greenwich perspectives evaluation slideshow

Greenwich Perspectives Kendra Quinn

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Greenwich PerspectivesKendra Quinn

Page 2: Greenwich Perspectives Evaluation Slideshow

Using historical and contemporary researchA) Research into historical and contemporary work, showing understanding of the contexts which influenced the work : For my research into the historical and contemporary work, surrounding Greenwich I looked at a range of influences. Historical influences in particular such as Christopher Wren who was the architect behind the observatory and the Naval College. I also looked into the baroque style found in the painted hall, and its history. Artists such as Canaletto, I research due to their detailed painting of Greenwich, these were interesting as they showed the Thames, as it was in the 1700 and 1800, with a lively shipping/trading industry. For my contemporary research I chose to look at designers who share similar themes with Greenwich, such as the Navy, Sea, Empire and exploration (ships such as the Gypsy moth which circumnavigated the world, were docked in Greenwich.) I therefore chose Sidiq El’Niguomi’s work, as I really like the intricate patterns and very sculptural designs. I also chose Jennifer Mccurdy as her work is inspired by coral and the ocean, linking with Greenwich’s role in sea trade. From this I have learnt that the influences of others work come form a range of places, from the purpose, (Wren had to design the college to be grand enough for the Navy), the artists background, or their surroundings.

B) recording and presenting information explaining the use of visual language in others’ work. Through my research I analysed a range of examples from design that follows a similar brief to mine, or artists that relate the Greenwich themes I am following. I analysed a range of designs that have the same function as my own product, a habitat. This was incredibly useful in helping me see similarities and differences between the designs, from their aesthetic to the material they used. For my artists I analysed their use of shapes and colour, mostly concentrating on how the materials they used effected this. I focussed on this as it is important that I understand the processes behind the product in order to effectively create my own, using the correct techniques.

C) use of contextual references in own work Contextual reference played a huge role in influencing how I approached this task and in the creating of my brief. For example, I would not have come up with the habitat design brief had I not researched about the history of Greenwich's development, a more geographical side to the area. I noticed both areas, the Naval College and Trinity buoy wharf were developed from marchland. Still today the Greenwich area is full of parks and Green spaces. I wanted to understand how the wildlife in the parks is maintained as well s catering for the huge tourism industry and high footfall within the area. This reference to context is what lead me to my brief.

Historical research into Christopher Wren and Baroque architecture

Above- research into other similar projects to my own.Left-Old map of Greenwich showing how undeveloped it is.

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A) Recording of experiences or information to develop intentions. I recorded and examined my location in a range of ways, taking photographs to refer to later and also doing a range of sketches and painting using a range of materials such as watercolour, ink, fine liner and pencil to create detailed studies. The day itself was something that clearly influenced my work- the weather was very wet and grey, so not much colour features within my studies. This was something I took on board within my final piece which is black and white. Within my studies I mainly focused on representing the details, particular within the painted hall as that is what I noticed first, the fine amount of detail. I then focused on representing space. Looking at the skyline from Trinity Buoy Wharf, for example.

B) Use of materials, processes and technology or a combination of materials, processes and technology to develop ideas: Through my initial inquires, I did some sketched based on my research combining images and creating new ideas. I new I wanted to use clay quite early on in the process. As I didn’t have much of it, I used my prototypes to the full, experimenting with shapes and the glazes that I wanted to use.

Location studies All Pathways- Fine Art, Design, Multimedia

Right- Example of one of my experimental prototype.

Bellow- Observation from Greenwich, the painted hall

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Developing your personal briefA) Resolve the needs of the brief to develop intentions: As I described in my contextual references I developed m brief from my research. My brief is based around a document written by Greenwich parks and the council. I based my statement of intent around this. My client therefore is Greenwich council, I chose this client and brief as it is relevant to todays Greenwich and is based on issues about balancing wildlife with the public use of the park. This is something I wanted to come up with a solution for. I considered requirements such as the design needing to be functional as well as visually interesting. I felt the brief could extend as far as my design being part of the sculpture trails around this area. i undertook research into this brief by looking into work with similar intentions, this was very successful I even found a similar project that had occurred also in London in 2010.

B) Develop a range of ideas in response to the brief. I developed my ideas from my 6 initial designs, from their I created three prototypes. Prior to that I had looked in detail at the properties of different clay, so I understood the materials limits and strengths. From their I chose to develop my first prototype. With the help of the interim review I developed it into the final product. I looked at the problems with the design and made it more stable, also developing a pattern to apply to the design.

Right – Greenwich Action plan the foundation for my brief. Bellow-are prototypes developed from my initial ideas.

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Developing your personal briefa) Create and develop Ideas in response to the brief: I interpreted my brief in the form of a habitat for wildlife in the park such as insects and stag beetles. I thought this was the best way to answer the brief. To refine my ideas I decided to base it upon the basic habitats found already in parks, for example logs turned stood upward. I really liked this tube shape to decided to base my initial ideas around it.

B) Plan and produce final outcome using specialist working methods and processes. I decided on the final outcome a I felt it was the best solution to the brief from my three prototypes. I also chose between to techniques for building it and decided that a coil pot would be the best, most stable approach. This decision was taken in reflection on the third prototype breaking due to weakness. I did not want a repeat of that in my final design. The coil pot technique I chose worked very effectively, and I am pleased with the result.

Above-example of habitat, (logs) Right- beginnings of my final pieces based on the coil pot technique.

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Project Evaluation The aim of this assignment was to create and answer a brief involving Greenwich Naval College and Trinity Buoy Warf. The final piece, would have to be inspired or developed from some aspect of Greenwich that inspires you. For me these initial sources of inspiration came from research into Greenwich’s long history with the Navy, shipping and trade. In particular how this influenced Greenwich, in the way it was later developed, and how the geography of the area lent itself to having an influential role in London’s shipping and trading scene. I applied this course of inspiration in a number of ways. Through researching ancient craft styles and modern design inspired by similar themes I applied this inspiration to my own work. Overall in my choice to create a 3D clay piece I had given myself a lot to do, as I had new techniques to learn. However I am really pleased with the finished design and the way in which my project developed. My BriefI had chosen to link my project with Greenwich’s shipping history, however the project brief itself was founded on my research into Greenwich’s geography. I questioned how an area that is so developed looked after its vast quantity of green spaces and how it was able to keep and maintain them. In researching this I came across Greenwich councils ‘Biodiversity Action Plan’; it describes how Greenwich parks maintain a balance between the number of people coming into the parks and being able to protect wildlife. I chose this as the foundation of my brief. My intentions were to create a working insect habitat for the species mentioned in this report, such as stag beetles. The habitat had to also act as a compromise, attracting people into the park, perhaps by being part of a sculpture trail, and also protect the wildlife. To summarize I liked this project as the brief was slightly more obscure. Bellow I have analysed how successfully I ran each section of this project.

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In terms of time management I feel I managed my time well within this project. I was let down perhaps by misjudging how long it would take to create my final piece, particularly after I had increase the number of pieces within the finished installation to three. Perhaps in hindsight I should have started creating the final pieces earlier on in this project. However if I had done this I would have had even less time to develop than I did, perhaps resulting in a less finished design. One particular aspect that became a problem was the fact I was quite far behind at one point as I had been caught up in the research- this meant I had a little less time creating my initial ideas. Looking back however I am glad of this as the extra time researching allowed me to find techniques like Scrimshaw (etching onto bone/ivory) which I feel really made my final piece work.I researched into the history of Greenwich in some depth. Displaying this research through Pecha Kuccha slideshows really helped in clearly showing my train of thought and a great resource to look back on thought the project. Through this I was able to research into artists such as Canaletto through his paintings I was inspired to look more towards the shipping and naval side of Greenwich, rather than the architecture, stories or modern day creativity found there. I also researched into Baroque architecture, and other subjects such as Greenwich meantime. However my research into the Cutty Sark, the Gypsy Moth IV, Scrimshaw and the areas naval history was what really inspired me. These aspects I found most useful as they had a broad range of links and connections to other subjects such as the ocean, and therefore my research into Jennifer McCurdy who strongly inspired the form of my piece, the thin shapes in particular. I sourced my information from books, my own observation, and the web, particularly the Greenwich Maritime Museum website. My balance of primary and secondary sources I felt was good, I had a large quantity of my own sketches and photos besides factual evidence about the area. To improve I feel I could have done more initial experimentation particularly 3D work. However overall my extent of research really helped with the development of my project.

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My development consisted of initial ideas, prototypes and using these to experiment with different finished to my pieces. I could have done more in terms of branching out into experimenting with the different clays before deciding which to use. Although my research into the properties of clays would have, most likely, brought me to the same conclusion. The development that went well was the step from prototype to final design. I took on board the comments from the interim review and my own concerns, developing a better product. Making the design into a three piece set and creating a more stable structure developed my design into a proper product. I chose clay as my material and a coil pot as my process, as clay felt like an appropriate material for making something that I wanted to look very sculptural and organic. After the failure of my third prototype I felt a coil pot was the ideal way to ensure a stable and unbreakable design. The main contextual influences on my work was my research into other projects like my own as they helped me discover what was possible with this brief and also the research into Scrimshaw, this was the answer into how I would strongly link Greenwich into this piece. My Final Outcome: My final design is a very organic set of tube shapes, decorated with pattern inspired by my observations within Greenwich. The most important features of the work is the pattern and also its purpose. The purpose of the object allows it to link modern day Greenwich parks with the area’s history. This is hugely relevant to my original brief as I was developing a habitat that attracted tourists (in Greenwich due to its history) and also support the parks ecosystems. The final piece I feel communicates how an area can grow and develop into an urban environment but also cater for and live alongside a diverse range of wildlife. If given the chance to repeat the project I would be even more creative with how I reference Greenwich’s history. Perhaps spending slightly more time developing a pattern. From this project I have learnt a range of new pottery techniques which I can apply to other projects, I have also learnt more about the process and how this can affect the result. Visually, I have learnt how to communicate my ideas more clearly within my work, particularly through slideshows and the blog, which I will continue to use. I could perhaps improve with time management. However overall I feel the project was a success and clearly answers the client, Greenwich councils, brief.