green dot part 4 assignment

Green Means Go and Spread the Wo rd: An Overview 1 Green Means Go and Spread the Wo rd: An Overview Kedron Taylor Kent State University

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8/20/2019 Green Dot Part 4 Assignment 1/8

Green Means Go and Spread the Word: An Overview 1

Green Means Go and Spread the Word: An Overview

Kedron Taylor 

Kent State University

8/20/2019 Green Dot Part 4 Assignment 2/8

Green Means Go and Spread the Word: An Overview 2

For the final portion of my Feminist Ativism !ro"et# $ hose to %eome a trained Green

&ot 'ystander( $ attended an ei)ht ho*r trainin) session whih too+ plae on amp*s and was

failitated %y a )ro*p of fo*r individ*als inl*din) ,ennie O-.onnell and .assie !e))/Kir%y( The

ore topi of my Feminist Ativism pro"et for this semester was se0*al violene whih is s*h a

 %road topi# so $ deided to fo*s in on the Green &ot 'ystander pro)ram sine it was a new

 pro)ram de%*tin) on Kent State University-s amp*s this semester# and was also a pro)ram that $

was not familiar with( Se0*al iolene on olle)e amp*ses is a )rowin) epidemi# and needs to

 %e addressed in more ways than one( Green &ot addresses se0*al violene prevention in a

n*m%er of ways# and offers %ystanders a n*m%er of different opport*nities to stop the violene(

At my Green &ot trainin)# myself and pro%a%ly aro*nd five other st*dents were present

as well as a%o*t five mem%ers of *niversity staff( &*rin) trainin)# the ontent to %e learned was

divided into fo*r mod*les that were ta*)ht %y the vario*s failitators( Mod*le One: Tiny

!*shes3 was an introd*tion to Green &ot and helped e0plain the idea %ehind the pro)ram( As $

had mentioned in my previo*s paper# individ*als are meant to envision a map that shows an area

*nder atta+ %y a widespread epidemi( Speifially that epidemi is se0*al violene# and on the

map red dots indiate an at of power/%ased violene whereas )reen dots represent a %ehavior#

hoie# or ation that omm*niates intolerane of that violene 45dwards# 26678( Th*s# the

Green &ot 'ystander trainin) is done in an attempt to train more people on how to %e the )reen

dots on that map# so that may%e one day the )reen dots will over pop*late the red dots and se0*al

violene an ease to e0ist(

The ne0t setion# Mod*le Two: 9ot to 'e 9e*tral3 eo)ni;in) ed &ots# ta*)ht

trainees how to %e a%le to reo)ni;e ed &ots in vario*s sit*ations as well as how to identify an

individ*al who has the opport*nity to at as a Green &ot 'ystander in those same sit*ations

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Green Means Go and Spread the Word: An Overview <

45dwards# 26678( $n Mod*le Three: What Are We .apa%le of &oin)3 'ystanders: $dentifyin)

Self/&efinin) Moments and Overomin) 'arriers# trainees were ta*)ht the ommon o%stales

individ*als e0periene when deidin) to %e Green &ot 'ystanders 45dwards# 26678( The

o%stales ame in the forms of: %ystander dynami o%stales# peer infl*ene/related o%stales#

and personal o%stales( We were ta*)ht that a potential red dot pl*s o*r personal o%stale will

lead *s to o*r own self/definin) moment in whih we will hoose to do nothin) or %eome an

ative %ystander( The final setion# Mod*le Fo*r: A%ove All# Try Somethin)3 eative and

!roative Green &ots# helps individ*als assess the sit*ation and deide if they wo*ld li+e to %e a

 proative or reative %ystander 45dwards# 26678( The most important aspet of this mod*le was

to assess yo*r own personal safety when deidin) whih type of %ystander yo* wo*ld li+e to %e(

Thro*)ho*t all fo*r mod*les# trainees en)a)ed in s+ills pratie e0erises# and were also

eno*ra)ed to atively partiipate in the trainin) so as to )ain a %etter *nderstandin) of the

mission of Green &ot# and th*s %eome the %est Ative 'ystander possi%le(

Thro*)h my ompletion of this trainin) $ learned a lot more a%o*t the different +inds of

se0*al and power/%ased violene that o*rs on olle)e amp*ses( Ori)inally# when $ tho*)ht

a%o*t se0*al violene $ tho*)ht a%o*t rape# %*t there are so many more aspets to that type of

violene( $n trainin) we learned a%o*t se0*al violene alon) with partner violene and stal+in)

violene whih also impat many olle)e amp*ses thro*)ho*t the o*ntry as well as the world(

$ feel as if this trainin) really opened my eyes to the power of havin) more ative %ystanders

ta+in) a stand on amp*ses# and how m*h of a differene this pro)ram o*ld ma+e if more

 people were to )et involved( Aordin) to some researh done at The University of 9ew

=ampshire# The .enters for &isease .ontrol and !revention 4.&.8 has reommended

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Green Means Go and Spread the Word: An Overview >

adoption of a p*%li health approah that fo*ses on the responsi%ility of all omm*nity

mem%ers to red*e se0*al violene and emphasi;es eval*atin) the effetiveness of prevention

strate)ies %efore they are widely disseminated 4.&.# 266>83 4!otter et al# 2667# p( 16?8( Green

&ot is a perfet e0ample of that +ind of p*%li health approah to red*in) se0*al violene

 %ea*se Green &ot is intentionally tar)etin) the amp*s omm*nity to ta+e a stand as opposed to

sin)lin) o*t men and women to ta+e prea*tions %ased on their se0 and preoneived notions of

whether they will %e predator or vitim( $n my mind# a omm*nity/%ased approah to red*in)

the violene ma+es the most sense %ea*se yo* are holdin) a lar)er )ro*p of individ*als

responsi%le for +eepin) one another safe as opposed to playin) the %lame )ame and pittin)

individ*als a)ainst eah other(

Another aspet of se0*al violene that is helped %ein) red*ed d*e to Green &ot-s

omm*nity/%ased approah is the o*rrene of a@*aintane rape( Ative 'ystanders in the

Green &ot pro)ram are trained to %e proative or reative in all instanes of potential violene#

not "*st sit*ations where they %elieve the vitim does not +now his or her predator( This aspet of 

Green &ot is important %ea*se it adds partner violene into the array of sit*ations for %ystanders

to %e aware of# and does not onsider a@*aintane rape or partner violene to %e lesser offenses

 "*st %ea*se the individ*al and the atta+er +now one another( $n one of the artiles we were

assi)ned to read in lass# ed*in) Se0*al iolene on .amp*s: The ole of St*dent eaders

as 5mpowered 'ystanders#3 the a*thors fo*nd that:

&espite the fat that olle)e amp*s omm*nities are at/ris+ environments for se0*al

violene# a reent report %y Kar"ane et al( 4266B8 finds )reat varia%ility nationally in the

e0tent to whih amp*ses are wor+in) to prevent this pro%lem( Their st*dy of olle)e and

*niversity responses to se0*al violene fo*nd that fewer than half of the shools in their

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Green Means Go and Spread the Word: An Overview B

st*dy offered trainin) related to se0*al assa*lt( Only C6D of the s*rveyed shools offered

ed*ational prevention pro)rams# with few of these pro)rams fo*sed on a@*aintane

rape# the most ommon form of se0*al violene 4'anyard et al# 2667# p( >>C/>>?8(

This statisti sho+ed me# and made me that m*h more than+f*l for the implementation of

Green &ot onto Kent-s amp*s( !revention pro)rams need to %e *tili;ed on olle)e amp*ses in

order to help red*e se0*al violene# and Green &ot is a way to do that( $t was also alarmin) to

me that most of the pro)rams that are offered do not even fo*s on a@*aintane rape# whih

 %efore readin) this $ did not reali;e was the most ommon form of se0*al violene( Ultimately#

se0*al violene prevention pro)rams need %e offered on amp*ses# and Green &ot appears to %e

the most @*alified pro)ram to %e implemented d*e to its omm*nity/%ased approah# and

a+nowled)ement of a@*aintane rape(

As yo* an pro%a%ly ass*me from my writin)# after trainin) to %e a Green &ot 'ystander

$ have %eome very passionate a%o*t preventin) se0*al violene on amp*s# and $ want other

Kent State St*dents to feel the same( Altho*)h $ only attended one trainin) session# $ %elieve

)oin) thro*)h that day of trainin) an really open a person-s eyes to what happens on amp*ses

every day( The trainin) helped to spar+ my passion for %ein) an ative %ystander# and $-m s*re it

an do the same for others who ta+e the trainin) as well( What is )reat a%o*t trainin) to %e a

Green &ot 'ystander is that it provides yo* with the neessary s+ills to detet a potential red dot

sit*ation as well as what yo* sho*ld do in response( !ersonally# $ am not a very onfrontational

 person# so in a lot of sit*ations $ may hoose to %e proative as opposed to reative toward a red

dot sit*ation# %*t at least $ wo*ld %e doin) somethin)( The worst thin) someone o*ld do when

faed with a red dot sit*ation where another individ*al o*ld %eome a vitim of se0*al assa*lt is

to do nothin) and ass*me someone else will do somethin) in their a%sene( One aspet of my

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Green Means Go and Spread the Word: An Overview C

trainin)# tho*)h# that $ hope will han)e in the f*t*re is the n*m%er of male trainees who

attended( There was one male failitator and may%e two males who showed *p for trainin)( $ was

very e0ited for those men to partiipate in trainin)# %*t $ o*ldn-t help %*t wonder where all the

other men wereE Male ooperation in trainin) attendane is what o*ld really ma+e or %rea+

Green &ot( $t does the amp*s omm*nity very little )ood if only one )ender is onsistently

attendin) trainin) sessions %ea*se then only half of the amp*s pop*lation is %eomin) aware

of the power of %ein) an ative %ystander( So m*h more )ood an %e done with more males

 present at trainin)# and that is an aspet of the trainin) that sho*ld definitely %e wor+ed on(

Altho*)h $ do not %elieve my one day of trainin) will han)e the entirety of Kent-s

amp*s# and effetively eliminate se0*al violene on amp*s# $ do %elieve %ein) informed is

val*a%le and an at least start the proess of red*in) se0*al violene( $ am hopin) to set *p a

trainin) session in the f*t*re for the &ean-s Offie of the .olle)e of 5d*ation# =ealth and

=*man Servies where $ am a )rad*ate assistant( $ fi)*re that even if the offie is *na%le to

ommit to a f*ll /ho*r trainin) session# at least it will %e a%le to partiipate in some +ind of

trainin) and %enefit ed*ationally( Spreadin) awareness of what we an do as %ystanders is the

most important omponent of Green &ot# and will help to end f*t*re ats of se0*al violene(

The notion of Ative 'ystanders in re)ards to the Green &ot initiative an definitely %e

onsidered a form of feminist ativism# %*t more speifially viewed from a i%eral Feminism

 perspetive( Aordin) to Allan-s 426118 te0t# in )eneral# the fo*s of li%eral feminism is ri)hts#

 "*stie# and fairness as +ey onepts for eliminatin) )ender/%ased disrimination3 4p( 268( Upon

readin) this definition of li%eral feminism# my first tho*)ht was the onnetion %etween this

lense of feminist ativism to Green &ot in re)ards to )ender/%ased disrimination( Green &ot

does not sin)*larly lassify vitims of se0*al violene as women( Men an %e vitims as well#

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Green Means Go and Spread the Word: An Overview ?

and nowhere in o*r Green &ot trainin) man*al does it say to treat male vitims differently or to

not onsider men vitims at all( The )oal of Green &ot is to eliminate all +inds of se0*al

violene# no matter the )ender of the vitim( Another point Allan ma+es a%o*t li%eral feminism is

that its perspetive is framed %y *nderstandin)s of power as a positive soial )ood a )ood that

is distri%*ted *ne@*ally on the %asis of se0 or )ender3 4p( 268( From this e0planation of i%eral

Feminism $ %e)an to view power in the form of red and )reen dots( !ower is distri%*ted

*ne@*ally %etween red and )reen dots on the %asis of predators and %ystanders( $t is Green &ot-s

mission to o*nterat that im%alane# altho*)h $ s*ppose in the ase of Green &ot im%alane is

still wanted# "*st in the favor of %ystanders as opposed to predators( i%eral Feminism seems to

 %e that most ommonly employed form of feminist ativism# and $ %elieve Green &ot falls into

that ate)ory(

Green &ot lets %ystanders +now how m*h power they have to stop se0*al violene on

olle)e amp*ses( ,oel 5pstein 426628 p*ts it perfetly when he says# Often *naware of their

soial infl*ene on others# %ystanders fre@*ently have provided the pivotal soial santion that

serves to promote or prevent violent provoation amon) others3 4p( 728( $ %elieve Green &ot has

the a%ility to empower %oth men and women in olle)e amp*s omm*nities# and sho*ld %e

implemented on every olle)e amp*s so as to help stop the violene now( itim %lamin) and

harateri;in) every male as a predator will not stop the violene# it will only perpet*ate it(

Thro*)h pro)rams li+e Green &ot# tho*)h# han)e an happen and %ystanders an hoose how

they wish to ma+e a stand( 'y holdin) every person on amp*s responsi%le for the safety of

others the violene an stop# and it will# one )reen dot at a time(

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Green Means Go and Spread the Word: An Overview

Wor+s .ited

Allan# 5(,( 426118( Women-s stat*s in hi)her ed*ation: 5@*ity matters( ASHE Higher Education

 Report # <?418( San Franiso# .A: ,ossey/'ass(

'anyard# ((# Moynihan# M(M(# H .rossman# M(T( 426678( ed*in) se0*al violene on

amp*s: The role of st*dent leaders as empowered %ystanders( Research in Brief, 50 4>8#


5dwards# &orothy( 426678( G*ide to livin- it: one )reen dot at a time( College Version 11/11.


5pstein# ,oel( 426628( 'rea+in) the ode of silene: 'ystanders to amp*s violene and the law

of olle)e and *niversity safety( Stetson a! Re"ie!, #$# 471/12>8(

!otter# S(,(# Moynihan# M(M(# Stapleton# ,(G(# 'anyard# (( 426678( 5mpowerin) %ystanders to

 prevent amp*s violene a)ainst women: a preliminary eval*ation of a poster ampai)n(

Violence Against %o&en, 15 '1(, 416C/1218(