grey nation army list (army men pazcik)

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  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    Grey Nation Army List

    ProfessionalsReduces Enemy Save, whichever one they choose, by afurther -1 than usual. This will be covered in Grey Modelstats in each case. This rule does N T a!!ly to "od#eSaves, which cannot be modified.

    Grey $rehistory- % RE &nits'

    Grey Cavemen with Clubs ' (!ts-T), *1, +), 1, S(, No save. Reduces rmour Saves by -)

    Grey Cavemen with Axes ' (!ts-T), *1, +), 1, S(, No save. Reduces Numb Saves by -)

    Grey Cavemen with Rocks ' (!ts-T), *1, +), 1, S), No Save.Throws Roc s in Shootin# /10 , utomatic, S), Refle2 Shotsalways when char#ed3. Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey Medieval- % RE &nits'

    Grey Knight with Swor - 10!ts-T), *1, +(, 0, S(, (4 rmour Save. %an re-roll missesonce in %lose %ombat. Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey Knight with Axe - 10!ts-T), *1, +(, 0, S(, (4 rmour Save. Reduces Numb Savesby -)

    Grey Knight with !ace - 10!ts-T), *1, +(, 0, S(, (4 rmour Save. Reduces rmourSaves by -)

  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    Grey Knight with S"ear - 10!ts-T), *1, +5, 0, S(, (4 rmour Save. S5 a#ainst %avalry.Reduces rmour Saves by -1.

    Grey Crossbowmen - (!ts-T), *1, +0, 1, S), 64 rmour Save. %rossbow 7eavy, /0( , S(, reduces rmour Save by -03

    Grey #owmen - (!ts-T), *1, +), 1, S), 64 rmour Save. rmed with 8ow.Reduces rmour Saves by -1.

    Grey Skeleton with Swor an Shiel - (!ts

    -T), *1, +0, 1, S), 64 rmour Save, 54 Numb Save. %anre-roll misses once in %lose %ombat. Reduces rmour Savesby -1. Slow, "auntless, lways hit enemy models on (4 inShootin# and on )4 in %lose %ombat.

    Grey Skeleton with !ace - (!ts-T), *1, +0, 1, S), 54 Numb Save. Reduces rmour Savesby -). Slow, "auntless, lways hit enemy models on (4 inShootin# and on )4 in %lose %ombat.

    Grey Skeleton with S"ear an Shiel - (!ts-T), *1, +), 1, S), 64 rmour Save, 54 Numb Save. S(a#ainst %avalry. Reduces rmour Saves by -1. Slow,"auntless, lways hit enemy models on (4 in Shootin# andon )4 in %lose %ombat.

    Grey Skeleton with $ Axes - (!ts-T), *1, +0, 0, S), 54 Numb Save, Reduces rmour Saves

    by -1. Slow, "auntless, lways hit enemy models on (4 inShootin# and on )4 in %lose %ombat.

    Grey Skeleton with #ow - (!ts-T), *1, +0, 1, S), 54 Numb Save. rmed with 8ow.Reduces rmour Saves by -1. Slow, "auntless, lways hit

  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    enemy models on (4 in Shootin# and on )4 in %lose%ombat.

    Grey %ombie - 9!ts

    -T(, *1, +:, 1, S(, (4 Numb Save, Reduces rmour Savesby -1, Slow, "auntless. lways hit enemy models on )4 in%lose %ombat.

    Grey #arbarian with $ &an e Swor - 9!ts-T(, *1, S(, +(, 0, No Save, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey 'uellist with $ Swor s - 9!ts-T), *0, S), +5, 0, 54 "od#e Save, %an re-roll misses

    once in %lose %ombat, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey (lven Ranger - 6!ts-T), *1, S), +5, 1, 54 "od#e Save, rmed with 8ow,Refle2 Shots always, Shootin# hits li e Sni!ers 04 a#ainstnormal models and )4 a#ainst Shadow units3, Reduces

    rmour Saves by -1

    Grey )ire !age with Grey Staff - 9!ts

    -T), *0, S(, +(, 0, No Save. %lose %ombat and Shootin#attac s are ;ire attac s. ;ire attac s are S0 a#ainst ;ireMa#es. )ireball /19 , S(, utomatic, ;ire attac , roll a "6for each ;ire Ma#e shootin#, total the result and divide it by0 roundin# u!' this is how many S( shots you #et3. Reduces

    rmour Saves by -1.

    Grey Lightning !age with *hite Staff - 9!ts-T), *0, S(, +(, 0, No Save. %lose %ombat and Shootin#

    attac s are Electric attac s. Electric attac s are S0 a#ainst

  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    Grey Medieval- S$E%+

  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    your left side of the table - on a )-( it arrives on your rightside of the table, on 5-6 you can choose left or ri#ht. +n theReinforcement $hase, when !lacin# the Raft model, !lace itflat a#ainst the table ed#e but facin# the other side of the

    table so that it !rotrudes about /6 onto the table. Then!lace the unit /0 away from the Raft, !ilin# out the frontlon# ed#e of the model. The unit then functions as a normalunit and can lin u!, move, shoot, fi#ht %lose %ombat etc.

    Grey Pirate with Pistol - 9!ts-T(, *1, S(, +5, 0, No Save. rmed with $istol. Reduces

    rmour Saves by -1.

    Grey Pirate !ilitia #anner #earer - )!ts-T), *1, S), +), 1, 64 "od#e Save. rmed with Sword andholds 8anner. Reduces rmour Saves by -1.

    Grey Pirate !ilitia Swor smen - (!ts-T), *1, S), +), 1, No Save. %an re-roll misses once in%lose %ombat. Reduces rmour Saves by -1.

    Grey Pirate !ilitia Riflemen - (!ts

    -T), *1, S), +), 1, No Save. rmed with Rifle. Reducesrmour Saves by -1.

    Grey Pirate !ilitia0 'runken Sailors - (!ts-T), *1, S), +), 1, 54 Numb Save, rmed with $istol RGun. Reduces rmour Saves by -1.

    Grey Pirate !ilitia Swashbucklers - 5!ts-T), *1, S), +), 0, No Save. rmed with $istol N" 7oo

    or Sword, Reduces rmour Saves by -1.

    Grey Pirate !ilitia #uccaneer with $ Pistols - 5!ts-T), *1, S), +), 0, No Save. rmed with 0 $istols 0 shotsin Shootin# $hase3, Reduces rmour Saves by -1.

    Grey Pirate !ilitia #uccaneer w1 Rifle 2 Pistol - 5!ts

  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    -T), *1, S), +), 1, rmed with Rifle,

  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    -T), *1, S), +(, 1, 64 "od#e Save, rmed with 7and 2eand crawls on the #round, can re-roll misses once in %lose%ombat, i#nores Terrain when Movin# can even climb overMovement 8loc in# Terrain3, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey 3n ian S"ear .hrowers - 5!ts-T), *1, S), +(, 0, 54 "od#e Save, rmed with Sword andShield or >avelin and Shield, Reduces rmour Saves by -1.

    Grey Confe erate Sol ier with #ayonet Rifle - (!ts-T), *1, S), +(, 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with Rifle anddressed in a %ivil *ar uniform.

    Grey Cowboy Rifleman - (!ts-T), *1, S), +), 1, No Save, rmed with Rifle, Reducesrmour Saves by -1

    Grey Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun - (!ts-T), *1, S), +), 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with Shot#unand wears coat and to! hat, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey Cowboy !arshal with Shotgun - (!ts

    -T), *1, S), +), 1, No Save, rmed with Shot#un andwears %owboy hat, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey Cowboy with Pistol 4 (!ts-T), *1, S), +), 1, No Save, rmed with $istol and hashand reachin# into the holster of another !istol3,

  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    Grey Cowboy Colonels with $ Pistols - ?!ts-T), *0, S), +), 0, No Save, rmed with 0 $istols #ets 0shots in Shootin# $hase3, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey 3n ian Chief with Gun - ?!ts-T), *0, S), +(, 0, No Save, rmed with Gun and holds a8ow in the other hand,

  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    -T), *1, S), +0, 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with Sni!erRifles, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey &eavy !achine Gun 7eavy MG3 - 1(!ts

    -T), *0, S), +0, 0, 54 rmour Save, rmed with 7eavyMG, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey #a8ooka - (9!ts-T), *1, S), +0, 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with 8aAoo a

    See $a#e 0: of the ruleboo 3, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey !o ern4 C5R( 9nits0

    Grey !achine Gunner - (!ts-T), *1, S), +), 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with MachineGun, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey Rifleman - (!ts-T), *1, S), +), 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with Rifle,Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey Police 5fficer with #aton an Pistol - (!ts

    -T), *1, S), +), 0, 54 rmour Save, rmed with $istol,Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey Police 5fficer with Rifle - (!ts-T), *1, S), +), 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with Rifle,Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey !iners with $ &an e Pickaxes - (!ts-T), *1, S5, +1, 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with 07

    $ic a2e, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey )ireman with )ire Axe - (!ts-T), *1, S(, +), 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with ;ire 2e

    Reduces Numb Saves by -)3, Reduces rmour Saves by -1Grey S*A. with Assault Rifle - 5!ts

  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    -T), *1, S), +), 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with ssaultRifles, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey Police4 'og Patrol - ?!ts, Moves /B , %har#es /6

    -T), *0, S(, +(, 0, 54 rmour Save, rmed with $istol anda "o# attached by a leash to the fficer,

  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    -T), *1, S), +0, 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with Sni!erRifle, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey S*A. with #a8ooka - (9!ts

    -T), *1, S), +), 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with 8aAoo a,Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey &eavy !achine Gun 7eavy MG3 - 1(!ts-T), *0, S), +0, 0, 54 rmour Save, rmed with 7eavyMG, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey #a8ooka - (9!ts-T), *1, S), +0, 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with 8aAoo a

    See Page $, of the ruleboo 3, Reduces rmour Saves by-1.

    Grey )lamethrower - (:!ts-T), *1, S), +0, 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with;lamethrower See Page $, an $: of the ruleboo 3,Reduces rmour Saves by -1 .

    Grey !ortar - )6!ts

    -T), *1, S), +0, 1, 54 rmour Save, rmed with MortarSee Page :; of the ruleboo 3, Reduces rmour Saves by-1.

    Grey S"ace4 C5R( 9nits0Grey Alien #laster ' 9!ts, Moves /B -T(, *1, 1, S(, +(, No save. rmed with 8laster /): , S(,

    utomatic3, Reduces rmour Saves by -1

    Grey Alien #rute ' 1:!ts, Moves /B T(, *1, 0, S5, +(, No save, rmed with 0 handed a2e,Reduces rmour Saves by -1.

    Grey Alien #omber ' 9!ts, Moves /B

  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    T(, *1, 1, S(, +(, No save, rmed with Grenades, Swift '%an always Move /6 in Run N" @ictory Run moves,Reduces rmour Saves by -1.

    Grey Astronauts with #lasters ' 9!ts-T(, *1, S(, 1, +(, 54 rmour Save, rmed with 8lasters/): , S(, utomatic3, Reduces rmour Saves by -1


  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    -T(, *1, S(, +(, 1, )4 rmour Save, 'auntless , rmedwith Riot Gun /19 , S(, ;ast ;ire, 0 shots at /10 , i#nores

    rmour Saves of 54 and 643, always #ets Refle2 Shotswhen char#ed3, , Reduces rmour Saves by -1 in %lose


    Grey Colonial Ra suit ' :="ts-T(, *1, S(, +?, 0, )4 rmour Save, 'auntless , rmedwith ;uel $ac hoo ed u! to their flamethrower hose, theirattac s are always ;ire ttac s, , Reduces rmour Saves by-1

    Grey Colonial &eavy Axemen ' :="ts

    -T(, *1, S(, 0, +(, )4 rmour Save, "auntless, rmedwith 2es, Reduce Numb Saves by -).

    Sha ow S"ace4 SP(C3AL3S. 9nits0Limit of +, S"acemen- Silencers- .urtle #lastersGrey S"acemen 0 10!ts -T(, *1, S(, 1, +(, 54 rmour Save, rmed with Gatlin#

  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    -T5, *), 0, S5, +), No Save, Slow, "auntless, rmed withtheir Roc y fists, Slow- 'auntless , Reduces rmour Savesby -1


  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    the North and Maroons to the East. Not to mention theran#es to the south across the "esert Sea. They have also

    volunteered themselves in areas where u!risin#s and civilunrest has occurred without bein# as ed by other Nations,

    and this be of enormous aidDor it can escalate the conflict.The Greys have a lar#e standin# army which constitutes the& % &nited rmy %or!3, or & % ;oresters, made u! from!lastic soldiers destroyed by, or recovered by the Greys. TheGreys will not hesitate to harvest dead !lastic men andwomen even in other Nation s territories. This army is lar#eenou#h to carry out the Grey mission of !reservin# thebalance of !ower on a #lobal scale in the $lastic *orld andhave even travelled into $lastic S!ace to defend !lastic

    colonies from lien invasions. Some of these liens havebeen ca!tured by the Greys and re-moulded into Grey lienu2iliaries to fi#ht the lien menace.

    A Grey #attlen the dar side of the $lastic Moon, the Greys had a

    %om!any of @eterans on their way to attac a Red lienhorde which had ta en over the Railroad near to the Greybase. This %om!any included 51 8rawlers, 16 Gunners and

    11 Ran#ers and moved at a swift !ace throu#h the dar enedcraters of the Moon. They heard a dee! #roan from allaround them and remembered why the $lastic Moon isbetter nown as the /"ead Moon , owin# to its !rimary!o!ulation of stronaut ombies dwellin# underneath theMoon s surface, waitin# for more victims to add to theirnumber. lar#e 7orde of stronaut ombies, ?0 in all,shambled slowly towards the @eterans and the Greyso!ened fire on them with their Gunners, tearin# a!art

    several of them in volleys. The stronaut ombies were notdeterred and the Ran#ers teamed u! with the 8rawlers tota e them on u! close. The Ran#ers ran at their foes,!um!in# Shot#un rounds into them before cavin# theirheads in with the butts of their Shot#uns while 8rawlersduc ed, dod#ed and beat the stuffin# out of the ombies.

  • 8/13/2019 Grey Nation Army List (Army Men PAZCIK)


    The stronaut ombies hit the Greys across their battle lineand the Gunners continued firin#, watchin# the brutal closecombat unfold. The stronaut ombies be#an !o!!in# out ofthe #round li e daisies behind the Gunners and brou#ht their

    Reinforcements to bear on the 8rawlers. The stronautombies were bein# massacred in every !art of thebattlefield even thou#h the Grey wea!ons were not!articularly effective a#ainst them. 8rawlers were !ulleddown and munched by the stronaut ombies here andthere, 06 in all were fatally wounded and due to rise a#ainas &ndead within a few hours. The Grey @eterans hadthorou#hly trashed the stronaut ombies and theirReinforcements, a much lar#er army than theirs but still

    very dead a#ain nonetheless. The Grey @eterans used hand-held suction technolo#y to harvest the Grey $lastic of thestronaut ombies, who were Grey colonists once, and

    !re!ared to recast them as 8rawlers, Ran#ers and Gunnersfor u!comin# en#a#ement with the Red liens. The Red

    liens were sure to outnumber the Grey @eterans soanythin# to even the odds could !rove to be vital. Thewounded of the Grey @eteran rmy could not be recovered,alive that is, as the infection from ombie bites had no

    nown cure but one' e2ecution. The Grey @eterans, bein#!rofessional soldiers, were well !racticed with this customand the Ran#ers e2ecuted the #roanin# wounded 8rawlersso that they too could be re-moulded.