grosse pointe · 1/7/1971  · the...

Complete News Covel-age of All tlte Poilltes All the News of All the Pointe' Every Thursday Morning Grosse Pointe News Home of the News J } .~ .. , . .-.:. ~ ~ '. ,! , , Help of All Re<fllired to Change Law Public Act 100 W 0 u Id Drastically Cut Quality of Education Now Being Offered I : ,. Chief Kestelool said lhat the new breathalner will be used exclusively by his deparlment, and will not, at least for the present. be shared with Ihe other departments. Under a provision of the Slate Drunk Motor Law, all molorists arrested lor driving while under the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will reo sult in lhe automatic suspension of Ihe motorist's operator's li. cense for not less lhan 90 days, 10 up to two years. Michigan law slates that a person Is Intoxl. cated If Ihe brealhalyzer reg. Isters 1.5 per cent, Dr more, In his syslem, and the IIndlngs are admissable IS evidence in court. According to slatistics reo Icased by Ihe State Police. the arrest rate for drunk driving hns risen considerably since the ... rale U The Park Police Depar\ment. since il had personnel lrained to operate such equipment. reo ceived a Breathalyzer Machine. from the Michigan State Police in East Lansing. il was revealed by Polirc Chief Gerard Keste. loot. The machine was delivered on Monday, December 28, The Park deparlmenl is the second Pointe area department assigned such I:quipmenl. The Woods was the rcclpient o[ onc aboul Ilve years ago. and Its personnel operates the lnslru. ment which is used to test lhe alcohol In the systems of ar. rested molorists suspected of driving while under the inRu. ence of liquor. Unlil the December 28 dellv. ery lo the Park, the breathaly. zer at the Woods was used hy Ilve Pointes and Harper Woods, hut operated solely by Woods officers. GP Park Police Equipped To Test Drunk Drivers Alan Wright of 482 CloverlY road. reported 10 Farms policc lh!!t on Thursday, December 31, two unknown young men in their teens, invaded his house while his wife was asleep in a second floor bedroom, Mrs. Wright told investigating officers that she was asleep on her bcd, when she was wakened by a noise. She said she saw two youths, one atwllt 16 years old, and lhe other approximate. Iy 19 years old, standing in the bedroom. Both were tall and wearfng d ark clolhing, she added. '. Mrs. Wright said she emitted a loud scream lInd the pair ned the roem. racing down Ihe slalrs" She gave chase, she said, but the intruders escaped out the side door and dlroappeared. The side door was unlocked, and il Is believed that this was their methocl of enlry Into lhe house. In checking over lhe house, Mrs, Wrighl said, she discov- ered that lhe noclurnal visiters took $25 from atop the dresser. WOlnan~s Yell Routs Intruders Man and Three Children Said t~ Have Been Seen on lake Ice by Witnesse, Disappear; "Public Act 100. (provi- Search Unsuccenful sions of whith limit our per _____ pupil expenditures ami OUI' Fal'llls police have a mystery -em their hands, which educational pro g ram for ~hey hope w.11 be solved as quickly as possible. It is the 1971-72 )'''arl, is still 10 regards to a man. with three children who were with us:' Dr. Theos 1. An. allegedly seen on the iCl: of Lake 51. Clair by'several wit. derson, Superintendent of nesses. and who appeared to have vanished without a the Gros~e Pointe Public trace. ----------- School System. wrote in a The four werc said to have' V copy of Staff Comments. bcen seen on the ice between .L Stul!ents the district's internal news, the Farms Municipal Pier-Park Jetter which was distribuied and the eastern city limits. A JU:'1 Pro - t to. all employes on Tues. s~arch by Farms police and" lec Idav. Januarv 5. flre personnel, and the U.S. T ; "Although 'interpretations' of Coast Guard was unsuccess. 0 Help Poor I it mil)' t,nean. to Grosse ful. Pomte are \'aned, If the $945 Patrolman Thomas Kelly. Affiliate with Orgonizotion Iimilat!on on pcr pupil ellpendi. who was dispatched to the area Established t E tures .IS .no~ ('ha~ged soon. our to take a report that a man. or •• 0 . ase schOOldlslnt"l wl.lI ~ forced to possibly more than one person Critical HOUSing send. letters of dismissal to ap. had gone through the ice The Shortage proxlmat.ely.2oo employes before . . lhe be~mnlDJ: of thc 1911.72 report was mad~ by Denms A year," lhe publication states, Do~an oC 3~ Callmgwood. De- group of University- "Such a stafT reduction will trolt. who saId he saw the four. Liggett students, concerned virtually destroy our present Another WIlDess Found with the plight of Detroit's educational program and wJll Policemen and firemen were and its sub.nor. seriously affect the Jesirability on the scene about five minutes mal housing, have affiliated of Grosse Pointe as a residential when they were approached by themselves with a non. area," Dr. Anderson writcs. Donald Milock of 2016'1Wedge. profit org'1nization estab. To Coordlnale Elforls wood. who stated thai he and lis~ed to. help ease the criti. Dr. Anderson said that he and his wife were driving east on cal hOUSing shortage among i>trs. Joseph P. Thompson, pres/. Lake Shore road and saw the the poor in Detroit. Every dent Dr the Grosse Pointe Board man and three c'hildren, one a S.aturday. and during vaca. of EducatJo,n, cxpect to two or three-year.old child. The. l!on periods, the students ~te the \'anous ~fTorts cmergmg man was lying prone on the participate in the rehabili. m the commumty to .prcserve ice, surrounded by the children. tation of homes chosen as ~~cal control over public educa. Miiock said he drove to Prov. p~r.t of Detroit's Mod e II o~AS many residenls are no encal road. ~nd on his. return CIties Program. \ doubt aware. lIfrs. l'homllson saw the police and fIre .ve. Th~ "students ere. ~resently 1has been in the forefront of hides, and stopped. Afler find. worklno on .. h?use In Uoharl' "(hose fighting against loss of ing out the reason, he. gave his Street ~h\eh Will he used as \ocal o.o"tro\ 'In the l\1\8t two Information. an ?thce for West ,I::entr.\ year ... ,She l'resenll,,\ .testimony Fire Lt Charles Backman HOUSing,the sponsoring agency. before Governor Milliken's Edu- with a roPe and ladder, went Work thaI ~il1 be done. in. cation Reform Commission in out as far as he dared but saw clud~s guller!ng a~d shmgle Ju~y o[ 1968 spotlightin,!, (he . repaIr, plumbmg, Simple plas. umque problems of Mich,s:an's no ~resh track~ or bre~ks m ~er!ng and painling. After fin. 'quality' distdcts ,In Ihc face of the Ice, where It was saId the Ishmg with that house. they increased pressure {or slale con- four persons were last seen. plan .to.rehabilitate most of the tro1. In addition. Cedric A. Rich. See Two Break Ice remamlDg houses on the block. nero Jr., chairman of the Legis. Shores Police Sgt. Donald Involved In Cetlter lative Commillee of Ihc loral Jacobs said' that Doran came The students are also in. ~TA Council, also worked in Ihe into his station at 2:50 p.m.. volved in whal they call an mterests of Grosse Pointe. Un- and reported seeing two males Enl'ironmental Field Center. fort~nately, !h~se errorls were going Ihrough the ice. Jacobs Set up for suburban and inner. of. IItlle al'all. Dr. Anderson notified Farms authorities, and city senior high school stu. said. dents, the environm<!ntal work. Apathy Is Dangnous (Colltinlled on Page 41 study project is designed to Asked for an opinion of the help ther" in fixing.up homes, chances of amending lhe most gathering technIcal information offensive portions of Puhlic At! for the community and raising 100 (su!' seelion 6 of section tl1eir own funds for the {jeld Sbl. the Superintendent of center. If all goes well, they Schools said that he fears Gro~sc hope the project Pointers' apparent lack of con. will bc implemented next sep. cern ovel' the fale of their p1lb- lember lor two six.week courses. lie schools mll(ht prevent the The group Is now asking for n.ccessary m~bilization of elTec. contribuUons to help them in live commumty forces. their effort and have sent "We have seen that It is diffi. letters to each 01 the U.L ~ar. cull, if nol impossihle, to arouse ents and prin'ted open letters citizens before laws arc passed. tor all the citizens of metro. Amending an ad wl1l be 110 politan Detroit. easier. The reason, of course. is "We feel that our project on apalhy. Prior to .the November Hobart Street is a worthy one," 3 General Elechon, onc law- Janet Keyedel secretary of the maker who represents Grosse U.L student grQuP wrote. ''In. Pointe in Lansing told rr.e that stead of tearing down negltcled be had rtcelved only six letter5 homes, we are rebuilding them. regarding Public Act 100. He In this way, we ~re helping to concluded that the issue was not relieve the critical housing an Importanl one 10 Grosse shortage among the poor In Poinlc," Dr. Anderson said. Detroit. We urge you to lend In spile of the gloomy pros. a helping han1 In the Detroit pecls of maklnl( a C'hanl{eIn the renaissance. We vltaliy need law. Dr. Anderson Indicated your donations or either money that he had bccn somewhal or materials to kee? our projcct heartencd by what he sensed as on Its feet." a "rising lide of community oul- Donations Deductible rag"!" In recent wecks. Making it clear that all cash March Is PrOpOsed donations arc lax deducllble, For example, Dr. Andcrson the group said the monies arc said lhat among those local con. used only for essentials and the cerned citizens who had pro. dollar-to.benefit ratio Is one to posed II "march on Lansing" one. Contribulions will be used was Mrs. Albert C. Dickson. Jr .. (Conllnued on Pige 4) an aC,llvemember of thle Rich. ____________ aJd School PTA. "Mrs. Dickson has offcrdcd 10 sptlarhead a drive to organize a cavalcade of 10 chartcred buses, one from each lor."llelementary school at. lendancc area. to dramatite the problems that Grosse Polnt(' and olher districts fa('('. Wlthoul a doub!. (he presence of 400 Grosse Pointers in Lansing, pos. sibly wilh others (rom similarly. affccted distrlcls. w,)uld have some impacl 0 nthe legislators," Dr, Anderson commented, Dr. Anderson said Ihat he was also hearlened 10 learn from Mrs. Robcrt Evcrett, lIres. Idcnt of the Lcague o[ Women' Voters of Grosse Pointe. that Ihe January issue of the organi. tation's newsleller. The Grollt Po!n~ Voler, conlalns Ihls ilem' "Michigan Leagues have agreed thaI the leghlature should not 'Jave authority to limit the amounl of millage local sehool dislrlcts can levy. Now we can otrlcially work 10 amend Public Act 100." Alarm Increases Dr. Anderson commended the ellorts of the commulllly.mlnded (Continued on race Z) GP Farms Police Seek Information all Vanished Four .... ~ . .-- CARNIV AL BREAKS RECORD Attendance at the 1970 City of Detroit Chrlslmas Carnival topped the quarter.mll1ion vlsi. tor mark, ~ayor Roman S, Grlbbs anll()uneed today. Dur. Ing Its run at CobOHall. the free holiday show attracted 251,984 Persons, most of them children. Lut year's shoW drew 239,6411 persons while 170,317 visitors attended tqe show in 11168.Since the annual show opened in 1962 It has been visited by a total of 2,582,189 people. WHITE CHRISTMAS COSTLY The "white Christml$" so many Detrolters dreamed about cost $170,487for snow removal from main streets during the holiday weekend, a~cordlng to the Department of Public Works (DPW). This Includes labor and equipment plus salt used on two different days. Snow reo moval costs for the seuon so far lolal $559,515. Detroit hiS had 12.3 Inches of snow sinee the first snow[,U In November. ."~I.' '"/i 3'1, i DR. ARCHIE BEDELL. intern who tied for second place, DR. ROBERT GRIFFIN, chief of staff, DR.. JAS. UBHAI DESAI. intern. first place winner, DR. RICH. ARD R. ROYER, chief of surgery. and DR. DA VlD BRIAN, resident who ~hared second place honors with Dr. Bedell. Center Bids Ne'w Pointers To Rec~'ption Answers Received from 1600 Question"lIIires Sen\+.o T d'+' . I-A lEt S C t . f R 'd re Ilona nnue yen even a e90rles 0 eSI en!S Tabula+"d ; . Schedut.d for 2to 4 by Board of Education !\- o'clock on Sunday, By Dr. Theos I. Anderson, January 17 Superbtendent of Publle Sehools Do you generally receive adequate information Every member of every about the Grosse Pointe Public School System? On family who moved into any Monday, I?r. Theos 1. Anderson, Superintendent of of the five Grosse Pointes Schools, said that 89 percent of the residents of the in 1970 should plan to school district who replied to a post card mailed to 1600 come to the Grosse Pointe randomly selected citizens in seven categories indicated War Memorial Center, 32 that. they are satisfactorily informed about public school Lake Shore Road, Sunday affairs. .., - afternoon, January 17, from Toe sampling. based on a dally newspapers. with ,4 per. 2-4 o'clock to be welcomed scientific formula among more cent checking "other." not only by the civic cen. than 20.000 school census cards, ter's Board of Directors and Includes the generai population, Still TabulaUn, representatives of the scores pe 0 pie with no children in Dr. Anderson saJdthat the f d b 't school, those with children in staff Is still tabulatin" the reo 0 ~roups liponsore y 1. ~> They wfl1 also be introduced non.pubilc schools, and four sponses 1.0 other questions on to leaders of nearly every group groups covering residents with the post card, whleh Include I. In Grosse Pointe, including so. children in thl! public elemen' general assessment of the qual. cial organizations such as the lary, middle, or high schools,lty of local public edueation. Newcomers Club. Grosse Poinle' a~ well as those with children In He added that all staff memo Woman's Club, Senior Men's all three levels. bers in thll system had been Club; service organizations such Results Broken Down asked to participate in the sam. IS Rotary, Kiwanis, OptimiSts AfC ' Ii pIIng, but that these results and Soroptimlsts., recreational Irma ve responses ranged have not yet been tabulated, from a low of 78 pc et ( . organizations such as the Neigh. rc n reSI' Superintendent Anderson com. dents with no child e) to borhood Club, Little League rn, a ments upon the resuits of the hl'gh of 99 p nt ( 'd ts Foolball, the Hockey Associa. erce resl en opinion poll covering the schools' wl 'lh chlldr n J' bl' lddl tion, Square Dance groups and e n pu IC m e informalion program' in this schools onl ) a d d 89 Ski Clubs,' volunteer groups Y. n average week's "Schools in Focus" ""'rcent for the s t such IS Big Brothers, The ..~ even ca ego. column. rles. Blood Councl1, Council of Better The percentage or pOst cards ------ Literature for Youth and Dis. returned ranged from a low of W S ht trlct N u r sin g: educational 15 (people with no children in OJtlan oug groups" such as Wayne State public middle schools only), and In Wallet Theft University Division of Urban averaged 89 percent for the Extension, University Center seven calegories. for Adult Education, the Grosse Although many respondents A woman in her 20s is sus. Pointe publlc school systems, I Grosse Peinte Academy and sa d they receive Information pected of stealing a wallet from Grosse Pointe UnivClsity.Lig- from more than a single source, the purse of Mrs. Anne Bleich geU; Garden clubs Corbolh men average figures indicating a of 1738 Bournemouth, on Tues. and women', Senior Clubs'. leis. prime source for Grosse Point. day. December 29. The wallel ers In each of the seven cale. contained a sizable sum of ure groups such as Bridge, . Chess, Theatre, Camera Club gorles shows Ihan 24 percent money. and Cineml League; poUtical receive their information from According to a report made to the weekly newspapers, 19 per. Farms authorities, Mrs. Bleich groups; music groups from sym. cent from Board of Edueation was shopping at Kroger Super. fhon y 10 chAmber music; scout. publications. 18 from school market. Mack and Moross. Her ng and "Y" groups; art and papers, 18 percent trom chll. purse was In II bascart. language groups. ~l''!n, 12 percent {rom friends Mrs. Bleich told police that The New Residents reception and neighbors, 5 percent from she noticed a suspicious looking is given at one of the Puinlr..~ show places at 32 Lake Shore- I woman near the meat counter, the magnificent mansion and and when this woman leaned grounds gil'en to Ihe community over. sh, brushed against her by the Russell Alger family (Mrs. Blelch's) cart. A few min. and thc Audllorium and Ball. utes laler, Mrs. Bleich said. she room added bv William n. discovered her wallet, which Fries. All guests will be invited contained $318. missing. There to lour the mansion and Frie:; WIS nothing else In Ihe wallet, Building. she added. Of Course, there will be plen. The woman was described as Iiful refreshments. There will being pretty, colored, medium be baby sllters for the very complected, In her early 2Os, young and very Importanl; there about fin feet nine Inches tan, will be a television corner for thin and wearing I knitted 1 k striped hat with a tassle, dark a I to eep up with tbe prog- knee length coat and dark ress of the Super Bowl. slacks, Poll Shows Most Citizens Get Ad'equate Information On Public School System Bon Secours Presents Semmes Awards The smiling !~en in white are winners of the Semmes Awards presented annually by Bon Scours Hospital to the interns and residents who are adjudged the top ranking HOUf,e Officers at the hospital. These awards are made possible by a donation of the Valerie and Prewitt Semmes Fund. Pictured (left to right) are' Xmas Tree Fire Damages Harcourt Road Residence Police report three more burglaries in the Woods, all of them discovered in the days just prior to the New Year, and one in which the culprits were confronted by their vie. tims, only to escape on the ron. Mr. Frank Scheiblaur, 2112 AUard, \lnd his wife returned 10 their home just over an hour after lellvJng it Wednesday, De- cember 30 at 5:20 p.m. just in time 10 see two youths bolt from the back porch and jump the fence. One youth was con. fronted by Mrs. Sc:heiblaur when she unlocked Ihe front door to find him standing at the door inside of f;le home. Pushed Alalnll Door Mrs. Scheiblaur told Patrol. man Leroy Tobian that the burg. lar pushed her against the fronl door, causing her to strike her head. The boy, brandishing a pry bar, ran though the house and out the back porch door, after 10sJng the bar to the woman in the slruggle. The accomplice was Slllln by Mr. Scheiblaur running from the house as he pulled Into the driveway. The thief ran across the back yard and made good his escape after scram. bllng over the fence. Among the rooms found ran. sacked In the home were two bedrooms, a hallway. the dining room, the "Itic and a closet in the basemen!. A preliminary check revealed only a gold ring and a roll of pennies missing from Ihe house. The burglars, gaining entry (Continued 011 Pale Z) ••• A fire which started when a I who was called to the scene C h r 1st mas tree bursl Inlo while having lunch at home: fiames, gutted the living room said one resident of the up. and dining room of the lower stairs lIat. Mrs. Everett Gad. nat residence 01 Mr. and Mrs. frey, was evacuated from her Paul R. Porvaznlk, 744 Har. residence when the fire surled. Tuesday, Jabuary 5 court, and caused considerable Emoke damaged to the upper ONE PERSON DIED and 64 smoke damage to the rest of flat was very minor, the ":hlef were Injured wilen a gas ex. Ihe flat, on Saturday, Janu. said. ploslon shattered a block of ary 2. "Now 15the time to dismantle businesses in Meridian avenue Mrs. Porvantnlk told Park and remove Christmas trees in ~Iaml Beach, Fin. A police fire officials that she was mak. Crom homes," Ihe chiet said. spokesman said Ihal an uni. ing a phone call, when sud. "~ost of the trees are In all dentilled woman wos kll1ed, and denly the tree burst Into flames. probability very dry. and It four policemen and 60 civilians In seconds. the tree toppled will not take much to cause were Injured. Five of those hurt onlo a sofa and a nearby chair. them to burn. were admitted 10 Mt. Sinai Hos. TIle ,blaze S9read throughout "In Ihe case of the Porvaz. pita\. The spokesman, Pete~ I' the living room and Into the nlk fire. we bl'lleve thaI the Corso, said the explosion cen. dinIng room. tree was very ~ ,and that the tered In a blueprint shDr,l, al. Mrs. Porvnnlk called the heat from one 01 the Christmas mos l Instantly after the owner alarm al 1:11 p.m. Firelighters light bulbs was sufficient to 01 the place called the gas brought the names under eon. touch off the fire. It takes only companyto report a heavy odor trol in aboul 12 minutes after 30 secon<is for a dry pine tree 01 gas. Hundreds of shoppers their arrival, and had the fire to be completely engulfed In were strolling in the area at oul by 2:14 p.m. flames. Our advice is to get rid the time of the blast. Fire Chief Henry 'DeCierck, of yOur trees, now." IIEADLIXES of tht '''EEl( A. Compiled by the GrOl$e Pointe News Monday, Janlllry 4 AN AR.\1ADA of U.S. wa~. planes carrIed a three. pronged bombIng campaign over wide ueas of Indochina Sunday, concentrating on suspected en. 1- emy supply trails In Laos and Cambodia. On the eve of Ihe massive slrlkes one U.S. jet WIIS shot down In Laos. The cam. palgn WIS designed to Interrupt North Vietnamese war mater. lals being ferried through Laos and Cambodia to Souh VIetnam and to provide air sUpo;lortfor Cambodian and Laotian troops. Informed sources sail!. Sunday, January 3 HUNDREDS OF SPECTA. TORS caught in a mr.sslve rush for exits after a big soccer game in Glasgow, Scotland. were pitched down a stadium stairway Saturday by the crush. ing crowd. A least 66 person,; were killed and many more In. jured. Many Dr the victims of Brllalll's worst soccer game dis. uter were suflocated, others trampled by people who knocked over a control barrler at the top of the sairs, sendIng the surg. Ing human wave tumbling down the concrete sleps. •• SamrcJay, January 2 AMERICAN FORCES EN. TERED 1971 and a second der. ade in the Vietnam War Fri. day with fresh fighting thal shattered the New Year's truces and brought a surge in U.S. casualties. Communist attacks, mines and booby traps killed 11 American servicemen and wounded 44 during a 24.bour period ending at noon Friday. The Vietcong declared a truce that went klto effect at 1 a.m. Thursday and WII to end at 1 • ,m. Sunday. The Allies order. ed only a 24.hour over New Year's Day which ended at 6 p.m. Friday. Friday, J aDury 1 THE SOVIET UNION Thurs- day spared the lives of two Len. ingrad Jews convicted of trying to bijack an airplane last June. Their sentence.s were reduced tl) 15 years imprisonment. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, in a swiftly arrang. eel special appeal hearing set aside fn~ death penalties im. posed In Leningrad Chrislmas Eve on Mark Dymshits, 43, and Edward KU7.l1etsov.31. Three Homes Burglarized; Thieves Seen MAYOR ROMAN GRIBSSI fired Robert W. Keams Thurs. -- day after an investigation of t!'e Residents Return to Find controversial city commissioner BIT L' DL of building and safety engineer. urg .'y a,~mg, lng, who is under court sentence Woman "WIns Scuffle for destroying hWldreds of thou. with Thief sands of departmental records and for restricting aecess to others. Gribbs told newsmen he give Kearns the opportunity to resign Thursday but Kear:ns reo fused. The mayor said he then fired him. THE SENATE PLEADED with the House Wednesday to agree on an increase in Sodal Security benefits before tbe 91st Congress adjourned at noon Sunday. In a dramatic fioor speech, Senator Russell Long, D.La., chairman 01 tbe Senate Finance Committee, asked House leaders to cut through , Iwo widely differing versions of the bill and agree to joint I negotiations. 'I1tllflday, December 31 AN EXPLOSION RIPPED through two shafts of a soft coal mine In Hyden, Ky., Wednesday killing 311 miners inside. The coal miners, working about 1,600 feet inside of the mountain tibafts. apparently were killed instantly by the force of the explosion according to mining officials of Finley Coal Com. pany.

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Page 1: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will

Complete News Covel-age of All tlte Poilltes

All the News ofAll the Pointe' Every

Thursday MorningGrosse Pointe News

Home of the News



. .-.:.~ ~ '. ,!

, ,

Help of AllRe<fllired toChange LawPublic Act 100 W 0 u Id

Drastically Cut Qualityof Education Now

Being Offered

I : ,.

Chief Kestelool said lhat thenew breathalner will be usedexclusively by his deparlment,and will not, at least for thepresent. be shared with Iheother departments.

Under a provision of the SlateDrunk Motor Law, all moloristsarrested lor driving while underthe inlluence o[ liquor, arc reoquired to take a test. Refusal todo so, the law states. will reosult in lhe automatic suspensionof Ihe motorist's operator's li.cense for not less lhan 90 days,10 up to two years. Michigan lawslates that a person Is Intoxl.cated If Ihe brealhalyzer reg.Isters 1.5 per cent, Dr more, Inhis syslem, and the IIndlngs areadmissable IS evidence in court.

According to slatistics reoIcased by Ihe State Police. thearrest rate for drunk driving hnsrisen considerably since the ... rale U

The Park Police Depar\ment.since il had personnel lrainedto operate such equipment. reoceived a Breathalyzer Machine.from the Michigan State Policein East Lansing. il was revealedby Polirc Chief Gerard Keste.loot. The machine was deliveredon Monday, December 28,

The Park deparlmenl is thesecond Pointe area departmentassigned such I:quipmenl. TheWoods was the rcclpient o[ oncaboul Ilve years ago. and Itspersonnel operates the lnslru.ment which is used to test lhealcohol In the systems of ar.rested molorists suspected ofdriving while under the inRu.ence of liquor.

Unlil the December 28 dellv.ery lo the Park, the breathaly.zer at the Woods was used hyIlve Pointes and Harper Woods,hut operated solely by Woodsofficers.

GP Park Police EquippedTo Test Drunk Drivers

Alan Wright of 482 CloverlYroad. reported 10 Farms policclh!!t on Thursday, December 31,two unknown young men intheir teens, invaded his housewhile his wife was asleep in asecond floor bedroom,

Mrs. Wright told investigatingofficers that she was asleep onher bcd, when she was wakenedby a noise. She said she sawtwo youths, one atwllt 16 yearsold, and lhe other approximate.Iy 19 years old, standing in thebedroom. Both were tall andwearfng d ark clolhing, sheadded. '.

Mrs. Wright said she emitteda loud scream lInd the pair nedthe roem. racing down Iheslalrs" She gave chase, she said,but the intruders escaped outthe side door and dlroappeared.The side door was unlocked,and il Is believed that this wastheir methocl of enlry Into lhehouse.

In checking over lhe house,Mrs, Wrighl said, she discov-ered that lhe noclurnal visiterstook $25 from atop the dresser.

WOlnan~s YellRouts Intruders

Man and Three Children Said t~ Have Been Seenon lake Ice by Witnesse, Disappear; "Public Act 100. (provi-

Search Unsuccenful sions of whith limit our per_____ pupil expenditures ami OUI'

Fal'llls police have a mystery -em their hands, which educational pro g ram for~hey hope w.11 be solved as quickly as possible. It is the 1971-72 )'''arl, is still10 regards to a man. with three children who were with us:' Dr. Theos 1. An.allegedly seen on the iCl: of Lake 51. Clair by'several wit. derson, Superintendent ofnesses. and who appeared to have vanished without a the Gros~e Pointe Publictrace. ----------- School System. wrote in a

The four werc said to have' V copy of Staff Comments.bcen seen on the ice between .L Stul!ents the district's internal news,the Farms Municipal Pier-Park Jetter which was distribuiedand the eastern city limits. A JU:'1 Pro - t to. all employes on Tues.s~arch by Farms police and" lec Idav. Januarv 5.flre personnel, and the U.S. T ; "Although 'interpretations' ofCoast Guard was unsuccess. 0 Help Poor it mil)' t,nean. to Grosseful. Pomte are \'aned, If the $945

Patrolman Thomas Kelly. Affiliate with Orgonizotion Iimilat!on on pcr pupil ellpendi.who was dispatched to the area Established t E tures .IS .no~ ('ha~ged soon. ourto take a report that a man. or • • 0 . ase schOOldlslnt"l wl.lI ~ forced topossibly more than one person Critical HOUSing send. letters of dismissal to ap.had gone through the ice The Shortage proxlmat.ely.2oo employes before. . lhe be~mnlDJ: of thc 1911.72report was mad~ by Denms A year," lhe publication states,Do~an oC 3~ Callmgwood. De- group of University- "Such a stafT reduction willtrolt. who saId he saw the four. Liggett students, concerned virtually destroy our present

Another WIlDess Found with the plight of Detroit's educational program and wJllPolicemen and firemen were and its sub.nor. seriously affect the Jesirability

on the scene about five minutes mal housing, have affiliated of Grosse Pointe as a residentialwhen they were approached by themselves with a non. area," Dr. Anderson writcs.Donald Milock of 2016'1Wedge. profit org'1nization estab. To Coordlnale Elforlswood. who stated thai he and lis~ed to. help ease the criti. Dr. Anderson said that he andhis wife were driving east on cal hOUSing shortage among i>trs. Joseph P. Thompson, pres/.Lake Shore road and saw the the poor in Detroit. Every dent Dr the Grosse Pointe Boardman and three c'hildren, one a S.aturday. and during vaca. of EducatJo,n, cxpect to or three-year.old child. The. l!on periods, the students ~te the \'anous ~fTorts cmergmgman was lying prone on the participate in the rehabili. m the commumty to .prcserveice, surrounded by the children. tation of homes chosen as ~~cal control over public educa.

Miiock said he drove to Prov. p~r.t of Detroit's Mod e II o~AS many residenls are noencal road. ~nd on his. return CIties Program. \ doubt aware. lIfrs. l'homllsonsaw the police and fIre .ve. Th~ "students ere. ~resently 1has been in the forefront ofhides, and stopped. Afler find. worklno on .. h?use In Uoharl' "(hose fighting against loss ofing out the reason, he. gave his Street ~h\eh Will he used as \ocal o.o"tro\ 'In the l\1\8t twoInformation. an ?thce for West ,I::entr.\ year ... ,She l'resenll,,\ .testimony

Fire Lt Charles Backman HOUSing,the sponsoring agency. before Governor Milliken's Edu-with a roPe and ladder, went Work thaI ~il1 be done. in. cation Reform Commission inout as far as he dared but saw clud~s guller!ng a~d shmgle Ju~y o[ 1968 spotlightin,!, (he

• . repaIr, plumbmg, Simple plas. umque problems of Mich,s:an'sno ~resh track~ or bre~ks m ~er!ng and painling. After fin. 'quality' distdcts ,In Ihc face ofthe Ice, where It was saId the Ishmg with that house. they increased pressure {or slale con-four persons were last seen. plan .to. rehabilitate most of the tro1. In addition. Cedric A. Rich.

See Two Break Ice remamlDg houses on the block. nero Jr., chairman of the Legis.Shores Police Sgt. Donald Involved In Cetlter lative Commillee of Ihc loral

Jacobs said' that Doran came The students are also in. ~TA Council, also worked in Iheinto his station at 2:50 p.m.. volved in whal they call an mterests of Grosse Pointe. Un-and reported seeing two males Enl'ironmental Field Center. fort~nately, !h~se errorls weregoing Ihrough the ice. Jacobs Set up for suburban and inner. of. IItlle al'all. Dr. Andersonnotified Farms authorities, and city senior high school stu. said.

dents, the environm<!ntal work. Apathy Is Dangnous(Colltinlled on Page 41 study project is designed to Asked for an opinion of the

help ther" in fixing.up homes, chances of amending lhe mostgathering technIcal information offensive portions of Puhlic At!for the community and raising 100 (su!' seelion 6 of sectiontl1eir own funds for the {jeld Sbl. the Superintendent ofcenter. If all goes well, they Schools said that he fears Gro~schope the project Pointers' apparent lack of con.will bc implemented next sep. cern ovel' the fale of their p1lb-lember lor two six.week courses. lie schools mll(ht prevent the

The group Is now asking for n.ccessary m~bilization of elTec.contribuUons to help them in live commumty forces.their effort and have sent "We have seen that It is diffi.letters to each 01 the U.L ~ar. cull, if nol impossihle, to arouseents and prin'ted open letters citizens before laws arc passed.tor all the citizens of metro. Amending an ad wl1l be 110politan Detroit. easier. The reason, of course. is

"We feel that our project on apalhy. Prior to .the NovemberHobart Street is a worthy one," 3 General Elechon, onc law-Janet Keyedel secretary of the maker who represents GrosseU.L student grQuP wrote. ''In. Pointe in Lansing told rr.e thatstead of tearing down negltcled be had rtcelved only six letter5homes, we are rebuilding them. regarding Public Act 100. HeIn this way, we ~re helping to concluded that the issue was notrelieve the critical housing an Importanl one 10 Grosseshortage among the poor In Poinlc," Dr. Anderson said.Detroit. We urge you to lend In spile of the gloomy pros.a helping han1 In the Detroit pecls of maklnl( a C'hanl{eIn therenaissance. We vltaliy need law. Dr. Anderson Indicatedyour donations or either money that he had bccn somewhalor materials to kee? our projcct heartencd by what he sensed ason Its feet." a "rising lide of community oul-

Donations Deductible rag"!" In recent wecks.Making it clear that all cash March Is PrOpOsed

donations arc lax deducllble, For example, Dr. Andcrsonthe group said the monies arc said lhat among those local con.used only for essentials and the cerned citizens who had pro.dollar-to.benefit ratio Is one to posed II "march on Lansing"one. Contribulions will be used was Mrs. Albert C. Dickson. Jr ..

(Conllnued on Pige 4) an aC,llvemember of thle Rich.____________ aJd School PTA. "Mrs. Dickson

has offcrdcd 10 sptlarhead adrive to organize a cavalcade of10 chartcred buses, one fromeach lor."llelementary school at.lendancc area. to dramatite theproblems that Grosse Polnt('and olher districts fa('('. Wlthoula doub!. (he presence of 400Grosse Pointers in Lansing, pos.sibly wilh others (rom similarly.affccted distrlcls. w,)uld havesome impacl 0 nthe legislators,"Dr, Anderson commented,

Dr. Anderson said Ihat hewas also hearlened 10 learnfrom Mrs. Robcrt Evcrett, lIres.Idcnt of the Lcague o[ Women'Voters of Grosse Pointe. thatIhe January issue of the organi.tation's newsleller. The GrolltPo!n~ Voler, conlalns Ihls ilem'"Michigan Leagues have agreedthaI the leghlature should not'Jave authority to limit theamounl of millage local sehooldislrlcts can levy. Now we canotrlcially work 10 amend PublicAct 100."

Alarm IncreasesDr. Anderson commended the

ellorts of the commulllly.mlnded(Continued on race Z)

GP Farms PoliceSeek Informationall Vanished Four



CARNIV AL BREAKS RECORDAttendance at the 1970 Cityof Detroit Chrlslmas Carnivaltopped the quarter.mll1ion vlsi.tor mark, ~ayor Roman S,Grlbbs anll()uneed today. Dur.Ing Its run at CobOHall.the free holiday show attracted251,984 Persons, most of themchildren. Lut year's IB.dayshoW drew 239,6411 personswhile 170,317 visitors attendedtqe show in 11168.Sincethe annual show opened in 1962It has been visited by a total of2,582,189 people.


The "white Christml$" somany Detrolters dreamed aboutcost $170,487for snow removalfrom main streets during theholiday weekend, a~cordlng tothe Department of Public Works(DPW). This Includes labor andequipment plus salt used ontwo different days. Snow reomoval costs for the seuon sofar lolal $559,515. Detroit hiShad 12.3 Inches of snow sineethe first snow[,U In November.

."~I.''"/i3'1, i

DR. ARCHIE BEDELL. intern who tied for secondplace, DR. ROBERT GRIFFIN, chief of staff, DR.. JAS.UBHAI DESAI. intern. first place winner, DR. RICH.ARD R. ROYER, chief of surgery. and DR. DA VlDBRIAN, resident who ~hared second place honors withDr. Bedell.

Center BidsNe'w PointersTo Rec~'ption

Answers Received from 1600 Question"lIIires Sen\+.o T d'+' . I-A lEtS C t

. f R 'd re Ilona nnue yeneven a e90rles 0 eSI en!S Tabula+"d ; . Schedut.d for 2to 4

by Board of Education ! \ - o'clock on Sunday,By Dr. Theos I. Anderson, January 17

Superbtendent of Publle SehoolsDo you generally receive adequate information Every member of every

about the Grosse Pointe Public School System? On family who moved into anyMonday, I?r. Theos 1. Anderson, Superintendent of of the five Grosse PointesSchools, said that 89 percent of the residents of the in 1970 should plan toschool district who replied to a post card mailed to 1600 come to the Grosse Pointerandomly selected citizens in seven categories indicated War Memorial Center, 32that. they are satisfactorily informed about public school Lake Shore Road, Sundayaffairs. .., - afternoon, January 17, from

Toe sampling. based on a dally newspapers. with ,4 per. 2-4 o'clock to be welcomedscientific formula among more cent checking "other." not only by the civic cen.than 20.000 school census cards, ter's Board of Directors andIncludes the generai population, Still TabulaUn, representatives of the scorespe 0 pie with no children in Dr. Anderson saJdthat the f d b 'tschool, those with children in staff Is still tabulatin" the reo 0 ~roups liponsore y 1 .

~> They wfl1 also be introducednon.pubilc schools, and four sponses 1.0other questions on to leaders of nearly every groupgroups covering residents with the post card, whleh Include I .In Grosse Pointe, including so.children in thl! public elemen' general assessment of the qual. cial organizations such as thelary, middle, or high schools,lty of local public edueation. Newcomers Club. Grosse Poinle'a~ well as those with children In He added that all staff memo Woman's Club, Senior Men'sall three levels. bers in thll system had been Club; service organizations such

Results Broken Down asked to participate in the sam. IS Rotary, Kiwanis, OptimiStsAfC' Ii pIIng, but that these results and Soroptimlsts., recreational

Irma ve responses ranged have not yet been tabulated,from a low of 78 pc e t ( . organizations such as the Neigh.

rc n reSI' Superintendent Anderson com.dents with no child e) to borhood Club, Little Leaguer n , a ments upon the resuits of thehl'gh of 99 p nt ( 'd ts Foolball, the Hockey Associa.erce resl en opinion poll covering the schools'wl'lh chlldr n J' bl' lddl tion, Square Dance groups ande n pu IC m e informalion program' in thisschools onl ) a d d 89 Ski Clubs,' volunteer groups

Y. n average week's "Schools in Focus"""'rcent for the s t such IS Big Brothers, The..~ even ca ego. column.rles. Blood Councl1, Council of BetterThe percentage or pOst cards ------ Literature for Youth and Dis.

returned ranged from a low of W S ht trlct N u r sin g: educational15 (people with no children in OJtlan oug groups" such as Wayne Statepublic middle schools only), and In Wallet Theft University Division of Urbanaveraged 89 percent for the Extension, University Centerseven calegories. for Adult Education, the Grosse

Although many respondents A woman in her 20s is sus. Pointe publlc school systems,I Grosse Peinte Academy andsa d they receive Information pected of stealing a wallet from Grosse Pointe UnivClsity.Lig-from more than a single source, the purse of Mrs. Anne Bleich geU; Garden clubs Corbolh menaverage figures indicating a of 1738 Bournemouth, on Tues. and women', Senior Clubs'. source for Grosse Point. day. December 29. The wallelers In each of the seven cale. contained a sizable sum of ure groups such as Bridge,. Chess, Theatre, Camera Clubgorles shows Ihan 24 percent money. and Cineml League; poUticalreceive their information from According to a report made tothe weekly newspapers, 19 per. Farms authorities, Mrs. Bleich groups; music groups from sym.cent from Board of Edueation was shopping at Kroger Super. fhony 10 chAmber music; scout.publications. 18 from school market. Mack and Moross. Her ng and "Y" groups; art andpapers, 18 percent trom chll. purse was In II bascart. language groups.~l''!n, 12 percent {rom friends Mrs. Bleich told police that The New Residents receptionand neighbors, 5 percent from she noticed a suspicious looking is given at one of the Puinlr..~show places at 32 Lake Shore-

Iwoman near the meat counter, the magnificent mansion andand when this woman leaned grounds gil'en to Ihe communityover. sh, brushed against her by the Russell Alger family(Mrs. Blelch's) cart. A few min. and thc Audllorium and Ball.utes laler, Mrs. Bleich said. she room added bv William n.discovered her wallet, which Fries. All guests will be invitedcontained $318. missing. There to lour the mansion and Frie:;WIS nothing else In Ihe wallet, Building.she added. Of Course, there will be plen.

The woman was described as Iiful refreshments. There willbeing pretty, colored, medium be baby sllters for the verycomplected, In her early 2Os, young and very Importanl; thereabout fin feet nine Inches tan, will be a television corner forthin and wearing I knitted 1 kstriped hat with a tassle, dark a I to eep up with tbe prog-knee length coat and dark ress of the Super Bowl.slacks,

Poll Shows Most CitizensGet Ad'equate InformationOn Public School System

Bon Secours Presents Semmes Awards

The smiling !~en in white are winners of theSemmes Awards presented annually by Bon ScoursHospital to the interns and residents who are adjudgedthe top ranking HOUf,e Officers at the hospital. Theseawards are made possible by a donation of the Valerieand Prewitt Semmes Fund. Pictured (left to right) are'

Xmas Tree Fire DamagesHarcourt Road Residence

Police report three moreburglaries in the Woods,all of them discovered inthe days just prior to theNew Year, and one inwhich the culprits wereconfronted by their vie.tims, only to escape onthe ron.

Mr. Frank Scheiblaur, 2112AUard, \lnd his wife returned10 their home just over an hourafter lellvJng it Wednesday, De-cember 30 at 5:20 p.m. justin time 10 see two youths boltfrom the back porch and jumpthe fence. One youth was con.fronted by Mrs. Sc:heiblaur whenshe unlocked Ihe front door tofind him standing at the doorinside of f;le home.

Pushed Alalnll DoorMrs. Scheiblaur told Patrol.

man Leroy Tobian that the burg.lar pushed her against the fronldoor, causing her to strike herhead. The boy, brandishing apry bar, ran though the houseand out the back porch door,after 10sJng the bar to thewoman in the slruggle.

The accomplice was Slllln byMr. Scheiblaur running fromthe house as he pulled Intothe driveway. The thief ranacross the back yard and madegood his escape after scram.bllng over the fence.

Among the rooms found ran.sacked In the home were twobedrooms, a hallway. the diningroom, the "Itic and a closet inthe basemen!. A preliminarycheck revealed only a gold ringand a roll of pennies missingfrom Ihe house.

The burglars, gaining entry(Continued 011 Pale Z)

• • •

A fire which started when a I who was called to the sceneC h r 1st mas tree bursl Inlo while having lunch at home:fiames, gutted the living room said one resident of the up.and dining room of the lower stairs lIat. Mrs. Everett Gad.nat residence 01 Mr. and Mrs. frey, was evacuated from herPaul R. Porvaznlk, 744 Har. residence when the fire surled.

Tuesday, Jabuary 5 court, and caused considerable Emoke damaged to the upperONE PERSON DIED and 64 smoke damage to the rest of flat was very minor, the ":hlef

were Injured wilen a gas ex. Ihe flat, on Saturday, Janu. said.ploslon shattered a block of ary 2. "Now 15the time to dismantlebusinesses in Meridian avenue Mrs. Porvantnlk told Park and remove Christmas treesin ~Iaml Beach, Fin. A police fire officials that she was mak. Crom homes," Ihe chiet said.spokesman said Ihal an uni. ing a phone call, when sud. "~ost of the trees are In alldentilled woman wos kll1ed, and denly the tree burst Into flames. probability very dry. and Itfour policemen and 60 civilians In seconds. the tree toppled will not take much to causewere Injured. Five of those hurt onlo a sofa and a nearby chair. them to burn.were admitted 10 Mt. Sinai Hos. TIle ,blaze S9read throughout "In Ihe case of the Porvaz.pita\. The spokesman, Pete~ I' the living room and Into the nlk fire. we bl'lleve thaI theCorso, said the explosion cen. dinIng room. tree was very ~ ,and that thetered In a blueprint shDr,l, al. Mrs. Porvnnlk called the heat from one 01 the Christmasmosl Instantly after the owner alarm al 1:11 p.m. Firelighters light bulbs was sufficient to01 the place called the gas brought the names under eon. touch off the fire. It takes onlycompanyto report a heavy odor trol in aboul 12 minutes after 30 secon<is for a dry pine tree01 gas. Hundreds of shoppers their arrival, and had the fire to be completely engulfed Inwere strolling in the area at oul by 2:14 p.m. flames. Our advice is to get ridthe time of the blast. Fire Chief Henry 'DeCierck, of yOur trees, now."


'''EEl(A. Compiled by theGrOl$e Pointe News

Monday, Janlllry 4AN AR.\1ADA of U.S. wa~.

planes carrIed a three. prongedbombIng campaign over wideueas of Indochina Sunday,concentrating on suspected en. 1-emy supply trails In Laos andCambodia. On the eve of Ihemassive slrlkes one U.S. jet WIISshot down In Laos. The cam.palgn WIS designed to InterruptNorth Vietnamese war mater.lals being ferried through Laosand Cambodia to Souh VIetnamand to provide air sUpo;lortforCambodian and Laotian troops.Informed sources sail!.

Sunday, January 3HUNDREDS OF SPECTA.

TORS caught in a mr.sslve rushfor exits after a big soccergame in Glasgow, Scotland.were pitched down a stadiumstairway Saturday by the crowd. A least 66 person,;were killed and many more In.jured. Many Dr the victims ofBrllalll's worst soccer game dis.uter were suflocated, otherstrampled by people who knockedover a control ba rrler at the topof the sairs, sendIng the surg.Ing human wave tumbling downthe concrete sleps.• • •

SamrcJay, January 2AMERICAN FORCES EN.

TERED 1971 and a second der.ade in the Vietnam War with fresh fighting thalshattered the New Year's trucesand brought a surge in U.S.casualties. Communist attacks,mines and booby traps killed11 American servicemen andwounded 44 during a 24.bourperiod ending at noon Friday.The Vietcong declared a trucethat went klto effect at 1 a.m.Thursday and WII to end at 1• ,m. Sunday. The Allies order.ed only a 24.hour overNew Year's Day which ended at6 p.m. Friday.

Friday, J aDury 1THE SOVIET UNION Thurs-

day spared the lives of two Len.ingrad Jews convicted of tryingto bijack an airplane last June.Their sentence.s were reducedtl) 15 years imprisonment. TheSupreme Court of the RussianFederation, in a swiftly arrang.eel special appeal hearing setaside fn~ death penalties im.posed In Leningrad ChrislmasEve on Mark Dymshits, 43, andEdward KU7.l1etsov.31.

• • •

Three HomesBurglarized;Thieves Seen

MAYOR ROMAN GRIBSSIfired Robert W. Keams Thurs. --day after an investigation of t!'e Residents Return to Findcontroversial city commissioner BIT L' DL •of building and safety engineer. urg .'y a,~mg,lng, who is under court sentence Woman "WIns Scufflefor destroying hWldreds of thou. with Thiefsands of departmental recordsand for restricting aecess toothers. Gribbs told newsmen hegive Kearns the opportunity toresign Thursday but Kear:ns reofused. The mayor said he thenfired him.

THE SENATE PLEADEDwith the House Wednesday toagree on an increase in SodalSecurity benefits before tbe 91stCongress adjourned at noonSunday. In a dramatic fioorspeech, Senator Russell Long,D.La., chairman 01 tbe SenateFinance Committee, askedHouse leaders to cut through ,Iwo widely differing versions ofthe bill and agree to joint I

negotiations.• • •

'I1tllflday, December 31AN EXPLOSION RIPPED

through two shafts of a soft coalmine In Hyden, Ky., Wednesdaykilling 311 miners inside. Thecoal miners, working about 1,600feet inside of the mountaintibafts. apparently were killedinstantly by the force of theexplosion according to miningofficials of Finley Coal Com.pany.

Page 2: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will





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Youth CouncilHolding Dance

Grosse Point\! War Memor.ial's Senior Youth Council"leased wilh the receplion giv.en Teagarden nnd VanWinklealld Mike Qualro's jam band attheir Christmas hOliday dancehave engaged Ihe great BobSegar Band to play for theirfirst Super Other Side in Ihenew year Saturday night, Jan.uary 9, from 8:30 to 11:30.

Continuous music will be pro-I'ided by a break band, "fn~anl.Iy's Horse." Tickets are on salein the Center's office at $2.75,

The Super Other Side takesIhe place of the junior danceannounced on thai dale on theCenter's activity card. The Jun-ior Other Side will move to IheSeniors January 16 date. Theswilch was done in order 10 gelBob Segar.

Ch.oss~Point~ N~ws

Published Every Thursday byAnleebo Publlsh"u. Inc.

t9 Kerd:evZll AvenaeGNsse Pointe, Mlcb, 4823$

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Peg. Two G R 0 SSE pO J N TEN E W 5-------------------------------_ .._--- -----._-------._--_._--------.::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:.:':::::::::~:::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::.;~"I N d '-I I tAd L I ing their own legislalorb that B . I. I BOWLER ROBBED h.'ld been take~ from a locked

:~:;:~:""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .... ':.:::i: ee .£j e p 0 men a-It' the impact of the implementa. urg arleS The lhelt of a bowling ball, car in a driveway sometime duro::::::' NOW IN PROCRESS-SEMI.ANNUALi~:1; tion of Pu~lic Act 100 ('ould bag lInd shoes was reported to ing the ni~hl. When J~merino:.:.::: .:.:.: I (Coot1.l1uecl {rem Page 1) their organizalion across Michl. have on their respecllve school (C II d f p Woods police Wednesday, De. came out In the morrung, he~:1::: y;;. '[:::::i men and wom~n In Grosse' gan to enlist their supporl in districts,. on nul' rom .ge 1) 'ce~ber 2~ by John Jame~ino, J found the car door ajar. and:::::: ':D ~ ::::::i Poil'lle who have become alarm. contacling leglslalors. I ,?r, And~rson said thaI a re~o'l by way of a back door to the 130 I Tor.ey road. The hem.!! the 1t<'lJS. worth $60, mISSing.:::::: ,..ENeH HIIINE~ :::~:I'ed at the loss of local control Superintnednet Anderson said lullon ca!hng for a br~ader 10'/ home afler prying open the - ".. _.. --------.-----::::::: ~ ::::;: and lhe drift toward a slate that among those citizens of /' terp,retalJon of s~bsechon 6 ,of porch door, were described as:::::: ::::::' school syslem. lie cited the Grosse Point.? who had recenlly section 8b of Pul,l1c Ad 100, IJI having shoulder length hair and.::::::~HOE ::::::Iefforts of Mrs. D, G. Schneider contacted his office to express Iroduc.ed by (ormer Slate Repre wearing dark .. clothes. AIrs,::::::: :::::: of St. Cla'r avenue and Mrs. concern and to oller assistance Isentalll'e Robert Waldron on Scheiblaur described one as be:::::: ::;:::IKlaus MoUe of Yorkshire road were ~Irs, Edw.ud C. Hanpeter, December 9, ,had been refer,red ing about t9 or 20 years old:::::: ::::::! whQ held an informal meeting in president of Gro~se Pointe (.'ili. to ,~he Committee on Educ~hon, and wearing a brown or gray.::::::SA LE .:.~:r November to alert educators, zens for Education, social stu. What we have done IS to green car coal.:::::::::::: i legislators, and community lead. dies teacher Carl Lord of tile create local aw~rcness of Ihe On vacation since December I:::::: .:::::; i ers to the danger facing ou: Grosse Pointe Education Assad. problem. Now .. It IS nece,~sary 19 with hi;; family, Harry Straus.:::::: ::;:;:. schools. ation, and Bran,ion Rogers, (or t~e com~unL~; to acl. Dr. ser. 2126 Ce\lntry ~Iub, re.'::::::re'dl'.ad __.";::::: The Grosse f'ointe Jaycees., treasurer of the PTA Coundl. An~erson said; I ur~e .el'c.ry turned New Year's Eve at 1:45:::::: ~j ltr" IlW:::::: led by preSident Kennelh Roy I Do Outstanding Job ! reSident of thiS school dl~trJd p. m. 10 find that his house had:::::: :;::::: and John Pros.t, anI' been aC'i "Mr. Lord and other r Iwho feels. tha.t .our schools are been burglarized,:::::: ~.A ••rplr .'-;:::::tively contactmg chapters of Iin the Grosse I'oinle Ed~~~~fo~ wfor,ththmtallntallnmgt -I ar.d who The theft was nol discovered... Uk ""l ~ .......-. -. -- -- ee 5 a oca con ro of educa. until som n I' d h:::::; .:::::: Association have done an out. lien is imporlanl t'l eo I.' men lone t at:::::: .:.:::. stllnding job in working to main . h' . - 0 WTl I.' o,r the house felt cool. Investigal.,:;:::: }::! Th, "H,odllulftm" A" lain the autonomy and self: ~~I~ i~s~ppr~pr~~e el~,c~d tl-

Iing the residents found a door I

f~: :~:!:~: Herel de.terminat~on of the school dis. derson co~~f~~~d. ay. r, n. open on. the .north side of the'.:.:.: ;.:.:.:I tTlcl. He IS to be commended ,home wllh hve pry marks on I:::::: ;::::::']A for his efforts," Dr. Anderson . Who To Contact It~e north side of the home with:.:.:. .;.:.:.' said Legislators to conl~ct are: Ifive pry marks on the side::::;: :::::::! llg'c::J'l W~ H~ indicated that Mr, Rogers Govern:or William A. Milliken Moncy Boxes Taken .:::::: :::::;: i COJ..Ji ~ expected to make a special trip The Capitol. Lansing, Michigan \ Two !Retal boxes with an un.::::::' ~.aat '::::::I t~ Lansing prior to the begin. 481133. determmed amount of money:::::: Uk Ii ::::::: hair stylist to men n~ng of the legislative session to The Honorable Charles N. were taken, one Irom a front:::::: I/lftll~r! ---------- diSCUSS GrossePointe's dilemma Youn~blood: ~r., The Senate, room desk and one from a bed.:::::: r~'1"Ii~ :::::::1 will open lue,. jan. 12 ~l perscnnally wilh members of LanSlnfl:, Mlchillan 48933. , roo.m clolhes closet. Also, a I

:::::: ;,::.~:::':::.::'::::.::~:: I' 19591 mor... ave. Governor Milliken's slaff. The Honorable George S. F}tz./17'mch !V set, a small transis.:::::: ,Allhough Governor Milliken Ile,ral.d. The Senate. LanSing. It?r radiO. and a .32 calibre:::::: gro,se pointe wood, Signed Public Act 100 on July Michigan 48933'1 flve.shot revolver were slolen.:::::: .:.:.:. 886-7490-886.7491 :10, prior to the November 3 The Honorable Willlam R. Police theorize that the burg.:::::: ;::::::\' General Election both he and ~ryanl Jr .. House .Of .Represenla. lary happened just prior to the:::::: ;:::::: 5(ubernatorial candidate Sander hve, LanSing, MI~hlgan 48933. last snowfall ~ince no footprints:::::: i<~ ~ ;:::::: 652,0442 Levin issued stalements indicat. b Dr. Anderson saId that he had' were found around the house.:::::: f/iCJ etj ::::::: gaf(>way,,",,'e, ing non-support for the principle J . een extre~ely a~tive this year Mr. and Mrs. J. Weller, 681 I:;:::: 1'" ;:.::.:.:....:.:~..:~....:::.:.::::...::~...: 115 mil'" 51 of limitation of loca' initiative in ~ ,attemplmg 10 mform Grosse Roslyn. reported their home I::::::' ""', ,ocheSlc/. m,e/llgan school mallers. omters about th~ impendin~ had been burglarized while they

:):: Try tll Enlisl Aid loss o~ local '~ucahon~l conlrol. out for the evening on New::::::. Dr. Anderson indicated that He said th~t I? a seTles of ap- Year's Eve. Returning home at::::::: since 1POD ... 87170350' 871.B750 this week his office had sent peatanc~s unng the fall and 2:30 a.m., January 1. the Wel.::::::; ::::::: Ooulevalo weSf oUllomg lellers to Superintendents of ~::stY tWI.ntert he had s~oken at lers found the b£'drooms ran-::::::: Kercheval at St. Clair .. Grosse Pointe ';::.:'.:::;.::.:.::.:: Schools in 68 communities h I Wlce 0 groups m every sacked after theives broke....... 2990 wesl glano blyO SC 00, as well as to community through a d t b I::::::: Open Th .do E en'ngs across Michigan facing some. organ' t" bo' secon -s ory a cony::::::: ur y v I :.:.:.: oel,oll. mie/ligan what similar cutbacks in an Iza Ions a . ul Pubhc Act door by breaking a window and

"~~::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::;::::;::;::::::::::::::~::~~:~:, lefforl tQ enlist their aid 'in alert. ~~~~t~e ~~son:~~~a~he~t c~~u~~~ uni~~~int~~.~~e i~~f~ded a pearl

t~~b~c . Schools 11\ ~ocus." to and diamond necklace valueda PIC•. and that Items had at $3.000, a jewel valued atppeare~ In the school system's $1,000. fuur credit cards, $40 in

~~r;;~umty newsletter, Educ~. cash, 30 silver dollars, $10 in~ O~r ,lI'o~n, as well as III quarters, and a gold pockelt~~dJslrlct s mternal publica. walch. The WeUers told police

II ':~'!ll~omments. and that they would make a check fore an I lam J. Adams. secre- other items missing.

tary ot the Board of Educationand its legislative chairman had TIRE, WHEEL STOLENmade announcements in r~centpublic meetings of the Board of Lee McMonigle of 89 Ker. jEducation. cheval, slopped at the Farms

Special Group Organized police station on Wednesday,"L~sl T::esday I aitended a' 'December 16, to report that

meeting of a subcommittee of while his car was parked intile Michigan Association of the free section of the munic.:;Chool Administrators in Lans. ipal parking lot, someone broke!ng. The group has been organ. the right {ronl vent window 10!Zed to seek amendments to enter the vehicle and removePublic Act 100. A(the close of the spare lire and wheel.th7 discussions, (at which all LAWN-S-D-R-IV-~-'N-OVERPOlOts of view were, the subcommittee voted to F. W. Hackenberger, 1929suppori Our position to lift the Stanhope, caUed Woods policec~ibn!l'-by a vote of 8 to 3. How Friday, December 25, at 11:54effectively this will be trans- p.m. to report a car had drivenfa(ed into legislative action in over hi!: lawn. Checking thetht upcoming session re:mains to call. Patrolman William Desi.bHeen," Dr. Anderson said. lets found 14 lawns damaged

'The current financial prob- by tire tracks on Stanhope. NoJrlllS of the. State of Michigan vehicle was found in the imme.~ay preclude the implementa. diate area.lion of many provisions of Pub- ---=============----=-=-------------------lic Act 100. For example, I amnot ~ure tha I we can count onthe promised $5 per pupil in-creast in state aid. One sourcelells _us of the possibilily lhatPublic Act 100 may be openedup completely in the nexl ses-sion of t,he legislature-nol justthe portions we find so limitingand so offensive, If this happenshaggling over every world couldmean that no decision would bereached on an amendmenl untilwell along in the session," Dr.Anderson added. He said that ifall lhe provisions of Public Acl100 are funded, it will cosl theSl~t~ of Michigan $400 to $450mllhon more in additional ex-penditures in 1971-72 over thepresent year. Because of its ex-oen"e. Public Act 100 which islhe basic slate aid t1n~ncial actmi,~ht be th~own oul ~omplete/y:

H Public Act 100 is notchanged, it will mean that nextyear Grosse Pointe will have anopera ling budget $3 million lessthan it has now, whicb willmea,?, 200 10 220 fewer peopleon tlie slaff. ThiS will constitutea 22 per cent reduction in ex.penditures for education locally,and would reduce per pupil ex-penditures by aroximately $200exclusive of stale funds for reI a:lively minor categodes," theSuerinlnedenl said.

Page 3: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will


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Grasse Pointe HUMan R.elations Council80. 0-7, 99 Kercheval, Grasse Pointe Farm., Mich.

hasn't brought a new or fair break to that~Iack 6 year old child who was promised b... liisSupreme Court and /lis American Constitution hi,195~ that he ,vould not be discriminated againstIn hIS schooling,

He has finished his He time of forll1Jl educa-tion, {16 years in an all Black School) and he stillwonders what all his white brothers mean bv"Coming too fast." .

The law was on his side but: net his whitebrothers conscience, How many more generationsof discriminated against Americans will learn ofAm'erican justice only from what the white mid.dIe class says in their story books and patriotic

. speeches. but never personally experiencd it,

You tell me, for only you hold the answer :llIdthe key.

Poiltt(~r.~ EarllJVMU Hegrees

SaIl' tinll' "here \OU can butdon't spend it reckiessly ,

JI.\I\E DillS ~IEETIt is I,w aim o( most men to

gt'l alJl'''d. hut todal' a man ishlcky If h~ catches' up.


(including Lange Foam),• STANDARD $120 PRo• PRO, ..... ,$145 PRo


If you'vebeenthinkingabout anew pairof boots-stop inandTESTFITa pair ofNEW1971LANGEBOOTSwithLANGE-FLO

LAY-A-WAYSACCEPTED. , .or use your Diners /:Club, American Express,Security andMichigan Bankamericard

Open Eveningsuntil 9.

Silturday until 5:30Closed Sunday

• LATHRUP VillAGE, 28645 SO\lthfield

Center Books 'Civilisatio,,'


And Baby Makes ThreeJ

936 BeaconsfieldGrosse Pointe Park,

Michigan 48230


Invest 52,000 in a nice 20family apartment housenear Grosse Pointe whichpays 8% per year toever~'one of it's investors.You pay no commission toanyone, You deal directwith the owner, 8% startsthe very (irst day yourmoney is invested, 52,000is the limit Cor anyoneperson,

Nearly sold Oll\. There are3 $2,000 shares left. Formore interesting inlorma-tion telephone mornings9.12 or evenings 6.9 orwrite to the

First baby horn in Pointe hospitals in the N~IIYear was LYNNE ARLENE ELLIOTT. pictured withher parents, MR. and MRS. CORVIN ELLIOTT ofRoslvn road, Lvnn Arlene drew her first breath at5:59' a,m, at St. John Hospital, weighing in at sixpounds five ounces and 191,2 inches in height L~nneArlene's mother, Arlene, is no stranger to St. John, sheis employed there as a histology technician. Her da,ddyis an account executive with BBD&O, Proud Pomtegrandparents are lI1r. and Mrs, Ellsworth Stay, of road, A total 0f nine babies were born on NewYear's day; seven at 51. John, two at Cottage Hospital.and none at BO~l Secours, However, New Year's Evewas another story, Arriving just in time to be tax de.ductions were 25 babies at St John, six at Cottage andthree at Bon Secours.



"Civilisation," Lord Kenneth and Obedience"-commentary, I

Clark's "personal view" of the • Februarv 28-"The LightI history of western man from of Experienc'c" and "The Pur

Charlemagne to the 20th Cen suit of Happiness,"tury. will be brought to Grosse _ )larch 7-"The Smile ofPointe War :llemorial's Fries Reason"-commenlan ..Auditorium for the cOOl'enience • :llarch 14-"Th; Worshipof Grosse Pointers on Sunday of :"<ature" and "1'he Fallaciesafternoons January 24.:\larch 21 of Hope,"from 3 to 5 p,m, -------

The beautiful films will be I TREES TAKENshown on large screen and on :>lrs.:\1. Layson, 487 :ief!,alternate weeks there will be called City JlQlice on Monday.commentary led by Marvin December 28, to report the theltFelheim, Phd., literary and cui. 'of two, lhreefoot Christmasture critic of the University of t~ees in red cedar buckets fromMi~higan and Thomas Tentler, the front porch of her homeAM and Phd., his to I' i a n. sometime over the previousU ~ M. we~~d.

For the entire series in Fries IAuditorium enrollment is $18


.for individuals plus $2 registra-tion. fee. Each additional fam-ily member may enroll for just I

$9 plus the registration, Pre-enrollment is advised withcheeks made payable to theUniversity Center for AdultEducation which is bringing theseries to Grosse Poiute in co-operation with the GrossePointe War Memorial, the De.troit Institute of Arts and theEnglish Speaking Union,

The series will condense withcommentary into nine weeks,thirteen 52 minute color filmscovering the last 1600 years ofwestern man, wrilten and narrated by Kenneth Clark, pro.duced by the B,B,C. and pre.sented by Time Life Films, Theunprecedented acclaim withwhich audienees on both sidesof the Atlantic have greetedthese films is a measure of thedeep void they fill,

In its totality, "Civilisation"comprises an inspired motion I.

picture history of things that,have shaped Western man, His IArts - His architecture. Hisphilosophy, His t e c h n i c a Iachiel'~men!~., The series should

: be seen in its entirety, Theschedule is as follows:

• January 24-"The Skin of .Our Teeth"-commentary, I

• January 31-"The Great iThaw" and "Romance and IReality."

• February 7-"lIIan: The.'\Icasure of All Things"-com.'mentary.

• Februa,y 14-"The Hero 1as Artist" and "Protest and:Communication." i

• February 21-"Grandeur I


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• .7 • ~ ._.. • ~ ~ _

Page 4: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will


I....••,ia A'

'I'lli,. willI.,).', )1('1'f.,.,1 :! \\< ••,~ \';H'alj"l1 .i"I',,,,al"l', (IE:! and iI, nint' IIillt"'t'nt ("ai'll •.1"';l1l .. nlist,.-. 'I'll., .';01111' ilu"'Jlparahl.' \\'111'111of .'utl,hill\'. 'p"r!.". lIij!hllif,' anll l'"mallt'l:all":II't! I ht' w"lld', 11I".'t ,ll'anwl'l"'lll,r IIe.I,llll'fill atlt! ""lllp!"1t' ,hip. PI", all,\' "Ill' "f IlinelIilft'rl'llt ititll'I'al"i ..,- .,,,\',"'illj! all Ih~ ntll," I11.1'PII"t i., i ,lalld, 1111111'1'1111' ('" l'il,II ... '" .-UII ~

CUllie ill .and St'~' II:' 411" .":&11 (ot" nlCll"•• l((.tali:-o.all,,"1 '. I'wl,,,d 1':1<,,,1;,,,, .. \.-Ii f"l" Ih.. "Thi"Winter', \',u.ati",,,," fl\lI ",,1,,1' "!'"dllll'l',

Tlw tJllt"'1I EI,wll('\lJ :! i:: Il'j!ist.'l'l'" illl;rl"at I:r1tajll .


$5,000 $1,000 $1,000 NoMinimum Minimum Minimum Minimum6% 5X% 5X% 5%

Annual rale (or Annual ,ate (or Annual rale for Annual rale.IWI).year cenifi. one-year cenifi. siK.mOn!h eer. Daily intuell("al~ savings, (ate savings .. tifica!e savings. paid and com.In!eresl paid and Interest paid and Interest paid and poundrd quat-compounded compounded compounded Icr1y. Effcctivequarterly. Efl'oc- quarterly. Efl'ec. quartcrly. EKe<. annual Tlte ...tive rare ... tive annual tale live annual rale 5.09%6.14% , .. 5.88% ..• 5.35%

.•.• hen open an acc:ount herc!DOWNTOWN: Woodward at Michigan. 965-140.).NORTH, Woodward .r Colorado, Highland Park, 868-8240; Wood.ward al Bteckenrldge, Ferndale, 564-6583. S. Main a! Second, RoyalOak, 54S-53t)); W. Maple or C,anbrook, Bloomfield V<IIage,647.J806.Greenfield, Northland SllOflping Area, JUStnorth o( 8 Mile, 564-6228;Woodward at lothrop, New Cenler area, 871-7211; Orchard Lake Rd.ncar W. Maple. W. Bloomfidd Township, 851.1343.WEST: Grand River near McNichol" Red(ord. 533-6100; Main andPenniman, Plymourh, ..53.7400; Plymouth a! Merriman, Livonia,535.1294; Middle!>"'1 near 7 Mile, 47.....643; Plymoulh at Heyden,273-3610; W. Warrm al Woodmon!. 581-8778; Farmington Rd., .outho( Downtown Shopfling Cemer, Farminllton. 476-3724; Wayn< Rd. a!Warren, Wesrland. 425-7200.EAST: Gratiot near 7 Mile, 527-3000; Kercheval neM St. Clair, GrossoPoinlC, 1!82.7697; Hatpe! al 11Mile. 51. Shore., 293.5000; Conan!,2nd block sou!h o( II i\filc, 1193-8255, Van Dyke 31 Timken, Warren.754-8800; EnS!McNichols near Hoover, RI9.19BR; 12 Mile near Dequln...Ire,751. 3000; MOlavian [)tiYl' a! Garfield, Clinton Town.hip, 791-7550.Van Dyke south o( 16 Mile, Srcrling Hcillh.. , 939-6160.

We can do more for youif you'll think First.

[;j]First Federal SaviIgs of DeINIt

That's why they came to us

FIGURES DON'T LIE.Check the chart and you'll see

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If you are one of the people who don't getpaid enough interest, there is something you cando about it. And we would like to help.

Take a llood look al .hl. chart and compare II wllh your present pia .....

The interest you're receivingpr"ly i ' enough.

IT'S YOUR MONEY.If you are happy with the interest rate you

now receive, there's not much we can do.But if you would like to earn more money

for your money, there's plenty we can do.You can start things moving by phoning or

stopping at any of our offices. We'll help youselect the type of savings plan (see chart at right)that's best for you. Then all you have to do ishand us your present passbook and we'll transferyour momy (plus whatever interest is due you)to a First Federal account. In a few days you'llhave your First Federal passbook and you'll soonbe collecting the kind of interest that you've beenmissing.

WE PAY MORE.If you put that money in a First Federal.

savings account, you might collect a lot moreinterest. Because First Federal Savings of Detroitpays a higher rate of interest on regular andcertificate passbook accounts than many financialinstitutions in this area.

This time of year is a mo-ment of truth in the savings business.

The people who have beenholding your money sit down andfigure how much interest yoursavings have earned. And theypay. it to you - the maximumamount they're allowed tounder the law. While it is/~:':=their best, is it enough? ~'"'Chances arc 'you areprobab 1y ha ppy tocollect whatever interest you doreceive, but the sad thing is this: while you aresaving money, you may have been losing money.

YOU'RE NOT ALONE.There arc 215,000 savers (we're Michigan's

largest savings institution) who want what youwant. They want to save, they want to earn thehighest possible interest and they want to havetheir money in a safe place,

Two Park motorists werecharged with reckless drlvinS;when they lost eontrol of theirvehicles and ran into parkedcars on Friday, January 1. Thedrivers were involved in sep.arate accidents which occurredapproximately seven mlnutes Iapart.

The first person accused ofrecklus driving was J 0 h nBrabb, 37, of 1321 Berkshire,who while travellng WC:Jt onKercheval, at 2:20 a.m., raninto a parked automobile nearBedford. The force of the im.pact eaused the struck car torun into the rear of anotherparked just ahead of it.

Brabb, who was alone, was I'

not injured, Investigating of.llcers 5JIld. He was Issued aviolation ticket, and is sched .uled to appear in the ParkMunicipal Court on February17.

At 2:27 a.m., police oUicerswere dispatched to Devonshireand Kercheval, when a citizensreported that a motorist hadstruck two parked cars onDevonshire, north of Kercheval.Driver of the accident car wasDavid Kelly, 28, of 1265 Bed.

Iford, who lost control whiletraveling north on Devonshire.

ITwo MotoristsHit Parked Cars

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Be it known both near and far , ..(We say this tongue in cheek)

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sauerkraut shoestrings. slIced po!aloes. pickles.onions. etc.

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turned 40 just this week

Cards of condolence will be appreci.lted

20497 Mack Aveftuo


See this and our many lines ofQuality Cablnels ot 16392 Hcr-per f"OllJrlng SCHROCK oak ondplostic cabinets wllh vinyl Inle.riors you con instoll yourself or",e ",Ill recommend competentcontractors to perform the com-plete Job for you.

GROSSE POINTE NEWS _- -------- --- - I~e maio branch or Grosae! West Central Housing, Ine.,I Myster:ous Dl.Sappearance Cinenla League To Help Poor Pointe PubUc Library. ThOle 1I764 Hobllrt Str~t, Detroit.

" interesled In s~nding in con. Michigan, 48202. Or caU 8'73.Meet~ Jan. 14 (Continued from Pace 1) tribullona may mail them to' 0327.

ina~::U:r::bltoP::~::i~- ~~t~h~~~:b~!~:/~~~:: The Grosse Pointe Cinema ~~db~~p=' a~iC:aye~::t~: "'MciW;1iiii ';; ...-i'"%~~r~,,,,~ •• _.;;;~aimlilllll~''Le s~ene, seen four persons on lhe I'~e at Leaguc will meet Thunday. operating clIpenses ~ucb as rent... Poll ..... contacted another wit. lhe approximate spot rePO'rted January 14, at II o'<:\ock, in and telephone bills. The stu. !~~ qident ••cally

... ballroom three lil the Audito- dAnt say they wiJJ aloA acc""'t _I ness. Joeeph Corbv of 29554 by other witnesses. , 5 "'V -.. 2I' rium, adult technical ,kills. di~ ntOENewporl, Warren. who stated Police spoke. to three em Tilere will be a variety of According to tile open leUer. ..erethat he and hiJ; wife were trav. ployes at the Pler.Park. neither excellent pictures, Ester Por. the group has formed the first Carlebbean Holidays.eling eut on Lake Shorc, ~f whom. were able ~ give any ler, .'rench leacher at urban en~irolYllental ...cent~r inwhen they saw two people faU mformallon. Th"y said they saw Poinle Soulh High School. will the United States anij is aerv.through the lee, and two olhers no one, nor were they await show her recenl pictures of ing as a model f~'r other inler. REstanding alongside. lhat ~ny person, or ,persons,. Ilaly, ~ler molor trip included Iesled community groups. Tbe FREQUENT DEPARTU SL.. ---..- ..---- ---. -.------.- .....~~~~- ......I Police said thai Corby fur. were In trouble ~n ~e Ice, 'the Italian Riviera. Florence. parent organization was formed FROM NEW YORKther slaled that he definitely An)' one haVing Information Lake Garda and Venice. three years ago and the stu.

I saw a child in the water be. that might shed some light on: Dorothy and "'Io)'d Dargel' dent~ j~volve~ earned acade!"iclween the shore and waterline. the mystery. a~e urged to con! will prC'Oent Ihe recent doings credit In envitonmental studies. . PRICE INCLUDES, R.T.The child was kicking and tact Farms police at 90 Kerby. of the Louisia SI. Clair Chap. Deeply c..ceraed. . AIR FARE FROM

I h'. 't a claimed and road, or phone TUxedo 5,2100, : I f t!le D.A R These will In the leller to all reSidents, 'sp as 10


• I W S .' "We hope and pray th t .er 0 ',: . Ihe sludents say Ihey are :.' ETR ITthe second person was Irylng to one had disappeared th:ou n~ I melude the dedl(allon of the "deepl)' worried and concerned ~ D 0-pull himself oul of the water. ." Ch' f L' b ~ Jel fire boat that t~e chapler. about our cit" Detroil. We,!IJ

. Ch' f R bert thl! Ice. Ie .. er er salll sl'nled 10 the c'ly of De. I ,. 'If'Farms Pollee Ie 0 "The only information We hav~, pre , want a beller city and a beller,::Ferber said that Ihe to go on, is what was disclosed ';II 011. • • I world and. we'~e llre~ of talk .. :'Guard was rontacted for assls- by Ihe witneSSes, II would be ' Also. a VISit made by Mr. m~ about It. RIOts, crime, slum,tance, and a CG helicopter w~s terrible Iragedy il four Iive~ and Mrs. I>~r~el. to ~h~ schco!s housin~ .ao..1 rats. and racismdjs atched from Selfridge Air hllve been bst. for underprav!leged ~hlldre~ mare dllvml' us a:>art. . ,

p 'n Mt Clemens. and .. Ihe Appalarh~an Mountains. "Many ot us are just plain ~[Force Base I. t from A 1~letype ha,s been sent 10 T;les~ 0('110015 are supporled by afraid." the leiter continued. I".a boat and c~ew were sen st 1 all pohce. allen~les. throughout the Il,A,R., of which Mrs. Dar. "We need the support of adulls 'the Sl. CI.alr Shores Coa Ilhe ~tate. In which ,I was ~skcd I gd is a regent. who believe in positive action,"Guard Station. s that le.a ~Ian and thre~ children, An informative dcmonolra. A meeting has been called

At about 5:20 p.m,. Farmlll are mlssmg .f~om thclr respec. : lion will be given by Warren for the parents and those Point. ,police received a phone ca tive commumhes, thaI our de.. II I ... d ers who are interested for :\{oo.---------.- artment be conlacted. . Laplla~1l on II' a, ca~ "". o~e .

p " . I h th . wilh eight mm. hlr'!. m hiS PIC' day, January 14. at 8 p.m. 1n "

i Breatltalyzed 'I:~:~~:~i:::r~~:~~~:~~e~hi\~~~~~:~~,~::~:"s~~::n:t:~le~S~i -~.-i;jjj;a-lil"". -- I -- shore, Ne.'ertheless, it is slronll- anlmate~ fJlm ~~lIed Llttl~ ~ i(Continued from Page 1) Iy urged lhal it anyone has any /led R!dmg Hood, and a hoh. = I

. . information regarding Ihis indo day ltlp to Ihe Andes. .application of the A"phed Con- Ident, we would a.ppreciale Iheir kl opportunity will be .given ~ i .! ..I"""senl Law was enact~d by the Icall." . 10 ask Mr. Lapham queshons. I $i,; , ~\t" "4:

~hi~~:n;.eg~I:::ret~:n1~:~ i - GR~SSE'-P~INTE ... Land Contracts BEFORE AFTER :1~i~ {~.~ DAY TRAVEL CO.Stale drivers have been ar~e~ted ! BARBER SHOP wanted-C'ity or sub.. CHIMNEY SERVKE I~~rc,,~~and charged with drun~ drIVing, J lCe.che.ol ot Worbu... delinquent or seasonal. ~:'c~~~:~~:~a:::r~~~,~ne~I~::I~: 16841 KERCHEVAL,. tit ViII--TU 6.0111~nd 1970 figures promise to be I Oy appoil,lno'"1 Mike Mabarak Corr.<:ted.Tuek Polnllne III , _~

much higher. . d h i lloyd Fr:Z~:'.1r '~~9-1099 567-4931 Advll..celU~:ttllClftC, 8.,11 o.r, P"sillettt M A

Both lhe Stale Police an t e z..~;~lru" '>%<i?iiW~l@mmWlFW~~,~'l,-Jiw.~'1Im " ~,*,:\\i:9W~>.Michigan Department of He"llhsupply the clas~rooms a~d .lab.oratory instructions at MichiganState University in East Lans-in g, to train authorized pc rsonsin the use of the breathalyzer.The Health Department acts asthe certifying agency on com-pletion of Ihe courses.

Chief Kesteloot said that foursergeants, George Blair, GordonDuncan. Bobby McAlister and

IWalter Palon, have completedthe Iraining course and havebeen awarded certifieates. Sgt.Thomas Martin is In Ea~t undergoing the training, thechief added.



j SAVE NOW! i~ ~i $1689 i: ~~ ~~ 5 :t_ TO CHOOSEi:~,.~ FROM t~ . CCl;poi;s OTHER MODELS ..~ AVAILABLE t~ AT SIMILAR ~-tc SAVINCS iC~ iCi 1970 OPEL 2 DR. i~ ~~ ..~ ..i RICHARD ~i~@) BUICK-OPEL c. tt~'!fJJ. 15103 KERCHEVAL \]J i

VA, 1.5400 ~



Page 5: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will

• !J!I!J!'I!!lf~~----------------------~-~---~'~--~-~----; illtlSaWkg:'.9!Y¥1,""K'''''', " <

WO3.4700 ..


20726 Harper .t V.rnier8 Mil. and 1.94TU 1-8870




QUALITY FEED,Lawn & 'arden Supply


IIWC Have the SeedsYour Birds Will Lovell

w. haw. tilt sel.ctiotl at bird holtses and seeds.


Assorted brallets PigeOlls P.r.keels Chains, Collarsan" hartl to flnel HorllS'l!rI C.. nories Ointments,

Items k.bbi's Squirrels Vitamins

HOCKEY GEAR STOU;N ; behind the home between 12J. C, ~Iil'h. 1131 N. Renaud. Imidnight Friday, January 1, and

reporled to Woods Jl{Jlil'e Ihat 10 a.m; Saturday. ~llssin~ W('ll'someone had stolen hock e)' one pair of shill guards and twoequipment from a IraiJ('r parked horke)' slicks,

I"vitti You ToSteEd Weiss

For Your NntNew or Used Car

• Th. Most COIlIP/.ft FaellltJ ..In the Dttrall Ar••

• Rent.1 anel Leasing Prallr,ms• Chauffeur Senfee 10 Your

Downlown OHl" or Down..own Shopping Art(l


Charlie Rossie'sDOWNTOWN FORD

tr. A,~l11V,.

A Good ManTo Know



Nursery and Landscaplng


B)' the Seasoncall "'.2800

We S""let Th. FI". Pol,,11I

1530. Kt~CHEVAL '. VA 2.'070

the Council" Catlin replied inthe negative and Ihll'!temansuggested lhat Ihe Council allowilsclf some tim,' 10 rl'vi('\\' theproblems and notif)' the (ran.I:hiSe owners ot their action.

Councilman Kenneth Boerneroreered a motion. passed unani.mousl.v. 10 reconsider Ihl' plan,with regards 10" safety and de.sign (or a period of 30 daysuntil February t. Elueltemanpresented anolher motion. alsopassed unanimously. that theCouncil ask the Wayne CounlYRoad Cbmmission to wilhholdperm ission for lhe curb cuts un.til the Council finishes thereview.

Page Five-~-------- "._.~_._.-,.,_.".------_._--_._~----------------------------------


Open Thursday and Friday evenings

Woods Residents Object To Proposed RestaurantG R0 SSE P 0 J N!.t NEW S------------~._-.._--_. ------------------'

Please enroll me as a member of TROUTUNLIMITED.

TROUT UNLIMITED5850 E. Jewell A .... ltueDENVER, Colorado 80222

VoteMonday, June 14, 1971

lor the



Trout Unlimited is an "action" conservatio(l or.ganization that is doing something about de.teriorating water quality, stream overdevelop-ment an.d overuse and the many other problemsthat threaten the future of trout and trout fishing.Dues include a subscription to "Trout" magazitleand frequent newsletters; The Detroit areachapter has programs of interest to you. If youbelieve that the opportunity to fish for wildtrout, salmon and steelhcad is a priceless Amer-ican heritage that must never be lost, then joinTrout Unlimited today.


Thursday, January 7, 1971

LEARN FLY TYINCThe Grosse Pointe Public SchOOlSystem is a Fly Tying ('ourse each Monday and Wed-nesday night from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. for 5 weeksbeginning January 11th and ending FebruarylOth. For more information call the Adult Edu.cation Department at 885.3808.

1971 New Yeors 'Resolution'

Name " , , .Address " _ , ' .

City........... .. ,.... State Zip....0$5 lor Junior membership. 0 $10 for regular membership

(under 18)



"901 I. Warren TU I 3bilfl

71'NI(!I "'''C '", "c,~_ "IfAlIll"'\.oIl"U':l


Only a genius can defy opinion without being crush.ed.

................................................. , ,., .

DR. and MRS. KOHLERCHAMPION. of NUfllberg, Ger.many, announce lhe birth of ason, MARK MITCHELL. De The Woods City Council. at signatures from residents in the Blato's Which lunnels all carscember 16. Mrs. C'lampion is their regular meeting Monda)', area including 15 (rom those liv. leaving back 10 Mack. and atll ( ,January 4. unanimously voted ing in Harper Woods showing mea,sur~ to prcvent cars [rom

' e ormer ALICE S, RICKEL, ' to withhold a building permit (or concern, He said people Well' cull~ng down a side alley at Bigdaughter o[ MR. and MRS. h d t Boy s. action should bn taknn toJOHN 11, RICKEL, o[ Stone. a new ({'slal'rant on Mack (or concerned aboul t e anger 0 , ,hurst roa(\ Palernal grandpar. ~rour .wel'k~ a~ter hearing re~i. children coming home from preVent the same problems be.ents are the tllARLES CHAM .. dents. objections to the. new school in the alternoon an:! the [ore a bUilding is approved.PIONS, o[ Goshen Ind I e~tabh~hment.. The councilmen traffic pattern, which will be • Roberl Kelley, 192..' Van An.

,. I WIll use the time to review the designed to funnel most 01 the l,yel'D, asked Catlin aboul the• problems faced by the neighbor. traffic into an alley behind tb~ possidlity ot odor,. noise andBRAND i ing residents ,and loeal ordi. reslaurant. (umes from the reslaurant. In

,nan<~es govern 109 new restau. The ~uggeslion also arose that answer. C.llin stated that lhe

N EW rants, if "enter only" signs were to be W~yne. <:ounty Board of Com.i Woods residents. most of them placed in the driveways. lhe ef. m., S S Ion e r s has stipulations

CHEVRO 'living in Van Antwerp, voiced leclive resull would make the wh~en must be adhered 10 whichLETS Ilheir concern and disapproval allt':y a thoroughfare. which is gO\'ern (}(jor and (urnes. A/SQ.o( the ca( restaur.,nt against city ordinances. the cily has an ordinance whichIMM'DIA r. D'l'VIRY to be built on Mack between Woodbury also asked how a governs noi~e levels.Lennon and Van Antwerp in a building could be approved reo Other complaints voiced reo

1970's SEE MORE 1971's meeting of Quiring a "Colonial" design if (erred to commercial trafficthe Woods Cily Council. Permis. lhe sign, which will carry "Jack. d?wn the alley and streels. de.

SA VE MORE sion 10 build the restaurant was in.the.Box" has not yet been sign of the building. and Ihe (actauthorizcd by the Planning Com. approved,' A separate applica' that !here may b.. no privale

• IMPALAS • MALI BUS • CHEVY lis mission Thursday. December 18. lion complying wilh a sign ord!. guard lo keep lhings under eon.(I CHEVELLES • CORVETTES • CAMAROS II The city received three lelters nance must be filed before trol.• CAPRICES • MONTE CARLOS .5S 396s o( objection from residents on aulhorization to ereel the sign Council Marvin Boutin said he• EL CAM/NOS • PICK UPS • WAGONS ! Lennon and Van Antwerp and a is permilted. would be "happy 10 entertain"

OUT OF TOWN BUYERS WElCO IleUer o( petition from IS other Edward Sipe, 183t Van An. a review ot the problems 10ME : residents afler lhe NEWS prillt. Iwerp, complained about the check tor ordinance violations.

ALSO FACTORY OFFICIAL CARS & DEMOS 1ed a story on the new restaurant possibility o( "trash blowing all He added that the plans [or the

M EROLLI S lin the December 24 issue. over the place." He said that buildjng do not appear to beI The petition, directed to the even though lhere is a law that of a "Colonial" nature.I council. asked that the under. against eating outside of the Iluettrnan 3!,ked Catlin if he

I I. signed be allowed 10 voice their restaurant, there will be no way thoughI Ina( a votl! to (urtherCHEVY CITY objections at the next council to enforce it. If the cafeteria rcview the restaurant permit. . meeting. uses paper plales and cups, would be a "serious abridge.GRATIOT AT 8!1I MI LE "We (eel that there are en. Slpe said. patrons will bring the menl of discretion on the part o[

'ough restaurants in the area," 1,''l.1 to their cars and throw the I

PR 5-8300 the letter stated, "and that this trash out the window. To Hold Madrigal Club______ . .____ type o( "COney Island" opera. A complaint was also raised

r--------------"-------, lion would only attract an un. aboul too many restaurants in AuditionsJanuary 18desirable element to Ihis eity. the city. Among those menli?n.and would create a nuisance. ed were Onassis Hot Dog, Elias The Madrigal Club of Detroit

Other objections listed In the Brothers Bilt Boy. Carmen's wdl hold auditions for the springpetition include possible trouble PIzza .and Bluo's. Also, the concerl season Monday evening,because of the close proximity point was brought up thaI Januar)' 18, at ~ o'clock at theof Parcells Junior High, more changes were necessitaled in Covenant Baptist Church. Jameswork for the police department, the traffic patterns of two res. Couzens near Seven Mile roadthe lowering ot property values taurants. Bluo's and Elias Big Detroit. . 'in the immediate area, and the Boy. after the buildings had al. .:~~ Madrigal Club. only pro.chance that the restaurant will ready been approved and built. fesslonal choral group for 101'0.turn into a "gang hang.out." Councilman William Huette. men in the Delroit area is cele.

Asked whether the Planning man said that since changes brating its 55th anni\'ersary,f;ommission's approval of the were made in these two restau. year and the silver anniversaryi restaurant can be rescinded, rants. a speclal driveway (rom of director August Maekelburge.Cily Attorney George Catlin reo Iplied in the negative." All thatremains for construction to be.gin is the issuance of a buildingpermit by Building InspectorEarl Vlakely and a permit (romthe Wayne County Road Com.mission allowing for the curbsto be cut away to make roomfor three driveways.

The restallrant, which willtake up the entire block. willpave Il 46-car capacity parkinglot and will seat 76 people. Con.struction for the project was tobegin within Ute nexl two weeksuntil the CouncIl voted to reviewit further.

Charles Woodbury, 1976 Beau.fait, told the Council he had 300


right as rain ... high-Iashion, low-maintenance rein-end.shine outerwear by New York Macintosh for girls

wllo just can't sit around 'wailing for showers 10 stop. We've a whole brigade of cools,

ensembles and copes in eosy.core Fortrel/collon with dandy details like hoods, embroidery and sometimes a zipped

fronl. , .and it's all happening in greaf colors like 'navy, ole, poppy, flax and slate blue. Sizes 7 to 14. $16. to $29.


Edward! POllgr(l(Z

Jacob SonSIn the Village

Page 6: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will

, '

'70 NOVA








Th, '71 c.,. 1i,1.II •••••• ,, "r."d ",W wilh tull locto.,'qulp .."nl, Tht '70', Ihted .,. Ihe one.of.,.kl"d ".w.uud we.t V., Hor,n hove '0 .ft., ,ou. .

V~~_s~!c!~N-liarwe out'llIice others" 36S.~OOO

Vln Dyke .t 6 Mile u

'71 IMPALA '2695 "'12 dr. Sport Coupe

--.7-1-C ..H...E...V...EL-L--E-oor----:'~71~W:":"A~C::':O:':N~-!2 G,. Spo,1 Cou,.

'2360'71 CORVETTE




there's no need 10 move. Moving means packing and' crating and

rearrar:ging. Getting the kids into a new school. Hanging pictures. New

carpeting and drapes. A lot of money. A hassle. FOR~ET IT! RE-MODEL! You can have all the space you'need, right in your present

home. What's your pleasure, .. a large comfortable family room .•.

convert the basement 10 a games room an extra bedroom ...

another bathroom ., more eating area a gleaming new kitchen

... more storage space;>

CUSTOMCRAFT specializ:es in building flew living space, You'll be

proud of the new rooms we create for you. YOIl'1I find us capable and

reliable and we know how to make your house grow with your family.

We offer expert planning help, honest price and skilled workman-

ship. Call CUSTOMCRAFT, today, for advice wilhout obligation.

. . . .. . T_h_u_rs_d,x!-:!,nu~~r..l-,-~~!?INEWS


0. Or"'" .f " .r M.,.

Jayne MaloolyNamed Finalist


I Woods CouncilClears Agenda



7601 E•.Jefferson


".,-.. .-.~r 1iIll.,....j

( ElfC1IIIC IfUf ~i>~~... DfJlSI ;:..)'-.-.r.,.~~~-HAVE GREEN

Electricol Conl,oclo,273.8787 837.6025

Charlie Rossie'sDOWNTOWN FORD

Invites You To S..80h Manl.r. M

For "our Next I[f

New or Used Car I ,I• TIt. Mo.t Compl.t. Flltmtl ..

ht the Detro!t Ana• R.ntel and Leallng Program •• Chauff.ur Servtce to Your

Downtown OIRc. or Down-town Shopping Am


Specioli,h in:




'"wl"l Grou. Point. Since 1931






Canvas • Vinyl • Acriian • Dacron

Bob Minier.A Good M,n

To Know




B. McDaniel Gun ShopVA 1.8200





(JJily Inlerest Pa~sbook Savings Compounded Quarterly(No minimum-Accounts insuleij to $20,000.00)

Page Six

15101 KERCHEVALo"n T" .. d,~ Illd ',ldoy 9 ..,n. to • ',M,

Mon., W,d., Th",s. 9 ...... t. 6 p.....S.I",d.r , un, to 6 ,.11I.

LO 7-2293

iEssays by Fifth Graders }'o(,hlslVomen:lIetJI Jan. 11

Mllke ~ef~esllillg Reading ,YaclllswlJlllDIl wl'll 1IIJld lh"lrIn offkial action ~Ionday, ' ,

January t the Woods City In a day when "hut news Americanization (bt'COlllihg: January lIIt'l.'lill!( at 8 1)'c1ock('Upy frequently involves cam. an American) means more than nexl Thursday. J alluary U. al

council voted to approl'e the ap. pus disorders and student dis. learlling lhe language, history Ihe SI. Clair Yacllt Club. Mrs, '?ointment of City ~Ianager sl>nl, it's refreshing 10 read two anol ways of the U.S, It mealls Jo.hll Stev(,llsoJl. hostl'ss l'hair. IChester Pelersen as lemporary ~ssays writlen by filth graders learning ~Ievotion to the ideals IlIa:I, lI'il/ be assistt'd by prl'si. 'City Cl('rk and E,'elyn Wled, III Susan lIammond'.1 class at of liberty and how to make ,ll'nl Mrs, A, A. RO!ll'rson andbusch as Deputy Cily Clerk un, De{N Elementary 5('11001 on them work in 'our lives our 1x."IJd IIIl'lIlbl'rS,

h "What Is An American." hom'es, our schools, in the' corn. i -lil all the .pplications for I l' Donald Joseph writes: "An mLinily and the nalion. 'tio~ have uet:n re~ei\'ed an~ reo "'ml'ricall is any person who "T;lis is a job lor each dl. 0&rl'iewl'oJ. Ij,'l's in lhis greal country of iZl!n, whether nalive or foreign .

The appoinlment c"me aller ours and enjo)'s ils many prlv. born. A good American will be. .)lr5, Leona L. l.Jddle. City ilegl's. Two 01 ;hese privileges lil'~e that it i.I their duty to l~ve. classesClerk for lhe Woods {or the last arl' frecoom of .pl'ech and free. their country, tQ support Its i

• l~ )'ears. retired from service dom 01 religion. An American constltulio~. to obey its laws, i • •I December 31. lil'Cs in a free and democratlc to respect Its flag and to d,fend ,

Also, thl' Council voted to ap' country, lie has t:'le riSM to il against an enemies."I"fove a license issuance 10 the equal education, regardless ot

... ---- i Woods Theatreb arer receiving color, black or while. and free.a report from former City Clerk (lom 0/ choo~fng his Own pro.

! Leona Liddle shting that the Ii. fession or work,• cense tee o{ 5100 has been "Americans are people whopaid, the theatres have been In. may have every possible ad.speded for {ire safeiy antI ap- vantage and riKIIt. but SOme. The Grosse Pointe Farms I

proved, and a surety bond in times. they destroy the!e rights Boa! Club h.. semI' very happy,Ihe amount ot 51.000 has been by committing violence and members Ihese days. Their en. i---filed. crime, They kill, rob, Iteal. Iry in the 1971 Michigan Junior,. Also. the Council, con~ider. and deslroy property. MalJY Miss Reg Ion a I Competition, I

109 the question of ena('l1ng a Ameri~ans today destroy their Jayne Malooly was sel~ted as IunifornJ model ordinance pro.! 0''" bodies with the use of one of the finalists last Salur. :

I hibiling some retail transac-. tJrugs. This drug problem Is i day, at Northville High School.. lions on Sundays, voted to refer serious among Am"rlcans to. Thl' girls are selected on• the maHer to the committee.of., day, particularly young people. scholastic abJlity. mental alert .• the.whole after a pan was taken "Americans tOday are not ness, personality, physical fit.'by City Manager Chester cPetl'r. 0 nl y de6troying. themselves ness, talent and poise and ap.sen among the buslOesses locat. Wllh drugs but also destroying pearance in an evening dreS.!ied along. ~a('k. their great country with po!lu. Jayne, a senior ae Bishop. A?proxlmately 314 lellers 01 tion, This. they are causing in Gallagher, is a talented seam. iinquIry Wl're sl'nl by mall 10, nlany wa,'s, Some of these slress and made the gown she;all of the buslne~ses loca~cd Oll lYaY5 are. cigaret smoking, au. modeled and otller clothing sheMa('k, while slightly 01~r 50 tomolJile lraffic, and dirl and wore in her talenl presentation.lll'rCent respond.ed .. A to,al 01 smoke III the air, which was a humorous skit on95 respo~dents 1n11caled fal'~r I hope our leaders will do ('hanging actlo,n. towards an, ordlO th' g to improv th An honor student J "ance reqUiting most bus messes som~. III I' esl' • ayne IS

b losed on Sunda while conditiOns because I love Amer. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs I

61 w~uW be opposed to ~uch an ica!" .' G. Gerald Maiooly, of ~l<'KinII'Y I

ordinance Dougla. Wagner wrlles "An avenue, IIn refe~rin~ the matter the American is a n!ilural born !:it. She will now compete in thl' :

Council was interested in gain izen of the United States, It is Annual Michigan Junior :llissing mOI'e information as to how also possible {or an. imml~~ant ,~ageant. sponsor.ed b~ the POll' I

the vote was divided Ilc('ording to become an American cItizen hac Jaycees. which Will be held I

to business. after sufficient study and time on Janua!,y 22 and January .23.The Cily of Grosse Pointe.has elapse. at Pontiac N~rthern IlIgh

previously adopted an ordinance Tile reason '.hat the 1mmi. S~hO?l. The. wmn~rs of Ulerestrlcling business Q?eration grants leave their former coun. M.lchlgan JUDlOI' II1lss Pageanton Sundays, tril'S is they believe Illat they Will be a~arded over 55,000 in

In other action the Council will find a better life in the scholarships and merchandise.voted to invest up 'to $400,000 in United States and that the Con. Michi,8an's Junior Miss {or

WE CARE I u.s. Treasury Bills from matur- slitulion and Bill of Rights will 1911 ,wll! then. com!,X!!e ill thei ing investments for the January. protect them. ~merJC~ s JJ,lnlor !IlISS Pageant'1970. Earnings for the 'current --------- In Mobile, Ala., to be held illfiscal period from investing to. SIT May 5, 1971.tal $11 209.21. et nconle ax I Jayne won the title of Grosse, A S Pointe Farms' Junior Miss last---- Classes t HS I July during which time theDancers Visit ('ontest is a highlight of the

------- Children's .Home lncoml' Ta~sses will he I Boat Club's Annual Regatta.Electrical Repairs for F.H.A. offered by the. Grosse Pointe I

lI--' H I Public Schools, Department of Open ~."dll'l 10:00 104:00And City Violations Dancers ungana, an un. C '1 S' f th WE DELIVER

garian folk dancing group or'j ~l!1muOl y" ervlces or a eH.ouse Power by DAVE GREEN ganized four years ago, pre. third year. The J?lany tax p.y-sented a performance at the ers who found ~hls tax servlc.e

273-8787 . 837-6025 Protestant "hildren's Home, 900 10f such exceptional value laotCook road, on Wednl'sday, De year have pro~'IPted us to set

b 16 I up another senes of four meet.cem er . . ings to offer expert guidance I,The dancers,. under the dlre~. : once again", says Dire('tor I

tlon ~f Mrs. Lm.da Enyedy, en. Richard Kay.tertamed the chllrl,'pn and mem- The course is designed to or".d I. ,.. W...bers .of thl' HO",le, slaff for simplify the language and eUm. 21020 MACI It" .... S . Th' AS' 1956an hour. after which the boys inale some of the confusion or 11.3600 erv'rtg IS rea ,neeand girls of the Home were what the law allows and what . • I . _,

f~E~~danJoh art ge~::aII:~I~~ I~~!:~n~~~fJr:~!~r:Fi~::~~;f ~i~f~~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:t~:~;~:~;~:~:~:~:~t:~:~:~:}~:~:~:~:;;~:;:;:~:;:~:;:~:~:i:~:~:;:~:~:~:~;~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~~:~:~:~;:~:;:~:~:;:~:~:~:~:~:;:;:~:~:~:~:~~~:~:i;:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:::i:~:::::::i:::t:;::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::ifI::;:'?Before leaving, the group,: dosl' 10 completing an in('ome I::::::: \ ../ ;:::;:;

~omprised of 50 persons, rang- tax return during the course. I:::::;: " ~j :::::::mg 10 age from six to :w years, QUI'StiOllS concerning report., ::::::: :;:;:;:presented the Home With three able income, capital g a ins, I::::::: II I I " :::::;:brand.~ew bkycles, as Christ. Michig~n. State Income Tax,,:::::::,"" VI. a I e~ Markel ~:::::mas gifts. computation and payment 0[1' ::::::: / ::::;::

Dancers Hungaria, since its taxes, and Ihe many, many in. ::;:::= ;:::::;'organization in 1966, annusl1y tricate p05sibilitics {or deduc. ::::::: :::::::have their own Christmas parly, lions, will be a paJ:t of the COli.!:::::;: . ::::;::but this year decided to s[)read tent covered Questions that. :::;::: -t********************* ::::::;good cheer and happiness to arise out of group discussion. i :::::;: ::::;::others, and i1icked lhe Profes. such as this course offers, arl'l::::::: 18328 MACK AVE~'UE :::::::tant Children's Home to display questions that an individual' ;:::::: . I~ :::::::their talents. I may never have had cross his, ::::::: ;:::::;

The group is not a profit.' mind, The possi~ililies: ~::: Th,.s Week's ~:rmaking organization, but have, for v,aluable savmgs. are mher I' ::::::: :::::::

at olle time or another, received ent 10' \I'hat the Income Tax ::::::: ':::::'mOnf~Y gifts for performances, class has to o.ffer. I ;:::::: Bell R,.nger ;::::;which went into the treasury to The class IS schedul~d. to ::::::: ::::::.,be used as needed. The mem- meet on Mondays beginning ::::;~ • P . Eff t' J 7 8 9 :::;:;bers have performed in a num. January ~5 at 7:30 o'clock at :::;::: flees ec He anuary - - ;:::::ber of communities throughout South HIgh S('hool and on ::::::: Thurs., Fri. 6" Sat. Closed Sundays as Usual. ::;:::.the Detroit Metropolitan area. Wednesdays beginning January::::::: :::::;

. 27 at Norlh High School. The .:.:.:. _~ ::::::. An lDdell~ndent dance group, r { th, four week co rse is ::::::: ....-IIi_ - ~ :::::;It draws Its members from ~e or e u ::::::: ,\~ USDA G d A U S D A :.:':.t(hroughout lhe Melro area. It five dollars. Cal~ the D.epart. ::::::: v\. ra e , • , " ::::::

f d . 'I ment of Commumly Scrvlcs at ::::::: ,.. , Fresh Frying A E A :::::.\~as ~rme prlmarl y as a so- llB53BOB or BB5.0271 now {or :.:.:.: I. ex', GR D ::::::


Cilil thing, so (hat members can. .:.:.:' .:.:.:learn and enjoy native Hunga .. a reservatIOn. ~::::: CHI eKE N ::::;:rlan dances among themselves. -----:- ::::::: :::::::

The dancers practice weekly, 'Woods ReCeives ~:~:~:~jj.. . . :)~:or as often as possible, at the N f I'n} k ::::::;,,_ :::::;.Hungarian Reformed Church in ote 0 1 tall s ::::::: BREASTS :;~::'Allen Park, o[ which a few ::::::: \ :;:;:;:members are affiliated. There The Woods Public Safely Dc. ;:;:::: '-'~ :;:;:::are a small number of dancers parlme/)! received a leiter Mon. :::::~ 5 3 :::::::who arc non.Hungarlan, but day December 23 of praise .:::.:. , C :::::-:who jo!ned because they love and' thanks for quick action :;:::::, ;;i;;~the. native dances and enjoy the I after receiving a call [or an ::::::: ~ Lb. ;::::::SOCial aspects of the group, . ambulalloe. ::::::: ...."",./~ ......... \ ~ :::::::

------ I The letloer was from Donald ::::::: I~ ~\ No Backs Attached :::::::THEFI' REPORTED Lindow, 196B6 King's court, ex. ::::::: ;:::~:

pressing gratitude for Ihe pa. ~::::; p , ~:;:;:George Maloof of 1172 Not. trolmen's efficienc) ill hans. ::::::: $139' Farmer eet s Frying ;:::::;

tingham, com:;>lained to Farms porting a relative to the hospl. ::;;::i :::;::.police lhat he parked his car tal. Involved In the emergency::::::: 'HICKORY CHICKEN 49. :;;:::;

. zn .Ihe 101 at Ihe rear o[ 18920 were Corporal Thomas l<erving. ::::::: Ib, .. ;:;:;:;

I~ack ~venue:.When.he rl'turn. Patrolman Ronald Hayden, and ::::::1 World's first SMOKED LEGS lb. ::;:;;:ed to It.. he Ihscovered the left Palrolman William Desilets. :;::::: ::::::;Vl\nt wml10w had .bel'll forc~d "Wc nppreciatcrl the prompt ::::::: registered ham (No Back Attached) :::::::op,en. and the leU door u~locked'l and k j n d service." Lindow 1 ::::::: Personal Brand :;::::.M~sslllg from the Vl'hlc1e, he wrote. "Please extend my lhanks I~::::: Hormel Cure 81--a :::::;:s&ld was a tape deck and speak. 10 all involved." ::::::: boneless, smoked ham 6 3 :::::.:el' and two tapes, valued at a . ----- :::;::: So nearly perfect each BA CON c :::::::~~~~~~~fa't~r2;~~J~~~atr/a:k TAKES MARINE TRAINING i!m!j one is individually . {('

Marine Pvt. James 11,Swink, .. , registered Ib

~~£.;J:~t~~~~~t~:1.1.1 OUR MEAT LOA' F . it:;at the Marine Corps Recruit De. =-,'.':.:,::.:.::,:. OWN . . . $139 :;:;:;:pot, San Diego, Swink is a 1965 (~~

!;~::i.t."G~,,,P.I•• HI,' I. READ2: ~~ BAKE. · · 2-~~;R~~ "Th. 1..~.l,.

.... H EA D Original".w LARGE 32 SIZE 80n.I .. , ~ W



DETROIT 18901 K.lIy at Moross-DR 28877EAST DETROIT 16751 Nine Mile It Grlltiot--PR '-8820

GIIOSSE PTE. WOODS 20247 Mack .t Hunt Club- TU 6.1080GROSSE PTE. FARMS 63 Kerchev~1 "On the Hill"- TU 6.6661

IIOURS; 9:30 a.II1.-4:JO p,m. rrid.1Y 'lil.S p.II1,

Certificales Compounded' Quarterly 6.136% Effective Yield(Issued in minimum of $5,000.00) .


Page 7: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will

\ II IIii

\w,i_ ..... ~!......::, .... l .• '

STEREOLAND RECOMMENDS:TN It.w Seu.1 no """tYabl •• t il99.95

~~ t::~t~~:~.:1~.~.~&k:il:ft::r.:i:hi.,1cf.~:••~~~.t • ~I. Fi,ld E."of(l r'tHiltOf tFUI 'I'(wl"y for Itc>ioIbl. tt ..Op.,.Uoe .. d ~tu.ftdilllq 1>1:':0....... "". hll "PI "lid phQnoCOlitro11 • • . ,"tPlI" fO'r 1'11'0p.l, 0' ,f.rR ,,,uler •.,.d.m, , •••• t_11< 1t,1SflIEO'MONO ,.ltehlo, ' .. yO'" .h.d ...• ..,1.1"9 ...... c1 ... U(~ I'ft.Qr •• Come h.... the I.b ...~. tow ... of Ihl...... raul ...,l

AllS.... I ••c./wet. carry St",.'''''''' 'Ic/Mm. S'!f'" wrr,uty.

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GROSSE POINTE NEWS------------- --------------------------_.- -----------------'Judge Paterson Cle(..l..rsDocket Thief Ransacks Neff Road Honle 'purse on the dining room lable

had been taken. A furl her check-----~-_._--Tbe City of Grollle Pointe; GIJS Council, 15937 Cranford Grant Carpenter Manoon. 880 the north side of the house will be made on lhe relurn of

Munldpal Court convened on lane, was.chaqed with halbor. Neff, called City police on Mon. Tracks In Ihe snow were .150 Mrs. Fink."Scotland Afore Ye" will be Tue,d.y, December 29. wltb In~ a nUIsance dog. He pled day, December 28, to report found leading 10 the sidewalk. ------

the title of the oexl color tr •• Judge Douglas L. Palerson guUlY, was found guilty, sen. tbat he was staying allbe above A cheek revealed Ihat four Fortunate is lhe molorist. whovelogue to be personally oar. presiding. tenee suspen1ed. flve.dollar bills in a change leads a wreckless lih.

The following eases were LeO MCClarty. 942 Notling. address w~lle his sisler. ~rs, ---------. - ---.------------.-rated by John Hagar of St. beard; Muy Massu, 1150 Whit. ham. was charged with driver's Edgar L, FlDk. was vacatlorung.Louis on t~e George Plerrol .e. lier. was charged as a dls. license nol on person. He stood He bad left the residence atlec:ted erOlSe Poiute Adventure orderly perao~. She pled guilty. ~ute, Was found guilty, and Is: lS on that dtlte, when he reo 'series at GroIIe Polnta War was found guilty. IhIS sentence was suspended. turned at HI p.m .• he di..~cov.Memoria!'s Fries Auditorium na~Jnr~ed W~~~'a ~~Id~:~ Allen R~ssell. 2624 Man~lI'l ered the upstairs of the homeWednesday eveDlng, JlIluary' w lined que, DetrOit,was charged With had been ransacked.13. :r~In;IUcha:;; c~~~ as care~ess driving resullin~ In an City police Cpl. George Braen

As usual. dIn n e r will be Micbaei Bkkford 20050 Hunt a~c1~nl. The case was dls .. and Patrolman Jerry Petzlierved prior to the show at ., dub was charged' with speed. ~':ct wh~n the comPlainant! found l!ntry hl\d been gainedo'dock In the Cent..r's Crystal ing '40 mph LDa 215IIl')h wne. lad __ ~.~P~!~:_____ by foremg the night latch onBallroom above the theater. He pled not guilty. was found ---------------- :

~:ua~:n~n;~beln~~alhe~~ ;~~' fined $10 plus $7.:50 In A & C UPHOLSTERING CO. lring, leg of lamb with mint jel. Danny Hum p b rle s. G548 14322 Mock Aye. PhollOVII.2.9660Iy, boiled potatoes and brussel Grayton. Detroit, was charged"prouts. a aalad o! fresb ,reem with speeding 40 mpb in a ~ • Custom •and Eve's pudding. The decor rnph ZOlle. He 'i1led guilty. was REUPHOLSTERING & RESTYLING

FirstTimeE~erOftered ------ will bear the mark of the higb. found guilty. fine<i $'IS plus $15"MICHIGAN GHOST TOWNS" Cottage Stafl lands. CI)SLa,and placed on six months

by: Royl. uodge The traveloguo! will belin .t probation.120-9JU, pinpointing 300 abandoned Holds Election 8:15 following dinner. One may Katherine Johnson. 238 Trow,town. for I....... hunters. antoque aM come lur the entire evenlng- bridge. Detroit, was chargedhlllolY b.II •. $5<.'0 A",lable "om: dinner and show (tax and ser. with shoplifting, She pledAIIaltlr Tltlsure HuntersAssoc. All officers of the Medical vice and parking Included) for ""U'u, fined $58.32 plus $15 InOept, W, 30Q Slale SI.. Oscoda. Ml .~ OJ

__________ Staff of Cottage Hospital have I$6 or elect to come to the .how costs and placed on threebeen re-elected to their posts. Ionly for $2. . months prob_at_io_o__. _

Chosen by their fellow staff Imembers to Ierve lor 19'11are:David H. Barker. M.D., presi.dent; Harold E. CroSIl. M.D.,vice.president; John H. WU.Iiams. ~I.D.. secretary; and 1 •Lyle W. Korum, M.D.• Ireas-Iurer.

In other appointments of theMedical Staff, the Cottage Hos-pital Board (>( Trustees ap.proved Staff recommendationsfor Division Chiels for 1971.

They are: Robert H. Ambrose.M.D., Chief of the Division ofSurgery; Walter F. Kujawski.M.D., Chief of the Division ofMedicine; GeoQie E. B. ~ogers.M.D., Chief of the Divreion ofObstetrics; Roy E. Craig. M.D.,Chief of the General PracticeSection; and James M. Fisher,M.D., Chief of the PediatricsSedioR.


1971 CruJil1acAvailable Now



Admits Holdup Of Manor LoungeF.rm. Pollee Chlel Robert Fauns. City. Wood. and Harper

Ferber dLacloaed on Monday,' Woods battled the 6ames forJlIlual')' ., that information was two OOurabefore putting It out.

. On the July 15 date, an armedreceived from olheen of De. bandit entered the bar andtrolt'. Hold Up Bureau. at 51. forced. a bar emplo)le into aAIltoiDe aDd Beaubien, of the back room, after which he tookarrest 01 Robert Kaliuernner. mO~l;:than $112 from the cuhDO address liven, wbo l'()nfellled regllter. Before Beeing, the the hold up of the Manor man severed the telephoneLounge Jut July 15. wires and m.ade good his ete:ape.

The IollJ1le. located at 18.50 It WII QlSt'losed that WoodaJhck avellue, was gulted by a authorities also have a warrantfire U1at started In an eleetrlc for the ar~est of Kalkrernner.or,an on December 20. The fire charging hun with armed rob.wll discovered by the owner. bery.Mn. Ruth Cusman. who lived In Farms Del. Sgt. George Vanquarters above the bar. She was' Tlem aDd Del. Josepb Miller.wakeDed by the barking of her woo have been Investigating thepet do•. She smelled smoke and Manor Lounge robbery, saiddeseellded to the first floor and the~ will close out their easefouDd the organ in flames against Kalkrernner. by com.

Thlrty.four Bremen fro:n the biDIng ~eir complaint with thatof Detroit.

Page 8: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will

886-1990East of Vernier Rd,

• Russell StoYer Candies• Gift Kits• Punles• Books• Valentine Cards

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999 North Atlantic 9ou11lYIr4'fort Lauderdeill. florid.

In Ft. lauderdale, Florida.Schrafft's in Fort Lauderdale is much morethan a restaurant. It's a magnificent, 12-story beach resort. With 242 rooms, 311facing the ocean. A place to swim, sun,sand and Sauna the winter away.

And there's more: The famed NewYork restaurant group offers cocktai Is andentertainment in the Penthouse lounge.Conviviality (and great drinks) in anothercocktail lounge-The Dinghy. Superbfood, moderately priced. at two fine res-taurants. Plus poolside service if you justcan't stop swimming and sunning. And,everywhere, the kind of relaxed informalitythat washes away tile tensions in a fewshort days.

There's also Birch Slate Park nearby-with its canoes, scenic railway, and elec-tric paddleboats. There's Jai Alai, deep-seafishing, golf, water sports, And shC)ppingin some of the smartest shops south ofFifth Avenue,

Ask your travel agent to order you aswim at Schrafft's Ft. Lauderdale, Or, call;


familydiningat it'sfinest

The Home of The Original Big Boyi:Hllmb,"ger

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16624 MACK AVE. 20710 MACK AVE.

• Hallmark Cards• Keepsake Albums• Party Goods• Candles• Stationery

SHIP'S WHEEL FAMOUS NORPOL£Soiling Jllckets with the hidden hood

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24.50 VALUE


More and more Grosse Paiute families are enjoyingthe atmosphere at the Big Boy .. , Why not give usa try?

Dl'iyer Accused IBy }'arms Police

Stolen ChristmasLights Recovered

Richard S Clark, of 2239 Ros.lyn, was treated al St. John Hos. Ipita I for a cut chin and chest,pains on Thursday. December i31, which resulted when his carcrashed into the rear end of apa.-ked staliOIl w~on.

Farms Patrolman KennethPine. who ml,de out the initialreport, said that Clark wastraveling east on Mack avenuc,and about 50 feet easl of Bourne.moulh, dl'Ove his vehicle intothe rear of the station wagon,causing considerable damage.

The policeman said lhat whenhe arril'ed at the see Ill'. andapproached Clark, he deledI'dall odor of alcohol on the man'sbreath. The motorist admittedb~ing behind the wheel when hisauto smashed into the othervehicle.

Th~ man was taken to the sta-tion where he was issued a vio-lation ticket for carel~ss driv'ing. He was released withoutbond, pending an appearancebefore Farms Municipal JudgeRobert P)'tell on January 24.

TU 2-9444

15406 Mack Ave.

HOME COOKED FOOD(between Nottingham and Somerset)

Serving lunch from 11:30 'til 4 :30Dinner from 4:30 'til 7:30- Tuesday thru Ftidoy

alUGE COMFORTABLE GUEST ROOMS AND SUITESFor reservations, telephone 616.526-2111




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Make abig splash~ SCltRAFFTS.

A sophlstlealed bll of Northern Michigan 0 Enjoy a prlvale golfCourse • Gourmet Dlr,lnll and Wlninll • Luxurious guesl rooms &suites - SwlnJmlng Pool • Boating • Evening Ent,;:C"talnment

.For reservations ,writ .. or telephoneHubor SprIngs, 616-526-2111

• • •

CHARLES F. HAMMOND. JR.Flineral serviees for Mr. Ham.

mond, 616 Neff road. were heldon Saturday. January 2, in theVerheyden Funer"l Home. He _

died on Thursday, December -- ---------~----------------31, In Bon Secours Hospital.

Born in Detroit In 1904, Mr.Hammond is survived by hiswife, Margaret Ann; two daugh.ters, Mrs. Leonard Fahnneier,Mrs. Hammond Holloway, andsix grandchildren.

Interment was in WoodlawnCemetery.

WILLIAM L. MACeANIFuneral services {or )Ir. Mac-

eani, 312 BeJanger road, wereheld on Monday, January 4, inthe Verheyden Funeral Home.

'He died suddenly on Saturday,January 2. in his residence.

Born in Ironwood, Mich.,Mr. Macl;ani, 48, is survived byhis ,wife, Jeanne; his children,Donald, Elcy. and William III.

Interment was in RoselandPark Cemetery.


Funeral services for Mrs.Rua. 79, of 1740 .Allard road,were held on Saturday, January2, in Our Lady Queen of PeaceChurch. She died on Tuesday,December 29, at st. John Hos-pital, after a short ilInes'"

Born in Milwaukee, Wis.,Mrs. Rutt is survived by herehildren, Rob e r I, Edward,Flora, Eugene. James, andMrs. Betty Rannells; 25 grand-

Ichildren; one great.grandchild;a sisler, and two brothers. She

G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S Thursday, January 7, 1971------------ -- ------_._----_._----------_ _--- .. _----- . -_ .....•- ----_._--_ _~-_.._- _ _-------------"-.----- _._ _-----~~.._- - -------

MELISSARandom Sheared

Unusually heavy tip shearedtexture del ivers extra tcugh-ness, resiliency and bcu~ceback .. , takes beautifully tothe toughest traffic areas,Handsome nubby looks addsillterest to any room in 19 deco-rator colors,


In Color

Rated 'R'


HUGH WHITECe,tilied C"'pet Cleaners

20220 Kenosha. Harper Woods

TU 4-9190 or TU 4-5135


Jack Nlcilobon. Karen Black


'ncllldes Sponge RIIIIII"Padding and Tack'ess





1 was the wife of the late Ed.ward,

Arrangements were handled__ by The Fppens Vandeweghe

----------------. ------ Funeral Home, Interment wasDB. ELWOOD A. SHARP I on ~Iood With .Professor £Eeg. :'t Mount Olivet Cemelery.

'ers In 1951. ThiS annual SCIl'r•. I • • •Funeral services for Dr. I tific program now attraci~ I EDGAR C. SUOR

Sharp. 711, of 633 Neff road. world.wide attention, IS t d J ua I ' Senices for ~lr. Suor. 59,we~e held on a ur :1Y, an. He was a so one of the found. 1 677 L' I d h d' d

ry 2 In the Verheyden (o'uneral ers of the Detroit Physiologic.1 0 S t Idncon Jroa , w O2

I~, d'ed Tb day 5 . ly a charter b f on a ur ay. snuary , InHome. He I. on urs , oCle" '!lem er 0 Scoltsdalp., Ariz., after a lon;(

December 31. In Mortlun Nurs. the Inle~natlOn~1 S?clety of H~ illness, where held in Home. moto/oll.!, an lloSoclate memtwr d' I

Dr. Sharp was a native oi of the RClyal Society of Mr<li. a e ,Council Grove, Kan .• 8r.'d ",:as cine in London. and a memm,r i !IIr, Suor was a native o~graduated from the University of nun~erous otl~r medi('al Qr. i Il.ul!alo. :-I. Y., an1 was g.r~d.of KJ1nsas as a medical do'. tor. gamzatlns. I ualed Irem PrlnC~lon UnllerAs a naval offk'i!r in World Dr. Sharp was a 33rd J)e I sity. He was ~ rellred part~erWar I he served In France and gree Mason of Ashier Lodge,. In the aceount!ng ftrln of Priceafloat. After the was he was in past president of the Masollic' Waterhouse COll1?any.eharge of medieal oervices al Temple Association of Detroit lie was a membe,r ~nd pastPearl Harbor. When t.e re A member of Grossc Poinle pre~ld,enl of th~ ~I:hlgan A~signed from the Nav!, as a Presbylerian Church, lhe Cl'n soc,allon of Certified PublicLieutenant Commander in 1929, tr;11 Society for Clinical He Acco~ntants, a, member of ~hehe organized the Department search, a Fellow of the Am('r. Amc:lcan Institute of Cerllfledof Clinical Investigation al ican College of Physieians, and PubliC Accountants and thePark. Davu and Company. a memb~r of the Association Lochn,oor Club, H,e was also a

The department was reputed. Study of Internal Secretions. t:ustee o~ the Willey Fou~da.Iy the first of its kind in the He was the hll;Sband of the l!on, ~ dIrector of lhe W.llJeyVnlted States. Until his retire. late Alma, who died in Febru. Sign Co:npany of Mount Cle~.ment in 19:19, his work was in ar)' of 1961. ens. a~d a m~llll)er of t~e D~C,th vanguard of important med- lie I, survived by hiS Wife,k:1 developments on the Amer. LEE K. SILLOWAY Audrey.; a son, Steph~n, ofican scene. He devoted his life Services for lib, Silloway S~atlle. a da~lghter, !ill'S, Clydeto the discovery, developm~nt Ietired rea! estate execlltiv~ PfCfsoon,. of C.asper, Wyo.; andand delivery of Ii f esavlng and former president 01 Sillo four bra~dchll~ren.drugs. He received the honora. way and Co.• will b'! held to- ~Ic'nonal t:lbutes may .bery degree of doctor of science day, January 7. at the A. H s~nt to a chanty of your. c~~lcefrom the University of Delroit Peters Funeral Homc. .\fa~k o.r, to the ~mphys'!ma DIVISIOn,

I in 1939 and later .the Alumni and Vernier, Burial will I)e in ~.l:.)er('ulosls ,and, Health So.Distiogubhed Service Award Grandlawn Cemetery. clely of Wa.!ne County.from the University of Kansas. Mr. Silloway. who li\'~d in rour strings or outdoor Christ.

He associated himself with McKinley avenue, die~ while LOUIS KRAETKER lIlas lights, which were stoleothe most active re.>earch pio. ~board the M.. S. Grl:Jsholm, Funeral services {or Mr. Ibefore Christmas from a Woodsneers in this country. Perhaps In New York City, on Monday, Kraetker, 52, of 1883 Lochmoor resident. were found by anotherthe most personal of his con. January 4. . boulevard, were held on Salur- resident Wednesday, Decembertributioos was the diseovery of He .began hiS real eslate ca- day, January 2. in the A. H. 30, just a {ew blocks away.dried hog stomach extracts for reer 10 19}6. when he beeame Peters Funeral Home. He died. Mrs. Daniel Hodgman, 1510 _t:-ae treatment of pernicious ane. assOCiated With the James S. on Wednesday. December 30, in Ol([ord. called Woods police tomia. Testing this and liver ex- Ho!den .Com~any, pioneer De.1 St. John HospitaL report that she found fourtracts for the same purpose was !rolt reSidential land and build. I Born in Detroit, Mr. Kraetker. strings of light with 25 lights todone at the AnemIa Laboratory Ing developers, In 1.948, he !Je-I a self.employed contractor, is each string and cellophanewhich he directed at Harper cam~ preSident of SIII~wa~ and survived by his wife, Mary; a wrapped around lhe connectingHospital. company. and was active 10 thc sen. Louis Jr.; two brothers. sockets.

His department gathered the sale, lease and management of Ern!'st and Richard. two sis. Checking back to earlier theftscientific data which was neees. maj( r real ~ropertics !hrough! le[s, lIlrs, Sally Sprung and reports, police discovered thatsary to prove the specificity out Met~polltan l?etr<llt. ,'I Mrs. Pauline Dunn. . Ilk L, Moore. 154B S. Renaud,and usefulness of many import. Mr. Silloway retired early.1O Interment was in Forestlawn I r~ported a theft of four stringsant drugs such as vitamin K 11170 and was honorary. cbalr. , C;:metery. with 25 lights on each. back onfor the control of bleeding; Be. n,an of the board o~ Sillow~y ------ December 22. Recc!ving a callInadryl for use in allergy; and and company 10 the lime of hiS Visiting the state.owned Ring- from police asking {or furtherPromin for the treatment of death. ling Museums recently while identification. Moore said thelepers. J:le was a .member of the J?e. vacationing on Florida's lower conneding sockets were wrapped

Re.>earehers at Parke, Davis trOlt At~lebc Club, No()n~lde wesl eoast was M.RS. RICHARD with cellophane. The' Iighlsand Company isolated chIoro- Club, Oriental Lo~ge No. ~40, SNOWDEN, of Hunt Club drive, were promplly returned to him.

I b d F. & A.M., Detrolt Command-myceUn from m cro es foun ery No.1. K.T., the Detroit ------in Venezuela and synthesized R\!al Estate Board. and theit while Dr. Sharp proved its Society of Industrial Realtors.usefuJne~s as an antibiotic. Mr. Silloway is survived by

In 1948 he and Walter See. his wife, Edith; two daugh.gers, of Barclay road, published ters, Mrs. William C. Osborll,the book entitled "Hemostatic Jr .• and Mrs. C. Ward Osmans;Agents" which deals with the a sister, Mrs. Thelma Stoeckelcontrol of bleeding. He made of Wilmette, Ill.; and fivenumerous contributiollS to pe. grandchildren.rlodicals.

He started the Wayne StateUniversity Annual Symposium


Information TR 4-1085

Water's Edge""On the

Delroil, Michigan 48202

Established 1926




Broadloom Texture In An Easy-CareKoder Polyester Pile



Hours 9: 30 to 5:30

245 EJst f::ri;., )1' '.'1313 C723",:(1


Jeanne suny of Comedie Francaise

Also Certiiicate Programs

VA approved Calalogue available

~! iryima tl/ld Joe Junek

Alliance Francaise de Detroit

Page Eight

in a l~clU~e and redId in Fr~nch on VICTOR HUGO

at 3 p.1l1. .'alurdpy, January 9at (;!()~s(' POinte War Memorial

Register now for Winter Quarter


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CALL 567-1175

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22420 .~Iat'kAve,-St. Clair Shores

• Lump Rej/(I;r;IIK • Lump Sh(f(les• Lalll[} Parts

}'ree Admission

And the difference at Shoreline East Is our service.Doorman service. Valet parkin!!. 24-hour guard service.A penthouse party room for entertaining. A boat dockfor guests. And good, quiet luxury throughout. Myr-Iads of river vistas are yours _. via glass window bays Inevery apartment. Penthouse jewel cases of lights andsiars are on view every night. Studios, one; two. threebedroom suites available. Models on dIsplay 11 AM t'o5 PM or by appointment.


LUXWI()IJ~ I." :,.11, ',":".'!'. by f,ltnOl!5r1ilmC Springmaid--of easy-careKadel" KC,c!ci I'. Ii "., ," '(I,.:n'TI,:de fiber Ihilt makes home making morepleas<",! 1"(, ,.. i", (Ulle" !t,ore (csilient. They laugh at dirt. Justonu' <''''C', I,:,': .) (,."l'! up Clear, Bright, Nice. And they're moth-proof, mJid",v['r,"" ,.; i "./1 "II('I,'Cnlc Do not confuse these broadloomCilrflcl s v. ill, 1,->,,',," I" .( . ,i 'IUd lit "'.',."1I h.wl' ~cen advertised. These areoffered i)/ r!" fI "d 'I, ,,' f.,'l"'li', 'Jr",ngrna,d Sheets and regularly sell foras much .1'.,~,:J '.') H.', ,'I 'r''' (01'1('0 complete with spon~c rubber padding,plus tad:),:':' '11'/, "',.k ai;c.;)! our In-home selection serv;cc. Termsgladly ;ill'" '-'... 9.\ N ('.\f,r ~'...",' ",.,"



-n.' 7.,. .,. 11I7 --. ~_

Page 9: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will



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EtlM!liszewskiCohf~ 21435 Mack Avenue776.5510


is good taste a dangerous thing?Maybe so .. , because some folks have our Iine pegged as purely dec-orntive not down-to-earth They don't see the fact for the frou-frou.The fa~t is , , . Cabin Crafts stresses Beauty and the Basics. We haveWild Ones .. , and Safe Ones. Sensationals ... and Staples like "Na_tional Velvet, So why settle for one or the other when you CABINcon have both. , . Beauty and the Basics. , . with Cabin CRAFTSCrofts.

G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Page Nine- .. _------"-._--_._----------------------_. ----_ .._--_. --_._--.--------------------- --_._-----

Ch T k Fiv L T Po:nte 1' I course, there is free parking I the dinner crowd. The show isargers a e . €,ose 1-VO.. I with the b('sl spot.. going to $2,75.The Grosse Polnle Ho~1i ~as second star and Dan. Doing COluedy I - .------------._--- ,..-

Association Charllers rolled to oy AUstin was Ihird stal. WHY PAY MORE?five straighl wins before losing Another 7.2 win was posted Grosse Poinle Thealer will!10 two strong learns. . against Bob King's Truck. present Peter Coke's three act I ALL FURNIIURE 20010

~he Chargers staged an exhl' Ketchum scorej anolher hat I comedy "Brealh of Spring" in! Ilbilion game agalnsl the ~abers trick. Barker had Iwo goals, and, , ABOVE COSTand came up wilh a 4.2 victory. Levl~k and Blackwood had Gross~ POinte. War Menlllnal s !Two goals were scored by Bob single g('als, Fnes Audltonum January 21.,Barker. one by Harry Black. I 130 (omilting the 251h and 26th)wood and one by Sieve Levkk. n a \l'ry close league game i "Bark~r was the game's first the Chargers de(ealed Ihe Grosse I D1ghtl)' at 8'30 p m (exct'ptstar. Bob Rahaim was second I POl/l(.. Pros, 4,3, Two Charger SlInday when curtain tllne isslar and Steve Levick and Tun gOha1s\\'.1'1.' score(! by Blackwood. 7:30),Walton tied for third slar, T e other two goals were by. ,

The Chargers won a league Bnan ~Ioody ar.d Scoll Sanli. Prece:iln~ ,the play on 1 against Dee's Sport 1'hop The three stars were: firsl, Bob da)' and F rJday mghls only-with an impressive 7.2 score, Rahalnl. second, Harry Blaek. Janllary 21. 22, 28 and 29. theHat tricks were scored by Karl wood: third, Brian Moody, {'..nler ,wIll sene pre-thealerK 'chum and Steve Le~j," ~nd I 'rh ('h d h S j bu((~ls In tht' Crystal Ballroom

• .. e argers hoste tel I I k' k' CI'one goal by their Iinem~te'l Clair Shor,,:; 300 Pros al Univer: ol'er 00 mg . La e Sl. air.Scoll Santi. Ketchum and LeVick sitH..ig~etlt and won the game These, will IIIdude, a compl~telied for first slar awards. Scoll 20 B k d both 1 lable With. goodies-------------- ',ar er score goa 5 such as herring in sour cream

aSSls,ted on each by Blackwood, I whole mushrooms and bullo~Post II olidays ~~:~j(Doug Tito. was the game's lomatoe$. a table of assorledstar astar, Rallalm. was second salads and drc~sings, a hol taLetdown Here n~ Barker thlld star. ble of prime rib of beef plU5

TiJe Charger~ mel the Radke olher enlrees and casseroles. Hardware team al Gordie Howe and various vegetabll's al! cli.

By Pepper Whitelaw ,Hol'keyJand and their Winning maxed b)' a tired dessert tableThe holidays are over! The streak came to an end. Radke of home made delicacies under

wrapping have been carted won the game 6.2. Karl Ket- the Center chandelit'r,away by the Department of chum scored both Charger goalsPublic Works. The batlery op. and WlS Ihe firsl star for Ihe The buffets are $5, (tax anderated loys no Jonger operate. Chargers, Brian Moody was s~c. service included). and, ofThe shrimp and onion dip are oud star and Mark Fraser wasno more (thank goodness!), All Ihird slar.Ihat ~emains of the Chi"islmas Scoring a moral victory, thetree IS th.ose s~ubborn needles Chargers lost by only oneIhat fel! I~~ ralnd70ps all ov~~ a,gainst the Fraser Raiders. The~e carpetino, an~ Just the me Chargers, playing withoul thebon of a cocktail party turns services of Ihree players, Jost toyour stomach.. ' this lop learn by only 1-0 Dave

Yes. 1971 awaits us In all Fessenden and Brian Moodyits glory bu~ u?!ortllna~~: ~o:~pla)'ed e~pcciaUy slrong games.of us. aren t III any ~e're AU the boys were given starmeet lis chall~nge . . . awards for this game. Thetoo exhausted. Chargers are in second place in

II seems. as though ~very the Suburban Hockey Leagueyear followmg the holidays Squirt DiI'ision behind th Raid.some weeks must ebpse before ers eany of us are back to normal./_:.._ ___ IEuropeans accuse Amerleans of

[~~3;;~:~~~~a~~ea~~r~~~~"oinn out 01businessThe flrst resolution all of us:l' :I ~

should make in 1971 is not 10 SA LE Jdo the same things next year,BlIY no more battery operaledtoys. Find something else to~erve besides onion and shrimpdip. Attend only one party on 30 ENTIRE I,New Year's Eve, and drink 01.0 OFFShirley Temple cocktails at J' O(K'that one. Buy an artificial tree ST •(no n~ed1e problem) and spray _

~i~i~~~t.~o~r:;f:~:~~~. n~~~~

t~e~~~:h~~~~~iJ.£~~ b;~:l~~fta~~

:~!!.:~~gSto w~~:o~;ett~ve~le~1 Th SIDE DOO.RThese suggestions might not e

complelely eliminale the alter

~oMda~e;~~ia~~~i~e~:~~~ 98S WASHINGTONROAD 1U 2-0900New Year!

SCHWEITZERREAL ESTATE21300 Mack Ave.Phone: 886.4200

18530 Mack Ave.Phone: 886.1270


By P:!:d Schweitzer

"YANKEE, DOODLE" isIhe song that BECAME AWEAPON during Ihe Ameri.can RevoiuUon.

It was an old Italian tune,lo which a ,British Officerhad written verses to makefun of the iII.equipped Amer-icans.

"Y an k e eDoodle came10 town ...Riding on apo ny •..Stuck aIe at h er inhis hat ...and called II macaroni" ...

Bul the Amerlel\ns fJdopledthe song and played it every.where. And the British werehounded by their ver)' ownsong . . . Defealed; whilemarching in relreat, theywere to endure once more-a final strain of "YankeeDoodle."

Don't let realty problemshound you to defeat. Lei ourqualified agents handle alldetails, We'll be glad to as.slst or discuss with you, allyour needs. SCHWEITm:RREAL ESTATE. 21300 MackAve, ... PHONE: 886.4200or 886.1270 ... 1853Q MackAve.


1922 Beaufait RoadTU 1.0286

Pointers Urged To Act On POWsFo.' almost nine years. Unl. local boards have unable I" as.

ted States soldiers have been certain just how many, If any,lighting in Vietnam and as of the approximately 600 ofmany as l,~ men have been tb.ose .erving under The Poinlelisted as either missing or cap. draft board are prisoners orlured by the North V!etnamese are musing In Southeast AsIa,Communists, Of those 1l5OO .------- '_. I Right now, over la,OOO men

i Dre among tho s e registeredwith local Board No, 87. whichcovers all of the Poinles andHarper Woods. Comparing thepopulation spread, it can besaid that about 450 G r 0 s. e


Pointers are presently servingin the Armed Services aroundIhe world.

North Vietnam has releasedover 300 of the names andhome states of those that arelisted as mi$6ing. But officialssay many more are being heldby the Communists.

Much has been said andwritten about the prisoner-of.war situation and many lellershave been &enl to the NorthVielnamese delegation in Farisin an effort to exerl pr~surefor the releue of the names ofservicemen being held and toradequate treatment of prison.ers .ccording to Ihe GenevaCOD ention of 1954.

Because of t1r.e heavy and volume of mail con.cerning the situation. or pos.sibly for reasons unknown toA mericans. North Vielnam hasfelt compelled to release wmeof the names, serial numbers.and home states of some of thesoldiers they are I.olding.

Possibly as part of the NewYear's resolution, some Poinl.ers may Ile interesled in leiters in an effort 10 in-fluence the North Vietnamesedelegation in Paris. Represen.tatives of United We Stand,Inc., a national organiutiondedicated to t1r.e humane treat.ment and release of Americanprisoners, say thai if Hanoi isconvinced that Ihe Americanpeople are outraged al theirpriDoner.of.war pol icy, theymay find it expedient to reolease more names and informa.tion in order to keep the anti.war sentiment (romsubsi'ling.

For 20 cenls postage, Point-ers may write Madamn Binh,National Liberation Front. Pa.ris Peace Talks, Paris, France;or Ton Due Thang, OHice ofthe President, Democratic Re-public of Vietnam, Hanoi,North Vietnam. Mail addressedto Norlh Vietnam requirC6, 25cenls in postage.

Other suggestions offered bythe organization to influencepublic opinion nad North Viet-nam's treatment of POW';; in-clude contacting local church-es and asking them to includethe prisoners and their fam-ilIel; in prayer each Sunday un-til the men have, safely reoturned, writing U. S. Senatorsand Reprl!6entatives who favorunnaterlll withdrawal fro mVietnam urging them to beeven more aggressive in usingIheir position to gain the reolease of POW's, writing Con.gress to ask for a high priorityon their agenda for the releaseof the prisoners, and clippingevery related story seen inprint and mailing it to NorthVietnam, including a hand writ-ten note showing circulationand audience size of publica.tion.


"A C"aracter Camp for 80)'s"at

Charlevoix, Michigan

Eventually -So why not







Calico CornersToday!


1933 S. Teleguph 25008 Little Macknear PanUac at 10 MileFE 2.9163 775.0078

Last HaSOIl boy, fralll 102 cities ... d towIII ill 16 statuolllf 3 fareitll co,,"tires ottellded Com, Cllar'evoix.

An O«('dJl-lo-{in'll'Ur.illlullll\, at Vpro Ut'.lll"n'H;'''' Iml (05milt" "wlh"f Palllllk'.l<h ""d ~) ""l,,,1I(J{lhollk~ll' 5< "_IIId. Iwoan<!olll.h.llf 111;1,,,\,,11K (',If)

b"dch. CoH Cour,,' d"dwall,drool llOIl14..,'tl'5, to ..furtlll'r inf(J{nl<I!I(Hl wriu'd''Pt C./P,Q IX" llWRural Rout .. 2/No,th AlA,Wm IX'adl. fi()(idd TI<JW..Of call (30.5) %7-7147.


johns islond


;~I~CALICOCOIl~ ~...

Two Stores


Thursday, January 7, 1971

Kenneth W, SmithDirector ~Owner

The camp with Dude Ranch feature5: Riding, riflery,sailing, tennis, canoeing, all athletics, archery, crafts,swimming, water skiing, tutoring, over-night trips.A mature staff of sixty.

Boys from many states, plus foreign countries.Grosse Pointe enrollment limited. Call now for anappointment.

A, P'()I~fty of Losl Tree Vil!d:gl" Corpor.aliuo

AD 121l

.p-••--.-----------------.-- ••••••••••••••• ,.. ,.~.II!II.III!,.,.,....".lI!,!I, IIJ!IS ... ---------------------:---:--

- + - ----~--~_.~-~ _ ...- -- - -

Page 10: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will

831.27 2644.60lll

..'-..;,il ...... ./' -~- ~.


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ThursdlY, Janulry " 1~'1


Since 1855



CHAPELSDetroit 3975 Cm AVENUE •

Birmingham 820 EAST MAPLE I

•Hamlin's Has. . Dros!e's imported hot choco.

late mix in individaul packages, Try' it for a delki')LLschange ... 89 Kercheval, TU 5.8400.

•It's Never Too Soon ... to think of love. TheVa;le.ntint' greeting cards arc on display at VirginiaWlll1ams, 79 Kercheval, from sincerity to foolish.ness.

By Pat Rousseau

Thirty. One Yeal's Ago, , , MI'. Paselk opened ildelightful flower shop at 73 Kercheval. When heretired, he sold the business to William Best andMabel Kling who have conlfnued the tradition ofbeaut;ful floral arrangements. unusual gifls. gardenfountains and statuary. The conservatory in backkeep flowers bloom.fresh. Drop by for a cheery visitbecause it's always spring at Paselk

•Goin~, Gomg. Gone~ , , . But

more things have been added tothe fabulous sale of seiecteditems marked 50; of{ at TheMermaid, 75 Kercheval. .'urni.lure and lamps are tagged 20';orc.

Whatj new on

'fl-IE I-llll

•Scent Specials ... at Trail Apothecary, 121

Kercheval are Carven's MaGriffe Mistiffier for twoseventy.five. Nina Ricci's spray cologne in L'Air duTemps is five dollars. Cappricci is live fifty.

•Browsing Is Beautiful ... at the Merm:)id Gal.

lery, 88 Kercheval on the Hill. So enjoy seeing allthe graph'cs and art displayed but there is so muchmore to see. You can leaf through the bins and makeyour own art discovery.

•Our Favorite Features . . . in the luxurious

Jefferson Apartments (now fast becoming com.pleted) are separate air-conditioning and heatingsystems for each apartment, working fireplaces, andbesides regular appliances, such as diShwasher, re-frigerator, range and disposal, there are washersand driers for each individual apartment. If youwant more information or wouid like to look atfloor plans, stop by The Jefferson Terrace Com.pany's office at 81 Kr,rcheval. Call 882-7706 for anappointment and watch for more favorite featuresnext week,

•You Don't Need ... an occasion to enjoy dinner

at The Bronze Door, 123 Kercheval. Just call 886-'1931 for' a.'reservat!on. Relax and dine in the elegantatmosphere. While you are enjoying the superbct!i~ine.,y'~u.'I1. enjoy listening to Harvey GriffenIyncal harp. Call 886.1932 'for reservations.

•Silverware Sale on seleclcd

items. Reductions range from20"'r to 50'.;. We suggE'st youshop early for choicest selection.The League Shop. Inc. 98 Ker-cheval on tht' Hill.

F"JI Dillen

TU (i.3600It "a ... m La"l19700 Mack


Your Key to a Happy New Yeerl'

What f~oes ft ••aC

YOllr Libralr,.By \'Irll.l. l.eo•• rd

"A Family Business for Over a Century"

Beautiful long stemmed

,. .. ,..;;..:':;::;~ ,

Everv once in awhile we have the opportunity tooffer a home which we feel is truly outstanding.Designed by John Pottle, this gracious house is builton one of Grosse Pte Farms most sought afterstreets. Featuring a Bedroom and bath on the firstfloor, cozy paneled library wilh natural fire place.Four twin size bedrooms and baths on the secondfloor, large lot with beautiful garden, don't miss it.



4 p.m.6 p.m.

6:30 p.m.

7:30 p,m.

7:30 p.m.

8:15 p.m.

8 p,m.

12:30 p.m.12:30 p.m.

4 p.m.

8 p.m.

8 & 9 p.m,


IYou may desire to show yourappreciation and regard forAlice by supporting a fund inher name which will furtheropportunity for our youngpeople.

Let her light and your lighl50 shine!

Sincerely yours.Katherine M. Welc:enbach •Frank J. Welcenbach

1017 NottinghamGrosse Pointe, Mich. 48230

GROSSE POINTE NEWS-".---------- ----_._------ ------------------._----------------_.-

Letters to the EditorDecember 30. 1970

To the Friends ofAUce Kelly McKee:

As many of us gathered to'.gether on December 26, tosirengthen each olher in ourIIre.t 1058 and to show by ourpresence our deep regard forour departed friend, Alice KellyMcKee, some made inquiriesaboul what we could do as amemorial to her. Thus we arewriting to offer an opporlunlly To The Editor:tr join hearts and spirit in aliving meml)rial. Last Febru"lry. Planned Par. •

Alice Kelly McKee har! an' enthood League adopted theabiding failh In her family- slogan Planned Parenthood andRnd In Ihe Family of Man-do. the Com m un I t y Need EachIng and giving unstlnUngly of Olher. We ne-eded to rILe ather time, energy and creative least $180,000 during our 1970 ..lalent. She shared h~r love of Campaign, and belief In heritage The individuals, corporallonswIth persons of all ages, who anr! foundations who recognize-d •In turn became richer for this thaI Planned Parenlhoood ful.unique Msoclallon. We. as her fills one of Ihe mosl ba~je hu. *friends. admired her noble qual. man needs of people respondedHies. her generous spirit, her more magniflcenlly than \'Ie "compas~i,)n for people. her In. dreamed possible. You pul usIclll~enl a)lproach \0 liCe. her over.the.lop by more t h in )'ollnl( people, $5,000.

Many "I II~ know her for her Now il's our turn 10 Ihankcivic Inlcres!s, for her belief eaeh of )'ou who gave so gener.In good education31 anr! govern. ously of your time, money and ..mental systems, and for her convlclions on behalf of ourludershlp in the communIty to 13.000 pallents. Planned Parent-further thele Ideals. lIer organi. hood League Is most apprecia. *rational ahilltles. Insight, and \lve.dedlcated service were manifest Mrs. Slewart E, McFadden.In many :ll tlvlllcs close 10 hcr (ieneral Campalgn Chairman ..hl'AfI: Girl Seol/ts, /Joy Scouls, Fund.Raislng Coordinator,P.T.A. at Troml>ly School and lIIrs. Walter Shapero,Pierce Junior Iligh School, the ------Mothers Club of Soulh High, C t St t ·GrOSSe Pointe Motion Picture ell er ar lugCouncil; Grosse Pointe War N D CI 1Memonll Board of Dlr~ctors. ew 01lCe II)"LeoaRue or Women Voters, andtile Alexander Mllcomb Chap. A new adull Dance Club willter of D.A,R, During her two. begin al Grosse Poinle Waryear stewardship as president Memorial on Thursday. Januaryof the Molhers Cluh, the sehol. 14, at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs.arshlp Fund was elevated to a Ted F'orrest will be the hosls.continuing activity at South The !/tIl'lp wIll galher in Ihe-High. handsome- Library or Alger:

Thus we are tnvitlng you to House, i •share Allee Kelly McKee's vi. Traditional ballroom dancing i,Ion of Ufe and lis enduring will be enjoyed. In addition, Ihe •qualitie" In Ihese Umes or Forrests will bring people up to ichanging values, her bellef In dale on loday's dancing which, •the bllSlc goodness of man and while It may appear to have nothe slrength of the family was pattern, basically is made up oftical' and resolule. We can inlcrpolations of c:ertain move.make possible the continuance menls. The Dance Club will •of her splrll In the form of the- mect weekly throUllh :\Iareh 25.Scholarship Fund which has Membership is $25 per couplebeen orllanlzed In her name or $15 for slngl- people, who ..through the Grassl! Polnle I are welcome and Cor whom part.South Hlah School Mothera Club. n~r. wID be lrr.n,ed. ..

Grosse Pointe News 'I h ~IANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC. ',' Memorial Center Sc edule I'

OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL ,-----------------"GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN 48236 ,Open Daliy 9 a.m ••9 p.m. tTlcket office dosed Sundayl

~d CI... post.e. Paid .1 DeLroll, IUcbiS.D"_- -----"-- ------- ----"" . _.... All Memor.a) sponsored acUvllies open to the Grosse I

FULl. V PAm CIRCULATION ; PolJlte public. Hospital equipment anUable lor free'- .----.--..- Ph~n-e T0 -2:6900--'- ..- --' : loan: crutches, wheel chairs, heating lamps and hosplta'i"I""lWr Jllr~II'" Prf'" .' .. orl.Uon ."d Soll"n.1 Edll?rlal Auorlltlon: beds. I'N"~~:~)L~J~~~:~I,SI;~,~~~~L~O~~~n.t; :GROSSE POINTE GARDEN n;NTER AND LENDING I Guest Columaist: Roberl M. On, Director 01 t>ubUc Llbrarln'''4 nllh A'onu', SOlO VOlkd:k\~"o\;;':'1<:& lJ\' 9-7300 LlBRAIt Y. Mrs. Harry a-'rost on duty Tuesdays, Wednes. ill' 'I b" .

W S"l\ll )lLrhi,"n A,<nuo PI'one Flnlnrlal 61214 days, Thursdays. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Volunteer consultant to wr~~eao~:INVleegeylt) ,e mlvJled: PhOmle!and I elllph~sile thaI I. '_ . on dut a-'rida)'s 2.4 pm 881-4594 ,wear s co umn, j al'e e,'ery confIdence the

IWBERT n. EDGAR EDITOR and GE:-lERAL MANAGER! y . ., a~d I am llr~te!u.1to our colum. school administration and the\It/LLJArd ADAMO ADVEK1'1SING HANAUER Thursday, January 7 nlst, M,rs: Vlrgmla Leo~ard. Board oC Education will nollakeJ U .'EATURE PAGE SOCIETY .' Reallstu:ally, checkmg Ihe such .raslic .clion unless IheASET)J ELLER. ...............' ..... NEWS .• 9:30 & 11 a.m. Lip Reading - Mrs. Frank Johnson, : column I wrote a )'ear allo. 1969 a«:lual survival of quality l>duca.

~~~:~i':~~~~LAW NEWS' Jnstructor was rough. but 1970 turned out lion is in jeopardy,GRFAiG BOYD NEWS I. 10 a.m. Braille Transcription-Mrs John ~Ic ; ~rg~~Jilu(ghe!l.yet. and cl am de, Certainly. I fecI Ihal lheUWAN KAIIR ..,,.................................. ADVERTISING I Namara Instructor . .' e, WrJ mg as 0 Decem. I "Cinesl library.use community

ADVERTISING' • . ber 31st), 10 greet the- New, in Amerka" will nol permit:::~~~:A~R ADVERTISl:'-1G 11 a.m. Welcome Wagon of Grosse POlr!te and Year, 1971 has GOT to be bl'!. closing 01 Ihe public libraries.JACK McALPINE ADVERTISISG Harper Woods ' It'r~ Relut'lant BS I would be to askKl\nJV SRYEI': ADVERTISISG ~ 4 p.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor! On the negative side. on Jan. Ihe laxJja)'ers for funds specific.JOHN M.cKENZIE BUSINESS " 8 P m Adult Ballet-Mary Ellen Coo I uary 24th the school dislrict ally earmar~cd ~or, public Ii.JOANNE EASON ACt;Ol:N'rs I . . per, n. voters rejected the 7th out of I brary operatIOn. If II becolT,esAl8E~TA WiLKE CLASSIfiED A()VEHTISING : structor 8 election proposals in two I necessary I will work with theD~:tOTHY SCHIMA:-lSKY CLASSfFIED ADVERTISISG • Frida)'. January 8 years; our operatinll budf,1elfor . ~t..ff. FrIends an<! library IIB-BFM'Y RAUGHT CLASSIFIED ADVERT!SISG I' 1970-71was reduced 550.000. in. trons 10 win such an election.MARIE KREINER CIRCULATION 1 p.m. Detroit Society of Won'en Painters volving a cut in professional and There- ISsome comCortthat sue-h

_______ _ . . and Sculptors clerical slaC!: Ihe two Branches mIllage would of course be de.


.1. 4 Ski Hi Twinight Trip to Pine Knob. were closed Salurdays. Ihe firsl duclcd from the school taxes.

P ~l S h I · F p.m. reduction in service since my. As of now I fee-l prepart'C! toU ic COOS In ocus $5.75 includes transportation, tows appointmenl August I, 1949, and! race up 10 anylhing Ihat comes.

and chaperonage. (Ski insurance man. Ihe three public libraries were' as so much has already happen.. 'I datory $1) crammed to the limit utilizing cd Ihat was beyond even my

IIJ Dr. Th.,,' I. Andmoo, 4 p.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor el'ery foot of floor sp~ce. wfildesl fnlghtmares. And 1 neverSUl't.IDlondool"r PUblic: Srh",," • 4 G P . Ch'ld • T On the plus side, although or~el. or a moment my deep

RelurlU on Ihe JXl6tcard poll ing i969.70 it cost $5.92 a da~' p.m. rosse omte I ren s heatre-- IS70 was a rough year for most obhgahon to Grosse Pointe. andassessing Our efforts at inform. ((or 18J days) 10 educate a Mrs. Sydney Reynolds, .Instructor. everybody and every organiza. to the many people who hal'e

t I child in the public schools-a" 6:45 p.m. Ballroom Dancing for Mtddle School lion, business end profession. ~ade. my 21 years here the publ"c abou. Ihe schoo figure that includes Ihe opera. -Mr. and Mrs. Ted Forrest, Instruc. 1nd our public libraries and i tl~e In establishing and main.syslem indlcale that Grosse lion of the public .library S)'S tors schools refi<:cted the general taml!!g good library service, IPoinlers DO receive adequale tern, To many residents, this ap. .. 7 I) m Beginning and Advanced Karate __ ~lale of affairs. our school sys. am particularly obligated to myinformation. In facl. an aver. proach apparently represen!s .' . lem DID win two elections fellow school administrators.age of 89 per cent of Ihe cards "meanin!:ful financial report. Sang Kyu Shim, Director )Iarch 24 and December 7. rep. schoollrustees, Friends. palronsrclurned by citizt'ns in seven ing." whieh enable~ thm to reo 8 p.m. Alliance Francaise de Grosse PointE' resenting genuine concern by and supp;>rlers To all of Ihemcategorie~ of citizens strongly lale the cost of education to presents French film with English our laxpayers about our schools an:! especially' to the GROSSEsupport our current accelerated Iheir own expenses. subtitles "Les Carabiniers" and color 3nd libraries: our Friends ~roup POINTE NEWS and iLs editor,information program. The tally Probably closely relaled to documentary on life of Utrillo. under the leadership of Presi. Robert B. Edgar. I wish all IheIndicates a remarkably high the preceding lopic is the one. 8 30 Parents Wl'thout Partn"rs dcnl Peter Stalker proved Iheil' best for 1971.level of understanding of school by a respondent in the "gen. : p.m. "concern about the future of -------problems-wbether a resident eral population" category. who Saturday, January 9 Grosse. Po~nle's pul>lit. libraries Cellter Sk: CI,tl"Shas children or not. whelher or commented "rumors abound- h). actIve Involvement and sup. ..,not their children a\lend pub. no one clears Ihem up." Per. • 9:30 a.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor porI: use- oCour three libraries Scl ed IT.lie or non'public: schools in the haps Ihis person missw ,he ar- • 1 Children's French _ MIle Henriette Icontinued at. a h.igh level: there . tit e r"I}Scommunity. tides in Ihis newspaper and in 0 a.m. . t IS slrong eVidence Ihat \I'e are

In addition to Ihe specific several Issues of the Board of * .LaCrolx, I~struc or., Igelling maximum use of our Two trips are planned inquestions on the posl card. Education's publication, EDU. 10 a.m. Grosse POll1te Children s Theatre-- crowded Cacilities and reduced early January (or the Grosse(about which mOle will be said CAT[ON IN OUR TOWN, indi- Mrs. Sydney Reynolds, Instructor staff: and Ihe wriler had the Pointe Ski Hi Club members.when the total tabuJation has cating deep concern on the pal'! 3 p.m. Alliance Francaise of Detroit ~rcIat privilege of continued in. Studenls may sil!n up for abeel1 completed), respondents or this staff wllh pasl rumor .. .' MM' B \'0 vement and participation in -were asked to comment on campaigns that were obviously 7:30 p.m. Duphc.ate Brldge- rs. arvin our. community aclivities which in. Twi :'<Iigbttri? to Pine Knob onareas of lack about Ihe school planned to damage the reputa. get, Director eluded the Friends. Rolary Friday, January 8. The c!lartersystem's program of communi. I lion of our schools and staff. I "8:30.11:30 p.m. Senior Other Side-Bob Seger Band Grosse Pointe Symphony ami hus will leave the Center. 32t y _s c h 001 communicalions. urge a tolal community eHc!1 10 ~cJebrity Series, as well as giv. Lake Shore road, at 4 o'clockThese statements were varied- discourage this incredibly irre- Sunday, January 10 mg 39 book reviews. 15 bookand interesting-and. in spite ~ponsible tactic. Call my ornce A . lalks and three speeches 10 returning at 11:30 p.m.of their relatively small num. at 885.2000 to verify any tall .. 10 a.m. nawlm. Grosse Pointe groups. Round trip highway bus transber, provide the stafe wilh ad. talc you may hear. 1 p.m. Grosse Pomte Chamber Music Play. Seriously. however, as I face porlation. all area lift licketsdllional Imight.. One respondent. whose chilo Workshop 1971 my deepest concern is the Iand chaperonage are included

Among those who wrote com. dren are in pub'jc elementary Mondav January 11 f~tr~r:u~fr~ur~chOOI SY5~eman~ ! for $5.75. Skiing insurance isments. fiw: respondenls re.1 schools, wrote on the post card. • , Pb a Y r~ss~ P?'"te LI' I mandatory al a cosl of $1marker! about a mailer which . "~ever know what to believe- 9 30 W . ht W t h f E t M' h rary. which IS In tls forly .we have been led to believe is polilics!" Unforlunately, the I : p.m, . mg a c ers 0 as ern • IC - second year as a division of th; I Group lessons may be arrangeda burning issue in the com. ~chools across the country have I Igan, Inc. school syslem. As of this writing at Pine Knob for a special ralemunlty: the reporting or finan. become a battleground between " 10 a.m, Cancer Center Workshop there are slill punitive state 10f $1 and a special completeci.l inform.ti"n. In a random community forces holding oppo. , 12 noon Soroptimist Club of Grosse Pointe la~.s whi~h :-viii limit the funds ski rental is offeredsampling lechnlque such as was site points of view on a full \ 12 Noon Libri Club schaol dIstrICts can spend on I the Club Ih~re-~.ust $~.used, how much widespread ranl!;e of contempocary Issue'i. 12 15 R t CI b f G sse Pointe schools, public libraries and I A full day s skIIng Will be oC-dl.. aU.tacl\on with our flnan. If the Issues and t.etles u"sedby \ .. : p.m. 0 a~y u? ro . . . special educalion as well as fered leens on Saturday, Jan.ei.I reporting do these five con. one of the warring parties did' 12:30 p.m. D!lphcate Bridge-Mrs. Phthp Glbbl;" ,bring about cen'lralizalion of I uary 16. when the Ski Hi goesc ern e ~ residents repr~sent? not hllar such a striking simi. • Director coalrol of public schools in Lan ,to :'lIt. Grampian. The charter-Considering the turmoil or the- larity fromcommunily 10 com 4 p,rn. Ballet~Marj' Ellen Cooper, Instructor sln~ and regional boards of ed,,: fed husses will le~ve the Cenlerrecent pasl. much of it related munlly across the land, one 7:30 p:m. !l600 AIr Force Reserve 'callan. Thus'lhere is a realqties- at 8 .a.m. returnmg at 6 p.m.10 finance, I find II diHicult to might rale these occurrences as * 8 p.m. Sculpture-Frank Varga, Instructor lion as 10 whether loc:al boards Full day, all area Satur~aybelieve that anyone who is in. more coincidental Ihan Ihey 8:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Theatre Meeting of education such as ouh can tows, round trip trans~rtatlonteresled enough to call our 0(' are. If this siluation could be continue to maintain qUlllity and chaperon~ge ~re mcludedfice and pose a question would classified "5 good, clean. fun, Tuesday, January 12 education, much less support 01 for. $4.75. SkJln~ Insurance ofnol hal'e it answered saurac' simply a release of perlt-up . public libraries and spe i I d I$1 IS exIra. EqUipment may betorily. adolescenl energies. Ihose of us *9 & 10:30 a.m. Adult French Convention - Mme calion which includes ic a ~ u. renti!d at Grampian for just

In an attempl to improve in caught in the middle might nol * Bachrac~, Instructor . anll valuable servicesm~~r ~~~ S1.50 and group lessons arrang.this &rea, we received much object. Unforlunately. all of this 9:30 a.m. Painting All Media - Mrs. V. Durbm, Pupil Personnel Department c1 Cor 75c. ..favorable commenl on Ihe pub. is laking an increasingly severe Thibodeau, Instructor I school psychologists. nurses' The :Adult Grosse POinle SkIlIeily gh'en 10the fact t'lat dur- toll on educational progress." 10 a m Service Guild for Children's Hospital, remedial reading special'.t d' Club Will h~ve a fabulous week. . . I. • I . IS S an end of skIIng at Sugar Loaf

Workshop I ~~~~~res 10 the bandicapped m. north of TraVerse Cllr the10 a.m, Yoga-Norma Cheff, SRF, Instructor, . , . weekend of Friday January 16.12 noon Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe; ci~o, ~he writer has been om. Sunday, January 17. Tbe group

Luncheon , . Iy Informed that a separate will stay at the atlractive Lodge '6 p.m. Grosse Pointe Theatre Rehearsal i ;r:I~ite for Grosbe Pointe Pub. right lit the slopes in beauliful -

6:30 p.m. Optimist Club of Grosse Pointe-Din.: the fUr~;~ ~a~ e necessar~ in Leelanau Peninsula and round TIRES DEFLATED RADIO LIFTEDner with Opti Mrs. Ise aration" n. even ~omp e!e Irip ch~rler ~us t!ansportatlo~, Two Woods scoul cars an. Deborah Greiner, 11064 San-

6:30 p.m. Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe ICturchiU 'sai~lk:f i:el nB~I~tol'snhI mlheal~IncluBdmga .stea~ frYi In swerbed a7 call ~ursda,Y, De. lord, in Detroit, reported to7.. S' I f' U b S hID Ed! I e ~ugar ar, sWlmmmg n a cem er 1 , reportmg SIX cars Woods police Thursday Del:em

p.m. OCtOo~y 0 r an c 00 s- r. ': Empire, I fe.el very strongly I, heated pool. Iwo nights lodgin~ in a parking lot at 707 Vernier' ber 17 t!lal between 8 ~,m. anclward ~lebson, Instructor. . . ; was ~ol.apPolntl!d ~oDISSOLVE! ana all area lilt tickets for the road with Lhe air deflated from I4:30 p,m. Ihat day someone3. credIt course thru. Wayne U DlVI.jlpublic library setl'lce for Grosse I week end are included for $50. !the tires. Police found no one Ibroke into her car while itSlOn of Ur~an ExtenSIOn .,..;;;:.:;:;;:;.;;;;~:;.;,;;;;.;";;;..,-..-'- ..-'-~~.:;"~:.;;'~,::.:-~.:;.::;,,-:1-at the scene and no description was parked in the St. John

7:30 p.m .. Grosse Pomte Chess Club r of any kind was given by the IHospital parking 101 and stole7:30 p.m. Duplicate Bridge-Mrs. Marvin Boul'-. i anonymous caller as to who did an FM radio worlh approxi.

get, Director .1 I :".~~,.......J~,.,lh~>- ;) j the damage. mately $130.7:30 p.m. ~eight Watchers of Eastern Mich-I .,1<,..; .. ,:, ~ "~,; I

'gan, Inc, I I IWednesday. January 13 ' I

9:30 a.m. Portrait Painting & Still Life-Joseph: I ~? •.,. ~Maniscalco, Instructor . I_Co f

11 a.m. Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe- • ICribbage : ,Le(l.gue of Women Voters . ISenior Ladies Club of Grosse Pointelhsic Figure Drawing for Senior High I-Robert Rathburn, Instructor

4 p.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Inslructor7 & 8 p.m, Yoga - Mr. Charles Friday, SRF, In.

structor7 p,m. Flight Training Ground School - W.

E. Coche and Connie Earl, instructors6:30 p,m. Child Development Principles-Eliza-

beth Williams, Instructor Thursda, Thru Sundo, 0,,',4 credits course thru Wayne U Divi. No,e: You must mention this .d to reeilvi this ..... k.s SPICIII tsion of Ur~an Extension I I

7 p.m. Grosse POinte Adventure Series Din. 1 13300 E. WARREN J~seroftolllodweAdfat Ye" I t I 'Our Fourth Generotion of F'orisU"

8:15 p.m. c an ore co or rave oguepersonally presented by Jonathon' _-"-'-"- ..-'-"-- ..-- ..- ..-.---~~.:.~_. -Hagar 'Parents Without Partners lecture sel'.ies by Robert FloresAirdale Terrier Club of Southeastern .MichiganSpanish - Professor Gary Scavnicky,InstructorAdult Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, In.structor !

Thursday, January 14 .I

~9:30 & 11 a.m, Lip Reading - Mrs. Frantz Johnson, iInstructor I

9:30 a.m. Michigan Heart Association _ Heart'Massage in First Aid I

10 a.m, Braille Transcription-Mrs, John MC'INamara, Instructor IBallet-Mary Ellen Cooper instructorGrosse Pointe Theatre RehearsalCreative Drama for Children _ LynnBrooks.Finn, Instructor4 credit course; thru WSU Division ofUrban ExtensionAdult Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, In-structorThursday Night Dance Club-Mr. andMrs, Ted Forrest, Instruclors

8 p.m. Grosse Pointe Cinema League




Page 11: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will

- - - ----------------------- -~---------------------- - - - -~~---~----~. - - - - -- - - ----



Page Eleven

i ,


Jht shops ofWallolt~~r,~

cordially invites you to seethe

Resort and SpringCollection of

-Ikj~;1l "


e' -~i.

y Thursday, January 14s Kercheval at St. Clair - Grosse Pointerd Friday and Saturday, January 15 and 16e 2861 Somerset Mall - TroyI.

rs Informal Modeling

11 a.m. to 4 p,m.

• • •


photo b~ Eddie NeGral". JrExchanging marriage vows Saturday evening, Jan.

uary 2, in Jefferson Avenue Presbylerian Church wereJANIS PURDY and Mr. Hulme. Parents of the coupleare lhe Harvey W. Purdys, of Trombley road, and theLloyd Hulmes, of Kergy road.

The last debutane of theChristmas season, Elelnor Hudson ("Tommy") Buel, made herbow to society Wednelday, December 30, at a tea at thCountry Club of Detroit.

Receiving guests in thFrench Room with her motherMrs. John Hurlbut Buell, aProvenul road, the former Marjorie Lambert Webber, daughter of the late J. L. HudsonCompany President Oscar Webber). Tommy carried a nosegaof pink and red sweetheart roseIn keeping with her party's pinkand red UJeme.

The flowers were a gift of hebrothers, John and RicharBuell.

Tommy. who is also thdaughter of thO!late Dr. Buelwore a midi skirt and longsleeved ruby velvet blouse. Hemother chose an afternoon dresof lorest green velvet.


Eleanor H. BuellFinal Yule Deb

PLEDGED to Alpha Phi so.rorlty at Adrian College areLaur81 Jacobs, of Thref Miledrive, and PAMELA MANOS,of Van Antwerp road.

• • •Visiting tbe ROY D. CHA.

PINS, JR., of Country ClubIan!!. over New Year's were and sister, MR.and M,RS. BROOKS McCOR-MICK, of Chicago, Ill.

• • •Coming in Christmas Eve

from Coconut Grove, Fla., tovisit her parents, MR. and MRS.ALVAN MACAULEY, JR., ofKenwood road, were JON andMARY MACAULEY DAVIS

Celebrating New Year's inMetamora were the HENRY B.JOYS, JIl, who entertained theSunday after Christmall at U1eirVendome road home, whereguests included the RALPH T.McELVENNYS, JR., here for aholiday visit with his parents,MR. and MRS. RALPH T. Mc-ELVENNY, of Cloverly road,the JOHN O. LEDYARDS. vis.itlng his moU1er, MRS. WIL-LIAM H. LEDYARD, of Dyarlane; the E. CHRISTOPHERPREWlTI'S. up from F10ridato see the ETHAN C. PREW.ITl'S, of Ridge road, and !heWILLIAM M. HARTS, enjoyinga holiday rendezvous with theFREDERICK P. HARTS, orHUlcrest road.

• • •

:::~~;;:R:~;!Janis Purdy Married! In the Iiv;;;;-;oom ot Mr.ITo James K Hulme! and Mrs, Luther Carter's Ro.: I .I che~ter home. before members i - ------.

or tbeir immediate ...families. I H,,~me in 8eaccrlsfield Avenue Aw"its Newlywedsat a calld.lelight service Wednes. Upon Their Return from Northern Michigandav evenmg. December 30. ~rit. Vacation' Dye Reception Follows Ritesten by the bride and brade. '

I groom. t.he. ~arters' daughter. Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church was the set-I~ancy VIrginia. spoke her, ",Iar. I ling for the Saturday. January 2. wedding of JanisI rlage vows t. Larry Wilham I Purdy daughter of Mr and Mrs Han'cy W Purdy of, Beaupre, •... ,: The Carters. formed Pointers. Trombley road, and James Kenneth Hulme, son of Mr.: currentl.v divide their time be. I and Mrs. Lloyd Hulme. of Kerby road .. tween Ro~hesh>r and Belleair A reception at the De-'Bea~h. Fla. The bridegroom is troit Yacht Club followed I lc,nG.sleeved sheer white blous.l.he son of Mr. and Mrs.. Wi!. the evening rights at which es and they ~arried whiteham .Beaupre.. former POinters Dr. Alan Zann officiated. murkwho hve now In Dochester. Th I dr' David Hulme was his broth.

For the 6 o'r1o('k rites at, e t~ew y~e~: vaca ~olnlng er's b~st man Gregg Johnson

Iwhi<'h The Reverend James Int nort ern k ICthlg~n'hw r~. of Chica"o 1tiichael Schneider''d h . . urn 0 ma e elr ome m a • • •~yer pre~1 ed t e bnde. given Beaconsfiel(! avenue. David A. Jon~s and RobertIn marriage by her fathe~.. , . Blanding. of Ann Arbor. seatedchose a gown or peau de SOle F or the 7 0 clock service the the guests

lover taHeta accented wilh em. lormer M~s Pu~dy selected ~n Mrs, P~rdy chose a mint

Ibroidered r~se floral moti~s. Emplre.walsted Ivory. and white gl'een chillon gown. jewel.trim.She carried an old.fashloned brocade gown ~ealurln~ a C~a. n:ed at neck and cuffs. for herIbouquet or red and white roses. pei length tram. W~lte mmk daughter's wed';ing and the reo

I pink. Sweetheart roses'. mistlet?e c~Us matched the mmk h~ad. ceplion. She pinned a green'berries, heather and baby s. p.lecCt~at caught her long diu. cymbidium orchid to her pursebreath. and ~ore a spray ?f slon veIl. as did Mr., Hulme, the bride.matchl~g bernes and flowers In S:le carrie.d a round arran~e. groom's mother. in an Empire.her haIr. ment of white roses and white waisted metallic brocade coso

She was atlended by her baby chrysanthemums, tume.sister, Mrs. JeCfrey Brown.. of Mrs. David A. Jones came

I Rochester. in a floor lenglh. from Bay City to serve as her Ill. of Newton. Mass.• and theirEmpire.waisted frock of rasp. sisler's honor matron. Brides.berry corde1 colton. carrying maid" were Patty Kelly, of Sag. trio fo daughters, three.year.Dink Sweetheart roses. carna. inaw. Mrs. Thomas Mertz. Eliz- old JULIi':, lS.monlh-old JENNYtions and baby's breath. abeth Kartsens. of Chicago, 111. and LUCY. jusl three months

William Benson came trom and Mrs. Michael Schr.:!ider, of old. christened Saturday In St.San Jose. Calif .. to serve as New Jersey. Paul's Cathedral by Deanhis former NoIre Dame Univer. T:leir frocks featured red LESLIE WARREN, who mar.sity roommate's best man. velvet skirts and vests over ri<:d her parenls.

the first. Oul of the discussions while ANN 1.JTTLEPAGE MA. I Mrs. Carter greeted guests • • •came recommendations for 1m. CAULEY WATSON and her I at the Loehmoor Club reception GORDON WOODS, of Touraine ELIZABETH the l?t of t':c nation.'s husban'J. DR. CHARLES F. M. I r~llowing ~er daughter's wed. road. The latter's co.hosts were a Harvard graduate sludent.children. Dunng their stay In WATSON . ed tb d ft II ding. wearmg a street length the CHARLES B. GOREYS. came home tll spend the holi.Washington Dr and Mrs Ma. , arrlv e ay a er dress of gold and green bra- JR.. 01 Stephens road. Among days with her parents. thejester luncheod' with coniress'l Chrislmas from Rive~ide, caJ.if'\ cade. Her flowers' were green those who chose kilts in prefer- DANIEL W. Lucien N. Ne<!l.ion Capi. tl! complete the holiday family cymbidium orchids. ence to black tie (bagpipes of Lothrop road. bringing alongtol Hill. cUcle. The bridegroom's mother skiried in the New Year), was Ihouseguests MR. and MRS.

• • • • • • chose a mint green worsted host Mr. Ford. CHARLES GORDON and theMR. and MRS. CLARENCE . Eotertaining at their tradi. dress and jacket costume ~nd • • • 1 MALCOLM MATSONS. of Lon.

A. LIVINGOOD, n. of Proven. tional New Year's Eve dance a corsage ot pale pink orchids. Holiday visitors at the Ton. don, who stayed until a fe",cal road, announce the birtb in their Lakeshore road home I nancour place home of THE days after Christmas; then. De.of a daughter, HOLLEY RIGGS. were MR. and MRS. JOHN B. s~ril'l!')n dinner after cocktail. HONORABLE and Mrs. G. cember 30, the GoodenoughsDecember 22. Mrs. Livingood is FOHD,111, whose guests gath- ing wilh either the LAWRENCE MENNEN WILLIAMS included welcomed the EDWARD HOW.Ihe former ELISABETH HOL- ered. at the LitUe Club berore GOTFREDSONS. JR .• of Grosse and daughter MR. ELLS. here trom Sl. Andrews,LEY, daughter of MR. and arrivi1lgat the party for a sub. Pointe boulevard, or the H. and Mrs. TED KETTERER, Scotland. for a visit.MRS. EARL HOLLEY. of Pro. ------------------,------------.-.--------- ----vencal road and Bradenton. Fla.Pat ern a I grandparents areMRS. LESTER HENDRICK.SON, of Beltsville. Md.. andDR. and MRS. CLARENCELIVINGGOOD, of Universityplace.


The Grosse Pointe GardenCouncil meets next Mondaymorning. January 11. at 9:30o'clock in the auditorium of U1eGrosse Pointe Central Library,Kercheval avenue at Fishorroad.

Garden CouncilMeets Monday

• •

• •

The RAY WHYTES desertedLakeshore road for Grand island in tbe sunny Carib.bean this Christmas, wherethey were joined by thelr sonTOM, coming down from NewYork for the holiday.• •

DR. ARTHUR MAJESTER ofCloverly road, attended the re-cent White House Conferenceon Children which brought4.000 delegates to Wuhlngton.Dr. Mljester is an optometrist.The Conff:rence on Childrenwas the latest in a series beldat the White House every ~oyears since 1909 when Presi-dent Tbeodore Rooseveti called

Christmas in Coventry wiUIdaughter STEPHANIE (MRS.EDWARD EAMES) DONALD.SON. MR. DONALDSON andthree grandchildren drew MRS.EDGAR LEE FINK from Nerrroad to England this year.


back in Ridge road after aChristmas visit witll son W.HOWIE MUIR. II. director ofadmissions, Trinity Coil e g e.HarUord, Conn., MRS. MUIRand the two grandchildren.

Concluding a three.week visit with anddaughter MR. and MRS. RICH.ARD AESCHLIMAN in London.England, are DR. and MRS.CHARLES C. MERKEL, of EastJefferson annue.

I Short and toThe Pointe


OFF!up to


From Another Pointeof View

Thursday I January 7 I 1971

B.)' Janet Mueller

FLASH! First chang~ of the New Year ...Instead of the scheduled movie "Les Carabiniers,"

the Alliance Francaise de Grosse Pointe will present"La Bigorne," a film adapt.atio~ of Pierre Nord's novel,at 8 o'clock tomorrow evenmg III the Grosse Pointe WarMemorial's Fries Auditorium.

The new show's billed as a humorous recountingof the adventures of La Bigorne, Grenadier of tbe Kingof France, set in 1750 and involving the pursuit of piratesin the Indian Ocean.

Sounds VERY excIting!And. for those or use whose French is not quite up

to snuff, (yet ... but we're working on it), there'll beEnglish subtitles.

Incidentally: Tomorrow's "short" on Utrillo re-mains, as previously announced, part of the progr&m.This is a beautiful thing, in color, with English dialogue.• • •Everything's Coming Up Roses

It's been a hectic holiday, but Kay (Mrs. Elmer A.)Benzin, of Lochmoor boule\'ard, and Gordon Buehrigwill be relaxing in Florida come Sunday.

Of course, she won't be Kay Benzin then. She'))be Kay Buehrig.

Oh, there's sttu the weddIng to get through-that'sSaturday afternoon, at Immanuel Lutheran Church-ud the reception afterwartls, at tbe Grosse PointeYacht Club •.•

You start out with family, and a small group offriends, and then things begin to mushroom, you knowso muy people, they're aU so DELIGHTED you're get.Ung anarried again . . .

And Gordon's not exactly a stranger here himself.• • •He moved from Dearborn to Laguna Hills, Calif.,

when he decided to retire, .stop designing autos.After all, he'd already designed Dusenbergs, Au.

burn&-and the classic, well-nigh untoppable Cord.But he kept in contact with his Michigan friends,

(Kay included, naturally), and Michiganders have a wayof turning up, visiting, vacationing in or passing throughCalifornia . . •

Kay included, naturally.. . ...There she was last fall, In the Los Angeles Airport,

and Gordon, (she'd come to stay with mutual friends),(Continued on Page 12)

• dresses. • costumes• short and long formal

and cocktail dresses


Jt~~fb~113 Kercheval Ave., ot Fisher Rood. ~ PI/neh alld Jlidy Blo(~

TU )-1505

510re Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:30 a.m. 'Iii 5:30 p.m.a.-I Satu ..... .,.

Page 12: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will

Pegelwelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 7, I.~

Society News Gathered from All of the Poin!es

Robert Tweader~38-0521

DOWNTOWN45 E. Adorn.WO 2-1112


--- - -




This is a mirror.

, and Friday evenings by appointment

Bart EdillondBeauty Salon



Wc hand one to each client before she leaves our salon.And wc wait while she looks at hcrself from ever! littleangle. Wc're perfcctionists, you s~e, and ~e're nothappy unless )'ou'rc happy. Thus we b~sh vlgor~;t-sly.Wash thoroughly. Set carefully. And comb and combuntil wc arrivc at cxactly the result you want. If you'dlike to leavc a salon liking everything you see in th_emirror, see us. We won't let you leave any other way. ,


* Pantsuits

BE AGGRESSIVE I NO RECALL ,Don't spend all your time try- i Better, lale than never ,IS JlOO:

ing to stop something - star! j' ()Usolallon for, men w~o ~e lossomethinll constructive. lh~ opportuDlt) or a lifetime.-----------_ ..-

• all salesfinal

- -



I 3 to I 2 off* Wool Dresses

* Wool Knit Slackswith Coordinating Tops

* Evening Gowns

* Cocktail Dresses * Hostess Robes

Fall & Holiday Fashions

Annual JanuarySALE

The Grosse PointE'Chap'ler l'fQuesters meets tomorrow,, January 8. at the Fisherroad home of Mrs. Wallace!Temple with 'Miss Mary CoyneIand Mrs. John Pear as assistanthosteses. Mrs. Cyril ~amelt willpresent a program on StageSettings Through the Ages.

Pointe QuestersMeeting Friday



From Another Pointe of Vi~ IAir Pollution Topic(Continued from Page 11) F p. t I IW'V

had offered to pick her up, deUver her to the mutual lor 0 In e 5friends' home. . . I ---------.--'

He picked up Mrs. BeJain and deUvered the future Michigan Cancer Society Speaker Will Add res 5Mrs. BuehrJg. G t G 1M t' • U't t F

SJ th Ka 's been JUST A BIT bus roup a enera. ee Ing. n. ~ 0 OCU5nce en, Y y. on Problem In Smaller SessIons• • •

Fly home. Get ready for Christmas. Gordon ar. The League of Women Voters of Grosse Pointerives, (he spent Christmas in New York with his daugh. will hold a general membership luncheon at the Grosseter, Mrs, Joseph Orlando, Mr. Orlando and little Jordon) Pointe War Memorial at 12:30 o'clock next Wednesday,the day after Christmas. ' January 13. Speaker will be Ray Smart, administrative

Two weeks to get ready for the wedding. :Blood manager of the Michigan Cancer Society, a nativetest. Marriage license. Plane tickets. . . Detroiter who has been involved in this area of health

"Where will we live afterwards?" Here, (in Loch- for over 15 years. Hhis subjed is "Air Pollulion." ISince it is an established .----------- .-.---

maur boulevard), and there {in Laguna Hills), and ill fact that air pollution is a !at variou.' times and dates so IFlorida every so often, (when they're not here Or there.) health hazard Leaaue memo that all LWV members and I

"Who'll we have as attendants?" Kay has two daugh. bers hope to learn'ibout the guests can. be sure of. attendingters: Mrs. Hira Herrington, of Fraser, and Mrs. Tymon part of the individual plays o?e meeting at their CORVe-!Totte, of Hampton road; Gordon's daughter's coming. .. m contaminating the air mence. I

All three will be their parents' witnesses. and "how" and "where" . Ea~h ~onth a different sub.• • • this fits into the cancer leet ~ discussed after. a study

Picture comr~llttee has made Its pres.In the midst of all thIs, the parties • • • . entallon.Every bride has at least one shower. Kay's cousins, Rest.rvatlons for the luncheon: The January Units will be

Mrs. Joseph Hadley and Mrs. George Baer, gave her one, may be !fIade by calling Mrs. I held as follows: Tuesday eve-!a gadget shower, at Mrs. Hadley's Yorkshire road home. Bruce Miller. 883.~561. Anyune I ning. January 19. 8 o'clock at

~n~b1~ to attmd the lun~heon the home of Mrs. LeonardThe Paul Marcos decided a black tie IS JDYlted10 come at 1:30 0 clock Slowin in Hawthorne road; Wed-

at the Country Club last Saturduy would be a good wa)' to hear Mr. Smart speak. nesday afternoon. January 20,to introduce Gordon.and-Kay-as-a-couple i!l the New All interested women are Il o'clock at the home of Mrs,Year, and Sunday the James Foxes, of Vernier road, en. most welcome. Bruce Miller, in Universitytertained at a buffet supper In honor of the! The subject to be discussed I place; and Monday morning,marrieds. I al Janu:rry Unit Meetings of the January 25. 9:30 o'clock at the

Cocktails in their Cook road home preceded the League of 'Women Voters of ?ome of ~rs. A, C, Fortunskibrunch Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Davidson gave at Locbmoor I ~rosse Pointe will be Air Poilu. In Berkshire road. ,Club December 2', while tomorrow evening Kay's broth_Ilion.. . " I and and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown I ~hls dlSCusslo.n IS under the Group Psychotherapy

d M d M W W Wo d host a cocktail party in .gUidance.of EnVironmental Qual. The Michigan Society {oran r. a~ rs. . . 0, • Ity chalIman Mrs. Leonard IGroup Psychotherapy will hold I

I the Woods Renaud road home. . Slowin and her committee. ::: first 1911 Clink meeting,And all the while at Kay's home In Lochmoor During the "listening and "An Evening With Mollie,"

boulevard everything!s coming up roses, for Gordon discussing" sessions of the thre(' Tuesday, January 12, at Bots-Isends her a fresh bouquet every few days. January Unit Meetings various ford Inn. Mrs. Mary Keck 'I

• • • aspects of the air pollution prob- I (Mollie) will lead thelem will be studied. session which is subtitled "An

Perfumes And Flowers What powers the government Exploration in Awareness.""Growth and Use of Flowers in the Creation of I.:;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;_~

" d b M B J 'N' h I should have in the control of IIPerfu~es, a program arrange y rs; y~on.. IC 0 S air pollution. where the prime Candid Weddingsfeaturmg speaker Carl F. Graham, WIll hlghhght next responsibility must be in con-Monday's meeting of the Grosse Pointe Farm and Gar. trolling and the kinds of can- MICKY SCHADEden Club. troIs we are willing to support 'I

Hostess Mrs. John A. Dodds, of Cloverly road, has to reduce air pollution are some Photogrllph,.asked Mrs. Thomas P. Archer and Mrs. Philip I. Wor- of th~ topics .to be developed. TU 4-5215cesler to assist her, and every Club lady is expected to at Mrs. Dodds' with an original arrangement in -------------------a perfume bottle. '

ATKay Anos Furs

300/0 off

E!y AppointmentPhone 882-3906

t 1 (

Come early. These furs are all so wonderful you could almost chooseone with your eyes closed. But of course we wouldn't let you do that.Our expert staff will help you find the fur that's perfect for you ..•at these merry send'off savings.


Kay .-£1JtoS Furs19216 MACK AVENUE HOURS MON., THRU SAT. 9:30 TILL 5:30 P.M, 886.1715



18050 Mcck Iwe.Groue Pointe

Cons.ltalion Witlrout O.'i",afion

Registered ElectrologistDOCTOR'S REFERENCES

CarolYII Hilles Married Jail. 2In Christ Episcopal Church IreI, ,'\nne and Lynn Peacock, of

Saturday, January 2, Cnolyn I Murray lillI, N.J.S~le Hines and John Henderson Paul Rentenbaeh. of Cam.Rentenbath were marri~d. The bridge. Mass., was best man forReverend Morris Hauge oHi.! his brother. Seating the guestselated at the 8 o'do~k service. were David Hines. brother of

The bride, daughter of Mrs. the bride; Mark and MatthewDa\'id Wils[ord Hines, oi Cham, R~ntenbach. brothers of. thepine place, and the late Mr. bndegroo~, and Arth.ur Mitch.Hine! was given in marriage ell. a COUSinof the h~r paternal grandfather, A teal blue Alaskine floorWilsford L. Hines. length gown, trimmed with

stark white beading at necklineShe chose to wellr the wed. and hem. was Mrs, Hines'

dIDg gown of her mother and choice [or her daughter's wed-a~t, of blush.t?ned Duchess ding and reteptlon. The bride-satm fashioned With ~ scallo~ed groom's mother wore a yellowneckline. The full. skirt, endl~g Ii' Empire gown trimmed inin a Cathedral traID. was sprm- s ItIded with matching satin bows. green velvet. . .

The leception fol1owlDg theA full lengt.h Illusio~ veil feU ceremony was held in the Bev.

fro~ her satm h~adplf!ce, e.m. erly road bome of the bride.brOidered and deSigned by MISS groom's parents, Dr. and r.:rs.Ted Markley. Robert F. Rentenbach.

The bride carried a Colonial guests includedbouquet of gardenias lnd pale Mn. Elroy W. Sweetheart Roses. lIer at. grandmother of the bride, oftendants. in nocr length purple Seal Beach, Calif; Mr. andsatin gow!l~ accented with em- Donald J. Wing and their sonbrcidered ribbon, carried Colo. Sroll, of Fletcher Hills; Mr. andnial bouquets of miniallire or. ~Il"s. RobHt G. Peacock, ofchid carnations, starflowers amI ~rtlr~av Hill, and Frances's.breath. Mitchell, of Geneva, Switzer-

Kathleen Helm was the maid land.of honor. The uewlyweds will retl'rn

Brid~smaids were cousins of from a vacation in Europe tothe bride Nancy Wing, of make their home in The PointeFletcher Hills, Calif., and Lau- area.--_._------------------

=::::::=:::::':':::::::::::::=':::::::::::::==~::::==::=:::::::= 1HAIR REMOVAL l



(Formerly Tati ond Joe's Beauty Solon) 23219 Merte, JeHena..

Call Joe, Silvana or Terry now for an appointment St.rt the N.w Ye.r wllh • n.whobby., mollern Jan. lap.

Hlrriet {we" known manicurist in AlIult.Chlldren

the .Ire.} is also happy to serve you. AH .1••••• taught by Rlla WH-lourhby or :•• w Yorl< City.


Member Dr Dance Masters ofAmerl.. anll Dan.e Ma.ters or2042~:..., 884-2090 MI.hlgan.

, _•• _.... _ u ' Phone 771.6920 or 8M-703-f91 .,"~;:::::::;::;_""I ::;;;;:"

Page 13: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will

Page Th:~:een

In ord.'r III m .,kt: ilh i'" a~()()d ,p.'ak('r IJlLo,1 ,iI''.'' It!It>n,l'


GROSSE POINTE FARMS ANN AUOP. t63 Kercheval i1? E. l.iborly


T.", ~

JANUARYWe are continuing our



Open Mon., TU'lS., Wed., Sat. 9:30 to 5:30Thurs. and Fri. 9:30 to 9:00

Perfect colors lor now tlrrll spring season

• -;; PopularDe:;;~f



~ featuring

f Double Knit Dacron-Wool



Holiday visitors al th.' Ton.; JOliN lIlonu;v FINK (co,starnalll'our pla~ •• home of MHS 'of the "Nanc)'" TV s('rll'si, andGEOHGF. It FINK I\W.' son his wift' CIIAHLOTTE,

and silver leaf with acrylics.Thecourse extends for 10 weeksand is $55,



by, of and for Pointe Women

Old Mirror


Peachtree Manor

'Shears.nell 'EraTroth Reveal(~d

CHINA AND GLASSWAREColl.ctloo o. Royal Worc •• ter; MEISSENOnion pattern compotes; Set of crystal,t.mwar. with an orIental d.,lgn; MEIS.SEN plates; Ord Paris tea-set; GeorgllnSILVEP. Tvr •• n; STEUBEN acc ... orl •• ;Royal VJenna plaques; '.Iffany silver; TwoDrud.n portrait pia' ...

DETROITr MICH.Bldg. - 1 blocks We.I of 1.7S

Light !lmch ,erved gratis on SaturdoyErnest J. DuMouchelle

Approi •• "


17051 Kercheval In Gro;;" Pointe Op~n Thur; & F,i. 'til 8: 30 p,m, Phone 885.5515,

Other $tore;: 1500 Woodward ;n Downtown Detroit, Nor1hlol1d and Birminghom



SATUR?tA~'lJ~~ARY9 I SUNDA!:!A~.~~RY 10featuring art objets, antiques, furnishings, etc. from the

Estate of JULIA JEFFERS DODGE •• '.removed from Washington Rd. Grosse Pointe. A partial Iisting-

ENGLISK FURNITURE ORIENTAL ACCESSORIES3.pedes'al banquet table with 12 dining Sevres mantle clotk; Cane back chalrsjchairs; ChIppendale che.t; Inlaid SO'a Gold lea' <vri" cabinet; Grandmotherstables; Chippendale chairs; Sheraton card dock; Pair branle sconces.table; BaromOlter; Ant1qve Sta''''rd.hlr"~nlmals.

A NOTE from the AUC1'IONEERS; In th"lr diplomatic travol, .r~und tha world. thododg,s acquired many heirloom .Items. These are some of the things to be avc.tlcned.

AND MUCH MOREOIL PAINTINGS; by JOHN CARROL; Color TV; Anllq"e Orlenlal Rvg,--4x7 Tr ..of LHe Tlbrlz: with animals; 4x7 Ghlordes prayer r-ug; !::xlO and 3x$ Bokharras. Collet-tors s~alt.r rvg.; Antrql1e MECHANICAL BANKS.

FRENCH FURNISHINGSCLOISONEE v.... and plat.s; SAT SUMAvases, plRtes and table lamp; JADE,QUARTZ, Tvrqvoll. and IVORY carv.dflgvres; Scrolls, Screens, Oriental dolls;Oriental cabinets; Coff.e tabl ••

409 EAST JEFFERSON AVE.lI,7: blocks E,ut of City-County

Further Informtion PHONE WO 3.6255Lowrenc. F. DuMoucheJl

Auctione." and

Each of these Towle patterns speciallypriced in January: now from 49,50for a 4 piece place setting,



.,._---_._--_.~-----~-_.__ ._--

Women's PageThursday, January 7, 1971- '

MSU Alumni HostingEighth Cupid's Caper Planning an August 7 wl'tl.

ding in th~ Marygrol'e Colleg.Chapel aT(' Linda D~I'Era and

M and Mrs. James Bozarth, of Meadow lcme, Gl'Orge Shears whose engage.r, are ment has h~~n annoulll'ed by

General Co.Chairmen of Valentine's . h.'r parents. Mr, and Mrs,Dinner-Dance at Hunt Club Lawn'nel' 1)~ll'Era, of Detroit.

--- ..._"-- The bri(J..~-elect wa~ graduatedMichigan State University alumni in this :lrea arc from J)omini<'an lIigh School

once again activelv making plans {or their second most and receil'ed her Bachelors depopular annual event--a Valenti'.1e Day's, gree from Marygrove Collegetheir Club's eighth annual Cupid's Capers scheduled where she has done post{or Friday, February 12, at the Grosse POlllte Hunt C1ub, graduate work in Art. Both she

MSU a I u m n i in The<i-- - --- -. and her fiance, son of J"mesPointe . S1. Clair Shores,. boulevard, and other MSl' lo)'al Shears, o( Country Club drive,Harper woods and East De.: ists. I and the late ~Irs. Shears, aretroit and their in v i t e d active members of the Grosse

k Favors are being ga(hered by Pointe Community Theatre,guests will ~ather {or coc . the Robert Trinkleins, of Cen. , ., .tails at 7 With dinner serv. terbrook court. The Trinkleins The pro.>pe.cllve bnuegroom,ed at 8 o'clock, gladly acce-pted the task, aCter a Grosse POll1te HIgh School

their maJ'or endeal'or last "ea." graduate, received hiS, Bach,elors -1'11010 b, .:<10'" ,\1,\:,"\1,. J< Ed,I,,' ~ld;JJlil, Jr,General r.o chairmen Mr. and ' d ( h U f .. Mr I '1 ., Cas general partv co.chaain'nen egree rom t e mverslty 0 JIll', ,111(1 )lrs, Ciarl'lh'e "", an, ,. ", I rank 'oulcns,Mrs, James Bozarth, of )feadow ' '. 'Detroit and attended Wa)'ne Gould, of Lennoll al'l'nuc, an' Jr., oi Luthrop road, announced'lane, llave announced that Leon. ,Mr, and Mrs. Enk P~e~ce, of State lInil'ersit\' Law SchooL announdng the ('ngagement o( the "t1~agl'llwnt of .heir <laugh iard JIIar,:hionni and his orch~s. FIsher road. are busy I;nmg up __ ..:..____ their d a ugh t e r, J ANI C E tel', JIM!'; ~IAHIE, to Thomas1 'II 'd . f d generous.minded merchants and IIANDJC'P , LOliISE, to Charles F', Gutwald, , V" ChIC sun of ~lrs, Frank V.ra WI provl e musIc or anI" businessmen to donate prizes for" , . Cliff I r d'ing until 1 o'clock. the gllla affal'r. To "ive some people a fair Jr,. son of 1111',and ~Irs. Chanes ,0 a leu,x road, and the

" F Gutwald of F' 'he ad late ~Ir "liff at a (an 'Iy di nerDecorations keyed 10 Ihe Alumni are invited to make start is actually giving yourself: ' Mi ,. Go 'Id ,l~ ~ ro s "nior Salu~d~l~ D~ "b ~~ nromantie IradUon of 51. Valen. Iheir reservations as soon as an unfair advantage, . ssu ,Ism er e, " l!ln er ,tine will !'e gathered and pre. possible with Mr. and Mrs, WHo -------.----.. )'ear at ~11~hlgan State Umver Joan was "raduated (roUl thePared by a committee includino I' 'I d . k h sity where she is majoring in Academy of the Sacred Heart

" lam" ars en, lIc et coc air tained by calling 886.8528, Elementary Ed u eat ion, Her in Lak~.'hl)r~ mad, SL Louischairman Mrs, Patrieia Gotham, men, of Fisher road. Group res Oh-Ihe most I'vpu!ar e\'l'nt fiance attends the University of Uniwrsil), SL Louis, nnd is cur. :of Canterbury road, IIlrs, Robert ervatiolls will be honored as for the Club? The yearly M5U. Detroit ~'here he is majoring in renll,l' teaching at S1. Joseph'sMcGee, of Wedgewood dril'e, long as table space permits, , Unil'ersity of ~lichigan football Accounting, School. 1Jclmont,\lass,M__I'_s._II_I_ar_i_an_S_a_i1_e_._Of_Lo_ch_m_oo_r__ JII_o_r_e__information ma)' be ob. ' bus trip-what else? A March wedding is planned, 1111', Clilf was graduated from;

"'-------------------- ..... ------- : the L:nilwsity of Detroit High, "'! School. r~cei\'ed his Bachelor ofCenter Offe 'lg ! Arts degree from Amherst Col. ;-' ru lege and will receh'e his Law i

New Art Classes degree from Harvard this June. I

He Wilt thcn join th~ law firmof McDermott. Will and Emery

,TI~'o n~w art classes are be. i in Chicagogm.mng m January at Grosse I Joan is the granddaughter ofPOI,nte War l\1;mollal. On Tues'llIfrs, Gerard R. Slattery and theda)s, Januar) 12-~ebruary 16, lat~ Frank Coulens, a!ld of Mr.!rom 9:~O to 11;30 I~ th~ mom. and Mrs. William J. Ulrich, of ,l~gS, P~mte artist Vlrglllla Dl~r. Grosse Pointe, ~Ir, Cliff is the'hIn Thlhodeaa, former art In. grandson or the la~e !\II', andstructor at the ~onvent of the IIIrs. Vincent D. Cliff and IheSacred. Hear~ .. WIll. teac.h .both ~afe JIIr, and lIfrs, Thomas H.PortraIt and ",.tllI LIfe pamtlng, Conway,

.Th,e course l~ open to. both be. A late slimmer wedding isgmlllng and mtermedlate stu. Illanned,dents. Those enrolled may work _in whatever media they wish. Welcoming the New Year inThe fee is $24 for six weeks Trinidad while a steel band~nstruction .. Adl'ance enrollment played "Auld Lang SlOne"l~ ,appr~clat,ed. Classes are were a Nomads Flying Clublimited In Size, . Iholiday contingent enjo)'ing a

Professor Zubel Kachadoorlan four,dal' mini.vacation in theof Wayne State University, Caribb~ean, including HAZELPrix de Rome winner, will offer KENNEDY. of Christine court.Adl'anced Concepts in Mixed ----_ .. _Media Tuesday evenings, Jan.uary 19March 23, fliJm 7:30.10 o'clock. These lwo and onehalf hour weekly sessions areopen to all with some previousart training. They are held inthe evening so that men andwomen employed during the d,,)'may enroll as well as others.

A model for life study work~ is used and work is done in

unusual mixtures such as gold



Now, through January 30, you will save 9.50 ormore on every 4-piece setting in the cherishedTowle patterns named below, Isn't this the perfecttime to add to your Towle service ... or to beginone? Of course, these are speciaf made-to.orderpatterns and require delayed delivery,}



Pelit Point

Wright Kay, for 109 years, Michigan's Finest Jeweler

Page 14: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will

Page F'?urteen G R. 0 SSE POI N TEN EW S'----------------------------------------- --'---'----------~-~ Thursday, January 7, 1971

Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes




of cotton terridown with fringed

ends. Blue mist, shocking pink,

verdian green or saffron gold.

24")(46" both towel, 3.50

16"x26" hand lowel, 2.25

11")(18" fingerlip towel, 1.40

12"xI2" wash cloth; 1.10

Ladies To Meet At St. MichaePs


"LUXOR" TOWELS of cotton terry in the eight •• n

light ar,d bright solid colors listed obove.

30")(50" balh towel, $4 16")(32" hond towel, 2,19

11")(18" fingertip, .90 13")(13" wash cloth, ,90

22"x36" bath mot, 4.50

Store for the Home


The women IJf St Michael's I Mrs, Robert C. Haase, hospital.Episcopal Church will hold their I it:! chairman. are In charge ot

Deeplands Garden Club will midwinter I u n c h eon meeting: the luncheon.hold its /In;t meeting ot the Nell' next Tuesday, January 12, fea. i The Eucharisl will be cele.Year next Monday, January II. turing Russ Wri~ht, a full.blood. ! brated at 1 o'clock followed byat noon in the OI:lOrd road ed Cherokee Indian. I a business meeting al 11;30. Athome of' Mrs. Fred Kaess.Mr, Wright. a highly. respected : 1l:.:30 luncheon is secyed ud"Flowers in Art" will be the Indian leader In the Statt'of the program follow"&u~ject of member speaker Mrs. Michigan, Is serving ,now, in a Reservations for the luncheonElizabeth Dulmage. recenl/y.~reated posltJon 10, lhe should be made through the

Deeplands members and their I Governor s ollke: that o~ dtrec. Church Office, There will behusba!lds gathered De«mber 21 tor ot ~rban In~,an A.tralrs. sitlers for the young children,for dlDner at Lochmoor Club, He IS the Immediate past. also by reservation.Hostess was Mrs. Wallace Teln. president of the North Ameri. , ,pie. with festive dewrations can Indian Association of De. VISItors are welcome,fashioned by M r s, U r h a n lroit. ------Boresch. 51. CeceJia Guld, Mrs. Robert Enjoying some posl.Christmas

------- Owens, chairman, and Mrs, Rob. skiing at the Montinalis ClubMost men have theories, but ert Waters hospitality chair. near Grayling were the JO.

it's application that really i man, and St'. Martha Guild. Mrs, SEPH L. HUDSONS. JR .• of~_un_ts_. Frank Barnes, chairman, and Ridge road.


!Set DeeplandsClub's Meeting

fill in your Martex tow.1 needs now at substantial saving,


White. Orange. Saffron Gold. Medium YellowLigllt Yellow. Dark Red. Medium Brown. BlackLight Pink. Dark Pink. Medium Blue. Dark BlueLight Blue. Violet. Dark Green. Medium GreenRipple Green. Lime

"SOVEREIGN" TOWELS of deep-looped

colton terry in the eighteen

beautiful salid colors listed below.

25"x48" bath towel, $2

16")(28" hand towel, 1.29

13""13" wash cloth, .65

The Grosse Pointe Woman'sClub Discussion and GardenGroup gathers next Wednes-day, January 13. at 1 o'clockin lhe Hawthorne road home ofMr~, Leo C. Huetter for a bookreview pro g r a rti featuringGrosse Pointe Public LibrariesDirector Robert Orr.

Chairman ot the meeting,which win end with a tea, is)frs. Fred M. Cousins. Mrs.William H. Albrecht. Jr., andMrs J. B. Kendall serve asco.chairmen.


------_ ..__ ._---.---------- ----'------------------ --------------.---------

(Infanta in Le Cld. Ariane inPhedre), and performed suchvaried roles as Cheruhin inMariage de Figaro, Samille inRuy Bias. Chimene. Hermione.

She has played or lectured forFrench.speaking Alliances Francaises in all cultural centersof Europe, Morocco and Canada, W ' CI b

She will speak on end recite oman S Itexcerpls from Victor Hugo at Group To Meetthe Grosse Pointe War Me.morial Saturday afternoon, Jan.uary 9, at 3 o'cIock under.auspices of lhe Alliance Fran,caise de Detroit which 10r over60 years has catered to ad.vanced students of French whohave reached a speaking knowl.edge of the langulige.


20343 Mack Ave., TV 4.5885999 S. Hllnler BlVd" Ml 7.260019449 W. McNicholt, KE 2.360D5247 Grandl/, Phone WA 1.1000

Mon., Thurs" & FrL 'TII 9 p.m.

C. B.Charles GalleriesANNOUNCES AN

SUNDAY, JAN. 10th at 1 P,l\I.


CATALOGUES AVAILABLEThl8 arl cal/eeUo" f. "....ra"r •• d 10 b. ".nuln. as lI.scrib.d,

-EXHIBITION-Friday and Saturday 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.



Church CirclesSlate Sessions

Grosse Pointe's 10 be favoredwith a visit by a 80cietaire ofComedie Francaise. the Na.tional Theatre of France. (a Ufeappointment h lhe Comedie isa coveted hOlIOr to the bestactors of FrancI). MadameJeanne Sully who belongs to anillustrious family of actors.

Her late father. !\founel.Sully. ranks with the bestFrance has produced-and thatbest includes Moliere, Brmdeau,Coquelin, Feraudy. Selper andFresnay as well as lhe Mlles,Georges. Rachel and SarahBernhardt.

With a first prize at the Con.servatore Mme Jeanne Sullymade her debut at the Comedieas Junie in Britannicus, laterappeared prlneipally as prln.ceases in the c1usical tragedies,

The Grosse Pointe Memorial!Church Women's Association IClrc:les will meet in members'lhomes next Tuesday, January12. to begin a new ~tudy of thelJible. I

Circle One wiU galher in the.home of Mrs, Lawrence Ruby iin 51. Paul avenue, Cirde Two I

I at lhe home of Mrs, Geo.'ge I"H, Hbnson in Maumee avenueand Circle Three at Miss IvaHooper's home in Ken m 0 reIroad,

Circle Four will meet at the I

Meadow lane home of Mrs.Samuel C. Turner. Circle Fiveat the McMillan road home ofMrs, Lawren~e Hope aDd CircleSix at lhe Yorkshire road homeof Mn, Carl B. Grawn. Plloto by 8enr,.1I Sludi. I Phol" \>y Studto

Mrs. Richard KJiemann will 11k and M~s, Charles J" At a family dinner party "1r,host Circle Seven at her home KaMe)'., of BI~hop road, are I and ~1rs, Robert R Shannon, ofin Buckingham road and Mrs, ~n~ounclDg the engagement of: Anita avenue, announced theStanley E. Kenn will greet their daughter. THEODORA, to cngagement of their daughter,ICircle Eigt.t members at her Darrell E. Statzer, Jr, son of SW~ANNI:: IRENE, to Mark Ed.

Ihome in Beaupl'e avenue. Circle, Dr, and Mrs, Darrell E Statzer, liard Alef. son of Mr, and Mrs.Nine meets in the Youth Lounge [I of V!i1Io~ Tree place. Thomas Dean Alef, of O'Connerat the Church, The brlde-elect and her fian. road. SL Clair Shores.

ce, both Grosse Pointe Soulh The brideelect was graduat.Detroit Alliance Franeaise High School graduates. aUend ed from Grosse Pointe South

Western Michigan University. lIigh School and is majoring inPresents Famous Actress 1--------- Elementary Education at Mich.

igan State University, Her SOl'.ority is Chi Omega. Her fiance,a Noire Dame High Schoolgraduate. is presently servingas an Airborne Ranger in theNational Guard.

They plan to be married nextDecember.



IDetroit Bar AssociationPlans President's Ball

LOTS OF VARtEry$18.00$15.90$14.90$12.90

Formerly to $23,00

Formerly to $28.00

Formerly to $20.00

Formerly to $16.00

Kerc.eval at $f, Clair-Grosse Poi.ft

Somerset Mall-Troy


Jbt$bop$ ofW"tton ..PitrCt


We have just reduced our ~.ock of shoes.


Ketchum GroupMeeting Jail. 8 the social event of the year

for the Detroit Bar A.uoc1ationThe Elizabeth Ketchum Group is the President's Ball. a black

of the Grosse Pointe MemOrialj tie to be vresentedC h u r (' h Women's Association Friday, January 15, at Raleighwill meet at the home ot Mrs, {{'luse. Table. for len may beRaymond Eddy in Pemberton II reaerved. Reservations androad tomorrow, Friday, Jan. tickets are obtainable trom Col.uar)' 8, at 1 o'clock, leen Cameron, 961.3534,

rJ;1111J. Set!- il«4. ;?-a.J~ ~OWS at--t:k. '&onze UOOY £~ AJednUebr


&~,.th4SCloset'37$-5 FiShel' Road

GROSse. poutre.


Page 15: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will

,",ursd.y, January 7, 1971

Woman's Page • • •

c; R 0 SSE POI N TEN £ W S P'ge Fifteen_._------------_._------_._------------------

by, of and for Pointe Women


TheValerie De Galan Shop

at theBelleview Biltmore Hotel

Bellair, Clearwater, Floridawill be open January through

April 1971.



Magnificent Georgian Colonial

Gross. Pointe Farms near LakeThe exterior invites you and ':.IS welcome exlends throughout Ihe large rClOmson ,hefirst floor. The Living Room, Family Room, Library, Dining Room and Potlo ore wellgrouped for entertaining. On the second f1oo, ole 5 Oed,oC'ms (15'4",,20'9"l(15'xI7'6")(J5'xI6') (l5'I(IS') (I l'xIS') with 3 tiled BOlhrooms. Floor pl"n nloHed on requesl.The bosem.nt R.creatlon Room is plr.. panelled with LovalOry adjoining, There ore3 lfreplaces in Ihe house. The 2 J.o2 cor goroge Is 24' deep. G'<lS forced air heo!. BuiltIn 1963; in e)Ccellent condll/on. The pcI/o leod, to well.developed secluded gardens. Itwill be a plecsure to shcw you this lovely place.



during our50%


CARDSetc., etc., etc:.

8he 8phere19849 Mack Ave.

in the Woods- TU 4-6615


Mrs. John W. MacKay willpresent a program on AmericanSamplers at a meeting o{ theGrand Marais Cbapter of Ques.ters tomorrow, Friday, January8. at 9:30 o'clock in the

Members are requested tobring their Samplers as exam.pies to exhibit to the group.

Mrs. MacKay will also be theChapter's hostess at her Jeffer.son avenue home.

c. B, Charles Galleries



••1••\• •-••

Just a very few of these choiceapartments lell. Jo;n fine neighbors.Great 10CJtion. Adjacent to EastlarJdCenter. Walk to fine shops, restaurants,theater. Close to 1.94 Edsel FordFreeway. Make your move today!mUX[ 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS$285lmonth includes carpeting andall utilities, except electricity.COMMUNITY HOUSE - SWIMM/NQ POOLModel located at 20441 Beaconsfield Or.(at Vernier Road) .Furnished by J. L. Hudson EastlandStudio of Interior Design.Open 11:30.5:30 Daily and Sunday(Closed Tues.) Phone 839.2455-886-2584

Last sectionof the EastlandApartmentCommunity



Park Gardeners IQllesters StudyTo Make 'Plaits' Samplers Frida,y I

Mrs. Richlltd 'w. LarwiD willtell "How to Plan for Con.tinuous Bloom" al Ihe Mond.y,January 11 meeting of theGrosse Pointe Park GardenClub in the Three Mile drivehomeo{ Mrs. Donald N. Sween.ey. Jr., who, wit':! Mrs. HowardR. Poppen, is hostess for thebeginning.a(.noon gathering.

PR 7-8020






20% TO 50% off

Ampl. Po,lring in Fmnt ond Reor23208 MACK near 9 MILE

i .... ",~,.

Now's the time to take advantage .of the many outstandingsavings available at Connie's. Select from a large inventory ofchildren's fashions from infant to size 16 for boys and 14 for girls.

Our staff of courteous and experienced sales peopleare always happy to give their Professional advice.

We Specialize in the Hard-to-Fit Boy.USE OUR LAY-A-WAY ,

We welcome • MIchigan laAJcA.... rlcal'd - M.ter CherS- - Security ... AIII.,I, .....

Italian Pianist With Symphony Grand Marais Sym ph,ony J un I"ors IFort OAR II DRC To Salute Past.Presidents----- Cl b M Service Group To Meet -------MaurWo Polllili. who made (or lis "great selllllUvlty and U to eet , __ The Detrolt Review Club WIIIIS'}tlker Florence Dwer, an ex.

his American debut with Slxlen restraint." h d d The. Service Committee o{ I salute past.presldents and life pert in graphology. who will pre.EhrLing ami the Detroit Sym. Tickels r,r these concerts are The Grand Marab Garden G t W Fort POl1tchartraln C b a pIe r members next Tuesday. Janu. sent tbe program: "Your Par.IIbony Orchestra at Carnegie available at the Ford Audito. Club's 6.rst meeting o( the new a er e nes ay Daughters of the Amerlc:a~ i ary 12. at the Dl'trolt Hilton trait Through Handwriting.Hall. will make hls first Delroit rium Box OUice, all Hudson's year will be Monday, January Revolution, meets Friday, Janu'l Holel. In charge ot' the lunch. Mrs. Dlnser has taught thisappearances this Thursday and I ano Grinnell's stores. 11. at 12:30 o'clock at the home --- ary 8 {or a noon IWlcheoo at eon is Mrs. H. Lloyd Patterson, fascinating subject for severalSaturday. January 7 and 9, at I of Mrs. Hamilton Park In Notre Well.Known p,'enl'st Ruth Burc:zyk, of littlestone Ro...d p.t.sf~rd 1M. . first!sldent o{ DRC. years at adull classes in, ,Li.8:30 o'clock in Ford Audit'lrium. Kappa Delta Alumnae Dame avenue. An iUustrated .. , I The Club s president. Mrs. vonls and has done handwrlling

The YOWlg Italian pianist who Meets Next Wednesday lecture on wildllowers wiJl be Will Present Program .t DowntOwn Luncheon Chairman M~s. F. M liarris' I Marlon H. Crawmer. wlll act anabsis for seversl ,busine~sperformed {or Meadow Brook given by Edglar A. Hahn. M t' f G .,,1 Memb h' hostesses will !Delude the Mes. as oUldal hostess. (inns in connection wllh theiraudiences during the summer of -- ee Ing or en ers Ip I dames Leo P. Richardson, Orvu Past. Presidents to be honored personnel work.1969 will be featured in Bartok's .Ka9pa Della soro~lty:s Ea~t Co. hostesses for the lea are M be f th J i Women' A . t' f L. Henke, Charles R. Fraser, include Pointers Mrs, Marvin C. Reservations in lhi.s area wereConcerto No. 2 for Piano and S!de Alumnae ~soclslion will Mrs. Frank Mcintyre and Mrs. em. rs 0 e un or S SSOCla Ion or William Mosber, Milton E. Hop. Dahnke. Mrs. Aarou E. Wilcox 1aken by Mrs. Patterson andOrchestr. meet at 7:4~ a clock Wednell' Donald Scbuur. the DetrOIt Symphony ,orche~trathgather nex.t Wednes- kins and Harry Stultz. A bll$i. a~d Mr~. Robert G. Kales. East Mrs. Dahnke.

. ... day, January 13. in the home 01 day, January 13, at 11 0 cloc~ In e Staner.HIlton Hotel I nen session follows lunch. Sider.s anclude Mrs. Robert T .. Ehrling has chosen Schubert's Mrs. Robert E. Terry, of Hamp. C • f lIb eetmg H J M W W k -------~!fihsymphony and Dellussy's tOll road. Mrs, Angus C. Mc. hurch EvenIng or a genera unc eon m . Members attending from The' ams, r.. rs .. yon. a e. Chrysanthemum SocietyThree Nocturnes" to complete Garvah and "rs. Albert C. Pianist Ruth (Mrs. Wa!.<b------------ Pointe will be the Mesdames man. Mrs. Benjamm Sprmgborn I.., G M . 1 . an':! Mrs. L. James Keller. --the pcueram. Tlusty will be co-hostesses. Res. I roup to eet ter J.) Burcz~k. of Lilt e. ~ow, serves on that organn:a. Harry E. Barnard, H. Sanborn Others are Mrs. Louis Hoppin~, The Greater Detroit Chrysan.At the age of 18 Pollini was ervations may be made by call. . stone road, WIll present a tlOn s Staff of Educators. Brown Jr., George Killeen, Mrs. W. H. Bondesen and Mrs., the mum Society will bolo its

th . f th W . M ~ G h 881 1288 . program. Cletus M. Laux, Carl D, Mac. R be ~ . t I l' S dChe lnwmner 0 e arsaw IJIg rs. c arva. . . Tbe Evemng Group of the' She attended Milwauk~ State pherson Henry G McCabe J. a rt. artin. nex regu Br mee 109 un ay.op Competition and has COli. A social hour will {ollow lhe Gros.e Pointe Memorial Chur~h Mrs. Burczyk started her mu. T h R be t'lf I Pt' B K' Life members are Mrs. Ro- January 10, at the WWJ.TV

tinued to bl e Cce rul b" . • . . ~. led' th f eac ers CoUege and has per. 0 r . a e e erson. ruce . bIT H . M W'1li A d't 'urn at 3 'lock Paz a su ss ca. usmess ~SSlon. 'Womerl"s Assoc!ation gathers at sIca ucation at e age 0 formed with numerous sym. Rtynold Adrian V Rof{ Wi!. I er . arr!s, rs. I am I u. or. 0 ~ . rooreer in EUfOPt' , He is considered ----- the Church to sew cancer pads eight and continued to study phony orchestras througbout the 1iam E s. Shoemake~ John P IOddy an~ Mrs. George Seabold., g.ram for .the day. Will be many to be at the forefront GET mE FACTS Inext Wednesday January 13 under Irma Schenuit Hall in United States and Canada twice Th : W'l( d CO' FI d FollOWing the luncheon pro. lions and mstaUallon of the newof his generation of keyboard DOll't turn a propOsition down at 8 o'clock. Mi~s Ann Seeley Milwaukee, Wis., malting ~er with the Detroit Sympbo~y Or. F °Sr:ti. a~dr~ra~ ;enpri ~r gra,!, cha~ma~ Mrs. Robert panel of officers and directorsvirtuosos. simply bcause you don't believe and Miss Lucy Seeley wlll be professional debut at 16 With chestra. . . g. I GerlSch will Introduce guest I for 1971.

His playing ha~ been praised in it-team the truth. hostes~l. the Wisconsin Symphony Or. The man wht learns from------------------------------------- chestra. She has played. too, \\ith vari. his own mistakes will be learn,

Shortly after that debut she ous community symphonies. ing somelhing all his lifereceived the "Young Artists serves on the boards o{ several .Diploma" from the National musical organizations and is aGuild of Piano Teachers. She member of Mu Phi Epsilon.

Realtor, Sinee 1929TU.. 4e 2.6000

t __ 1 • 1 __ ... • .........

A ...... a•• u ••• Ulle" •• 1.. II •••• frll •••

Member Grolle Point'. Real Eltate BO<Jr-!'sMultiple Lilting SlIitem

Dimtlllions believed correct but not guaranteed

Exclusive Agetlt


To The Grosse Pointe PubJlc:

Whether buying or selling real prollerty, you need the servIces of aRenltor.

In creatinll a real estate deal, Realtor supervision offers wide contactsbetween buyers and sellersl practical guidance on appraising and pricingof pro~rty. and the 1I1"lIng nlJ of financial details.

Most Important of all. the Reallor provides the skIlled, Informed thirdparty needed to bring to aereIJment two minds whose Interest arc natur-ally dIvergent.

Not all real estate brokers ~re "Realtors:' but only active membersof constituent Boards of the Nallc.nal Association of Real Estate Boards.


THE COMMUNITY NATIONAL IANI OF PONTIACThe entire contents of his 7 room apartment Hunt ClubManor-1773 Huntlnllwood Lane Apt. 0, BioomCield Hills

East on Long Lake Rd. of{ Woodward



And lbuealter removedto our gallerlel for Public Aucllon

on SATURDAY, JAN 9th at 11 A.M.

'" Loto-'"eludln. Outlt.ndlnl 1I,Iy 11th Century IClrcl,~) 'nliid III.... "d O.k o.,m.n DIning!tOOIlI1"lIe I' pl••e.);• pc. Iterl"'1 11I... r T.. a"d CoHn Iol"llce; .t.rll"1 SlInrFillware l.rYlce for 121 I Storllnl SIl~lr oebl.t.; Very .•ble ... Iy "'marlcan Heppl.whlt. Brlnk'rent: IIml •• ntlque100"""'1 'h14 Ke""lnl Itxl, Ha"'ld.n; '_12Chl"o.. end Olh., Imall 110,,1," I'vI'; Le"ox Ind Drn"onfino .hln. dlnn.r .e",lee; Ell•• plloilly fine, ,ntlqu. f",nllu,.-.II...,-brl ...... r•• -houtlhold lIaml-<o",pl.,. of'ICI furnllure'UII. (Don convortld '0 offfCl). A"o m.ny chol.o eceolSorl.'.

C. B. Charles GalleriesAudioneers . Appraisers

825 Woodward Ave. - Pontiac/BloomfieldFaT information Klndlv Call 338.9203

1 Ml. N. of Square Lake Rd,-Opposile St. Josepb's Hasp.

3 Grosse PointeOffices ~ C.'.

--~----.-I.-.;"Y:_'-~ ..ACbe i S::!IIii!1 _ ;: ~""-_ .....R E A,L TOR S

TU 4.0600MIMIE!t' 01' THI DETI'OIT "'ND OROU! 1I01NT! "''''L 'ST"'T. 10"'I'DS

Bran<h Offic" I" Detroit-<Orosse Polnfe-St. Clair Shorer-Fotlltl"gtoll



This attractive brick and Clapboard Colonial is only 9 years oldand in immaculate condition. It has 4 above-average size bed.rooms-2112 baths-sharp kitchen with disposal, dishwasher, oven,range, and breakfast space"';-family roon, with fire place~gas firedforced air heating plant with numidifier-thermopane windows-lots of carpet and a plastered garage.

There is also a li1rge assumable mortgage payable $276 month1"including interest at 6 Vz %.


• 55' , 1

7 S '5 Em g 5 g r he • s

Page 16: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will

•........................................... !f.II!IIII!!••••• CIll!:a._... al£.lm•• _II£I.&.Il,£..... ~~.;;;,.;; ..;:;.;;~;;I(.if!;;'J,,,,,;,';;'l":;'~fM;,.• ;..,,:,.,-,~--- -- .I~ •. ~ ""'~ ....11'I'


IVA 1.2070

Call TU 2-6074to advertise

under Guide toGood Service


!:••\ or AI\.r • tn Ih. Porkro 5-3000

Clo•• d ....ond.r.


Clcaning, Turnit;g, Ilepah in~ponCII SIIADES





Thursdoy, January 7, ,1971... - _.- _ ...- ---------- -


DEl'OVPAGr; Icssons a'nd "c,: )IOVING El('('/rit' ~ Iigid;l'deI'S. PUl'st.'s, Ira)'s, picll.rcs, '. slove, like new. Kildll'llIlI, 'ek 881.0984, 1420 Anila, I",rtab/I! dishwa"'Il'c lt'

2573.HAnN SIDING - Aulhentic 1"weal'lercd, hand hewn, na., I/AltilWOOlJ, $22 I.' 0 I' J. Whi'tural limber. 1.463.2179, bin'h, $25 conI. "rllll""

, $28 (' 0 I' d, Kindling Ill'UllAND ne-w. 3 slll.'ed Schwinn I $2.50 bag. 756.3494, .

bic)'c1(', $45. l':Ie-ctril' StOVl~., .30 inche-s, ~:xrelle-nt cOlldition. , lII[X~D IIAIWWOOO, 520 t'"886.0046. Ill'livered, 7753988.


Grosse Pointe CabTU 2.5300

366.6100Quality Upholstering

COX & BAKER885-7900

l.OWEIl FI.AT - 3 ht'drool/lsFully ('arpcled, Separ,llt' lu rna('e. Garage 1 )'t'ar IcaSt'.'[nllnediale oc~upanq',



TEACIlEJl Il('l'ds matun' 1\ (Ill' habysilling and lIghthoust'work 2 rhlldrl'l1 'IT11839

I'hyskian wishes to arrange house exchange for 6 weeks,mid July till end 01 Augtlst.

Offers 5 bedroom, lull)' modernized, Rcgen~)' hous~, cen.tral healing, ,'I modern convenien~es. 13 acres of land over.looking open Atlantic and Cork \larbor. Beautiful scener)',Sailing, deep sea fishing, golf, easy availahle. Lo~alionCrosshaven, County Cork, Southcrn Ircland. llequircs asexchange, lamily house in Grosse Pointe area, Call TU2.2504 arter 5 p.m.

2F-..;.SC HOOLS,'CA~~O:\, Co'Op('ralil'c :\'ursc{)'

St'hooL Vacanl')' now up~n in3 \'e3T old class lor te-rlll bc.l(il'IJJing January 4. Ca II Joy('('Lawrent'l', .885.16.09,



-------_ ..-. .. ~-_._._~~..- .. -----

....::::u:;;:;~m_"".z~l~~~:~.~'~~~~~H;;W%~l'6-FOR RENT, 6-FOR RENT, 16C,-oFFICE FOR RENT2 Qilli "'=,--- ...""" , " : UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED __ . __ .~_.--.-

.• '1'1IIL11' near Jeffe~~~n.~ppe~: GROSSE --POINTE--';part,-ncnl.i' COLONIAL EASTC'LASSZ~Z~'D ,~Ven. sunrOOJll, fireplace. )Ia. Living room, kilchen~,',le, llrar\(J II(W 7JO to 7,300 square. lure adults, $12a, 331.2101. bed'room, carpe-led, relrigera., feel, Nine Mile- ~nd Harpcr.

' f lor, SloYe, garage, 823.4713. I All elt.'ctri~, parking,;' (; IlACIOUS living will be )'ours , .! Jail,v j a /I i lor, carpel ng,' in Ihis English Terrat'e unil: THn~E.BEUROOM se-IIIl'la/ll'h" dralle-s, near exprcsswa)',), in the heart of GrOSSe E'ulntt' dmmg 1'0011I. 111'0baths, plus [(easonabl,'. TU 1,.6436, 718.•,) cil)', La r g 10' ,rooIllS, 3 full; bedroom and lavatQr)' In base. ut2O,\~, baths. Immedlale POSsession, menl, $320. 8844329

S3OO, LOWER fLAT _ 2 bedroom,- ALSO - LOa2 lle-aeonsfield, 8221io4.

< 311('dr<iolll ralleh, den, Jarg('f kilt'ht'n, formal dining room,;;. 3.('31" attached garagt'. Va.'~ ,('anl, 532~.


Call TUxedo'10U - 3 Trunk Lines To Serve You QuicklyYour Ad Can B" CI.arged

Page Sixteen

(;i/I$$ilieti iJemliiners 'I uesdar neon. 12 pm.,

: hI' :III ne II' copy, changes ~I• CJI')' and ~ancdlations. It IS i\Iggt'~led that .Ill Hal eslate

I "'P)' lJe submitted to our'Ill!' by Monda)' 5 p,m.

I ( yuu saw the accident, Salurday, Jan. 2at ClfJproxirnalely 3:00 p,m" at Waterlooand Cadieux' in the City of G.P. Please call:


DRIGGS MUSIC STUDIO10 lCarchoYlIl, Punch r,nd Judy

!lulldlnll,Orollo Pointe

TUxodo 2-011110

PIANO AND THEORYClulie.Contemporary, Joan Dy.

Ion Cooper, Sludlo, 88507077,

400 SQUAIlE n;l-:T orrice,spa~c anHable, 93 K.:r~he.'val on thc "II ill ", ol'cr Na.' 1I0ME OWN~BS! OUTFJT YOUlI .fAMII.YlitHlal Balik, Call Mr, I'ongra. Only $56 pt'r )'t.'Jr, Bu)' S20,OOO l.arg~st Selecthn of f(e~al~z, 882GG19' ur 881G400, . 011 ~'our dwcllillR, SIO,OOOon Clolhing In Area.

. )'our ~onh~hls. $2S,000 liabilil)' Clothing. !lccessuries :lndOFF ICE SU ITE prote~tioll, !lulolnobile own.' Household !l.rlicles lakt'nFOI~ LEASE 1N ers! Only $18.41 quarterl)' OJI cOI}5lgnJllent.

HIGBIE REALTY r.IEW LARGE 'buys 510,000'$20,000 liabilit)',' , SHI N MAl"'1l1J" 71HH,: 't prOI)crl~' dal1l.l:~ for safe- LEE S FA 0 \ 'TWE.\'TY STOIlIES OF quid 84 Kerc/leval v vv BUILDING dril"C'rs. TV 1.2376. :20339 Mark 'Ill 1 b

luxury al SIIORELINE EAST 3 BEDROOMS, Hz !Jallls, I I , SI\I 1ft I wilh' 10105:30 Daily; hi, '1,19AI'AHT:\IENTS. B)' ~PllOint t'ar garage, In "'arms, !lIra I : Front. f~clion .36'!,"xl.8'6':' 112 'I. I)U I~, comp dcnll'nl. 5671175. lo~alion, $265 p~r monlh. :;~.!;'1. k All ulJ!JlIes "lr/ll~hcJ,: skis. biI)(Jin~., and boots, Sil",' Stretch and Sew

TWO BOOM apartmenl. $80 ill cr~lrliIIYcal~le::s~t;edI~~r J;~:~:,'~~i ::~~~~;" l'~~'~~s~~~~'~Il~~;I~:I:~~~ :~~60~~'.1 9 Call ('"'e-IUIl~S,:Clo.~~SOsfES~,~,,~;~,',.a~::II:lJ~il~i~.~a:;:~;!;BEnNIS Jo'ALK'S STUDIO 'WO:\IA:" I\'anl('d full tlllJ~, 11\(', ('It,,lIn~ all utilitil's. A\'ail~hl" ~ I t u ,

: 14940 KEHCIIEVAL. Kindcrgar. I in. ('l!'anill~, ('OOkllli:. 1\0 JallUary J5, VA 4.4818, ratjn~.llajnting, elc. 8£:18515 par 1111( 0, ! 1'\\'1:'1 box sprin(.(s and inner f:i~"1 2 hour dass.,.~ 515, HI Ie-II Te-adiness. 1I('lp with mo., \lashing, 'l in famil)' Ild~t 2') 7) 9 Harp""r Sl,rin(.( malln'sses (only G, hi ('I' now. 8lj62'J13.' lor. :lIId perL'cl,IUal del'C'lop. ,'ne,'s. Tl' 11330.. . l'l'l'EIl [:'\l'OME he a ted, 4 AVA[LAll!."; January 15, Jr. .. monlhs old) Il\'in wicker:

~e Ad, 12 We,d Ie, $1 50 /II('nl. Finl! lI\usclc ~oordina 1""illS, for adults only, $125, de-coratrd, 2 roum fronl aparl auove 8 Mi Ie Rd. he-a'Jbuar:ls, i'uftcd wine- I'el., WOUIH::\' SKIIS, $15 S5, "11'1l,Il'( eod, odd.110nol wo,d lion. 82221711. ~J) 12102 WO:\[,\,'I; 3 days w('('k, 10 I'k:l1J 1409 Lak~poiJ)le. VA 1.8~7. lJIC'nt. All ulililics [laid. S95. vetc~n "slippcr" chair, Brand; b"ols, silt's 9', .8, 88'jij 114

<lnd iton. Ilrfcrcnn tcqulrl'd Outer Orive-Gratiot area. 881. St, Clair Shores n~l; 29"xI7" lIlJrblt' sink to::J ':;ltA:\'Of'ATJlEIt CLOCK '.Call 3-LOST AND FOUND 1!864887. bt'for~ 9 pili ST, CLAIH Village Apartments, 6572, \\'11,1 apron alld ~old It'af 01~1 maule! durks. l'ul'kuo r!<J{",

TUxedo 2.6900 'i.OST. Ladb' w;iSl;;l~h, Cook, Ii!(ht clcaning. hOrllt' Z~:~3a~~S\I~~gb~td~~~I~ I~::rt. \V A[LABLE Jo"ebruary 1st, two! Phone: 777 -6840 bol\'~ ~)' .. PVOlIIllIll!nl !llll),. old r1"rks It'Vain'd. I'kl",NEWS UU:S S7 ATJOSS Gru,'n, Yit'inity Sel't'n Mile nights, Hcle-rcn('.,s nl'l't,Ssar.1 1;Il'lItS, all applian~es. carpel largl' bedroom ranch, two Even ing: 881 -9744 82t. 40 , . and dl'JjI'NY ill J'ojnl!' n"

J ~I k <.'1 ' t ift Re Top \\'a'~cs 885.1355 inl:: slarlin!: at $1'10, Man' baths, central air ('ondiliull. ,.... ND N 11'1 4 STUlJO~O ])ulliop SlIoW tin's,' only, Alsu will pa)' ~ash (, ..")NN10WN AREA all' . aI.', \I'lS mas g, . "."('rs Allarlmenl 2~ and 14, ing. largc famih' 1'0011\ \I'it/, OI'!'USl.i 1~, fl~.Asrl LA. 36-02'4eOO 7)(14 $35 cadi; will ~il-c 4, Ih,'se Ij'p~ clocks, 886301l- ';'a"d r;lrcu. Park N.". Sl."d wanl. 88161:W. 3 DAYS ste-ad)' job, rlt'anin~ and "~ f' I ,:.. ll' I'd pr~s llje- 0 Ice p aza, . : d'r . b . if 1m. all •

.'hJnllc Ne". Sla",j IFOUN;) .. LaJies' wristwatch ironing, Re-sponsib\~ woman I'll 62182 ..a.II~.~76~1~43. lre-p acc, t\locar a ac J( , sljllare f('el. East Eight Mile 1 :00 I\es as 880~1~~8' CAIlPET[NG, Nalional In"r:,l ,I .lErfERSON TO CllY LIMiTS I witb rcferenec. 8860075. '(l.'\E bedroom aparlment, all ga~~gc. "Iso HOJd. Easl Detroit. TUxedo . snow Ires. . first qualit)'. tor; O\~r 1;1',. I IlIon I\crl'hcval. lIill arca. Own. --.-- -- "17')'0 I ~ 'RI" d $"5 b "t 's II d a'.-;od,', Gill Shop, Mar ". I "C I applianl'e-s, air-conditioned, . ~, , , E .~:C'. ... r)('J'. .. or e. lineI'. ollle ro en S 1',,1'ond th. nh'.rhouu er cOIn /Ia\'e b)' properly !ltA-TURE siller, Iighl housc TIlHEE.llEOIlOO!l1 ralll'h, 12. .' If 8860U90 "1 '1.11 e III lil'e t' '

,.• rk P".rm,c.y, E. Jtrl ... on ."d I U 2607' ,'urllcted. car porI. all util. L \1 '[Z~'S I 20225 II C'f. . , au e. ,,1 repr ~~ a .

U mJ idclllifying. Ca I '1' .... keeping. weekuays, 85. ReI - Mill.' and SI'/IoI'IIII('rl. f'}1 'iEVr:Il" S ,J'_ a 72';3(h. <;ltr 1.1 (I I . -. - .- erences, 884.1835 afler 7 p.m, Hit'S. 7786194. leas(' or for sale-, :\IJ('k. a pre-stige address. HELL AND 1I0W~:I.L. 16mlll I " .. _ .OSS

" POlt., 'r" PARK fI.OS'!' ~ Pcarl earring, poss; Jt II " I I "" \1 LL" I I (t..••, L • L •••.. --.---.----. -. ••. 'TIl~ WA"-R EDGE SCHULTZ HOMES ",aSotHIIt'. ,.0 ~Jse 1'1.' e ectrie ~l('_ !1l01'1e- ('aml!la. IlINI.,G T, I ", (lOP ca, " ,MW:,r,.t:~~rlmaC)',W.rbu.n a,,~ hly corner lIarrourl and Es mONING or clean~ng. Monday,: 0\ l' SII0

1R1'.oJ;:LINE EAST . '. ','J" qUlre'I, Modcl 240 E~•. 884.1519, I ~xll'a Il!a~cs, I'llstolU, »:','

"u'. P'lIr Store, Chorl.,ol~ sex, Ileward. 821.7251. Thursdav or FrIday, Grosse' I a s 88/9U33 88.. h.3 F.\llICI< HEALTY TU 17710 " lIost and Ilosl .." dWII s. l'ond L.I"polnl._ .. __ .. --"--.. Pointe ;eler('nces necessary, AI'AHT:\IENTS. By apPoinl.., , " . .... .__. WALLACE Hose "omt stcrlll\~: 4

i 4--HELP WANTED, 881-4255, mcnt. 567.1175, L\VALlEIl Manor~24575 Kd'i . . S silver 111'1'1\'1' 6'".inch diam: 5.304. .()SSE POINTE C'TY GENERAL .----.- ---.- -- _.-- .. -;--.--- '--" . !>. !load near IU .Mlle, "[OdNlI 6D-:-:VAC#\,..!C?~!~~T~~ cler plalcs 5260, tll'('lve gob j NOnGE relri"('Tator, 15 ('III.'I~'l.:~"'"''....,.., '-~, .._,, , N,If '"d . row" """~. ""Id".. W", ,ICAi'ULeU A"".. R' ..'. "" sm, .... w,." "to'''' f,,'. 'w",,,, r",,,,. g',7~~n~~.o~.~o8;u~.~~o:e~dN~f.l: ALL JOBS lOO';{ FnEE 5-SITUATION WANTED Between Kercheval and I rorne. Apphanees. large vool, lease villd on Ihe ba)' Com.; 5240 fj'le'l'iece lea and rof., cundition 5100' upholstO:I'- I APPLICAN1'S -------------- St Paul) carpeled, $200. Also 1 bed. '. 1 " • hi, " .u?J;n~..o~:u~~"U~:: Shop, TO I CBlLD CARE in my home,' t t $165 777. pl<'le apartment Inth pnvate! fee service wit arge rose. SWivel rerker. necds r(}I"~11i

(.'ICI/eu~ .nd Keeche'.l Slart the New Year right wilh I East Jefferson.Grosse Pointe DUPLEX, 3 bedrooms, 2 balhs ~~~~ 9~~~;I~~Jl . pool and maid service. Own. i print silver plaled tra)' $685. $35. 8842558.~lloJ'1.r~:~n.Ll:~:rmICY, Kerch .. 'al a happ)' new job from Park. 821-8777. up, Gas heal, garage, park ': .... :"' __ .._' . ers. 476.258l or 626.9959. 1 886.2414. 8A-MU"SICALllon Secour Ho.pll.l. E 1------------- prl\'lleges, screened porch. 1007 llEACONSFtELD Grosse . _. . ' . ... _

and Mum.. HARRIET SORG MALE NURSE desires priyate $300. Poinle Park. 2 bedr~m llat. CONDOMINIUM _ ForI Lau.: \lOT ~?[NT refrigerator, good INS TRUMENTSGi;:O~~e POINTE FARMS PERSONNEL AGENCY duty in r.esidence, excell~nl: LEWIS & FORD C;;OMPANY Carpeted. parking, pel 1\('. derdale. Brand new 2 ~ed~! condlh~:.~2~. ~2.0349. .. __ . •. ..... _ ... _

MI... Dtll. Slor<, .nd 350 Eastland Center Pro!. Bldg. Grosse POJnt~ references. TU 1961.0550 Bill Lewis ceptable $140, 961.9142 _ ro~rns, 2 balhs, ocean VleW'j SCAi.-E -MODEL Tll!llNS lwo. G~~:~~~n.c1~~~~~)$J:.01~61.f;r::,~~oTn~uor~."e~"', M.':k 372.4720 2.5671. . 1------... .. 8863618' pmate pool. Ideal location. 0 ,. 'I t dn u ... - -------,-.,---- --- , • ". VALET PARKING, doorman ... _' __ . .__ ... _ Al'ailable now. 881.7187. I ral! typc. ?ne .t:~lcuI~c~. CLARI:-lET.~s~d-6- ;;;~rrti"po~~dorrr::.nM.Ck An.• nd BOYS, 12 10 15. to deliver news. YOUR speclal.table Irnens done and guard service al SHORE. ONE BEDROOM apartment ex--". . tram, two 24.1 ch g

Warren . papers on Sunday mornings. in my home Grosse Pointe LINE EAS'!' APARTMENTS, I re'ssway and Whiltie-r. '886. I LAUDERDALE.BY.SEA motives, ,lwo passenger cars. Cosl $[50, asking $75. 8'"'rt:~1 J:~.~Ir.tCY,Xercl1tval Call 886.6244. relerenees. Pock up and By appointment. 567.1175, ~513 . . Oc~an front luxury 2 bedroom I Ihree freight cars. all for $1~0. 8844,TO{,':~*i'W::dKlrChenl ,nd I INtER VIEWERS wanted in this deliver)'. 773.2185,' , __ ._ ! to.'vnhouse" beautifull)' fur. I 88G.~1~ . LOWREY-organ. $350. 8~!;S<helller DrUB., Fhh.r .lld area. ParI lime opportunity SN W REMOVAL dd' b - 2 BEDROOM terrace apartment KENSINGTON, livl;'.room up.! IIlshed, private beach. pool., AL~10Sr new South African U90,c~~~:;'tea ... Dru•• , ?Mlle Ro.d , for Iyoman 10 work with Mar. I I °d t' I ,0)0 ~ in Grosse Polnle. $200 per per income. Adults only, S175, i \VO 3.3123 Eves TU 4.7944: e'arpets and underfelt 12'x . ..

and Mack n us rlous )'odung

meTn, e. month. Carpeting, draperies, heal included, TV 5-2565. , - __ • . _ '18' Id $200 12'x 15" b'ue DRUM OUTFIT, complete, St,.COllan Jlo.pllal, Kttch~val I ket Research firm located in pendable, goo rates. ony- \vasher, dryer included. Chll.l. _. _ : RESORT rental Aspen. New: ,go. . ,', dio. vel')' good condilk ..Bl:~:"r.w~~I.urlnl, Mack .nd Dirniingham, College educa. TV 5.8166, dren welcome. No pets. 885. DEVONSI!IRE, Grosse Pointe: condominulm, 50 yards from i _!130. ~86.72~~: __.__ .._ Used, $95. 861.3399.Bourn.moulh lion and experience preferred, ACCURATE - Confidential - 5550. ~rea: upper, $175. j lilt, greal Mouptaln view, 3! NEW Yardman snow blower: 6 I 8B ANTlnUES FOR SAl"M.rlt Wood. Pharmacy, Mack .nd but will train for personal , IS' I S - ----.------ Available Februar)' 1. No: bedrooms 2 baths complete I h (l TU 1.S432 I _ oc; .~.Boutn.mouth and/or lelephone interview. E.conomle.a e~reta~la er-I DOORl\[AN. ~ALET PARKING children. no pets. Call 642.5710 I kitchen \VeeklY C~lI 889.0410 I ., ' ._;; •.....

GROSSE POINTE WOODS ing. 645.9445, Miss Wolfe. VJce, Typrng, Frnanelal State. I and guard 5ervice at SHORE. belween 9 and 5. , '. , rOPPERTONE ,gas range, dou'l vAREFVLL Y choosen .171",Gro... Polnle Phormacy. Mlck -------.-----.- ments, ell.'. 5028 Harvard: L[NE EAST APARTMENTS. ------ 1 DElRAY BEACH j ble oven like new $175;, 18th. lOth century anllqu",-H::l.~.~np~:~~~CY, Mack .nd ALTERATIONS SEAMSTRESS. Road. 882.5506. , By appointment. 567.1175. NORTH SHORE I LUXURY APARTMENT room di~iders gOld' tones, I shown by ap~oint~lent. C:.\J

LochmoOT I Must be experienced on better COLLEGE BOYS t od~ . b ,-- . APARTMENTS I ., . white bed and dresser. Mis. I Frances or ElSie J\ohtchell 2(,Ho.... rd John.on'. Il••laurant, dresses. Adelaide Huhn, 31 I Wan ()O S'l ONE bedroo~ apartmenl near Large one-bedroom aparlment. Relax 1~ FlOrida after Chrl6l., eellan~ous household items.' TU 2.4724 or TV 5.9065.

Mack and "Mil. d G P . t 775.2256 a ler 6 p.m. Grosse POlllte Park newly . d k' h f Ii mas m lovely 2 bedroom I ., .Bob'IDtll.a,M.ckan l\o.lyn Kercheval Ave., rosse ome'l 'd All l'IT 'I I d. G.E. eqUippe Itc en, u I t ,.t t" 0 _I V,\ 2.7362. iANTIQUE sculptured figurir..:,

Farms, IF YOU'LL name the job you I decorate. U 111C~ ~e u basement, h~at and central apa.r men o~ 'Ie c~an . ; __ . '. _ I ' . . _.D~T.R~~~nAI~!~1l0I,. 7 Mile R03d.' --- want done, we'll do it • " ed, stove and relnge.'ator. air condilioning, pool, 911l lIIilf P rim e 10~atlOn -: avarlablE' TWO 9'x12' Chlllese On~~tall 16,lIlches hIgh, made III P .. [., .

Moro... FULL TIME book~l!eper th~ough \ Slokes Multiple Servkes, VA 372.1893. and Jefferson, 771.3124, now. For 1Il10rmahon call or I. I' U g 3. Excellent cOllllltlon., _ 178~_~9()' ~8~:2~~~ __ .P'ltl~!lr.,rlY Store, Mack .nd trial balance wllh established 4.9172. i376 HARVARD, 3 bedrooms ---.---- .. write I Reasonable. VA 4.1156. ! 9-ARTICUS WANTED'DlVon.hlr. nru •• , Mack and company. Write to Box J.25, ----- ------1 211, baths lamlly room No FOUR.BEDROOM home, two Thomas J, While. , '---P-AC-E-W-OOD 111- 'd :_ .__ . .. _._ __ .L O;.~nt.'l:~~macy, M.tll and Grosse Pointe News, listing NEED a baby sitler? CaU The. t $325 month. Se~urlty balhs, on Hillcrest. Cllrpet. 419 Schoeltler Rd. 'I FIRE L

d' d d (I', ve~:l' ,HEFIUGF.RATOll, 22.~50fro'nt

B"con,II.ld salary rf,qulred. expnrlence Sillers Club, licensed, bonded. ~: s~slt re ulred "88~.9449 lng, drapes, $300, plus sacur. Chesterlle-Id, Mo. 63017 . slacke an umpC( , . i fl'oe, 8Q6.0426,M.tYl.nll n.yera •• Shopp., Mot" and rcreren~es. 777.0377, .. _~ .. _~ __ .-.:.. '_I \\y deposit, 771.1779 Aller G 314,227.5204 or 314.961.4480 0292, . ! '. __ ... . ."...... ...

PIB:.~ t!~m..a~'Ylon 'nd Warnn -~---- -..,.-_._~- .----.--- .. -- -'---"- a flOO~1 upper '1ICal~ll, ndufls, p,m, ._ •.,--,_. ";__ • ._ .... _._~.I wALNUT '1;111~" (ir~s8er. n~,1 < WE BUY old [lohl, Jewelry nl~l~S'l', CLAIR SHORES It ESP 0 N SID L E hlllhschool. WOMAN with 10 years expel'l. sec\Il',t;' deposit, TV 11-4068, ,~-~--- ~~~_ .• , .... , UA,nIlOll SPRINGS Chi 101, mlrrar 882.11000 sliver. VOIl(le JewclClrs, 2~3II

Minor l'h~rrn.oy, Gr"'n M.rk or with oarl/o.t houn 10 .It for onco In one (llrl oW co dos/ro. ----- ... --. --- ---_ ~ I 6A-FOR RENT, Com p It,; tely (urnl.hod, 10 I _~ :' '...... _ Moro!s HOlld,.. , ... N.". ..... ',"".", •• 1.. ."kI, .. d .. "1" ... ,,, "pl'l, I,h,"" "IORW", EAST . FURNISH ED .. ,,,,.. , .. '" •• '" .. d DINING.• "m "', I. ,,,.11,,,1 iiiN',--'l'hi"~i,~I',~•1.~:.t':~7'm,:;.::'..... ".. ,,, .. ,,,,' .".f.... ."". I"" '''''''pi". "''''11, .to. APART"",T'" NOF'ROAD' _ t.... I..... . N"bo, "'.76\,'''', ",dill", • "''', *",. ".. OR1,'I'.~:."" " "'.~-~~~~._-~ onm, .TU _!'ll~~~, I 882,6007, "9n tho wftt~r'ft ~!llln turnl.hod, vlclnt, Ad 1111. SKJERS lI~a~, ~_~ --~_~~O=.~.. _.. _.

lA-PERSONALS GUARDS By Ip[lolntment OB7-l17l! only, '17l! plu. dllPOllt, Rulllr- a lJ(ldfQO!fl, II blth COnl/omlnlum ESTATI( SALi~~.-~~== PIANOS WANTEDFlU~.~N~c-ll=a-m-l.-.;~kinll' ~b>,: 'l'op nlY, bonoilt., Immadilltu SA-~'J~~l~fcN, INlJIANVlllm, -loOOv~n onCON, lilI~o}d B~rO~~iiUN unit III L'Arbrl! Crooho, Iho Com plot!! houftohold, SuturdllY I Orllnd8, h'p!nlli. lOll 8mllll

O'jlonlnlll, Apply 1780 PonD!). .. .. Pyk!!, Onll bullroolll uPllrl.!. I~~OOO,II ~~_rl,.. mlln, Mldwll.t'. mOlt oxclt~nll now i "nd SlIndllY, Jlnuury Q Ind I Ullrlllhl., t:lllh,'!!l111M Joll In Floridl dnrln. ICot Dldl, LADY wlihol II dUYI hOlllQwork, mllnl, appliAnce., pnrklnll, ilwlliop ROA/)~4 Ilodroom, S ra~ort on LIltlll TrlvOoIl! JhY: i I~I I~~~o .~~,~I"Vl1rnlllr,.

March, Cali IIBU04D, EXPERIENCED - till rdruier, D71'!7~~ orD11I:o~~:_ .n. _ I mpllto!l, pill IImpllllJlo,:' blth Colonlll 1I0mo with now! ~~~I~IO:n,lr~~b'"W~:b, I~fa\ ' !lOY Ill" .S1' II NlJA 110 IYJlIIWfll. i. Yc_ ~~q~~~"._~,iRM; m, "iIi" T.• ',' I.rait Gro.. , "lnI, or... Moo' tADY wi.,.. "onl", " m, -'I"~"I.!,"~"O.!,!~~,'",hon OI' • ',mll, R,,~, '''' ''''.ond, '\0, '''' .kIt ", .... "onl ""'"l", IS', BOOK9, Art ObI"" "",10'

I.ludllnllllo, Jlnuary :lit, Olll). IlOllr B Milo, aU,Ollrn, EVil- homo, CIlII lIvlInlnllN, UlI,aOGa, I MAGNIFlC£NT ilia/! IHlm; frnmlllllllill /loumilltl, l,llUIl, WPllk, oaa.IO:IO, l~blll model! Iwln!l'llrm (ly~rlll' Ilrowlllrl IlwIY' Wll/COlllll,111'11 1l11d, rotoroneol fllqllir. /llll!!1'70,a1Dl. ,~~.,- .. , .. '.'-~ .,. VIEWS trom 8110nF:LJN~ I '14711,00 month turnlahlltl, .... -~.~~~"~,=,, . .,.. , I ront lump, 110, DUIl,IOa4,. n, C, Cllu nook IlhllP, Ml~~od, VA 3,OPGO, ~==~=~~,,=~= ~,~. 7, .. b=~ EX'IEnJIi:NCEJ) Ilidy WI/ltltWll EAIIT Af'AIlTM ENTS n 1I111,ClWAV " CO ,UlXlHtlOU8 /I11W comlomln/um -.,..... ~ I Elt.\ll ClIO. 1010 LlIl'llrot\I'

2A:";;uiic~ IDU-C'.ITiON '~I:Mt,~~NJ,,~''1'~~,..::~: :'~a'T;~;:J';~,"I"W~~;'~~:r.I.~,,!!,~~!.,:..'''"''!: .. .' .... .....:r~..!:'!" .. .1 ~;",,::~ ~::~. J~,":''':~;'I ~~,:::,';'. ~~~•••;1,~:.,:;::I _".~11"..!.?)!~1:~_~-=..~.=,,~~=.=-===== :!vllr)' Wtll!noldllY 8 lI,m, to 021-7431, I' . I l5I-ROOMS 'OR RlNT I NU!IM, 3 hlldrllOlllM, rlr\l",llllCI!, I In JUII 6 WUkl, I', V II n 11111 Jf ... ,C.. ltS "OR SALI}11~:IJ~ri:~::~' :I~:~~r Il~~m~ r~~~rvr~~': CRII BUa,l111a tllrl. CLEANIN(;, Mondo). nnd W~d. 1I~~c~n a W~~I~:om=;, IIt~~II~ NicE'iloOM=J;~G;:M~'u"I'olnio I g:~u7~llaI1,IlY wllllk or monlh, I ~~rllmlln~V.~~U:~@1'r~~IY~~:~~: IDoorORO" QllJftxi~'80'0: ,,:il, g

00.70 0' 'C=~~~ ."" ~=*=.= ..,.~c tmdfty, GronD Pointe rllrur, room, lIurlflo, rllfmn~ul ro, . tor umployod Ilontlomun, .' - '. " , Frllllhun lip your 8klll8 or door, Puwllr, blft~k vll1yl lup,,~.:..:..:_--- -_.. ...... • PORnR FOR .. ,,' I, VIII.. ,., "",' OW" ""'''''01'",,... ''''"d, I,,,",m,. O".d '''''11,,,. R", .. ",... IlittSl'GR" II""ClI, ""hi. I"" ."m"III". now. .,," f 'wno" , .... "'."'.

7 I,m, 10 1 p,m, dlll1y OXCOII! ma, . MAnV, UOUTIN llEi\I,TY IIU,4061. =On lIw o,l'llnn, tllrnlMho(/ And udulll, 'lIG, OD4,II403 _ .. _ .. ~""~=,,,,~~~~~ ~: 'Blindly,OOil,ailOa, MlnLlyna .~- ... , ' .. 884.7733 11307820 ~._.=~=~~~ =~.~.~ nplIrtment, 7V, hfloturl swim. "="'0. '" .. __ ,,_.'~_._=,. 11100ORAND PRiX i.door hllill.

~~'=~--'==.~0'7=~_.=--" I"IIDY wllhal dllV_, StIlollllllorl,~" '-~- EMPLOYED IRdy or eollallQ 81u, mhlll 11001, prlvlto bAlcony, SKI DOOTS, Ilanko, Nbc II, tOil, All powQr, nil', (lOll!! Clll1'n,N'. And L,P,N 8 wantod, mont l'IUllnjl1~, Irol1lnll, 1171, 1)u/'J:1~X, MlIck,Whlltior mo, ciani, Grollu Pol/llo WOOllN, (lMlllnll, 1I.!Ilpl(1pOlklnl!, Clll, USI,<I. only twka, '211, Dill. dllion, 8UOO, 881,11203_ call

Now modorn E,C,F, Kolly 1605. ~1lI1 SllIa, 3 hudl'allnll, Ilropl~cc, So. 889.004'1, .rtor 3 II,m,. ured slIdo lIvaUohlo ror view, 8892, SIl!llrduy,Sundoy,Ilfl~d nOllr 10 Milo Road, Tall curlty deposil Coli Friday --'~~-~~~=,~Y" , 1011 Inqulra TU 46941)'~" ,.'_. ~~ ~~_.~~.~,, .WOlle. nnd benoru., Mtdnlllht I MY cleaning lod)' nucll~ extrn 'Brlll 17nll' , ~IDDI.E AGE womln or younlll .. :. co.. .,.:: TWO Y E: A R OLD 1I0tpoint VW CONVERTIBLE, '02, onlyahlfl only, Full or put limo, dll)' •. Shll dCAorvo~ Ihe bl'!'~t: _c' .• ,.: .. :.. ...•.. - ••••• IIlrl, Harpar Wooda,Mf1rOI8IN~An (l!lYI.OnD and lUdden' wlllhar Ilnd dryor,.ltova, dIn. 38,000 mile!, MW top ond en.713,002.2 rceo1nlllellclnllon. TU 2,330() or GIIOSSI~ I'OINTR -l.llxurlou,lroa, Roference., TU 6,746:1, Volloy Ski Club, Nicely rllr, 1 Inll buffot, now porch carpol, glnl!, runa tlnc, $~95. TV

------- ------~ uk lor Joule nl ED 1.a012 mud,ern cxe~lIl1vc omtment, STUDEN'f' 1C!lc~o;.you'iiii nl!hcd 1011 home on lnke'l Inll, 881'0312 or 880,0237, after ~~. ._~ ,,_ .. _ .SUFFER[NG FIIOM AFTl£n art!!r n p,m. upper, '400, IWI) bedrooms" b .ine .. mln or wom 0 n. . avnllable now Ihrough wInter 8 p,m, 1989 CADILLAC C D V Ii

THE,1I0LIDAY DILLS AND •._-- .• --_._--.- .--- Iwo bnth~, IIhrnry, larae' u rlvlle 08 Call nftel' season, Cnll 886.1080 or nfter ,--- .--_____ oupe ell',BLUES? AVON cln halp )'OU TAKE TilE DAY OFF healed 8UllrOOIll, I.orge JIving I Rllchen P II. . 'Il p,m, 6B[.9541. LARGE 9 piece oRk dining two.door, (ull power, 19,000solvo both problems, Excel. I . 1'001.1 with flre.plnce, dining ~!,m., T~edo 1.~0~. __ '--_ .. . ~ room set, _!~82.1~ miles, 88HI20, ancr 6, 8a~Illnt earning opporlunll)' and MAIDS Iransported, Donded, arcn, kitchen, hrcRkfaBI nook. CO~1FORTAntE ROO M In 4 DEDnOO:\[ 2 nath summel' ENnOl.L NOW, , , Classes be. 3895.

2J-TUTORIHG It's funl Call BB1.4447. I screened, !nsllred dom~sttc Attached two.~ar heale,1 ga. Grosso Pointe for employed; home, Walloon Lake. May gin January 181h for Macrame GRAND PRIX, llj~;ndl.-.------.-- ASSISTAN'l' n~okkeepcr, '30 I help ror one doy or moro, rage, 823.6281. Gentleman. Excellenl trans. i ~~~~~~!~~~rlO~~~'IO~e ~~1~2d9;3d or Crochet at. DesIgners Stu. tloncd, power windows, ll,O{l')URADUATE SlUDENT 10 lulor hr Week Nice working con. DOMESTIC PER S 0 NNEL ----- --- .. - porlatlon or garage IlVall'[ -.:_ ' dio. 888.6501. We tarry alii miles. Sliver, black top, $2,

Frer,ch or Math. All levels. (liiJolls Ii; Gro.!se Pointe Rea[ I POOL, 961,1060, 983.0161. MERR[WEATIlEfl. Furnished able. Reterences required. LONGBOAT KEY SARASOTA supplies. ': 97S or offer, TU 5.4911,Call 822'9743. Estote O!rJce, Mrs. Rooke. -----._ ..... _ .. _ or unlurnlshed $300 month, j TUxedo a.7272. _:..... -New 2 bedroom, 2 balh OUTOF-TO'''''N--;---d-' fiAT 1968 124 S 11.---

--.-------- 884,0000 E E C 0 I d I I 12 10 18 months, Thrce bed.: F CE FOR RENT '1 aparlment. 6 units In build. pap rs e. . p (er CO'lMATHEMATICS. EXP nI N E a)' (es res roe,ns, one bathroom, I 6C-OF I , jng beauttlully decoraled livored'o )'our home Sunday verllblc, 2:5,000 miles, 7?1. ,--- •. ----.--- .. -----.,') work. Wcekl)', day or Inyalld ,--------- I' hi' morning. New York Tlm1!s 3632.

TUTORING lJOO[{ER-Purl time. Payro care, References, 821.8260. BEACONSF[ELD. 904, Lower,' NOW AVi\lLABLE, upstairs of carpeted Ihroug 0\11. S e f . plus other. B866244. ~ .. - . .. __ .nnd tnx form cxperlence. .--------------- heated Two bedrooms Din. flee In Chet Sampson, Travel, cleanlnll oven, Ice maker, __ .. .__. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN De :'ll)'.

IN . 773.3400, !':EAT exper!enced ~ady wishes in~ ro~m. Newly d~c~raled, Service Bldg" 100 KerehevlJl.' color TV, Private residential, KODAK Mednlisl II and Baby bus, sevell.passenllrr. air .rmlr'rSI';!\WR lIIG1I SCHOOL "f-E ll'1CA i..SEcttE1"i\iiy dol'S c1eamng or Ironing, EX'

j$Iim.' TV 5.7510. cemmllnity on .gull. Prlvalc Rome, Bolh in mint condition. dltiollCd, radio, exllas. 'II'

t'1COLLEUE wanted for Interni~t. .Office in cellent rderences. 571.5356. I -----L.-S-U'ITE'3" I I g beach, pool. Pictures avall'l

TU 1.5593. . 2.7128 ..., ,'C'(}:\fT'Ul'ETl PllOGHAMMING -- ----- ---------- :\IA~O:-l HIlOT! EnS I-"C. MEDICA - exam ,nn. ~ able 684.0730, . .... _

Grosse Pointc. No evcnings I TU 2.6000 'rooms plus adequate wmtlllg I. - --------,----.- G VIDE r},o GOOb)' or Salurdays, Call IHl2.3840 A BETTER MAID [S A _. _"_ room' InhorRlory and off1c,~ IIlOYNE COVNl'nY-Alpine Ski . D SERVICE

Ph.D. Mathcmatlcian da)'s or tv 1.4[5t evenings, J IFFI.MAID ST, CLAIR SllORES. 2 bed. spac~. All utilities furrolshed, i Chalel. On Liltle Traverse _"_" .' ' __886.8750 -.-;--:;---;-.------- CALI, JI~FI.l\IA.ID [NC,. r?om ap~rlmelil. Air condi. $4!l0 )ler month. I BAY, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths,-- .... "- .------ .. -. - ~f,EDE[)-Slller after school. j For tpe ull~mate III domesllc lion, pallO and pool, $IBO • : flreplncc, Comfortably sleeps

'I'Ul'OIlING in English IClld. t:adleux.)fack orca, Tle(ercnces" maid serVIce, (ully Insured, lIl'lnth, Available immediate. HIGBIE REALlY , 6. 865.9325, II I II d G ' 82"1 After 6. 8BI'8969, I screened, dependable, 354. Iy. 7750&'00, hetween 9.5 84 Kercheval B86.7101J! _ ... -"---'--" Ing, ,A n 0)) erlllan, ". ---- ---------- '. _.... .. 7C-GARAGE '''A''''TED:l2U7 3145,. __ .- _ -. '_. _ ...... __ ._, ,. ''0_.' '.---.--------:- 4A-HELP WANTED ; .-.___ _ .. __ .'. _ 1353 IIAItVARD 3 hcdroolll I OR 2 OFFICES. Ideal (or, , .. _... _.... _; 1

PIlIV!I'l'E TIlTORlNG I DOMESTIC II.ADY wishes cleaning and iron. hOllle. No dogs, Se~urily de- law)'er, accountant, t~l:\nllfa{'. (,i\HAGI': want~d W.1t1Un3 or 4----,-,-, .---------1'- illg, Ihrce days. refereneees. POSII. R<'ferences exchanged. t u r e r S reprcsentatlye, c!e, )llocks 0(, Umverslly and Ker.

In . i !lAllY.SIT f!',H or 1I0llsekeepe " 5716788 afl~r 6, $250 per month, 110 87832, New attraelive paneled of. cheval Ilense call 885.8241.YOUR OWN HOME I 7:30 am. 10 4;31J, 5 days. lief. I ' ".- lices. Carpeted and draperies, 8-ARTICLESFOR-SALE-

All subjects; all grades. . . erel~~es~~R~.2~56. .. _ . : CPlltral heating an~ aircondi. ..._. _Adult! and chUdren, Cer. 'WANTI':D. ~ouple, wife cnok,! h W' h T A lioning. Paved parkmg lot. ~T' BEAUTIFUL lull.lenglh DreathIIUed leachers. maO! IJOusem,1n and some: P ysician IS el 0 rrange chlteclurally beaullful dll~e of Sprillg mink coat. Reason.

Call: r1ril'in~. apartmenl furnished, , building located al 21500 liar. ahle.' 5270766,llf:rROIT AND SUBURnAN Tup wages. Please give latest I H 0 USE EXC H AN G E per, corner Chal~n, st. Clalr ._._ ---

TUTORING SERV[CE, ., I'cr l"r ell c e s. 1-40, Grosse' Shores _ 15 m!nutes from UPlllGllT Amana lrcezer, largeKE 7.4653 1'0inte :'Iews, ! Downtown DelrOil and ,MI. copacily: Victorian chair, good _.

'CC • . Clemens. Inquire at bUilding, condition, TU 1,7765, after

FOR 6 WE EKS II OFFICE B,J'LDING _. il:~~~~ii'~~-360-;k;~~orde-;

for Lease YOllr si7.~ lrom factory, 885., Shoe Repair19511 MACK Ave. Prestige 3975. !'. building. 1,575 square feel, - - --------- : 365 Fisher Rd., Opp High

usable floor area, carpeled, Choi,S os low os $39 Idrapes, 2 lavatories, ~oll\pact Solos os low os $119 complete!{itchen, all' conditioned, air We offer 12 yrs. of hones I l, '

c'leaner, fun basement, unique business exprrience ond 10layout. Suilable fOI' any pro. doys lervie!!. All work guoron. ~A.MA!I ',;fession. Iced, C7~


Page 17: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will

Page Seventeen



room brick Colonial. naturalfireplace, carpeting, draper.Jf's. Florida room, gas heat,finished basement. Large 101.side drive, 2.ellr garage. 1m.maculate, Close to schoo!!,shopping and park,

GROSSE POINTE BLVD .•h and y to Hill shops,schools, and 51. Paul's.Newly painted 3 b"droom,II': balh moditied EnglishCOLONIAL MUST BESOLD. Cozy firtillace, 25toot terrace. paneled gamesroom. 2 car attached ga.rage. Good value lilt$36,900. TU 1.6300.

McKINLEY-FIRST OFl>'ER.ING. 3 bedroom, Ith bathcenter entrance COLO.NIAL. Paneled den, break.tast nook. Beauliful condition inside and out.51. Paul's Parish. TU4.0600.

THREE MILE DRIVE-Spe.cial center hall COLO.NIAL on lovely deep site.Bedroom and bath two 18 foot booroomsand bath on second. familyroom with grill and secondfirst tloor fireplace, sunnybreaktasl rOOm and pan.eled games room, Landconlracl terms available.$59.500, TU 1.6300.

FAIRWAY DRIVE RANCH--Freshly decorated with3 bedrooms. I u.. baths, 33foot family room, tull din.ding room and modernkitchen, paneled gamesroom with bar. lots atclosets and storage and 2car aUached garage. Landcontract t;!rms available.$52,800. TV 1.6300.

RIVARD-Move !illht in 10this 5 bedroom, 2 bathTOWNHOUSE. L 0 vel ymodern kitchen with allbullt.lns. Lots ot livingspace for $39,500. Highbalance, low interesl morlgage for the rightbuyer, TU 4.0600.

CONTEM PORARY CO L O.NIAI. on 100xl67 foot ~itewilh circular drive-3 twillsite bedrooms. 20>:27 toottamll) I' 0 0 Ill, library,kit c h c n built.ins phISbreaklast room, g am e ~r""", \Vilh \\',,1 har lIi~hbillance existing mortgage.$56,000. TU 1.6300.

FISIIER - Spacious 3 center hall COLO.NIAI. with den. h:rraceand hreakfast room, plusexcellent storage or ex.pansion space Oil lhird.Games r001ll, 2 car garageand good exisli,lg mort.gage. Owner .lransterrcd,TlJ 1.6300.








REALTORSThe Hallmark of Broker Dependability

We're here to help YOU!

802 ANITA-SOMETIIING SPECIAL! Owner's lransfermakes ,wailable this excellent 3 bedroom, 2 balh ranchwith family room. Priced in mid 40'~ with good assumablemorlgage, Beautiful conditilln.

1706 BROADSTONE-Excellent condition. convenienl toe\'er)'lhing. comforlable 3 bedroom cOlonial with good kitch.en. cozy den. and large assumabl~ mortgage,

1424 GRA YTON--ldeal 3 bedroom. Ilh bath English. con.venicnt to schools. shop;>ing and trilnsportation. Quick pos.session, owner moving oul of town,

1516 HOLLYWOOD-3 bedroom, 1"'z bath brick with alum.inum trim colonial located on 60 ft. Jot. within walkingdislanc(O to ~chcols. Erand new kitchen. almost new car.peling. generous family rooml with parquet flooring.

276 KERCHEVAL-Sharp 4 bedroom. 2"'z bath colonialsituated on 75x200 n. lot, beautifully decorated with Illanyextras to tell you about.

1901 LITILESTONE-Nicel)' located, 3 bedroom, 2"i bathwhite brick colonial, cu..;tom.built, with attached ga.rage and breezeway.

164 MORAN-Immediatc possession in your own counlryestate in t':e heart of the Farms. complete/)' remodeled in.side and out. 4 bedrooms plus 2 sitting rooms or extrabtdroom •• 21': bat~s. Beautiful New England colonial withnew furnace and copper plumbing.

663 PEMBERTON-Dislinclive executive's 5 bedroom. 2Libath English Tudor with exceptionally large rooms, all inexcellent condition.

BLAIR.'100R - Don'l missthis 4 bedroom, 2~ bathCOLONIAL. Kitchen built.ins. large family room withfireplace, 2 car attachedgarage. Beautiful conditionand nice low i n tel' estmortgage waiting tor theright buyer. Move in im.mediately. TtJ 4.0600.

CO U N TRY CLUB nearMason ~hool - Almostnew face brick COLONIALwith nothing to do bulmove In. 3 bedrooms, eachwith double closets, 11':bat h s, kitchen ' room. 2~ car ga.rage and low interest ex.isting mortgage. 0 w n e rtransferred. $37,500. TU1.6300.

BALFOUR - FOUR BED.ROOM, 2J,7, bath Colonialwith extra large livingroom, sun room, den. 3 cargarage. Priced to sell. TU1.4200.

RA~IBLING RANCH wit heverything - 2 masterbedrooms with 2 bathsplus library or lhird uHra modern kitch.en with laundry unils andthe family room leads tothe lerrace and hen t e dpool. The perfecl houselor leisure living and ex-tensive entertaining. $69 •.500. TU 1.6300.

BALFOUR - Large tamiJiestake note. Freshly decor.ated COLONIAL with 4o vel's i z e bedrooms. Ilhbalhs on second, lavatoryon tirst, modern countrykitchen, hbrary, enclosedterrace, new turnace andother improvements. LowInlerest existing mortgage.Mid 40's. TU 1.6300,

CAPE COD on quiet courlnear Montieth School _Beautitully a'iJpointed with4 bl'drooms, 2 balhs, all:"lEW KIT C II EN wllhevery huill-in. I a III i I )room. handy first tloorlaundry, 2 car altnchedgaralle. l.ow inlerest ex.isling mortgage. Low 50'5,TV 1.6300.

WASIJI:'olGTON - Wellmaintained 4 bedroom cen.t(Or hall COI.ONIAL, Ncarschool~ and shops. Idealfor ~rowlng family. TU 1.4200.


OWNEll-3 bedroom ranch. Ifull, 2 half.baths, finishedbasement. porch, Assumablemortgage. Mid 30's. 885.4876.


TU 6.3800

Extra Rm.






2'h3 II.!E.,2','2





1,1,. Blc~k from Lakeshore Drive.Ideal tor discriminating coupleor small family that desires an FIKANYattractive, easy to maintainhome. Custom materials andwork'Jlanship. Interior and ex, REALTORterior decoration and applianc. 886-5051<!S as new. First floor laundry,Celltral air con11tioning, Ander. .____ .... ' _seD windows, Professionally

OPEN SUNDAY 2:3C)..5:00~T-;~:landscaped. By appointment, i NEW CUS'roM built home. lourbouse, .so St. Clair. (our bed. 550 Roslyn Road, 886.829,' i bedrooms, 2~ baths. carpetetJ

2LL .. ths f' I ------- ...... _- .._-: G.E. kitchen and tamilyrooms, .... ua , Irep ace. BY OWNER-3 bedroom, 1"'z I' room. 1st lloor laundr)'.pantry carpeting two car ga b b' dra e $36' 000. Ow'ner 885-4155, ath_ rick upl~x. 821.3379, many extras. 881.4117.g, , ---_. __ .__ .- --- -'-'-- -----_._._----- .. -Brokers welcome.












lond olhers,

TU. 4-5700







LOTHROP 407-Delightful white hrick center entranceCAPE COD. three bedrooms (aU twin size). den andfamily room plus breakfast room. Recreation room,garage, carpeting, lavon first floor. gas heat.

RENAUD 490-Don't you mis3 the chance to look at thiselegant Center Entrance Colonial. It offers endIessopportunity to be creative in decorating, areas forfamily hobbles and a showplace garden. You will beimpressed from the winding staircase to the last detailin the formal living room and dining room. Paneledfamily room with fire<;>lace. Four bedrooms. threebaths and mu'~b. much more. Call before it is 'goneto another LUCKY BUYER!


CARMEL LANE 21-A CAPE COLONIAl A beautifulway to keep a tradition with the enduring appeal ofof a collectors item. buill in 1962, four bedrooms.three and a haIf baths. "House BeautIfuJ" kitchen.outstanding lamily room. recreation room. attachedgarage. drcular drive. Located on II knon with 8lake view.

LOTHROP 210-A promise of lasting happiness in thisspacious three bedroom ranch nestled on a lovely loton a secluded Charm and serenity fromthe center entrance tv Lie large family room. ChoiceFARMS location, priced in the sixties.

Whatever your

You'll get more eftcctive re~ults.

395 Fisher Road

We can help you find The house which is right for Your

circumstances. That's what our job is all about. Helping

YOU ••• Professlonalll',

Transferred? Promotion? An increase or decrease in housing

space requirements?

16 Alger Place

36 Harbor Hill

1329 Kensington

973 Lincoln

344 Notre Dame

254 Slephens

589 Washington

917 Weslchester

A sample of some ot our present oUcrings:

Take the confusion and tru.itration out at your present

searching pattern. , . Call or slop by our office 10 arrange

for a pcrsonal discussion of your !lousing needs, either at

your home or our oUice.

BARTLETI' RD., H~ ml, from1.94 exit-four bedroom. brick home; beamed room with fireplace; Ii.brary; large master bedroom;

. WM. W. QUEEN 21,Zbaths; earp~ted; screened886..U41 patio: 4.45 a~res: luxurious

Member Grosse Pointe Real home in the country-$45.900,Estate Board N. RIVERSIDE AVE.-4 bed.

----- room, Colonial 011 100' river.BY OWNER. Brick ranch built {ront hI in best area ot,

by builder for himself assures lown; large living room wllh iquality ane: many extras. 3 {i r e p I ace; formal dining:bedrooms, library could be room; modern kitchen withused as nursery or fourth bed. builtins; lien and bath down;room. large Hving room with 4 bedrooms and Ilh batl1snatural fireplace. dining room up; needs some eatin,{ area in kitcben, i .Florida room. Full bath and STODDARD RD.• Me~phls -;powder room on main floor. 1~ acr~ horae {arm With Belle!Huge recreation room with Ihver fro!1tage; 4 bedroom. iwet bar and fireplace. plus modern bilevel home; .3 carlaundry room. work shop and gara"e; horse barn WIth 11half bath, 2J,7, car garage. box stalls; ~0~80 pole barnLarge double lot on corner ot and otber bulldmgs-$71,BOO.quiet court. M?nteith, Brown. BEADLE-CURRIERell, Grosse POlllte North and cStar of the Seas schools. Ask. AG..NCYing $4'1,500. For a?poinlment I Realtor-St. Clair-'liJ079call 881.0694, Phone (313)32~-i200

TU 5.3220


GROSSE POINTE News-------------- ---" -~--_._,--------- ---------_. __ ._~---.._._-+-~.-.__._---~~-- _._-----



Air condition. self contained,.leep. 7. MQtorama RentalInc. 886.5840.

10 ACRES 1;) ACRESHOUGHTON Lake. Grayling

area. Beautifully 'IV 0 0 d e d.Birch. Pine. Oak. Rolling. Ex.cellent building or mobilehome site. Borders miles ofState Forest. Good hunting,fishing area,

$2,995.00 with ;300.00 down. $:ISa month. Another lightlywooded. $1,995.00 with $200.00dowll, $20 a mo.

Call or write {or complete in.formation.



2~ MILES WEST OF AL-GONAC. MICH. Lovely sixyear old ranch home. follrbedrooms. two baths, spaciousfamily room. Electric heatlow taxes. swimming pool.Good barn. fenced corral forhorses. Some woods. All inexcellent condition. $49.000.


212 S. 3rd StreetSt Clair. Michigan

329.2201Mrs. Leona Rhoades. 329.3612Mr, Don E. Ross, 3294405

MACK COR. LINCOLNPrime <lIte for offices. 132' on

Mack Avenue.KARL D-\VIES

FOR LEASE, Grosse PointePark, 3,200 square feet. fine building. insideparking for 6 trucks. Nice of.fice. Reasonable.

P "R REALTY886.9120 885.9063


CABER FEE Village, Corner lot. Chalet site. 200 yardstrom ski area. Price $3,500.773.3400.

TOWNHOUSE. For minimumcare, luxury living. call onthis, a ......bath" endunit condominium. Prlcea inthe low fillies. W11I considerland contract, .



BRAND new oceanfront con.dominium. also has good viewof intracoastal waterway. twobedroccns, two full baths, ormay be used as one bedroomand convertible area, twolarge walk.ln closets and oneguest closet, modern electrickitchen with Frigidaire frostlree refrigerator, self cleanelectric range, garbage disposal. dishwasher, hood andfan and double bowl sinkcentral Individual all' conditiorllng and heal. tile baths.marble window sills, heatedpool, sauna baths, 440 feet ofprivate beach, assigned underbul1r1lng parking: Owner, RayMorrow. 429 South East ThirdStreet. Deerfield Be a c h,Florida 33441. Phone 305.3999351. Price $38.400. Cash needed $15,700. Mortgage may beassumed.


:'ULLION $ view on Lake St I

I Clair. 8(1' trontage x 11n!l; I' deep, fealures: new steel sea

wall 16'x40'. boat well, 8 tonelectric hoist. heavy duty pl1Ings, 4 blocks north at Stat.ler, 51. Clair Shores, $30.500Can owner, 886.44B5.

UNIQUE island lake properlylocated on private island. 120leet of frontage on lakeIsland accessible year roundby bridge. Ncar Peloskey,Michigan.

I HIGBIE REALTY84 Kercheval 886.7100


Drive In

VAN DYKEBet. \0. I I Mile Rds,





LO 7-6811


536.6260 or 757.0767








Between 10.11 Mile Roods

SL 4.0440 Or JE 6.0255


26155 VAN DYKE

Free Parking

1966 CHEVROlET SuburbanCorryoll, v.s.

$11951969 CHEVROLET EI CaminoCustom, v.e, aulomatic, pawersteering. power brokes


J 966 LINCOLNContinental, 25,000 octuolmiles. FuH power and oir, Justlike new.

$18951968 CADILLAC

Calais " dr. H.T,. gold, goldinfer/e", fuH pawer, foctory oir.




all colon-loaded with equip. i13 to choose from as low as

$4/995Dalgleish Cadillac

6160 Woodward TR 5.()309




aU colors-loaded with equip.12 to choose from 88 low as

$4)95Dalgleish Cadillac

6160 Woodward TR 5.0309II"I,.


882,7787. honestly!"

PR 86400

at 8 MILE

/68 Barracuda

'69 Torino Squire9 pass. ouIO.. p.s" luggagerock.

'66 Ranch Wagon6 pass, 8, oil/omotic, p.S"p.b., W.w.1.

'67 Country Squire6 pass" V.B, automotic, p,S .•luggage rock.

'70 PlymouthRoad Runner 383, 4barrel, auto., p.s., facto-ry air, style wheels. Cop-per with con t r a stingwhite vinyl roo f andmatching white interior.Absolutely perfect!

/68 Mustang8, auto., p.s., air cond.,red with vinyl roof,matching red interior.Extra clean!

Vinyl top, air condition-ing, 12,000 actual miles.$1295.

15175 E. JEFFERSONVA 1-2000



30 days or 1.000 miles.






'68 aIds

Cook Ford"You I("ceive more for your dollar .

Thursday, January 7, 1911


USED CARS60 To Choose From

'70 JavelinMar k Donohue. p,s.,p.b., air, mag wheels.Red, white stripes. 5,000actual miles. Sharpestone in the country!

'69 AmbassadorSST 4 dr. 8, auto. p.S"p.b. Air con ditioning.Copper with white vi-nyl roof.

Cutless 2 dr. H.T. 8,au!o., p.s. p.b., vi n y I~op.Very clean!


18201 MACK

'69 Country Squire10 pass. Factory oi.,' lug-gage rock, r.&h.• w.w,I.

16801 Mack at Cadieux

'66 Falcon Wagon6. aulomotlc, r.&h., while walltires.

'67 Country SedanV.S, outomctic, p.s., r.&h.,w .....t,


372-2600eEngine, trans., rear Ixle, front axle assemblies, brakeaystem, and electric.1 systems.

~.:.:.;o';'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~;.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:~:.;.:.:.:~ :.:.:.;.:.:.:~.:.:.:.:.:.: ••.•••..••••••••.•.•••••••;.~;!;•••;.;••"""""""""''';'''''''''''''''''''''''''1 ll-CARS FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE 113 RIAL ESTATEI 1l'L"71:' z~ 'D-.'" '" _ ll!:.:";~::~:1:.NEiFA.M:or~::~:AL lo::.~::A~:"i:"c~;~: ~ j ~ :::: top and Interior, bucket seats. ~oc mOOr Club. Paneled den, with library and family roon,~:. ::~ power JiteerlDg. Perfect con. lI~lng 'oom with fireplace. Attached 2 car garage. Pric':~ .~...'~::' dlUon. TUxedo 4.2268. dlnb~g !~1lI with bay, Mut. ed to sell. A&ssumable morl.~.: -.-----------1 sc er A,ltchen, Florida room. gagl'. Open Sun1ay 3.~ or by

:c.....:••;:....,;. An~ ~::1966 DODGE Polara station rear slalrway, new carpeting. appointment. 881.4397.:':. wagoD. wh!tewaJJs, r a d 10. master suile with fireplace .__

'.' ::~ heater, aD pOWtl'. excellent and bath plus " olher bed.:;: :;:= condition. Private. $950. 778- rOOlDs and 2 baths. Eariy BEDFORD. Splelfl1id newer 3.. ,;" 7.... , bedroom' brick colonial, 1~

'If..; c.n 2-6900 - 3 Trunk Lin.. To S.,V. You Quickly ~.';li 1- ""1C'OUG.'R, tully equlp..aA. ~:r:~~~la:eec:~;t~:... {:~ baths, deD, all larie bed.. Y "'d C B Ch ,_I" 11 '" ~ed lot an1 flagstone terrace, By rooms. 2 ear garage, rec.::: our '" 1ft. .rl.d :::: 2,000 mea, privately own. owner, $89.500. 108'1 Sunning. !lOOm. Jmmedlale possession,

tttx.:~,:~:~:.:~;~::;~:~:.:.:-:.:.;::~;.:~:.:~:.:-;~;~:~:=::;~;:::;:;:::;=::;::::::::::.:.:.;.;~:.;.:.;.:-:.:.:.;~.;:X::~:~;:::;:~;:::::;~~:;::::~:;~:::::;:;:::::::::::::;:;::c::;:;:;:;:;::::::~;::~:Jl~_ ~~290~~Y. Mr. DlLorelllO. ~~~_4_'4_19_1_. ._

l1-CAlS 'OR SALE ll-CI.RS FOR SALE ! 'l-eAlS FOR SALE 67 FIREBIRD or .~ Chevrolet WHlTIIER-ehoice cenler en._ Impala. PR 2.6054. I trance coloniat. t~ree bed.

JlMl8 THUNDERBIRD, lull pow. '70 CADILLAC Eldorado, air '64 LE)lANS. 326. vinyl top. '69 OLDS~OBILE Delta Royale. I rOC?Ills, .Iarge, family, air. Must seD. TUxedo 2. condItioned. fully equlpped. factory air. pOwer brakes, 2 door hardtop. full power, PrIced fight.~91. 888.8082. steering. windows. seat. Over.

sized, like new tires. Console. loaded. very clean, $2,680. BALLANTYNE GP Shores-UDdercoaUng. low mileage, 881-4659, evenings. Sf'llli.ranch 'four bedroomsA.l condition. $825. 778-8362. 1968 BUICK Electra, air condi. Zh baths, 'den, lamily room:

lioned, one owner. Call 884. Owner lransterred.'68 CORVETTE bronze coupe.3:50 horse, 321 cu, in., full 5300 before 5 p.m. or 884. LOCIiMOOR_Early Americanpower. very clean. $3,200. 1785. evenings. styled home on corner lot.VAlley 1.7748. , 1b-TRAILERS AND paneled library, activities

'87 PONTIAC Catalina. power. CAMPERS :::=, among many fine (ea. Iair conditioning, $1,100. 961.6332.

................ II? .'lIr •• S••••••••••• _. .. _ .. III'.S ..... _ .... ~~~ ._~ . _ . __

Page 18: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will



Interior - ExteriorWall Papering

882-0870Three Mile Dr.

25 Years Experience





I.'\TEHIOH and e~terior;(. floor tiling, carpenterr (' p air s. Quality materialusert, Frl'e estimates. LA75318 after;.




Exterior InteriorFree Estimates

TU 1-705040 Years in G.P.

P. & G. PAINTING. All phasesof interior decorating. Profes.sional job at a popular priceFree estimates. 885-1894, 882.2852.


washing. paper cleaning. etc.881-741'.0 after 6 p.m.



No footage charge. Telephoneprice. 11 years experience.eal Roemer, Plumbing, TV2.3150.

Thursday, JanJJary 7, 1971"--_.-._--_ ..-

210-CEMENT WORKCHI:lINEY repair, brick and

block work, porches, 822.1201, VA 24563. Dc Sender.

~CAPizZOCONSTRUCTIONAll types of Cement and

Br1ek WorkDriveway, ,walks, steps, chim.

ncy repair, waterproofing.Specializing in Patios

All types ot excavatingAll work guaranteed


A.OK Window Cleaners. ServoI ice on slorms and screens.Free estimates. Monthly rates.521-2459.


BASEMENTS WATERPROOF.ED-Reasonable rates work.manship guaranteed. SsJ.()063or 719.1225.


Jle' l!~~; in thc POintes, 3 0- -IlIcdrooms. Price $35,Uoo 10~5.5.UUO. VE 6.8341.

ALL TYPES WIRINGRanges, dryers, air Condition-

ers. Violations corrected.

SEWING MACHINE repairs. Allages, all makes. All partsstocked. Free estimates. 882.1881,

J, D. CANDLER ROOFING CO.91 Yrs. Reliable Service

Residential & CommercialAll types of Roofs & Decks

Gutters & DownspoutsREPAIRS

No Job Too Large-or SmallFree EstimatesCALL 899.2100

Insured Workmen







TV 6.6010






S. D. PALAZZOLO8M. 6558 Eves, 821.6408

ENGLiS-H-iUDOR;ith -;1~t~roof, four bedrooms, threebat;\s, studio new kilch('nwith nook. sewing room, basI'ment playroom, screenedporch, fish pond, newly deco.rJted. 822.1483,

A BIT of New England tuckedaway on Touraine Court, andoffering three bedrooms andtwo full baths in the secondfloor. Certainly there is apaneled den, separale diningroom. covered and screenedporch and delightful garden,

IN THE CITY and jusl a fewblocks to Hill or Villl,geShopping, is tbis three contemporary wit hthree bedrooms on the secondfloor. There arc fireplaces Inboth the masler bedroom andfirst floor so cia I rO(',nl.Sprightly deeora(ed through.out and very eool kilchen,Offered in the midforl)' thou'sand brarkct.

63 Kercheval


Kenneth W.


BY OWNER. Center colonial,excellent condition. 74il Hamp.ton Road. 3 large bedrooms.Pa,,~led games room, Profes.esslonally landscaped. 1If.blcx:ks from Lake St. Clair.$39,$00. 881-0312 or 881;,0237.after 8 p.m.


MUIR. NR. KERCHEVALOlder. but updated 6 roomhome, furnace. plumbing, elechieal, sewers and carpets 'IIInew including colort., fixturesin ba th, Excellent sta rter orretiree home, immed. posses.sion. See today!


tained 4 bedroom home (1on 1st f1«lr), with 2 lull baths,dining room. den, finishedbasement, low heat bllIs,FHA and L.C. available,Priced mid. thirties.

Notice is hereby given to members of the Colonial FederalSavings and Loon Association 0' Grosse Poinle WOOd, thattnI' onnual meetfng will be held in the olfice of the ASSOCiatiOn,20247 Mock Avenue. 01 2:00 p.rn" Wednesday. Janua,y 20.1971.


Robert E. Powers, President

20223 Mack Ave.


Of course, the outside is nice,too, with Its sturdy. gracefulEnglish Tudor lines. Alwaysa style and charm of Its veryown. but It's up.dated 7rooms, 2~ baths Inside af,fords comfortable family for all to enjoy-a delin.ite pride of ownership. Youcan also save considerable bynot waiting for higher pricesin the spring. Drive by 1108Nottingham and call ROBERTMOORE, VAlley 2.5052 for In.spection appointment, il youarc shopping in lower 30's.Special offer Cor "right now"huyer.

SOMERSET, Grosse Pointe. At.1tractive brick 2 family, 6 and6. Recently modernized withmany built,lns. All', up to date g<1S furnace,30 day possession. Priced$39,900, 5t,!,% mortgage canbe assumed. 885.6242 belorenoon 01' after 6 p.m.


........ _- ..__ .,._-------- -----_ .._'---------~---





Ol'E:-; SUNDAY 2: 30 10 5llEVONSJ/IHE, 1178--l$ealltiful

large lhn'(' bedroom, two bathr~nl'h on rorner Jot al busline. family room. attachedtwo car garage, Central Airl'(J.:-!i\ioning. R~duced forqllick sale. VACANT.

IIAH VARD, 1348 - t'our.bed.rool11. 2".,bath. Many extras,~UNT rondition. Prire reodll('t'd on this wrll.locatedofh'ring


K.!';.'\SINGl'ON. 1217-Price re.dured 10 $37,500,00 to seltleeslate on this lovely familyh'Juse, i..:.rge rooms, form, I,lining room. four bedrooms,up d a led kitchen. activitiesroom. Four,cargarage.


Colonial priced in low 30's.Three bedrooms. first Ooorlavatory and sunroom. garage. Excellent loca.tion


FORD COUIlT-.3 bedroom Col.onial. I'~ baths, natural, breezeway, 2 car at.tached garage. Vacant.

T&J~ Modernization

Additions<it,) Calore

Spec/ltl:(Ux 14 $29110 eltm-plele) Roofing, SIel-Ing. Gut,.,., Dltf.mer s , SuspendedCeiling., Kltch,ns,Bo/h.. R.e. Rooms ..

Any/hing fro," Roof '0 110'""lent, All work ' .. lIy gultrll".I".d. ROlidontio' Ir Commercl.1

C"II Any'lme882-5510 - 775-3563

'I'IIRt;E.BEDROOM semi.ranh,I dining room, two balhs, plus ) 392 FAIRHOLME, bedroom and lavatory in bas~ ('Ol'llt'l' Holiday (Dear Ma('k) (

ment, $38.000, $26,000 mort. LJnuiUaJ 7 rOJm bri"k semiIM~ACULATE 4 BEDROC.\t gage. 884-4329, I RANCH TYPE HOMECOLO:'lIAL ON DEVONSHlR.!'; ralll'h, al king sized roollls in.IWAD, 22' FAMILY 1'100111: dudinl: kilchen and falllily IN THE PARK,OVERLOOKING LOVEl.Y ( Grosse Pointe i room Nict'lr tini,h('d panelt'd GEORGE S. DALLYGARDEN AND PATIO, QUAL. : basellll'nt, partitioned for TO BUY OR RENT. Painting, paperhanging servingITY CARPETING AND D~ .'. : OPEN SUNDAY 2:305:00 hOllle office. Land contra('1 ELDERLY COUPLE, this communily over 30 years.ERIES THPOUGHOUT, t- .. ,\ I • . terms, $15,000 .. down, 61., '.,TRAL AIR CON01TIONIt\G LINCOLN 861. One owner 1'010 inlerest. Illonlhly paymcnl, NO BROKERS. 881.7480 After 6 p.m.PRICED TO SELL, ~EE irTO: ( nial well mainlained. Three ~287 plus taxes. Irllllledial(' TU 5-8798 _DAY, FOR SURE! . bedroom;, one and one.half, possession, Open Sunday 2.5. I:"TERIOR and exterior pawt.

balhs. Larg? family room. /o'ARM LAND or acres, with ing, wall wllshing and paperRecreation room, $38,500 M. Warner, Realtor dwelling preferred. Mr. Jay. hanging. Reasonable rates, 30

SHOREHAM 35, in the Shores 885-5788 TV 17609, year's experience. Ray Bar.Prime ranrh for the small ----- ----------__ nowsky, 37).2384 after 6 p.m.

family desiring luxury in a Grosse Pointe Woods 16--PETS FOR SALE R '" T Professional Painting.prim e localion. Only two .."REDALE terriers-8 months,' Inlerior, Exterior. Free esU.bedrooms bul t'ley are goud Open Sunday 2-5 AKC. breeder. Good guard. mates 462 Roland. Grosseones, Paneled library and dogs, 824.9495, Pointe Farms. 882-4588recreal/on room. Large 2159 Bl::AU~'AIT - 3.bedroom _screened porch O\'criookilll: orick bungalow Large kitch. 16B-PET GROOMI NG INTERIOR.EXTERIORbeautiful garden, $54,500. en, formal dining room, fire. ._ PAINTI~G

CLOVERLY 153. French Pro. plare. paneled reI". room in TONY RICO'S COIFFEURS . COMPLETE Decorating 'olry.basement, ,,"arbage dis"osal. TOY Poodles groomad $79COPEN HOUSE \'incial, built 1951. Four bed. , • • .~. ice. Paper hanging and reo

rooms, three and one.half O\'er 1,400 square feet of iiI'. 499.0050. 15023 E. Jefferson. moving. Material, workman-2,30 to 5 ill!? area. 2.rar gara"e. E.x. Grosse POI' te Park Also. baths of which one bedroom.' ~ n. ship guaranteed, For est/.cellent rondition. g m' I a e t t;ngGROSSE POINTE WOODS SUNDA Y and bath are on first floor, roo ing c s S s s ar ... mates. callHAMPTON - Price reduction, OUR FIRST open house ol t'-- Convenient location at Ker.' HOOVER _~_~Ua~_y_l_5_th_.___ __ WILLIAM FORSYTHE

"USI 'V.. ,,~~ F b d b d 1 b h I I'" rhevaL Practically new heat. VAlley 29108'\ , .1 ". OQQ - our. e room 3 e room, ~ at custom year wil featurp. a snappy, REALTY 20-GENERAl SERVICE .

brirk semi.ranch, two baths, brick ranch. Excellent loca. three bedroom colonial at 410 ing and cooling system. "9315 Ilarper ptl 5 ~5'"'' .__;.:as h('al, two ear garage, lion. Walk to Ferry School. Belanger, where you will find BY APP01NT!tlENT ~ " .~ >IV EDDIES Billiard Seryice: cue PROFESSIONAL Floor Sand.CJose to Ferry and G.P, North. Finished basement with extra you call. buy a well maintained and table repairs. Over 20 ing and finishin;l. Specializ,(;ood family home under $40,. bath - 75 ft. lot. house In the Fa~ms just a LAKE SHORE 755. G r 0 s .I ~ OPEN SUNDAY 2:305:00 ycars in business. TU 5.9014 ing in dark slaining. "Supply0(10~o h t block t B Pointe Shores. Better tha!l RIVARD, 60S-While C I a p -------------- own power." Call after 4 p.m.'. , MARV. BOUTIN .I or 0 rOWnell F' "'ROFESSIONAL Floor Sandl'ngS hInd pric d' th new arm Colonial. t our board, four. bedroom New. 1 W. Abraham, TW 1.5924\..•.IDDI ...'SEX. 781-','any e"tra c 00, a e In every b d and tl'nis"'I'ng SpecI'all'zl'ng I'n

.~ "1 ~ REALTY I thirty tbousa d e room5, rlree and one.half, land Colonial. .• . _dt'taii.- "an b(' found in this ow ,n range, baths including bedroom and: dark staining. "Supply own KURT O. BAEHR"dl maintained larger home On Any Listing-Call Us ALSO OPEN for YOur inspec. bath, activities room, excep. ST, CLAIR. 496 _ Townhouse power," Call after 4 p.m. W.',ith ,"prr deluxe new kitchen 884-7733 773.7820 tion is a spacious English tional sitting room and ulil. FOR RENT or sale. Four bed. Abraham, TW 1.5924. CUSTOM Painting and Decora!.I<lC:l'.ed on an ane of beau.

I------------- townhouse at 394 Riyal'd ily ronm on the first floor. rooms, 2','l balhs, living room, ing. Wall papering, Guaran.

tifully landscaped {;rounds 3 BEDROOMS. 1\Iz baths, Co. Boulevard. The bathrooms Lot 10lx230. PI' ice d at with fireplace. New kilrhen FIX.IT NOW. A.l handy men. teed. Free estimates. LAke.'hJ'h heat"d slIlmming pool I Ionia!. Separate dining room, lavatory and kitchen are all' $122,500, tnd powder room. Painting, plumbing, electrical view 1.5716.

large family room with fire. and carpentry. Young and

S II plare. Owner transferred I s'pank!ng new an~ rea.d.v for F A I R FOR D in the Shores. LOTHROP. 100 - Library, lei aggressive with references. INTERiOR painting and walli OWay & Co. 1 1993 Van Antwerp. TV 4.6163. fIrst time use. ThiS umt pr(,s. Ranrh, Very plush and very sure room and library. fi\'e Call for an est:mate t01ay, w.lshing. Call Tom. 776.7537------------- enlly has a $39,000 mortgage spacious, Three bedrooms, bedrooms, ~Yz baths, swim. 754.2315 or 757.7621. after ~.

884-7000 I J222 BISHOP, . ~a~:~e which may be as. three full baths. Paneled Ii. ming pooLS --M-A-L-L-pl-u-m-b-in-g'-re-p-a-ir-s-,-T-o-i/. HUGHES BROTIIERS- .------ NEAR KERCHEVAL-Charm. u . brary and family room. Uti!.CA,'\TERlllJRY_ 4 bedroom, ing white house with 5%.'i~ A "MUST SEE" is this gracio'. ity room, Recreation room BY APPOINnlENT ONLY ets, faucets, leaks fixed. In. DECORATORS

2' z /wlh Colollial. 2 rar at. 1 mortgage, seeks new owner, French rountry house b('i~~ wilh bar, Central air condi. NEFF -Immediate occupancy. stallations. 822.8488. Refer. 5293 Yorkshire.""hed ga rage, fa mily rOOl11, 3"4 bedrooms. 1'h baths. offered al 300 Lincoln l:oad: tioning. ~fany expensive and Good foul'. bedroom family ences. 882.9750 or 331.8029fJ1J[,),,'d basement, central/ Come see it, you'll love it: Frcm the curb the house ap. useful dptails. home. Reduced price, I AAA HAN---D-Y-M-A-N-.-P-a-I'-n-ll'-n-g,. P I d I 3D' COMPLETE decorating. Paper.all. I' ce n s, 1186-5001 pears gigantic. but inside EDMUNDTON. Near Marter. WINDMILL POINTE DRIVE-I carpentry, plumbing, electri. hanging, insured, guaranteed,

~'()NTANA LANE, G r 0 sse. GROSSE POINTE PARK, De- you'll iiud just four cO'llfort, Fine center haJJ Early Amer. Southern Pillare1 Colonial, I ral. No job too small. DR 1. Al Schneider, TUxedo 1.Q565.Pointe Shores-Custom buill I sirable 3 bedroom. up and able master suites and serv iran. C u s tom built. Three four fireplaces, seven bed. 8263. _ __ran('h, 3 bedrooms, 2Yz baths, down 2 flat. Separate base. anls rooms over the garage. bedrooms, two and one.hall reams, five baths, two lavs. - ---____ ALL AROUND painting and2 ('ar attached garage, family' ments and furnaces. 881-3734, There is a carriage house bath.. living room, dining 20A-CARPET CLEANING wall washing. Insured. Jesseroom. activities room, com. after 5. detached il'om the main house room, kitchen with all built. KENWOOD-English, excellenl ---------___ Page. VAlley 2.7348.

d J'ust enough a d t b condition. Five bedrooms plus CARPET LAYING , .__pkle basement. Central air. I ------------ an y I' 0 ins, reakfast room, activo , .qualify as a mini estate. Re .tl'e 1'0 'th f' 1 library on ~.econd floor. NEW AND OLD DONALD BLISSANITA, 1115-Brick ranch with J s 0 m WI Irep ace.

2 bedrooms and family room cenlly redecorated which in. Also exceptional paneled reI'. WINDMILL POINTE DRlVE- Slair Carpet Shiltedis completely carpeted. Mini cludes a dream kitchen with realion room. Two car at- Wilh a view of the Lake. I Repairs of All Typescondition. Good location . .. aU the built.ins. tached garage. T h r e e fireplaces, Mutschler Cigaret Burns Re.Wovennear schools and trans;lOrta- BY APPOINT,MENT OLDBROOK LANE. Quiet 10. kitchen, five bedrooms, 3'h NEW c~~~'i-SALES

MORAN-Brick Colonial. 3 bed- lion. FARMS LOCATION on an elgh. calion in the Farms. Gra. baths, central air.conditioning.I' . Sample.; Shown inrooms. terrace, recrea Ion BRIARCL!FF PLACE 68-Brick ty foot lot, is this lirst adver- cious EnglJsh manor. F i v I' John S. Your :Home

room. bath, garage. tri.level featuring 3 bed. tised Cape Cod with three bedrooms, three aild one.halfPEACH TREE LANE-4 bed. rooms, 2~. baths, and familY, bedrooms and that all import. baths plus three bedrooms GOO DMA N BOTUBT5~OU70D3EL

.. ant family room ff th liv' g and bath on third floor. Colonial, 31h baths, , rooms. ."any OZ:he 0 e In 1family room, dining room, I home for the dlSCrlnUnatlng I room. The las( three times Ireme!y well buill with ex- 93 Kercheval 886.3060 21-MOVING & STORAGEpool, central air. house seeker. this house changed owners it pensive appurtenances. _. , _

did so the first week it was JIlT. VERNON. C h arm in g GROSSE PTE. FARM S KEN'S MOVING _ Local sub-!lIVER IlOAD-Brick ranch. CLOVERL:V 404 - Brick bung-I offered for sale. French design, Four bed. urbs. One piece or houseful.2 bedrooms. dining room, alow WIth 4 bedrooms. Hz I rooms, two and one-half A delightful Early American Low rates. TU 28540.I' ... baths. Is1 floor laundry, baths, screened porch and Ii A CONDOMINIUM town house b th L'b R residence built in 1965 in a _family room, attarhed garage. brary or 5th bedroom. Ne"d of top quality construction a s'. J l'ary. eereation secluded loralion near the 21A-.PIANO SF-RVICE

Room? This one has it! may now be seen and pur. TOO~ with bar. Space for ex- Lake. Some of the features I 1ROSLYN, Grosse Pointe Shores. MORAN 447 - Brick colonial chased for $48,000. Four bed. panSlOn. are an excellent master bed. COMPLETE piano service. Tun-

4 bedroom Cape Cod. 2 full with 3 bedrooms It,!, baths rooms on the second floor and C!L'\.MPINE. Nice three bed. room and bath on the flrsl ing, rebuilding, refinishing,baths, 2 car atlached garage, an':! screened porch. Complete: two more o~ the third ar~ six rooms, one and one.half bath i1ooor, 3 other family bedrms. de.motning. Member Pianoiamily room. finished base. Iy carpeted. Good assumption. feature:> whIch are certam to rolonia/. Family room. New and 2 baths on the 2nd, fine Technicians Guild. R. Zech, _ment. attract the buyer who is look. kitchen wlfl built.ins. Recre. paneled library, garden room, 731-7707. A.A.A. PAINTING, interior, 1st

MO~OSS 170 :- Ide~lIy located ing for elbow room in a con- alion roo m with bar. _ a great modern kitchen and - I class. Satisfaetion guaran.brick coloma I With. 2 bed. dominium apartment. There is $38,900. attached garage. 21 B-SEWrNG MACJoIINE teed. Also minor repairs.rooms ~nd iarge family room. a library off the enlrance SERVICE Ken. DR 1.8263.Immediate occupancy. Many hall and also a firsl floor lav. BISHOP near lake. Plush ranch T. RAYMOND JEFFSfeatures. atory. designed for small family de. TU 1.1100 If no ans, TV 2.0176

ROSLYN 1864 - Modern brick . .. siring spacious rooms. Built .ranch in excellent condo has FOR THE .FAMILY or mdlvld 1953. Two bedrooms. Libra. WOODS LANE 1002-Mother's2 bedrooms, fam. room, car. I ual a three bt'droom ry. Paneled recreation room. dream home. Elegant in everyport and privacy fence. Own. condommlu~ for less l~an Wide lot with superb land. detail. Large 4 b:'!droom anxious, will consider oC. $35,000. ThiS one has a .caping. onial, huge family room with 21C--ELECTRICALlers. FHA appraisal. Immedi. floor lavatory and ~ew kll KENWOOD CO U R T. Cenler fireplace, 2Y., baths, 2 car at- SERVICE

886.8710 ate possession, chen, and lo~ated lust .one hall COlonial of spacial charm. tached garage, beautiful de.block from Village Shoppmg, Four bedrooms, two and one. eor and loads of other goodies.WASHINGTON 661 - Spacious

brick colonial features 6 bed. NOT JUST another bath and a half bat h S. Fine country Good assumption.rooms, 3~ baths, den and half colon. ial but this house at kitc~e/l. Paneled library. Rec. (GOE;'HE 21420-L I A b d.

Th ..r t f A24 M K I A " reahon room $59 500 I ove Y.. l;rec. room. I' pe .. ec am. .. c In ey venue opens ',. room orick colonial, 3~ily home in A.l condition. up" giving the feeling Ihat LEWISTON. Deluxe colonial balhs, family room, heated FREE ESTIMATES

YORKSHIRE 1203 - A stately there are more than lhree near Ridge. Five bedrooms, sun room, central air condi. AL' WOREnglish colonial on a quiet, bedrooms above. It shows sitting room 1)1' sixth bed- tjoning, heated garage. This L Kcorner lot with 4 bedrooms, we.II, an.d all the decoralmg reo room, three and 0 n e.h a I f home has many extra features GUARANTE ED2Yz baths, sun room, porch. qUired IS your dust c101h. baths. Library. Card room too numerous to mention.and paneled rllc room with DOES THE SPARKLE of new- Activities room. Recreation Priced to sell. I PR 8~0598bar. Near everything. ness and close proximity (0 mom. Pool house and swim. . --E-L-E-C-T-R-I-C-A-L-W-I-R-I-N-G--

ming pool. B.eautiful decor. HOLLYWOOD 997 -- S?arkh!lg ICall us on these and many the lake lure YOu to view !his new 4 bedrorm Coloma I WIth and REPAIRSothers today, We have a com. beautifully decorated four WAS:lING~ON. Excellent co study or 5th bedroom, family KRAUSMAN ELECTRIC CO.,)Iete MULTI.LlST photo file of bedroom; three hath'oom lomal. FIVe bedrooms, three room, first floor laundry TU 2-5900homes in the Grosse Pointes. house in the Farms? Thert; is and one-half baths. Library room, 2'h baths and load$ of Isuburbs, and near east side of a den with entranre from Ihe and ('~n, Modernized kitchen, olher extras. CANNON ELECTRICDetroit. rear of the center hall and a LargE: rooms. Sizeable mort. COMPLETE ELECTRICAL

large family room with fire. gage lY be assumed. HOLLYWOOD 1019-Choice 3 SERVICEplace The over.sized porch . bedroom new brick ranch, RESIDENTIAL,is realIy an extra room for S~ELDE.;. Cust(l~ b~llt 1955 huge country kilchen with COMMERCIAL, lNDUSTRIALCARTE R& CO seven months of the year. In secluded locatIon In Deep. I builtins family room 2 full' 294.4749

. Better see Ihis one or you'll lands Su~diviso~ Lovely Ear. baths, ~ttached 2 car' garage. _TU 4.4400 have to wait for il 10 be rea. Iy American. Five bedrooms, 1 E

tured in a future house tour. t h r e e and one.half baths. H1LLCREST 423-Best buy in 2 -STORMS ANDFamily room. Many amen. Gro~se Pointe Farms for Ihis SCREENSities. 3 bedroom Cape Cod home,

FARMS. Near the lake. Custom located within walking dis. ONTARIO CONSTRUCTIONbuilt. Fine quality. First floor tance .10 shopping and trans.. 881.4400 ADVANCE MAINTENANCEbedroom. Three large bed portatlOll, Must be seen. I Wood and .steel wind~w replare. Electric Sewer Cleaning forrooms plus two bafuooms On . ment With new tilt wmdow all drains and sewers.second floor. Walnut paneled BETTY V IN G I hard~are. Perm. its easy I COMMERCIAL. RESIDENTIAl.library with fireplace. Fam cleamng of bo~11,Sides of the WE DIG AND REPAIRi1y room. Utility room. Shake Realtor glass from mSldf of the BROKEN SEWERSshingle roof. Lawn sprinkler 20741 Mack Ave. 886.3210 h~use. Insulat>ld or regular AU Work Guaranteedsystem Well developed gar.----.--_________ g ass. 884den. St. Paul's parish. 113A-LOTS FOR SALE Insured Licensed -9512

HILLCREST. Trim Cape COd'j '"'liEi:>'FORi).KERCHEVAL 21 G-ROOFING SERVICE SEWER8CLEANED, brokenThree bedrooms. two baths 70'x120'. Priced righ;! Sewers repaired. Guaranteed.of which one. bedroom and KARL DAVIES TU 5.3220 FOR Reasonable rates. 881.0063 orbath are on fIrst floor. Pan. ----__________ ROOF AND GU'l'TER WORK 779.1225.

:~~d ~~~::~~~n~;c~: ~l~~~eo~ G~?~~~arc~lN~~ ~~iY ~a~:;~AlJsLrvZH:~fD WIitE~~o ACEPARK LANE. Early American frontage, $.61,000. ALL ROOF & GUTTER WORK I ELECTRI~ se "', cleaning, sink

of sperial charm in quiet GROS~;r,; POTNTE 1-' A 11M ,<;. ., , and drams.conyenlent location. Master Lake Shore Road near Pro. I Caulkmg, chlmiley repairs CLEANING ELECTRICALLYbedroom with fireplare and venral. 1I7x230 feet. Gutters cleaned, GUARANTEEDbal:l. 'rwo other twin size McKINLEY. 40xl13 feel. ADVANCE MAINTENANCE WORK MYSELFbedrooms with bath on sec. ALGER P L A (' E, 100 feet, TU 2.5539 CALL LEO 821.2928ond floor. Library with Cire. _place, activitie6 room, pow. $30.000, ROOFINGdel' room maid's bedroom LAKEFRONT AT STRAITON. WATERPROOFINGand bath ~n first Recreation I 127 feet. $59,1:niO, ALTERATlONSroom. Realistically priced at BALFOUR. 100 feet near lake. Ovcr 40 years in business$67,500. $15,000. Ill5ured, licensed. CIIIl

SEVERAL desirable condomin. MAXON IlROTHEHS, INC, General Roofing, lnc.lums ranging in price from 8826000 GENERAL ROOFING, INC.$39,500 to $55,000. -.-----,------ -- .-- VAlley 1.3344

RALFOUR near Jelferson. New THREE MILE DRIVE. BealiUhouse. Deluxe details. Four ful large lot, 150'x250', one.twin bedrooms, two and one. half block off Jefferson.half baths. Family room, WILCOXFirst floor utility room. 82foot lot. 14-REAL ESTATI:

WANTEDMAX 0 N IPRIVATE Party has fund~ for

I BROTHERS, INC. home bu~'crs requiring shorl


83 Kerrheval TU 26000 (erm loans while their homes,. arc being sold. Call 824.4169. I

WOODS LANE COURT-Cus.tom built Cape Cod. 4 bed.rooms, 2 baths, lavatory, den,2 car attached garage, familyroom, recreation room.

4 BEDROOMS, library, extra.large family room, 2Yz baths,modern kitchen. Open Sunday2.30.5 p.m. TUxedo 4.0969.or 531-0970.

fvery ,Wyle of Fenceerected '6r you

WA '.6282

This choice location is beingoffered to (hat particular in.dividual desiring a graciousresidence irreplaceable today.There is an additional com.modious home on this prop.erty that may be sold sepal"ately. This plat is extensiveenough to suh.divide. Shownby appointment with advancenotice.

84 Kercheval

includingCh~jn Link AI/.Steel and

Rustic: Style.



Page Eighteen




84 Kercheval886-7100




BY API'OJ"T.\IE'\ I1142WAYBBl'!{,\ Jr1llllal'ulale

a.bedroom cu!,ml<i1. I.arl(':rooms. updated knell.:/), 2 ('ur 'garage !tlusl hI.' ,('('n 1.01"$20'1;,

1173 YORK~JlI RE (; r ;t,'U)tI'

living in thIS wcll hU11t Fog.Iis~, Colonial, 25' 11\1/I4 fl.')!"paneled libraq', ',."d('rn kIll'llen with btll:t u's, finl'hcdbasement. " totJl of 4 '",drooms and 3 ''I ha lhs

191 TOURAIN.!':'- A l,)\'eh' ('ulunial in th(' h,'art Qf lhe f'armsLiying and d "ling rooms, denplus farnl!.' room, hn'akfaslrOOm and kil('hen. SIX bcdr~l()nJS, four haths, L~rl(" )"1

1452 N. RENAUD AltJaeli\'ca.bedroom ranch Ma r lralls.partation and shoPPJJlg Fa'"i1y room. modNn kllr'hcll.paneled lasernenl with tireplace and bar. 2 car al!;"))('d i

garage. Assuma ok nlOrt ~d~:~879 ELLAIR CT-For lh., I;,,:~I.'

family, 6 bedwoll\s, 4', I'd!:-mornir.g room, lIl(.krn k,'('hen. IlIrge Jot on a (/till'! ,' •• 'Inear the lake.

1301 BRYS DR-3.brdroolll, I',bath Colonial with new ~ II<I,en, 11 tt. breJK!a" r'-"'Tll j:; I

ft. family room :\".\,'1 ,.,':'("ing thruot.:' n"~"Il1,'I;1 '",,',pletely finish(~1

938 BLAIRMOOR, 1'1I.,'n;" ""signed quad.I(\\'cl, -1 ~'( dl'2 baths on 2nd b.,,! I"~ ~

room 01' d"n nnd fandl\' ""':i\on lower level. piu" la;~, I,,,ing and dining room, \hdf""kitchen. Ver)" 'pa,"'"'' ' 'n''''be seen. A~SUllld!'[, "lOrh,,;: ...


1761 ROSLY:'\For the working gal or relin~e.

this attractive, brick 2 o('d.rOOfll bungalow is ideal.

RUTH ASSOCJATES81 Kercheval (on the lIill)






.Home. .Ofti,o! IeC;rinlc, .MOlel. -HOlp'lOIs j

Professional Workmon,hip

BUTLERCall TR 1.7318--8&6.4324_

COOK ROAD, corncr of .\lorningsid", Brick colonial. j l.lcdrooms plus library, 2',~ balhs.2t,!, garage. Finishcd base.ment. loyely grounds, immediate occupancy.

HAMPTON ROAD. FrRST OFFERING! Three bed roo mbrick colonial in eo<cel1entcondition. [ndudes carpetingand draperies. Irn'llediatc pos.session.

LAKELAND - See this e\'er soroomy 20 room mansion that Iis like a dream come true'Man~' fine fealures including3 car garage and apartmenl.

W. WILLIAMS CT _ Three 20431bedrooms. form a I diningroom, library, 2 car attachedgarage, secluded in a quietcourt.

) .


HERE IS HOWInvest $2,000 in a nice 20 fam.lIy apartment house near GrossePointe which pays 8% per yearto everyone of its inycslors. Youpay no commission to anyone.You deal direct with (he owner.8% starls the very first dayyour money is invested. $2,000is the limit for anyone p(,rson,Nearly sold oul. There arc 3$2.000 shares left. For more in.teresting infonna lion, tele\lhonemornings 9.12 or evenings 6.9or write (0 the

NEW YORKER936 Beaconsfield

Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. 482.10


Page 19: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will


Page Ninet.en

The Groue PointeConc,.C'tion,1

Church240 Cha/(onte al Lothrop9:30 a,m, and 11:00 a,m,

Worship Services andChurch Sehool

Cri:" and KindergartenFacilities Available

Pastoral C'lre minister the-Ke\'. G, E'. Prut'5sn"r

.."f HE rA~11. Y AS A~.Olj~()ATIO:'ol"

LA ym:N'S stl:'illA \"Jesse Lllll'ther

Cb.llont •• nd lolhro,

TU '"""We Invite You 10 Worship

Wilh Us9:30 Worship &.

::>unclay School (1.8)11:00 Worship &

Sunday Srhool (all ages)II... Ch.rt.. W. S.ndroct

•••.• ol.nd l. Sch.ldl,


8 Mile &t MackGrosse Pointe Wooch

"l\'UU 1iou 10 lI.'oY.lhip '-"II'" u •.9:45 A.M .


~IORNI:'olG WOR!>lIIP7:00 P.M,

EVF.NIt\'G WORSllIPRe\', Jack t'u!lard,

Interim PastorReI', Robert Radcliffe.:'linisler of Chri:.lian


St. Paul Ev.Lutheran Church

St Michael'sEpiscopal Church

2047s S""..i",oI.l. P.'"Gro .... "oi .. t~ Wood •

The- Rev. Edir.r H. Yeomll;.Reclor

800 a,m, Eucharlsl10:00 a,m, Choral E\Jrharlot and

Sermon Church School-In ranis throu,h Jun.lor Hlell

11:30 a,,,,", EucbVlsl wltb Hymn.lnd Short Addr.u

I'rea('hing~h'ser\"f, ~lillisl",r

TU 4-0511McMille ... t K.tchlYO'

lwttariUIl/sm: an open,jorwarr/./ooking reoligion,

the unitarian church/larry c ",e,~l'rt''', J)ilJli,~ter17150 maumee at neffsenicl' and church school,10:30 a 111.


Graue Poi..le U..iledMETHODIST CHURCH

2 I I Mora.. Roo"886.2363

GROSSE POINTE WOODS(jJ,.esbyterian Church

19950 MACK AVE, at TORREY RD.Worship Services 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.

Church School 9:30. Senior High 7 p.m."YOUR POINT OF VIEW"

Dr. John O1ert, Jr.

St. JamesLutheran Church

9:30 '" II a,m. S'n'lces9:30 am, Sunday School

,Nursery ror Small Children)

Re•. Geor,~ E. K""., hit.,R••• Ala .. F. H."., P.ater

Harry C

."ifilli.surPC'''''} .4. T'roma ...

9:15 t"AMIl.Y WORSHIPSERVIceChurch Schoo. tor nur"'ie'r,)ilhroueh ,'xth , .. d •• ,

10 IS Church School ror ,r.d ••&.\.n Ihroush I .... lv.,Adutt umlnars and discus.slOn rr<Jups,

IIU MORNING WORSHIPSER\'ICt:Chur ..h Sc-hoQI for nurser)'through Klnderzarlen,


The Grosse Pointe

. -United Presbyterian

16 Lake Shore Rd

For Informalionnight or daycall 882.5330

Worship Servicesand Churt'h School

9:30 and 11:15.'CALLED l"OR LIFE"

Dr. Ray H. Kielypreaching




PR 2.1798 afler 6 P.M.

SNOW R~MOVAL, odd jobs-Industrious )'oung men, de.pendable, good rates, Tony.TV 5.6166,

Cirl~llS 0IJeuillgWill Be Bellefit

Former Detroit Lions SI;Jr.!ton Kratller, of Royal Oak. hasbeen named chairman of theopening day malineI.' of theShrine Circus on Friday, Jan.uary 29, Thf" initial !lC'rformanreat 2 o'clock at Ihe Stilte FairColiseum will benefil the De.troit SOt'iely for Crippled Chil.dren and Adults. Inc.

Announcemenl of Kramer'sappoinlment to head the specialevent was made bv Detroit So.('iety President Ma'rvin Garrick,01 Birmingham, who said; ''I'mglad 0/ Ihe opportunity to urgethe public to buy a blork oftickets 10 send handicapped kirl$to the Shrine Circus,

"Your contribution will treathandicapped ).oungslers to agood time at th~ circus andalso provide dollars for thc O[Wra LU1lcheonservices and treatment providedat the Detroit Society Therapy Set for Jail 25Center. 17330 St'haefer." I •

General admission tickets are$2.50 each. Fifty dollars will The. Detroit Grand Operasend 20 kids to the circus for a Assot"latlon.s 1971 Opera Lunch.wonderful afternoon of fun, Fivt' eon has been st'heduled forhundred dollars will provide I :'Iond~)', January 25, in theseats for 200. I DetroH Inslil~le of AI :~' Gre~t

With a full house of 7,000 I Hall. The Grinnell St'holarshlptickets to sell. Kramer is ap and Elizabeth Hodges Donovanpealing to the eommunity at! Scholarship finalists will belarge to help hlln kick the eVt'ot heard after the noon luncheon,over the t'~l). Tickets may br ------_obtained by telephoning tlJe Dr WINDOW BROKENtrait Society al 861.05tO. Ilr. Robert A, Scherer of 36

Pointers assisting Kramer Radnor eirc1t', notified Farmswith plans lor the benefit dr- polil'r on Friday. January 1.cus matinee are William R. that an unknown person brokeLudwig, immediate past.presi a t2 hI' I6.inch window on thedent 01 the Detroit Sodet)', s;dt' of his garage. Replat'ingJoseph H. Dimcmd and John L, the glass will t'ost three dol"Potter, current vlt'e.presidenl. lars, it was said.

121Z-LANDSCAPING_1 FOI'd Foundation 1St. John HospitalI TREE and stump removal, cor. D ('( )(' Ip .. F'II II reetive pruning, repair-win. Ollalt's to ~ , OSltrOIl I e(

ler rates, 293.4Obd, 773.0600. __ __Ea,;It'rJl Trt'(' Set\'ice. Th~ Southeast Mil'higan COUll. Mrs, Marjory E, Doll'll'l has

dl III t;o\'ernn,enls has received been ap:>oiol\'d to the positiona $50,o(J() ~.Ilrd t'oLlndalion of assistant adminbtralor for~ranl fur il.l •.'l'nSUS :ien'ice nur,~;nl: sl'rv;~t.s at Saint JohnCenll'r, thl' Council annount'Ni Hospital. il was allllOl~lel'd by10da,1 Robert .', Maurer, \'irt'pr,'sl<l.'nt

The ('l'lIll'r will use the funds lor admini, )>rolide Council and CeMus In this ne ...l\" ~rea!l'd posi,$erl'lce C"/lter members wllh liOll, Mrs, Iloil'wl will wn','rejXJrls and analyses of 1970 as an adillinistrali\'l' offl('('r 01('en,us rJala Ih{' hospital and ha 1'1' full n'

At thl' Same lime, the t'oun. spollsibil ily lor Ihl' c!il'eclioll of .-datIOn made a $50,000 reco\"er- nursinJ.: sl'n.ices, togdher with

- -T-H-()-M-ps6~i"---- a~II' ~ra,,1 (0 the {'Iluncil whi{'h Ihe edu<'alion ,lnd trainin" ofLANDSCAPING CO. Will pro~jdl' rollaleral for loans thl' nursing slaff at th(' hos

Custom lawn and garden Sl'rv- ~p to. thaI amot:nl required by pita!. Shl' ...ill aSSUnll' this pllsi.ire, Complete landscaping and t,lt' tOUI:cll for adminislrative lion 011 J anuarv ~

purpose's I' ' . .'designing, Fertiliting, sodding Th . . .. ' rlor to a('ceplmg this IN)st,and Irimming, Fre~ eslimale~.. r funds \\IlJ be depoSited Mrs. Doll'U'1 s,'rl'('d a,S the adp,O, Box 5047. Grosse Pointe Ill.a Drtwlt bank, minislrator of G('orJ.:ian t\'orthlthch. TU 4.2720. fh., Ford Foundalion actions w<,sl F.xlell(Je'(/ Can' Facilih'

------------ follo\\'ed a review by I"ounda. Di\"ision Cl! lh~ (;I'N"ian C~u.riI,.on.. l'l'j'Cl'sentalive" ill SEM. of America, I'rl'viousl~' sht' had(Ill,s oUiet's of acti\'ities ..nd bef"n asso(,la!l'd with. \IIilliam I

VrOIl1IS(' for future sl'rvice to lIeaumonl Ilospilal fur 1..',

local governments in the reg. I years whef(' sh, sl'rvl'd as as. II

IOn '.1 t d'SF~. .. . , .IS an Ireclor of palient rareE' .,llO(, t,xerutl\'l' Dlre.clor sen';res, a d"!,a rtmenl whirh

. Hobert Turner deSCribed Includes nursillJ.: and olher pat,he Foundalion's action as a tient rdaled professional Sl'rI'.dcspl'ra1l'ly needfd investment I('es, fiAt En,li."

of£alth and !inancing from the Currently, ~trs, Ilolezel is a I Ev. Lutheranpnvall' sector" thaI would r,leel ~olonel in lhe active Tl'Sen.I'Sollr.hall the ?gency's needs [or J{ Ihe Army Nllrsl' Corps, one) ChurchSUpplJrt funding, )f the fell' ill the A,N,C, to! Vernier Road at Wedgewood

A monlh a~o, Turner told the altain this rank~nICOG General Assembly ~Irs, DoJezel h~lds a nUlsters Drive. Grosse Pointe WoodsInr agency needed $110.000 in Jegn'e in health administration 884.5040local gOI.crnment or pri\.ate lild a U$, in nursing admin. Church \Vorshil) 8:30 &. 11funds ,to meet present program istralion from Wayne Slate Uni. Sund.-r School 9:30cor~1!nltments. versify. In addition, she has an Rev. P. Keppler

E[[orts to encourage non. associale degree in liberal arts Rev. Da,.id Proctor.m~mber local units of govern. from Flint J Ilnior College and Ass!. PastorlIl~llt 10 join hal'e been stepped is a graduate of 51. /.uk.s"I', Of 346 communities and Hosl,ital School of Nursing insl'hool dislril"ls in the six coun. Utica. N,Y.lies of Southeast lIIichigan, 104are member.,

ArlbtrgAs vast as the Austrian Alpine Ski

country after which it is named, theAr/berg apdrtmen'. building houses

12 apartmen~s and is thelargest of all buildings in the Boynestadt

Condominium village comp'ex .

.'mt iIan!Recalling memories of Europe's highest

mountain, the "Mont Blanc" building sets inquiet majesty in the Boynestadt complex,

The two-storied Mont Blanc buildinghouses 4 apartments keyed to discriminating

tastes and offers broad vistasof the entire area.


3 blocks West of ChalmersVA 2.7318


21 S-CAIPENTER-~_._--_._-,.' --_. ------- •. _ .. _--






Repairs and RemodelWater Heatesrs - A, O. Smith

P~nnaglass and RheemGlassline

TUxedo }.7410

Additions, mansard roofs, suspendell cfilings. slore Ironb,offices. kitchens, family rooms I

and dormers. IFREE ESTIMATES


FOR CL~AN and dependableservice, call ELMERSPLUMBING AND HEATING.TUxedo ';.4882,




77) - 1500SHOWROOM

23101 Gratiot. N. of 9 MHeE. Detroit. Mich.


• Silver and Gold Plating• Oxidizinli and Repairing• Brass POlishing &. Lacquering• Fireplace fixtures relinished• Copper polisbing and buffing



TRIMMING. removal spraying.feeding and stump removal.Free estimates. Complete treeservke. Cal Fleming TreeService. TUxedo 1.6950.

---------------- _._., __ - __ ._, -- 0._._"

4ntusntts nf rttreutinu


• Altlcs • Porch Enclosures• Additions • Kitchens

• Garages• Commercian buildings

REMODELINGKitchens - Additions

Recreation Rooms - Porchesand repairs



Construction Company


•Additions, Dormers.Rec. Rooms, BathroomsKitchens. New Homes.

•Custom Garages and Doors

•Free Estimates and Planning


JIM SUTTON1617 Brys Dr.

TU 4.2942 Tl' 22431:

CARPENTER work. paneling;partitions, shelves. recre.alion rooms, small jobs, ett'.TU 2-2795.


CUSTOM BUILDERSModernization • AlterationsAdditions • Family RoomsKiteh!:n & Recreation Areas

Estate MaintenanceJAMES BARKER

923 -8585 97.3-85 87'


Thursday, January 7, 1971

PLASTER repair and dry wall,822.1201 - VA 24563, DeSender,

Expert plaster and drywall reopair. 20 years licensed COli.tractor. Free eslimatp,s. Niljob too small, Guaranteed.778.2678.

lIP-WATERPROOFING lIS-CARPENTER------------ --------. ---._---------ALL TYPES caulking. Finest QUALITY WORK by carpenter

materials used. Basement wa. with over 20 years experiencetefproollng. AU work guaun. in Gros.e Pointe, Kilchens reoteed, F~e estimates. Residen. modeled, basements paneled,tial. commercial. 884.9512. room addilio!ls, etc, Conscien.

--------------- tious. Small jobs acceptable.ONTARIO CONSTRUCTION TV 4.5372.

881-4400 .. ------ __Waterproofing H. F. JENZEN

Underpin f~ting I BUILDINGRellair cave.1n \¥;Ills I

Insured Licensed HOnle. and ind~strial repairs,-------- --'---' ---- I Addltillns, attiCS completed,Z I Q--PLASTER WORK Porch t'nc1osurfs. ~ecrealion--------- --- -I rOOmS, garages repaired.SPECIALIZING in repain for TU 1.9744 777.8840

18 yeus. Cracks eliminated.Clean, Jim Blackwell. VAlley1.7051.




Custom made furniture; deco-rative labrics; professionalneedlepoint mounting, tapes-tries and yard: chairs andslools in stock. EWALD, estab.lished 1926. 13929 Kerchevalat Eastlawn, VA 2.8993.

FURNITURE r e p air. caning,rush, in business 20 years.Excellent workmanship. PR£-4800.

Modern izationMORE VALUE for your money.

Additions, kitchens, dormers, 881-1024basements, bathrooms, wall _removals. No job too small !\IR. FIX IT. Stuck door? Addi.or to laa-ge. lional she I I. partitions, re-

pairs. no carpenter job tr:-small. reasonable. dependable. I886.7434. 2 I W-DRESSMAKING

!ALTERATIONS and repairs.

1152 Maryland, Grosse PointePark. VA 1.2631.-_._-------_. __ .....

CIJSTOM dressmaking, yourdesign or mine. Quality work.manship, Call &Ilia, 885-9189,9 a.m.-6 p.m.

Additions -- AlterationsNew Homes

Kitchens, Family RoomsWe Also Specialize in

Modernizing Bathrooms

TH IELE Construction[; Supply CO.

PR 5.2323

Right in the heart of Mid.America's skiing, golf and recreation mecca-BOYNE COUNTRY, The 80ynestadt condominium village is nestled al

the foot of fabulous Boyne Mountain and overlooks world.renowned Boyne Mountain Lodge.

BIDIGARE BROS. INC.Office 772.5715

Evenings till 11, TU 1.6988

CARPENTER-All types repairand remodeling. Carl, Watson,LA 6.5501.

Remini~cent of Switzerland'smost dramatic and well.

known mountain, the"Jungfrau" provides a tower.

ing accent to the Boynestadtvillage concept. The Jung.

frau's five-storied reach assuresa magnificent view of

Boynestadt, Boyne Mountain,and surrounding terrain.

Skll"g ot 01/ the fcmous Boyne Country oreas-Boyne Mountoin, Boyne Highlands, Thunder MOuntain, andWolloon Hills-from November through April.

Golf at the magnificent ) 8-hole rhomp;onship mountain mounloin course, 9 hole pm 3 COurse withinwalking distonce from the viI/age, plus a gall training camp for youngslers-and-only.o short ~riveowoy, the challenging 18.hole, Boyne Highlands ccurse, (olreody one of the top fen 'n the notion),designed by Robert Trent Jones plus the 9.hole por 3 Highlands course--72 holes of golf,Deer Loke Fout-Soolo", llOch Club to serve golf'lI, SWimmers, boaters ond fishermen whose beaIJtifulwhile beach and privote club house with dining and locker room facilities offers the ultimate In lakeSideItm. The prime sondy Beach, much of whIch shelves out at a gentle slope as far os 300 yards befor'!youngsters can get chin.deep, Is the Icke's chief allure, Water is crystol,clear and, because the half-milewide 'oke is nestled like Q lewel in a bowl of hills, waves are never so high that. a !'sher":lcn woulc! be.come endangered by high winds. It also has a good Ite shore, regordless of Wind direction, for waterskIIng at any time of the day.

Deer Lake has ICIngbeen noted os a boss and pike angling lake ond abounds with bluegills, Sunfish, andperch for the neophyte ongl., lust learning 10 handle a fly rod. Whot's more, se.ero! ,moll trout streamsflow through the Deer Lake oreo lust soulh of the loke and ore readily accessible by good roods.

A fleet of rentol boots cnd soiling croft will be available to guests-and a launching romp will be pro.vided for club members desiring to bring their own. A private rood connects the 80yne County Four.Seasons Beoch Cluo with 90yn'stodt lust n mile away to the eastward.

Boynestadt is onfy minutes of easy access to a resort complex which offersyou 10,000 acres of pleasure--skiing, golf, salmon and trout fishing,

sailing, motorboating, deer and small game hunting, swimming,waterskiing, horseback riding, retirement Jiving, investment opportunities

-all in one recreational administrative organization

Transcontinental Affiliates, Inc, o. P. 1-7-71 886-601063 Kercheval A"I""', Grolle I'.'..te Farm" MIch. 41.236


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, ._1, _

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Page 20: Grosse Pointe · 1/7/1971  · the inlluence o[ liquor, arc reo quired to take a test. Refusal to do so, the law states. will



LAST CHANCE!Sale Ends Saturday

Many Items to Choose From!

• Plants • Lights • Trees

• Ornaments. • Holly, etc.Large Selection

AllemDR FIDristOR E. Wllrren

TU 4.612017931 East Warren


An "interesting thing" . . . that happened to Lou(Mrs. Aaron E., of Loraine ro<\lJ) Wilcox in New Yorka few .years back ... The Wilcoxes, her sister, the Coby Byls, of Grand Rapids, were havinga late supper in Sardi's ... and Lou, a horoscope casterlong before astrology became the "in" thing, mentioned(aloud but not over-loudly) that Val, the maitre d', hadbeen born under the sign of Taurus . . . and suddenly... "1 got a tug on the arm, and a delightful gal-blond-ish, with a charming accent I couldn't place-'Said, 'Icouldn't help but overhear you talking about astrology. .. I'm so interested-I'm a Libra-and what is goingto be happening to me?' ... I couldn't place her, thoughshe looked familiar ... but she gave me her birth date,and 1 mentioned that the planet Uranus W:1S enteringher sign soon, the first time in 84 years ... that it oftenbriugs revolutionary changes and no doubt unexpectedthings might occur ... Later, we found out from Val thatwe had been talking to Melina Mercouri ... and revolu-tionary, unexpected things DID happen to her!" ... 1• • •

While we're thinking , . . about the Wilcoxes, youmight Jike to know they spent Christmas in Maplewood,N.J., with daughter Pat Dieters, John andthe children, Bobby and Pattie • . • and had only beenback In The Pointe 15 minutes when they got a call fromPat, aU excited, saying the Maplewood newspaper hadtalled that aftemooD to report they had won first prizefor CREATIVE outdoor Christmas detoratlons •.• Which,.inasmuch as the decorations are a bit of nostalgia fromtheir Grosse Pointe days, pleased everybody . • . the Dieters' marrIed Ufe they hacd-sewed a Santaoutfit, ud this life-size Santa Claus has been part oftheir Christmas every' year ••. This year, in Maplewood,he was placed on a side terrace (roof held up by fourlarge white pillars), nonchalantly seated on an antiquewhite Dea(!on's Bench, legs crossed, one arm along thebaa of the bench, large, old.fashloned Christmas wreathabove him, haif-empty bag at his feet, assortment ofgany-d~orated gift boxes by his side . . • There was atraditional l-"hrlstmas tree, lighted, on the Dieters' otherporeh, and the same Merry Christmas spelled out inold.fashIoned leUers tbat bad been in front of theirJ»ointe home during their holidays here spotUghted fromtheir Maplewood front yard .••

• •

And here's an interesting ecological . , . postscript,courtesy of Mrs. Boresch: "When Captain John Smithexplored the New England coast, he fished for whaleand caught 60,000 cod in one month."

Jot'Jngs on life ... in the Plymouth Colony, com.piled by dedicated DAR Quester Mrs. Urban W. Boresch,of Kercheval avenue (by "dedicated" we don't mean"solemn:" Mrs. B.'s a happy historian, to whom researchis as tonic as a glass of wine): • . . "A favorite way ofvoting was by beans and kernels of corn. A bean meantan affirmative'vote, corn, negative ... Pine-knots of thefat pitch.pine were the first way of lighting homes. ThE;Ywere burned in a corner of the fireplace because of theirdroppings. There were no domestic animals to furnishtallow for candles . . • The dining table (tableboard) wasa long, narrow board"-sometimes only three feet wide-laid on supports or trestles which were shaped likesaw-horses, often made from portions of packing boxes. . . There \was always a good supply of napkins. Forkswere unknown until 1633, and hands were constantlyused for holding food ... '.The centerpiece was the salt .cellar or saler 'sett in the myddys of the tabuU.' Itsharply defined the social distinctions of those who satabove and below. At times when Indians were guests,the chief sat above the salt, his followers below . . .Trenchers, made of a block of wood, 10 or 12 inchessquare, three or four inches deep, hollowed into a bowlin the center, were used as plates. They were shared byman and wife, and one for each two children, to showfamily unity and affection. Wills named them as valuedhousehold possessions ... Bottles and drinking cups werealso made of wood .Ohairs were lalmost non-existent.Stools and chests were used for seating; if there was achair, it was always reserved for the head of the family,the father" . . . . . '"


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People In The Know


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Not many people areaware that the "ShellOil Co." is a Dutchcompany NOT U.S.A.Can't you hear thescreams of outrage ifan American oil com.pany did that off nEuropean shore.

Bits and pieces . . . we never got a chance to workinto an article last year, but which were too good to tossout (every writer has a desk full of these, and the first

ONION SOUP-FRENCH column of the New Year seems an especially appropriateMAUlT STYLE place for them) ...

CotJtrl1NJtecI II)' • • •JlfI. Beary N. PeaNcly i Background notes ••. on The Protestant Children's

For Sy...... ylu&en CookIlook IHome, researched for a Thanksgiving Pointer of Jnterest"No SeeCNMlFWdJe" on Home Director Clinton Justice: "Summer camping

1 can condensed onion soup trips and excurslf)ns included ••. In 1909, seven weeks1 soup can water spent at Camp Hudson on Lake St. Clair with use ofFrench bread farm and house given by Mr. J. L. Hudson, with manyMuenster cheese friends furnishing such IOupplies as 30 loaves of bread

Mix IOIIp aM water. PlHIr ill. per day (from Mr. William Livingstone) •.• 115 children~r~~:tJl~~a~::e= at the Hudson Camp in 1910 ... in 1911, through the"'•.• 11 t1Ikk aacI toppei with kindness of Mr. Henry Ford, the children spent six weeksl1lee of Jl1J~.. ter (Me ... Add in tents on his farm In DearborJI ..•• in 1916 Mr. ForduotIaer l1lee of 1N'e" 8IMl arruged for the chlldren to camp at Gaukler Point .. ,e.eae. Bake at 411lidePftl, in 1920 Horace E. Dodge gave the Children's Home aa_t 15 m1utu er uaW IHIb. farm near Orchard Lake. This provided an ideal summerbl..laC.Serves Utree PHPIe. spot while the Home remained on Jefferson, but ~as no

I longer needed and was sold when the Home was movedMusicale Plans to Its present location in Cook road .•• ". . ..Jan. 12 Concert

The fourth C\lncert of Tues-day Musicale will be presentednext Tuesday, January 12, at10:30 o'c1ock hi the Detroit In-stitute 01 Arts Lecture Hall.

Tbe program will feature So.nals NO.7 for Violin and Pianaby \Mozarl, Cecella Mahoney,VIolin and Camella Ehricb, pi-ano; VIssi D'Arte by Puccini,L'Heure Exquise (The En.chanted Hour) by Hahn, Stand.cben (serenade) by RichardStrauss and On tbe Wings ofthe WiLd by Read, Eileen Lil.tell, soprano, and Gladys Car-son, aceompanlst; Sonatine forFlute and Piano by Martinonand Hanna Lahti, 1lute, andBarbllra Wells MacIntosh, pia-no; The Shepberd on the Rockby Schubert, Eileen Littell, s0-prano, Hanna Lahti, flule, andG1ady~ Carson, accompanist;and Impromptu in A6, Opus 142by Schubert, Impromptu in FMinor, Opus 142 by Schubert,Nocturne, Opus 23, No. 4 byScbumann and Ballade in A byHarriet Preston, pianist.

DIANNE DOSSIN, daught1ro{ ROBERT M. DOSSIN, ofShoreham road, has pledgedSigma Kappa sorority at AdrainCollege.

The Edna Chaffee NobleAlumnae and Speecb Club wllImeet at noon Saturday, January9, In the Oak Park home of Mrs.David Hewitt wbose co-hostessesare Mrs. Waller Pinnlnger andMrs, Frederlc:t Wilkins.

Theme of the month is "Incharacter, In rnanlli!rs, In style,In all things, th8 supreme excel.tence Is .lmpUelty," (HenryWadlworth Longfellow).

In keeping with thl. theme acollection of sonnets from thewrlUngs of William Shakespearewill be presented by Mrs. Mark _.Waters, Jr., and the hostess will STUDIOCAMER"SHongive a speech lesson based on a I t'\ r:further exploration of the prin., CAR.L-OYNEDc1p!e that proper management "no. -of breathing underlies th(1whole ZOZ 29 MACK.....ill. 1';e W(1~$3arl of voice expression.

-_._--------------- ._- --- ... _ ..-------_._--- ._--Feature Page

Pointer of Interest


GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 7,1971------------------------~----------------------------------- ----------------'-

*----,--------------------- ------

Page Twenty

flJ~1zteCounter Pointsr

By Pat Rousseau

Navy is News ... for resort and spring at Walton-Pierce you'll see designers from sportswear to highfashion featuring navy. "'or example, Genoiri tops navypants with white and belts the waISt with red, white andblue stripes. The closing is a big brass medallion. You'llalso love the Bill Blass three piece navy ensemble<"<i with white with an important belt and a highlydecorative brass buckle.

•Simply 1}eautiful ... is what hair is and will be for

8pring '71. While in New York, we noted hOo/ the their hair showing the Spring collections. Hair lSlustrous due to health and care. The colors are subtle ...W-JNn light brOtQ7t wheat b[ond and dark hair glows like:;utin. The Styles ~re pull.back the cappy.fUppy foru?,1er fashion's favorite bandeau or softly waved<I,',d shoulder length. Care more than ever for your hair at/-"OIl'S, 17888 Mack Avenue ... TV 4-9393.

• • •Sale.1II( •.• out Of Michelle', BouUque, 118U Mack Ave.

nue are telllplillC fashloe) tempUngly tagged wIth 20% to 50'4off. Cruishlg hi, Is 11tJlI1yresort wear which II easy care andwashable. Althongh pantsuits remahl a favorite fallllion, the!>WiDgIII to swiDglng dresses. Michelle's Is opeu ThlU'Jday eve-IIWb~.

,Chili Connoisseurs . . . try the chili

omelet ~t the National Coney Island,19019 Mack 'Avenue. It's different. It'sdelicious!

The Kaleidoscope, foculel 011 a sale(If (''brlstmas aDd 8S!1orted merchandise wll,h20"/0 to 511% ocr ... 16135 Mack at Bedford.

• • •It's Posh ... to be one of the beautiful people. You

ask how? Find a beauty salon which will cater. to yourevery whim. Find a studio exp~rts in h~lr, permanent waving and hair shapmg. Hair stY~1StSshould have the knowledge and know how to achievethe latest look and adapt it to your features. You askwhere? The answer is at Posh Stud'!" Inc., 18700 MackAvenue. Call 886-1377 for an appomtment.• • •

Aft,r Inventory ... at 16237 Mackand Three Mile a corner of the shophas bl!fn set aside for very special bar-gains. They won't wait for you, so hurry!• • •

Arriving Dally •.. at Mr. lullan Fashion Boutique, 15114Kercheval In the ['ark, new beautiful cruise wear. Departingdally all the sale tagged f8lhloJ\ll ••. VA. 2.2818.• • • •

. ~ .Looking For Night Lights? . . . Find them at

Wright's Gift & Lamp Shop, 18650 Mack Avenue next tothe Grosse Pointe pos.t offic.e. T~ey h~ve m~ny decorative ones mduding mght hght f.gurtnes ofangels and the madonna and floral lights ... TV 5-8839.• • •

Decorators . • • have used 51lag rug. 18 aceenls for years.Now they have come IntoLhe popular price range. At EdMaliszewski Carpeting, 21435 Mack Avenue, tlley are availableIn many materials. Shag carpets hav.., Illteresting te:dnru and.come In 80 many colore. •

Open The Side Door ... 985 Washington Road verynear Mack Avenue for buys store-wide ... markedthirty percent off.


New Year's Resolutions ... include a new kitchen? By Janet Mueller ~Swp at Mutschler Kitchens, 2~227 Mack ~venue. ~o~. She finds life a cause for rejoicing. But some days State Universit:r. Both boys areMode custom designed cabmetry of f~e fu.rmtul e are more special than others. Let's go ;;ack a few weeks, receot bridegrooms.quality comes in finishes and styles whic!t mclud~ to Tuesday, December 1. Time: Moonish. Place: The pe- Ao~botb ~ent "all the ~aytherry, knotty pine, maple, oak, Early A!Dencan, M~di. troit Yacht Club. At a spedalluncheon and ceremomes, up" 10 Scouting,. mother gOlllgterranean, English Manor, pub, Tudor, Onental, Spamsh, DYC Commodore Joseph Bellardi presents the DYC Per. all the way up WIth them; G-!DaF'J.l'.llCll or Italian Provincial. petual Holliday Trophy to Virginia Barrett. has a ~0y' ScoutsScof :,merlcda

Th' is th third tim Gina's'Gl-----------lhooor C!tatioDfor '?uting lea ..• • • IS •e e ership an Grosse Pomte and 111

name is bemg engraved on the with enough cbampagne to last Detroitas president of the BoyIn Martha's Closet ... 373 Fisher Road, you'll .find covet~ per pet u a I tropby, me 'tit tbe 8th.". ScoutsMothers Club.

(l new selection of fashionable, comf.ortable espadrtlles, breaking all past, reco~ds for Now THAT's our Idea of a Rodney prefers the piano totile shoes with rubber sales and ropm~. They are ten the DYC women s sWImming good compromise! the Merit Badge. And thal toodollars and come in red, yellow, or whlte. gr~up. , Lel's go a few. more is a family tradition.

• • • 'I haven t mined a Tuesday, years, to California. 6ma, a Gina's a symphony devoteeS-c1ats ... at the Notre Dame Pharmacy Include Rev. (swimmin~, at ':be club), a~ this graduate of the Grac~ Hospital andhas been an active member

.... t I doD lze Is past, year, Gma says. U I School of Nursing, Is v.!siting of the Grosse Pointe SymphonyJun's Moon Drops Molstul'f Balm. The we ve ar s don t go, I feel just ... blab. her uncle at his rancb m tbe Women's Committee for manyhOWsix seventy.flve •.. molsturlng c1eauser, the six dollar value "I fmd swimming, physical Napa Valley. MGM needs a years. Sbe chaired, with 011 special lor fhree filty and InUmate hand and body 10tlol1orlgln-Ily thr-e twenty Is now a dollar n1nef;y.f1ve. exercise, sharpens my perspec. nurse. . . LouGordon as her co-chairm'ln,

• ~ ••• tive, makes me think more "I believe tbat opportumty the Patroness committee forclearly ... " ~omes al the strangest times, oneof the Women's Association

Those Folks At Mr. Q. . . • Say Ever seen Gina dance'! m the stranlest .forms, wben for lhe Detroit Symphony Or.there's still room in some of those pn- She "moves" like a teenager. you least expec~ It. You have chestr. Fashionscopes.vate villas in Barbado.~. It's the travel (! Swimmers do. to be ~eady for d, alway.s'l'~nd Does More At Clubbargain of the year! Think white sand 1tIIL At the special luncbeon and j wh~.n It comes - grab It. ,,aches, golf, tennis, l''Ools, 85° temper- eeremonies December 1, Gina Gma does. Shedoesn t Just. sWIm at theutul'e all for $340. The price includes, gets up to thank everybody. Jnmped at Chaace IDye; General, chalrman of theair, ~ccommodations, beach club mem- Was Seare( of Water She jumped at the cbance to Clubs. Ladies ,Fashion Sbowsbership, transfers. Leave from Toronto And Uke all converts - Gina be a Movie Nurse. Sbe recalls committee, she ~ commentated

was once afraid of the water: her fi~st day al the studio, and modelled 111 show after... 886-0500. ••• She began to swim because sbe presenting her pass and being sh~w'h m sh' "m the" t

Naturally You'll Find ... at Edward Nepi Parruc- used to drive her two older sons told, "Go right in," going rlghl a ~en:ge~ie coen:rstin; o/Prin~h' 19463 Ma k Avenue the hair cut that's perfect over to the c~ub for lessons, in, se.eing Mickey Rooney on G'gi Prin s Zs Z d

c lere, C 'd h' N t 1 does and got bored sItting around the one Side Fred MacMurray on cess I, ces a sa anj o'r long hair . . . the lay ere .tec . ntque. 0 on y I t I pool _ she can't resist a bit tile othe;, thinking, "This isn't Prlnee J a c que s, all showit stay in twice as long but tt gUJ~s one a com:fl e e y of proselyUslng. real!" poodles,(they m~el too!~, anddijferent long haired look, And don t forget that tf [ong" " ", 1 h U four ~w puppIes, Pnncess

. , th' Ed d and his staff are superb We bay~,. she notes, won. It was un~ break !J1e.Stars Glgl's latesl contribution to thehmr s !l'0t your lng, wa;..U d 4-8858 derful faCilities here at the club, and exlras were standmg about clan _ pIllS a recently arrivedat stylmy the short cut . . . xe o. an outdoor and an indoor lowl in groups, talking, or alone, re- cat Duffy

• • • ... And some of the glrlll who bear sing. "I was amazed, I'd She's won ribbens for herbelong NEVER get into the never realized actors used their roseswater. spare time to rebearse, all She' was a Mrs America

"And It's so GOOD for you, alone: I saw people llI?ving seml.finalist a feW years physically good. and you their arms around peculiarly. But Dr Barrett when be dis.make so many good friends ... " la~g into thin air .. ;" . covered' contlnu~g in the con.

Virginia Barrett's an enthu- GID. stayed In Califorma, test meant they BOTH bad tosiast about everything sbe does. with MGM, for three years. She spend six weeks in Florida, put

Let's go back a few years, worked wIth many of the top his foot down said " the oUlce of then-Mayor of directors and slars, gave First sible ,,' ,Detroit Louis Mlriani. Aid to Lucille Ball, d~cove.rl!{! So Gbt~ settled for service on

It's another special ceremony: . that the famous were. so mce, the Mrs. America ContestGina's receiving the Key to the so nor~al, so mucb like other Screening Panel. ICity for assisting needy nurses people. Power Squadron Grad .and medical students as Ways . Sbe was asked, and was Je'i She .has her certifi.cate at-and Means chairman for the ligbted,. to SPend some of ber testing to SUCcessfulcompletionWayne Counly Medical Society eve n In g s at the. Hollywoodof Powe.. Squadron classesWoman's Auxiliary. Canteen. World War II was in Rodney's responsible for that:

CeaYeried Fiasco progress; the Canteen, organ. "He built a hydroplane andShe belped turp a potential ~~~~y DHol!YWOOd.~ovie ~~o~e, had lo takes classes befo~e be

fiasr.o into a smashing success e aVls w~s I s presl eo), could take it out on the lake,"W'd I d "'- efit . catered to ser~lcemen on leave and I said 'I have to drive youe p anne a ""n , a In a strange City hI'

fasblon show with a Parisian M t {'ts' to t e c asses anyway; I'll taketheme and a luncbeon. We'd os a 1 young female yol- the course with you . . .'"arranged for food for 800 unteers were actresses. Gma, Shade.s of How I Began By

"W 11 Th . A 't very blond, very pretty, looked Being Afraid Of The Water AndSh e I .. , ere was an ~ 0 more like a starlet than a nurse. Wound Up The VYC Sea Gulls',ow n progress across ,e "One night," she remembers, Top Swimmer of 1970!

.. reet, and all the women who (I. "a boy came up to me and Once again, the' convert's~o"!~,,~ :own for ~e AutolSho: asked me to sign ooe corner of 7.eal:"I think that Power Squad-eCl - 0 come 0 our unc. a dollar bill. He explained he ron Course is SO important!

eo~A'd' 'tb d wanted to send the bill horne There's so much about watern ere we were, rea y with the signature f th ' • lid 't k "for 800 - and 1500 sbowed!" 0 e pret- sale y peop e on now... I

Th I ' thi to tiest blond at the Canteen al New Enthllslasm 80m Iere was on y one ng one end and the Pit. t b l ;do. Gina did it. al the ~ther" re les rune A recent trip to Italy, and'

UI) sbe went, on lhe stage, Gina sigr.~d Th I GL'la Barrett has a new en-in {rant of all those crowded, the other 'tb~ en g,aoc~d at thuslasm.annoyed-because.t h e t e It'd "Uu;et s, :.Jgna- She's studying Ancient Art,crowded women ur. rea: e y Lamarr." Egypt, Rome, Greece, tbe Etru-

"J'm sorry" 'she said "I'm Turned Down Contract I scans, as a Founders Societyreally sorry.' We had n~ idea Three yea r s on the West Detroit InsUt~le of Arts I>c?c~ntso many of you would come. Coast, an opportunity for a Trainee. She 11soon be gUldmlWe can't take care of you _ movie contract, (this one Gina groups throug~ the museum:we simply haven't enougb food turned down:. Nurses, she de. PerhaPs she 11.~oonbe ~lIlded- and we'll be happy to give clded after flrst.haod ohserva- through a new mUSllum your money back, if you lion, sland a beller chance of self. A !Ivlng museum. .want it, but If you want to stay maluring gracefully Ihanpretty There s 1\ chance . . . G1l1a- we hope you'll stay' we young starlels) , . . might go to Athens lhls win.would like to have you st~y _ Gina was homesickfor Mich. ter ...we',11try to make this as pleas. igan, nostalgic for an old.fasb. "I'll probably get, losl in theant an a {t ern 0 0 n as pos. ioned, snowy Christmas ruins - and I can t thln~ of

• • • sible .. They told her "u you go, anything I'd like better! I m aBeauty Mecca ... The Grosse Pointe COloseUn!' 'C~Pmred Tltem All you'll never co~e back." terrible romantic ... "

has become a tradition among the beau- Everybody laughed. Every. She went. Peol?t~ :-vhofind life a causetiful ladie.~ oj our communitv. Th~Y._. jr, "" body relaxed. Everybody'd been ~~ never came bsck. fO~ rdJf~~D~~UatlJ% i:eiuu ofthrcdg to 20335 Mack. and E:ght ~tle " ... In a slluation like tbl~, like en I returne.d to Detroit, S ~al Da s, 'where beauty expert MISS Lucy, tramed " ."fir. . Gina's, before: Everybody was I wl~s :e blonelles, gjrl in the p yin Belgium pampers you with pedicures .... ":.. . "with" her. . wor. Y llsband WII tbe first ------and manicilres and a staff of stylists ~ M 0 s t everybody, (anotber man I met. He asked me to Edna Chaffee Nobleadds glamor with flattering hair fash- cr~ room was opened up; more m~rry bim on our second date, Club Meets Saturdayions .Coil 881-7252 01' 881.7490 for an appoIntment. tables put up: Some people :;" we got married flnmedlale.___ :_ .. __...__. Imigbl not eat, bul everybody' .

would have a place to sft) In those fJrst, rough years,stayed. ' the young ,couple paying off

Nobody demanded a refund. Dr. Barretl s medical school"We made $2,500 In that one debts, Gina remained a full.

afternoon," Gina recalls. lime nurse. Laler, when the fi-Thill $2,500 in an afternoon nanelal situation eased, she

broke all records. kept her. hand in.Luck? She stili does.Maybe. Sabs at Nor1llHigb -Luck plus Gina. She subs sometimesat North

Double-Dip Birthday High School, whereher younge.tShe's star-crossed, horn on son Rodney, 15, the family

the sixth stroke of mldnlgbt musician, Is a sludent, re.belween May 7 and May 8. lIevlng the nurse onduty there.

"The Detroit Healtb Depart. She takes occasional specialment says May 8, the Chure!h assignments at BonSecours.(Baptismal Cerlificate) say s Th'l eldesl Barrell son Gary,May 7." 24, Is a Dental arudent' at the

And what does Gina say? "r University of Detroitgo to the Dye on the ?th and' Middle! son Edward 22 Is acelebrate right SlJ'8lght through Markellng major at 'w ~y n e

C(JIl!P" (;"OlLIJS Plan Art Tour'A trip Rnd gulded- tour of I wJ1l be takenpn an easy tour

American maslerplece~ o( Art of American Art from the Col.. ollial period to the 20th Cen.

Is pllinned by GrossI! Pomte tury .. The tour will be limitedWar Memorial primarily for to one hour's duration. Beforethe Pointe's more senior groups boarding the bus for the returnwith leisure time; but Il is also trip there will be plenty ofopf!n to all who wish to partl. lim~ to browse In the Museum'sc1pale. 711e trIp will tlllre place lasclnatlng shop where copiea ofWednesday, JOlluary 20. A art treasures and books on sameCenter at 32 Lake Shore road may I'll 11: 15 a,m. returning at Tills pleasant trip With door3:30 p.m. to door transportation ellmlnat.

Jncluded will be a salad ing worries luncheon and guld.luncheon in the new North ed tour ot American Art includ.charter bus will leave the ed is offered for $4.75 on aWing Court or lhe Delrolt In. prepaid reservation basis. Onlysli1utc 01 Art. There guests 150 can be accommodated.

