greek religion: ares

ARES Marcos López García 2º ESO

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Marcos Lpez Garca 2 ESO

The Ancient Greeks in Athens introducing democracy as a form of government.The male inhabitants had better privileges than women, for example, male citizens could participate in government and women do not. Slaves cant participate.The goverment decisions were made in a assembly. PUNISHMENTIn Greece the prisoners were not brought to prison, unless they were fined for their crime or wrongdoing, being whipped or branded. OSTRACISMIf the people of Greece did not think like their governors, they would have to leave Athens for 10 years.

Greek govermentMarcos Lpez Garca 2B

Life in Athens was very different for men and women, the rich and poor, free citizens and slaves. Women were expected to spend almost their time looking after the homeand the children, While slaves had no freedom at all.FARMINGThe greeks farmers kept animal to take his wool and skins to made different clothes. Also they take the milk.Other farmers they kept animals as anox or donkey to pull carts.They cultivate olives, grapes, vegetables and fruit.FOOD AND DRINKAncient Greek food was plain and healthy. They eat fish, seafood and a little meat. Families hunted animals such as deer, wild boar, rabbits and hares.They drank wine mixed with water

2. Daily lifeMarcos Lpez Garca 2B

The agora was an open area surrounded by shops and public buildings.The agora

Marcos Lpez Garca 2B

A NEW BIRTHIn athen boys were valued much more then girls. In athen when a chldren borns, his father take a olive brach a put on the door of he house.CHILDHOOD GAMESWhen boys and girls have 7 years, they play with dolls, balls and some times with a toy chariot. Also mothers tells stories. When childrens grow, boys go to school,but girls stay at home.SCHOOLAt school boys learned toread, write and to do arithmetic. Also they practise to sing and flute.EDUCATION FOR GIRLSGirls did not go to school,but some of them have a tutor at home. They didnt do exercises, spartan girls yes.3. Daily lifeMarcos Lpez Garca 2B


Marcos Lpez Garca 2B

GETTING MARRIEDAn Athenian girl married at the age of 14 or 15. Marriages were arranged between the groom and the father of the bride. On the day before the weeding, the bride made a sacrifice to one of the weeding gods.

THE WEEDING DAYThe bride dressed in her best clothes and put on a veil. In the afternoon, the groom arrived at the house with his family. First there was a sacrifice to the gods. Then men sat separately from the women. As night fell, the father of the bride gave his daughter to the groom.

4. Daily life

SLAVERY AND FREEDOMMost slaves were people captured in foreign wars. Slaves did all the most unpleasant jobs, for example, the silver mines near Athens were dug by slaves. Slaves could be granted their freedom by their masters, for outstanding or long service. But even as freedem and women they did not have the same rights as Athenian citizens.OLD AGE AND DEATHOld people were respected for their wisdom. When someone died, they were bound in waxed cloths and put in a coffin. The coffin stayed in the house. Then it was carried in a funeral procession. There the body would either be cremated or buried.4. Daily life

GREEK MYTHOLOGY:Greek mythology is the set of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks who deal with their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, the origins and meaning of their own rituals and cults.BELIEFS OF THE GREEKS:The religion of Ancient Greece encompasses the collection of beliefs and rituals practiced in Ancient Greece in the form of cultural practices, homologous to Greek mythology.The Greeks were polytheists: worshiping various deities. They mainly honored the gods and the heroes. Each one of them could be invoked in different aspects according to the place, the cult and the function that fulfilled. These gods endowed with supernatural powers, under the same name, could present a multiplicity of aspects. The cultic aspects, indicated their nature and their scope of intervention. For example: Zeus, Ares ...

Greek religion

Ares is the god of war

The main beasts of ares were the venomous snake and the vulture.beasts


Descriptions of ares

Ares is characterized by wearing shield and sword.

According to account Greek mythology, ares was son of Zeus and Hera, therefore god and immortal, and proclaimed God of the war. Ares also felt pain, and always looked for the healing power that had its father. But Zeus despised him for his violence and his thirst for blood.

Myth of ares

Inspiration in the art or culture


To do this job I have searched for information and photographs on the internet.

Also, to add the information I used the sheets they gave us in class.bibliographyMarcos Lpez Garca 2B

The mythological theme has seemed to me quite interesting.I liked the work because it was another different way of studying the subject.The topic we have worked on has seemed a little long.Personal opinionMarcos Lpez Garca 2B