grow together's final business plan

Running head: TASK F 1 Unit 4: Course Spanning Task F Mrs. Jessica A. Houston I certify that I have read A Student's Guide to Academic Integrity at the University of Oklahoma, and this paper is an original paper composed by me for this course. Except where properly cited and attributed, it has not been copied or closely reworded from any other source and has not been submitted as a whole, or in part, for credit in any other course at OU or any other educational institution. It has not been created or submitted for any other purpose such as a job assignment at my workplace or any other agency.LSAL 4163-001 Nonprofit Management Professor John Campbell March 8, 2013

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Page 1: Grow Together's Final Business Plan

Running head: TASK F1

Unit 4: Course Spanning Task F

Mrs. Jessica A. Houston

“I certify that I have read A Student's Guide to Academic Integrity at the University ofOklahoma, and this paper is an original paper composed by me for this course. Except whereproperly cited and attributed, it has not been copied or closely reworded from any other sourceand has not been submitted as a whole, or in part, for credit in any other course at OU or anyother educational institution. It has not been created or submitted for any other purpose such as a

job assignment at my workplace or any other agency.”

LSAL 4163-001 Nonprofit Management

Professor John Campbell

March 8, 2013

Page 2: Grow Together's Final Business Plan


HNO: Grow Together


Grow together will be a nonprofit organization that address our societies issues with

hunger and obesity. This organization will teach local communities the importance of a healthy

diet, being self-sufficient and the fundamentals about growing fruit, vegetables and herbs in a

front, backyard and urban garden. Grow together will offer free workshops to their local

communities and will support and advocate for local farmers markets.

I: Initiating and Agreeing on a Strategic Planning Process.

The Purpose of the effort: Is to teach local communities about the importance of health eating,

while teaching them to garden so that health food is affordable and available to all.

Roles: This organization will be overseen by a management board and specialists in the area of

permaculture and nutrition; this organization will be largely volunteer based. Volunteers and

specialist will be broken up into sub-groups of specialties to develop schedules and programs

provided by the organization.

Timing of reports: This organization will have weekly meeting to discuss resources, program

development and perceived overall impact of the organization on the community.

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Limitations and boundaries of the effort: Local city officials that oppose front yard gardening,

communities lack of knowledge of the subject and fear of learning, limited room for

organizations development (30 acre plot inherited by owner)


The most important stakeholders are the local community and local farmers that would benefit

from a well-organized and developed farmers market that encourages a community’s urban

citizens to buy local. The local community will be empowered to be self-sufficient while

learning about the importance on healthy eating habits (Renz & Herman, 2010, p. 232-236).

II: Identifying Organizational Mandates

Formal Mandate:

Grow Together will confront our society’s issues of hunger and obesity by educating the

community about healthy eating habits, front yard gardening and educating them about the

importance of buying local. This organization will strive to meet the public’s expectation of

feeding the hungry by donating 30% of the produce grown on cite and will empower the low-

income with the knowledge of front yard gardening, thus encouraging them to be self-sufficient

while providing them with a source of nutritious food. At the local level Grow together will

petition that local city officials change zoning ordinances and municipal codes that prohibit

growing vegetables in the front yard. At a national level this organization will petition the U.S

government to reinstate The United States School Garden Army (USSGA). The USSGA was

originally created in 1917 as a way to encourage children to garden; the U.S government hoped

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that this program would assist with and possible advert future food crisis and that the US’s food

system would become more locally-oriented

Informal Mandate:

Grow Together will strive to promote local communities by teaching children and adults

empathy, patience and self-discipline through the practice of gardening; this curriculum will

give children an orientation to the future and can give adults hope (Renz & Herman, 2010,


III: Mission and Values

Grow Together mission Statement: Change the paradigm, grow your own food: be happy,

healthy and self-sufficient.

Core Values :






Grow Together will advocate a sense of community through education and volunteer

opportunities (Renz & Herman, 2010, p. 237-238).

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Step 4: Assessing Grow Together’s External and Internal Enviroment

In this step of Grow Together strategic planning process Grow Together will analyze its

potential internal and external opportunities and threats, so that the organization can obtain a

balanced view. A balanced view of Grow Together will allow our organization to confront

potential threats and weaknesses; thus viewing them as an opportunity to build strengths and

improve performance. Grow Together will use the direct approach to identify potential strategic


External Environment

Grow Together will analyze their external environment to identify possible opportunities

and threats. While identifying these variables Grow Together will attempt to think more about

the future then the present, so that Grow Together is better equipped to analyze the possible

opportunities and threat variables. Grow Together will explore and accept that external variables

are not in their control, which will help the organization to adapt to future issues. Grow Together

will monitor: political, economic, social and the physical environmental factors that could

negatively or positively affect their mission, such as farm subsidies, grants, local urban

ordinances, nutrition and issues involving health/nutrition that could affect their members. Grow

Together will also monitor various external stakeholder groups, such as payers, funders,

regulators and potential competitors (Renz & Herman, 2010, p. 239).

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Internal Environment

Grow Together will analyze their internal environment to identify organizational

strengths, weaknesses and existing/needed organizational competencies, so that Grow Together

can formulate and present potential strategies that properly advocate the organizations mission

and core values. By having a good understanding of Grow Together internal environment

organizational leaders can assess the organizations distinctive competencies, which will give the

organization a competitive advantage, allow leadership to better understand the organizations

culture and develop a well-rounded input process to ensure organizational stability and manage

change. Grow Together will collect data on their input, processes and outcome to form a

balanced scorecard to illustrate Grow Together’s theory of action (Renz & Herman, 2010, p.


Step 5: Identifying Strategic Issues Facing Grow Together

Grow Together will use a direct approach to identify strategic issues the organization might face,

such as potential policy questions or critical challenges. The direct approach focuses

organizational discussion on Grow Together’s mandates, mission and SWOT.

Possible Policy Questions and Challenges Identified:

1. How can Grow Together forge strategic alliances with the private sector; such as local


A: Grow Together will forge alliances with Local FFA chapters, by emphasizing that both

organizations strive to serve and educate youth. Grow Together will assist with developing the

youths education and sharing land and building resources with local FFA chapters.

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2. Will our mission have a positive or negative affect on local farmers?

A: Grow Together’s mission will have an positive effect on local farmers because it will

encourage the local and surrounding communities to “buy local” by educating the community

about the health benefits of buying local along with lobbying city governments to form a

monthly farmers market.

3. How should Grow Together diversify its revenue base?

A: Grow Together will diversify its revenue base by developing I diverse revenue portfolio.

(Renz & Herman, 2010, p. 242-243).

Step 6: Formulating Strategies and Plans to Manage the Issues.

Strategic Issue 1: Raising funds to finance start-up.

Practical Alternatives:

1. Secure essential start-up funds from key supporters and foundations.

2. Secure government subsidies.

3. Fundraising i.e. “healthy life style walk” and “Eat local farmers market”. Charge booth rental fee to venders at farmers market, farmers market will be held on site at the 30 acre plot inherited by owner.

4. Invest in agricultural tourism. (Convert 30 acre ranch aka (Lucky dog Farms) into a family friendly tourist attraction).


1. Cost associated with navigating the maze and paperwork to apply for government subsidies.

2. Public awareness of organizations existence i.e. workshops and farmers market.

3. Cost associated with converting family ranch into an agricultural tourism destination.

4. Setting up infrastructure to accommodate visitors on a larger scale; i.e. parking and limited housing structures.

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5. Current government contracts which places time stipulations on planting or cultivating land.

Strategic Issue 2: Attracting and motivating people to participate and attend grow together’s workshops.

Practical Alternatives:

1. Send flyers and pamphlet’s to local schools, churches and libraries

2. Acquire donated space in local newspaper to advertise Grow Together’s Mission and upcoming events.

3. Achieve positive word-of-mouth referrals networks; (Verbal referrals and use of socal media avenue).

Action Plan for next two years: Continually pursue different avenues for funding and build up surplus funds to further organizational outreach and program development.

Work Program:

1. Apply for government funding and implement approved fundraising/ revenue acquisitions approved by leadership of Grow together; implementation to take place by the end of the first physical year.

2. Use surplus funds acquired to build required infrastructures/ continue infrastructure improvements and to further knowledge about Grow Together mission and values throughout the local community. (To be started by the end of the 1st physical year).

(Renz & Herman, 2010, p. 245-247).

Step 7: Reviewing and Adopting the Strategies and Plans.

Grow Together’s leadership has agreed to adopt the following alternatives to address imminent strategic issues.

Issue 1:

1. Invest in agricultural tourism; (Convert 30 acre ranch aka “Lucky dog Farms”) into a family friendly tourist attraction).

2. Secure government subsidies.

Issue 2:

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Achieve positive word-of-mouth referral networks; (Verbal referrals and use of social media avenues).

(Renz & Herman, 2010, p. 247-248).

Step 8: Establish an Effective Organizational Vision.

Description: Grow Together will convert inherited family ranch into an agricultural tourist attraction; where they will use existing infrastructure to begin hosting workshops that educate the local community about nutrition and gardening. Grow together will use existing green houses on property to conduct labs to show participant gardening/agricultural techniques; 30% of produced products from green houses will be donated to local food banks.

Mission and Values

Grow Together mission Statement: Change the paradigm, grow your own food: be happy, healthy and self-sufficient.

Core Values :






Grow Together will advocate a sense of community through education and volunteer opportunities

Ethical Standards expected of all employees.

1. Serve the public good and maintain the public trust.

2. Be honest and efficient in all that you do.

3. Treat others how you want to be treated.

(Renz & Herman, 2010, p.248-249).

Fiduciary Responsibility

Fiduciaries at Grow Together will be expected to educate themselves on the laws and guidelines

associated with managing government contracts/funds, fundraising programs, and regulations

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associated with developing accounting/investment processes. Fiduciaries at Grow Together will

be expected to develop and formalize investment processes, such as creating investment

programs that promote mission effectiveness and recognize talent as one of Grow Togther’s most

important assets.

Grow Together’s fiduciaries will be responsible for ensuring that Grow Togther has a

diverse resource portfolio, and will be responsible for addressing any issues that arise. They will

be expected to develop strategies for investments and strategies to address potential portfolio

issues. Once the Fiduciaries have formally agreed on a strategy they will be responsible for

implementation of the strategy or process. They will use the formalized investment process to

evaluate potential investment options available to Grow Together. Fiduciaries will also be

responsible for monitoring the investment process/strategy they approve. Fiduciaries will be

responsible for ensuring that ongoing improvements are implemented to ensure that the process

is efficient and maximizes resources efficiently; so that Grow Together is accountable to the


Grow Together will institute a voting system that allows for proxy voting if a

member of the decision-making body is absent. Grow Together’s board members and

leadership will hold main fiduciary responsibility. A two-thirds vote will be required for a

decision to pass or before an investment can be made.

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Step 9: Developing an Effective Implementation Process


Grow Together will use the direct implementation process; this process entails direct

implementation of Grow Together’s strategic plan at all sites of the organization. Grow Together

will hold those that helped develop Grow Together’s strategic plan responsible for implementing

the action plan. Grow Together’s overall strategic plan will be grouped into smaller action plans

for each objective. The small action plans will specify who is doing what and by when. Grow

Together will build in regular reviews of the status of the implementation of the action plan;

these reviews will be conducted by the Quality Initiatives officer and management on a regular

basis. Grow Together will ensure that the action plan is documented and distributed to all staff

and volunteer members; Grow Together will actively invite all members of the Grow Together

team to review the plan and give their input. Ultimately, Grow Together will strive to integrate

the plan’s goals and objectives into a chief executive’s performance review. Grow Together’s

assigned leader roles will communicate with each other, staff and Grow Together’s board

at monthly meeting and through other channels such as email (Renz & Herman, 2010, p.


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Objectives Tasks/Activities

Timeline Lead Role Strategies Used

Measurement/ Document

Resources needed

Obtain Startup funds

FundraisingDonationsGrantsBegin Farmer’s Market

Preliminary research and start up to be completed by 12/2014

Executive Officer

Regular review of objective status and learning

Surplus Funds/ Unrestricted resources

$1500And Administrative staff.

Develop/ recruit Volunteer’s

Develop recruiting materialsImplement recruiting plan

Complete tasks by March 15, 2014

Volunteer coordinator

Regular review of objective status and learning

Number of new volunteers/ community awareness of programs.

Financial: $1000Manpower3 staff/volunteers

Develop Nutrition Workshop materials

Develop Materials and PowerPoint Presentation

Complete tasks by May 2014

Program Manager and Staff

Regular Review of Objective status and learning

Complete presentation plan.

Financial: $1,065Administrative staff: 1Volunteer staff: 1 (Nutritionist)

Goal # 2: Teach the local community to Garden so that health food is affordable and available to all.Objectives Tasks/

ActivitiesTimeline Lead Role Strategies

UsedMeasurement/ Document

Resources needed

Develop Gardening 101 Workshop

Develop Materials/Curriculum and PowerPoint

Complete tasks by May 2014

Program Manager

Regular Review of Objective status and learning

Work shop attendance and Surveys completed by workshop participants.

Financial: $1,520Administrative staff: 1Volunteer Staff: 2(horticulturist and agricultural science specialist)

Develop Urban Gardening Workshop

Develop Materials/Curriculum and PowerPoint

Complete tasks by May 2014

Program Manager

Regular Review of Objective status and learning

Work shop attendance and Surveys completed by workshop participants.

Financial: $915Volunteer staff: 2(horticulturist and agricultural science specialist)

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Communication ChartGrow Together Board

Quality Initiatives Officer Administrative ExecutiveProject Manager Volunteer Coordinator Office ManagerNutritionist, Horticulturist and Agricultural science specialist

Volunteer Recruiting staff Office Staff

Specialized Student Volunteers Administrative/General Volunteers

Grow Together’s Recruiting Plan


Grow Together will use a combination of concentric circle and targeted recruiting efforts

to fill the organizations various volunteer positions. Grow Together will use concentric circle

recruiting efforts to fill volunteer spots that are less-technical and require minimal training; such

as front office help/ virtual volunteers to schedule seminars and communicate with stakeholders.

Grow Together will use targeted recruiting to fill volunteer spots that require particular skills or

knowledge; such as those that will work closely and assist organizational staff members i.e.

nutritionist, agricultural science specialist and horticulturist.

Grow Together’s targeted recruiting campaign: Guided question responses

1. What skills or aptitudes are needed to performer the job?

A: Volunteers must have excellent written and verbal communication skills. Be pursuing/ have a

degree in the field/or related field of study. Applicant must possess basic computer skills;

knowledge/ certification with PowerPoint and visual basics are preferred skills. Individuals must

have a passion for serving the community and a strong respect for nature.

2. Where and how can the organization find people with the required skills and interest?

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Grow Together will target local universities, technical schools and FFA clubs. Grow Together

will attend local college fairs and events, along with encouraging Professors and instructors to

refer students with high academic standings to apply for open volunteer positions.

3. What motivations might appeal to the persons sought?

Enjoy doing volunteer work.

Interest in Grow Together’s activity.

Learning experience and the ability to work hands on with specialist in their desired field

of study.

Real world experience and the opportunity to do something useful.

Help people.

(Renz & Herman, 2010, p 777-778).

Grow Together’s Assumptions about recruiting volunteers.

People give their time and resources to organizations they are invested in. Grow Together

will help volunteers create and investment in our organization by emphasizing the long

term benefits Grow Together’s seminars have on individuals and the local community.

Grow Together will also ensure that their organizational culture and facilities are

welcoming and friendly to everyone.

Individuals expect to take away a positive experience from their volunteer service. Grow

Together will offer a safe and friendly environment that allows volunteers to gain

knowledge, learn new skills, meet people with similar interest and help expand their

professional networks.

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People volunteer because they are asked. Grow Together will encourage Professors and

instructors of targeted institutions to refer their students and other qualified personnel that

would benefit from the experience Grow Together offers.

Grow Together’s Volunteer Recruiting Plan

Grow Together’s volunteer recruiting plan will be completed and in effect by: March 15,


All members of the Grow Together team will be familiar with Grow Together’s

volunteer recruiting plan and with organizational volunteer needs by memo and

attending monthly meetings.

Grow Together’s goal is to increase our volunteer workforce by 15 percent; by October

15, 2015.

Grow Together will monitor the effectiveness of our plan and revise as needed. Grow

Together’s Quality Initiatives officer will be responsible for evaluating and suggesting

changes to Grow Together’s management and board members.

Grow Together’s Volunteer Recruitment Tools

Grow Together will create a brochure and promotional materials to mail prospective

volunteers by November 30, 2014. (Promotional materials will include volunteer


Grow Together will develop a phone script and applications for screening volunteers by

October 30, 2014.

Grow Together will follow up every brochure mailed with a phone call. ( Responsibility

of Volunteer program coordinator)

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Grow Together will develop a video depicting volunteers working with our clients by

January 4, 2015 (video to be presented at Grow Together’s volunteer appreciation

luncheon) (Renz & Herman, 2010, p 753-788).

Grow Together’s First Three Job description and Interview Plan:

Job Title: Program Manager

Purpose: Promote Grow Together’s mission by managing program staff, planning, organizing and evaluating program activities.

Qualifications for Position:


University degree in a related field of studyDesired Knowledge, skills and abilities

Basic knowledge of management principlesEfficient communication skills (verbal and written).Basic knowledge of topics and issues related to program area of study

Desired Proficiencies

Word ProcessingPower Point Basic audio/visualBasic accounting skillsE-mailBasic Social media skills

Duties and Responsibilities

Ensure that program activities are operating efficiently and further the organizations mission.Ensure that programs operate within the policies and procedures set by Brow Together’s leadership.Ensure all staff members receive orientation training in accordance with Grow Together standards.Oversee the collection and maintenance of records/data on programs for statistical purposes.Complete reports on program performance for board members and funders.Supervise program staff; give direction, input and feedback.Ensure that Grow Together programs operate within approved budget.

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Personal Characteristics

Grow Together expects staff/ management to behave ethically: Understand ethical behavior and practices associated with the nonprofit sector. Ensure that own behavior and the behavior of others is consistent with the standards and aligns with Grow Together’s values and organizational mission.Grow Together desires individuals that can communicate effectively: Speak, listen and write in a clear, thorough manner using effective communication techniques.Grow Together expects managers to be leaders: Positively influence others to achieve organizational objectives; and promote results that further Grow Together’s mission.Promote creativity and InnovationMake informed decisions


2 to 6 years experience in a related field; can be professional or volunteer based.

Working Conditions: Program managers will usually work in an office environment; but the organizations mission may require personal to work outdoors to monitor and observe program workshops and activities.

Salary Range: $40,000-$65,000

5 Question Interview Plan

1. Will you tell me about yourself?

2. Give me an example of when you were faced with a difficult decision affecting your job?

3. Discuss a time when your integrity was challenged?

4. Describe a time when you realized you needed to make an improvement in your communication skills.

5. What has been your experience in supervising a diverse group of individuals with varied skills and backgrounds?

Job Title: Program Evaluator (Quality Initiatives officer).

Purpose: Promote Grow Together’s mission by ensuring the organizational programs and processes are operating efficiently.

Qualifications for Position


University degree in a related field of study

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Knowledge, Skills and abilities

Basic knowledge of total quality management principlesBasic knowledge of Deming’s 14 points on Total Quality ManagementEfficient communication skills (written and verbal).Fact based decision making skillsProcess centered thinking abilities


Basic computer skillsSimple accounting skillsBasic problem solving skillsE-mailInternet

Duties and Responsibilities

Assist with developing program evaluation framework to asses organizational strengths and identify areas for improvement.Liaise with other Grow Together managers to ensure effective and efficient program delivery.Asses’ delivery of organizational programs and services to increase effectiveness and ensure customer focus.Monitor organizational activities and processes.Conduct annual evaluations according to evaluation framework established by Grow Together.Report evaluation findings and recommend changes to enhance programs.Promote ongoing improvement initiatives.Ensure necessary data is collected to conduct evaluations effectively.


2 to 6 years experience with Total Quality Management.

Salary Range: $40,000-$65,000

5 Question Interview Plan

1. Will you tell me about yourself?

2. Give me an example of when you were faced with a difficult decision affecting your job?

3. Discuss a time when your integrity was challenged?

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4. Describe a time when you realized you needed to make an improvement in your communication skills.

5. What have you done that was innovative?

Job Title: Support Staff

Purpose: Ensure the efficient day-to-day operations of Grow Together’s office; support the work of Grow Together’s management, staff and volunteers.

Qualifications for Position


High School or GEDPost-Secondary education in business, office management or related field.

Knowledge, Skills and abilities

Word ProcessingE-mailInternetBasic communication skills (written and verbal).Basic book keeping skillsVoice messaging systemFaxPhoto CopierBasic computer skills


1-3 years’ experience in an office setting; or equivalent education experience.

Working Conditions: Work in an office environment and work a standard work week.

Salary Range: $19,000-$21,000

5 Question Interview Plan

1. Will you tell me about yourself?

2. Tell me about a time when you had to use your written communication skills in order to get a point across.

3. What have you done to improve your verbal and listening skills?

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4. Tell me about a time when you made a mistake. What did you learn from it?

5. What type of environment would you like to work in?

(Renz & Herman, 2010, p 689-698)

Step 10: Reassessing Strategies and the Strategic Planning Process

Grow Together will conduct quarterly evaluations of the organizations strategic plan;

until all objectives have been met or as frequently as need according to Grow Together’s quality

initiatives officer. The quality initiatives officer will work closely with organizational staff and

management while conducting the evaluation process using both outcome evaluation techniques

and Process evaluation techniques. Grow Together’s Quality Initiatives officer will present Grow

Together’s board members with an implementation assessment 6-9 months after programs have

begun and will provide an annual comprehensive evaluation report. The evaluation will reflect

the concerns of key stakeholders and will focus on a formative purpose (Renz & Herman, 2010,

p. 418-428).

Grow Together’s board members and management will have the main responsibility of

deciding whether to maintain, replace or terminate a particular strategy.

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The Step down Method: Grow Together Allocations (Figure 1.1)

AllocationsCost Centers Assigned

CostsAdministration(# Employees)

Housekeeping(square feet)

Workshop Records/Materials

($ of work shops/month)

Total Cost


Administration 1000Housekeeping 200 25

Work shop Records & materials

300 20 20

Mission Centers

Gardening 101 Workshop

1,000 10 10 500 1,520

Urban Gardening Workshop

500 10 5 400 915

Nutrition Work shop

500 10 5 550 1,065

Total Cost 3,500 75 40 1270 3,500

Figure 1.1 is the projected allocation of Grow Together’s funds and estimated cost centers. The above table illustrates how

costs are shared throughout Grow Together’s organization; the estimated total cost to start up Grow Together is $3,500.

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Renz, D. O., & Herman, R. D. (2010). The Jossey-Bass handbook of nonprofit leadership and

management. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.