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Green Plans/Strategies

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Green Plans/Strategies

Sustainable Development as IntegrationSustainable Development as Integration

Science &Technology




Environment Environment


An International Framework

Creating conventions and protocols to govern the international commons

Establishing principles and practices of sustainable development for implementation at national and local levels

The International Framework: Agenda 21

Preamble Agenda 21 addresses the pressing problems of today and also aims at

preparing the world for the challenges of the next century. It reflects a global consensus and political commitment at the highest level on development and environment cooperation. Its successful implementation is first and foremost the responsibility of Governments. National strategies, plans, policies and processes are crucial in achieving this. International cooperation should support and supplement such national efforts. In this context, the United Nations system has a key role to play. Other international, regional and subregional organizations are also called upon to contribute to this effort. The broadest public participation and the active involvement of the non-governmental organizations and other groups should also be encouraged.

Other Important Agreements for the International Framework for SusDev

Biodiversity: Convention on Biological Diversity 1992 Climate Change: Convention on Climate Change 1992; Kyoto

Protocol 1997 Desertification: UN Convention to Combat Desertification in those

Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly Africa 1994

Endangered Species: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) 1973

Hazardous Waste: Basel Convention on the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal 1989

Heritage: Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage 1927

Others: Ozone (Montreal Protocol 1987); Oceans (Law of the Sea 1982); Wetlands (Ramsar 1973);

International Development Goals (OECD 1997) Millenium Development Goals (UN 2000)

Agenda 21 - Table of Contents


Section 1: Social and Economic DimensionsSection 2 : Conservation and Management of Resources for

DevelopmentSection 3 : Strengthening the Role of Major GroupsSection 4: Means of Implementation

Agenda 21 - Table of ContentsChapter Paragraphs1. Preamble


2. International cooperation to accelerate sustainable development in developing countries and related domestic policies3. Combating poverty4. Changing consumption patterns5. Demographic dynamics and sustainability6. Protecting and promoting human health conditions7. Promoting sustainable human settlement development8. Integrating environment and development in decision-making


9. Protection of the atmosphere10. Integrated approach to the planning and management of land resources11. Combating deforestation12. Managing fragile ecosystems: combating desertification and drought13. Managing fragile ecosystems: sustainable mountain development14. Promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development15. Conservation of biological diversity16. Environmentally sound management of biotechnology17. Protection of the oceans, all kinds of seas, including enclosed and semi-enclosed seas, and coastal areas and the protection, rational use and development of their living resources18. Protection of the quality and supply of freshwater resources: application of integrated approaches to the development, management and use of water resources19. Environmentally sound management of toxic chemicals, including prevention of illegal international traffic in toxic and dangerous products20. Environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes, in hazardous wastes21. Environmentally sound management of solid wastes and sewage-related issues22. Safe and environmentally sound management of radioactive wastes


23. Preamble24. Global action for women towards sustainable and equitable development25. Children and youth in sustainable development26. Recognizing and strengthening the role of indigenous people and their communities27. Strengthening the role of non-governmental organizations: partners for sustainable development28. Local authorities' initiatives in support of Agenda 2129. Strengthening the role of workers and their trade unions30. Strengthening the role of business and industry31. Scientific and technological community32. Strengthening the role of farmers


33. Financial resources and mechanisms34. Transfer of environmentally sound technology, cooperation and capacity-building35. Science for sustainable development36. Promoting education, public awareness and training37. National mechanisms and international cooperation for capacity-building in developing countries38. International institutional arrangements39. International legal instruments and mechanisms40. Information for decision-making

Agenda 21: National Plans 8.7. Governments, in cooperation, where appropriate, with international

organizations, should adopt a national strategy for sustainable development based on, inter alia, the implementation of decisions taken at the Conference, particularly in respect of Agenda 21. This strategy should build upon and harmonize the various sectoral economic, social and environmental policies and plans that are operating in the country. The experience gained through existing planning exercises such as national reports for the Conference, national conservation strategies and environment action plans should be fully used and incorporated into a country-driven sustainable development strategy. Its goals should be to ensure socially responsible economic development while protecting the resource base and the environment for the benefit of future generations. It should be developed through the widest possible participation. It should be based on a thorough assessment of the current situation and initiatives.

Local Strategies (Local Agenda 21)

Agenda 21:  Chapter 28



Basis for action

28.1. Because so many of the problems and solutions being addressed by Agenda 21 have their roots in local activities, the participation and cooperation of local authorities will be a determining factor in fulfilling its objectives. Local authorities construct, operate and maintain economic, social and environmental infrastructure, oversee planning processes, establish local environmental policies and regulations, and assist in implementing national and subnational environmental policies. As the level of governance closest to the people, they play a vital role in educating, mobilizing and responding to the public to promote sustainable development.

28.3. Each local authority should enter into a dialogue with its citizens, local organizations and private enterprises and adopt "a local Agenda 21". Through consultation and consensus-building, local authorities would learn from citizens and from local, civic, community, business and industrial organizations and acquire the information needed for formulating the best strategies. The process of consultation would increase household awareness of sustainable development issues. Local authority programmes, policies, laws and regulations to achieve Agenda 21 objectives would be assessed and modified, based on local programmes adopted. Strategies could also be used in supporting proposals for local, national, regional and international funding.

28.4. Partnerships should be fostered among relevant organs and organizations such as UNDP, the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) and UNEP, the World Bank, regional banks, the International Union of Local Authorities, the World Association of the Major Metropolises, Summit of Great Cities of the World, the United Towns Organization and other relevant partners, with a view to mobilizing increased international support for local authority programmes. An important goal would be to support, extend and improve existing institutions working in the field of local authority capacity-building and local environment management.

Accepted Principles More Important than Framework

Specifics public trust doctrine precautionary principle inter-generational equity intra-generational equity subsidiarity principle polluter pays principle (PPP) user pays principle (UPP)

Problems with Early SusDev National Plans

Many were not integrated into mainstream strategic planning; Many were “wish lists” lacking clear objectives and achievable

targets; Narrow base of participation and without key stakeholders; Did not support existing processes, strategies, and capacities and tried

to build parallel structure; Many (developing countries) were not led by the country, but by

external agencies; In some developing countries different external agencies pushed

competing strategies

Key Principles based on Experience

People centred Consensus on long term

vision Comprehensive and

integrated Targeted with clear budgetary

priorities Based on comprehensive and

reliable analysis Incorporate monitoring,

learning, and improvement

Country-led and nationally owned

High-level government commitment and influential leading institutions

Building on existing mechanisms and strategies

Effective participation Link national and local levels Develop and build on existing


Linear Process of Strategy Making

Set of Objectives Social, Economic,

Environmental Set of Processes Participation,

Communications, Analysis, Debate,

Investment, Capacity-building, Monitoring

Coordination System

Strategy for Sustainable Development

Requires balance

Requires co-ordination

Cyclical Process of Strategy Making

Communication Participation Coordination Information


Plans and investment

Empowerment & capacity building

Mainstreaming SD, controls and incentives

Monitor strategy mechanisms

Monitor SD outcomes

Assessment of issues and debate priorities

Consensus on vision and priority goals

The Netherlands Approach From 1989 National Environmental Policy Plan revised every 4 years Dialogue between government, industry, civil society, public Cabinet established interdepartmental body led by Prime Minister to

develop strategy All policies embedded in susdev concepts (2001) Experiments in integration of economic, socio-cultural, environmental

aspects of government investments Each ministry must overview its contribution to susdev annually in

annual budget Inventory made of susdev initiatives of municipalities, provinces,

business, citizens. Visions, baseline analysis, targets and timelines, triggers, action plans,

institutional plans, indicators set Covenant approach with industrial sectors

Sectors and Community

Sustainable Development as IntegrationSustainable Development as Integration

Science &Technology




Environment Environment


Sector and Community Comparison Community focuses on interrelations of people and

institutions within an area Sector focuses on the interrelations of people within an

interdependent set of activities In both stakeholders share responsibilities and participation Both require building of social capital and other capacities Need to integrate technology, economy and politics Strategy Framework: Vision, participation, issue analysis,

targets, implementation plans, indicators and evaluation External linkages and interdependencies

SusDev by Sectors

Sector: Definition

Within a larger system (society, economy, industry), a sector is a distinct subsystem of related components

Why Sectors?

Allows you to deal with the integrated complexity of the susdev challenge at a reasonable level.

‘$50,000 lure’ for minibus LPG switch

1. What physical infrastructure is under development?

2. What land-use considerations are required?

3. What kind of social decisions are being made?

4. Who is involved?5. Are the decisions being made in a

atmosphere of cooperation or conflict?

Sectors as Systems Network and interrelations Upstream and downstream interrelations Horizontal interrelations Interrelations with citizens, government, businesses,

NGOs, certifying authorities Regulatory and cultural frameworkEnvironmental impacts Direct and indirect impacts: local/global, temporal Life-cycle impacts Interactions with rest of system: cumulative and

synergistic effects

Sector Examples Agriculture Forestry Mining Fisheries Materials (metals,

plastics, cement, chemicals, nanotechnologies)


Transportation (air, land, water)

Construction/Building mgt Water/sewage Tourism Education Finance/Banking/

Insurance Retail and wholesale Health Governance/participation Elderly, youth, gender

Life cycle approach

Your Sector Includes









Physical Infrastructure, Landuse,

Social Infrastructure

Material & Energy Inputs

Pollution Outputs


Sector Initiatives Most incremental and build on existing practices,

organizations and cultures Introducing systems based approach with life cycle

assessment Leadership of individuals, particular firms, government

departments, and NGOs important Experimentation with pilot projects Need to overcome technological, economic and cultural


The Netherlands Sector Approach

•Themes (issues)•Target groups (sectors)•Indicators•Covenants of stakeholders•Market and technology•Product Life-cycle Policy•Program Monitoring and Evaluation

Netherlands: Target groups, themes and indicators

The government targets an industry or group of industries that have problems in common that have to be solved. The most important target groups are agriculture, traffic and transportation, manufacturing industry, energy, refineries, building trades, and consumer and retail trade. The major common problems that they have to solve are identified and called themes. Agriculture, for example, has the themes of acidification, eutrophication, and toxic substance dispersion. Indicators are chosen to allow the severity of the problem (theme) and advances in solving it to be measured accurately and concisely. The indicators for agriculture are, respectively, ammonia emissions for acidification, phosphate emissions for eutrophication, and pesticide use for toxic substance dispersion.

Netherlands: Covenants The national government brings together provincial and

municipal governments, business representatives, industry association representatives, environmentalists and occasionally labor to discuss the severity of the problem and what needs to be done to solve it. Improvement targets and timetables are established. These targets and timetables are set for short, medium and long-term efforts because the changing the system requires incentives and deadlines that allow firms to realistically achieve the improvement goals. Companies are expected to put action plans into effect, monitor the results and make the information open to the public.

Netherlands: Market and technology The covenant approach works so well because it allows the

market to motivate companies to improve their environmental performance and to innovate in the design or use of environmental technologies.

The targets allow the companies to plan for the future in their own way and are not forced to adopt existing technologies.

Therefore, companies do not have to change technologies and practices all the time as regulation become tougher, but can devise technologies and practices that actually give them an advantage over the competition.

Thus a company is motivated to find both the most advantageous environmental technology and to do it in the most efficient manner for their business.

Netherlands: Product Life-cycle Policy Covenants are encouraged to provide information

about each product as it moves through the lifecycle.

Thus companies at each stage of the product cycle gain improved information about how to design and use products received from downstream.

The Netherlands balances this policy with the fact that are a small trade dependent country selling and buying goods from many countries that have less strict regulations than them, and also selling and buying goods to countries like Germany and Sweden which in some sectors will have tougher environmental regulations.

Netherlands: Program Evaluation

The programs are evaluated on an ongoing basis by the national government, paid consultants and environmentalists. The program is also more thoroughly reviewed on 5 and 10-year intervals to point out significant problems.

Target Group Performance Indicators

Target Group Theme Indicator

Agriculture Acidification


Toxic substance dispersion

Ammonia emissions

Phosphate emissions


Traffic and Transportation

Climate change


Disturbance of local environment

CO2 emissions

Nitrogen emissions

Noise and odor

Industry Climate Change


Solid Waste

CO2 emissions

SO2 emissions

NOX emissions

Industrial and chemical waste

Target Group Performance Indicators

Target Group Theme Indicator

Energy Climate Change


Solid Waste

CO2 emissions

SO2 emissions

NOX emissions

Fly ash and slag

Radioactive waste

Refineries Climate change


Toxic substance dispersion

CO2 emissions

SO2 emissions

Hazardous substances emissions

Target Group Performance Indicators

Target Group Theme Indicator

Building trade Climate change

Toxic substances dispersion

Solid waste

CO2 emissions

CFC emissions

Creosote and hazardous substances

C&D waste

Consumer and retail Climate change


Solid Waste

CO2 emissions

NO2 emissions

Household and white good waste

Covenant ProcessKnowledge Base


Implementing plan at branch level

Detailed Development Detailed

DevelopmentDeclaration of intent

(integrated environmental target plan)

Implementing plans

Drafting company environmental plans

Phased plan & guidelines

Monitoring and enforcement


Homogenous Sectors

Heterogeneous Sectors

HK’s Transportation Sector

Comparatively high level of sustainability because: Low private car ownership (5.2 %) Relatively few roads 89% of all passenger trips by public transport High level of access, convenience, affordable Modal competition and railway self financing

HK’s Transportation SectorProblems: Roadside pollution high, particularly NOX and RSPs from diesel Traffic noise Pressure on land and habitat from expanding road and rail networks High latent demand for cars Roads planned with little regard for interrelations with other aspects

of public space (pedestrianization, neighbourhood division, aesthetics) Public participation limited to post conceptualization-engineering

consultations (little real change possible) Railways subsidized by government land grants for development;

roads paid for by government (therefore bus companies, logistics companies subsidized

Transportation Policies

Infrastructure (Highways dept) Comprehensive Transport Study

3 (2000) began to integrate SusDev into transport planning

“Emphasis on rail” but road predominant expansion (5X)

“Predict and provide” approach instead of demand management

Little concern for social well-being, noise, air pollution or other issues of sustainability

Environment, Transport and Works bureau now links environment and transport

Vehicles and Fuels (EPD)

Low sulfur fuels

Euro engines (with replacement of buses)

LPG taxis and minibuses

No control over mainland fuels being used in HK

Tunnel fees but no electronic road pricing

UK Sustainable Transport Policy

Integrate land use and transport policies to minimize transport and increase use of less-damaging modes

Remove air quality threats to human health Improve quality of life by reducing dominance of cars and

trucks and providing other modes Halt loss of land used for conservation, scenic, or amenity

purposes Reduce GHGs Reduce impact on non-renewable resources Reduce noise


HONG KONGDirect Average travel distance Average network speed Cost of freight transportIndirect AQ based on air quality

objectives Toxic air pollution based on

acceptable risk Per capita C02 Total C02

ALTERNATIVE Per capita km buses and trains;

footway length; avg. travel speed, disabled facilities; prv. cars; traffic accidents; fatalities; income proportion; roadside API

Access to goods, services, activities, destinations

Impact/kilometre Kilometer/GDP


Don’t connect with guiding principles completely (e.g. GP of safety and pedestrian facilities don’t have indicators)

Measures means rather than goals (e.g. network speed rather than ease of access to services)

HK’s Municipal Solid Waste Strategy

The Immediate Problem:

landfills filling up

The Underlying Problem: high consumption and waste habits

Strategic Objective




HK’s SusDev Strategy for Travel and TourismSubsectors Food and Beverage: restaurants, fast food shops, bars, etc. Hotels and hostels Travel and transport: travel agents, tour operators,

airport/airline services and companies specializing in mass transportation

Retailers: clothing, footwear, foodstuff, alcoholic drinks, consumer and durable products

Events and leisure facilities: entertainment facilities, theme parks, museums, art galleries, cultural facilities, other leisure activities.

HK’s SusDev Strategy for Travel and TourismStage 1 Review of Agenda 21 for the travel and tourism industry Stakeholders baseline study International benchmarking Comparative assessment and Analysis

Stage 2 Development of draft integrated strategy for the T&T industry Stakeholder consultation Formulate an environmentally sustainable development strategy

Stage 3 Devise implementation plan Strategy dissemination

HK’s SusDev Strategy for Travel and Tourism

Participation Initial consultation with stakeholder groups Focus groups with stakeholders Roundtable discussions yearly

HK’s SusDev Strategy for Travel and Tourism

Four Priority Areas:1. Environmental management in industry firms

and associations2. Sustainable training, education & awareness3. Facilitating exchange of information and

technology4. Landuse planning and new tourism product


HK’s SusDev Strategy for Travel and Tourism


Action Plans for government departments, government tourist organizations and representative trade organizations

Guidelines for industry members Charters for signing members to observe

Gothenburg’s “Green” Product Development

2 programs to eliminate toxic chemicals in urban environment, reduce load on sewage system, aquatic environment

Products used in industry and by consumers “Chemical Sweep”: identify hazardous products

and develop, test, and market alternatives “Clean Lubricants: develop, test, and market


Gothenburg’s “Green” Product Development Used authority from Swedish National Act on Chemical

Products (users required to switch to alternative to hazardous chemicals when available) to interest users

Municipality brought together manufacturers and users in cooperative effort to stimulate product development

Service approach: offering advice and technical assistance; engaged manufacturers and users

Focused on specific products:cleaners, batteries, pesticides, cutting fluids, diesel fuels

Companies were highly aware and receptive because of fears of regulations and potential for competitive advantage

“Chemical Sweep” Program: switching to available alternatives

Education, information and promotional campaign to spread information about hazardous chemicals and substitution regulation: mass media advertisements, brochures, displays, stickers, exhibitions and trade fairs

Use of specific chemicals in different sectors assessed through survey and list of affected products and users compiled

Users were notified of their hazardous chemical use and of alternatives, and of regulations

Encouraged to switch to alternatives Follow-up visits to see how many had changed

“Chemical Sweep” Program: developing alternatives

Some firms couldn’t switch because alternatives not available Worked with several firms in a sector (and across sectors) on

pilot projects to develop alternatives Functional and ecological assessment of products monitored

and documented Car Wash Detergent:

8 products tested by Chemical Sweep, Env. Protection office, Local gov’ts, Petro Dealers Nat. Assoc., 2 car wash companies

Green products performed better, new class of product created 100% uptake by local car wash companies

Rechargeable Batteries (15% cadmium to .0025%) Tests showed less toxic suitable for mobiles, video cameras, shavers Importers and general public informed New product models with less toxic battery introduced

“Clean Lubricants” Program: developing alternatives

Administered by Municipal Solid Waste Agency; two employees

Focus on hydraulic fluids Manufactures invited to put forward green products (6 chosen) Local users asked to participate in one year blind field test

(excavators, trucks with lifts, garbage trucks) Clean lubricants performed well functionally and ecologically Manufacturers spurred to develop more clean lubricants

Gothenburg Green Products Lessons

Legislation as starting point, but must be followed up with proactive education etc.

Municipality can have big influence if programs are designed properly

Enormous amount of concern and competence in sector that can be harnessed cooperatively

Sector/Community Case Study Websites European Academy of the Urban Environment: SURBAN - database

on sustainable urban development in Europe

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI): Case Studies Sustainable communities network Federation of Community Municipalities: Center for Sustainable

Community Development

?lang=e Sustainable Tourism Net:

Our Sector Analysis: scope

Focus on environmental sustainability

Or environmental linkage to social, economic or political aspect of sustainability

Or an issue dealt with in a systematic manner

Our Sector Analysis: means

Baseline conditions: descriptive of environmental, social, political, and economic characteristics; and of stakeholder awareness and capacities

Issue and gap analysis Alternatives generation Indicators and monitoring system Stakeholder feedback Integration with community

Scoping a Sector

Branch of society: citizens, government, business, NGOs

Division of branch: industry, service, citizen group,government level/administrative division, type of NGO

Smaller divisions: community/subgroup, government bureau/department, industrial or service grouping, NGOs

Baseline State and Impacts Checklist

EnvironmentalAirLandWaterNoiseBiodiversityLandscape and seascape

EconomicJobsPer capita incomeAsset valuesEntrepreneurialism and opportunities

SocialServices (e.g. health, education, recreation)HousingCultural continuityVolunteerismElderlyEquityEtc.

PoliticalGovernment activities in area (policies, regulations)Political partiesOther interest groupsIssuesConflicts

Baseline Information

Observation Printed materials, government publications Talking to stakeholders

Environmental Sources

Air, land, water, noise quality, and conservation

Biodiversity and Habitats;


Area Mapped for Area (ha) %Each Habitat Type Cover Type

High Value Ecological Habitat†

Fung Shui Forest 106.3 0.1Montane Forest 123.4 0.1Lowland Forest 18318.3 16.5Mixed Shrubland 15196.5 13.7Freshwater/ Brackish Wetland 130.1 0.1Natural Watercourse 803.9 0.7Mangrove 343.1 0.3Intertidal Mudflat 656.1 0.6Seagrass Bed 5.4 0.0

Subtotal 35683 32.1

Medium Value Ecological Habitat†

Plantation or Plantation /Mixed Forest 417.0 0.4Shrubby Grassland 24674.8 22.2Fishpond/Gei wai 1031.7 0.9Sandy Shore† 179.6 0.2Rocky Shore 94.2 0.1Cultivation 3838.3 3.5

Subtotal 30236 27.2

Hong Kong Habitats

Area Mapped for Area (ha)%Each Habitat Type Cover Type

Low Value Ecological Habitat†

Bare Rock or Soil 5101.8 4.6Grassland 21572.7 19.4Modified Watercourse 2384.1 2.1Artificial Rocky/Hard Shoreline 315.4 0.3Golf Course/Urban Park 1398.3 1.3Quarry 168.6 0.2

Subtotal 30941 27.8

Negligible Value Ecological Habitat

Rural Industrial Storage/Containers 1379.2 1.3Landfill 404.3 0.4Others 12656.3 11.4

Subtotal 14440 13.0

Hong Kong Habitats

Society Sources City Planning Consultants 1998? Study on South East New Territories Development

Review Strategy Final Report. Hong Kong: HKSAR Planning Department.

Projection of population distribution (2002-2011) and Area of HK by district: Planning Department -> look for "Information Services", then "Planning Statistics"

Land Usage in different parts of HK: Town Planning Board - --> go for "e-staturary plans"

Demographic and social characteristics, economic characteristics, labor/employment, household characteristics, housing characteristics, GDP/GNP, etc, by district or the whole territory: Census & Statistics Department Or, the Government's InvestHK website - --> look for "Key Statistics"

Property types (residential, office, industrial, shop, large deals) and valuations at or Estate agents e.g. Centaline at:

Interest Groups/NGOs: Sources

Good list of links at:

Sai Kung Association

Politics Sources Environmental Regulations and Guidelines

Legco Panel on Environment and pending bills;

Links to relevant government departments;

Sai Kung District Council

Stakeholders, Awareness and Capacities Checklist

EnvironmentalGroups InterestsSector specific awarenessFinancial and organizational capacitiesInter-group cooperation

EconomicBusinessesBusiness groupsLabor groupsEnvironmental awarenessChange and fiscal capacities

SocialCommunity and external interest groupsEnvironmental awarenessLeadershipOrganizational capacities

PoliticalGovernment levels and DepartmentsEnvironmental awarenessSpending capacitiesParticipation systemsPolicies and enforcement

Community Sustainable Development

Why SusDev at the Community Level?

Deal with environmental problems in a holistic manner

Deal with contradictions between stakeholder expectations

Avoid top-down planning and colonization Enable people to deal with their own

environmental impacts directly

The subsidiarity principle

The subsidiarity principle seeks to reverse the inefficiencies and environmental damage done by centralized planning and decision-making. It requires that decisions should be made by the communities affected or on their behalf, by the authorities closest to them. As appropriate, decisions should rest either at the national rather than international level or at the local rather than the national level. This has been the basic principle governing the devolution of planning systems worldwide, and it is intended to encourage local ownership of resources and responsibility for environmental problems and their solutions.

Why Participation?

Set priorities based on various stakeholder needs, but with focus on community

Enable the development of long-term, comprehensive solutions

Obtain information and foster support

(Int. Council for Local Environmental Initiatives)ICLEI Elements of Community Planning

Local government and partners: organize for service delivery Partnerships: engagement of residents, key institutional partners,

interest groups or other stakeholders that represent values and needs of community

Community-based issue analysis: involves 1) engaging stakeholders to learn needs, local issues, educate, obtain support, set priorities and 2) technical assessments of ecology, infrastructure etc.

Action Planning: establishing 1) goals; 2) targets and triggers; 3) strategies and commitments

Implementation and Monitoring: 1) changing procedures, reorganizing work tasks, assigning responsibilities and funding; 2) documentation during implementation and recurrent measurement of impacts after

Evaluation and Feedback: assessment of impacts of changes for both internal and external uses

Partnerships Establish an organizational structure for planning

by service providers and users. Establish a shared community vision.

Community-based Issue Analysis Identify issues that must

be addressed to achieve community vision. Assess priority problems and

issues in detail.Action Planning

Agree on goals, targets and triggers, and create strategies and commitments to achieve targets. Formalize into plan.

Implementation and Monitoring Create partnership

structures for implementation and mgt for municipal compliance. Monitor activities,

changesEvaluation and Feedback Periodic performance evaluations

using target-based indicators. Repeat issue analyses; celebrate achievements.

Who are your partners in service delivery?

What services do people want?

What is the capacity of existing service systems? Are they sustainable?

How do service systems impact society, economy, and environment?

When and how can sustainable service systems be established?


Measurable commitments to be achieved in a specific time.

How will plans be monitored and evaluated?


Commitment to a specified action at a future date and/or response to future conditions.

When will further planning be required?

How will partners and users participate in implementation and evaluation?

Elements of Community Planning

Experts’ Role

Functions Technical knowledge Participation promotion

and facilitation Political and administrative


Decision-Making Tools Environmental, social,

economic evaluation Indicators Industry knowledge Alternative management &

technologies (environment, industry, services, residences,transportation, etc.)

Trend, risk and options analysis

Stakeholder Participation

Who Citizens Business Government NGOs and other

groups Visitors

Where Sustainability plan

initiation Sustainability plan

design Operation of plan Monitoring and

enforcement Evaluation of plan

Cultivation of Participation

Public forums Scenario generation and envisioning Collective brainstorming Focus groups Networks and partnerships Adaptive management

Influences on ParticipationPositive Specific focus Multi-party comprehension of problem Solutions in context Innovativeness and flexibility Conflict resolution skills Use of facilitator Capacity building Deliberate diversity Financial resources Commitment to communication Sense of ownership Wide participation Trust, transparency, & accountability Leadership and clarity North-south dimension Added value and specific projects Experts ‘on tap’

Negative Hidden agendas Inequality, competitiveness and

intolerance Sectoralism Excessive dependence on external

aid/expertise Inadequate administrative support Problem avoidance Mutual distrust Different jargons Poor methodology Sharp changes to structure Excessive complexity Over-reliance on experimental


Problems with Community Approach

Planning system and government structure Alienation in society and lack of sense of

place Continued role of experts and management

of expert-stakeholder interface Time and money considerations

Environmental Citizen Responsibilities

Change everyday habits Be responsible consumers Engage in public debate Keep officials accountable Work with others Environmental literacy

Community Planning in Hong Kong

No local government in HK Planning top-down, executive led District councils have limited power, don’t

get involved in planning, involve people Plans satisfy territorial development rather

than local needs

Chief Executive’s instructions

Planning study and drawing up

Plan circulated to gov’t dept.s for comments

Submission to Metro Planning Committee (MPC) OR

…..Rural/New Territories Committee (RNTC)

Presentation to District Council

Resubmission to MPC/RNTPC

Gazzetted for public inspections

TPB Submission and hearing

C.E approves or disapproves.

Hong Kong’s Planning Process

Public Input

Planning System in HKTerritorial Development Strategy

Sub-regional Plans

Outline Zoning Plans &Development Permission Area Plans

Outline Development Plan

Layout Plan

Plans gazzetted and objections entertained

Western District Development Strategy (WDDS)

Oldest neighborhood, many unique features and problems Opportunity for unique upgrading respecting traditions WDDS focused on land reclamation, MTR station, private

sector led redevelopment for 50,000 Residents left up in air about completion, relocation,

sustainability of businesses and way of life No alternatives provided

The Wanchai Experiment

Goal: foster community engagement in the design of their neighbourhood

Focus: on the social aspects of sustainability and making participation a prerequisite for sustainability

Stakeholder Identification

By: walking around the neighborhood, talking to people, and study of baseline resources

The elderly Housewives Teenagers Business people Visitors and tourists

Engaging People

Photo exhibition workshops Focus groups Talking to key individuals/leaders Face-to-face surveys Proposal workshop

Wanchai Engagement ResultsIssue Proposals

Community space e.g. redevelop Southhorn playground, public square, community centre

Pedestrianisation, market streets and markets

e.g. Pedestrianize market streets and landscape

Traffic congestion Difficult to control, but pedestrianize and rationalize buses

Local character Conserve old bldgs, ‘chinese’ services and features in new bldgs

Tourism appeal Info centre, signage, cultural trail, experiences, appearance upgrading

Elderly and marginalized Housing required for street sleepers

Sensory Qualities Individual and collective action

Santa Monica Small city (80,000) in Los Angeles (on the beach) Started with Agenda 21 plan in 1994 Focused on targets and indicators dealing with 1)

resource conservation; 2) Transportation; 3) Pollution Protection; and Community and Economic Development

Achieved many successes (next slide) Not “there” yet, new “Sustainable City”plan in 2003

Sustainable City Plan:

Partnerships 2001 formation of Sustainable City Working

Group: community stakeholders including elected and appointed officials, City staff, and representatives of neighborhood organizations, business community, and other community groups.

Working Group met numerous times to discuss many issues related to sustainability of community

Previous plan and early drafts were revised based on large amount of public input

Sustainable City Plan: Community Based Issue Analysis

Evaluated long-term sustainability against threats to: Natural resources and natural environment Human and social capital: connectedness among

people in the community and their education, skills and health

Financial and built capital: manufactured goods, buildings, infrastructure, information resources, credit and debt.

Sustainable City Plan: Action Planning

Guiding principles Goal areas with specific goals for community

visions Targets Indicators: systems and programs Goal/Indicator matrix

Guiding Principles The concept of sustainability guides City policy Protection, preservation and restoration of the natural environment is

a high priority of the City Environmental quality, economic health and social equity are

mutually dependent All decisions have implications to the long-term sustainability of

Santa Monica Community awareness, responsibility, participation and education are

key elements of a sustainable community Santa Monica recognizes its linkage with the regional, national, and

global community Those sustainability issues most important to the community will be

addressed first and the most cost effective programs and policies will be selected

The City is committed to procurement decisions which minimize negative environmental and social impacts

Cross-sector partnerships are necessary to achieve sustainable goals

Goal Areas Resource conservation Environmental and public health Transportation Economic Development Open space and land use Housing Community education and civic participation Human dignity

Sustainable City Plan: Implementation and Monitoring

City’s Task Force on Environment lead initiation Sustainable City Steering Committee with broader

stakeholder representation will oversee implementation At City administrative level, a Sustainable City

Implementation Group makes existing and new programs and policies consistent with sustainability goals within respective departments and across departments

Two teams will coordinate with community stakeholder groups

Sustainable City Plan: Evaluation and Feedback

Every two years, the Sustainable City Steering Committee and Sustainable City Implementation Group make and indicator report

Used by City council, City Staff and community members to judge progress of plan

Provide basis for decision-making on changing policies and actions

Goal Indicator Matrix

Huangbaiyu Village Tour: Exploring Sustainable Design

Southeast False Creek is envisioned as a community in which people live, work, play and learn

in a neighbourhood designed to balance the highest possible levels of social equity, livability, ecological health and economic prosperity, so as

to support their choices to live in a sustainable manner.

South East False Creek 32 ha of old industrial land 2,353 units for 4,949 peo

ple in public land, maybe, 8,575 in private lands

range of parks and recreation along the waterfront; shoreline improvements; seaside pedestrian-bicycle route; re-establishment of wildlife habitat; private and community gardens encouraged.

Guiding Principles

1.Implementing Sustainability: SEFC should promote the implementation of sustainable development principles in an urban setting.

2.Stewardship of Ecosystem Health: The SEFC plan should improve the health of the False Creek Basin and encourage resource conservation and waste reduction.

3.Economic Viability and Vitality: SEFC development should ensure viability without subsidy and encourage a vibrant and vital community.

4.Social and Community Health: SEFC should be a livable, complete community supporting social networks and enhances quality of life for all in the neighbourhood.

Urban Agriculture Study

Urban Agriculture Study

Urban Agriculture Study Results

Urban Agriculture Study Results

Urban Agriculture Study Results

South East False Creek

Indicators and Targets


What are the Challenges to creating community in Sai Kung?

Political system

Group differences



Indicators“What gets measured, gets managed”

Why: accountability, monitoring and assessment, targets, participation, commitments

Measured by (who): government, industry, public, NGOs Measured by (what): physical, monetary, policies and other values Measured at (where):national, local, sector levels Applications: environmental, social, economic, political Types: set, combined (index), framework (accounting; pressure, state,

response), decoupling Created by: experts, stakeholders, government, public Requirements: representative, analytically sound, easily understood,

practical, show trends Problems: weightings, valuations, integration, movement

Indicators and Monitoring System

Develop a small set of indicators for whole sector

Develop a system for evaluation of progress

HK SusDev 21 Guiding Principles

HK SusDev 21 Guiding Principles

HK SusDev 21 Indicators

HK SusDev 21 Indicators

HK SusDev 21 Indicators

Target Group Performance Indicators

Target Group Theme Indicator

Agriculture Acidification


Toxic substance dispersion

Ammonia emissions

Phosphate emissions


Traffic and Transportation

Climate change


Disturbance of local environment

CO2 emissions

Nitrogen emissions

Noise and odor

Industry Climate Change


Solid Waste

CO2 emissions

SO2 emissions

NOX emissions

Industrial and chemical waste

Netherlands Sector Indicators

Target Group Performance Indicators

Target Group Theme Indicator

Energy Climate Change


Solid Waste

CO2 emissions

SO2 emissions

NOX emissions

Fly ash and slag

Radioactive waste

Refineries Climate change


Toxic substance dispersion

CO2 emissions

SO2 emissions

Hazardous substances emissions

Target Group Performance Indicators

Target Group Theme Indicator

Building trade Climate change

Toxic substances dispersion

Solid waste

CO2 emissions

CFC emissions

Creosote and hazardous substances

C&D waste

Consumer and retail Climate change


Solid Waste

CO2 emissions

NO2 emissions

Household and white good waste

OECD Pressure, State, Response Model

Issue and Gap AnalysisDetermination of main environmental issues by

Identifying problems raised in baseline studies (e.g. by issues such as ecosystem health, presence/absence of awareness, pollution levels, regulations and enforcement, participatory systems, activities elsewhere in similar sectors

or Pressure-State-Response). Identifying concerns of stakeholders (concerns about

problems and conflicts with other stakeholders). Benchmarking against other sustainable development

models (comparable sectors, communities, and natural conditions)


Alternatives Generation

Importation of successful models Development of new approaches based on

new technologies, regulations, participation, overcoming conflicts, business approaches etc.

Sector specific and system wide changes

Stakeholder Feedback

Return to stakeholders and ask opinions of your suggestions (feasibility re: stakeholder conflicts, technologies, regulations, awareness, etc; complexity or completeness)

Inquire about willingness to participate, pay, lead

Integration with Community

Consider cumulative and synergistic impacts with environment, society,economy, and politics

Areas of overlap of sector governance/initiatives

Need for mutual support Need for overall policy, regulatory,

infrastructure, cultural changes

Community Indicators

From your sector Others necessary for the community

Long Term and Interim Visions of Sustainability for Sai Kung

Environment: local and global aspects? Society, Economics and Politics? What major changes are needed? What strategies? How does your sector fit into the vision?

Your Final Report Introduction: a vision of Sai Kung and how your sector fits into it Baseline conditions:

Relevant to your sector and its role in SK Reworked to integrate everything learned through semester

Issue and gap analysis With explanation of how you analyzed the issues

Alternatives generation Including modifications based on stakeholder feedback (and

acknowledging this input) Indicators and monitoring system Conclusion:

Integration with community/responsibility to vision References

Footnotes, endnotes or scientific notation