green party policies in action


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Post on 16-Mar-2016




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The Green Party's policies in action


Page 1: Green Party Policies in action

The welfare of our children is top priority for the Green Party. In Government, we insisted on:

green party

• Reversing severe education cuts in Budget 2009

• Maintaining pupil / teacher ratios

• Introducing the cervical vaccine to teenage girls

• Maintaining free access to third level education for everybody


Page 2: Green Party Policies in action

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Our children deserve the best education possible. It’s been difficult to maintain education funding in these tough economic times, but in 2009, the Green Party insisted on reversing funding cutbacks and maintaining free access to third level education for all. We ensured that: 500 teaching posts were provided to keep up with growing pupil numbers; capitation grants to schools were maintained; funding for school psychologists was protected; and that there would be no further increase in the pupil-teacher ratio. We have also:

• Introduced a free pre-school year for all children

• Addressed the lack of ABA education for children with autism

• Clamped down on text and phone message scams, which often targeted children

• Clamped down on junk food advertising aimed at children

Page 3: Green Party Policies in action


• Has banned stag hunting• Has regulated puppy farms• Is outlawing fur farming• Is stopping badger culling

Did you know…?The Green Party:

Page 4: Green Party Policies in action

Animal welfare is of huge concern to the Green Party - no other Party takes the welfare of animals seriously.Fine Gael will reverse the ban on stag hunting if they get into Government and the Labour Party also now supports blood sports.

In Government, the Green Party has negotiated to:• Enact the Animal Health and Welfare Bill, which will update legislation dating back to the 1800s

• Outlaw puppy farms and improve conditions for all dog breeding establishments

• Ban stag hunting

• Phase out fur farming by 2012

• Replace the culling of badgers with a humane vaccine

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Page 5: Green Party Policies in action


€• Got rid of the top banking bosses• Ordered two reports into the crisis by experts Patrick Honohan and Matthew Elderfield • Ensured the results of these reports were made public as quickly as possible• Introduced a debt management group to address the problem of arrears

• Ensured that NAMA will give back to the community by putting money into schools and other community projects

The Green Party did not cause the The Green Party did not cause the banking crisis but we are in a position banking crisis but we are in a position to help clean up the mess. We have:


Page 6: Green Party Policies in action

The Debt Management Group is tasked with looking at other options to help borrowers in trouble including:

• Reduced interest rates• Longer maturity dates• Rolling-up of outstanding interest• Banks taking equity in houses• Banks taking ownership and leasing back the property with rent payments coming off the loan

A new debt management group, set up at the Green Party’s insistence, has agreed:

• No penalty interest or arrears charges will apply to those in trouble paying for their home• No loss of tracker mortgage if you agree a deal with your bank• There will be a specialist Mortgage Resolution Process in every lending institution

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Page 7: Green Party Policies in action

The welfare of our children is top priority for the Green Party. In Government, we insisted on:

green party

• Reversing severe education cuts in Budget 2009

• Maintaining pupil / teacher ratios

• Introducing the cervical vaccine to teenage girls

• Maintaining free access to third level education for everybody


Page 8: Green Party Policies in action

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Our children deserve the best education possible. It’s been difficult to maintain education funding in these tough economic times, but in 2009, the Green Party insisted on reversing funding cutbacks and maintaining free access to third level education for all. We ensured that: 500 teaching posts were provided to keep up with growing pupil numbers; capitation grants to schools were maintained; funding for school psychologists was protected; and that there would be no further increase in the pupil-teacher ratio. We have also:

• Introduced a free pre-school year for all children

• Addressed the lack of ABA education for children with autism

• Clamped down on text and phone message scams, which often targeted children

• Clamped down on junk food advertising aimed at children

Page 9: Green Party Policies in action
Page 10: Green Party Policies in action

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Page 11: Green Party Policies in action
Page 12: Green Party Policies in action

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Page 13: Green Party Policies in action
Page 14: Green Party Policies in action
Page 15: Green Party Policies in action

The Green Party has changed the way we plan our communities. The Planning and Development Bill, passed in summer 2010 will:

• Prevent urban sprawl

• See local authorities take charge of ghost estates

• Prevent future flooding

• Protect wildlife habitats

green party


Page 16: Green Party Policies in action

• Put the interests of our citizens ahead of property developers and landowners

• Ensure that the right types of development are built in the right places at the right time

• Bring an end to urban sprawl and overzoning and deliver more compact, walkable, and integrated communities

• Prevent future property bubbles from occurring

• Oblige councils to take charge of ‘ghost estates’ if a majority of residents request it

• Consult young people on development and local area plans

The Celtic Tiger saw an explosion of building projects across Ireland, often in the wrong place, with no local facilities or public transport provided. This legacy will last many years to come. The Green Party went into Government to put a stop to bad planning. The result is the Planning and Development Act, signed into law in July 2010.

The new planning act will:

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