group 4 d who wants to be a millionaire


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Page 1: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Page 2: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Page 3: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Which word is the verb in the sentence, “he looked so fragile”?

A.) fragile B.) he

C.) looked D.) so


C.) looked


Question 1

Page 4: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Page 5: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

In the sentence, “…were all still vivid in my mind,” the word ‘vivid’ is a(n) ______

A.) adjective B.) determiner

C.) noun D.) adverb


A.) adjective

Question 2

Page 6: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Page 7: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Choose the most suitable answer to complete the sentence:“my heart _____ when Reyes _____ to cry.”

A.) break, started B.) broke, started

C.) break, starts D.) broke, starts


B.) broke, started


Question 3

Page 8: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Page 9: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Another word to replace the word ‘grasp’ in the sentence,“…his grasp so secure and tight,…” is _____

A.) grip B.) hold

C.) seize D.) grasp


A.) grip


Question 4

Page 10: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Page 11: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

The proper nouns and common nouns in the sentence,“Picnics by the sea, trips to the Zoo, a walk in the

Botanic Garden…,” are:

A.) Proper nouns: Zoo, Botanic Garden Common nouns: Picnics, sea, trips

B.) Proper nouns: Botanic Garden, Zoo Common nouns: sea, trips, walk

C.) Proper nouns: Zoo, Botanic Garden Common nouns: Picnics, sea, trips, walk

D.) Proper nouns: Botanic Garden Common nouns: sea, trips, walk


C.) Proper nouns: Zoo, Botanic Garden Common nouns: Picnics, sea, trips, walk


Question 5

Page 12: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Page 13: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

The word ‘up’ in the sentence, “I thought I could help my sister to bring him up,” is a(n) _____

A.) verb B.) adverb

C.) conjunction D.) preposition


B.) adverb


Question 6

Page 14: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Page 15: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

In the sentence, ‘on 1 January 2007, Reyes was born,’ which word phrase can be moved around?

A.) was born B.) Reyes was born

C.) 1 January 2007 D.) on 1 January 2007


D.) on 1 January 2007


Question 7

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Page 17: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

The present tense for the verb ‘knew’ in the sentence, “… and Reyes barely knew him.” is ____

A.) knowing B.) knows

C.) known D.) know


B.) knows


Question 8

Page 18: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Page 19: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Which word in this sentence, “they give me the best that they could,” functions as a pronoun?

A.) give B.) the

C.) they D.) that


C.) they


Question 9

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Page 21: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

From this clause, “hunger and thirst were making me weak,” what does the word ‘and’ function as?

A.) adjective B.) pronoun

C.) verb D.) conjunction


D.) conjunction


Question 10

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Page 23: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Pick out the adverb from the sentence, “I started walking aimlessly in search for it.”

A.) search B.) started

C.) walking D.) aimlessly


D.) aimlessly


Question 11

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Page 25: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Spot the word that functions as a modal in this sentence, “I thought it would be the end of

the world.”

A.) I B.) would

C.) the D.) thought


B.) would


Question 12

Page 26: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Page 27: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Which word in the sentence, “I get to enjoy fortnightly grooming sessions,” tells you about time?

A.) enjoy B.) I

C.) grooming D.) fortnightly


D.) fortnightly


Question 13

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Page 29: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Which word in this sentence, “they give me the best that they could,” functions as a first

person pronoun?

A.) they B.) that

C.) me D.) the


C.) me


Question 14

Page 30: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Page 31: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Spot the superlative adjective in this sentence, “I was the ugliest one with that reddish part

on my face.”

A.) ugliest B.) was

C.) reddish D.) one


A.) ugliest


Question 15

Page 32: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

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Page 33: Group 4 D Who Wants To Be A Millionaire