group 3 bonus act minimum wages act

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  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act


    Presented By

    Aarti Srinivasan 001

    Vibhu Dhamija 012

    Namrata Mendon 035 Akshata Philhar 043

    Balaji S R 046

    Priyadarsh Sharma 051

  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act



    RULES, 1948

    An act to provide for fixingminimum rate of wages in

    certain employments.

  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act


    Historical Backdropy The initiative by Shri K.G.R.Choudhary in 1920

    y The International Labour Conference adopted in 1928

    to wage fixing machinery in trades or parts of trades.yA Minimum Wages Bill was introduced in the Central

    Legislative Assembly on 11.4.46

    y It was passed in 1946 and came into force with effect

    from 15.3.48.y The Committee on Fair Wage was set up in 1948

  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act


    Under the Act,y (a) Notify scheduled employment

    y The appropriate Government fixes the minimum wage

    in respect of only those scheduled employments wherethe number of employees is 1000 or more.

    y (b) Fix/revise minimum wages

    y Committee Method


    Notification method

  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act


    NORMSy 3 consumption units for one earner.y Minimum food requirements of 2700 calories per

    average Indian adult.y Clothing requirements of 72 yards per annum per

    family.y Rent corresponding to the minimum area provided

    for under Government'sy

    Industrial Housing Scheme.y Fuel, lighting and other miscellaneous items of

    expenditure to constitute 20% of the total MinimumWages.

  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act


    NORMSOther parameters

    y Children education, medical requirement,minimum recreation includingfestivals/ceremonies and provision for old age,marriage etc. should further constitute 25% of

    the total minimum wage.yOther local conditions

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    Wage Policy National Wage Policy

    Regional committees to reduce disparities in wages

    National floor level minimum wage

    Variable Dearness Allowance

  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act


    Types of Wages

    yA minimum time rate

    yA minimum piece rate

    yA guaranteed time rate

    yAn overtime rate

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    yWages in kind

    y Payment of minimum rate of wages

    y Fixing hours for normal working day etc.y Overtime

    yWages of worker who works for less than normalworking day

    yWages for two or more classes of work

  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act


    Othersy Maintenance of registers and records

    y Inspectors

    y Penalties for offences

  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act



    yAn Act to provide for the payment of Bonus to persons

    employed in certain establishments

    y It extends to the whole of India [Note: The words"except the State of Jammu and Kashmir" omitted by

    Act 51 of 1970, Sec.2 and Schedule (w.e.f. 1stSeptember,1971).

  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act


    Applicability if the Act

    y Every factory and

    y Every establishment employing 20 or more persons

    yAn establishment to which this Act applies shallcontinue to be governed by this Act notwithstandingthat the number of persons employed therein fallsbelow twenty.

  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act


    Eligibility Criteria

    y Every employee is drawing a salary or wage upto 3500

    per month

    y Has worked for a minimum of 30 days in anaccounting year including seasonal workers.

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    Bonus Calculationy Done on (Basic + DA). Not on HRA, LTA, PPF,


    ySalary per month Bonus

  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act


    Minimum & Maximum Bonus


    y 8.33% of salary/wage or Rs. 100 whichever is highernot subject to allocable surplus.


    y 20% of salary/wage or 2 months salary/wagewhichever is lower.

  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act


    Time limit for payment of Bonusy Bonus must be paid within 8 months from the close of

    the accounting year.

    y Remedy provided under the act for recovering bonusdue but not paid.

    y Employees can raise a dispute regarding bonus payableunder the act.

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    If any person contravenes any provision of the act, hecan punished with

    6 months of imprisonment,

    or Rs. 1000 fine, or both.

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    Exemptionsy Excluded categories employees of LIC, RBI, UTI,

    Central and state government industrial

    establishments etc.y Government is permitted to exempt any

    establishments from the provisions of the act.

    yAn establishment will not be deemed to be newly

    set up by reason of change in its name, location ormanagement.

  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act


    Bonus linked with production or

    productivityNotwithstanding anything contained in this Act, -

    (i) Where an agreement or a settlement has been

    entered into by the employees with their employerbefore the commencement of the Payment of Bonus(Amendment) Act, 1976 (23 of 1976), or

    (ii) Where the employees enter into any agreement with

    their employer after such commencement.

    With subject to the minimum and maximum bonusrules.

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    Disqualification for BonusNotwithstanding anything contained in this Act, anemployee shall be disqualified from receiving bonus

    under this Act, if he is dismissed from service for-y (a) Fraud; or

    y (b) Riotous or violent behaviour while on the premisesof the establishment; or

    y (c) Theft, misappropriation or sabotage of anyproperty of the establishment.

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  • 8/8/2019 Group 3 Bonus Act Minimum Wages Act
