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Aside from the fact that quizzes are a super fun way to lure in potential clients and get to know your audience better, quizzes can also work wonders for your business.

The key to understanding your audience is knowing what they like and dislike. If you can get to know potential client’s personality – even better. Then you can market to your following with an approach that’ll surely grab their interest because you’ll know them and what they need.

Gone are the days of tossing a simple opt-in gift up and walking away hoping that the emails will capture themselves. Now you need to keep your focus and A-game in check, keep up with the innovators of marketing, and up the ante a bit.

Here are a few benefits of using quizzes in your business:

Get to know your audience better, what they like and dislike Understand your audience’s personality Get feedback you’ve been looking for in your business Build a growing, strong email list Make money by upselling all sign-ups to your next “BIG” opportunity

When you add quizzes to your business, get ready to make more money and monetize on your potential clients’ interest.

When you roll out quizzes in a fun and innovative way, you’ll be able to:

Become the go-to person in your industry Boost your authority online and build visibility Capture the attention of your ideal client market Grow your following and increase traffic to your website and social media platforms Sell your services, courses, and programs to anyone who signs up! 2 #ExpandYourImpact

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Step 1: Choosing a Fun Title and Targeting Your Ideal Clients

You’ll want your quiz title to possess a handful of characteristics like:

Fun Edgy Brand-New Innovative

Exercise: Plan the characteristics that will grab the interest of your audience.

Ideal Client’s Personality Trait Quiz Characteristic That’ll Interest Them

Example: Fun, Vibrant Example: Edgy

Remember, making your quiz for your potential clients boils down to this: Fit the quiz with your ideal client’s personality traits. Like attracts like. 3 #ExpandYourImpact

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Exercise: Know your ideal client and ideal quiz taker

Evaluate AnswerDescribe your ideal client and ideal quiz taker.

What age range is ideal client?

Name three topics that interest them.

What quizzes have they most likely taken before yours?

What gift can you give them at the end of the quiz as an incentive for them to take the quiz?

Are they typically busy?

Do they have free time? Estimate the free time they have in a day.

How many questions would be best for them given the amount of time they have?

How do you plan to make your quiz fun?

Quizzes are super fun and here’s why: there are a variety of styles of quizzes that can suit your potential clients. From visual to personality quizzes to straightforward intelligence and IQ quizzes – all of them have one commonality: People take them.

We live in a world where people are always looking for a solution, either a solution to their problem, or a solution to find out more about themselves.

Social media is known for quizzes:

1. What “Friends” character are you most like? (from the sitcom series)2. What is your song of the year?3. What word describes you best?4. What’s your personality type? 5. Take this math quiz and find out your IQ. 6. Are you smarter than a 5th grader? 4 #ExpandYourImpact

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People complete the quizzes, out of curiosity, out of interest, and out of boredom as well. So, how can you take what you know and apply this list-building strategy to your business?

Well, you can start with providing quizzes that will grab attention, hit your ideal client’s pain points, and help you capture emails by offering an incentive to take the quiz. Sometimes people feel the results are the incentive, but imagine what could separate you and differentiate you in your business if you had a unique bonus incentive for them to complete the quiz.

Here’s an example of two quizzes that you may find valuable for ideas:

1. Sacred Money Archetype Quiz: 2. Brand Archetype Quiz:

You’ll notice if you take either quiz, you’ll also get an exclusive offer to sign up for the XYZ launch offer they have.

What’s exciting and fun about these quizzes is that they offer a “discovery” incentive by having people complete the quiz they’ll learn about themselves, their money, and their brand.

It’s a proven fact that the word “actually” entices people to complete a quiz. For example, “How much do you actually know as an entrepreneur in your industry?”

Titles based on “Which [insert] are you?” are very intriguing. People love to compare themselves, whether it’s to a superhero or a TV show character - or even an animal. I’ve seen people complete quizzes to find out what color crayon they are, so trust me, these work.

Personality quizzes are also one of the best attention-grabbing titles. You can choose from find your personality, find your IQ, or even find out your inner celebrity.

In entrepreneurship, it’s always about capitalizing, you never want to be a free resource that never makes money in the end. You want to offer delicious content that reaps a financial reward. 5 #ExpandYourImpact

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Exercise: Brainstorm Your Quiz TitleWrite down 12 quiz title ideas and choose one to begin with.

Topic Quiz Title Idea Is it fun and enticing? Y/N 6 #ExpandYourImpact

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Of course, there are many types and style of quizzes, so you have to pick the type and style of quiz that is right and works for your unique brand. You can also test out a few, you don’t have to be married to one style of quiz for the life of your business.

Begin with one style quiz and test out the waters to see the response from your audience.

Here are a few quiz types and styles to choose from:

Personality Quiz: These types of quizzes work well because people love to categorize themselves with specific characteristics and traits. They also love to see if a simple quiz can gather enough information about them to determine who they are as a person.

Knowledge Quiz: Think about trending topics for this one that pertain to your target market. People love to know if they know enough for certain subjects that are relevant to them. And, if they don’t know enough, you could also become their solution.

Fun/Random Quiz: These quizzes are usually just for fun, but if you can find a random quiz just to get to know your audience on a deeper level, like their favorite song, food, and so on - you’ll be able to get to know them a little bit more which is excellent for your marketing efforts. Imagine being able to determine the favorite items in your potential client’s life - hello insight.

Then, you need to ask yourself is it fun, friendly, and enjoyable? Is this quiz time consuming for the person trying to complete this quiz within their busy work day? If it’s valuable enough, they’ll complete it, but you also don’t want overcomplicate things and ask questions you do not need the answers for.

The key is to keep it simple. 7 #ExpandYourImpact

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Exercise: Pick a style of quiz that works for your audience and your brand.

Quiz Style Yes No Maybe Next Time Notes






Now that you have your big quiz idea in place, you’re ready to launch it and start capturing leads. Am I right? Yes. So, now we have to figure out which platform best suits your quiz needs and also your budget.

Whenever you choose a platform for your business, you must consider the following factors:

Functionality/Features Is it user friendly for you? Is the price within your budget? Does it integrate with your email system or other needed platforms?

Then, once you’ve nailed that down, you’ll want to make sure that you do a review every quarter to determine if this platform is still a right fit for you. For example, if your business grows and you need more features than it may be time to upgrade.

Here are some quiz platforms for you to

And, you can always search for more by using Google search engine, or asking your fellow entrepreneurs which platform they’d suggest and why. 8 #ExpandYourImpact

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Next, when adding your questions, here are a few tips to give you the best success possible:

Always ask for their contact information so you can follow up with them Use images and make it visually appealing Encourage them to answer quickly and not take too much time to think about their

answers Never ask questions that you don’t need the answer to If you plan to get in touch with them or add them to your mailing list, let them know

Always practice due diligence, test out trial offers before purchasing a full year with anything, and make sure that they offer a refund if you are not happy. This can also be applied to any platform you invest in for your business.

Exercise: Choose A Platform for Your Quizzes

Platform Website Features Pricing 9 #ExpandYourImpact

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Let’s talk about benefits. Whenever a person opts-in to a gift of any kind they often expect something in return, and it’s also an easier way to grab their interest.

What benefit will the person completing the quiz get in return? This benefit is strictly quiz-result based. The result itself is a benefit, so be sure to paint the picture for them on your opt-in page for the quiz.

Then you could also offer an incentive to them for completing the quiz in addition to the results. Maybe it could be a free book, access to a video training, or a free strategy call with you or a member of your team.

Are the benefits exciting and relatable?

In order for you to make the most of the quiz offer, you need it to be both exciting and relatable. Always think of your ideal client and their personality. Which quiz offer will really get them excited and relate to their needs, curiosity, and wants? 10 #ExpandYourImpact

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Exercise: Think of 10 results-based benefits for your current quiz and for future quizzes that you plan to launch.

Results -Based Benefit Is it exciting and relatable? 1 way to improve this offer 11 #ExpandYourImpact

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Exercise: Think of 10 gift-based benefits for your current quiz and for future quizzes that you plan to launch.

Gift-Based Benefit Is it exciting and relatable? 1 way to improve this offer 12 #ExpandYourImpact

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Every quiz should have an upsell, actually – everything you do or promote in your business should always have an upsell. You’re in business to make money, like every other entrepreneur, and that’s why you need to always carefully craft your upsell with wise intention.

Here’s an example quiz offer with an added upsell:Step 1: Potential client opts in to a brand personality quiz Step 2: You gift the potential client a guide book with brand ideas for their business based on their resultsStep 3: You follow-up with the potential client thanking them for taking the quiz and offer them an upsell to your brand identity course for $199Step 4: They sign up, you get paid

Always think about the upsell process when crafting funnels for your business. You can also offer a low-end upsell if your potential client did not take the high-end upsell after taking the quiz. For example, if your potential client receives the follow up email and they do not buy even after 2-3 emails, then you can send them an email offering a low-end upsell.

Example when your potential client does not take the upsell:

Hey [name], I know you’re interested in making your brand stand out, especially since you adored the brand personality quiz. I also see that you didn’t sign up for the brand identity course, and I get it – you’re probably super busy!

Because I don’t want you to miss out on making your brand visible in a way that you love, I want to offer you my on-demand course for only $47. You can complete this course in your spare time so no worries about showing up in the mix of your busy schedule.

Click here to learn more.

This offer ends in 5 days so don’t miss out![signature]

As you can see in this example, you always have room to grow your business and make money. 13 #ExpandYourImpact

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Exercise: List 12 upsell offers you can give as an incentive for your quiz-takers.

Quiz Offer # Low-End Upsell High-End Upsell












12 14 #ExpandYourImpact

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Step 6: Marketing Your Quiz Offer

When it comes time to market your quiz offer, you want to make sure that you have a plan set in place. This applies to any opt-in offer or program you launch. You always want to give your audience time to see the offer and take the offer. A rushed launch will never yield good results.

You can use the following ways to market your quiz offer:

Social Media Platforms Facebook and Instagram Ads Offer the quiz to your newsletter list Blog about your quiz and put the quiz link in the CTA [Call-to-action]

When you market on social media, don’t just use a typical short post and link. You will need to explain the benefits of taking the quiz as well as promote the incentives they’ll get, both from just taking the quiz, but also the reward in the end once it is completed.

You’ll need to plan your social media posts and schedule your posts in advance to alleviate any launch stress for you.

You can use the following platforms if you do not have one yet:

Or, one of your own choosing if you’ve been using a scheduler.

When you place your Facebook and Instagram ads, plan your budget wisely. When choosing images to promote with your ads, always choose bright alluring images to stand out in the newsfeed. It’s also best to keep a close eye on your turn out, if you notice the cost per clicks are not worth it, end the ad, and tweak the copy and the image and try again. 15 #ExpandYourImpact

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Exercise: Plan your campaign ads for your quiz offer.

Campaign Start/End Date

Daily and Total Budget Link to Copy/Notes

The key to getting a ton of responses to your quiz is to promote it. You also want to have your quiz presented in the best way possible. Instead of just sharing a generic link to your quiz, you can create a short opt-in page and link the “take the quiz now” button to your actual quiz link.

Exercise: Plan your social media advertising for your quiz. 16 #ExpandYourImpact

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Platform: Social Media When to post Copy for the post

Step 7: TRACK YOUR QUIZ CONVERSIONS 17 #ExpandYourImpact

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The life of your business not only depends on your motivation and how hard you work to make your business dreams come true, but it also depends on structure and having a system in place. It’s also crucial to track your conversions and check how fine-tuned your systems are working. By doing this, you’ll know if your funnels, quizzes, or really any system set up you have is working for you to get more business.

If you know that you want to grow your list and make money, then you need to check the progress of your quiz funnel.

You’ll want to make sure you track the following information:

Visits to your quiz Submissions Conversion rates Ad spend to your quiz vs. traffic

If you realize that your quiz is running smoothly the way it should, then make sure you duplicate the same process in the future for your next quiz idea!

But, if you notice that you’re not getting the visits you need, the submissions you desire, or your conversion rates are low – then you can consider fixing the following:

1. Quiz title2. Quiz questions3. Simplicity of the interface (is it user-friendly?)4. The funnel after the quiz

Exercise: Track your quiz results. 18 #ExpandYourImpact

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Name of Quiz Start Date End Date Visits Submissions Conversion Rate

Exercise: Track your paid traffic spend. 19 #ExpandYourImpact

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Name of Quiz Campaign Run Dates Views Clicks Cost Conversion


Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20 #ExpandYourImpact

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