gta-101 germany, urban paving schopfheim

URBAN PAVING Global Transport Atlas GTA-101 Germany, Urban Paving, Schopfheim Series 1 - Global Transport Notes GTA-101 January 2013 Page 1 Germany, Urban paving, Schopfheim This is a re-issue of a 2006 document. Source: Robert Bartlett Introduction Towns and cities around the world are often faced with similar problems. This is likely to be particularly true of problems related to transport and the urban environment. There is a good chance therefore that a document describing how one town or towns have attempted to solve a particular problem could help people in other towns in other countries. This document takes some examples of urban paving from the Schopfheim. Schopfheim is a town in southern Germany, on the southern edge of the Black Forest. It is situated quite close to the Swiss and French borders, both being around 30 km away. The town has a population of some 20,000. Perhaps a further 20,000 people live in its surrounding rural catchment area. R.E.Bartlett

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Examples of urban paving in the southen German town of Schopfheim.


Page 1: gta-101 Germany, urban paving Schopfheim


Global Transport Atlas

GTA-101 Germany, Urban Paving, Schopfheim

Series 1 - Global TransportNotes

GTA-101 January 2013 Page 1

Germany,Urban paving, Schopfheim

This is a re-issue of a 2006document.


Robert Bartlett

IntroductionTowns and cities around the world are often faced with similarproblems. This is likely to be particularly true of problems related totransport and the urban environment.

There is a good chance therefore that a document describing how onetown or towns have attempted to solve a particular problem could helppeople in other towns in other countries.

This document takes some examples of urban paving from theSchopfheim. Schopfheim is a town in southern Germany, on thesouthern edge of the Black Forest. It is situated quite close to the Swissand French borders, both being around 30 km away. The town has apopulation of some 20,000. Perhaps a further 20,000 people live in itssurrounding rural catchment area.


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Global Transport AtlasSeries 1 - Global Transport NotesGTA-101 - Germany, Urban Paving, Schopfheim

GTA-101 January 2013 Page 2

Schopfheim is a town on the southern edge of theBlack Forest. It lies in the state of Baden-Württemburg the southwest corner of Germany andis close to the borders with France and Switzerland.

Formerly a market town it is still acts as a localcentre for the surrounding rural area, providing arange of “core” service facilities such as a hospital,medical specialists, supermarkets and districtgovernment offices. It is an important local touristcentre, but also the location of a number of modernindustrial factories.

Schopfheim with its 19,200 inhabitants is the oldesttown in the Wiese Valley. The small medieval oldtown centre with St. Michael`s Church is witness toits past. Today shops and cafés are an openinvitation to take a stroll through town.

The surrounding villages are mainly rural incharacter. A special role is played by Gersbach , avillage 16 kilometres away; which recently won agold medal in the nation-wide competition “ Ourvillage is becoming more beautiful, our village has afuture”.

Schopfheim is not just an attractive town with somehistory and a local centre. It is also home to anumber of internationally active industrial andcommercial enterprises, attracted both its locationin the “3-countries triangle” and by the scenery. Thetown authorities therefore have to work hard to keepits attractive appearance whilst at the same timeremaining commercially successful. That it has sofar been able to do this is in large part due to itsengineering and planning staff and the contractorsand consultants who work with them.

One challenge for the town has therefore been tokeep an attractive, regional appearance whilstproviding surfaces for modern traffic loadings. Thelocal council decided some time ago to do away withsimple asphalt surfaces (whether for footpaths ortraffic lanes) in the central part of the town.

About Schopfheim

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Global Transport AtlasSeries 1 - Global Transport NotesGTA-101 - Germany, Urban Paving, Schopfheim

GTA-101 January 2013 Page 3


About Schopfheim

Paving types

Paving details

Integrated streetscapes

Integrated parking

Detailed finishes

Additional information

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GTA-101 January 2013 Page 4

Paving types 1, 2

These two types go together, type 2 forming an edging anddrainage strip for type 1 - paved areas. Mainly used inSchopfheim’s old town centre. Type 1 and type 2 paving arelaid by hand.

type 1 - granite or basalt cobblestones laid on sand. Theseare large fluvial gravel stones, faced on one side only.

type 2 - edging line of granite set stones, laid on concreteand with an overall concave surface. Rainwater runs off thetype 1 cobblestones and along the type 2 drainage “channel“Image 01

Image 02

Image 03

Image 04

Paving type 3

type 3 - coloured concrete blocks, laid to herringbonepattern on sand/stone chippings. This paving can bemachine-laid.

(The gold-coloured rectangle in these photographs is a “scaleindicator“ - a standard packet of cigarettes.)

Paving type 4

type 4 - prefabricated concrete blocks, from Germanmanufacturers, laid on sand/chippings.

Paving types 5, 6

type 5 - basalt square basalt cobblestones used to provideoptical lining e.g. of car parking spaces.

type 6 - precast concrete blocks, laid using mixed sizes, heretypically 26.8 x 33.5 cm and 26.8 x 26.8 cm.







Paving Types

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Global Transport AtlasSeries 1 - Global Transport NotesGTA-101 - Germany, Urban Paving, Schopfheim

GTA-101 January 2013 Page 5

Paving types 7, 8 and (1, 2)

type 7 - granite cobblestones set inconcrete as tree pit protection.

type 8 - small granite cobblestones setin sand/chippings. Type 8 cobblestonesin this “shell” pattern have to be handlaid by master craftsmen

Paving types 9, 10

type 9 - precast concrete grid pavingslabs as tree protection (also availablein steel)

type 10 - precast coloured concreteblocks, typically 10 cm x 20 cm, around6 to 8 cm thick





Paving Types

Image 05

Image 06



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GTA-101 January 2013 Page 6

2 10 type 2 laid inwedge shape

similar to type 4but different shape

Image 07 Angled on-street parking

Image 08 High street in front of central square

28 85

Paving Details

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GTA-101 January 2013 Page 7

type 2 laid in wedge shape

type 11, precast concretepaving slabs, 30cm / 50cm

Image 09 - Small parking area and approach road to north of town centre.The photographs shows 5 types of paving, used to define public highwayaccess to car park (A), road with limited access for vehicles (B) andpedestrian footpath (C).

Image 10 - Part of the central market square / car park. The square is usedat different times as a public car park, a marketplace, a theatre and for“events“ such as beach volleyball matches..

1 11 8







Paving Details





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GTA-101 January 2013 Page 8

Integrated streetscape

Main town square, used at differenttimes of the week as car park, marketsquare and entertainment centre.

Integrated streetscape

Old town centre, residental road. TheBlack Forest is 4 minutes walk away. .

Integrated streetscape

Residential street on the edge of the oldtown area

Integrated Streetscapes

Image 11

Image 12

Image 13

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GTA-101 January 2013 Page 9

Integrated car parking

High street, showing cobbled dishedchannel and gulley. This is the mainshopping street in the town centre andhas a 20 km/hr speed limit.

Integrated car parking

Small car park, with coordinatedlandscaping and road surfacing.

Integrated car parking

Small car park, another example ofdished cobblestone drainage channel.

Integrated Car Parking

Image 14

Image 15

Image 16

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Global Transport AtlasSeries 1 - Global Transport NotesGTA-101 - Germany, Urban Paving, Schopfheim

GTA-101 January 2013 Page 10

Detailed finishes

Detail of paving around tree area inpedestrian zone.

Detailed finishes

Detail, plant beds.

Detailed finishes

Detail of tree planting, High street.

Detailed Finishes

Image 17

Image 18

Image 019

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GTA-101 January 2013 Page 11

Additional information

Notes on materials

Related publications

Related organisations

Back page

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Global Transport AtlasSeries 1 - Global Transport NotesGTA-101 - Germany, Urban Paving, Schopfheim

GTA-101 January 2013 Page 12

graphics: "Planung und Ausführungdauerhafter Betonpflasterbauweisen"(Dipl.Ing. Ulonska; publ. Birkenmeier)

Local suppliers

One of the suppliers of paving stones insouthwest Germany isBirkenmeier. The companyalso supplies materials toclients in Switzerland andFrance. Birkenmeier onlyproduce artificial pavingblocks or in a combination ofconcrete with natural stonesurface finish. They areproduced in a range of sizesand shapes

Manufacturing standards

Germany has severalguidelines and notes on themanufacture and laying ofpaving blocks; these coversuch aspects as structure andthickness of the underlying“pavement” layers (onesource lists as many as 20 immediately relevantguidelines and standards). Many of theseguidelines could well be useful to practicionersin countries outside Germany as well.

Laying concrete blocks

The blocks are laid “open-jointed” with a gap of3 – 5 mm; although the gap has to be filled withspecial materialsuch as gradedsilica sand Themain reason forfailure in this typeof paving isdefective jointfilling (or correctlyfilled joints butwith the fillingsubsequentlyevacuated by e.g.litter vacuummachines used inroad cleaningBirkenmeier produces paving blocks in specialfinishes, including one which is said have a lowdirt take-up, be easy to clean, and indeed tohave an increased self-cleaning ability(weathering)..

Notes on materials

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GTA-101 January 2013 Page 13

* (from 2006 version of the document)

TL Pflaster-StB 06: Technische Lieferbedingungen


TL Pflaster-StB 06:Technical conditions of deliveryfor building products used to fabricate pavingstones, tiling and edgings (FGSV 2006)

ZTV Pflaster-StB 06:Vertragsbedingungen und Richtlinien zur

Einfassungen (FGSV 2006)

ZTV Pflaster-StB 06: Additional technical conditionsof contract and guidelines on the production ofpaving stones, tiling and edgings (FGSV 2006)

ZTV E-StB 94 ZTV E-StB 94 - Additional technical conditions ofcontract and guidelines for earthworks in roadconstruction (FGSV - contains information on e.g.frost sensitivity, degree of compaction, bearingcapacity)

Anforderungen an das Bettungs- und Fugenmaterial

Bremerhaven : Wirtschaftsverlag NW, 2006. -

Requirements for bedding and jointing material forpaving stones subject to static and dynamic trafficloading ( :Wirtschaftsverlag NW, 2006. - Forschung

, BMVBS,Vol. 934)

Pflasterdecken unter horizontaler Belastung /Wellner [u.a.]. - Bremerhaven: Wirtschaftsverlag

Further research into the behaviour of paving stonessubject to horizontal loading (Wellner [u.a.]. -Bremerhaven: Wirtschaftsverlag NW, 2004. - , Vol.894)

BGB-Richtlinie Nicht genormte Betonprodukte - BGB-Guideline Non-standard concrete products -requirements and tests


Related publications *

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GTA-101 January 2013 Page 14

Stadt Schopfheim

A small town in the south of the BlackForest in Germany, Schopfheim is adistrict centre as well as a local centrefor tourism and commercial activities.The town authorities try to combineattractive local architecture with robustmeans of transport and transportfacilities..

Related organisations


The Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) is asub-department of the BMVBS (Federal Ministry ofTraffic, Building and Urban Affairs). Its mainpurpose is to promote the advancement of roadsystems and provide the BMVBS with scientificallyverifiable guidelines for making decisions ontechnical and traffic-related issues pertaining to suchroad systems.

The BASt is involved in the topic of paving stonesalthough detailed guidelines are developed by theappropriate committees of the FGSV.


Birkenmeier Stein + Design

Birkenmeier is a specialist company involved in themanufacture of high-quality concrete products foruse (amongst others) in the surfacing of roads andpedestrianised areas, car parks and footways.

Bund Güteschutz Beton

The German association for quality protection inconcrete products - is an organisation providing theindependent certification of concrete buildingproducts such as paving stones.


The FGSV (Road and Transportation ResearchAssociation) is a non-profit organisation withmembers from both engineering and scientificbackgrounds. It was founded in 1924. The main aimis to promote and foster research and developmentthroughout the entire road and transportationsector. This is achieved by an effective cooperationbetween administration, industry and science. Theynominate more than 2,100 experts to a wide range ofcommissions, committees and task groups.


SRL is an association of professionals involved inurban, regional and national planning. Its 2000 orso members are involved in fields such as urbanarchitecture, city planning, traffic and spatialplanning. SRL committees cover technical subjectssuch as people and traffic, urban regeneration,cyclist and pedestrian movements etc.

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GTA-101 January 2013 Page 15

GTA documents series

Global Transport Atlas is a project with two aims. One isto encourage people around the world to share examplesof how they actually use transport in their daily lives. Theother is to compare and improve the design of transportinfrastructure. There are the following GTA documentseries:

Series 1 - global transport notes

A collection of papers on transport infrastructure andvehicles from various countries, prepared by variousauthors and contributors. Typical size 2 to 3 pages.

Series 3 - discussion papers

Papers with arguments and ideas on different aspects ofmodern transport and transport infrastructure.

Series 4 - comparative geometrics

Working papers which look at different aspects of highwayinfrastructure design and compare values from differentcountries.

Series 7 - Dimensions of vehicles

Transport infrastructure has to be defined with an idea ofthe size and types of vehicle which will use it. This serieslooks into the dimensions of different types of vehicle atdifferent periods of time. Papers include technicaldiscussion notes and example dimensions. Typical size 20pages and more.

Cover notes and Disclaimer

This is a research document. The best efforts have beenmade to make sure the figures are correct. However noliability can be taken for any of the details, information oranalysis in this document.

The layout, look and feel of this document is copyright.

The photos are generally copyright of Robert Bartlett.

This work is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copyof this license, visit

History and Change log

The original version of this document was published inJanuary 2006.

gta-101 material reformatted, new version preparedJanuary 2013


We welcome comments on this paper, and also on newdevelopments in other countries in this field.

Email: [email protected]


About the contributor

Robert Bartlett, Germany - is an experiencedtransportation and urban development studies engineerwith over 25 years of professional experience. Currentengineering work: includes technical research in highwaydesign standards and applications in areas such as urbanplanning and highway engineering. Interests includeapplied GIS.

Stadt Schopfheim - Thanks to the staff of theSchopfheim‘s engineering and the tourism departments fortheir help, in particular to Mr. Karle (city engineer) and Ms.Beer (tourism).