greetings from zeev schwartz - torah mitzion · chagei tishrei serve as a period of renewal in our...

Chagei Tishrei serve as a period of renewal in our lives. These are special moments to sum up the past year, resolve unresolved issues in our lives, and in the same breath, open a new page for the upcoming year. It is a time for soul searching flavored with anticipation that we can do things differently, dream, initiate and plan. Rosh Hashana is known as ‘Yom Hazkiraon’, a time to remember and reminisce about the past, while taking steps to renew, try harder, and pray for a better tomorrow. Such is the case in our private lives as it is in our public roles and at the workplace. So it is for Torah Mitzion, a movement that is in a constant trajectory of development and progression. B”H, over the past two decades, Torah Mitzion has had great influence and impact on the lives of thousands of Jews around the world. Our shlichim have brought Greetings from Zeev Schwartz them closer to their Judaism, influenced many to make Israel their home and even to serve their country in the IDF and National Service. Torah Mitzion has indeed made its mark in the diaspora. The role of the shaliach does not end with their return to Israel; the shlichim continue to nurture special bonds with their new overseas friends while contributing to Israeli society as a way of life: “Once a shaliach, always a shaliach.” The awareness of the importance of community service and self-giving is high amongst former shlichim. As we embark on the year 5775, Torah MiTzion is making concerted efforts to sustain its past achievements with renewed energy and focus on the changing needs of Am Yisrael. For this wonderful work, we need partners! In this spirit, we pray for a fruitful year. Zeev World Movement | Newsletter | Fall 5775 | 1 Torah MiTzion | Newsletter | Fall 5775 בס”דShaliach Daniel Green front & center with flag at a Pro-Israel rally in Sydney during operation Protective Edge (photo courtesy of Ynet) “Erev Limmud”: Shmitta This past July, at the outset of Operation Protective Edge, Torah MiTzion partnered with the International Young Israel Movement and held an Erev Limmud in preparation for the Shmitta year 5775 at the Jerusalem Great Synagogue. Rav Moshe Pinchuk (former Rosh Kollel Melbourne) & Rav Ari Berman provided inspiring shiurim for a crowd of approx. 300 people. The shiurim are available for viewing via our LEARN page at our new website: torahmitzion. org/learn/ Rav Yosef Blau, Mashgiach Ruchani at YU, led the kahal in Tehilim for IDF soldiers after Maariv to cap a night where both the sanctity of the Land and of our IDF soldiers was at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Rav Moshe Pinchuk lecturing about the relevance of Heter Mechira.

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Chagei Tishrei serve as a period of renewal in our lives.

These are special moments to sum up the past year, resolve unresolved issues in our lives, and in the same breath, open a new page for the upcoming year.

It is a time for soul searching flavored with anticipation that we can do things differently, dream, initiate and plan.

Rosh Hashana is known as ‘Yom Hazkiraon’, a time to remember and reminisce about the past, while taking steps to renew, try harder, and pray for a better tomorrow.

Such is the case in our private lives as it is in our public roles and at the workplace.

So it is for Torah Mitzion, a movement that is in a constant trajectory of development and progression.

B”H, over the past two decades, Torah Mitzion has had great influence and impact on the lives of thousands of Jews around the world. Our shlichim have brought

Greetings from Zeev Schwartz

them closer to their Judaism, influenced many to make Israel their home and even to serve their country in

the IDF and National Service.

Torah Mitzion has indeed made its mark in the diaspora.

The role of the shaliach does not end with their return to Israel; the shlichim continue to nurture special bonds with their new overseas friends while contributing to Israeli society as a way of life: “Once a shaliach, always a shaliach.” The awareness of the importance of community service and self-giving is high amongst former shlichim.

As we embark on the year 5775, Torah MiTzion is making concerted efforts to sustain its past achievements with renewed energy and focus on the changing needs of Am Yisrael.

For this wonderful work, we need partners!

In this spirit, we pray for a fruitful year.


World Movement | Newsletter | Fall 5775 | 1

Torah MiTzion | Newsletter | Fall 5775


Shaliach Daniel Green front & center with flag at a Pro-Israel rally in Sydney

during operation Protective Edge (photo courtesy of Ynet)

“Erev Limmud”: Shmitta

This past July, at the outset of Operation Protective Edge, Torah MiTzion partnered with the International Young Israel Movement and held an Erev Limmud in preparation for the Shmitta year 5775 at the Jerusalem Great Synagogue.

Rav Moshe Pinchuk (former Rosh Kollel Melbourne) & Rav Ari Berman provided inspiring shiurim for a crowd of approx. 300 people.

The shiurim are available for viewing via our LEARN page at our new website:

Rav Yosef Blau, Mashgiach Ruchani at YU, led the kahal in Tehilim for IDF soldiers after Maariv to cap a night where both the sanctity of the Land and of our IDF soldiers was at the forefront of everyone’s mind.

Rav Moshe Pinchuk lecturing about the relevance of Heter Mechira.

2 | World Movement | Newsletter | Fall 5775

11 years since the murder of Eyal Yaverboim z”l hy”d

Montevideo, Uruguay

Peduel Program launched

Returning to the Land of the Sombrero

Eyal Yaverboim z”l served as a devoted shaliach Torah MiTzion in Montevideo during the year 5760 (2000-2001). Several former community members made aliyah as a result of the inspiration that they received from Eyal.

One example among many of Eyal’s dedication saw him walk several hours late one Shabbat night (through some partly dangerous neighborhoods) in order to accompany three siblings who had joined the shlichim for the Friday night meal. After this close encounter with Eyal, the entire

This past year a special program to train shlichim for service in Latin-America was launched. There were 10 participants from the Peduel Hesder Yeshiva who attended 12 meetings conducted between March and July. Each session included Spanish language

After a brief stint of two years in 2002-2003, TMT has returned to Mexico City. Yuval Godis (Yeshivat Hesder Peduel) & Aviel Paz (Yeshivat Hesder Sha’alvim) have joined Rav Guy Tal (Yeshivat Har Hamor) to serve Mexico City’s Yavne school and community in the Interlomos suburb.

family became more observant and made aliyah several years later.

Eyal was murdered by a terrorist at his home in Negahot on the first night of Rosh Hashana 2003 (5764).

In his memory, Eyal’s parents Dudi and Shoshi produced a special book entitled “Zchuyot K’Rimon” about the symbolic laws and customs of the Rosh Hashana meal. Torah MiTzion awards this book to all the returning shlichim, thus ensuring his constant memory.

instruction and a special shlichut-related lecture. A a one day ‘yom iyun’ was provided by Centro Kehilla.

TMT’s partners from Peduel are Rosh Yeshiva Rav Meir Katz, and menahel Amishai Shavtal.

Torah MiTzion has been operating a successful Kollel in Montevideo for the past 15 years. During this period 34 shlichim have had tremendous impact on the community. We are indebted to the founders - Dani Kon and Chanoch Dreisis whose vision led to the great success story of transforming Montevideo’s Yavne center into a world-renowned model of community education with the Beit Medrash at its heart.

Former Roshei Kollel include: Yaakov and Naomi Kruger; Rav Yuki and Rachel Meir - Rav kehillat ‘Lechu Neranena’ in Raanana; Shai and Michal Froindlich - Rav Kehilla in Mexico City; Rav Tzvi and Chen Elon - Rav Kehilla of the city of Caesaria; Rav Michael and Ruth Rubenstein currently serving as Rav hakehilla and Rav Eliyahu and Natali Galil as current Rosh Kollel with bachurim Mordechai Perl and Amichai Mizrachi.

TMT and Latin America

Rav Yuki Meir, Rosh Kollel 2002-04, recalls:

“Yavne is a very unique community that embraces all members. For example, on Fridays in wintertime Mincha would begin at 5 PM, however they would wait until 7:30 PM to continue the services so that the people working (on Shabbat) could join. I remember how I would return home for Kiddush and Shabbat dinner with my family (my kids were young), and then return to Yavne for the services, make Kiddush once again for the public, and then return home with guests for a third Kiddush!”

Yashar koach to Ariel Zlatkin who serves as Vice President of Yavne

College for his orchestration of the Yavne - TMT operation. Over the years, hundreds of families from the Yavne community have made Aliyah after having been inspired by the kehila and TMT shlichim.

Shlichim Mordechai Perl (right) & Amichai Mizrachi

‘Yehi zichro Baruch’

World Movement | Newsletter | Fall 5775 | 3

Honoring Yechiel Biber and 7 years of TMT Munich


In June, Torah MiTzion honored Yechiel Biber, the founder and director of Torah MiTzion’s Munich Kollel seven years ago. Fifty people were in attendance at the Weizman Hall in the Jewish Agency for this festive occasion. Arik Speaker, Torah MiTzion’s head of the Europe desk (and director of LILMOD) directed the evening.

On hand were Tzvi Tzviebel, head of the Mifalot Hatsionut Hadatit; Rav Boaz Genut, former Executive Director of Torah MiTizon; Zeev Schwartz, Executive Director; Rav Yechiel Brukner (former Rosh Kollel for a 5 year period) together with his wife Sarah and daughter Tzvia Levona. It was a warm reunion for the Brukners and the bachurim. Many spoke passionately about their experiences of bringing religious Zionism to Germany. The Munich community includes very distinct groups including the native German Jews who remained or re-settled in Munich after the Holocaust, a large former FSU community, and a growing population of Israeli ‘yordim’.

Rav Boaz Genut described his initial visit to Munich

One of the highlights of the evening honoring Yechiel Biber was hearing the story about the Kurtz family, originally from Regensburg - about 120 km north of Munich.

David Kurtz originally met Rav Yechiel at the summer camp for children in Wurzburg. He began studying Ivrit in

LILMOD continues to grow. A special Chagei Tishrey semester is being offered including 3 courses in German and 3 courses in Russian. Recently, a daily Russian ‘Daf Yomi’ Talmud shiur was met with an enthusiastic response from over 30 learners.

when he arrived with Rav Brukner to meet the locals. The two Rabbis witnessed Yechiel Biber’s power of persuasion as not all community leaders were equally enthusiastic about the prospect of bringing these Religious Zionists into the heart of their community. Rav Boaz pointed out that it was due to Yechiel Biber’s persistence buoyed by his vision, that they triumphed in the end. The community quickly grew to appreciate and cherish the Torah MiTzion shlichim.

This summer Hesder bachurim Uri Hacohen, Gavriel Suna, Ariel Nissan together with Midreshet Tzion and Bnei Akiva shlichot Gitit Rechavi & Naama Vaknin have joined Eliezer & Rotem Noy to continue to deliver high impact Torani-Tzioni programming to the Jews in Munich.

chavruta with shaliach Moshe Chefetz. This led to general Jewish studies with the Munich Kollel while his connection to the Brukner family and Kollel kept growing.

David and Ruth Kurtz and their three children are neighbors with the Brukners, residents of the Yishuv Tal Menashe in the Shomron region.

O2O (Organization to Organization) marketing continues to attract new users - most recently a major Ulpana began using LILMOD to offer a weekly shiur during the vacation as a means of remaining in contact with the girls, especially during a very challenging couple of months for all Israelis, especially teenagers.

Pro Israel rally at Marienplatz München, organized by TMT Munich during Operation Protective Edge,

July 17, 2014. At center: shaliach Eliezer Noy

TMT & Aliyah: Kurtz Family - from Regensburg to Tal Menashse

World Movement | Newsletter | Fall 5775 | 4

TMT Bogrim - Where are they today? Assi Tsubel

Assi and Sharon Tsubel served as a TMT shlichim in Detroit (2004 - 2006) together with Rosh Kollel Rav Shlomo and Tali Sobol and avreichim families Tzvi and Naama Fass, Shai and Ayala Urim, Zeev and Odelya Arbesman and Asaf and Irit Cohen.

During these highly productive years, the TMT Kollel had major impact both within the Southfield, Oak Park and West Bloomfield communities and at the Akiva Hebrew Day School. The Tsubels remain in contact with the community to this day. Assi was responsible for establishing the parents & children Torah learning program that is still going strong and united three otherwise separate communities.

Assi completed the four year Production and Directing program at the The Ma’aleh School of Television, Film and the Arts in Jerusalem. During his studies, he joined the Arutz Meir TV channel and created the children’s program “Assi V’Tuvia”, first as writer and eventually as a main actor. The program became a hit among the Religious Zionist public and continues to be the only program of its genre broadcasted daily with fresh value-ridden educational messages.

Israeli cable providers picked up Arutz Meir and Assi was put in charge of creating new programs. Today Arutz

Meir offers 12 unique programs, some written by Assi, others in which he acts and others he directs. Arutz Meir has transformed Israeli TV by creating educational programming steeped in Jewish-Israeli Zionist values while not compromising on production quality. The programs are rich in humour and charm. Today Assi produces a new daily morning show on Arutz 20 where Israel’s finest actors such as Yehoram Gaon, Oded Menashe, Ilanit Levi and others appear.

Assi reflected on his time as a shaliach TMT: “I have no doubt that what I am doing today is a direct continuation of my ‘shlichut’ abroad. While in Detroit we worked hard at conveying Jewish and Zionist values to the community.

That is essentially what I am doing today in Israel via the medium of television and broadcasting”.

Assi & Sharon and children Halel Shira, Ruth (born in Detroit) Yedidya, & Nave Chaim live in Efrat in Gush Etzion.


Torah MiTzion launched its new website this month. It is a WordPress site designed with the new branding and offering flexibility in making updates and modifications. The Jerusalem based web developer Illuminea designed the site.

The site offers information about Torah MiTzion’s models of shlichut, a database of shiurim (written, audio & video), and a database of former shlichim. The Hebrew site will be launched shortly.

The Tsubel family

Inspiring the children in Detroit

Assi in action

5 | World Movement | Newsletter | Fall 5775

Shavua Hachshara & Birkat Haderech 5775

Shavua Hachshara was held at Midreshet Migdal Oz this July. The busy week included 35 shlichim in-training with a professional and inspiring array of lecturers including many former shlichim. Several shlichim had been called up by the IDF on account of operation Protective Edge together with shlichut department head Yoav Cohen Hadad. Arik Speaker, director of the LILMOD program and head of TMT’s Europe desk ensured that the program went without a snag.

Former Montreal Rosh Kollel and shaliach scholar in residence Rav Yitzchak & Ahuva Neriah formed an immediate bond with the shlichim and provided them an inspiring and educational Shabbat experience.

In July Torah MiTzion held its annual send-off (Birkat Haderech) for the new group of shlichim at the Lev Acadmic Center (formerly Machon Lev). It was a heart-warming and inspiring evening including staff, special guests and supporters, and most importantly - the shlichim and their families. Torah MiTzion Executive Director Zeev Schwartz directed the evening. JCT President Professor Chaim Sukenik informed the crowd of his familiarity with TMT as a former member of the community in Cleveland that hosted a Kollel Tzioni for many years.

Avraham Duvdevani, Chairman of the WZO, highlighted his long-standing relationship with Zeev and his belief in the great importance of the role that TMT shlichim play in strengthening the Diaspora communities. Rav Yitzchak Neriah, Chairman of the Board of TMT & Rosh Yeshivat Hesder Torah B’Tzion (and former Rosh Kollel Montreal) praised the current group of shlichim for their idealism, commitment and depth.

Nechama Porat, Ramit at Midreshet Lindenbaum, ‘shlicha’ TMT heading to Washington with her husband Menachem and family to serve as Roshat Midrasha, spoke on behalf of the families. Gil Ben-Yashar of Beit El, shalich Melbourne 5775, spoke on behalf of the bachurim.

Gil is a graduate of the Bnei David Military Yeshiva Academy in Eli.

Torah MiTzion paid tribute to Solly Sacks, outgoing Director General of World Mizrachi Organization, for his steadfast support throughout the years. Zeev informed the audience about their long standing relationship as Solly attended Zeev’s Bar Mitzvah in Johannesburg decades ago. Special honour was awarded to the Ori & Einat Katzav for ’supplying’ TMT with three shlichim to date: Eli (Washington 5770), Yehuda (Memphis 5774) and this year Yosef (Montreal).

Renewed Destination: St. Louis

European Desk Expanding: Warsaw and Paris

In addition to returning to Mexico City and Warsaw, TMT has also returned to St. Louis after a year re-grouping. Eitan & Adi Salomon and family have joined the community and re-established a Torani-

In addition to Moscow and Munich Torah MiTzion has added two other centers providing Torat Eretz Yisrael to European Jewry: After having established the Warsaw Kollel in 2006, TMT has renewed the relationship with this important European location. Rosh Kollel Rav Moshe & Chava Bloom under the direction of Poland’s Chief Rabbi Michael Joseph Schudrich will continue to provide inspiring programs for both the local Jewish community and the many Jewish tourists who pass through the region every year.

In a time of need, Torah MiTzion has reached out to

the Jewish community of Paris and sent Roni & Or-ly Marthan to open a Beit Midrash Kehilati and Midrasha for women at the De Hirsch school. Two bachurim will be joining them in the near future. While we continue to witness a strong stream of aliyah from France, the overall community is very large and there are many Jews in need of Torani Tzioni leadership.

Torah MiTzion’s new presence in France is part of an overall government initiative including the World Mizrachi, World Bnei Akiva and the World Zionist Organization in a combined effort reaching out to French Jewry.

Tzioni center together with four Sherut Leumi girls at the Young Israel of St. Louis.

TMT Shlichim 5775

Solly Sacks awarded


From around the Movement

World Movement | Newsletter | Fall 5775 | 6

Rav Baruch Weintraub, former Sgan Rosh Kollel in Toronto, as Rav Kehilla in Tel Mond

Rav Shlomo Glicksberg, former Rabbi of Nitzanim Synagogue, appointed as Rosh Kollel and Rav Kehillat Ha’ Mizrachi in Johannesburg

Nechama Porat, former Ramit at Midreshet Lindenbaum as Roshat Medrasha in Berman Hebrew Academy in Washington

Chaim Neriah, former shaliach at Cornell University, as writer for the President of Israel, Reuven Rivlin.

David Tzviel, former shaliach in Montreal, as senior advisor to the Speaker of the Knesset , Yuli Edelstein

Nadav Zysblat, former shaliach to Cape Town on his appointment as Deputy Consul in Shanghai, China

Mazal tov

To make a tax deductible donation to Torah MiTzion, visit our website:

or contact: Torah MiTzion“Beit Meir” 54 King George St. P.O. Box 71109 Jerusalem 9171002 ISRAEL

Tel: 972-(0)2 620-9020 | Fax: Tel: 972-(0)2 624-2007 | [email protected]


Rabbi Baruch and Pnina Weintraub (Toronto, 2011-2014) on the birth of their daughter

Rav Boaz and Heftsi Genut (St. Louis, 2003-2006) on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Gilad

Rabbi Danny & Michelle Eisenberg (Sydney, 2010-2014) on the birth of their son Akiva

Noam Pe’er (Memphis, 2011-2012) on his marriage to Lital

Emanuel & Yael Elstein (Washington, 2003-2004 & Memphis, 2010-2012) on the birth of a daughter, Leviah (Emanuel is TMT’s current CFO)

Shlomo Binenfeld (Washington, 2012-2013) on his marriage to Penina Weisberd

Eitan & Dina Grossman (Chicago, 1998-1999), former recruitment coordinator, on the birth of their son, Ayal Pedut

Dotan Frangi (Cape Town, 2012-2013) on his engagement to Gila Maizels

Eli and Shira Katzav (Washington, 2009-2010) on the birth of Reut

Akiva Brauner (Montreal, 2008-2009) on his engagement to Esti

Shmuel Shtessman (Memphis, 2011-2012) on his

Hagay Elitzur, former shaliach Chicago, on the loss of his father Uri Elitzur z”l

Tzvi Schostak, former President of the Board in Israel & Kollel TMT Detroit on the passing of his father Jerome (Yechiel) Schostak z”l

Vicki Frolich, pillar of the former Kollel Tzioni in Cleveland, on the passing of her father Mordechai Yitzchak ben Zadok Epstein z”l

Amit Foox, former shaliach TMT together with his wife Tzila in Memphis 2006-2008 on the passing of his mother Pnina Foox z”l

Effie Riffkin, former founding member of TMT and to Sonia Slonim, active member of Mizrachi/TMT community in Melbourne, on the passing of their father Phillip (Pesach) Riffkin z”l

TMT Board Member David Novoseller (and Past President of KTM Montreal) on the passing of his mother Shirley (Dowben) Novoseller z”l

Danny Lamm, founder of TMT in Melbourne, on the passing of his father Erwin Lamm z”l

engagement to Michelle Beck

Chanan Kupietzky (Munich, 2010-2011) on his engagement to Sophie Taub

Chaim CD and Leora Lazear (Cape Town, 2003-2004) on the birth of their son Amichai

Itai Kaufman (Perth, 2012-2013) on his marriage to shlichat Bnei Akiva, Avital Pushett

David and Carol Novoseller, past president of TMT Montreal (KTM), on the marriage of their daughter Sara to Matityahu Sarafzadeh

David Feldman, Torah MiTzion’s accountant for over ten years, on the birth of grandchildren: Shani to Yishai & Yochi Feldman, and Yehuda to Revital and Eldad Sorek

Rabbi Noam & Rachel Himelstein (Melbourne, 2001-2004) on the engagement of their son Yehuda Aryeh to Rachel Porat

Chananel Ehrman (Washington 2012-2013 and Hebrew facebook page manager) on his marriage to Shira Shields

Akiva Davidson (left) returning from reserve duty for shlichut at KTM Montreal. Kol hakavod to our

shlichim who served in Operation Protective Edge. (photo courtesy of Walla)