grolsch consumers

STRATEGIS Audience segments Hipster wannabe Mix of dreams Authentic experimentalist Tr ue hipst er

Upload: matei-barbulescu

Post on 31-Dec-2015




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Despre consumatorii Grolsch



Audience segments

Hipster wannabe

Mix of dreams

Authentic experimentalist

Tr ue hipst er


• He is the authentic expresser of experimentalism, innovation and

creativity. His life is a stage where he performs with great talent,

impressing the others with his ideas.

• He has a genuine unconventionality - he is not trying to seduce the

public by making something out of ordinary, he IS different.

• He is generally very active and dynamic, having a very busy life, with

a lot of personal projects becoming social projects. He claims he is

not working, but projecting and living through his ideas, as he is

enjoying every moment of his life with all its activities.

• They are the trend setters, the locomotive of many subcultures

since their attitude and behavior are inspiring people. They have an

effervescent creativity and thus they get involved in many projects

at the same time, very spontaneous and nurturing their constant

need to move forward, experiment and cross personal and social


Authentic experimentalist


• Irrespective of the ideas they use to start up a personal project, they all have a social

development purpose. They care about the society and the context they are living in and

their personal goal is that of changing people’s way of thinking: many of their projects

are in this area.

• He is oriented towards eco, natural and reinventing old for the sake of preserving

valuable treasures of the culture.

• He is not that outgoing as expected, yet he could be the organizer of some important

urban events.

• When he goes out, he prefers locations that are unconventional, having a selected/

premium public – those not popular yet. When there is no such thing, he invents one.

• In terms of alcoholic drinks, he prefers those refined and sophisticated ones such as

wine, unfiltered beer etc. Otherwise he is a plain water and tea consumer, yet choosing

original brands and combinations.

• Sometimes he is choosing unexpected/ less suitable options for a certain context, as to

experience the unconventional. For instance, beer within Opera location could be the

unusual choice, yet he won't repeat it as he wants to keep originality.

‘s lifestyle Authentic experimentalist


Authentic experimentalist


• This is the authentic hipster, fighting against the system and

norms, thus being always other than mainstream, different and

original in his choices and actions.

• Beyond their challenging and controversial attitude, there is the

need for being unique and distinctive, together with a sort of

rebellion – they try to differentiate and in the same time not

accepting their belonging to a certain group (they will not admit

they are hipsters, since this is totally against their need for


• Their unconventional character does not come by default, out of

their personality and inner structure - it is attentively build and

upgraded constantly as to impress by originality.

• They value the individuality and non-conformism. They are

building a sort of exquisite personality and try to be as different

as possible.

• They look daring and free in expressing their emotions and

beliefs, yet they are somehow unsecured, being dissimulative with

this unconventional acting, always choosing different than the


True hipster


• They will reject a trend adopted by themselves before if it becomes very popular

and too close to the mainstream level.

• They are attentive towards dressing style and fashion; there are some key elements

belonging to this subculture that are still in the trend for them (using the bicycle,

drinking simple water, wearing smart message t-shirts, handmade accessories etc),

yet at the same time some of them became too banal (the Arabic scarf, bragging

about photographic talent etc). Usually those features borrowed by other

subcultures or the mass become out of fashion and hipsters adopt another trend;

the border line is very subtle.

• They go out in certain places, appreciated by people in their entourage, yet when it

becomes too popular for outsiders, they move to another area or reactivate old


• Their hobbies have to express the idea of uniqueness and creativity.

• Not to mention the choices they make in various products – unconventional, original

and less known brands (selective distribution is a must).

• In terms of alcohol, they will choose wine and beer, sometimes the long drinks

becoming more suitable.

ShortsUp’s public Lifestyle True



goes out in…

Atelierul de productie

Atelierul mecanic

True hipster


True hipster


• This is the young student early adopting the current of hipster.

• They are the old house music fans or “emo”, or punks that are now embracing

another way of thinking and dealing with life, still in search for a cool self


• Apparently their need is to be original, different than the others, yet they really

feel the need of integration, yet being part of a cool group, identifying themselves

with the originality and exquisite taste.

• These early adopters of the HIP trend are attentively studying the true hipsters

and adopt the attitudes they are promoting, without too much personal touch

• They are highly predictable and many of them are so easy to recognize since they

are very obvious and somehow noisy in their behavior.

Hipster wannabe


• They follow the trend in every detail, without being filtered by their personality.

They are copies of the true hipsters, yet without the solid base. They sometimes

brag themselves about being hipster, which is totally opposite of the authentic

attitude. They are simply followers.

• They are thinking in terms of “hip” or “not hip”, they tend to choose what a true

hipster would choose when it comes to certain brands.

• They will go to all events and locations that are on the hot list; they were visiting the

ShortsUp event because it is cool to be seen at such event; they claim they know

people there even though they only interact between them (they come in pairs).

• In terms of alcoholic drinks, they could choose beer or long drinks, and the

difference is given by the selective brands they choose – original, outstanding ones.

Hipster wannabe


goes out in…


Club A




The hipster wannabe

STRATEGIS Hipster wannabe


• These are the people open towards the unconventional and exquisite features of such

events, yet without displaying the differentiating behavior.

• These are rather conformist people, with decent jobs or still students. They somehow

admire the courage in expressing their personality in case of the true hipsters or

even that of the wannabes, since they would like to have this inner strength to react

like that in certain situations.

• They are not going to all events or parties, being more selective since they look for

good quality time, not necessarily to experiment and keep up with the trend.

• In terms of alcoholic drinks, they will prefer rather accessible categories such as

beer, long drinks and cocktails, choosing upper mainstream and premium brands, yet

not necessarily the most exquisite ones.

Mix of dreams


Mix of dreams


goes out in…


Mix of dreams

Club A Goblin

El dictator B52

Chat noir


Grolsch image – features conveyed by the collage technique





Active and dynamic


Old and new










Restless, movement


Angel and demon








Grolsch image Collage

Experimental = having new approaches over things, updating himself

Daring = self confident in expressing his personality, his original choices

Technology = latest technology, gadgets and touch screens

Colorful = variety, combination of colors inspiring vitality

Active and dynamic = always on a project, on the move

Present = actual, alive, there for you; has also a connotation of supportive of

important projects

Old and new = combination of old and new, re-inventing old, making the old

fashionable again

Urban = present in urban projects, parties and in line with the trends

Innovation = re-inventing concepts, new and daring ideas even in a dull/ banal


Nonconformist = never mainstream, not so popular among masses

Electronic = also linked to technology, referring also to music

Futuristic = projective, future thinking, innovative


Grolsch image Collage

Foto = from personal hobby to art

Music = related to indie music, unconventional bands, not so popular genre

Revolution = linked to the concept on unconventional, experimental, and referring to the

attitude of changing the trend, the way of thinking and perceiving

Change = the idea of evolving, innovating, updating, trend setting

Restless, movement = concern about developing, forward thinking

Challenge = linked to experimental, creativity and challenges of the present with a new trend

Angel and demon = the idea of contrasts, but also the idea that sometimes can be different

in extreme (either you like or love it)

Pop-art = an unconventional way of expression, linked to vintage

Supportive = referring especially to the brand’s program of gathering young urban artists in

“Bucharest by hand” (supporting the creative reinterpretation of the city)

Unusual = different in an unexpected way

Contrast = the combination of two different views/ approaches, yet in a very creative and

coherent way

Unique = distinctive, also linked to the idea of experimental (no situation can be repeated)

Creative = artistic expression, innovation and upgrading of self