gro tec, dan"pennington gro tec, inc. p.o. box 290 madison, ga 30650 dear 1'.r....

"Mr. Dan"Pennington Gro Tec, Inc. P.O. Box 290 MadiSon, GA 30650 Dear 1'.r. Pennington: Subject: Pennington Crabgrass Preventer 20 With preemergence !:Jerbi<;:ide EPA Registration No. 59144-11 Pennington Crabgrass Preventer 43 With Fertilizer Preemergence Herbicide EPA Registration No. 59144-12 Pennington crabgrass Preventer 36 with Fertilizer preemergence Herbicide. EPA Registration No. 59144-13 Pennington Crabgrass Preventer 68 with Fertilizer Preemergence Herbicide EPA Registration No. 59144-14 .-lI1i tlk Preemergence Herbicide (2%) . EPA Registration ,No. 59144-15 . Pennington crabgrass Preventer 275 with, ,Fertilizer EPA Registration No. 59144-17 .. ", " Applications and Letters Dated Februiry"' 3, 1998, . Update to Hatch Barricade,.F Herbicide . EPA R.egistratiori No .. _5594r";'14.,:;. : .. . o Submit '(1) copy' of YOllr-fina1. printea;:J.itbel .priQr to your 'of, each of .'these " ._-' .' , - 0, "'.>,-. _. ,If this'·not"·complied with",,·the 're'qistration-': wL!.!. be c subjct'"·j:;O,_,ca!i¢e11.atio:Ii':J.n.accordancewi th .F1RliAI· '" "

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"Mr. Dan"Pennington Gro Tec, Inc. P.O. Box 290 MadiSon, GA 30650

Dear 1'.r. Pennington:

Subject: Pennington Crabgrass Preventer 20 With preemergence !:Jerbi<;:ide

EPA Registration No. 59144-11 Pennington Crabgrass Preventer 43 With Fertilizer Preemergence Herbicide

EPA Registration No. 59144-12 Pennington crabgrass Preventer 36 with Fertilizer

preemergence Herbicide. EPA Registration No. 59144-13 Pennington Crabgrass Preventer 68 with Fertilizer

Preemergence Herbicide EPA Registration No. 59144-14 l>e~nipgtoni.,.Cl'ab.grass, .-lI1i tlk ~:t:l;:i+.izeh

Preemergence Herbicide (2%) . EPA Registration ,No. 59144-15 . Pennington crabgrass Preventer 275 with, ,Fertilizer EPA Registration No. 59144-17 .. ", " Applications and Letters Dated Februiry"' 3, 1998, . Update La~eling. to Hatch Barricade,.F Herbicide . EPA R.egistratiori No .. _5594r";'14.,:;. : .. ':::~~~:,":. .

o Submit o~e '(1) copy' of YOllr-fina1. printea;:J.itbel .priQr to your si!ip~ent 'of, each of .'these pef?t;;ic;.<l~~pr9d~.cts;

~ " ._-' .' , - _"_~~_~ 0, "'.>,-. _.

,If this'·not"·complied with",,·the 're'qistration-': wL!.!. be c subjct'"·j:;O,_,ca!i¢e11.atio:Ii':J.n.accordancewi th .F1RliAI· '" "


"sed:f~rti(fh~"~;Y&rl!'c £,ele~se .' for iShipm~nt' Of,the;iiod.uct constitutes acceptance of this' cond1tion~·.··:'· ',": '.

A stamped copy of the proposed labels.are enclosed for your· records., "'.C·' 'C','"



Joanne I. Miller product Hanager (23) Herbicide Branch Registration Division (1505C)


_ Ingredients: -'~" Total: ,100.00%

- 1 ,- -~-' -- " - "~~". ' -'

.' "Ni trogen-::fr<ffri'r;,~ Ui'e1f""f'b'tma:I~dehYd~"urea~AiIiiiiOriia

For-selective preemergence control of'grass and broadleaf weeds in: • established turf grasses (excluding golf course putting

greens) and lawns • landscape ornamentals (including established perennials

and wildflower plantings)



See the following section, Precautionary Statements, Hazards To Humans and Domestic Animals, for additional information.

Net Weight:

EPA Reg. No. 59144-11 EPA Est. No.

-, BARRICADE~, 'is

Gro Tec, Inc.­P.O. Box-290

--Madison, ,GA,30650,


In EPA Leiter Dated

APR 2 I 1998 U~t1.e Fedenl Imee!lelde Pm",' .. ' iIj'+ ... ond R • •!d.!e Ad - = "'ed, fer t1.e peslkide ~od"""erEPAR"lf.No.

::2,.'"7 ( 7«f If •



" :PREcAuTIONARYfliTA~S':i3.. .. HAZARDS; TO., •. HUMA..>:;S;fAND-:::DOMESTIc::'~!

". '.-' ,-,-,~,; -. n'.>~~~. )ft1.,;-,,'i'F-4~t~·· -' .. ~ ." ... -~.. . . , ..

~~~;t.9Ni Causes" moderateeye:f.nj ury -; ir~rt~ti~ri)';~:~;:"H~iriIf~l~'Pif-~inh~l~d '. or"absorbed through the "skin:·,f:~Avdid*cimtacl;:c·with'·skin; " .. '.'' ., eyes, oL,clothing ... Avoid, br.eathing":dust ... _ .. Wash .thoroughly with' soap and water 'after handling. 'Prolonged or frequently repeated skin contact, while hanCiling thematerial .. may cause allergicfreactions" in':' some, individuals'~~' . ' ,., .. r..:"_.,, .. ~ ..

Statements of _. Practical .Treatment., .' . If in eyes:.

u: E:lush __ thoroughlir,wi~h. water-.,;;i:eral.

minutes; ,;-Get medical·,attention.if il;:ritation persists .. •• .., e" "

If' on skin:._.::Wash with soap and ,water:;,":r'Rinse-'-tborb~ghly Get medical attention if irritation persists. ' ..

If inhaled: Remove victim to fresh air.

Environmental Hazards

This product has low solubility in water .. At the limits of solubility, this product is not toxic to fish. However, at concentrations above the level of water solubility, it may be toxic to fish. Do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface ~later is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Drift and runoff from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in adjacent sites. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters.

If material is spilled: Contain and sweep up material of spill for disposal or use per label instructions. Wash cleanup equipment to prevent contamination elsewhere. Excess quantities above normal application rates could result in damage to plants subject to spill. Water-in remainder, disc under, cover with layer of soil, or leave exposed to sunlight, as deemed appropriate. to thecsituation.

. , ,~ ~




Store in or:Lg:Lna-L container away from o:other'fertillz'er;;':" feed, or food stuffs and separated:'from"other'pesticideEr: _" • _, 1~ • ~ _ ".",~ .,"..J ~

pe;ticid~ Disposal • - '- '. ".~ r'·;'- n" >. ,..-~ _~ ~ ___ " '- ',,~ 'A·~c.~~,-"-- " ,

Wastes resulting.: from ·theuse"-:.o·:E,.thi~.7,product.J.J!Iay: .. be~ disposed of 'on'sitee <;,rat,;an ~app:r:6vei:I~wasi:e' disJio~~J.::' facility .


Paper containers: Completely empty container :.into application equipment. Then dispose of empty container in a sanitary landfill or at an incineration facility, or; if allowed by state and local authorities, by burning locally. If burned, stay out of smoke.

manne:r;,:.inconsistent :~with I -, "-,

PENNINGTON- CRABGRASS~ PREVENTER ':'PLUS'~ FERTI:GIZER~'W /BARRICADE:-"'-0':20.% .-is::a: selective preemergE!llce.herbicide,..,that provides ~esidual1 control;. of~ many grass;:and.' broadleaf,> weeds. ,in: ... :" .

-Established: tu;d grasses (excluding :gblf, course: putting > ) " ~ ~, • ..r........ ~ .n.~ ..... ~.~~ -, "-~ '" >""~-~~~ ~~.~-?~~.~s~~~~:~:~'·· .~".-->- - ... " ,.

- '. ,Landscape '.ormimentals - , Establ.ishedperennialsand'wildflower.plantings ,:.

ft' < ",::,",,-~,,-~-,,'.~tlO!,~-"'''''~~if-t-;''. ""'" -.,.. .• -":,. ';i:':"~ _,\~~~;>,'i"~." - -.. , '!C;" ' ..... ,.- > --'.:,~~~ >"''.",,- •

: • '. 'PENNrnGTON CruwGRMS·.PREVENrER-'PLUS'·'FERTILIZ~R"-W/BARRtCADE' 0.20% controls susceptible weeds by inhibiting weed seeds' germination and 'root development. Most effective weed. control will be obtained when PENNINGTON CRABGRASS PREVENTER PLUS FERTILIZ~~ W/BARRICADE 0.20% is activated by at least 0.5_inches of rainfall or irrigation, or with shallow (1-2 inches) incorporation, prior to weed seed germination and within 14 days following application.


Not for use on plants being grown (1) for sale or other commercial use, (2) for commercial seed production, or (3) for research purposes. For use on plants intended for aesthetic purposes or climatic modification and being grown in ornamental gardens or parks, or on golf courses or lawns and grounds.

Do not graze or feed. livestock forage cut from areas treated with PENNINGTON CRABGRASS PREVENTER PLUS FERTILIZER W/BARRICADE 0.20%.

Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.

Do not apply aerially.

Do not apply _ to golf course putting greens. "

~,App~y" un,iforint y~witli:."sUital>:(~:caHi5ra2:ed~~~1:Ii1:~a {i;:r;~ ~,~~~pm~nt,., ~

PENNINGTON CRABGRASS PREVENTER'PLUS FERTILIZER W/BARRICADE .0.20% isa selective preemergence,herbicide-that, when properlYt applied, wilL controL.certain· grass ,an¢! broadleaf. ' weeds"in\ established turf-'grasses' and 'lawns; --The maximum : amount of PENNINGTON CRABGRASS PREVENTER PLUS FERTILIZER

" W/BARRICADE'~O~ 20% that-may -be' applied:per·'year~.i.s·'9'iven' for"'~:" . "each turf~grass species;-:iri-:-the'.MaXimUIJl, AnD.ual Rates section', ":.'

of this label.

9' 'Most ef fective-cweed·"coil.trof~·iri·ti1rf~ grasses~nrbe~obtaine(:C':~: ',"'~ .~ when PENNINGTON CRABGRASSPREVENTER PLUS FERTILIZER


W/BARRICADE 0.20% is activated by at least 0.5 inches of rainfall or.irrigation'prior to weed seed germination and within l4 days following application. See the map below for approximate crabgrass seed germination dates.


Approx£mate Date

m After May 30

e After May 10

~ After April 20

o After March 20

January ~ to March 20

-~ ,- -,' ,- -, .. : f-#:-~. ~ ~: -;~'!~';'::

. -.-'


Cbl • ,.,::-.:~~"--"'-'. ,,' ::'-- ".;., k

Do not apply to overseeded'iur:hHthin:~6(j;':daysafter'h seeding or ,until";aftel;p:he;secona;iiici'1l~g;:~~4;i.9hev~r"i~,,c' .. ' lonb"er •. c •• lnj tirz: to . des,.irabI.~:;;' seedI.:j:rigs~is.;tl'i:R:ely{;i f~:"';~;Cjc7"­PENNINGTON CRABGR..?,SS PREVENTER. PLUSFERTIIiIZER: . ":.: '.' , , WjBA-iUliCADE , .. 0 .. 2 0.% ,is ... app,lied.J>;ing"secondarz,4"".· .. ·.· .

• " roots~ are,dn;i;h~:Second.::.incti:~ofSsoi:I;;~:';ric)"plus''ft~/t· L , .... soil.,-~ ..••. :.::: .. >. ..<.,: . ,;,<'~"'~;;'''':;::'.;:: .. ::;: .. "!,"'> '" . , ....•... ,

': ~::.,~> . ,.~-, 'i'?: -~ .~- :" .:. ,-::

" Do 'not· cut~:(liarVe$t),'·:t:reated.·sod'!bef6~ei''120·::days~'ii.fter:'~:~"r' ,,;·r""'t~'cgt.~·. application. Do"not'app:i ytc,' iiewI.y~set::,:sod :Until the.,.:::~ ",.-.,.::, following year:"'" . -.... V"_'·'·~· __ ""<'·.' .','

Application of PENNINGTON CRABGRASSPREVENTER PLUS FERTILIZER W/BARRI~~E 0.20% to turf stressed by drought, low fertility, or pest damage may result in turf injury.

Disturbing the herbicide barrier with cultural practices such as diskins may result in reduced weed control.

Do not apply PENNINGTON C:C~3GR..qsS PREVENTER PLUS FERTILIZER W/BARRICADE O.20%-tb putting greens or areas where dichondra, colonial bentgrass, velvet bentgrass or annual bluegrass {Poa annual are desirable species.

,f •

,. ",cY""gennination of ~the'" PREVENTERPLUS. FERTILIZER. W/BARRIcru:)E •. 6"

, iJ,.~ .. ~t:·~;-- . <'~--' ~-:;'!:t.-.. -~:::..;·.·,~ : " . .;~,...-,;;. ::~.

willi. not . control •.•.. , . established weeds;'

Maximuill. hse~rate seleCt.ion: should_be,ba~ed:':cin,:till-fspebi~s";" The.lengthoL time of residual weed ·controL.provided by . . PENNINGTON CRAB~SPREVENTER .• PLUS.,FERTILIZE~. W/BARRICADKe"..,;,..... c"," ••.

o. 20%is~relatedto_ the . .rate.capplied,:,,{.;' ~S:.L:';;;;,t;':<~:':;;f":·' .:,:;:',.,., +:.<,,;, ... -.c: •• ~ . . -.. ,_.- '-~'" - - .

Maximum Annua1 Rates - .~.

~:,.~c. '-;~"";~NN~NGTON ~~~ • ~;;;~~'~~~':;:;T~~;=!~-r:~;cinE"':'


0.20% is recommended for use on the turf grass species .. ,. listed in the following table. Do not exceed the . maximum .' yearly.rate as given in the following table:. '.,'

Maximum App1ication Rate/Calendar Year


Turf Species:




Seashore Paspalum

St. Augustinegrass

Tall Fescue

(including turf·type)




Perennial Ryegrass

Lbs. Product/A



Creeping Red Fescue 37

Lbs. ai/A



.' 0.75

J"" '''-, ~" ,"'.'-',


~. '~ ~:c


,FERTILIZER' W/BARRICADK,OC:'20%g",,~~~~~~~~~!~ of , fertility andc-longer, periods', of,,,,wee,ci,,,,,contrp4-for~;~_"7"C~--'7'''''''_' -~;",.; ".0;' each, turf type, but do not exceed 'the maximum .' . application rates, specifiediri'the Maximum'AImuaJ.'Rates Tab're . ,,'.

' .. , • _L "

'I W~~ds ~ ~~~~_~~.O:!.;t~T~ !~:-'<::. :i; ;':~::Ji.{:'> _ ..'~·:--~h..,~·,:~: ",' /-)..."-\.;-i,f ,;,;i~-:~,£.)/';f·: nf .~j~~';',';:l';i:,~~:;.':'t:< .... ~:i';)'->- ~,'·~:k·.'t'~'J~.~W.., ,j

Wh~ u~;din_'~c~~;d~;b~ 'with' t,hii,'l;u,-,~i~i>~I~G~,~N t~GRASS' "',/f£l'i,-:;'~:.}+·; Ji • ~ .....

PREVENTERPLUS FERTILIZER W/BA.IliUCAJ)E:O:20%will"proVide,,:,~· ,'; ::;':: ." •• ,; -;"~.- -con trol_:!? f~~~Ii_~;.-~-:!=olf.o·~_~ijg --w~ed.s:·:-~';·~:~~~~~~~:~:;:~\~~~""~_-,,"~'j~~?~:: .. ~."'ch).:',; ;'; ;; ~.~( •. :~,;:/~:>! !\~:, ,~::" ·,i:;.·.:~N~~;;~, '''~~i:.~.;~:';-i~~;;;-~~

Ba=yardgrass ,Lambsqua.rter, -Common • Bluegrass, Annual (Poa annual Lovegrass Carpetweed Panicum (Texas, Fall, Chickweed, Common Browntop) Chickweed, Mouseear (from Pigweed

seed) Purslane, Common Crabgrass (large; smooth) Pusley, Florida " Crowfootgrass Rescuegrass Cupgrass, Woolly Shepherd's Purse2

Foxtails, Fual Signal grass , Broadleaf Goosegrass Sprangletop Eenbit Speedwell, Persian Itchgrass Spurge, Prostrate W"ohnsongrass (from seed) Witchgrass Junglerice Woodsorrel, Yellow (from Knotweed seed) Kochia

J. In many areas a single application of 33 to 75 lbs./A of PENNINGTON CRABGRASS PREVENTER PLUS FERTILIZER W/BARRICADE 0.20%" will control goosegrass. However, under heavy goosegrass pressure and/or an extended growing season,most effective weed control may be obtained by making an initial application of 33 to 50 lbs./A followed after 60 to 90 days by a'second application at doses that would not exceed those given in ,the Maximum Annual Rate, Table. Do, not exceed the maximum rate for turf grass " species"listed'in the Maximum Amlual Rate Table above:

2 ,'Applicationso.for~this weed should. be. made .in late 3suinmer,:';fall,;or;·winter.,prior.;~,to;gE!rmination; , " ,,' SuppressJ.on.,only,.,,,,ii"';"""i>,,*,"'" """",,,"::' +"

- -- ""--~




. .. ~ 0 ,2 ()% ,,,wilLc·inhibi t;t:he;;>,9"~rrnina~ion ;o:f""t,urf.;spec:ies,i.:E;.;;;:c.: ..... i ••• "',,,; •.

'. overseeded:~tooc;soon,;after:iappl1catI0n·:\:';.;Follow 'rates'i'and '~.--. intervals ;.in.the,.table:;;below:for~ best.: over-seeding/reseeding;' results .. .- . .. '.C::,-. :," ... :;' . - -~ ... " .. :. .,.

.. :~'-

. . .. . ' •. i", .•. ,~~+{,~? . -";"J ,-, ":.i~;';l' ' ....•..•. " .';" .'1i-.i' - ~.- '- -';;..~ .-.. -, ";.:-, . '.

.. ". . : .. PENNINGTON CRABGRASS Months Before OVerseeding



0.20% Rate (lb./A)

Product ai North Transition South

25 .50 4 4 4

33 .66 5 4 4

37 .74 r 5 :; 0

40 .SO .. 6 6

50 1.00 .. 7 7

57 1.14 .. .. 9

65 1.30 .. .. 10

75 1.50 .. .. 12

Use Rates o·

Apply PENNINGTON CRABGRASSPREVENTER,I)LUS_FERTILJZER~.. ", ""'; W/BARRI-cADE.0.20%at~33,to, 75 ,lbs:/AillfalL.and/or. spring., .' "",'. ""_ Use ;high~r .rates oiapplication for longer control periods.' SequentiaL,..applica,tions.maY,.,be .maCle.,sOr,·long .. as~the.;total~ .... ,. ", ,,'; ',,'C,;,. amount'of.· product'::'applied .. doesnot;~ex«eed:_the'L maximum ,annual application .rate .. of.75'lbs ./A.. ' __ "". '.> •. ,

- .. " 'Applica tion . Timing:: and::J:nformati9n-.:'.:",:

. PENNINGTON CRABGRASS PREVENTER PLUS FERTILIZER W/BARRICADE 0.20% is a preemergence herbicide and will not control emerged weeds. Most effec.ti ve weed control in ornamentals will be obtained when PENNINGTON CRABGRASS PREVENTER PLUS FERTILIZER W/BARRICADE 0.20 % is activated by at least 0.5 inches of rainfall or irrigation, or with shallow (I to 2 inches) mechanical incorporation, prior to weed seed' germination and within 14 days following application.

Best weed control is obtained when PE-~INGTON CRPEGRASS PREVENTER PLUS FERTILIZER W/BARRICADE 0.20% is applied to soil free of clods, weeds, and debris such as leaves. Prior to application of PENNINGTON CRABGRASS PREVENTER PLUS FERTILIZER W/BARRICADE 0.20%, control existing vegetation by hand weeding, cultivation, or the use of an appropriate postemergenc'e herbicide.

Established Landscape Ornamentals

PENNINGTON CRABGRASS PREVENTER PLUS FERTILIZER W!BARRlCADE 0.20% may be applied to established ornamentals as a broadcast, over the top, or directed application. Irrigation or rainfall soon after application will wash residues,.off plant foliage and activate PENNINGTON CRABGRASS PREVENTER PLUS FERTILIZERW/BARRICADE 0.20% in the soil.

Newly Transplanted Landscape Ornamentals

PENNINGTON CRABGRASS PREVENTER PLUKFE-llTILIZER W!BARRlCADE ,. ..C.,:",,, '. be:-:-applied. 'to' newly' transplanted. ornamentals:;,as,';a'-;":,.~.,c::,,~;,;;:':"~i;\i!t.;';"

.-.' ' ~,' .'

"... ~

-. --• L-> ...

. - '. -y-:--~-\,~'-


:--,::~:::}~,~,~ -

, t,-

CRABGRASSPREVENTER results~"will be' PLUS FERTILIZER W/BARRICADE ,,0:, . .201%~iS"llIli .-~~ '-

the soil surface; aVO;'i


;" ~!;~~~~~~'~1'!'!;~1!!'1~11!;'!'i'i~!~~'~~ may defeat the.effoi£:to . soiLsur~ace~.PENNINGTON, "~"~'~''':, ,,::; W/BARRICADE 0.20% may be. cnes.e .•. ,_· ....

,.~,--.! . ",' I ~ ~

species c" ".... -, ••

; ,

Scientific Name • COIl!llIon . Name .• ,;." .'.-<

Abies spp. Fir"species**

Abelia grandiflora (Balsam, Fraser, Noble, etc.) Abelia: Sherwood

Acer palmatum A. platanoides Achillea, sp. Actinidia chinensis Agapanthus africanus Agapanthus orientalis Akebia quinta ta Allium ceriliium Anemone hybrida Aquilegia" sp. Arctostaphylos densiflora Arctotheca calendula Artemesia sp. Aster sp. Aster X Frikartii

Japanese Maple,,' "Norway Maple Yarrow: King Edward Kiwi* Lily-of-the-Nile(African Lily)

Five-Leaf or Chocolate Vine Lady's Leek, Nodding Onion Japanese Anemone Aquilegia: Red and Gold Vine Hill Manzanita Cape Weed Wormwood; Silver. Mound, Castle Aster: Bonny Blue, Purple Dome

Athrium Filiz-femina Lady Fern; Fern Lady Aucuba japonica Japanese Aucuba Begonia sp.Fibrous Begonia: Hardy Grandis Berberis gladwynensis Barberry B. julianae Wintergreen Barberry B. mentorensis Mentor Barberry B. thunbergii Japanese Barberry B. verruculosa Warty Barberry". Bergenia".:-cordifoliaL.':'.·c"c'.".:" :",,;,,~:;o,c';': .

Bol,tonia'.asteroi:des""·-:.·,c" ':","::-.<;":SnoWbank'''·' Bougainvillea.'···· "". " Bi:,u~fainvj_l:l<=a~~~'::·~:.' 'c· .•.• ·,.·.··

. ___ 'C" + ___ ._-_

-. ,-"' ,',;,)I'~:.';:~,'~~';: ;:'.-;:.~:;-:

--______ " __ 'T

'#- , ~~

, ~' Campi,s .x Tagliabl!ana

Ca:z:ppb.r:,*us ,,i,di:zli s , cassia artemisoides

~,~";;';'''''''''' '.C',' ."~~ Ceanqthus ~,rigidus",c",,_,~,~ " "i'

Clips ,:,'~ TrumPet~'~ Creeper,"Trumpet'

Flower, ~ Madame ',Galen HottEmt:ot'Fig>(Ice~piant)'

. Feathery cassia , • Wild"Lilac ,"~,~,;,.,;";;,;""",::,;,:,,,;, ,,>

..... -. "'~- .-, . -

t-:-i;;(F:'i __ ~f,-" ::Cerat;ostigma >.-g-,.~:'~~':;- ._~ , ..... .-,:::-. , "pI umbagonoides~ "."

Chamaecyparis pisifera, ~ • Chrysanthemum' nippo:gicmn ~~

~ Cleyera' japonica~' Citrus spp. Coreopsis sp.~

Cornus florida C. stolonifera Cortaderia selloana Cotoneaster apiculatus C. buxifolius C. dammeri C. microphyllus Cretaegus spp. Crocosmia sp. Cupressus sempervirens Delosperma alba Delosperma sp. Delphinium sp. Dianthus deltoides D. gratianopolitanus Dodonea viscosa Echinacea pupurea Elaeagnus pungens Euonymus fortunei E. japonica

E. kiautschovica Fatsiajaponica Forsythia intermedia Forysythis suspensa F. viridissima

• .-.~ ,.-. • ;0..:;'-:. ,.: .:., l.' 0

ci.;y~~a:c',?," Citrus species* Coreopsis (Calliopsis) .

Sunrise, Moonbeam Flowering Dogwood American Dogwood Pampas Grass Cranberry Cotoneaster Cotoneaster Bearberry Cotoneaster Rockspray Cotoneaster Hawtho=e Lucifer Italian Cypress White Trailing Ice Plant Cooperi Pink Larkspur: Blue Elf


Dia.c"lthus; Maiden Pinks "Zing" Cheddar Pink Hop Bush Coneflower, Purple; Magnus Silverberry Wintercreeper ~ Japanese Spindle Tree

(Evergreen Euonymus) Spreading Euonymus Japanese Aralia Border Forsythia

, Weeping 'Forsythia "',~ ,­Greenstem' Forsythia,, __

",' ,", . ', .. ,"

-~ i


- --~~I

t, ~-.-

. " , ~


, -. ' ,<-'"

- .-~---

-;"-.,~-";,"*:_~D~o6~·'~~~~~~~~~~,e'~'6J~~'~:~;~~~~,~:ri:~~~;~~~~~~~!~~{:~~~~[~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~1f;~;':':,"~:i,{'"fi~~~"~t~~;, ; ~ ... -- ---.. -~-~-~-:----- ..

. ,. ~:,.j\:"2;.,"-:;,..:,~~~:,,-~~,-

--~",--'-.-:' - -'~'T -. ".~

Gentian'" .Cranesbill .

. Gladiolus " species*.* Baby.' s Breath,"~

-. ~ ':-~_"';-'.:~l-;;-;;::--:::-~ ~ .. ~ ,~.~.".


Gentianadahurica Geranium cinereum Gladiol ~SPE. •. Gypsophila repens .. Hedera Iuilix_ .. .... , ..... He11anthemUIll·sp. . Hemerocallis~sp ..

Eng 1, ish, Iyy. '. ".,;";;.,<w;.,,",,~ f; - ,. , ........ ~~. .,,~~~ ;'!" .•• ' .";~~t, .. ;""_~.,';;; Sunrose ,,; .. ~t- ,:"- ~-.:t'" , : :;~"'§o:;.-,;;r._.:~':;'c -'\':" ~~~_' ~~-._,

,·Hibiscus~;·' '''.'''. .Hibiscus.sp. Hibiscus rosa~sinensis Hosta plantaginea H . . Sieboldiana Houttuynia cordata var.

, variegata Hydrangea macrophylla Ilexcornuta ~ . I. crenata I. opaca I. pe=;yi I. vom~!:oria

Inula ensifolia Iris ensata Iris siberica Irisspp. Jasminium nudiflorum Juniperus chinensis

J. conferta J. davurica J. horizontalis Juglans sp. Justiciabrandegeana Lagerstromia indica Lagerstromia indica X

. Fauriei

.. DaylilY:·Aztec~·Goid~,;·.Stella.De ~ .. , '"'''''''''.'~'''. Oro, .~;.Tender.:Love.:·

Rose·c'o·e· Sharon * ~;~; '.~.";":~'. '. ';;'c; ":",:,j'~.';.'.' ',,¥;;~c':';:c;, Mallow:' Disco'Belle' White' Chinese Hibiscus Hosta, Plantain Lily (Fragrant) Hosta, "Searsucker"

Bigleaf Hydrangea" Chinese Holly' Japanese Holly; Helleri American Holly Holly Yaupon Holly; Schillings

Sword~Leaved Iris~; Jodlesong Siberian Iris; Cabernet Iris species** Winter Jasmine Chinese Juniper; Nick's

Compact, Parsonnii Shore Juniper; Blue Pacific Parsoni Creeping Juniper Walnut* Shrimp Plant Crape Myrtle. Crape Myrtle; Tuscarora

Lantana montevidensis Weeping Lantana Lavender' sp.~ ,'. Lavender;' Munstead Le;ontopodiUIIf alpinum .' Ed7lweiss ~": . .

.~ '. L~gustrum, s~nense.,~·,·/:·,,:.:';:;C. Chlnese~rl vet;'.Varlegatac .J:,:f. gus,trwn: amurens e;~,·;:~~;;;7,,;.r~~;':;Amur, Prive t':: '.;;.~:;i;;:;;t;.:;:;i~,.,;, '.' .



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. L.japoni,gpIJl~~: ~""';""c.,,~, .. ;. ,L. lucidum' . Lilllim .sp .• Liriope. muscari

."f .

Liriope Muscari var. variegata

Liliope spicata Lobelia Cardinalis Lonicera japonica-' L. tatarica Loropetalum chinense Lythrum sp_ Magnolia spp. Maleophora luteola Malus sp. Miscanthus sinensis Nandina domestica Narcissus spp. Nerium oleander Olea europaea Ophiopogon japonicus Osman thus heterphyllus

Osteospermumfruticosum Oxydendrum arboreum Paeoniasuffruticosa' Pennisetum setaceumi Perovskia atriplicifolia Perseaamericana' Photniafraseri Physotegia. Viginiaria. Picea spp ..

. ",'1;';:" ,_, " -.- ,

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Big: Blue L11y;, Tun: ;.S11 ver ~'.-~~., .. c ,,:, .. _.~

Mound; Evergreen Giant Liriope;'Variegated .

Liriope ," Creeping "~.. "--". Cardinal Flower, Indian Pink Japanese Honeysuckle Tatarian Honeysuckle Burgundy Loosestrife; Modern Pi~~ Magnolia species** Ice. Pla..'1t Crabapple* Yaku Jima, Silberfeder Heavenly Bamboo Narcissus species** __ . Oleander Olive* Mondo Grass Osman thus (False Holly) Gulf

Tide Trailing African Daisy Sourwood Tree Peony' Fountain Grass (Dwarf)


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.P. virginiana pistachio sp. Pittosporum rhombifolium P.· tobira. Podocarpus macrophyllus Prunus l~urocerasus . Prunus sp.·

Pseudotsugamenziesii Pyracantha coccinea P .fortuneana

·P:koidzwilii Pyrus sp. Quercus Shumardii Quercus spp. Raphiolepis indica Raphiolepsis umbellata Rhododendron (including Azalea)

Rosa banksiae Rosmarinus officinalis Rudbeckia sp. Santolina, virens Saxifraga sp. Scabiosa sp. Sedum album Sedum cauticola Sedum dasyphyllum Sedurn spurium Spiraea Bumalda

P Queens.lancf.Pittosporum Japanese Pittosporum Japanese.Yew. . .. ... , . English. Laurel Almond, Apricbt~·· Nectarine, . Peach;:: Plum'andPrune*"

"C' ···'·Douglas:·'·Fir*.~J·:c.:-'· Firethor:rr~(Scarlet), .

. Firethorn ':>' . FirethOrn~7'~i:':::.-~>'" ..

Bradford -Pear- sP.- ", Oak, 'Shumard's Red Oak sp<;cies Indian Hawthorne Yedda . Hawthorn 'Coral Bells' 'Delaware Valley White' 'Flame Creeper' 'Formosa' 'Girard Crimson' 'George L. Tabor' I Rina-crimsont 'PJM' 'Ros.eum Elegans' 'Wakeiebisu' 'White Gumbo' Lady Bank's Rose Rosemary* Blac~-Eyed Susan; Goldstrum Santolina Saxifrage; Purple Dome Pincushion Flower Stonecrop Stonecrop; Lida..~ense Stonecrop Stonecrop; Dragon's Blood Spirea: '. Anthony Waterer

*.Do not use on food producing trees; vines;-orplants. '. ** NO~'for 'use -on "coritainer grown:'plants ,"::<' ", ",'.,,,,,",-"' .. ,.. .,:, ,,:,' ,'.

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T. Teucrium·sp. Tbalictrum dipterocarpum

. Thuja occidentalis._ ,_",,', Tracllelqspermum asia tum ... Tsuga cc4Iadensis ., . ,.' . Tulipa spp. Ve.roniac--sp.-; .----.~

Viburnum japonicum V. odoratissimum

• V;' plica tum .. V. rigidum V. suspensum V. tinus V. trilobium V. wrightii Vinca major ~Vinca minor Vitis sp. Weigela florida Yucca aloifolia Y. filamentosa


r;I;:i3chdiif!1""'·; '-"';'.'7"';';"", "~s,,,,~,.··.,.·,·;,.·,",, ':'0' .,,;.'~ ·"i .• "

· Meadow'Rue.' ., '. '''' .. , Atnericari.·Arbol::v:ii:ae.~~,.~,. ." . Stat, Jasmine "';'-; -.i-· .. ~·;;;.,:,-.:;;~~.~"...-~,;~:".,.~,c •. -'--J...:.,., ... ':""c~. ,,', .,<, •

~~i.i'~lil~~~~;~~f;;;;; .', ·Japanese·:";Vibu=um'·'··";·""· .... ". .". · Sweet'.Viburri1.lm .. ..,·~· "." .• ,.":-., .. ,,. · :Ja:pariesefSnowoaIt;'''t''':';~i-'''~'''''::'~ Canary"Island'viburnum' Arrowood Viburnum Laurustinus Cranberry Bush. Leatherleaf Vibu=um Greater Periwinkle, Vinca Common Periwinkle, .. Vinca. Grape * Old Fashioned Weigela Spanish Bayonet, Yucca Adam's Needle, Yucca

*Do ~ot use on food producing trees, vines, or plants. **No~for use on container grown plants.


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.c:;"~:'~llCl~;Clj;.:::::::~~~~~&~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~t~; , , , Gro'Tec;~of"t:he j;mrchClse price, only when, ,U1;e,a. directions.

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