gtc session-indian history2

The Maurya n ERA - Mamta Goyal

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Another Chapter from History of India -The Mauryas


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The Mauryan ERA- Mamta Goyal

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CHRONOLOGY OF Mauryan Era519 – 491 B.C. – Bimbisara491 – 466 B.C. – Ajatasatru466 – 441 B.C. – Darsaka441 – 408 B.C. – Udayi408 – 353 B.C. – Other Kings353 – 313 B.C. - Nandas313 B.C. – 289 B.C. – Chandragupta Maurya289 B.C. – 264 B.C. – Bindusara (son of Chandragupta Maurya)264 – 228 B.C. – Ashoka 228 – 220 B.C. – Dasaratha220 – 211 B.C. – Samprati211 – 198 B.C. – Sahsuka198 – 191 B.C. – Devavarman191 – 183 B.C. – Satadhanvan183 – 176 B.C. – Brihadratha

137 Years of Mauryan Era from 313 to 176 B.C.

438 B.C. – Foundation of Patlaliputra345 B.C. – Birth of Chandragupta325 B.C. – Chandragupta met Alexander317 B.C. – End of Greek domination in Punjab by Chandragupta314 B.C. – Chandragupta invaded Nanda Dominions313 B.C. – Coronation of Chandragupta289 B.C. – Death of Chandragupta

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Humayun’s Tomb (New Delhi)

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SAD but TRUE… Not much written about one of the greatest king, conquerer and administrator of first ever - united BHARAT

No consensus about his birth and family lineage

Diverse sources of information like Buddhist, Jain, Greek and Brahmanica works add to the controversies

our apathy towards preserving whatever little is available

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Also known as KAUTILYA and VISHNUGUPTA Son of an accomplished brahmin - Chanaka who was killed by the cruel Nanda ruler for raising his voice against the atrocities of the king

his birthplace – Taxila or Chanaka in punjab, or Kerala or something else?

Brahmin Scholar, maker of Chandragupta, Author of Arthashastra

CHANAKYA (350 – 275 B.C.)

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An outcast Kshatriya or a poor shudra or a Nanda Heir – no consensus in the history

One book states his father “Maurya” was the “senapati” in Nanda Army

Most seem to suggest he was a nobody who was recognised by Chanakya under whose guidance he grew up to become one of the greatest king and create history

Chandragupta Maurya – who was he?

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Many Kingdoms and Republics

tendency towards the growth of monarchy

Magadha was rising fast under first known ruler “Bimbisara”

Magadha became the most powerful state and was ruled by Nand ruler “Dhananand” when this while journey of Chandragupta started

State of Country during those times

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Dhananand and Rakshas – ruler & prime minister of Magadha respectively

Paurus and Indradutt – ruler & prime minister of Kaikey respectively

Ambhi – Gandhar King

Other Characters

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Chanakya is described as shrewd and wily politician

one for whom end justifies the means – Spies, lies, manipulation (Saam, daam, dandh, bhed in true sense)

The KingMaker - but always worked towarda larger good of the country, not for personal gain



Master Strategist

Single point agenda - Akhand Bharat (the United India )

Immensely Knowledgeable

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Whatever the origin, we can describe him as:




Loyal and Faithful

Great Sense of Justice

Chandragupta Maurya - Characteristics

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How did the two legends meet?No consensus on this: Chanakya was pouring sugar syrup on the grass that had hurt his feet to root it out completely Some books state that Chandragupta watched his act and was impressed with his wisdom and hence requested him to become his guide to help in becoming a king others claim that Chanakya found him in a village inacting a king and observed his leaderships abilities and decided to mentor him to become the king of “Akhand Bharat” Chanakya took him to Taxila university where he studied various arts including military, political science etc.

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After his western conquest (Persia, Syria, Egypt, Babylonia), crossed Indus in 326 B.C. to conquer “Bharat”

King Ambhi of Taxila made friends with him to rival his enemy “Paurus”

Paurus, powerful king in Punjab resisted Alexander but was defeated

Alexander reached Beas river and aimed to conquer rest of India but that was not to be

Alexander’s India Invasion

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The armymen were tired and homesick

Extreme climatic conditions in India added to their woes

Did chankaya had a role to play in his return?

How about Chandragupta?

Alexander retreated leaving his trusted “Seleucus” in charge of his asian dominions and died on his way back

Alexander’s Return

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Chandragupta’s Journey Started with Punjab and moved towards east attacking Nandas about 314 B.C. (Pauras was killed by Eudemos and Chandragupta attacked Eudemos to take over Punjab)

Malayketu (son fo Parvataka – an ally of Chandragupta) raised against him along with few other allys and Rakshas – PM of Nandas

Chanakya created dissent among the group and they killed each other leaving Malayketu alone but he was restored as Chandragupta’s minister

After taking over whole of North India, he moves towards west conquering Saurashtra , Vindhayan area and later Mysore and other deccan territories

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Chanakya School of Thought better to win over an intelligent and powerful foe rather than destroy him ( legend has it that he handled over his own position to minister of opponent ‘Rakshash’ in Nanda dynasty) Righteousness is the root of happiness (virtues and values determine the level of contentment and bliss that human beings would enjoy)

People fury is the greatest of furies – we have enough examples even in the modern world

economic prosperity creates prosperity for the people

One without an adviser has no certainty of counsel

One wheel does not move

One who is learned and free from fraud should be made minister

Ministerial advice should be kept secret from all quarters (on being heard by six ears, secrecy of counsel gets broken)

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Communication Methods? – Pigeons, the merchants and traders going places, specific messengers?

Transportation? – mostly horses – think about the time it took to travel from one place to another

Source of Knowledge – Chankaya seems to have immense knowledge of geography and chemistry but how?

Interesting Unknowns