • 6. EPSILON is for (Extol), which is what the Greeks do totheir gods. An example would be worshiping orpraising Apollo at his alter and giving an offering.
  • 7. ETA H is for (Bait). The Greeks used the Trojan horse as bait to penetrate the walls of Troy.
  • 8. ZETAZ is for (Zoom). Achilles zoomed past the Trojansafter Hector, because he was so enraged by thedeath of Patroclus.
  • 9. THETA is for (Thetis), is Achilles mother and asks Zeus to take the Trojans side.
  • 10. IOTA I is for (Indestructible) which is what Achilles was believed to be. His only weakness was his Achilles tendon, which turns out to be his downfall.
  • 11. KAPPA K is for (Calchas), or the prophet that tells Achilles why Apollo is so angry.
  • 12. LAMBDA is for (Lycaon), who is was one of the sons of Priam, that Achilles killed.
  • 13. MU M is for (Mother of Gods), also known as Hera, who sent Athena to stop Achilles from killing Agamemnon .
  • 14. NU N is for (Nestor), who is an old man who told Achilles and Agamemnon to stop fighting.
  • 15. XI is for (Exit), the Greeks waited until the Trojans were asleep to exit the fake horse, because they could then catch them off guard and ransack Troy.
  • 16. OMICRON O is for (Oarsmen). Agamemnon ordered Chrysies to be sent away on a boat that had 20 oarsmen, because that was the only way to calm Apollo.
  • 17. PI is for (Poseidon), who is the god of the sea and built the walls of Troy along with Apollo.
  • 18. RHO P is for (Remiss), Achilles was remiss in the battle of Troy until Hector killed Patroclus.
  • 19. SIGMA is for (Struck). Apollo struck Patroclus off his horse, giving Hector the opportunity to kill him.
  • 20. TAU T is from Tpu(tremble). Hector began to tremble as Achilles began to get closer.
  • 21. UPSILON Y is for (Achilles), who is the greatest fighter of Agamemnons army, who kills Hector, and who is the son of Thetis.
  • 22. PHI is for (Fake). The Greeks built a fake, hollow, wooden horse so the Trojans would bring it into their city.
  • 23. CHI X is for (Chariot), which is what all the leaders ride into battle on.
  • 24. PSI is for (Biceps). Achilles biceps were bulging out during his battle with hector. He eventually overpowers Hector, stabbing him through his collar bone and killing him. Priam warned Hector not to fight Achilles for this reason.
  • 25. OMEGA is for (Odysseus), who is a warrior in the Greek army and recommends the idea of the Trojan horse.