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CATALOG 2015-2016

Botanical Enthusiast,Green Fuse Botanicals is pleased to present our catalog for your enjoyment

and use. This year we introduce a number of new Optimum Annuals® series includingAnigozanthos Jump™, Begonia Champagne, Salvia splendens Grandstand™ and a newPetunia series we call Quality Tunia QT®.

Additionally, we have many Optimum Annuals® series extensions for the

upcoming year. Our Calibrachoa Cruze® adds a new Blue and an improved Lavender, our

Purslane Hot Shot® series is completely re-invented with exciting new cultivars, we have

added Scaevola Scampi® Pink, Petunia Good and Plenty® includes two new varieties,

and the Verbena Vivid® Brilliant Rose will become a part of that fine series. And the new

Euphorbia Crystal White performs exceptionally well, flowering heavily from grower

to garden.

The First Light® Perennials program has proven a hit with growers, since they

are so easy to use in any production system. Plants require little or no vernalization and

bloom quickly. Best of all, they are beautiful. Pursue this catalog to learn more about our

New Madrid® Lavenders, Perovskia Caspian Sea™, Scabiosa Giga® Pink, Trifolium 4 Luck®

Cocoa Mint and Veronica Vernique® improvements.

Green Fuse’s Compatibles®, or mixed containers, has added some our most

exciting introductions with completely programmable perennial mixes. First Light®

Perennials’ mixes are easy to grow - start to finish.

We also present ideas to attract customers with smaller living spaces in our Life

Style Plants® section.

We wish you great success for the coming season.

Steve Jones


“The force that through the green fuse drives the flower…” Dylan Thomas

AnnualsAngelonia Actors

Anigozanthos Big Roo

Anigozanthos Jump

Anigozanthos JoeJoe

Anigozanthos Kanga

Tuberous Begonia Champagne

Begonia Beaucoup

Begonia Gumdrops

Bidens Doubloon

Calibrachoa Cruze

Cordyline Electrics

Euphorbia (chamaesyce) Crystal White

Ipomoea Sweet Georgia

Heliotrope Topaz

Fuchsia New Windchimes

Fuchsia Windchimes Upright

Petunia Blanket

Petunia Blanket Double

Petunia Good and Plenty

Petunia QT

Purslane Hot Shot

Salvia Cathedral

Salvia splendens Grandstand

Scaevola Scampi

Sutera Betty

Verbena Vivid

Lifestyle Plants™Begonia Shadow King

Streptocarpus Ladyslippers

Hydrangea Helium

Compatibles™Annual and Lifestyle Culture Information

First Look

First Light™ PerennialsAgastache Acapulco

Agastache Acapulco Deluxe

Dianthus Constant Beauty

Gaura Bantam

Gaillardia Lunar

Lavender stoeches New Madrid

Leucanthemum Angel Daisy

Leucanthemum Darling Daisy

Leucanthemum White Mountain

Penstemon Peregrine

Perovshia Caspian Blue

Salvia nemorosa Swifty

Scabiosa Giga

Trifolium 4 Luck

Veronica Vernique

Perennial Compatibles

Perennial Culture Information





















































Angelonia Actors®Angelonia Actors® touts large flowers and an excellent

garden performance for warm regions. The series has a

full line of colors including two bi-colored varieties.

Garden height is 14” to 18”.

New Mark of

Lavender Blue PPAF

White Blue Splash PPAF

White Improved PPAFPink Improved PPAF

Purple Improved PPAF

Pink Blue Splash PPAF


Anigozanthos Big Roo® are used in large containers or in the landscape as a featured

accent plant. These plants attract hoards of Humming Birds with their bright colored,

tubular flowers. Mature height is 48” to 60.”

Anigozanthos Big Roo®

The latest series from Green fuse™Botanicals, Anigozanthos Jump®

are mid-sized (between Big Roo® andKanga®) with excellent landscape

performance and drought tolerance.They are suited for production in

2 gallon containers or larger. Finished height is 30” to 40.”

Anigozanthos Jump®


Yellow PPAF

Orange PPAF


Yellow PPAF

Orange PPAF



JoeJoe® Anigozanthos can be finished a week to ten days quicker than other series. The series is ideal

for finishing in quart containers or up to a one gallon. Finished height

is 12” to 15.”

Anigozanthos JoeJoe®

Anigozanthos Kanga® has the richest tones and most diverse color pallet of any series on the market. The finished height is 17” to 20.”

Red USPP25,266

Yellow USPP24,995

Orange USPP25,267

Anigozanthos Kanga®

Burgundy USPP18,209




Yellow USPP18,207


Begonia Beaucoup® flaunts its largeflowers above the foliage showcasingmuch more color than other Boliviensistypes. Beaucoup® Begonias perform inan exposure of full sun or partial shade.Mature height is 8” to 12”.

Begonia Beaucoup®

The Champagne™ series includes four varieties for 2016; Apricot, Orange, White and Yellow with huge flowerson a trailing plant form. This beautiful Begonia is an ideal item for a retail grower.

Begonia C hampagneTM

Gumdrops® are a positive alternativeto Impatiens for shady landscape

areas. The performance as alandscape plant is excellent with

their distinctive double flowersand bronze foliage. Garden

height is 18” to 24.”

Begonia Gumdrops®

Red USPP22,626White USPP22,624

Rose USPP22,625

Coco Red USPP25,176

Coco Rose PPAF

Coco White PPAF

White PPAF

Orange PPAF

Apricot PPAF

Yellow PPAF


The extra large floweredCalibrachoa Cruze® series

includes an updated Lavender and new Blue variety for 2015 / 16.

Mature height is 5” to 10.”

Calibrachoa Cruze®


Doubloon™ puts on a show of golden colored flowers and has gained popularity as a variety that

lasts the entire summer. Doubloon™ is an excellent component plant for mixed containers and hanging

baskets. Finish height and width is 4” to 6.”

Bidens DoubloonTM

DoubloonTM PPAF

Lavender ImpUSPP23,976

Yellow Red Eye PPAF

Yellow USPP24,003


White Pink Eye PPAF

Violet PPAF

Pink Rose Eye PPAF


Blue PPAF Persimmon PPAF

An exciting new Cordyline selection within theElectrics


for 2015 is ElectricTM

Flash. Flashexhibits a cream, burgundy and green

stripe pattern creating a brightinflection on the landscape.

Garden height of a matureplant can reach 48 “ witha similar width. One

year old plants willbe 18” to 24.”

Cordyline ElectricsTM

Euphorbia (chamaesyce)Crystal WhiteTM

Crystal™ White develops a dense, rounded structure of large flowers, resulting in an

array of white. This Euphorbia is the perfect drought and heat tolerant

component plant for mixed containers. Mature height

is 8” to 12.”

Electric™ Star PPAF

Electric™ Flash PPAF

Electric™ Pink USPP19,213

Crystal White PPAF


Ipomoea Sweet Georgia®The Sweet Georgia® Ipomoea have

reduced internodes and a compact plant

structure. This diverse line of colors

includes a variegated form called

Bullfrog. Mature height is 4” to 6.”

The Topaz™ has a compact plant and dark

foliage color, ideal for use as a component in

plant mixes or as a standalone item in smaller

containers. Garden height is 4” to 6.”

Heliotrope TopazTM

Sweet Georgia® Bronze USPP22,325 Sweet Georgia®

Bullfrog USPP25,580

Sweet Georgia®Deep Purple


Sweet Georgia® Light Green PPAF

Sweet Georgia® Heart Light Green


Sweet Georgia® Heart Purple


Sweet Georgia® Heart Red USPP21,472

Topaz ™ PPAF



Fuchsia New Windchimes®

Fuchsia Windchimes® Upright

The New Windchimes® Fuchsia are early to flower and uniformacross all varieties. This enables growers to ship and re-fill hangingspace early in spring season. The series starts with four varieties:Dark Eyes, Neon / White, Red / White and Rose / Purple. Finishingheight is 10” to 16.”

Fuchsia Windchimes® Upright areconsistently earlier to flower; they arelarger, more uniform plants and havemore double flowers. Mature height

is 10” to 16.”

Neon / White PPAF Red / White PPAF

Dark Eyes USPP13,773

Rose / Purple USPP13,764

White /White PPAF

Neon / White PPAF

Lilac//Rose PPAF Rose / Purple PPAF

Red / White PPAF


Petunia Blanket ®

PetuniaDouble Blanket ®

Petunia Blanket® are renowned for their performancein garden beds and containers. Blanket® Petunias requirefewer units to finish hanging baskets or fill a landscape bed.

Blanket® Petunias will perform in all environmental regions.Plants will mature to 6” to 8” in height with a 36 “ spread.

Blanket® Double flowers are smaller allowing the plants to remain clean as flowers mature.

The doubles are durable for wet and warm regions in containers or in the landscape.

Mature height is 6” to 8” with 32” spread.

Lemon Glow USPP25,187

MidnightVelvet PPAF


Rose Star USPP22,265



Violet PPAF

Red USPP22,997

Yellow PPAF


Midnight VelvetUSPP22,985

Chardonnay PPAF

Zinfandel USPP23,345 Rose PPAF White PPAF


Petunia Good and P lenty®Petunia Good and Plenty® has two additional varieties for the upcomingseason: Purple Skirt and Strawberry Flash. They are early to flower with amounded/spreading habit. The series is very early to flower and creates‘Plenty’ of color. Garden height is 8” to 12.”

Blue USPP13,374,095

Purple Skirt PPAF

Strawberry FlashPPAF

Blue Ice PPAF

Nightlife PPAF

Grape Ice PPAF

Peach PPAF



Rose USPP13,374,099

White USPP13,374,100

Yellow USPP13,374,101

Red USPP13,374,098


Petunia QT ®

Purslane Hot Shot ®

Petunia QT® will maintain the compact, mounded plant habitfor an extended period of time without use of Plant GrowthRegulator. They have medium sized flowers and are ex-tremely floriferous. Finished height is 6” to 8”

Purslane Hot Shots® have been improved to possess larger

flowers with a clear color tone. The enhanced varieties enjoy a

uniform, mounded plant habit. The series starts with five colors;

Fuchsia, Orange, Rose, White and Yellow. Mature height is 4” to 6”.

Fuchsia PPAF

Orange PPAF Rose PPAF

Yellow PPAFWhite PPAF

Cherry PPAF

Salmon PPAF

Pink Ice PPAF

Orange High Light PPAF




Salvia Cathedral®An exceptionally early flowering

series with a wide range of colors. Cathedral® Salvia is a true landscape

performer for all regions, including warm and humid environments.

Garden height is 12” to 16”.

Salvia splendens GrandstandTM

Salvia splendens Grandstand™ are selected to finish 18” to 24” (46to 61 cm) in the garden, including the flower spikes. Grandstands™will finish early in the spring for all regions of the country. Once inflower, they do not cycle but continuously promote new flowerspikes during the growing season.

Shining Sea PPAF

Deep Blue PPAF Lavender USPP22,647 Purple USPP24,692 Sky Blue USPP20,929 White PPAF

White USPP24,894

Blue USPP24,846

Lavender PPAF

Purple PPAF


Scaevola Scampi® Pink is the new introduction forthe 2015/16 spring season. Scampi® Pink has largeflowers on a compact form similar to Scampi® Blueand Scampi® White. Finished height is 4” to 6”.

Scaevola Scampi®




Sutera Betty® Bacopa

Blue USPP24,694

Dark Blue PPAF


Zinfandel PPAFWhite PPAF

Sutera (Bacopa) Betty® will develop extra largeflowers over the entire plant. Also, they have shown to flower in warm regions through the

summer. Mature height is 6 “to 8” witha 10” to 12” spread.

White USPP23,881

Deep Blue USPP24,474

Peach USPP24,987

Red USPP24,709

The Verbena Vivid® Series has proven to be PowderyMildew resistant after years of testing and selection.Newly introduced varieties, like this year’s Brilliant Rose,

contain larger flowers and a tighter habit.Garden height is 5” to 8”.

Verbena Vivid®Deep Purple USPP24,475

Brilliant Rose PPAF



Begonia Shadow King®Shadow King® Begonias are part of the LifestylePlants™ collection, which can be successfullygrown as an indoor house plant and also beused out-of-doors on a shady and protectedpatio area for easy summer color. Finished height will be 8” to 12”.

Green Fuse Lifestyle Plants™represent a unique cross over from outof doors during warm months, to inside the

house during the colder months. For the spring andsummer, Begonia Shadow King® and Streptocarpus Ladyslippers® can create beautiful containers in a shady

protected patio area with other foliage plants or shade annualcolor and then brought inside to decorate a window for the winter.

Rothko PPAF

Cherry Mint PPAF

Moonlight PPAF

Tuxedo PPAF

Cool White USPP24,738

Pink PPAFLava Red PPAF

Ladyslippers® Streptocarpus, a Green FuseTM



, will last indoors near a window or in a shadyarea out of doors. An ideal shade container can

include Ladyslippers with other components likeShadow King® Begonia, Fuchsia and other shade

tolerant products . Finished height is 6” to 10”.

Streptocarpus Ladyslippers®

Hydrangea Helium® are delivered as dormant canes in containers ready

to ‘force’ for holidays orweekly sales. They are

compact, multi bloomedplants, ideal for retailers

to sell. 4” containers will finish 7” to 9”. 6” containers will finish

12” to 16”.

Hydrangia Helium®


Blue - Bi color PPAF


Pink- Bi color PPAF


Deep SalmonUSPP14,100

White PPAF

Blue WhiteCenter USPP24,737

Deep Blue Vein USPP22,236

Blue Ice PPAF

Scarlet PPAF

White Ice PPAF

Yellow Purple Cap USPP225,261

Yellow Pink Cap USPP24,714



The Green Fuse TM multiple variety mixes are not only striking in

appearance but are appropriately named Compatibles® for their

balanced performance. Compatibles® also feature a carefully

selected color palette to complement any environment.

Cruze® Arizona SkyYellow /Red/Yel w/Red Eye

Cruze® Mountain MeadowYellow/Lavender/Violet

Cruze® Key West ShoreLavender/Red/Violet

Cruze® Hawaiian LuauLavender/White w/Eye/Yellow G&P




Midnight StargazingRose Star/White/Zinfandel Blanket

®Dbl Marti Gras

Midnight Velvet Dbl/Rose Dbl/WhiteDbl


Sidewalk ChalkRose/Zinfandel/White


Lazy DaysPurple/Violet/White


Firefly Orange/Nightlife


HoneybeePeach/Grape Ice

Cruze® Malibu SunsetPink w/Rose Eye/

White w Pink Eye/Violet




Summer SizzlerRose/Lemon Glow/Midnight Velvet

Marshmallow Cruze White w Eye/

G&P White/Vivid White FireworksCruze Violet/Betty White/Vivid Peach

Sandy BeachDoubloon/Cruze Violet/

G&P Peach

MoonShadowCruze Lav/G&P Red/

Vivid White

Roman CandleCruze Yellow/G&P White/Vivid Peach

FerriswheelCruze Pink w Rose Eye/

G&P Night Life/Vivid Peach

SweetcornDoubloon/Cruze Yellow/G&P Yellow

Sun BurnCruze Red/G&PRed/ Vivid Red

Water BalloonDoubloon/Cruze Violet/

G&P Red

Kite FlyingCruze White w/Eye

G&P Red/Vivid Deep Blue

FlipflopDoubloon/G&PRed/Betty White

CampfireCruze Yellow/G&P Orange/

Vivid Red

Tiki TorchCruze Yellow/G&P Red/

Vivid Peach

SnowconeCruze Red/G&P White/

Vivid Dp Blue


Angelonia Actors® Series 14" to 18" 8" to 10" Annual

Anigozanthos Big Roo® 4' to 5' 2' to 3' Zone 10 Hardiness

Anigozanthos Kanga® and JoeJoe® 12" to 24" 10" to 14" Zone 10 Hardiness

Anigozanthos Jump® 30” to 40” 18” to 24” Zone 10 Hardiness

Begonia Beaucoup® Series 8" to 12" 8" to 10" Annual

Begonia Champagne™ 6" to 10" 12" to 16" Annual

Begonia Gum Drop® Series 18" to 24" 8" to 10" Annual

Bidens Doubloon™ 4" to 6" 6" to 8" Annual

Calibrachoa Cruze® Series 5" to 10" 10" to 14" Annual

Cordyline Electrics™ 36" to 48" 24" to 30" Zone 8 Hardiness

Euphorbia (Chamaesyce) Crystal White™ 6" to 10" 8" to 10" Annual

Fuchsia New Windchimes® Series 8" to 14" 8" to 10" Annual

Fuchsia Windchimes® Upright Series 10" to 16" 6" to 8" Annual

Heliotrope Topaz ™ 4" to 6" 6" to 8" Annual

Ipomoea Sweet Georgia® Series 4" to 6" 16" to 24" Annual

Petunia Blanket® Series 6" to 8" 16" to 36" Annual

Petunia Good and Plenty® Series 8" to 12" 10" to 14" Annual

Petunia QT ® Series 6" to 8” 8" to 10" Annual

Purslane Hot Shot® Series 4" to 6" 8" to 12" Annual

Salvia farinacea Cathedral® Series 12” to 16” 6” to 10” Zone 8 Hardiness

Salvia splendens Grandstand™ Series 15" to 20" 8" to 12" Annual

Scaevola Scampi® Series 4" to 6" 10" to 16" Annual

Sutera Betty® (Bacopa) Series 4" to 6" 10" to 14" Annual

Verbena Vivid® Series 5" to 8" 8" to 14" Zone 8 Hardiness

Begonia Rex Shadowking® Series 8" to 12" 10" to 14" Annual

Hydrangea Helium®Series 8" to 16" 8" to 12" Zone 7 Hardiness

Streptocarpus Ladyslippers® Series 6" to 10" 8" to 10" Annual

Genera / Series Height Width Annual/Perennial

Lifestyle Plants TM

Sun Upright 4" to 6 1/2" 73F(23C) / 64F(18C) Yes

Sun/Part Shade Upright 2 Gallon plus 70F(21C) / 60F(16C) No

Sun/Part Shade Upright 5" to 1 Gallon 70F(21C) / 60F(16C) No

Sun/Part Shade Upright 2 Gallon 70F(21C) / 60F(16C) No

Afternoon Shade Mounded 6” to 12" HB's 75F(23C) / 65F(18C) No

Shade Mounded 12" plus HB's 73F(23C) / 64F(18C) No

Sun/Part Shade Mounded 4" to HB’s 70F(21C) / 60F(16C) No

Sun/Part Shade Mounded 4" to 10" 72F(22C) / 58F(14C) Yes

Sun/Part Shade Spreading 5” to 12” 72F(22C) / 58F(14C) Yes

Sun/Part Shade Upright 1 Gallon 70F(21C) / 60F(16C) No

Sun Mounded 5" to 12" 70F(21C) / 60F(16C) Yes

Afternoon Shade Mounded 4” to 12” 70F(22C) / 60F(16C) Yes

Afternoon Shade Upright 4" to 12” 70F(21C) / 60F(17C Yes

Afternoon Shade Mounded 4" to 6 1/2” 72F(22C) / 62F(17C) No

Sun/Part Shade Spreading 4" to 12" 72F(22C) / 62F(17C) No

Sun Trailing 6 1/2” to 12” 68F(20C) / 55F(13C) Yes

Sun Mounded 6 1/2” to 12” 68F(20C) / 55F(13C) Yes

Sun Mounded 4" to 6 1/2" 68F(20C) / 55F(13C) Yes

Sun Spreading 4" to 10" 75F(24C) / 65F(18C) Yes

Sun/Part Shade Upright 4” to10” 70F(21C) / 60F(16C) Yes

Sun/Part Shade Upright 6 1/2” to 12” 70F(21C) / 60F(16C) Yes

Sun or Shade Trailing 6” to 12" HB's 72F(22C) / 62F(17C) Yes

Afternoon Shade Trailing 4” to 10” HB’s 68F(20C) / 55F(13C) Yes

Sun/Part Shade Trailing 4" to 12" HB's 70F(21C) / 60F(16C) Yes

Shade Mounded 6” to 10” 72F(22C) / 62F(17C) No

Shade Upright 4" to 6" 70F(21C) / 60F(16C) No

Shade Mounded 5" to 10" 73F(23C) / 64F(18C) No

Sun/Shade Plant Habit Recommended Avg. Day/Night PinchContainer Temperatures


Annual Cultural Inform



BegoniaDouble Beaucoup

Begonia Shadow King

Salvia splendensGrandstand






Petinia Goodand P lenty ®

Calibrachoa Cruze

Petinia Blanket





Cherry Red


Yellow Blue Eye

Blue Bicolor


Grape Ice

Pink Star


Red Delicious

Blue Star

Rose Frost


Black Cherry


All items shown will be in full

production for the 2015/16 season.

Green-FuseTM has not formally introduced

these varieties but they are available for you

to try during the upcoming production season.

Please contact your sales representative if you have

any questions regarding this year’s ‘First Look’ products.

Dianthus Cadence TM

Agastache Acapulco®DeluxeAcapulco® Deluxe are nicely compact and naturally

well branched with the same garden attributes asour Acapulco® series. Garden height is 8” to

12”. Zone 5 / 6 Hardiness.

Agastache Acapulco®Agastache Acapulco®, a tender perennial, offers continuousflowers all summer until frost. Garden height is 18” to 24”.Zone 5 / 6 Hardiness.

T he First Light Perennial® program contains only first year flowering varieties which requireno vernalization. With a few exceptions, all varieties can be programmed to flower from early spring through the fall, making scheduling and production easy. New for this yearare Perennial Compatibles,® consisting of the First Light Perennial® components that can be scheduled for finish during the spring and summer through the fall.

Orange USPP16,067 Rose USPP16,023 Salmon Pink USPP16,308

White & Yellow PPAF

Dark Blue PPAF


Peach PPAF


Chiffon PPAF

Rose PPAFYellow PPAF



Dianthus Constant Beauty®

Gaillardia Lunar®

Constant Beauty® Pink was updated to include a darkerpink flower color. Constant Beauty® series will flower

all spring and well into the summer for all regions.The flowers have a sweet fragrance sure to

entice any gardener. Garden height is 6”to 10”. Zone 3 Hardiness

Gaillardia Lunar® varieties were selected for their compact garden form

and continuous summer flowering. Lunar Redis the new introduction for 2015/16. Garden

height is 6” to 10”. Zone 5 Hardiness.

Gaura Bantam®Gaura Bantam® is summer flowering

perennial with a shorter flower stem

and flowers across the entire

canopy. Garden height is 10”

to 14”. Zone 5 Hardiness.


Harvest Moon PPAF

Two Moon PPAF

Red Moon PPAF

White PPAF



New Madrid®

Madrid® Magnum Purple



The Madrid® series now includes three lines.

The last series is Madrid®Pequena which is a more

compact series with a multitudeof flowers over the densecanopy. These varieties allowfor easy production in 5” containers (quart). Gardenheight is 10” to 15”.

Madrid® Magnum Purple is a larger growing plant ideal for 2 gallon containers.

Madrid Magnum flower includes a semi-double bract for a unique look.

Garden height is 15” to 20”.

Blue USPP12,573

New Madrid Rose PPAF

Pequena Purple PPAF

Pequena Pink PPAF


Magnum Purple PPAF

Purple USPP12,614

New Madrid® series has been improved withthe main selection criteria for earliness toflower and plant uniformity across the

series. These new genetics also include a more compact plant,

larger flowers and largerbracts. Garden height is

12” to 18”.


Leucanthemum Darling Daisy®

Leucanthemum Angel Daisy®Angel Daisy® is the earliest to flower of our three

Leucanthemum. Angel® has a anemone flowerthat with maturity will reflex and the yellow

center transforms to white. Gardenheight is 8” to 12.” Zone 4 Hardiness.

Leucanthemum Darling Daisy® has the shortest staturewith a small pure white daisy flower. They can be finished

for early sales in most regions in quart sized containers.Garden height is 6” to 8”. Zone 6 Hardiness.

Leucanthemum White Mountain®The White Mountain® is also early to flower but with large

flowers on a stout plant structure. White Mountain® can be

programmed to flower for retail sales from early spring to well

into the fall. Garden height is 18” to 24.” Zone 4 Hardiness.

Angel Daisy® USPP14,289

Darling Daisy® USPP25,278

White MountainUSPP23,151



Penstemon Peregrine®Penstemon Peregrine® Lilac and Pink have moundedplant forms and Soaring Lavender is more uprightwith a taller plant habit. All three varieties willcontinue to flower through the summer. Gardenheight for Soaring Lavender is 16” to 20” - Lilacand Pink 10” to 12.”

PerovskiaCaspian BlueTM

Caspian™ Blue is a compact form of Perovskiareaching a garden height of 18” to 24 “ (46 to61 cm). This variety has large tubular flowers

for increased color in the landscape. Caspian™Blue is more columnar in its growth form,

reducing the tendency for lodging.

Salvia Swifty®

Salvia nemorosa Swifty® are easy toproduce for growers and will deliver more

flower spikes per plant on a compact plantframe. Colors include, Deep Rose, Violet Blue andWhite. Garden height is 8” to 12”. Zone 3 Hardiness.



Violet Blue PPAF

White PPAF

Soaring Lavender PPAFLilac PPAF


Trifolium 4 Luck®Trifolium 4 Luck® showcases a

multicolored leaf which forms a tightmounded plant ideal as a component formixed containers. This Trifolium has beenbred to develop four leaves per petiole

and is cold hardy to zone 4 and tolerant of temperatures above 98 F.

Scabiosa Giga®

Scabiosa Giga® showcases exceptionally largeflowers with excellent garden performance. These larger leafed plants fill the containerquickly and can be programmed to meet a spring through summer sales schedule. New for 2015 /16 is Giga® Pink. Garden height is 16” to 20”. Zone 4 Hardiness.

Blue USPP24,652


Purple USPP24,487

Red Green PPAF

Green Glow PPAF

Coco Mint PPAF

Veronica Vernique®The Veronica Vernique® is a

first year flowering perennialthat requires no vernalization

and Veronica Verniques® will throwa multitude of flower spikes and

will continue to flower from springinto the summer season. Color

selections include Blue, Dark Blue,Rose and White. Garden height is

10” to 14.” Zone 4 Hardiness.

can be scheduled and

finished similar to annuals

without concern of forcing varieties out

of season. The mixes are completely

programmable, enabling all varieties to flower at the

same time. The four Perennial Compatibles®, Bottle Rocket,

Butterfly Alert, Mountain Sun and Peach Cobbler can be planned for

spring through fall sales seasons.

First Light® Perennial Compatibles®

Dark Blue PPAF Blue PPAFRose PPAF

Butterfly Alert

Bottle Rocket Mountain Sun

Peach Cobbler

White PPAF





Genera / SeriesAgastache Acapulco® Series

Agastache Acapulco® Deluxe Series

Dianthus Constant Beauty®

Gaillardia Lunar® Series

Gaura Bantam® Series

Lavender Madrid® Series

Leucanthemum Angel Daisy®

Leucanthemum Darling Daisy®

Leucanthemum Wt. Mountain®

Penstemon Peregrine®

Perovskia Caspian Blue™

Salvia nemorosa Swifty® Series

Scabiosa Giga® Series

Trifolium 4 Luck®

Veronica spicata Vernique® Series


24" to 28"

8" to 10"

8" to 10"

8" to 12"

8" to 12"

12” to 18”

6" to 8"

5" to 7"

12" to 14"

6" to 8"

10" to 14"

10" to 14"

10" to 14"

8" to10"

8" to 12"


Zone 5 Perennial

Zone 6 Perennial

Zone 3 Hardiness

Zone 5 Hardiness

Zone 5 Hardiness

Zone 7 hardiness

Zone 4 Hardiness

Zone 6 Hardiness

Zone 4 Hardiness

Zone 5 Hardiness

Zone 4 Hardiness

Zone 3 Hardiness

Zone 4 Hardiness

Zone 4 Hardiness

Zone 4 Hardiness


















18" to 24"

8" to 12"

6" to 8"

6" to 10"

10" to 14"

12” to 18”

8" to 12"

6" to 8"

18" to 24"

8" to 12"

18" to 24"

8" to 12"

16" to 20"

4" to 6"

10" to 14"



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220 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90402 USA(310) 458-3580 / FAX (310) 458-3453 Email: [email protected]