gsm bss efficiency kpis process

8/10/2019 GSM BSS Efficiency KPIs Process 1/18 © Nokia Siemens Networks 2011 Confidential Presentation / Author / Date GSM BSS R&D Efficiency KPIs: FDE_n FDE_s FDE_f Scope: Internals persons Toni Oksanen / 17.4.2013 Version 1.5

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© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011


Presentation / Author / Date

GSM BSS R&D Efficiency KPIs:FDE_n



Scope: Internals persons

Toni Oksanen / 17.4.2013

Version 1.5

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Confidential This documentation is legally privileged and for initial planning purposes only. Any concrete plans and implementation decisions are subject to NSNdecision-making governance and subject to, where applicable, consultation with employee representatives and fulfillment of legal conditions.

© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

FDE_n for BSS


Formula FDE_n = Net Development / Total Development

▪ Total Development= total monthly capacity of all BSS R&D persons

(i.e. BTS, BSC and E2E included).

= headcount from Location Plan * (no. of nominal

working days / mon) *7.5 hrs

Example: 21 days * 7.5hrs = 157.5 hrs

NOTE: the “21 days” may be corrected to

overcome errors due to varying number o fworking

days in a month, see pages “Error terms and


▪ Net Development

= monthly reported hours for New FeatureDevelopment of all BSS R&D persons (i.e. BTS,

BSC and E2E included).

= program level sum of NFD work from B34


Questions & remarks

▪ Total Development- use the “official” actual SAP headcount end of

each period

▪ Net Development

- use the programs to separate NFD and non-

NFD actuals – program lookup table:

- Pool-based separation does not currently add

value at all as programs do not have pools that

separate NFD and non-NFD actuals.

- TrackView activity –based separation would not

add much value due to smallish amounts of

additional reported hours to be cathegorized as


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© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

FDE_s for BSS


Formula FDE_s = System Verification / Total Development

▪ Total Development

- see slide FDE_n for BSS 

▪ System Verification

= total monthly monthly capacity of all BSS E2E

R&D persons

= headcount from Location Plan * 157.5 hrs

Questions & remarks

▪ Total Development

- see slide FDE_n for BSS

▪ System Verification

- using headcounts is instructed in MBB slides and is

easy=fast to collect, but then all non-BSS NFD work

(maintenance, Horizon, general work, etc.) done by SyVe

people is included. Also, it may not change monthly, i.e. it

is a very “slow” KPI.

Should “SyVe” figure exclude non-NFD ? If yes, the best

way would be to collect actual hours for all NFD

programs instead of using headcounts.

 At the moment the collected data is based on


FOR REFERENCE P8/2012 NUMBERS:- via headcounts

24 FTE  FDE_n= 10.8%

- via actuals/programs (same lookup table as for FDE_n):

10.5 FTE  FDE_n= 5.1%

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© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

FDE_f for BSS


Formula FDE_f = Bug Fixing / Net Development

▪ Net Development

- see slide FDE_n for BSS 

▪ Bug Fixing

= total monthly reported effort of all bug fixing work

related to prontos raised within all release

programs before P8 milestone.

Questions & remarks

▪ Net Development

- see slide FDE_n for BSS 

▪ Bug Fixing

- the efforts are collected via “pre P8 pronto fixing”

TrackView items created under the ongoing NFD

programs.- actual hours for BTS and BSC are collected

under entity programs; for E2E under system


- for the list of TracView items see attachment in

slide “FDE_n for BSS”. 

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Confidential This documentation is legally privileged and for initial planning purposes only. Any concrete plans and implementation decisions are subject to NSNdecision-making governance and subject to, where applicable, consultation with employee representatives and fulfillment of legal conditions.

© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

FDE_n for BTS, BSC and E2E


Formula FDE_n = Net Development / Total Development

▪ Total Development= total monthly monthly capacity of all entity R&D


= headcount from Location Plan * (no. of nominal

working days / mon) *7.5 hrs

Example: 21 days * 7.5hrs = 157.5 hrs

NOTE: the “21 days” may be corrected to

overcome errors due to varying number of working

days in a month, see pages “Error terms and


▪ Net Development

= monthly reported hours for New Feature

Development of all entity R&D persons.

= program level sum of NFD work from B34


Questions & remarks 1/2

▪ Total Development- use the “official” actual SAP headcount end of

each period

▪ Net Development

- see slide FDE_n for BSS

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© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

FDE_s for BTS, BSC and E2E


Formula FDE_s = System Verification / Total Development

▪ Total Development

- see earlier slide 

▪ System Verification

= ??

Questions & remarks

▪ Total Development

- see earlier slide

▪ System Verification

- ??

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© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

FDE_f for BTS, BSC and E2E


Formula FDE_f = Bug Fixing / Net Development

▪ Net Development

- see slide FDE_n for BSS 

▪ Bug Fixing

= total monthly reported effort of all bug fixing

work related to prontos raised within all release

programs before P8 milestone.

Questions & remarks

▪ Net Development

- see slide FDE_n for BSS 

▪ Bug Fixing

- the efforts are collected via “pre P8 pronto fixing”

TrackView items created under the ongoing NFD

programs.- actual hours for BTS and BSC are collected

under entity programs; for E2E under system


- for the list of TracView items see attachment in

slide “FDE_n for BSS”. 

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© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

The process and maintenance

▪ PROCESS FOR COLLECTING DATA- extracting B34 from Artemis/PRM with ready-made parameter settings – TONI OR BSC ASSISTANTS


- updating the actual headcount figures  –  TONI 

- picking the actual NFD hours and “pre P8 pronto fixing” hours from B34 manually with help of a filtering instructions and a

program lookup table

  ~3 hrs/round for BSS and entity R&D’s altogether - BSC ASSISTANTS KIRSI/JOHANNA

- put the data to BSS FDE_x excel template, check sanity and email to relevant people and/or archieve to Sharenet



- a new “pre P8 pronto fixing” TrackView item must be created every time a new NFD program is established. The actual

creation via EaspLanner is done by the Program, but initiating it must be done by KPI maintenance – TONI

- the NFD Program lookup table needs to be updated every time a new NFD program item is created or an ongoing

program reaches P8, or a new “pre P8 pronto fixing” TrackView item is created – TONI 

- B34 filter instructions needs to be updated every time we have ARTEMIS organisation, program code or program group

changes - TONI 

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Confidential This documentation is legally privileged and for initial planning purposes only. Any concrete plans and implementation decisions are subject to NSNdecision-making governance and subject to, where applicable, consultation with employee representatives and fulfillment of legal conditions.

© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

Error terms and data fluctuations 1/3


1. Reporting-% will be less than 100% when a period ends. In a big organisation 100% reporting cannot be reached all the time.

- Consequence: a typical error term (too small FDE_n) of about 2%-5% after 1st run.

- Correction 1: in practice this error term vanishes via the re-run after a month. THIS IS IMPLEMENTED 

- Correction 2. Strenghtened discipline and reporting remindings may decrease the error term in the 1st run but would not


2. The varying no. of week-days (Mon-Fri) in each month, causes an error term compared to a fixed number of working days (e.g.

21 days/mon) to be used for calculating the “Total development” 

- Consequence: error term of -9.5%... +4.8% in FDE_n- Correction: use the actual no. of Mon-Fri days in each month.  THIS IS IMPLEMENTED

3. The varying no. of WORKING days in each month due to national holidays causes an error term if not taken into account when

calculating “Total Development”. 

- Consequence: error term = too small FDE_n

- Correction: collect calendar data of all countries where we have sites, expand the FDE_n calculation process&excels to list

each country within each entity R&S and BSS separately and calculate the accurate “Total Development” accordingly


4. Headcount increase within a period can cause an error term (lower FDE_n) if a new person joins BSS R&D. As the “Total

Development” figure generated by using the official SAP end-of-month headcount figure, new persons joining somewhere in the

middle of a month cause an error term. (Note that a headcount decrease will not cause error terms or fluctuations).

- Consequence: an permanent error term for one month only

- Correcting: manual investigation of newcomes and the dates they join; then manual adjustment of the end-of-month

headcount figures for the relevant entity R&D and the whole BSS  NOT IMPLEMENTED - NO NEED AS THIS WILL


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© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

Error terms and data fluctuations 2/3


5. The actual end-of-period headcounts are taken from SAP (=“official” figures), which usually has the the correct numbers and team

data. In case of persons are moving between teams, the moving between teams in Artemis is a separate action and normally

happens after a delay of ~days …~weeks after SAP updating. Error term appears mainly if the Artemis moves happen in the nextperiod after the SAP update. There are 2 types of error terms:

- 1. A person moves between teams and the scope of work changes. Assuming the scope changes at the moment SAP is

updated, the reporting reflecting the new scope is counted as part of the old team  THE ERROR PRESUMABLY SMALL


- 2. A person moves between teams but the scope of the work does not change. The reporting of the person will be counted

as part of the old team instead of part of the new team  THE ERROR PRESUMABLY SMALL AND HAPPENS SELDOM;NO CORRECTION PLANNED

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© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

Error terms and fluctuations 2/2


1. The data will fluctuate due to popular holidays seasons like July in Finland.

- Consequence: not an error term but a big fluctuation by month

- Correction: Interpolate the figures somehow to eliminate the fluctuation NOT IMPLEMENTED

To smoothen the fluctuations and error terms, also ROLLING AVERAGE figures are shown in the report excel sheets

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Confidential This documentation is legally privileged and for initial planning purposes only. Any concrete plans and implementation decisions are subject to NSNdecision-making governance and subject to, where applicable, consultation with employee representatives and fulfillment of legal conditions.

© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

Monthly actual data extraction 1/2B34 excel creation and filtering

▪ Parameters for B34 creation from Artemis/PRM

- Program Group: select only items beginning with “MBB…”; remember to exclude items *All and <N/A><N/A> 

- Start month: select the month i.e. the first calendar month shown in the B34 excel. Remember to select at least two months in the historyas the re-collection of data has to be done for the month that has ended a month ago.

▪ Filtering the B34 excel

- common filtering  (do in this order)

- column H: leave only “Active” 

- column Y: exclude all items starting with “closed…” 

- column AR: leave only “Reported” - column M: leave only items starting with “MBB GSM BSS…” 

- column A: include all NFD items, exclude all other items (see Program Lookup Table attachment on page 2)

- BSS filtering 

- go to the preferred month column, e.g. 2012/P09 column AS, select all cells and take the sum  that excel

calculates = Net Development (hours) 

- column AA: leave only item starting “pre P8 pronto fixing…” 

- go to the preferred month column, e.g. 2012/P09 column AS, select all cells and take the sum  that excel

calculates = Fault correction efforts (hours)

- column AA: select again all items. - BSC filtering 

- column M: leave only items starting with “MBB GSM BSS BSC…”  

- go to the preferred month column, e.g. 2012/P08 column AS, select all cells and take the sum that excel

calculates = Net Development (hours) 

- column AA: leave only item starting “pre P8 pronto fixing…” 

- go to the preferred month column, e.g. 2012/P09 column AS, select all cells and take the sum  that excel

calculates = Fault correction efforts (hours)

- column AA: select again all items. 

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Confidential This documentation is legally privileged and for initial planning purposes only. Any concrete plans and implementation decisions are subject to NSNdecision-making governance and subject to, where applicable, consultation with employee representatives and fulfillment of legal conditions.

© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

Monthly actual data extraction 2/2B34 excel creation and filtering

▪ Filtering the B34 excel (con’t)

- BTS filtering - column M: leave only items starting with “MBB GSM BSS BTS…” 

- go to the preferred month column, e.g. 2012/P08 column AS, select all cells and take the sum that excel

calculates = Net Development (hours) 

- column AA: leave only item starting “pre P8 pronto fixing…” 

- go to the preferred month column, e.g. 2012/P09 column AS, select all cells and take the sum  that excel

calculates = Fault correction efforts (hours)

- column AA: select again all items. 

- E2E filtering 

- column M: leave only items starting with “MBB GSM BSS E2E…”  - go to the preferred month column, e.g. 2012/P08 column AS, select all cells and take the sum that excel

calculates = Net Development (hours) 

- column AA: leave only item starting “pre P8 pronto fixing…” 

- go to the preferred month column, e.g. 2012/P09 column AS, select all cells and take the sum  that excel

calculates = Fault correction efforts (hours)

- column AA: select again all items. 

▪ Filling the report graph excel

- when copying the result data from B34, leave the decimals away (i.e. do “truncation” not “rounding”) 

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© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

Pre P8 pronto fixing - TrackView items

Available TrackView items Dec 2012


 A0S17 MBB GSM 0S17 RG40 BSC pre P8 pronto fixing S17

 AB161 MBB GSM B161 RG30 EP1 System Program pre P8 pronto fixing RG30EP1 Step1

 AB161 MBB GSM B161 RG30 EP1 System Program pre P8 pronto fixing RG30EP1 Step2

 AB161 MBB GSM B161 RG30 EP1 System Program pre P8 pronto fixing RG30EP1 Step3

 AB16N MBB GSM B16N RG30 System Program pre P8 pronto fixing RG30

 AEX51 MBB GSM EX51 RG30EP1 BTS EX5.1 SW Development pre P8 pronto fixing EX51 Step 1 AEX51 MBB GSM EX51 RG30EP1 BTS EX5.1 SW Development pre P8 pronto fixing EX51 Step 2

 AEX5N MBB GSM EX5N RG30 BTS SW Development pre P8 pronto fixing EX5N

 AHEXB MBB GSM HEXB BTS Crockett SW Development pre P8 pronto fixing HEXB

 AS161 MBB GSM S161 RG30 EP1 BSC Development pre P8 pronto fixing S16.1 Step1

 AS161 MBB GSM S161 RG30 EP1 BSC Development pre P8 pronto fixing S16.1 Step2

 AS161 MBB GSM S161 RG30 EP1 BSC Development pre P8 pronto fixing S16.1 Step3

 AS16N MBB GSM S16N RG30 BSC pre P8 pronto fixing S16

 ASM3B MBB GSM Flexi MR ID SM DTC and TD-LTE Evolution pre P8 pronto fixing SM3B A0GF2 MBB GSM 0GF2 RG30EP1 BTS GF2.0 Development pre P8 pronto fixing 0GF2

 AGFC2 MBB GSM GFC2 RG30EP1 BTS Development pre P8 pronto fixing GFC2

 A0VGS MBB GSM 0VGS RG20EP2 BTS SW Vegas Program pre P8 pronto fixing 0VGS

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Confidential This documentation is legally privileged and for initial planning purposes only. Any concrete plans and implementation decisions are subject to NSNdecision-making governance and subject to, where applicable, consultation with employee representatives and fulfillment of legal conditions.

© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

Data from Artemis 1/2

Available PRM report excels

▪ B34

- all data shown per activity, pool and program - includes per person

- all cumulative total reported hours including hours before the monthly scope of the B34

- the reported hours per month (the number of passed months selectable via parameters)


- EAC (what is this? Not visible as a column)

▪ A36

- includes per person- the reported hours per month per pool (for selected number of months)

- allocations per pool

- capacities 

▪ A27

- includes per team (as separate rows; calendar span towards history is selectable)

- monthly capacity

- monthly actuals and allocations in same row

▪ B24

- includes list of all activities for one program 

- does not show the pools

- shows also cumulative reported hours per activity 

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© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

Data from Artemis 2/2

Listings from A7

▪ Program WBS/pool/ODC code list Excel extraction- shows all

- program names

- wbs codes

- pools 

- ODC codes

- no TrackView activities

version 1 2 Candidate Draft Released

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Confidential This documentation is legally privileged and for initial planning purposes only. Any concrete plans and implementation decisions are subject to NSNdecision-making governance and subject to, where applicable, consultation with employee representatives and fulfillment of legal conditions.

© Nokia Siemens Networks 2011

Category. Financial


People & Innovation


E2E: Customer Process

E2E: Product Process

E2E: Delivery Process



Secret Confidential For Internal Use


AvailableData Levels

Product Line, Business Line


Accounting discipline is required to run this KPI.

Feature Development Efficiency

NSN Information Security Policy 



1.2 Candidate   Draft  Released

Abbreviation FDE

Business Owner Head of BL / Head of R&D

KPI/Metric ConceptOwner

MBB / PfM / R&D EfficiencyJouni Tiainen

KPI/Metric ReportProvider

Head of Planning & Support

Purpose and


• Understand and drive improvement measures to

- increase net development for new customerfeatures- reduce effort spent on fault correction- reduce effort needed to detect defects in latephase

•  Improvement of KPI indicates increase indevelopment efficiency

Source System(s) • Artemis, backlog management system

Calculation FDE _n (Net Developm ent %)

= Net Developm ent / total Developm ent

•  Net Development = New feature coding + moduletesting + unit testing + system component testing (done bysame SW dev. team) + creation/contributions/review offeature specs + refactoring + change notes/requests +quality improvement actions in backlogs

•  Total development = Headcount of whole organization – System VerificationFDE_f (Fault Correct io n Rate )

= bug fixing effor t as % of Net Development

•  Fault correction effort = Effort for fixing of reportedfaults originated typically by SW build test, EntityIntegration, NeVe and Field

• Net Development = as above

FDE_s (System Veri f icat ion Rate) = System

Veri f icat ion effort as rat io on top of total

Developmen t effort

•  Calculated on basis of HC per organization 

Unit of Measurement % 

Aggregation Method Product line view based on monthly figures,BL view can be calculated in case of multiple PLs,release view not needed









P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12

Net Dev.(% of totaldev.)

FaultCorrectionRate (% of 

net dev.)SyVe Rate(% on topof totaldev.)

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Confidential This documentation is legally privileged and for initial planning purposes only. Any concrete plans and implementation decisions are subject to NSNdecision-making governance and subject to, where applicable, consultation with employee representatives and fulfillment of legal conditions.


• Initially only include internal NSN Headcount, partners is phase 2

• Net Feature Development (NFD) is a KPI to reflect R&D efficiency

• NFD is measured in headcount share of total R&D headcount (HC%)

• NFD comprises the tasks1) System-level specification

2) Entity-level specification3) SW- and HW-development

4) Module- and Component testing

5) Entity testing

• Non-NFD tasks includea) System Verification = E2E test

b) Program Management

c) Program Support and planning

d) L4/L3 Management and Admin staffe) SW- and HW development support (as tooling)

f) I&V support (as lab staff, test tooling)

g) SW- and HW-Maintenance

h) For external R&D: non-efficiency assumption is classified as non-NFD

i) Process, Audit and Efficiency Improvement activities

GSM, R&D efficiencyNet Feature Development