greenbrier independent (lewisburg, va. [w. va.]). 1921-01 ...€¦ · &ttn»bricr ^independent...

&ttn»bricr ^Independent Subscription Prick. One year. $2.00 j| Six months, $1.00 FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1921. Wanted Farms? . E. A. Strout, Farm Agency; J. P. Skaggs. Repre¬ sentative. Aldersdn, W. Va. l7-2w TEACHERS' MEETING. A meeting of the Frankford Dis- Irict Teachers' Reading Circlc will be held at Frankford, January 2t)tb, sil 2 o'clock. Blacksmith Shop.~I have open¬ ed a shop one door East of Helm's Carriage Shop, and am prepared to do your work. E. L. McCaiity. Fon S.\ j.i:. . -T wen t y-horse-p ower Geiser saw outlit. Price and terms wiil be made attractive. Address or <ee C»oad & De Barr. Lewisburg. \V. Va.. <5T* lu P. Johnson, Wytheville. Virginia. . tf CARD OF. THANKS. We desire to cxpres.f through the columns of this paper our ap¬ preciation for the kindness and sympathy shown us by friends and relatives in our recent berievements . the death of our dear wife #and mother, Mrs. Lowa I). Dcitz. H. L. Dkitz and Son. The general motive oltices of the Virginian railroad, at Princeton were destroyed by tire some days ago. Some of the records of the oflicc were saved. The loss of the building, which waa a two-story brick structure, located near tlie railroad shops, was estimated at between thirty and forty thousand dollars. THE GREENBRIER COUNTY WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION. CONTHIBUTIONS. Mrs. H. F.Mays, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. McGcachy:. Red, dresser and washstand. and other furniture stored here when they went to Decatur Ga. FRANKFORD HIGH SCHOOL LIT¬ ERARY SOCIETY. ; (Beathicf. Kf.rsiinkh, Secretary.) The Debate by the Frankford High School Literary Society, held Friday, January 14, 1921. was won by the Negative side: RESOLVED: . That the People of this Country are Growing Retter. Affirmative . Moody Hull, Pauline Arehart, Katie Hayes, Thurmond Green, Margurctle Fisher. Ray- nard Arehart, Clara Fisher. Negative . Ruby Scldomrtidge, Ira Hull, Zliylpha Graybeal, Elizabeth Livesay, Gladys Graybeal. Paul Gibbs, John Bright Fisher, .Beatrice Kersliner, Maynard Boothe. WEEKLY MARKET BULLETIN. The Capitol building and its contents were destroyed by fire in¬ cluding our Weekly Market Bulle¬ tin and other publications. I would be glad to have those who were on these lists to send me a letter or card giving their names i^d addresses. Very truly yours, J. II. STEWART, Commissioner. SENATOR BOOMS IS PLACED. The standing committees of the State Senate were announced by President Arnold Monday. Sena¬ tor R. II. Boone, of Greenbrier, i.-> on the following committees.: Privi¬ leges,, and Elections; Roads; .Militia; 1,migration and Agriculture and Prohibition and Temperance. Only one of these- Roads will probably have a meeting during the session. Senator Stewart, of Morgantown, is Chairman of the Judiciary Com¬ mittee and Senator Lewis, of Fay¬ ette, of Finance. One or more of the four Democratic Senators are placed on all the important com¬ mittees. OFF FOR PANAMA CANAL. Doctor and Mrs. O. O. Cooper left Ilijilon Wednesday the 12th for New York whence they sailcj) Saturday for the Panama Canal. The trip is on one of the steam¬ ers of the United Fruit Co., and will include four days in Havana and vicinity, a day at Santiago, Cuba, two days in the Island of Jamaica and two days in Port Limon. Costa Rica with a trip by rail to San Jose, the capitol. The whole length of the canal will be traversed and numerous au- Lomlobilc excursions indulged in. The tour will occupy about a month and one shi4| will jnakc the entire circuit. DEATH OF MRS. SUSAN NEAL. Mrs. Susan Nenl, widow of James Neal, died about 6 oVlock yesterday morning, January 20, 1920, at the home * here of her son-! daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lynch, aged 72 year*. Her husband pre- ceeded her to the grave m \ . ¦< ago. She was a sister of the late Robert W. Woodward, of Frank- ford, and was tb" mother o" quite a large family . Ave of whom are still living . three sons . Julian, Lawrenrc and Jo^n N**al. -»*.<! t * o daughters . Mrs. Alex Freeman and Mrs. Kd. Lyn«'h. both of th is coun¬ ty. She was a member of the Prcs- byterlan Church. The funeral service will be held at the Church at MaxwcPon at 3 o'clock this ;i,u*r- noon (Friday) rondi'^* '. ' T. IT. Wix and the burial will be in the Frankford Cemetery where her husband's body was laid. The Annual Meeting of Stock¬ holders of the Greenbrier National Farm Loan Association was held on Tuesday of last week. Jan. 11th. The following Board of Directors was elected: If. B. Moore, B. A.J Rapp. C. W. Hundley, l\. W. Hum- phreys, and A. W. Clcek. The Board of Directors organized by electing! H. B. Moore. President; B. A. Rapp, Vice-President; and Finley M. Ar- buckle. Secretary and Treasurer. I The Board set aside 15% of the Dividend, received on Stock, for Reserve; 33% for Current Expenses and 50% to be paid Stockholders . making a 3% cumulative dividend on out-standing stock in the Associ¬ ation. BARENTS . TEACH ERS ORGAN I- ZATION. A number of interested patrons j and friends of the Lewisburg t'ub- lie School met on Thursday after- 1 neon. January Oth at the school building. After an instructive ad¬ dress by Dr. O'Rrvan. or the Nation¬ al Mental Hygiene" Committee, a Parent's .Teachers Organization was all'ccted. The following of- tlrers were elected: President, Mrs. Henry Lipps; Vice-President. Mr. J. S. McWhorter; Secretary, \V. E. Scott; Treasurer,. Mrs. Howard Campbell, A Constitution for the Organization was submitted by Miss Mellichamp which aTter slight a- inendmcnt, was adopted. The next meeting will be held in the school building Thursday afternoon, Feb. 24 th. RESOLUTION OF THANKS. At a Special Meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Lewisburg, held in the Mayor's Otlice, January 11th, 1920, the followiing Resolu¬ tion was adopted: RESOLVED, That the Mayor, Re¬ corder and Council of the Town of Lewisburg. representing the citi¬ zens of said Town, extend to the Roncevertc Fire Department their thanks and appreciation for their help and co-operation, rendered to the Town of Lewisburg during the lire at the Lewisburg Female Insti¬ tute on January 3rd, 1021 and that the Recorder be instructed to have a copy of this Resolution published in the (ircenbrier Independent and The West Virginia News and a copy mailed* to the City of Roncevertc. R. M. BELL. Mayor. L. S. Davidson, Recorder. COW TESTING ASSOCIATION. The following gives the names ami records of the cows In the As¬ sociation which have produced more than 10 pounds of buttcrfat or 1,000 pounds of milk during the period of 30 days ending Dec. 31, 1020, Jesse .1. Cofl'man, Oilicial Tester: J. O. Handley & Son . Daily Moore, G. llol., 43.1 pounds of but¬ ter fat; Cameo, Holstein, 1,070 lbs. milk, 31.3 pounds of butter fat. Win. Laing . Hoi. Heifer, Hoi., 10.9. J. H. Handley . Lizzie, G. Jcr., 11.7 pounds buttcrfat; Betsy, G. Jcr. 4X.9 pounds buttcrfat; Jersey, G. Jcr., 12.0 pounds buttcrfat; Blanche Cross, 42.6 pounds buttcrfat; Rrindle 47. 7 pounds buttcrfat; Olga, llol., 1,125 pounds milk. 30.3 pound butterfat; Tolena, Hoi., 1,251 pound milk, 30.3 pounds buttcrfat. Tuckwiller & Livesa.v . Beulah, llol., 1,083 pounds milk, 34.7 pound butterfat. , HERE TO HELP. The Board of Directors of t lie Seminary Fund announce the ar¬ rival on Wednesday, of Dr. II. C. Mcl'herson, of Virginia, a member ui the Executive Committee of Christian Education, who comes to take an important part in the re¬ building of the Lcwisburg Seminary Dormitory. Dr. Mcl'herson comes from many years of work for this Committee and tiis ripe experience is a valuable asset in this great un¬ dertaking. Not only is he a Vir¬ ginian but he is a member of the Synod of West Virginia, and is re¬ lated to a number of people of Greenbrier' County. The Committee also announces that on the same day .Miss Florence Askew, the private Secretary of Dr M. E. Mclvin, who is Field Secrctar.v ,>i the Committee, arrived to be in .harge of the office work in the raising of the fund. Miss Askew has been with the Committee time. It is needless to <?iy tha' is . omtnunify welcomes Dr. McPher- on and Miss Askew. We are having fine winter weath¬ er at this time. Dr. Lilly of Asbury, was called o see Mrs. Jane Myers, of Smoot, last week. We are glad to report that she is much better. W. L. Hundley, of Clintonville, has been confined to his room for some days. Dr. Kesler,. of Williams burg, is waiting on him. Rev. A. Nutter, of the Rupert charge, has agreed to preach oc- .asionly for the people of the Smoot charge until they can secure a regular pastor. W. C. Hundley, of Clintonville. who is working at Rupert, was call cd 'home last week on account of hi: ncsB. Myers, of Smoot, was thrown from her pony, a few days ago and re¬ vived a broken arm. Dr. Wiley call* d t <i set Ihc broken i>o:: c. Wc are .sorry to learn '»f ' \ Harding's n flicuity in selec'n.g a /.binct W would suggest that he C- ci. brier for at least one mVr ¦ ' hive some mighty WESTERN GREENBRIER. (latighlcr of Jolin NICHOLAS WANTS TO SPREAD. Nicholas County wants a new boundary line established on the Greenbrier side in order to give the town of Richwood a chance to grow and remain in Nicholas. It is proposed to take about 00,000 ! acres from Greenbrier. The matter will be taken up by the County ! Courts and perhaps go to the Leg¬ islature for action. . /*«//.. Tribune. EUROPEAN RELIEF. HERBERT HOOVER, Ntl. Chm. ! MASON HELL, County Chairman. ! S. C. BEA,RD, County Treas. j CoXTIUIit'TlONS. Previously reported *203.65 Caldwell Chapel 3.05 Rov Blankenship 5-00 Mrs. F. E. Finks 10.00 A Contribution 50.00 Miss Lina White 5.00 Mrs. llallie Pace, (bond) 50.00 Mrs. M. A. Beard, (bond) 50.00 Cash 1U.00 Total *110.70 As Executor of S. N. Pace, I have i Tor sale his Law Library, Otliee Furniture, Filing Cases, 2 Fire- pro 11' Safes, 1 Remington Typewrit¬ er with desk together with all the latest appliances for fastening pap¬ ers together. The Law Library contains over 500 volumes of text-books and re¬ ports, blanks for abstracts and oth¬ er things too numerous to mention. Everything new and up-to-date. This is a splendid chance for a man who wants to open a law of¬ fice here. HENRY GILMER. GRASSY MEADOWS. We are having real cold weather now and plenty of snow. Rev. Ollield preached at Mc- Ellheny Sunday morning and night As this is a fine sleighing time he had a very good congregation at both services. Miss Mabel Holcomb is working in the Laundry at Ronceverte. There are a few cases of scarlet fever at Dawson. Miss Avie Stevens, who is attend¬ ing school at Alderson, spent Sat¬ urday and Sunday with her father, S. L. Stevens. John Harrith, of Keeney's Knob, had his foot badly mashed a few days ago. Kenny Ford was in Hinton Mon¬ day. J. L. Duncan is thinking of moving to Dayton. Ohio. Rev. Ollield and J. T. Montgomery were visiting the folks on Keeney's Knob Tuesday. Our bachelor. Sam Lewis, takes the lead in getting the most eggs this bad weather. The young folks at this place will meet at Aken Martins with their Pastor, Bev. Ollield, and have sing¬ ing one night this week. Henry Ford, who \vas working at Bellpoint, is ht home now. NOTICE. We, the undersigned members of Tlu* Garaj?emen« Association, by mutual agreement mid contract ;ree that beginning January 1, 1921 lo extend credit to any of our cus¬ tomers for a period of 30 days only. We believe that it is to the interest of all parties that the Automobile and Garage business be conducted on as nearly a cash basis as possi¬ ble The co-operation of the pub¬ lic will be appreciated. | Al.UKH.SON GaIIAC.K, South Aijm:hson Moron Co.. Clakkson & Tuokwiu.fh, RoNCFVF.ItTK GUIAGF, Richmond & Honns, .1. C. Ror.os Motor & Lioiit Co, M.WWIiU.S GaKAUH, FAHMRnS Sui'l'I.Y Co, F. C. CoFFMAN, C. E. CoNNi-n. I lUDM.liSTON G.VHAOR, CaHHF.I.I.S FiHKI'HOIT GaHAOF, Wiiitf. Sui.imiuii Mot/>ii Co., W. A. Poo NIC, Union Moron Co. W. S. Pkck's Gauaoe, McComas n Wauiiop, Honns Rnos. Gahaoi:, IIinton ClAUAC.i: & Saiks Co., A i*to Ownfhs & Supply Co., Sf.hvick Cahaok. WILLIAMSRURG HIGH SCHOOL NOTES : ( Biunsfoiu), Reporter.) The Literary Society gave the following program Friday after¬ noon. January 7, 1021: SONG Society SCdUPTUHE HEADING, Dillnrd Hume QUARTETTE. Omar Cook, Oakry Dean, Rransford, Eva McMillion. HEADING, Chlora Hume SHORT STORY, Ixjretta VO'dell CURRENT EVENTS Elta Wyatt DEBATE: . Resolved that the Government Should Own and Con¬ trol the Postal System. To j*nirm: To Deny: Cassie Niccly Norval Smith ' Toothman Polly McCllntic HEADING. Pauline Mathews c,T0fvr STOnY. Montford Hume SCHOOL NOTES, Theo. McMillion ON- what Is so ram as a day in January 1 Sleighing! Skating! Snow¬ balling! One of the Junior girls, Birdie ,? ,nry. is very sick this week. We ".on" r-lio will soon be back at T1' . Grandiury of Fayette eoun- ..' s'^s'on list wck, returncil Monv and 21 misdemeanor in¬ dictments. . TO OUR LEWISBL'RG FRIENDS. We wish publicly to ofTer our very sincere tlianks for and to ex¬ press our hearty appreciation of your kind and tireless efforts in our behalf during our stay in your delightful Community House. We will never forget nor cease to be grateful to you for your kind inter¬ est in and sweet ministrations to us in time of suflfering and trouble. Please accept this as an expres¬ sion of our gratitude for all you did for us. ESTHER RILLS, KAT11RYN MARSHALL. ML C. M. MARSHALL. White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. January 19, 1921. HIGH SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST. The American Constitutional. As¬ sociation announces a prize essay writing contest to he conducted in the high schools of West Virginia. Four prizes are oll'ercd foi* the best essays written. Nigh School Juniors and Seniors will compete for a first prize of *20.00 and a second prize of $ 1 0.00. Sophomores and Freshmen will compete for similar { prizes. The subjects the pupils arc to write about are to be chosen from the four here given: "The Making of the American Constitution," "Democratic Ideals Embodied in the Declaration of Independence," "The Story of the American Flag," and "Americanism. What it Means." Rules governing the contest 'are as follows: 1. The essay must be original. Material may be obtained from any source, but no copying is permitt¬ ed unless where quotation is shown 2. Manuscripts must be between five and eight hundred words in length. 3. The essay must be written on white paper, on one side only, and with pen and ink. (Typewriter may be used.) 4. Contestants must be bona tide high school pupils doing creditable work. 5. The name of the contestant, his year in school, and the name of high schools must be written on the upper right hand corner of the first page of each essay. (5. The contest closes Washing¬ ton's birthday, February 22, 1921. The person in charge of the con¬ test in each high school will mail the manuscripts to the American Contitutional Association, 110 Hale Street, Charleston, W. V. All essays must he received not later than March 3d, 1921. 7. Three disinterested judges will read all essays and award prizes. X. The American Constitutional Association requests the privilege ¦>f having the prize essays printed in the leading newspapers in West Virginia, giving the names of the successful contestants and also the names of the high schools to which they belong. QUINWOOD. The heavy fall of snow has not to any great extent, interfered with ;lie progress of the construction work on the Imperial operations. The engineering corps, under .he direction of T. .It. Burke, is busily engaged in making plans for .1 connection of the sidetrack with ihe Greenbrier & Eastern Hailroad, iinl have designed a modern steel bridge capable of carrying the heaviest equipment used on any railroad. This bridge will span Meadow Creek a short distance be- how the tipple site. J. Wade Hell will leave next week :«> attend the annual meeting of the Greenbrier & Eastern Hailroad. | While away Mr. Hell will purchase I machinery and other equipment for the modern tipple now being built. Several carloads of copper wire and other material to lv» used in the ! construction of the power line for ihe Meadow Creek l'ower Company has been shipped, and upon its ar¬ rival active work will be commenc¬ ed building the line from Bellwood to the Meadow Creek, coal area. Telephone instruments and oth¬ er material for a connection with the Hell system at Itainelle. is now 011 the ground, and this line will !n> ready for service in Ihe very near future. Miss Ida L. Walker arrived al Quinwood this week and has as¬ sumed her duties in the office and " «»»*<. of the Imperial Smokeless Coal Company. Mr. Uoicom'b is now in charge of the sawmill, succeeding E. I.. Orn- ilorir. John Nuttall. of Fayetteville, who is to be assistant general manager for Greenbrier Smookcless Coal Co, was a very pleasant visitor at the Quinwood Club last week. W. L Hansbergcr has moved his {family from Hominy Falls to Quin¬ wood where he is employed erect¬ ing the planing mill for Imperial Smokeless Coal C'/Oinpany, He ex¬ pects to be turning out some very line flooring and other lumber in th6 not djklnnt future. The QUinwood Club had its form¬ al opening this week and its mem¬ bership includes .T. Wade Hell, Dr. J. G. Leech, Miss Ida L. Walker, T. H. Burke, V. A. Summcrfleld and E. V. Trick. The Club occupies a com "ortablc eight-rooim house; modern bathroom fixtures installed and oth- t improvements arc being made. We learn with regret that C. L. McClung is on Ihe sick list, al¬ though not in a serious condition. Messrs. J. S. Tineher, J. M. Slmjns f. N\ Tineher, K. f:. Crane, E. E. Crane and French Perkins, were a- mong those spending the week-end at their homer:. Dr. John D. McCorkle. registered | Eye Sight Specialist, of Ilinton, W. Va.. at the Greenbrier Hotel, Ron- | cevcrte. First Monday of each i month from nine to Jive o'clock. The Willing Workers Sunday School Class of the Methodist I Church, will have an oyster and chicken salad supper in the Tea Room of the Lewisburg Drug Store Saturday evening, Jan. 22d, begin¬ ning at 5:30 p. in. PERSONAL MENTION. John C. Mullins, who has been employed at Hemphill, McDowell county, for scvera months, has re- I nr to his home near Sunlight. Mrs. W. J. Collins has returned lo her home near Sunlight, from a visit to Iter son, Win. G. Arbogast. at HuntingSon. W m. E. Dougher is visiting his t parents, Capt. and A\s. John E. Doughcr, at Smool. w Jas J. Rivens. of itopcrl, was a ' business visitor in Charleston this ! week. Win. Laing left Monday nighl for MsAlpine. Italeigh county, to visit his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Laing, j whose health has not been very good for sojne time. She is now 81 years of age. Miss Ruth Ciillilan. who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' X. M. Gillilan, here returned to her work at the C. & O. Hospital at Huntington, Saturday. She was accompanied by her mother, and Mrs. Shockley, of Williamsburg, her aunt. Dr. II. C.McPherson, of Virginia, and Miss Askew, stenographer, of Mississippi joined Mr. Haris here this week. All are associated with (the Christian Education work of the Southern Church and are here to assist the people of Greenbrier in Lhe ell'ort to restore the Seminary Dormitory, recently burned. l'atrick Anderson, representing the Insurance Department of the Auditor's. Oflice, was here Friday to examine the oflice, books, busi- ness, etc., of the Farmers Home Fire Insurance Company and after looking over the oflice books, etc., expressed himself as highly pleased and congratulated Mr. Arbuckle on the way his books and olliee v/bre kept and said the Farmers Home was the only Company of its kind in the State which was conducting its business in a systematic, orderly way. Miss Kathryn Marshall and Esther Bills, the two Seminary students who had been cared for in the Community House since the lire at the Seminary on the 3d, were taken to White Sulphur the first of this week for an X-ray examination. 1 he X-cay revealed no serious in¬ jury to Miss Marshall but showed that the pelvic bone of Miss Bills had been broken in two places and that she would have to go to a hos¬ pital for attention. The girls, in care of Dr. Marshall . mother of Miss Kathryn left for their home in Chicago Wednesday morning. Last Friday the stork brought Little Miss Anna Blair to grow to womanhood, as we trust, under the loving care of her fond parents, Mr. ami Mrs. George Alderson. Harry Painter lell Wednesday night for Winston-Salem, X. C.. where he has accepted a business position. Miss Julia Mellichamp went to Morgan town this week to deliver some addresses for which she was .'jooked wiieu there some weeks ago. Attending the session or the Cir¬ cuit Court here this week were Attorneys, T. X. Iteed, of Ilinton, Geo. J. Thompson, of Alderson. arid Col. J. II. Crosier, of Rnneeverle Col. Geo. W. Graves and W. W. Stevens, of Alderson, were al.-«o here. Miss Jennie Price and Mrs. R. K. L. Wood left for Charleston yester¬ day- the former to visit Mrs. C. C. Dickinson, the latter to visit her brother, Rev. Frank C. Brown. Miss Evilce Jenkins, who was operated on for appendicitis at the Ilinton Hospital last Saturday, getting along nicely at this time. Mrs. W. C. llobbs, who has been in Ilinton for the past month lhe guest of relatives and friends, returned Monday. I DEATH OF "TOBE" STUART. A. 13., commonly known us I "Tobe" Stuart, died, after a linger- ing and painful illness with en- j largement of the heart and other ailments, at his home in the Rich- i lands, of this county, at t) o'clock Thursday afternoon, January ID. 1921, in his 70th year. He leaves his wife, who was Miss Laura Wil¬ liams, daughter of the late Boliver Williams, of this county, and two sons . James W., and Elmer l.. Stuart, both of this county, lie leaves of his father's family one brother, J. Harry Stuart, Attorney of Roanoke. Va., and two sisters . Mrs. Gussic Bowcn, of Tazewell county, Va., and Mrs. Jennie Sehon. wife of Hon. Edward Sehon. of Huntington, now, as we hear, .severe ly ill. He was a son of the late Win. Robinson Stuart, of this comi¬ ty. and a great-grand son of Col. John . Stuarf. distinguished pioneer in the settlement of this Greenbrier region. Mr. Stuart was a devoted member and a very active worker in the Calvary >i. E. Church, South, for many years a Steward and a liber¬ al supporter of his Church anil its activities. He was a popular and a highly respected man in his co.m- munitv and will be greatly missed by his Church and his neighbors. He led the quiet and indifferent life of a farmer and was faithful to the duties and obligations of tnc citizen. The funeral service will take place at Calvary Church this morn¬ ing (Friday) at 11 o'clock and will be conducted by his pastor. Mr- Clark, assisted by his neighbor, Rev. F. W. Phillips, after which in¬ terment will be made in the ceme¬ tery there. AGAIN AT WORK. After the dreadful Are of the 3d by which the Seminary's Dormitory building was totally destroyed a large majority of the out of town , students returned last week from the holiday recess, others are com- ing in, and the school is again in | active operation. The people were generous and un- 1 selfish in offering their homes for the accommodation of the teachers ! and students. The offers made by E. L. Bell, Richard P. Bell and Jno. C. Dice to turn over their homes j ifor the accommodation of the School were gratefully accepted and in these homes the teachers and students are now comfortably quartered and all fully satisfied and much pleased. A dining room has ; been fitted up in the basement of 'Carnegie Hall where the girls take their meals as if nothing had hap- pened. j Let no one imagine that the pco- ! pie here are even for a moment I thinking surrender in face of inis- ! fortune. They have given to the point in aid of the school hercto- j fore and will do their part in the j present emergency. I SCHOOL HONOH ROLL. I DUG HILL SCHOOL. Frankford Pitrict; Nancy Chisholm, Princi¬ pal; Robert Seldomridge, Assistant. . Third month-*. Upper Room: Blanche Seldomridge, Nellie Neal. Allhca Poison, Owens. Ina Hazel, (Henna Homing, Gladys 'Homing, Lovie Yatc.s, Tivssie Yatei* Ara Hazel. Lewis Seldomridge, Richard Seldomridge, Viola Louder .mill:, Connie MrPowell. Ferdie Mc- Powell. Pelberl Loudermilk, I oudermilk. Reba Poison, Maggie Poison. l.owerBoom. Paul Neal, Wi! .on Penning, Gonbni Homing, Car. Seldomridge, \Wr I Seldomridge, Olie , Seldomridge, Rudolph Ran'.on. Al- \ on Jackson, Iv.irl Ownes, Chan. Hughes, Ji's-fe Hughes, Eugene hughes, Arline Owens. Elizabeth Owens, lr:i Loiidcr.uiilk, l:;a Loud¬ ermilk, I^v a Loudermilk. Maxie Loudermilk, .Mary Burris, Bessie Yates, Allie Pucker, Ma.\ belle Hugh¬ es, (iarland Homing, Alice Homing Mildred Poison. Hallie Seldomridge .Nina Jackson? Alleta Hazel, Gladvs TTiizcl. Average atlendance, 97%. Win, E. Allen, a prominent ,me<m- !>er of the Covington, Va.. bar drop¬ ped dead from his chair at his home in Covington last Friday afternoon of heart Iruble. He was a lawyer of excellent abilities and standing ami bed served as States Attrney for Alleghany county 'for many years. Amusu 1 heatre, Ronceverte, West Va.. Friday and Saturday, January £8th and 29th. Samuel Goldwin presents "The Revenge of Tarzan," By Edgar Rice Burroughs. This story in taken from t ho second bonk entitled "Re¬ turn of Tarzan." All who have seen "Tarzan of tho Apes" and "Komanr<* of Tarzan" will have a tieat in store in thin wonderful film story. The Hialto Theatre, of Charleston, W. Va., broke all homo records with this great Tarzan feature. A lminsion. ->r> and 50c, plus War l ax. Two Shows oach Ni'zht. First Show at. 7.1") p. in.

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Page 1: Greenbrier independent (Lewisburg, Va. [W. Va.]). 1921-01 ...€¦ · &ttn»bricr ^Independent Subscription Prick. One year. $2.00 j| Six months, $1.00 FRIDAY,JANUARY21, 1921. Wanted

&ttn»bricr ^IndependentSubscription Prick.

One year. $2.00 j| Six months, $1.00


Wanted Farms?.E. A. Strout,Farm Agency; J. P. Skaggs. Repre¬sentative. Aldersdn, W. Va. l7-2w

TEACHERS' MEETING.A meeting of the Frankford Dis-

Irict Teachers' Reading Circlc willbe held at Frankford, January 2t)tb,sil 2 o'clock.

Blacksmith Shop.~I have open¬ed a shop one door East of Helm'sCarriage Shop, and am prepared todo your work. E. L. McCaiity.

Fon S.\ j.i:..-Twen ty-horse-powerGeiser saw outlit. Price and termswiil be made attractive. Address or<ee C»oad & De Barr. Lewisburg. \V.Va.. <5T* lu P. Johnson, Wytheville.Virginia. .tf

CARD OF. THANKS.We desire to cxpres.f through

the columns of this paper our ap¬preciation for the kindness andsympathy shown us by friends andrelatives in our recent berievements.the death of our dear wife #andmother, Mrs. Lowa I). Dcitz.

H. L. Dkitz and Son.

The general motive oltices of theVirginian railroad, at Princetonwere destroyed by tire some daysago. Some of the records of theoflicc were saved. The loss of thebuilding, which waa a two-storybrick structure, located near tlierailroad shops, was estimated atbetween thirty and forty thousanddollars.


CONTHIBUTIONS.Mrs. H. F.Mays,Mr. and Mrs. D. P. McGcachy:.Red, dresser and washstand. and

other furniture stored here whenthey went to Decatur Ga.


(Beathicf. Kf.rsiinkh, Secretary.)The Debate by the Frankford

High School Literary Society, heldFriday, January 14, 1921. was wonby the Negative side:RESOLVED:.That the People of

this Country are Growing Retter.Affirmative.Moody Hull, PaulineArehart, Katie Hayes, ThurmondGreen, Margurctle Fisher. Ray-nard Arehart, Clara Fisher.

Negative.Ruby Scldomrtidge, IraHull, Zliylpha Graybeal, ElizabethLivesay, Gladys Graybeal. PaulGibbs, John Bright Fisher, .BeatriceKersliner, Maynard Boothe.

WEEKLY MARKET BULLETIN.The Capitol building and its

contents were destroyed by fire in¬cluding our Weekly Market Bulle¬tin and other publications.

I would be glad to have thosewho were on these lists to send mea letter or card giving their namesi^d addresses.

Very truly yours,J. II. STEWART,


SENATOR BOOMS IS PLACED.The standing committees of the

State Senate were announced byPresident Arnold Monday. Sena¬tor R. II. Boone, of Greenbrier, i.->on the following committees.: Privi¬leges,, and Elections; Roads; .Militia;1,migration and Agriculture andProhibition and Temperance. Onlyone of these- Roads will probablyhave a meeting during the session.

Senator Stewart, of Morgantown,is Chairman of the Judiciary Com¬mittee and Senator Lewis, of Fay¬ette, of Finance. One or more ofthe four Democratic Senators areplaced on all the important com¬mittees.

OFF FOR PANAMA CANAL.Doctor and Mrs. O. O. Cooper

left Ilijilon Wednesday the 12thfor New York whence they sailcj)Saturday for the Panama Canal.The trip is on one of the steam¬

ers of the United Fruit Co., andwill include four days in Havanaand vicinity, a day at Santiago,Cuba, two days in the Island ofJamaica and two days in PortLimon. Costa Rica with a trip byrail to San Jose, the capitol.The whole length of the canal

will be traversed and numerous au-Lomlobilc excursions indulged in.The tour will occupy about a monthand one shi4| will jnakc the entirecircuit.

DEATH OF MRS. SUSAN NEAL.Mrs. Susan Nenl, widow of James

Neal, died about 6 oVlock yesterdaymorning, January 20, 1920, at thehome * here of her son-!daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lynch,aged 72 year*. Her husband pre-ceeded her to the grave m \ . ¦<

ago. She was a sister of the lateRobert W. Woodward, of Frank-ford, and was tb" mother o" quitea large family.Ave of whom arestill living.three sons.Julian,Lawrenrc and Jo^n N**al. -»*.<! t * odaughters.Mrs. Alex Freeman andMrs. Kd. Lyn«'h. both of th is coun¬ty. She was a member of the Prcs-byterlan Church. The funeralservice will be held at the Churchat MaxwcPon at 3 o'clock this ;i,u*r-noon (Friday) rondi'^* '. '

T. IT. Wix and the burial will bein the Frankford Cemetery whereher husband's body was laid.

The Annual Meeting of Stock¬holders of the Greenbrier NationalFarm Loan Association was heldon Tuesday of last week. Jan. 11th.The following Board of Directorswas elected: If. B. Moore, B. A.JRapp. C. W. Hundley, l\. W. Hum-phreys, and A. W. Clcek. The Boardof Directors organized by electing!H. B. Moore. President; B. A. Rapp,Vice-President; and Finley M. Ar-buckle. Secretary and Treasurer. IThe Board set aside 15% of theDividend, received on Stock, forReserve; 33% for Current Expensesand 50% to be paid Stockholders.making a 3% cumulative dividendon out-standing stock in the Associ¬ation.


A number of interested patrons jand friends of the Lewisburg t'ub-lie School met on Thursday after- 1neon. January Oth at the schoolbuilding. After an instructive ad¬dress by Dr. O'Rrvan. or the Nation¬al Mental Hygiene" Committee, aParent's .Teachers Organizationwas all'ccted. The following of-tlrers were elected: President, Mrs.Henry Lipps; Vice-President. Mr.J. S. McWhorter; Secretary, \V. E.Scott; Treasurer,. Mrs. HowardCampbell, A Constitution for theOrganization was submitted by MissMellichamp which aTter slight a-inendmcnt, was adopted. The nextmeeting will be held in the schoolbuilding Thursday afternoon, Feb.24th.

RESOLUTION OF THANKS.At a Special Meeting of the Town

Council of the Town of Lewisburg,held in the Mayor's Otlice, January11th, 1920, the followiing Resolu¬tion was adopted:RESOLVED, That the Mayor, Re¬

corder and Council of the Town ofLewisburg. representing the citi¬zens of said Town, extend to theRoncevertc Fire Department theirthanks and appreciation for theirhelp and co-operation, rendered tothe Town of Lewisburg during thelire at the Lewisburg Female Insti¬tute on January 3rd, 1021 and thatthe Recorder be instructed to havea copy of this Resolution publishedin the (ircenbrier Independent andThe West Virginia News and a copymailed* to the City of Roncevertc.

R. M. BELL. Mayor.L. S. Davidson, Recorder.

COW TESTING ASSOCIATION.The following gives the names

ami records of the cows In the As¬sociation which have producedmore than 10 pounds of buttcrfator 1,000 pounds of milk duringthe period of 30 days ending Dec.31, 1020, Jesse .1. Cofl'man, OilicialTester:

J. O. Handley & Son.DailyMoore, G. llol., 43.1 pounds of but¬ter fat; Cameo, Holstein, 1,070 lbs.milk, 31.3 pounds of butter fat.Win. Laing.Hoi. Heifer, Hoi.,10.9.J. H. Handley.Lizzie, G. Jcr.,11.7 pounds buttcrfat; Betsy, G. Jcr.4X.9 pounds buttcrfat; Jersey, G.

Jcr., 12.0 pounds buttcrfat; BlancheCross, 42.6 pounds buttcrfat;Rrindle 47.7 pounds buttcrfat; Olga,llol., 1,125 pounds milk. 30.3 poundbutterfat; Tolena, Hoi., 1,251 poundmilk, 30.3 pounds buttcrfat.Tuckwiller & Livesa.v.Beulah,llol., 1,083 pounds milk, 34.7 poundbutterfat. ,

HERE TO HELP.The Board of Directors of t lie

Seminary Fund announce the ar¬rival on Wednesday, of Dr. II. C.Mcl'herson, of Virginia, a memberui the Executive Committee ofChristian Education, who comesto take an important part in the re¬building of the Lcwisburg SeminaryDormitory. Dr. Mcl'herson comesfrom many years of work for thisCommittee and tiis ripe experienceis a valuable asset in this great un¬dertaking. Not only is he a Vir¬ginian but he is a member of theSynod of West Virginia, and is re¬lated to a number of people ofGreenbrier' County.The Committee also announcesthat on the same day .Miss FlorenceAskew, the private Secretary of DrM. E. Mclvin, who is Field Secrctar.v,>i the Committee, arrived to be in.harge of the office work in theraising of the fund. Miss Askewhas been with the Committee so.netime. It is needless to <?iy tha' is. omtnunify welcomes Dr. McPher-on and Miss Askew.

We are having fine winter weath¬er at this time.

Dr. Lilly of Asbury, was calledo see Mrs. Jane Myers, of Smoot,last week. We are glad to reportthat she is much better.W. L. Hundley, of Clintonville,has been confined to his room for

some days. Dr. Kesler,. of Williamsburg, is waiting on him.

Rev. A. Nutter, of the Rupertcharge, has agreed to preach oc-.asionly for the people of theSmoot charge until they can securea regular pastor.W. C. Hundley, of Clintonville.

who is working at Rupert, was callcd 'home last week on account ofhi: ncsB.

Myers, of Smoot, was thrown fromher pony, a few days ago and re¬vived a broken arm. Dr. call* d t <i set Ihc broken i>o:: c.Wc are .sorry to learn '»f '

\Harding's n flicuity in selec'n.g a/.binct W would suggest that he

C- ci.brier for at least onemVr ¦ ' hive some mighty


(latighlcr of Jolin

NICHOLAS WANTS TO SPREAD.Nicholas County wants a new

boundary line established on theGreenbrier side in order to givethe town of Richwood a chance togrow and remain in Nicholas. Itis proposed to take about 00,000

! acres from Greenbrier. The matterwill be taken up by the County! Courts and perhaps go to the Leg¬islature for action../*«//.. Tribune .

EUROPEAN RELIEF.HERBERT HOOVER, Ntl. Chm. !MASON HELL, County Chairman. !S. C. BEA,RD, County Treas. j

CoXTIUIit'TlONS.Previously reported *203.65Caldwell Chapel 3.05Rov Blankenship 5-00Mrs. F. E. Finks 10.00A Contribution 50.00Miss Lina White 5.00Mrs. llallie Pace, (bond) 50.00Mrs. M. A. Beard, (bond) 50.00Cash 1U.00

Total *110.70

As Executor of S. N. Pace, I have iTor sale his Law Library, OtlieeFurniture, Filing Cases, 2 Fire-pro 11' Safes, 1 Remington Typewrit¬er with desk together with all thelatest appliances for fastening pap¬ers together.The Law Library contains over

500 volumes of text-books and re¬ports, blanks for abstracts and oth¬er things too numerous to mention.Everything new and up-to-date.

This is a splendid chance for aman who wants to open a law of¬fice here. HENRY GILMER.

GRASSY MEADOWS.We are having real cold weather

now and plenty of snow.Rev. Ollield preached at Mc-

Ellheny Sunday morning and nightAs this is a fine sleighing time hehad a very good congregation atboth services.

Miss Mabel Holcomb is workingin the Laundry at Ronceverte.There are a few cases of scarlet

fever at Dawson.Miss Avie Stevens, who is attend¬

ing school at Alderson, spent Sat¬urday and Sunday with her father,S. L. Stevens.John Harrith, of Keeney's Knob,

had his foot badly mashed a fewdays ago.Kenny Ford was in Hinton Mon¬

day.J. L. Duncan is thinking of

moving to Dayton. Ohio.Rev. Ollield and J. T. Montgomery

were visiting the folks on Keeney'sKnob Tuesday.Our bachelor. Sam Lewis, takes

the lead in getting the most eggsthis bad weather.The young folks at this place will

meet at Aken Martins with theirPastor, Bev. Ollield, and have sing¬ing one night this week.Henry Ford, who \vas workingat Bellpoint, is ht home now.


We, the undersigned members ofTlu* Garaj?emen« Association, bymutual agreement mid contract;ree that beginning January 1, 1921lo extend credit to any of our cus¬tomers for a period of 30 days only.We believe that it is to the interestof all parties that the Automobileand Garage business be conductedon as nearly a cash basis as possi¬ble The co-operation of the pub¬lic will be appreciated.

| Al.UKH.SON GaIIAC.K,South Aijm:hson Moron Co..Clakkson & Tuokwiu.fh,RoNCFVF.ItTK GUIAGF,Richmond & Honns,.1. C. Ror.os Motor & Lioiit Co,M.WWIiU.S GaKAUH,FAHMRnS Sui'l'I.Y Co,F. C. CoFFMAN,C. E. CoNNi-n.I lUDM.liSTON G.VHAOR,CaHHF.I.I.S FiHKI'HOIT GaHAOF,Wiiitf. Sui.imiuii Mot/>ii Co.,W. A. Poo NIC,Union Moron Co.W. S. Pkck's Gauaoe,McComas n Wauiiop,Honns Rnos. Gahaoi:,IIinton ClAUAC.i: & Saiks Co.,A i*to Ownfhs & Supply Co.,Sf.hvick Cahaok.


( Biunsfoiu), Reporter.)The Literary Society gave the

following program Friday after¬noon. January 7, 1021:SONG SocietySCdUPTUHE HEADING,

Dillnrd HumeQUARTETTE.Omar Cook, Oakry Dean,

Rransford, Eva McMillion.HEADING, Chlora HumeSHORT STORY, Ixjretta VO'dellCURRENT EVENTS Elta WyattDEBATE:.Resolved that theGovernment Should Own and Con¬trol the Postal System.To j*nirm: To Deny:Cassie Niccly Norval Smith' Toothman Polly McCllnticHEADING. Pauline Mathewsc,T0fvr STOnY. Montford HumeSCHOOL NOTES, Theo. McMillion

ON- what Is so ram as a day inJanuary 1 Sleighing! Skating! Snow¬balling!One of the Junior girls, Birdie,? ,nry. is very sick this week. We".on" r-lio will soon be back at

T1' . Grandiury of Fayette eoun-..' s'^s'on list wck, returncilMonv and 21 misdemeanor in¬dictments. .

TO OUR LEWISBL'RG FRIENDS.We wish publicly to ofTer our

very sincere tlianks for and to ex¬press our hearty appreciation ofyour kind and tireless efforts inour behalf during our stay in yourdelightful Community House. Wewill never forget nor cease to begrateful to you for your kind inter¬est in and sweet ministrations tous in time of suflfering and trouble.

Please accept this as an expres¬sion of our gratitude for all youdid for us.


White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.January 19, 1921.

HIGH SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST.The American Constitutional. As¬

sociation announces a prize essaywriting contest to he conducted inthe high schools of West Virginia.Four prizes are oll'ercd foi* the bestessays written. Nigh School Juniorsand Seniors will compete for afirst prize of *20.00 and a secondprize of $ 1 0.00. Sophomores andFreshmen will compete for similar {prizes.The subjects the pupils arc to

write about are to be chosen fromthe four here given: "The Makingof the American Constitution,""Democratic Ideals Embodied inthe Declaration of Independence,""The Story of the American Flag,"and "Americanism. What it Means."

Rules governing the contest 'areas follows:

1. The essay must be original.Material may be obtained from anysource, but no copying is permitt¬ed unless where quotation is shown

2. Manuscripts must be betweenfive and eight hundred words inlength.

3. The essay must be written onwhite paper, on one side only, andwith pen and ink. (Typewriter maybe used.)

4. Contestants must be bona tidehigh school pupils doing creditablework.

5. The name of the contestant,his year in school, and the name ofhigh schools must be written on theupper right hand corner of the firstpage of each essay.

(5. The contest closes Washing¬ton's birthday, February 22, 1921.The person in charge of the con¬test in each high school will mailthe manuscripts to the AmericanContitutional Association, 110 HaleStreet, Charleston, W. V. All essaysmust he received not later thanMarch 3d, 1921.

7. Three disinterested judgeswill read all essays and awardprizes.X. The American ConstitutionalAssociation requests the privilege¦>f having the prize essays printedin the leading newspapers in WestVirginia, giving the names of the

successful contestants and also thenames of the high schools to whichthey belong.

QUINWOOD.The heavy fall of snow has not

to any great extent, interfered with;lie progress of the constructionwork on the Imperial operations.The engineering corps, under

.he direction of T. .It. Burke, isbusily engaged in making plans for.1 connection of the sidetrack withihe Greenbrier & Eastern Hailroad,iinl have designed a modern steelbridge capable of carrying theheaviest equipment used on anyrailroad. This bridge will spanMeadow Creek a short distance be-how the tipple site.

J. Wade Hell will leave next week:«> attend the annual meeting of theGreenbrier & Eastern Hailroad.

| While away Mr. Hell will purchaseI machinery and other equipment for

the modern tipple now being built.Several carloads of copper wire

and other material to lv» used in the! construction of the power line for

ihe Meadow Creek l'ower Companyhas been shipped, and upon its ar¬rival active work will be commenc¬ed building the line from Bellwoodto the Meadow Creek, coal area.

Telephone instruments and oth¬er material for a connection withthe Hell system at Itainelle. is now011 the ground, and this line will!n> ready for service in Ihe verynear future.

Miss Ida L. Walker arrivedal Quinwood this week and has as¬sumed her duties in the office and" «»»*<. of the Imperial SmokelessCoal Company.

Mr. Uoicom'b is now in charge ofthe sawmill, succeeding E. I.. Orn-ilorir.John Nuttall. of Fayetteville, whois to be assistant general managerfor Greenbrier Smookcless Coal Co,was a very pleasant visitor at theQuinwood Club last week.W. L Hansbergcr has moved his{family from Hominy Falls to Quin¬wood where he is employed erect¬ing the planing mill for ImperialSmokeless Coal C'/Oinpany, He ex¬pects to be turning out some veryline flooring and other lumber inth6 not djklnnt future.The QUinwood Club had its form¬al opening this week and its mem¬bership includes .T. Wade Hell, Dr.J. G. Leech, Miss Ida L. Walker, T.H. Burke, V. A. Summcrfleld and E.V. Trick. The Club occupies a com"ortablc eight-rooim house; modernbathroom fixtures installed and oth-t improvements arc being made.We learn with regret that C. L.McClung is on Ihe sick list, al¬though not in a serious condition.Messrs. J. S. Tineher, J. M. Slmjnsf. N\ Tineher, K. f:. Crane, E. E.Crane and French Perkins, were a-mong those spending the week-endat their homer:.

Dr. John D. McCorkle. registered| Eye Sight Specialist, of Ilinton, W.Va.. at the Greenbrier Hotel, Ron-

| cevcrte. First Monday of eachi month from nine to Jive o'clock.

The Willing Workers SundaySchool Class of the MethodistI Church, will have an oyster andchicken salad supper in the TeaRoom of the Lewisburg Drug StoreSaturday evening, Jan. 22d, begin¬ning at 5:30 p. in.

PERSONAL MENTION.John C. Mullins, who has been

employed at Hemphill, McDowellcounty, for scvera months, has re-I to his home near Sunlight.

Mrs. W. J. Collins has returnedlo her home near Sunlight, from avisit to Iter son, Win. G. HuntingSon.W m. E. Dougher is visiting his t

parents, Capt. and A\s. John E.Doughcr, at Smool. w

Jas J. Rivens. of itopcrl, was a '

business visitor in Charleston this !week.

Win. Laing left Monday nighl forMsAlpine. Italeigh county, to visithis mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Laing, jwhose health has not been verygood for sojne time. She is now81 years of age.

Miss Ruth Ciillilan. who has beenvisiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.'X. M. Gillilan, here returned to herwork at the C. & O. Hospital atHuntington, Saturday. She wasaccompanied by her mother, andMrs. Shockley, of Williamsburg,her aunt.Dr. II. C.McPherson, of Virginia,

and Miss Askew, stenographer, ofMississippi joined Mr. Haris herethis week. All are associated with(the Christian Education work of theSouthern Church and are here toassist the people of Greenbrier inLhe ell'ort to restore the SeminaryDormitory, recently burned.

l'atrick Anderson, representingthe Insurance Department of theAuditor's. Oflice, was here Fridayto examine the oflice, books, busi-ness, etc., of the Farmers HomeFire Insurance Company and afterlooking over the oflice books, etc.,expressed himself as highly pleasedand congratulated Mr. Arbuckle onthe way his books and olliee v/brekept and said the Farmers Homewas the only Company of its kindin the State which was conductingits business in a systematic, orderlyway.

Miss Kathryn Marshall and EstherBills, the two Seminary studentswho had been cared for in theCommunity House since the lire atthe Seminary on the 3d, were takento White Sulphur the first of thisweek for an X-ray examination.1 he X-cay revealed no serious in¬jury to Miss Marshall but showedthat the pelvic bone of Miss Billshad been broken in two places andthat she would have to go to a hos¬pital for attention. The girls, incare of Dr. Marshall.mother ofMiss Kathryn left for their homein Chicago Wednesday morning.

Last Friday the stork broughtLittle Miss Anna Blair to grow towomanhood, as we trust, under theloving care of her fond parents,Mr. ami Mrs. George Alderson.

Harry Painter lell Wednesdaynight for Winston-Salem, X. C..where he has accepted a businessposition.

Miss Julia Mellichamp went toMorgantown this week to deliversome addresses for which she was.'jooked wiieu there some weeksago.

Attending the session or the Cir¬cuit Court here this week wereAttorneys, T. X. Iteed, of Ilinton,Geo. J. Thompson, of Alderson.arid Col. J. II. Crosier, of RnneeverleCol. Geo. W. Graves and W. W.Stevens, of Alderson, were al.-«ohere.

Miss Jennie Price and Mrs. R. K.L. Wood left for Charleston yester¬day- the former to visit Mrs. C. C.Dickinson, the latter to visit herbrother, Rev. Frank C. Brown.

Miss Evilce Jenkins, who wasoperated on for appendicitis at theIlinton Hospital last Saturday, i«getting along nicely at this time.

Mrs. W. C. llobbs, who hasbeen in Ilinton for the past monthlhe guest of relatives and friends,returned Monday.

I DEATH OF "TOBE" STUART.A. 13., commonly known usI "Tobe" Stuart, died, after a linger-

ing and painful illness with en-j largement of the heart and other

ailments, at his home in the Rich-i lands, of this county, at t) o'clock

Thursday afternoon, January ID.1921, in his 70th year. He leaveshis wife, who was Miss Laura Wil¬liams, daughter of the late BoliverWilliams, of this county, and twosons.James W., and Elmer l..Stuart, both of this county, lieleaves of his father's family onebrother, J. Harry Stuart, Attorneyof Roanoke. Va., and two sisters.Mrs. Gussic Bowcn, of Tazewellcounty, Va., and Mrs. Jennie Sehon.wife of Hon. Edward Sehon. ofHuntington, now, as we hear, .severely ill. He was a son of the lateWin. Robinson Stuart, of this comi¬ty. and a great-grand son of Col.John . Stuarf. distinguished pioneerin the settlement of this Greenbrierregion.

Mr. Stuart was a devoted memberand a very active worker in theCalvary >i. E. Church, South, formany years a Steward and a liber¬al supporter of his Church anil itsactivities. He was a popular anda highly respected man in his co.m-munitv and will be greatly missedby his Church and his neighbors.He led the quiet and indifferentlife of a farmer and was faithfulto the duties and obligations of tnccitizen.The funeral service will take

place at Calvary Church this morn¬ing (Friday) at 11 o'clock and willbe conducted by his pastor. Mr-Clark, assisted by his neighbor,Rev. F. W. Phillips, after which in¬terment will be made in the ceme¬tery there.

AGAIN AT WORK.After the dreadful Are of the 3d

by which the Seminary's Dormitorybuilding was totally destroyed alarge majority of the out of town

, students returned last week fromthe holiday recess, others are com-ing in, and the school is again in| active operation.The people were generous and un-1 selfish in offering their homes for

the accommodation of the teachers! and students. The offers made byE. L. Bell, Richard P. Bell and Jno.C. Dice to turn over their homesj ifor the accommodation of theSchool were gratefully acceptedand in these homes the teachersand students are now comfortablyquartered and all fully satisfied andmuch pleased. A dining room has

; been fitted up in the basement of'Carnegie Hall where the girls taketheir meals as if nothing had hap-pened.

j Let no one imagine that the pco-! pie here are even for a momentI thinking surrender in face of inis-! fortune. They have given to thepoint in aid of the school hercto-

j fore and will do their part in thej present emergency.I SCHOOL HONOH ROLL.I DUG HILL SCHOOL. FrankfordPitrict; Nancy Chisholm, Princi¬pal; Robert Seldomridge, Assistant.

. Third month-*.Upper Room:Blanche Seldomridge, Nellie Neal.Allhca Poison, Owens. InaHazel, (Henna Homing, Gladys'Homing, Lovie Yatc.s, Tivssie Yatei*Ara Hazel. Lewis Seldomridge,Richard Seldomridge, Viola Louder.mill:, Connie MrPowell. Ferdie Mc-Powell. Pelberl Loudermilk, El.deI oudermilk. Reba Poison, MaggiePoison.l.owerBoom. Paul Neal, Wi! .onPenning, Gonbni Homing, Car.Seldomridge, \Wr I Seldomridge, Olie

, Seldomridge, Rudolph Ran'.on. Al-\ on Jackson, Iv.irl Ownes, Chan.Hughes, Ji's-fe Hughes, Eugenehughes, Arline Owens. ElizabethOwens, lr:i Loiidcr.uiilk, l:;a Loud¬ermilk, I^va Loudermilk. MaxieLoudermilk, .Mary Burris, BessieYates, Allie Pucker, Ma.\ belle Hugh¬es, (iarland Homing, Alice HomingMildred Poison. Hallie Seldomridge.Nina Jackson? Alleta Hazel, GladvsTTiizcl.

Average atlendance, 97%.

Win, E. Allen, a prominent ,me<m-!>er of the Covington, Va.. bar drop¬ped dead from his chair at his homein Covington last Friday afternoonof heart Iruble. He was a lawyerof excellent abilities and standingami bed served as States Attrneyfor Alleghany county 'for manyyears.

Amusu 1 heatre, Ronceverte,West Va..

Friday and Saturday, January £8th and 29th.

Samuel Goldwin presents

"The Revenge of Tarzan,"By Edgar Rice Burroughs.

This story in taken from t ho second bonk entitled "Re¬turn of Tarzan." All who have seen "Tarzan of thoApes" and "Komanr<* of Tarzan" will have a tieat in

store in thin wonderful film story.The Hialto Theatre, of Charleston, W. Va., broke allhomo records with this great Tarzan feature.

A lminsion. ->r> and 50c, plus War l ax.Two Shows oach Ni'zht. First Show at. 7.1") p. in.